bool Synonyms::addWithoutApostrophe ( long wordNum , HashTableX *dt ) {

	long  wlen = m_words->m_wordLens[wordNum];
	char *w    = m_words->m_words[wordNum];

	wlen -= 2;
	uint64_t h = hash64Lower_utf8 ( w, wlen );
	// do not add dups
	if ( dt->isInTable ( &h ) ) return true;
	// add to dedup table. return false with g_errno set on error
	if ( ! dt->addKey ( &h ) ) return false;

	// store that
	*m_aidsPtr++ = h;
	*m_wids0Ptr++ = 0LL;
	*m_wids1Ptr++ = 0LL;
	*m_termPtrsPtr++ = NULL;
	*m_termLensPtr++ = 0;
	*m_numAlnumWordsPtr++ = 1;
	*m_numAlnumWordsInBasePtr++ = 1;
	*m_srcPtr++ = SOURCE_GENERATED;

	return true;
// return false and set g_errno on error
bool Synonyms::addStripped ( char *w , long wlen , HashTableX *dt ) {
	// avoid overflow
	if ( wlen > 200 ) return true;

	// require utf8
	bool hadUtf8 = false;
	char size;
	for ( long i = 0 ; i < wlen ; i += size ) {
		size = getUtf8CharSize(w+i);
		if ( size == 1 ) continue;
		hadUtf8 = true;
	if ( ! hadUtf8 ) return true;

	// filter out accent marks
	char abuf[256];
	//long alen = utf8ToAscii(abuf,256,(unsigned char *)w,wlen);
	long alen = stripAccentMarks(abuf,256,(unsigned char *)w,wlen);
	// skip if can't convert to ascii... (unsupported letter)
	if ( alen < 0 ) return true;

	// if same as original word, skip
	if ( wlen==alen && strncmp(abuf,w,wlen) == 0 ) return true;

	// hash it
	uint64_t h2 = hash64Lower_utf8(abuf,alen);
	// do not add dups
	if ( dt->isInTable ( &h2 ) ) return true;
	// add to dedup table. return false with g_errno set
	if ( ! dt->addKey ( &h2 ) ) return false;

	// store that
	*m_aidsPtr++ = h2;
	*m_wids0Ptr++ = 0LL;
	*m_wids1Ptr++ = 0LL;
	*m_termPtrsPtr++ = NULL;
	*m_termOffsPtr++ = m_synWordBuf.length();
	*m_termLensPtr++ = alen;
	*m_numAlnumWordsPtr++ = 1;
	*m_numAlnumWordsInBasePtr++ = 1;
	*m_srcPtr++ = SOURCE_GENERATED;


	return true;
// . so now this adds a list of Synonyms to the m_pools[] and returns a ptr
//   to the first one.
// . then the parent caller can store that ptr in the m_wordToSyn[] array
//   which we pre-alloc upon calling the set() function based on the # of
//   words we got
// . returns # of synonyms stored into "tmpBuf"
long Synonyms::getSynonyms ( Words *words , 
			     long wordNum , 
			     uint8_t langId ,
			     char *tmpBuf ,
			     long niceness ) {

	// punct words have no synoyms
	if ( ! words->m_wordIds[wordNum] ) return 0;

	// store these
	m_words     = words;
	m_docLangId = langId;
	m_niceness = niceness;

	// sanity check
	if ( wordNum > m_words->m_numWords ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }

	// init the dedup table to dedup wordIds
	HashTableX dt;
	char dbuf[512];

	long maxSyns = (long)MAX_SYNS;

	char *bufPtr = tmpBuf;

	// point into buffer
	m_aids = (long long *)bufPtr;
	bufPtr += maxSyns * 8;

	// then the word ids
	m_wids0 = (long long *)bufPtr;
	bufPtr += maxSyns * 8;

	// second word ids, for multi alnum word synonyms, i.e. "New Jersey"
	m_wids1 = (long long *)bufPtr;
	bufPtr += maxSyns * 8;

	m_termPtrs = (char **)bufPtr;
	bufPtr += maxSyns * 4;

	m_termLens = (long *)bufPtr;
	bufPtr += maxSyns * 4;

	m_numAlnumWords = (long *)bufPtr;
	bufPtr += maxSyns * 4;

	m_numAlnumWordsInBase = (long *)bufPtr;
	bufPtr += maxSyns * 4;

	// source
	m_src = bufPtr;
	bufPtr += maxSyns;

	// cursors
	m_aidsPtr  = m_aids;
	m_wids0Ptr = m_wids0;
	m_wids1Ptr = m_wids1;
	m_srcPtr   = m_src;
	m_termPtrsPtr = m_termPtrs;
	m_termLensPtr = m_termLens;
	m_numAlnumWordsPtr = m_numAlnumWords;
	m_numAlnumWordsInBasePtr = m_numAlnumWordsInBase;

	char *w    = m_words->m_words   [wordNum];
	long  wlen = m_words->m_wordLens[wordNum];

	// NOW hit wiktionary
	// Trust this less then our s_exceptions above, but more than
	// our morph computations below

	char sourceId = SOURCE_WIKTIONARY;
	char *ss = NULL;
	long long bwid;
	char wikiLangId = m_docLangId;
	bool hadSpace ;
	long klen ;
	long baseNumAlnumWords;


	// if word only exists in one language, assume that language for word
	// even if m_docLangId is langUnknown (0)
	if ( ! ss &&
	     ! m_docLangId &&
	     ! wikiLangId ) {
		// get raw word id
		bwid = m_words->m_wordIds[wordNum];
		// each lang has its own bit
		long long bits = g_speller.getLangBits64 ( &bwid );
		// skip if not unique
		char count = getNumBitsOn64 ( bits ) ;
		// if we only got one lang we could be, assume that
		if ( count == 1 )
			// get it. bit #0 is english, so add 1
			wikiLangId = getBitPosLL((uint8_t *)&bits) + 1;
		// try setting based on script. greek. russian. etc.
		// if the word was not in the wiktionary.
		// this will be langUnknown if not definitive.
			wikiLangId = getCharacterLanguage(w);

	// try looking up bigram so "new jersey" gets "nj" as synonym
	if ( wikiLangId && 
	     wordNum+2< m_words->m_numWords &&
	     m_words->m_wordIds[wordNum+2]) {
		// get phrase id bigram then
		long conti = 0;
		bwid = hash64Lower_utf8_cont(w,wlen,0,&conti);
		// then the next word
		char *wp2 = m_words->m_words[wordNum+2];
		long  wlen2 = m_words->m_wordLens[wordNum+2];
		bwid = hash64Lower_utf8_cont(wp2,wlen2,bwid,&conti);
		baseNumAlnumWords = 2;
		ss = g_wiktionary.getSynSet( bwid, wikiLangId );

	// need a language for wiktionary to work with
	if ( wikiLangId && ! ss ) {
		// get raw word id
		bwid = m_words->m_wordIds[wordNum];
		baseNumAlnumWords = 1;
		//if ( bwid == 1424622907102375150LL)
		//	log("a");
		ss = g_wiktionary.getSynSet( bwid, wikiLangId );
		// if that failed try removing 's from word if there
		if ( ! ss && 
		     wlen >= 3 &&
		     w[wlen-2]=='\'' && 
		     w[wlen-1]=='s' ) {
			long long cwid = hash64Lower_utf8(w,wlen-2);
			ss = g_wiktionary.getSynSet( cwid, wikiLangId );

	// even though a document may be in german it often has some
	// english words "pdf download" "copyright" etc. so if the word
	// has no synset in german, try it in english
	if ( //numPresets == 0 &&
	     ! ss &&
	     m_docLangId != langEnglish &&
	     wikiLangId  != langEnglish &&
	     m_docLangId &&
	     g_speller.getSynsInEnglish(w,wlen,m_docLangId,langEnglish) ) {
		// try english
		wikiLangId = langEnglish;
		goto tryOtherLang;

	// if it was in wiktionary, just use that synset
	if ( ss ) {
		// prepare th
		HashTableX dedup;
		HashTableX *dd = NULL;
		char dbuf[512];
		long count = 0;
		// do we have another set following this
		char *next = g_wiktionary.getNextSynSet(bwid,m_docLangId,ss);
		// if so, init the dedup table then
		if ( next && ! dd ) {
			dd = &dedup;
			dd->set ( 8,0,8,dbuf,512,false,m_niceness,"sddbuf");
		// skip over the pipe i guess
		char *pipe = ss + 2;
		// zh_ch?
		if ( *pipe == '_' ) pipe += 3;
		// sanity
		if ( *pipe != '|' ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// point to word list
		char *p = pipe + 1;
		// hash up the list of words, they are in utf8 and
		char *e = p + 1;
		// save count in case we need to undo
		//long saved = m_numAlts[wordNum];

		// skip synonyms that are anagrams because its to ambiguous
		// the are mappings like
		// "PC" -> "PC,Personal Computer" 
		// "PC" -> "PC,Probable Cause" ... (lots more!)
		//bool isAnagram = true;
		for ( ; *e !='\n' && *e != ',' ; e++ ) ;
		//	if ( ! is_upper_a(*e) ) isAnagram = false;

		// get it
		long long h = hash64Lower_utf8_nospaces ( p , e - p );

		// skip if same as base word
		if ( h == bwid ) goto getNextSyn;

		// should we check for dups?
		if ( dd ) {
			// skip dups
			if ( dd->isInTable(&h) ) goto getNextSyn;
			// dedup. return false with g_errno set on error
			if ( ! dd->addKey(&h) ) return m_aidsPtr - m_aids;
		// store it
		*m_aidsPtr++ = h;

		// store source
		*m_srcPtr++ = sourceId;

		hadSpace = false;
		klen = e - p;
		for ( long k = 0 ; k < klen ; k++ )
			if ( is_wspace_a(p[k]) ) hadSpace = true;

		*m_termPtrsPtr++ = p;
		*m_termLensPtr++ = e-p;

		// only for multi-word synonyms like "New Jersey"...
		*m_wids0Ptr = 0LL;
		*m_wids1Ptr = 0LL;
		*m_numAlnumWordsPtr = 1;

		// and for multi alnum word synonyms
		if ( hadSpace ) {
			Words sw;
			sw.setx ( p , e - p , m_niceness );
			*(long long *)m_wids0Ptr = sw.m_wordIds[0];
			*(long long *)m_wids1Ptr = sw.m_wordIds[2];
			*(long  *)m_numAlnumWordsPtr = sw.getNumAlnumWords();


		// how many words did we have to hash to find a synset?
		// i.e. "new jersey" would be 2, to get "nj"
		*m_numAlnumWordsInBasePtr++ = baseNumAlnumWords;

		// do not breach
		if ( ++count >= maxSyns ) goto done;
		// loop for more
		if ( *e == ',' ) { e++; p = e; goto hashLoop; }
		// add in the next syn set, deduped
		if ( next ) { ss = next; goto addSynSet; }
		// wrap it up
		// all done
		return m_aidsPtr - m_aids;

	// strip marks from THIS word, return -1 w/ g_errno set on error
	if ( ! addStripped ( w , wlen,&dt ) ) return m_aidsPtr - m_aids;

	// returns false with g_errno set
	if ( ! addAmpPhrase ( wordNum, &dt ) ) return m_aidsPtr - m_aids;

	// if we end in apostrophe, strip and add
	if ( wlen>= 3 &&
	     w[wlen-1] == 's' && 
	     w[wlen-2]=='\'' &&
	     ! addWithoutApostrophe ( wordNum, &dt ) )
		return m_aidsPtr - m_aids;

	return m_aidsPtr - m_aids;
bool Words::addWords(char *s,long nodeLen,bool computeWordIds, long niceness) {
	long  i = 0;
	long  j;
	//long  k = 0;
	long  wlen;
	//unsigned long e;
	//long  skip;
	long badCount = 0;

	bool hadApostrophe = false;

	UCScript oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
	UCScript saved;
	UCProps props;


	// bad utf8 can cause a breach
	if ( i >= nodeLen ) goto done;

	if ( ! s[i] ) goto done;

	if ( ! is_alnum_utf8(s+i) ) { // && m_numWords < m_preCount ) {

		if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;

		// tag?
		if ( s[i]=='<' && m_hasTags && isTagStart(s+i) ) {
			// get the tag id
			if ( s[i+1]=='/' ) {
				// skip over /
				m_tagIds [m_numWords] = ::getTagId(s+i+2);
				m_tagIds [m_numWords] |= BACKBIT;
				m_tagIds [m_numWords] = ::getTagId(s+i+1);
			// word start
			m_words    [m_numWords] = s + i;
			m_wordIds  [m_numWords] = 0LL;
			// skip till end
			long tagLen = getTagLen(s+i); // ,niceness);
			m_wordLens [m_numWords] = tagLen;
			// advance
			i += tagLen;
			goto uptop;

		// it is a punct word, find end of it
		char *start = s+i;
		//for (;s[i] && ! is_alnum_utf8(s+i);i+=getUtf8CharSize(s+i));
		for ( ; s[i] ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i)){
			// stop on < if we got tags
			if ( s[i] == '<' && m_hasTags ) break;
			// breathe
			// if we are simple ascii, skip quickly
			if ( is_ascii(s[i]) ) {
				// accumulate NON-alnum chars
				if ( ! is_alnum_a(s[i]) ) continue;
				// update
				oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
				// otherwise, stop we got alnum
			// if we are utf8 we stop on special props
			UChar32 c = utf8Decode ( s+i );
			// stop if word char
			if ( ! ucIsWordChar ( c ) ) continue;
			// update first though
			oldScript = ucGetScript ( c );
			// then stop
		m_words        [ m_numWords  ] = start;
		m_wordLens     [ m_numWords  ] = s+i - start;
		m_wordIds      [ m_numWords  ] = 0LL;
		if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;
		goto uptop;

	// get an alnum word
	j = i;
	//for ( ; is_alnum_utf8 (&s[i] ) ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i) );
	for ( ; s[i] ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i) ) {
		// breathe
		// simple ascii?
		if ( is_ascii(s[i]) ) {
			// accumulate alnum chars
			if ( is_alnum_a(s[i]) ) continue;
			// update
			oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
			// otherwise, stop we got punct
		// get the code point of the utf8 char
		UChar32 c = utf8Decode ( s+i );
		// get props
		props = ucProperties ( c );
		// good stuff?
		if ( props & (UC_IGNORABLE|UC_EXTEND) ) continue;
		// stop? if UC_WORCHAR is set, that means its an alnum
		if ( ! ( props & UC_WORDCHAR ) ) {
			// reset script between words
			oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
		// save it
		saved = oldScript;
		// update here
		oldScript = ucGetScript(c);
		// treat ucScriptLatin (30) as common so we can have latin1
		// like char without breaking the word!
		if ( oldScript == ucScriptLatin ) oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
		// stop on this crap too i guess. like japanes chars?
		if ( props & ( UC_IDEOGRAPH | UC_HIRAGANA | UC_THAI ) ) {
			// include it
			i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i);
			// but stop
		// script change?
		if ( saved != oldScript ) break;
	// . java++, A++, C++ exception
	// . A+, C+, exception
	// . TODO: consider putting in Bits.cpp w/ D_CAN_BE_IN_PHRASE
	if ( s[i]=='+' ) {
		if ( s[i+1]=='+' && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+2]) ) i += 2;
		else if ( !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+1]) ) i++;
	// . c#, j#, ...
	if ( s[i]=='#' && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+1]) ) i++;
	// allow for words like we're dave's and i'm
		hadApostrophe = true;
		goto again;
	hadApostrophe = false;
	// get word length
	wlen = i - j;
	if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;
	m_words   [ m_numWords  ] = &s[j];
	m_wordLens[ m_numWords  ] = wlen;
	// . Lars says it's better to leave the accented chars intact
	// . google agrees
	// . but what about "re'sume"?
	if ( computeWordIds ) {
		long long h = hash64Lower_utf8(&s[j],wlen);
		m_wordIds [m_numWords] = h;
		// until we get an accent removal algo, comment this
		// out and possibly use the query synonym pipeline
		// to search without accents. MDW
		//long long h2 = hash64AsciiLowerE(&s[j],wlen);
		//if ( h2 != h ) m_stripWordIds [m_numWords] = h2;
		//else           m_stripWordIds [m_numWords] = 0LL;
		//m_stripWordIds[m_numWords] = 0;
	if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;
	// break on \0 or MAX_WORDS
	//if ( ! s[i] ) goto done;
	// get a punct word
	goto uptop;
	  j = i;
	  // delineate the "punctuation" word
	  for ( ; s[i] && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i]);i+=getUtf8CharSize(s+i));
	  // bad utf8 could cause us to breach the node, so watch out!
	  if ( i > nodeLen ) {
	  i = nodeLen;
	  // get word length
	  wlen = i - j;
	  if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;
	  m_words        [m_numWords  ] = &s[j];
	  m_wordLens     [m_numWords  ] = wlen;
	  m_wordIds      [m_numWords  ] = 0LL;
	  if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;

	// bad programming warning
	if ( m_numWords > m_preCount ) {
		    "build: words: set: Fix counting routine.");
		char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;
	// compute total length
	if ( m_numWords <= 0 ) m_totalLen = 0;
	else m_totalLen = m_words[m_numWords-1] - s + m_wordLens[m_numWords-1];

	if ( badCount )
		log("words: had %li bad utf8 chars",badCount);

	return true;
bool Words::addWords( char *s, int32_t nodeLen, bool computeWordIds ) {
	int32_t  i = 0;
	int32_t  j;
	int32_t  wlen;

	bool hadApostrophe = false;

	UCScript oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
	UCScript saved;
	UCProps props;


	// bad utf8 can cause a breach
	if ( i >= nodeLen ) {
		goto done;

	if ( ! s[i] ) {
		goto done;

	if ( !is_alnum_utf8( s + i ) ) {
		if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) {
			goto done;

		// tag?
		if ( s[i]=='<' && m_hasTags && isTagStart(s+i) ) {
			// get the tag id
			if( m_tagIds ) {
				if ( s[i + 1] == '/' ) {
					// skip over /
					m_tagIds[m_numWords] = ::getTagId( s + i + 2 );
					m_tagIds[m_numWords] |= BACKBIT;
				} else {
					m_tagIds[m_numWords] = ::getTagId( s + i + 1 );

			m_words[m_numWords] = s + i;
			m_wordIds[m_numWords] = 0LL;

			// skip till end
			int32_t tagLen = getTagLen( s + i );
			m_wordLens[m_numWords] = tagLen;
			m_nodes[m_numWords] = 0;

			// advance
			i += tagLen;
			goto uptop;

		// it is a punct word, find end of it
		char *start = s+i;
		for ( ; s[i] ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i)) {
			// stop on < if we got tags
			if ( s[i] == '<' && m_hasTags ) {

			// if we are simple ascii, skip quickly
			if ( is_ascii(s[i]) ) {
				// accumulate NON-alnum chars
				if ( ! is_alnum_a(s[i]) ) {

				// update
				oldScript = ucScriptCommon;

				// otherwise, stop we got alnum

			// if we are utf8 we stop on special props
			UChar32 c = utf8Decode ( s+i );

			// stop if word char
			if ( ! ucIsWordChar ( c ) ) {

			// update first though
			oldScript = ucGetScript ( c );

			// then stop
		m_words        [ m_numWords  ] = start;
		m_wordLens     [ m_numWords  ] = s+i - start;
		m_wordIds      [ m_numWords  ] = 0LL;
		m_nodes        [ m_numWords  ] = 0;

		if (m_tagIds) {
			m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;

		goto uptop;

	// get an alnum word
	j = i;
	for ( ; s[i] ; i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i) ) {
		// simple ascii?
		if ( is_ascii(s[i]) ) {
			// accumulate alnum chars
			if ( is_alnum_a(s[i]) ) continue;
			// update
			oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
			// otherwise, stop we got punct
		// get the code point of the utf8 char
		UChar32 c = utf8Decode ( s+i );
		// get props
		props = ucProperties ( c );
		// good stuff?
		if ( props & (UC_IGNORABLE|UC_EXTEND) ) continue;
		// stop? if UC_WORCHAR is set, that means its an alnum
		if ( ! ( props & UC_WORDCHAR ) ) {
			// reset script between words
			oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
		// save it
		saved = oldScript;
		// update here
		oldScript = ucGetScript(c);
		// treat ucScriptLatin (30) as common so we can have latin1
		// like char without breaking the word!
		if ( oldScript == ucScriptLatin ) oldScript = ucScriptCommon;
		// stop on this crap too i guess. like japanes chars?
		if ( props & ( UC_IDEOGRAPH | UC_HIRAGANA | UC_THAI ) ) {
			// include it
			i += getUtf8CharSize(s+i);
			// but stop
		// script change?
		if ( saved != oldScript ) break;
	// . java++, A++, C++ exception
	// . A+, C+, exception
	// . TODO: consider putting in Bits.cpp w/ D_CAN_BE_IN_PHRASE
	if ( s[i]=='+' ) {
		if ( s[i+1]=='+' && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+2]) ) i += 2;
		else if ( !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+1]) ) i++;
	// . c#, j#, ...
	if ( s[i]=='#' && !is_alnum_utf8(&s[i+1]) ) i++;

	// comma is ok if like ,ddd!d
	if ( s[i]==',' && 
	     i-j <= 3 &&
	     is_digit(s[i-1]) ) {
		// if word so far is 2 or 3 chars, make sure digits
		if ( i-j >= 2 && ! is_digit(s[i-2]) ) goto nogo;
		if ( i-j >= 3 && ! is_digit(s[i-3]) ) goto nogo;
		// scan forward
		while ( s[i] == ',' &&
		        is_digit(s[i+1]) &&
		        is_digit(s[i+2]) &&
		        is_digit(s[i+3]) &&
		        ! is_digit(s[i+4]) ) {
			i += 4;

	// decimal point?
	if ( s[i] == '.' &&
	     is_digit(s[i-1]) &&
	     is_digit(s[i+1]) ) {
		// allow the decimal point
		// skip over string of digits
		while ( is_digit(s[i]) ) i++;

	// allow for words like we're dave's and i'm
	if ( s[i] == '\'' && s[i + 1] && is_alnum_utf8( &s[i + 1] ) && !hadApostrophe ) {
		hadApostrophe = true;
		goto again;
	hadApostrophe = false;
	// get word length
	wlen = i - j;
	if ( m_numWords >= m_preCount ) goto done;
	m_words   [ m_numWords  ] = &s[j];
	m_wordLens[ m_numWords  ] = wlen;

	if ( computeWordIds ) {
		int64_t h = hash64Lower_utf8(&s[j],wlen);
		m_wordIds [m_numWords] = h;

	m_nodes[m_numWords] = 0;
	if (m_tagIds) m_tagIds[m_numWords] = 0;
	// get a punct word
	goto uptop;

	// bad programming warning
	if ( m_numWords > m_preCount ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC, "build: words: set: Fix counting routine.");

	return true;
static int64_t hashWord(const char *word) {
	return (hash64Lower_utf8(word) & TERMID_MASK);
static int64_t hashWord(const char *prefix, const char *word) {
	uint64_t prefixHash = hash64(prefix, strlen(prefix));
	return (hash64(hash64Lower_utf8(word), prefixHash) & TERMID_MASK);