int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    hashtable_p table = NULL;
    int size = START_CAPACITY;
    float best_utilization = 0.0;
    float tmp_utilization = 0.0;


    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO,"Starting hashtable tests.");


    /* create a hashtable */
    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO,"Creating hashtable with at least capacity %d.", START_CAPACITY);
    table = hashtable_create(START_CAPACITY);
    assert(table != NULL);
    assert(hashtable_capacity(table) >= START_CAPACITY);
    assert(hashtable_entries(table) == 0);

    size = hashtable_capacity(table);

    /* insert tests. */
    for(int i=1; i <= INSERT_ENTRIES; i++) {
        int rc = hashtable_put(table, i, (void*)(intptr_t)i);
        assert(rc == PLCTAG_STATUS_OK);

        if(hashtable_capacity(table) != size) {
            pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Hashtable expanded from %d entries to %d entries after inserting %d entries.", size, hashtable_capacity(table), hashtable_entries(table));
            size = hashtable_capacity(table);

    tmp_utilization = (float)(hashtable_entries(table))/(float)(hashtable_capacity(table));

    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Current table utilization %f%%", tmp_utilization*100.0);

    if(tmp_utilization > best_utilization) {
        best_utilization = tmp_utilization;

    assert(hashtable_entries(table) == INSERT_ENTRIES);
    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Hash table has correct number of used entries, %d.", hashtable_entries(table));

    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Hashtable using %d entries of %d entries capacity.", hashtable_entries(table), hashtable_capacity(table));

    /* retrieval tests. */
    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Running retrieval tests.");
    for(int i=INSERT_ENTRIES; i > 0; i--) {
        void *res = hashtable_get(table, i);
        assert(res != NULL);

        assert(i == (int)(intptr_t)res);

    /* insert + delete tests. */
    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Running combined insert and delete tests.");
    for(int i=INSERT_ENTRIES+1; i < (INSERT_ENTRIES*2); i++) {
        int rc = hashtable_put(table, i, (void*)(intptr_t)i);
        void *res = NULL;

        assert(rc == PLCTAG_STATUS_OK);

        res = hashtable_remove(table, (i - INSERT_ENTRIES));
        assert((i - INSERT_ENTRIES) == (int)(intptr_t)res);

    assert(hashtable_entries(table) == INSERT_ENTRIES);
    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Hash table has correct number of used entries, %d.", hashtable_entries(table));

    tmp_utilization = (float)(hashtable_entries(table))/(float)(hashtable_capacity(table));

    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Current table utilization %f%%", tmp_utilization*100.0);

    if(tmp_utilization > best_utilization) {
        best_utilization = tmp_utilization;

    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Best table utilization %f%%", best_utilization*100.0);


    pdebug(DEBUG_INFO, "Done.");
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int *vals = (int *)GC_MALLOC(SIZE * sizeof(int));

  int i;

  for(i=0;i<SIZE; i++)
    vals[i] = i;

  hashtable_t *tab = hashtable_create(1000001);

  clock_t start, diff;
  int msec;

  start = clock();

  for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
    hashtable_put(tab, (void *)(vals[i]), (void *)(i*i));

  diff = clock() - start;
  msec = diff * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  printf("Put took %d seconds %d milliseconds\n", msec/1000, msec%1000);

  start = clock();

  for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
    hashtable_entry_t *b = hashtable_get(tab, (void *)(vals[i]));
    assert((int)(b->ptr) == i);
    assert((int)(b->value) == i*i);

  assert(tab->count == SIZE);

  diff = clock() - start;
  msec = diff * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  printf("Get took %d seconds %d milliseconds\n", msec/1000, msec%1000);

  start = clock();

  hashtable_remove(tab, (void *)(vals[SIZE/2]));

  assert(tab->count == SIZE-1);

  diff = clock() - start;
  msec = diff * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  printf("Remove took %d seconds %d milliseconds\n", msec/1000, msec%1000);

  assert(hashtable_get(tab, (void *)(vals[SIZE/2])) == NULL);

  hashtable_remove(tab, (void *)(vals[0]));


  tab = hashtable_create(1000001);

  for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
    hashtable_put(tab, (void *)vals[i], (void *)(i*i));

  hashtable_entry_t *entries = hashtable_entries(tab);

    assert((int)(entries->value) == (int)(entries->ptr) * (int)(entries->ptr));
    entries = entries->next;

