  * @param s: a string
  * @return: an integer 
 int lengthOfLongestSubstring(string s) {
     // write your code here
     int ans = 0;
         return ans;
     vector<bool> haschar(256);
     int l = 0, n = s.size(), len = 0;
     for(int r = 0; r < n; ++ r){
         int idx = (int)s[r];
             ++ len;
             haschar[idx] = 1;
             ans = max(ans, len);
             int targ_idx = idx;
             idx = (int)s[l];
             haschar[targ_idx] = 1;
             while(targ_idx != idx && l < r){
                 haschar[idx] = false;
                 -- len;
                 ++ l;
                 idx = (int)s[l];
             ++ l;
     return ans;
 * Aliasing for network mail.
 * (Error messages have been commented out, because this is a server.)
int alias(char *name)
{				/* process alias and routing info for mail */
	struct CitContext *CCC = CC;
	FILE *fp;
	int a, i;
	char aaa[SIZ], bbb[SIZ];
	char *ignetcfg = NULL;
	char *ignetmap = NULL;
	int at = 0;
	char node[64];
	char testnode[64];
	char buf[SIZ];

	char original_name[256];
	safestrncpy(original_name, name, sizeof original_name);

	stripallbut(name, '<', '>');

	fp = fopen(file_mail_aliases, "r");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		fp = fopen("/dev/null", "r");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		return (MES_ERROR);
	strcpy(aaa, "");
	strcpy(bbb, "");
	while (fgets(aaa, sizeof aaa, fp) != NULL) {
		while (isspace(name[0]))
			strcpy(name, &name[1]);
		aaa[strlen(aaa) - 1] = 0;
		strcpy(bbb, "");
		for (a = 0; aaa[a] != '\0'; ++a) {
			if (aaa[a] == ',') {
				strcpy(bbb, &aaa[a + 1]);
				aaa[a] = 0;
		if (!strcasecmp(name, aaa))
			strcpy(name, bbb);

	/* Hit the Global Address Book */
	if (CtdlDirectoryLookup(aaa, name, sizeof aaa) == 0) {
		strcpy(name, aaa);

	if (strcasecmp(original_name, name)) {
		MSG_syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s is being forwarded to %s\n", original_name, name);

	/* Change "user @ xxx" to "user" if xxx is an alias for this host */
	for (a=0; name[a] != '\0'; ++a) {
		if (name[a] == '@') {
			if (CtdlHostAlias(&name[a+1]) == hostalias_localhost) {
				name[a] = 0;
				MSG_syslog(LOG_INFO, "Changed to <%s>\n", name);

	/* determine local or remote type, see citadel.h */
	at = haschar(name, '@');
	if (at == 0) return(MES_LOCAL);		/* no @'s - local address */
	if (at > 1) return(MES_ERROR);		/* >1 @'s - invalid address */

	/* figure out the delivery mode */
	extract_token(node, name, 1, '@', sizeof node);

	/* If there are one or more dots in the nodename, we assume that it
	 * is an FQDN and will attempt SMTP delivery to the Internet.
	if (haschar(node, '.') > 0) {

	/* Otherwise we look in the IGnet maps for a valid Citadel node.
	 * Try directly-connected nodes first...
	ignetcfg = CtdlGetSysConfig(IGNETCFG);
	for (i=0; i<num_tokens(ignetcfg, '\n'); ++i) {
		extract_token(buf, ignetcfg, i, '\n', sizeof buf);
		extract_token(testnode, buf, 0, '|', sizeof testnode);
		if (!strcasecmp(node, testnode)) {

	 * Then try nodes that are two or more hops away.
	ignetmap = CtdlGetSysConfig(IGNETMAP);
	for (i=0; i<num_tokens(ignetmap, '\n'); ++i) {
		extract_token(buf, ignetmap, i, '\n', sizeof buf);
		extract_token(testnode, buf, 0, '|', sizeof testnode);
		if (!strcasecmp(node, testnode)) {

	/* If we get to this point it's an invalid node name */
	return (MES_ERROR);
 * convert_field() is a helper function for convert_internet_message().
 * Given start/end positions for an rfc822 field, it converts it to a Citadel
 * field if it wants to, and unfolds it if necessary.
 * Returns 1 if the field was converted and inserted into the Citadel message
 * structure, implying that the source field should be removed from the
 * message text.
int convert_field(struct CtdlMessage *msg, const char *beg, const char *end) {
	char *key, *value, *valueend;
	long len;
	const char *pos;
	int i;
	const char *colonpos = NULL;
	int processed = 0;
	char user[1024];
	char node[1024];
	char name[1024];
	char addr[1024];
	time_t parsed_date;
	long valuelen;

	for (pos = end; pos >= beg; pos--) {
		if (*pos == ':') colonpos = pos;

	if (colonpos == NULL) return(0);	/* no colon? not a valid header line */

	len = end - beg;
	key = malloc(len + 2);
	memcpy(key, beg, len + 1);
	key[len] = '\0';
	valueend = key + len;
	* ( key + (colonpos - beg) ) = '\0';
	value = &key[(colonpos - beg) + 1];
/*	printf("Header: [%s]\nValue: [%s]\n", key, value); */
	unfold_rfc822_field(&value, &valueend);
	valuelen = valueend - value + 1;
/*	printf("UnfoldedValue: [%s]\n", value); */

	 * Here's the big rfc822-to-citadel loop.

	/* Date/time is converted into a unix timestamp.  If the conversion
	 * fails, we replace it with the time the message arrived locally.
	if (!strcasecmp(key, "Date")) {
		parsed_date = parsedate(value);
		if (parsed_date < 0L) parsed_date = time(NULL);

		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eTimestamp))
			CM_SetFieldLONG(msg, eTimestamp, parsed_date);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "From")) {
		process_rfc822_addr(value, user, node, name);
		syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Converted to <%s@%s> (%s)\n", user, node, name);
		snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "%s@%s", user, node);
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eAuthor) && !IsEmptyStr(name))
			CM_SetField(msg, eAuthor, name, strlen(name));
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, erFc822Addr) && !IsEmptyStr(addr))
			CM_SetField(msg, erFc822Addr, addr, strlen(addr));
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Subject")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eMsgSubject))
			CM_SetField(msg, eMsgSubject, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "List-ID")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eListID))
			CM_SetField(msg, eListID, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "To")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eRecipient))
			CM_SetField(msg, eRecipient, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "CC")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eCarbonCopY))
			CM_SetField(msg, eCarbonCopY, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Message-ID")) {
		if (!CM_IsEmpty(msg, emessageId)) {
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "duplicate message id\n");
		else {
			char *pValue;
			long pValueLen;

			pValue = value;
			pValueLen = valuelen;
			/* Strip angle brackets */
			while (haschar(pValue, '<') > 0) {
				pValue ++;
				pValueLen --;

			for (i = 0; i <= pValueLen; ++i)
				if (pValue[i] == '>') {
					pValueLen = i;

			CM_SetField(msg, emessageId, pValue, pValueLen);

		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Return-Path")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eMessagePath))
			CM_SetField(msg, eMessagePath, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Envelope-To")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eenVelopeTo))
			CM_SetField(msg, eenVelopeTo, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "References")) {
		CM_SetField(msg, eWeferences, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Reply-To")) {
		CM_SetField(msg, eReplyTo, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "In-reply-to")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eWeferences)) /* References: supersedes In-reply-to: */
			CM_SetField(msg, eWeferences, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	/* Clean up and move on. */
	free(key);	/* Don't free 'value', it's actually the same buffer */
	return processed;
 * Split an RFC822-style address into userid, host, and full name
void process_rfc822_addr(const char *rfc822, char *user, char *node, char *name)
	int a;

	strcpy(user, "");
	strcpy(node, CtdlGetConfigStr("c_fqdn"));
	strcpy(name, "");

	if (rfc822 == NULL) return;

	/* extract full name - first, it's From minus <userid> */
	strcpy(name, rfc822);
	stripout(name, '<', '>');

	/* strip anything to the left of a bang */
	while ((!IsEmptyStr(name)) && (haschar(name, '!') > 0))
		strcpy(name, &name[1]);

	/* and anything to the right of a @ or % */
	for (a = 0; name[a] != '\0'; ++a) {
		if (name[a] == '@') {
			name[a] = 0;
		if (name[a] == '%') {
			name[a] = 0;

	/* but if there are parentheses, that changes the rules... */
	if ((haschar(rfc822, '(') == 1) && (haschar(rfc822, ')') == 1)) {
		strcpy(name, rfc822);
		stripallbut(name, '(', ')');

	/* but if there are a set of quotes, that supersedes everything */
	if (haschar(rfc822, 34) == 2) {
		strcpy(name, rfc822);
		while ((!IsEmptyStr(name)) && (name[0] != 34)) {
			strcpy(&name[0], &name[1]);
		strcpy(&name[0], &name[1]);
		for (a = 0; name[a] != '\0'; ++a)
			if (name[a] == 34) {
				name[a] = 0;
	/* extract user id */
	strcpy(user, rfc822);

	/* first get rid of anything in parens */
	stripout(user, '(', ')');

	/* if there's a set of angle brackets, strip it down to that */
	if ((haschar(user, '<') == 1) && (haschar(user, '>') == 1)) {
		stripallbut(user, '<', '>');

	/* strip anything to the left of a bang */
	while ((!IsEmptyStr(user)) && (haschar(user, '!') > 0))
		strcpy(user, &user[1]);

	/* and anything to the right of a @ or % */
	for (a = 0; user[a] != '\0'; ++a) {
		if (user[a] == '@') {
			user[a] = 0;
		if (user[a] == '%') {
			user[a] = 0;

	/* extract node name */
	strcpy(node, rfc822);

	/* first get rid of anything in parens */
	stripout(node, '(', ')');

	/* if there's a set of angle brackets, strip it down to that */
	if ((haschar(node, '<') == 1) && (haschar(node, '>') == 1)) {
		stripallbut(node, '<', '>');

	/* If no node specified, tack ours on instead */
	if (
		(haschar(node, '@')==0)
		&& (haschar(node, '%')==0)
		&& (haschar(node, '!')==0)
	) {
		strcpy(node, CtdlGetConfigStr("c_nodename"));

	else {

		/* strip anything to the left of a @ */
		while ((!IsEmptyStr(node)) && (haschar(node, '@') > 0))
			strcpy(node, &node[1]);
		/* strip anything to the left of a % */
		while ((!IsEmptyStr(node)) && (haschar(node, '%') > 0))
			strcpy(node, &node[1]);
		/* reduce multiple system bang paths to node!user */
		while ((!IsEmptyStr(node)) && (haschar(node, '!') > 1))
			strcpy(node, &node[1]);
		/* now get rid of the user portion of a node!user string */
		for (a = 0; node[a] != '\0'; ++a)
			if (node[a] == '!') {
				node[a] = 0;

	/* strip leading and trailing spaces in all strings */

	/* If we processed a string that had the address in angle brackets
	 * but no name outside the brackets, we now have an empty name.  In
	 * this case, use the user portion of the address as the name.
	if ((IsEmptyStr(name)) && (!IsEmptyStr(user))) {
		strcpy(name, user);