std::shared_ptr<alfons::Font> FontContext::getFont(const std::string& _family, const std::string& _style,
                                                   const std::string& _weight, float _size) {

    // Pick the smallest font that does not scale down too much
    float fontSize = s_fontRasterSizes.back();
    size_t sizeIndex = s_fontRasterSizes.size() - 1;

    auto fontSizeItr = std::lower_bound(s_fontRasterSizes.begin(), s_fontRasterSizes.end(), _size);
    if (fontSizeItr != s_fontRasterSizes.end()) {
        fontSize = *fontSizeItr;
        sizeIndex = fontSizeItr - s_fontRasterSizes.begin();

    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_fontMutex);

    auto font = m_alfons.getFont(FontDescription::Alias(_family, _style, _weight), fontSize);
    if (font->hasFaces()) { return font; }

    // First, try to load from the system fonts.

    bool useFallbackFont = false;

    auto systemFontHandle = m_platform->systemFont(_family, _weight, _style);

    alfons::InputSource source;

    switch (systemFontHandle.tag) {
        case FontSourceHandle::FontPath:
            source = alfons::InputSource(systemFontHandle.fontPath.path());
        case FontSourceHandle::FontName:
            source = alfons::InputSource(systemFontHandle.fontName, true);
        case FontSourceHandle::FontLoader:
            auto& loader = systemFontHandle.fontLoader;
            auto fontData = loader();
            if (fontData.size() > 0) {
                source = alfons::InputSource(loader);
            } else {
                useFallbackFont = true;
        case FontSourceHandle::None:
            useFallbackFont = true;

    if (!useFallbackFont) {
        font->addFace(m_alfons.addFontFace(source, fontSize));
        if (m_font[sizeIndex]) {
    } else {
        LOGD("Loading fallback font for Family: %s, Style: %s, Weight: %s, Size %f",
            _family.c_str(), _style.c_str(), _weight.c_str(), _size);

        // Add fallbacks from default font.
        if (m_font[sizeIndex]) {

    return font;
TYPED_TEST (TestQuadMesh, NineQuads)
  typedef typename TestFixture::Mesh Mesh;
  const int int_max = std::numeric_limits <int>::max ();

  // Order
  //    -   -   -   //
  //  | 0 | 1 | 2 | //
  //    -   -   -   //
  //  | 3 | 4 | 5 | //
  //    -   -   -   //
  //  | 6 | 7 | 8 | //
  //    -   -   -   //

  // Add the configuration in different orders. Some of them create non-manifold states.
  std::vector <std::vector <int> > order_vec;
  std::vector <int> non_manifold; // When is the first non-manifold quad added?
  std::vector <int> order_tmp;

  // Configuration 0
  order_tmp.push_back (0);
  order_tmp.push_back (1);
  order_tmp.push_back (2);
  order_tmp.push_back (3);
  order_tmp.push_back (5);
  order_tmp.push_back (4);
  order_tmp.push_back (7);
  order_tmp.push_back (6);
  order_tmp.push_back (8);
  order_vec.push_back (order_tmp);
  non_manifold.push_back (int_max);
  order_tmp.clear ();

  // Configuration 1
  order_tmp.push_back (0);
  order_tmp.push_back (1);
  order_tmp.push_back (6);
  order_tmp.push_back (8);
  order_tmp.push_back (2);
  order_tmp.push_back (3);
  order_tmp.push_back (7);
  order_tmp.push_back (5);
  order_tmp.push_back (4);
  order_vec.push_back (order_tmp);
  non_manifold.push_back (int_max);
  order_tmp.clear ();

  // Configuration 2
  order_tmp.push_back (0);
  order_tmp.push_back (1);
  order_tmp.push_back (6);
  order_tmp.push_back (8);
  order_tmp.push_back (5);
  order_tmp.push_back (2);
  order_tmp.push_back (3);
  order_tmp.push_back (7);
  order_tmp.push_back (4);
  order_vec.push_back (order_tmp);
  non_manifold.push_back (4);
  order_tmp.clear ();

  // Configuration 3
  order_tmp.push_back (1);
  order_tmp.push_back (3);
  order_tmp.push_back (5);
  order_tmp.push_back (7);
  order_tmp.push_back (4);
  order_tmp.push_back (0);
  order_tmp.push_back (2);
  order_tmp.push_back (6);
  order_tmp.push_back (8);
  order_vec.push_back (order_tmp);
  non_manifold.push_back (1);
  order_tmp.clear ();

  // Configuration 4
  order_tmp.push_back (1);
  order_tmp.push_back (3);
  order_tmp.push_back (5);
  order_tmp.push_back (7);
  order_tmp.push_back (0);
  order_tmp.push_back (2);
  order_tmp.push_back (6);
  order_tmp.push_back (8);
  order_tmp.push_back (4);
  order_vec.push_back (order_tmp);
  non_manifold.push_back (1);
  order_tmp.clear ();

  // Configuration 5
  order_tmp.push_back (0);
  order_tmp.push_back (4);
  order_tmp.push_back (8);
  order_tmp.push_back (2);
  order_tmp.push_back (6);
  order_tmp.push_back (1);
  order_tmp.push_back (7);
  order_tmp.push_back (5);
  order_tmp.push_back (3);
  order_vec.push_back (order_tmp);
  non_manifold.push_back (1);
  order_tmp.clear ();

  // 00 - 01 - 02 - 03 //
  //  |    |    |    | //
  // 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 //
  //  |    |    |    | //
  // 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 //
  //  |    |    |    | //
  // 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 //
  typedef VertexIndex VI;
  std::vector <VertexIndices> faces;
  VertexIndices vi;
  vi.push_back (VI ( 0)); vi.push_back (VI ( 4)); vi.push_back (VI ( 5)); vi.push_back (VI ( 1)); faces.push_back (vi); vi.clear ();
  vi.push_back (VI ( 1)); vi.push_back (VI ( 5)); vi.push_back (VI ( 6)); vi.push_back (VI ( 2)); faces.push_back (vi); vi.clear ();
  vi.push_back (VI ( 2)); vi.push_back (VI ( 6)); vi.push_back (VI ( 7)); vi.push_back (VI ( 3)); faces.push_back (vi); vi.clear ();
  vi.push_back (VI ( 4)); vi.push_back (VI ( 8)); vi.push_back (VI ( 9)); vi.push_back (VI ( 5)); faces.push_back (vi); vi.clear ();
  vi.push_back (VI ( 5)); vi.push_back (VI ( 9)); vi.push_back (VI (10)); vi.push_back (VI ( 6)); faces.push_back (vi); vi.clear ();
  vi.push_back (VI ( 6)); vi.push_back (VI (10)); vi.push_back (VI (11)); vi.push_back (VI ( 7)); faces.push_back (vi); vi.clear ();
  vi.push_back (VI ( 8)); vi.push_back (VI (12)); vi.push_back (VI (13)); vi.push_back (VI ( 9)); faces.push_back (vi); vi.clear ();
  vi.push_back (VI ( 9)); vi.push_back (VI (13)); vi.push_back (VI (14)); vi.push_back (VI (10)); faces.push_back (vi); vi.clear ();
  vi.push_back (VI (10)); vi.push_back (VI (14)); vi.push_back (VI (15)); vi.push_back (VI (11)); faces.push_back (vi); vi.clear ();

  ASSERT_EQ (order_vec.size (), non_manifold.size ());
  ASSERT_EQ (9, faces.size ());
  for (unsigned int i=0; i<order_vec.size (); ++i)
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Configuration " << i;
    SCOPED_TRACE (ss.str ());

    const std::vector <int> order = order_vec [i];

    EXPECT_EQ (9, order.size ()); // No assert so the other cases can run as well
    if (9 != order.size ()) continue;

    Mesh mesh;
    for (unsigned int j=0; j<16; ++j) mesh.addVertex (j);

    std::vector <VertexIndices> ordered_faces;

    for (unsigned int j=0; j<faces.size (); ++j)
      ordered_faces.push_back (faces [order [j]]);
    bool check_has_faces = true;
    for (unsigned int j=0; j<faces.size (); ++j)
      const FaceIndex index = mesh.addFace (ordered_faces [j]);

      if (j < static_cast<unsigned int> (non_manifold [i]) || !Mesh::IsManifold::value)
        EXPECT_TRUE (index.isValid ());
        EXPECT_FALSE (index.isValid ());
        check_has_faces = false;
    if (check_has_faces)
      EXPECT_TRUE (hasFaces (mesh, ordered_faces));