ret_val<edible_rating> player::can_eat( const item &food ) const
    // @todo This condition occurs way too often. Unify it.
    if( is_underwater() ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( _( "You can't do that while underwater." ) );

    const auto &comest = food.type->comestible;
    if( !comest ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( _( "That doesn't look edible." ) );

    const bool eat_verb  = food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
    const bool edible    = eat_verb ||  comest->comesttype == "FOOD";
    const bool drinkable = !eat_verb && comest->comesttype == "DRINK";

    if( edible || drinkable ) {
        for( const auto &elem : food.type->materials ) {
            if( !elem->edible() ) {
                return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( _( "That doesn't look edible in its current form." ) );

    if( comest->tool != "null" ) {
        const bool has = item::count_by_charges( comest->tool )
                         ? has_charges( comest->tool, 1 )
                         : has_amount( comest->tool, 1 );
        if( !has ) {
            return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( NO_TOOL,
                    string_format( _( "You need a %s to consume that!" ),
                                   item::nname( comest->tool ).c_str() ) );

    // For all those folks who loved eating marloss berries.  D:< mwuhahaha
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "M_DEPENDENT" ) ) && food.typeId() != "mycus_fruit" ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( INEDIBLE_MUTATION,
                _( "We can't eat that.  It's not right for us." ) );
    // Here's why PROBOSCIS is such a negative trait.
    if( has_trait( trait_id( "PROBOSCIS" ) ) && !drinkable ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( INEDIBLE_MUTATION, _( "Ugh, you can't drink that!" ) );

    if( has_trait( trait_id( "CARNIVORE" ) ) && nutrition_for( food ) > 0 &&
        food.has_any_flag( carnivore_blacklist ) && !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) ) {
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( INEDIBLE_MUTATION,
                _( "Eww.  Inedible plant stuff!" ) );

    if( ( has_trait( trait_id( "HERBIVORE" ) ) || has_trait( trait_id( "RUMINANT" ) ) ) &&
        food.has_any_flag( herbivore_blacklist ) ) {
        // Like non-cannibal, but more strict!
        return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_failure( INEDIBLE_MUTATION,
                _( "The thought of eating that makes you feel sick." ) );

    return ret_val<edible_rating>::make_success();
int npc::value(item &it)
 int ret = it.price() / 50;
 skill best = best_skill();
 if (best != sk_unarmed) {
  int weapon_val = it.weapon_value(sklevel) - weapon.weapon_value(sklevel);
  if (weapon_val > 0)
   ret += weapon_val;

 if (it.is_food()) {
  it_comest* comest = dynamic_cast<it_comest*>(it.type);
  if (comest->nutr > 0 || comest->quench > 0)
  if (hunger > 40)
   ret += (comest->nutr + hunger - 40) / 6;
  if (thirst > 40)
   ret += (comest->quench + thirst - 40) / 4;

 if (it.is_ammo()) {
  it_ammo* ammo = dynamic_cast<it_ammo*>(it.type);
  it_gun* gun;
  if (weapon.is_gun()) {
   gun = dynamic_cast<it_gun*>(weapon.type);
   if (ammo->type == gun->ammo)
    ret += 14;
  for (int i = 0; i < inv.size(); i++) {
   if (inv[i].is_gun()) {
    gun = dynamic_cast<it_gun*>(inv[i].type);
    if (ammo->type == gun->ammo)
     ret += 6;

 if (it.is_book()) {
  it_book* book = dynamic_cast<it_book*>(it.type);
  if (book->intel <= int_cur) {
   ret += book->fun;
   if (sklevel[book->type] < book->level && sklevel[book->type] >= book->req)
    ret += book->level * 3;

// TODO: Sometimes we want more than one tool?  Also we don't want EVERY tool.
 if (it.is_tool() && !has_amount(itype_id(it.type->id), 1)) {
  ret += 8;

// TODO: Artifact hunting from relevant factions
// ALSO TODO: Bionics hunting from relevant factions
 if (fac_has_job(FACJOB_DRUGS) && it.is_food() &&
     (dynamic_cast<it_comest*>(it.type))->addict >= 5)
  ret += 10;
 if (fac_has_job(FACJOB_DOCTORS) && it.type->id >= itm_bandages &&
     it.type->id <= itm_prozac)
  ret += 10;
 if (fac_has_value(FACVAL_BOOKS) && it.is_book())
  ret += 14;
 if (fac_has_job(FACJOB_SCAVENGE)) { // Computed last for _reasons_.
  ret += 6;
  ret *= 1.3;
 return ret;
bool inventory::has_components(itype_id it, int quantity) const
    return has_amount(it, quantity, false);
bool inventory::has_tools(itype_id it, int quantity) const
    return has_amount(it, quantity, true);
player::select_tool_component( const std::vector<tool_comp> &tools, int batch, inventory &map_inv,
                               const std::string &hotkeys, bool can_cancel )

    comp_selection<tool_comp> selected;

    bool found_nocharge = false;
    std::vector<tool_comp> player_has;
    std::vector<tool_comp> map_has;
    // Use charges of any tools that require charges used
    for( auto it = tools.begin(); it != tools.end() && !found_nocharge; ++it ) {
        itype_id type = it->type;
        if( it->count > 0 ) {
            long count = it->count * batch;
            if( has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( *it );
            if( map_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( *it );
        } else if( has_amount( type, 1 ) || map_inv.has_tools( type, 1 ) ) {
            selected.comp = *it;
            found_nocharge = true;
    if( found_nocharge ) {
        selected.use_from = use_from_none;
        return selected;    // Default to using a tool that doesn't require charges

    if( player_has.size() + map_has.size() == 1 ) {
        if( map_has.empty() ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[0];
        } else {
            selected.use_from = use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[0];
    } else { // Variety of options, list them and pick one
        // Populate the list
        uimenu tmenu( hotkeys );
        for( auto &map_ha : map_has ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( map_ha.type ) + _( " (nearby)" );
            tmenu.addentry( tmpStr );
        for( auto &player_ha : player_has ) {
            tmenu.addentry( item::nname( player_ha.type ) );

        if( tmenu.entries.empty() ) {  // This SHOULD only happen if cooking with a fire,
            selected.use_from = use_from_none;
            return selected;    // and the fire goes out.

        if( can_cancel ) {
            tmenu.addentry( -1, true, 'q', _( "Cancel" ) );

        // Get selection via a popup menu
        tmenu.title = _( "Use which tool?" );

        if( tmenu.ret == static_cast<int>( map_has.size() + player_has.size() ) ) {
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        size_t uselection = static_cast<size_t>( tmenu.ret );
        if( uselection < map_has.size() ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[uselection];
        } else {
            uselection -= map_has.size();
            selected.use_from = use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[uselection];

    return selected;
/* selection of component if a recipe requirement has multiple options (e.g. 'duct tap' or 'welder') */
comp_selection<item_comp> player::select_item_component( const std::vector<item_comp> &components,
        int batch, inventory &map_inv, bool can_cancel )
    std::vector<item_comp> player_has;
    std::vector<item_comp> map_has;
    std::vector<item_comp> mixed;

    comp_selection<item_comp> selected;

    for( const auto &component : components ) {
        itype_id type = component.type;
        int count = ( component.count > 0 ) ? component.count * batch : abs( component.count );
        bool pl = false, mp = false;

        if( item::count_by_charges( type ) && count > 0 ) {
            if( has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( component );
                pl = true;
            if( map_inv.has_charges( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( component );
                mp = true;
            if( !pl && !mp && charges_of( type ) + map_inv.charges_of( type ) >= count ) {
                mixed.push_back( component );
        } else { // Counting by units, not charges

            if( has_amount( type, count ) ) {
                player_has.push_back( component );
                pl = true;
            if( map_inv.has_components( type, count ) ) {
                map_has.push_back( component );
                mp = true;
            if( !pl && !mp && amount_of( type ) + map_inv.amount_of( type ) >= count ) {
                mixed.push_back( component );


    /* select 1 component to use */
    if( player_has.size() + map_has.size() + mixed.size() == 1 ) { // Only 1 choice
        if( player_has.size() == 1 ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[0];
        } else if( map_has.size() == 1 ) {
            selected.use_from = use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[0];
        } else {
            selected.use_from = use_from_both;
            selected.comp = mixed[0];
    } else { // Let the player pick which component they want to use
        uimenu cmenu;
        // Populate options with the names of the items
        for( auto &map_ha : map_has ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( map_ha.type ) + _( " (nearby)" );
            cmenu.addentry( tmpStr );
        for( auto &player_ha : player_has ) {
            cmenu.addentry( item::nname( player_ha.type ) );
        for( auto &elem : mixed ) {
            std::string tmpStr = item::nname( elem.type ) + _( " (on person & nearby)" );
            cmenu.addentry( tmpStr );

        // Unlike with tools, it's a bad thing if there aren't any components available
        if( cmenu.entries.empty() ) {
            if( has_trait( trait_id( "DEBUG_HS" ) ) ) {
                selected.use_from = use_from_player;
                return selected;

            debugmsg( "Attempted a recipe with no available components!" );
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        if( can_cancel ) {
            cmenu.addentry( -1, true, 'q', _( "Cancel" ) );

        // Get the selection via a menu popup
        cmenu.title = _( "Use which component?" );

        if( cmenu.ret == static_cast<int>( map_has.size() + player_has.size() + mixed.size() ) ) {
            selected.use_from = cancel;
            return selected;

        size_t uselection = static_cast<size_t>( cmenu.ret );
        if( uselection < map_has.size() ) {
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_map;
            selected.comp = map_has[uselection];
        } else if( uselection < map_has.size() + player_has.size() ) {
            uselection -= map_has.size();
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_player;
            selected.comp = player_has[uselection];
        } else {
            uselection -= map_has.size() + player_has.size();
            selected.use_from = usage::use_from_both;
            selected.comp = mixed[uselection];

    return selected;
bool player::uninstall_bionic(bionic_id b_id)
    // malfunctioning bionics don't have associated items and get a difficulty of 12
    int difficulty = 12;
    if( item_controller->has_template(b_id) > 0) {
        const it_bionic *type = dynamic_cast<it_bionic *> (item_controller->find_template(b_id));
        difficulty = type->difficulty;

    if (!has_bionic(b_id)) {
        popup(_("You don't have this bionic installed."));
        return false;
    if (!(inv.has_items_with_quality("CUT", 1, 1) && has_amount("1st_aid", 1))) {
        popup(_("Removing bionics requires a cutting tool and a first aid kit."));
        return false;

    if ( b_id == "bio_blaster" ) {
        popup(_("Removing your Fusion Blaster Arm would leave you with a useless stump."));
        return false;

    // removal of bionics adds +2 difficulty over installation
    int chance_of_success = bionic_manip_cos(int_cur,
                            difficulty + 2);

    if (!query_yn(_("WARNING: %i percent chance of SEVERE bodily damage! Remove anyway?"),
                  100 - chance_of_success)) {
        return false;

    use_charges("1st_aid", 1);

    practice( "electronics", int((100 - chance_of_success) * 1.5) );
    practice( "firstaid", int((100 - chance_of_success) * 1.0) );
    practice( "mechanics", int((100 - chance_of_success) * 0.5) );

    int success = chance_of_success - rng(1, 100);

    if (success > 0) {
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "Removed bionic: %s."),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "Removed bionic: %s."),
        // until bionics can be flagged as non-removable
        add_msg(m_neutral, _("You jiggle your parts back into their familiar places."));
        add_msg(m_good, _("Successfully removed %s."), bionics[b_id]->name.c_str());
        g->m.spawn_item(posx, posy, "burnt_out_bionic", 1);
    } else {
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "Removed bionic: %s."),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "Removed bionic: %s."),
    return true;
bool inventory::has_components( const itype_id &it, int quantity,
                                const std::function<bool( const item & )> &filter ) const
    return has_amount( it, quantity, false, filter );
bool inventory::has_tools( const itype_id &it, int quantity,
                           const std::function<bool( const item & )> &filter ) const
    return has_amount( it, quantity, true, filter );
edible_rating player::can_eat( const item &food, bool interactive, bool force ) const
    if( is_npc() || force ) {
        // Just to be sure
        interactive = false;

    const std::string &itname = food.tname();
    // Helper to avoid ton of `if( interactive )`
    // Prints if interactive is true, does nothing otherwise
    const auto maybe_print = [interactive, &itname]
    ( game_message_type type, const char *str ) {
        if( interactive ) {
            add_msg( type, str, itname.c_str() );
    // As above, but for queries
    // Asks if interactive and not force
    // Always true if force
    // Never true otherwise
    const auto maybe_query = [force, interactive, &itname, this]( const char *str ) {
        if( force ) {
            return true;
        } else if( !interactive ) {
            return false;

        return query_yn( str, itname.c_str() );

    const auto comest = food.type->comestible.get();
    if( comest == nullptr ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "That doesn't look edible." ) );
        return INEDIBLE;

    if( comest->tool != "null" ) {
        bool has = has_amount( comest->tool, 1 );
        if( item::count_by_charges( comest->tool ) ) {
            has = has_charges( comest->tool, 1 );
        if( !has ) {
            if( interactive ) {
                add_msg_if_player( m_info, _( "You need a %s to consume that!" ),
                                   item::nname( comest->tool ).c_str() );
            return NO_TOOL;

    if( is_underwater() ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "You can't do that while underwater." ) );
        return INEDIBLE;
    // For all those folks who loved eating marloss berries.  D:< mwuhahaha
    if( has_trait( "M_DEPENDENT" ) && food.type->id != "mycus_fruit" ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "We can't eat that.  It's not right for us." ) );
        return INEDIBLE_MUTATION;

    const bool drinkable = comest->comesttype == "DRINK" && !food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
    // Here's why PROBOSCIS is such a negative trait.
    if( has_trait( "PROBOSCIS" ) && !drinkable ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "Ugh, you can't drink that!" ) );
        return INEDIBLE_MUTATION;

    int capacity = stomach_capacity();

    // TODO: Move this cache to a structure and pass it around
    // to speed up checking entire inventory for edibles
    const bool gourmand = has_trait( "GOURMAND" );
    const bool hibernate = has_active_mutation( "HIBERNATE" );
    const bool eathealth = has_trait( "EATHEALTH" );
    const bool slimespawner = has_trait( "SLIMESPAWNER" );
    const int nutr = nutrition_for( food.type );
    const int quench = comest->quench;
    bool spoiled = food.rotten();

    const int temp_hunger = get_hunger() - nutr;
    const int temp_thirst = get_thirst() - quench;

    const bool overeating = get_hunger() < 0 && nutr >= 5 && !gourmand && !eathealth && !slimespawner &&

    if( interactive && hibernate &&
        ( get_hunger() >= -60 && get_thirst() >= -60 ) &&
        ( temp_hunger < -60 || temp_thirst < -60 ) ) {
        if( !maybe_query( _( "You're adequately fueled. Prepare for hibernation?" ) ) ) {
            return TOO_FULL;

    const bool carnivore = has_trait( "CARNIVORE" );
    if( carnivore && nutr > 0 &&
        food.has_any_flag( carnivore_blacklist ) && !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) ) {
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "Eww.  Inedible plant stuff!" ) );
        return INEDIBLE_MUTATION;

    if( ( has_trait( "HERBIVORE" ) || has_trait( "RUMINANT" ) ) &&
        food.has_any_flag( herbivore_blacklist ) ) {
        // Like non-cannibal, but more strict!
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "The thought of eating that makes you feel sick.  You decide not to." ) );
        return INEDIBLE_MUTATION;

    if( food.has_flag( "CANNIBALISM" ) ) {
        if( !has_trait_flag( "CANNIBAL" ) &&
            !maybe_query( _( "The thought of eating that makes you feel sick.  Really do it?" ) ) ) {
            return CANNIBALISM;

    if( is_allergic( food ) &&
        !maybe_query( _( "Really eat that %s?  Your stomach won't be happy." ) ) ) {
        return ALLERGY;

    if( carnivore && food.has_flag( "ALLERGEN_JUNK" ) && !food.has_flag( "CARNIVORE_OK" ) &&
        !maybe_query( _( "Really eat that %s?  Your stomach won't be happy." ) ) ) {
        return ALLERGY;

    const bool saprophage = has_trait( "SAPROPHAGE" );
    // The item is solid food
    const bool chew = comest->comesttype == "FOOD" || food.has_flag( "USE_EAT_VERB" );
    if( spoiled ) {
        if( !saprophage && !has_trait( "SAPROVORE" ) &&
            !maybe_query( _( "This %s smells awful!  Eat it?" ) ) ) {
            return ROTTEN;
    } else if( saprophage && chew && !food.has_flag( "FERTILIZER" ) &&
               !maybe_query( _( "Really eat that %s?  Your stomach won't be happy." ) ) ) {
        // Note: We're allowing all non-solid "food". This includes drugs
        // Hardcoding fertilizer for now - should be a separate flag later
        //~ No, we don't eat "rotten" food. We eat properly aged food, like a normal person.
        //~ Semantic difference, but greatly facilitates people being proud of their character.
        maybe_print( m_info, _( "It's too fresh, let it age a little first." ) );
        return ROTTEN;

    // Print at most one of those
    bool overfull = false;
    if( overeating ) {
        overfull = !maybe_query( _( "You're full.  Force yourself to eat?" ) );
    } else if( ( ( nutr > 0 && temp_hunger < capacity ) ||
                 ( comest->quench > 0 && temp_thirst < capacity ) ) &&
               !eathealth && !slimespawner ) {
        overfull = !maybe_query( _( "You will not be able to finish it all.  Consume it?" ) );

    if( overfull ) {
        return TOO_FULL;

    // All checks ended, it's edible (or we're pretending it is)
    return EDIBLE;