void site_config_setenv( site_config_type * site_config , const char * variable, const char * __value) {
  const char * value = util_interp_setenv( variable , __value );

  if (site_config->user_mode) {
    /* In the table meant for user-export we store the literal $var strings. */
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( site_config->env_variables_user , variable , util_alloc_string_copy( __value ) , free);
    if (!hash_has_key( site_config->env_variables_site , variable))
      hash_insert_ref( site_config->env_variables_site , variable , NULL);   /* We insert a NULL so we can recover a unsetenv() in _clear_env(). */
  } else
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( site_config->env_variables_site , variable , util_alloc_string_copy( value ) , free);
ecl_rft_file_type * ecl_rft_file_alloc(const char * filename) {
  ecl_rft_file_type * rft_vector = ecl_rft_file_alloc_empty( filename );
  ecl_file_type * ecl_file       = ecl_file_open( filename , 0);
  int global_index = 0;
  int block_nr = 0;

  while (true) {
    if (ecl_file_select_block( ecl_file , TIME_KW , block_nr)) {
      ecl_rft_node_type * rft_node = ecl_rft_node_alloc( ecl_file );
      if (rft_node != NULL) {
        const char * well_name = ecl_rft_node_get_well_name( rft_node );
        ecl_rft_file_add_node(rft_vector , rft_node);
        if (!hash_has_key( rft_vector->well_index , well_name))
          hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( rft_vector->well_index , well_name , int_vector_alloc( 0 , 0 ) , int_vector_free__);
          int_vector_type * index_list = hash_get( rft_vector->well_index , well_name );
          int_vector_append(index_list , global_index);
    } else
  ecl_file_close( ecl_file );
  return rft_vector;
void config_content_add_item( config_content_type * content , const config_schema_item_type * schema_item , const config_path_elm_type * path_elm) {

  const char * kw = config_schema_item_get_kw( schema_item );
  config_content_item_type * content_item = config_content_item_alloc( schema_item , path_elm );
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( content->items , kw , content_item , config_content_item_free__ );

static void well_state_add_connections__( well_state_type * well_state ,
                                          const ecl_file_type * rst_file ,
                                          const char * grid_name ,
                                          int grid_nr,
                                          int well_nr ) {

  ecl_rsthead_type  * header   = ecl_rsthead_alloc( rst_file );
  const ecl_kw_type * icon_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , ICON_KW   , 0);
  const ecl_kw_type * iwel_kw  = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , IWEL_KW   , 0);

  well_state_add_wellhead( well_state , header , iwel_kw , well_nr , grid_name , grid_nr );

  if (!well_state_has_grid_connections( well_state , grid_name ))
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( well_state->connections , grid_name, well_conn_collection_alloc( ) , well_conn_collection_free__ );

    ecl_kw_type * scon_kw = NULL;
    well_conn_collection_type * wellcc = hash_get( well_state->connections , grid_name );
    if (ecl_file_has_kw( rst_file , SCON_KW))
      scon_kw = ecl_file_iget_named_kw( rst_file , SCON_KW , 0);
    well_conn_collection_load_from_kw( wellcc , iwel_kw , icon_kw , scon_kw , well_nr , header );
  ecl_rsthead_free( header );
static void sched_history_add_group( sched_history_type * sched_history , group_history_type * new_group, group_history_type * parent_group , int report_step ) {
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->group_history , group_history_get_name( new_group ) , new_group , group_history_free__ );
  if (parent_group == NULL)
    parent_group = sched_history_get_group( sched_history , FIELD_GROUP );
  group_history_add_child( parent_group , new_group , group_history_get_name( new_group ) , report_step );
static void sched_block_add_kw(sched_block_type * block, const sched_kw_type * kw)
  vector_append_ref(block->kw_list , kw );
  if (!hash_has_key( block->kw_hash , sched_kw_get_name( kw ))) 
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( block->kw_hash , sched_kw_get_name( kw ) , vector_alloc_new() , vector_free__);
    vector_type * kw_vector = hash_get( block->kw_hash , sched_kw_get_name( kw ));
    vector_append_ref( kw_vector , kw );
void ensemble_config_add_node( ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , enkf_config_node_type * node) {
  if (node) {
    const char * key = enkf_config_node_get_key( node );
    if (ensemble_config_has_key(ensemble_config , key)) 
      util_abort("%s: a configuration object:%s has already been added - aborting \n",__func__ , key);
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref(ensemble_config->config_nodes , key , node , enkf_config_node_free__);
    ensemble_config->have_forward_init |= enkf_config_node_use_forward_init( node );
  } else
    util_abort("%s: internal error - tried to add NULL node to ensemble configuration \n",__func__);
enkf_config_node_type *  ensemble_config_add_STATIC_node(ensemble_config_type * ensemble_config , 
                                                         const char    * key) {
  if (ensemble_config_has_key(ensemble_config , key)) 
    util_abort("%s: a configuration object:%s has already been added - aborting \n",__func__ , key);
    enkf_config_node_type * node = enkf_config_node_alloc(STATIC_STATE , STATIC , false , key , NULL , NULL , NULL , NULL);
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref(ensemble_config->config_nodes , key , node , enkf_config_node_free__);
    return node;
static void sched_history_add_wells( sched_history_type * sched_history , const sched_kw_welspecs_type * welspecs , const stringlist_type * wells) {
  for (int iw = 0; iw < stringlist_get_size( wells ); iw++) {
    const char * well = stringlist_iget( wells , iw );
    if (!hash_has_key( sched_history->well_history , well)) 
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->well_history , well , well_history_alloc( well , sched_history->time ), well_history_free__ );
    /* Could possibly extract more information from the welspecs
       keyword and update well_history object here, but it does not
       seem to contain any more interesting info???
local_dataset_type * local_dataset_alloc_copy( local_dataset_type * src_dataset , const char * copy_name ) {
  local_dataset_type * copy_dataset = local_dataset_alloc( copy_name );
  hash_iter_type * node_iter = hash_iter_alloc( src_dataset->nodes );

  while (!hash_iter_is_complete( node_iter )) {
    const char * key = hash_iter_get_next_key( node_iter );
    active_list_type * active_list = active_list_alloc_copy( hash_get( src_dataset->nodes , key ) );
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( copy_dataset->nodes , key , active_list , active_list_free__);

  hash_iter_free( node_iter );
  return copy_dataset;
void output_table_init( const ecl_sum_type * refcase, hash_type * output_table , const config_type * config ) {
  int i,j;
  for (i=0; i < config_get_occurences( config , "OUTPUT" ); i++) {
    const stringlist_type * tokens = config_iget_stringlist_ref( config , "OUTPUT" , i);
    const char * file              = stringlist_iget( tokens , 0 );
    const char * format_string     = stringlist_iget( tokens , 1 );
    output_type * output           = output_alloc( file , format_string );
    /* All the keys are just added - without any check. */
    for (j = 2; j < stringlist_get_size( tokens ); j++)
      output_add_key( refcase , output , stringlist_iget( tokens , j));
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( output_table , file , output , output_free__ );
 bool hash_add_option( hash_type * hash, const char * key_value) {
   bool addOK = false;
     char * value;
     char * key;

     util_binary_split_string( key_value , ":" , true , &key , &value);
     if (value != NULL) {
       hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( hash , key , value , free );
       addOK = true;

     util_safe_free( key );
   return addOK;
void output_table_init( const ecl_sum_type * refcase, hash_type * output_table , const config_content_type * config ) {
  int i,j;
  if (config_content_has_item( config , "OUTPUT")) {
    const config_content_item_type * output_item = config_content_get_item( config , "OUTPUT");
    for (i = 0; i < config_content_item_get_size( output_item ); i++) {
      const config_content_node_type * output_node = config_content_item_iget_node( output_item , i );

      const char * file              = config_content_node_iget( output_node , 0 );
      const char * format_string     = config_content_node_iget( output_node , 1 );
      output_type * output           = output_alloc( file , format_string );

      /* All the keys are just added - without any check. */
      for (j = 2; j < config_content_node_get_size( output_node ); j++)
        output_add_key( refcase , output , config_content_node_iget( output_node , j));

      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( output_table , file , output , output_free__ );
static void file_map_make_index( file_map_type * file_map ) {
  stringlist_clear( file_map->distinct_kw );
  hash_clear( file_map->kw_index );
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < vector_get_size( file_map->kw_list ); i++) {
      const ecl_file_kw_type * file_kw = vector_iget_const( file_map->kw_list , i);
      const char             * header  = ecl_file_kw_get_header( file_kw );
      if ( !hash_has_key( file_map->kw_index , header )) {
        int_vector_type * index_vector = int_vector_alloc( 0 , -1 );
        hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( file_map->kw_index , header , index_vector , int_vector_free__);
        stringlist_append_copy( file_map->distinct_kw , header);
        int_vector_type * index_vector = hash_get( file_map->kw_index , header);
        int_vector_append( index_vector , i);
hash_type * hash_alloc_from_options(const stringlist_type * options) {
  int num_options = stringlist_get_size( options );
  hash_type * opt_hash = hash_alloc();
  int iopt;

  for (iopt = 0; iopt < num_options; iopt++) {
    char * option;
    char * value;

    util_binary_split_string( stringlist_iget(options , iopt) , ":" , true , &option , &value);
    if ((option != NULL) && (value != NULL))
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( opt_hash , option , util_alloc_string_copy(value) , free);
    // Warning: could not interpret string as KEY:VALUE - ignored


  return opt_hash;
workflow_type * ert_workflow_list_add_workflow( ert_workflow_list_type * workflow_list , const char * workflow_file , const char * workflow_name) {
  if (util_file_exists( workflow_file )) {
    workflow_type * workflow = workflow_alloc( workflow_file , workflow_list->joblist );
    char * name;

    if (workflow_name == NULL)
      util_alloc_file_components( workflow_file , NULL , &name , NULL );
      name = (char *) workflow_name;

    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( workflow_list->workflows , name , workflow , workflow_free__);
    if (hash_has_key( workflow_list->alias_map , name))
      hash_del( workflow_list->alias_map , name);

    if (workflow_name == NULL)
      free( name );

    return workflow;
  } else
    return NULL;
hash_type * config_content_item_alloc_hash(const config_content_item_type * item , bool copy) {
  hash_type * hash = hash_alloc();
  if (item != NULL) {
    int inode;
    for (inode = 0; inode < vector_get_size( item->nodes ); inode++) {
      const config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node(item , inode);
      const stringlist_type * src_list = config_content_node_get_stringlist( node );
      const char * key = stringlist_iget(src_list , 0);
      const char * value = stringlist_iget(src_list , 1);
      if (copy) {
        hash_insert_hash_owned_ref(hash , 
                                   key ,
                                   util_alloc_string_copy(value) , 
      } else
        hash_insert_ref(hash , key , value );
  return hash;
static void sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history_type * sched_history , group_index_type * group_index , const char ** var_list , const char * group_name) {
  int          index   = 0;
  char       * gen_key = NULL;
  const char * var     = var_list[ index ];
  bool  first          = true;

  while ( var != NULL ) {
    gen_key = util_realloc_sprintf( gen_key , "%s%s%s" , var , sched_history->sep_string , group_name );
    if (first) {
      first = false;
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , gen_key , group_index , group_index_free__);
    } else
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , gen_key , group_index );
    var  = var_list[ index ];
  if (first)
    util_abort("%s: internal error - empty var_list \n",__func__);
  free( gen_key );
void ranking_table_add_data_ranking( ranking_table_type * ranking_table , bool sort_increasing , const char * ranking_key , const char * user_key , const char * key_index ,
                                     enkf_fs_type * fs , const enkf_config_node_type * config_node , int step) {

  data_ranking_type * ranking = data_ranking_alloc( sort_increasing , ranking_table->ens_size , user_key , key_index , fs , config_node , step );
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( ranking_table->ranking_table , ranking_key , ranking, data_ranking_free__ );
void local_dataset_add_node(local_dataset_type * dataset, const char *node_key) {
  if (hash_has_key( dataset->nodes , node_key ))
    util_abort("%s: tried to add existing node key:%s \n",__func__ , node_key);

  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( dataset->nodes , node_key , active_list_alloc( ALL_ACTIVE ) , active_list_free__);
static void site_config_add_queue_driver( site_config_type * site_config , const char * driver_name , queue_driver_type * driver ) {
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( site_config->queue_drivers , driver_name , driver , queue_driver_free__ );
void config_schema_item_set_required_children_on_value(config_schema_item_type * item , const char * value , stringlist_type * child_list) {
  if (item->required_children_value == NULL)
    item->required_children_value = hash_alloc();
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( item->required_children_value , value , stringlist_alloc_deep_copy(child_list) , stringlist_free__);
void ranking_table_add_misfit_ranking( ranking_table_type * ranking_table , const misfit_ensemble_type * misfit_ensemble , const stringlist_type * obs_keys , const int_vector_type * steps , const char * ranking_key) {
  misfit_ranking_type * ranking = misfit_ranking_alloc( misfit_ensemble , obs_keys , steps , ranking_key );
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( ranking_table->ranking_table , ranking_key , ranking , misfit_ranking_free__ );
void output_run_line( const output_type * output , ensemble_type * ensemble) {

  const int    data_columns = vector_get_size( output->keys );
  const int    data_rows    = time_t_vector_size( ensemble->interp_time );
  double     ** data;
  int row_nr, column_nr;

  data = util_calloc( data_rows , sizeof * data );
    time-direction, i.e. the row index is the first index and the
    column number (i.e. the different keys) is the second index.
  for (row_nr=0; row_nr < data_rows; row_nr++)
    data[row_nr] = util_calloc( data_columns , sizeof * data[row_nr] );

  printf("Creating output file: %s \n",output->file );

     Go through all the cases and check that they have this key;
     exit if missing. Could also ignore the missing keys and just
     continue; and even defer the checking to the inner loop.
  for (column_nr = 0; column_nr < vector_get_size( output->keys ); column_nr++) {
    const quant_key_type * qkey = vector_iget( output->keys , column_nr );
      bool OK = true;

      for (int iens = 0; iens < vector_get_size( ensemble->data ); iens++) {
        const sum_case_type * sum_case = vector_iget_const( ensemble->data , iens );

        if (!ecl_sum_has_general_var(sum_case->ecl_sum , qkey->sum_key)) {
          OK = false;
          fprintf(stderr,"** Sorry: the case:%s does not have the summary key:%s \n", ecl_sum_get_case( sum_case->ecl_sum ), qkey->sum_key);

      if (!OK)
        util_exit("Exiting due to missing summary vector(s).\n");

  /* The main loop - outer loop is running over time. */
       In the quite typical case that we are asking for several
       quantiles of the quantity, i.e.

       WWCT:OP_1:0.10  WWCT:OP_1:0.50  WWCT:OP_1:0.90

       the interp_data_cache construction will ensure that the
       underlying ecl_sum object is only queried once; and also the
       sorting will be performed once.

    hash_type * interp_data_cache = hash_alloc();

    for (row_nr = 0; row_nr < data_rows; row_nr++) {
      time_t interp_time = time_t_vector_iget( ensemble->interp_time , row_nr);
      for (column_nr = 0; column_nr < vector_get_size( output->keys ); column_nr++) {
        const quant_key_type * qkey = vector_iget( output->keys , column_nr );
        double_vector_type * interp_data;

        /* Check if we have the vector in the cache table - if not create it. */
        if (!hash_has_key( interp_data_cache , qkey->sum_key)) {
          interp_data = double_vector_alloc(0 , 0);
          hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( interp_data_cache , qkey->sum_key , interp_data , double_vector_free__);
        interp_data = hash_get( interp_data_cache , qkey->sum_key );

        /* Check if the vector has data - if not initialize it. */
        if (double_vector_size( interp_data ) == 0) {
          for (int iens = 0; iens < vector_get_size( ensemble->data ); iens++) {
            const sum_case_type * sum_case = vector_iget_const( ensemble->data , iens );

            if ((interp_time >= sum_case->start_time) && (interp_time <= sum_case->end_time))  /* We allow the different simulations to have differing length */
              double_vector_append( interp_data , ecl_sum_get_general_var_from_sim_time( sum_case->ecl_sum , interp_time , qkey->sum_key)) ;

            double_vector_sort( interp_data );
        data[row_nr][column_nr] = statistics_empirical_quantile__( interp_data , qkey->quantile );
      hash_apply( interp_data_cache , double_vector_reset__ );
    hash_free( interp_data_cache );

  output_save( output , ensemble , (const double **) data);
  for (row_nr=0; row_nr < data_rows; row_nr++)
    free( data[row_nr] );
  free( data );
文件: ext_joblist.c 项目: agchitu/ert
void ext_joblist_add_job(ext_joblist_type * joblist , const char * name , ext_job_type * new_job) {
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref(joblist->jobs , name , new_job , ext_job_free__);
void sched_history_install_index( sched_history_type * sched_history ) {
  /*1: Installing well based keys like WOPRH. */
    hash_iter_type * well_iter = hash_iter_alloc( sched_history->well_history );
    while (!hash_iter_is_complete( well_iter )) {
      const char * well_name         = hash_iter_get_next_key( well_iter );
      const well_history_type * well = hash_get( sched_history->well_history , well_name );
      /* WOPR */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WOPRH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WOPRH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WOPR" , "WOPRH") , well_name);
      /* WGPR */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WGPRH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WGPRH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WGPR" , "WGPRH") , well_name);
      /* WWPR */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WWPRH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WWPRH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WWPR" , "WWPRH") , well_name);
      /* WWCT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WWCTH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WWCTH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WWCT" , "WWCTH") , well_name);

      /* WGOR */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WGORH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WGORH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WGOR" , "WGORH") , well_name);

      /* WGPT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WGPTH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WGPTH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WGPT" , "WGPTH") , well_name);

      /* WOPT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WOPTH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WOPTH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WOPT" , "WOPTH") , well_name);
      /* WWPT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WWPTH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WWPTH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WWPT" , "WWPTH") , well_name);

      /* STAT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "STAT" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_STAT );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("STAT" ) , well_name);

      /* WWIRH - this can be got from _either_ the WCONINJH keyowrord
         or the WCONINJE keyword (provided the latter is in rate
         controlled mode. ) */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WWIRH" , well , WCONINJH , wconinjh_state_iget_WWIRH );   /* The first type */
        well_index_add_type( well_index , WCONINJE , wconinje_state_iget_WWIRH );                         /* The second type */
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WWIRH" , "WWIR") , well_name);
      /* WGIRH - this can be got from _either_ the WCONINJH keyowrord
         or the WCONINJE keyword (provided the latter is in rate
         controlled mode. ) */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WGIRH" , well , WCONINJH , wconinjh_state_iget_WGIRH );   /* The first type */
        well_index_add_type( well_index , WCONINJE , wconinje_state_iget_WGIRH );                         /* The second type */
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WGIRH" , "WGIR") , well_name);
    hash_iter_free( well_iter );

  /*2: Installing group based indices */
    hash_iter_type * group_iter = hash_iter_alloc( sched_history->group_history );
    while (!hash_iter_is_complete( group_iter )) {
      const char * group_name          = hash_iter_get_next_key( group_iter );
      const group_history_type * group = hash_get( sched_history->group_history , group_name );
      /* GOPR */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GOPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GOPRH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GOPR" , "GOPRH") , group_name);

      /* GGPR */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GGPRH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GGPR" , "GGPRH") , group_name);

      /* GWPR */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GWPRH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GWPR" , "GWPRH") , group_name);

      /* GWCT */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWCTH" , group , group_history_iget_GWCTH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GWCT" , "GWCTH") , group_name);

      /* GGOR */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGORH" , group , group_history_iget_GGORH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GGOR" , "GGORH") , group_name);

      /* GOPT */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GOPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GOPTH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GOPT" , "GOPTH") , group_name);

      /* GGPT */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GGPTH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GGPT" , "GGPTH") , group_name);
      /* GWPT */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GWPTH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GWPT" , "GWPTH") , group_name);
    hash_iter_free( group_iter );

  /*3: Installing field based indices (which is just an alias to the FIELD group); */
    const group_history_type * group = hash_get( sched_history->group_history , FIELD_GROUP );
    const char * group_name          = FIELD_GROUP;
    /* FWPRH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GWPRH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FWPRH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FWPR" , group_index);

    /* FOPRH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GOPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GOPRH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FOPRH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FOPR" , group_index);

    /* FGPRH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GGPRH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FGPRH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FGPR" , group_index);

    /* FWPTH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GWPTH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FWPTH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FWPT" , group_index);

    /* FOPTH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GOPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GOPTH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FOPTH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FOPT" , group_index);

    /* FGPTH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GGPTH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FGPTH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FGPT" , group_index);

    /* FGORH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGORH" , group , group_history_iget_GGORH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FGORH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FGOR" , group_index);

    /* FWCTH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWCTH" , group , group_history_iget_GWCTH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FWCTH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FWCT" , group_index);
void model_config_add_runpath( model_config_type * model_config , const char * path_key , const char * fmt) {
  path_fmt_type * path_fmt = path_fmt_alloc_directory_fmt( fmt );
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( model_config->runpath_map , path_key , path_fmt , path_fmt_free__ );
static void sched_history_add_FIELD_group( sched_history_type * sched_history ) {
  group_history_type * field_group = group_history_alloc( FIELD_GROUP , sched_history->time , 0 );
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->group_history , FIELD_GROUP , field_group , group_history_free__ );
int main( int argc, char ** argv) {
  if (argc == 1)
    util_exit("block_node  node1  node2  node3:2  \n");
  /* Initialize lsf environment */
  util_setenv( "LSF_BINDIR"    , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/bin" );
  util_setenv( "LSF_LINDIR"    , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib" );
  util_setenv( "XLSF_UIDDIR"   , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib/uid" );
  util_setenv( "LSF_SERVERDIR" , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/etc");
  util_setenv( "LSF_ENVDIR"    , "/prog/LSF/conf");
  util_update_path_var( "PATH"               , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/bin" , false);
  util_update_path_var( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"    , "/prog/LSF/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib" , false);

  lsf_driver = lsf_driver_alloc();
  if (lsf_driver_get_submit_method( lsf_driver ) != LSF_SUBMIT_INTERNAL)
    util_exit("Sorry - the block_node program must be invoked on a proper LSF node \n");

    int iarg;
    int total_blocked_target = 0;
    nodes       = hash_alloc();
    for (iarg = 1; iarg < argc; iarg++) {
      char   *node_name;
      int    num_slots;
        char * num_slots_string;
        util_binary_split_string( argv[iarg] , ":" , true , &node_name , &num_slots_string);
        if (num_slots_string)
          util_sscanf_int( num_slots_string , &num_slots);
          num_slots = 1;
      if (!hash_has_key( nodes , node_name))
        hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( nodes , node_name , count_pair_alloc() , free);

        count_pair_type * pair = hash_get( nodes , node_name);
        pair->target += num_slots;
      total_blocked_target += num_slots;

    signal(SIGINT , block_node_exit );
      const int sleep_time    = 5;
      const int chunk_size    = 10;    /* We submit this many at a time. */
      const int max_pool_size = 1000;  /* The absolute total maximum of jobs we will submit. */  

      bool           cont        = true;
      int            pending     = 0;   
      bool           all_blocked;
      job_pool                   = vector_alloc_new();

      while (cont) {
        printf("[Ctrl-C to give up] "); fflush( stdout );
        if (cont) sleep( sleep_time );
        if (pending == 0) {
          if (vector_get_size( job_pool ) < max_pool_size)
            add_jobs( chunk_size );
        update_pool_status( &all_blocked , &pending);

        if (all_blocked)
          cont = false;
      if (!all_blocked)
        printf("Sorry - failed to block all the nodes \n");
      block_node_exit( 0 );
      hash_free( nodes );
static void ecl_subsidence_add_survey__( ecl_subsidence_type * subsidence , const char * name , ecl_subsidence_survey_type * survey) {
  hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( subsidence->surveys , name , survey , ecl_subsidence_survey_free__ );