PHB_EXPR hb_compWarnMeaningless( HB_COMP_DECL, PHB_EXPR pExpr )
   if( ! HB_COMP_PARAM->fMeaningful )
      const char * szDesc = hb_compExprDescription( pExpr );
      hb_compGenWarning( HB_COMP_PARAM, hb_comp_szWarnings, 'W', HB_COMP_WARN_MEANINGLESS, szDesc, NULL );
   return pExpr;
文件: ppcomp.c 项目: Andygon/core
static void hb_pp_ErrorGen( void * cargo,
                            const char * const szMsgTable[],
                            char cPrefix, int iErrorCode,
                            const char * szParam1, const char * szParam2 )
   HB_COMP_DECL = ( PHB_COMP ) cargo;
   int iCurrLine = HB_COMP_PARAM->currLine;
   const char * currModule = HB_COMP_PARAM->currModule;

   HB_COMP_PARAM->currLine = hb_pp_line( HB_COMP_PARAM->pLex->pPP );
   HB_COMP_PARAM->currModule = hb_pp_fileName( HB_COMP_PARAM->pLex->pPP );
   if( cPrefix == 'W' )
      hb_compGenWarning( HB_COMP_PARAM, szMsgTable, cPrefix, iErrorCode, szParam1, szParam2 );
      hb_compGenError( HB_COMP_PARAM, szMsgTable, cPrefix, iErrorCode, szParam1, szParam2 );
   HB_COMP_PARAM->currLine = iCurrLine;
   HB_COMP_PARAM->currModule = currModule;
PHB_EXPR hb_compExprNewFunCall( PHB_EXPR pName, PHB_EXPR pParms, HB_COMP_DECL )
   PHB_EXPR pExpr;

   if( pName->ExprType == HB_ET_VARIABLE )
      /* My&var.1() executed by macro compiler
      /* NOTE: direct type change */
      pName->ExprType = HB_ET_FUNNAME;
      pName->value.asSymbol.name =
                              hb_compGetFuncID( pName->value.asSymbol.name,
                                                &pName->value.asSymbol.flags );

   if( pName->ExprType == HB_ET_FUNNAME )
      /* The name of a function is specified at compile time
       * e.g. MyFunc()
       * NOTE:  'pName' can be a macro expression that will be resolved
       * at runtime - in this case pName is an expression of HB_ET_MACRO type
       * e.g. &MyVar()

      HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_compExprNewFunCall(%s)", pName->value.asSymbol.name ) );

#if ! defined( HB_MACRO_SUPPORT ) && defined( HB_USE_ENUM_FUNCTIONS )
         int iLen = strlen( pName->value.asSymbol.name );
         if( iLen >= 10 && iLen <= 14 && memcmp( "HB_ENUM", pName->value.asSymbol.name, 7 ) == 0 )
            const char * szMessage = pName->value.asSymbol.name + 7;

            if( iLen == 12 && memcmp( "INDEX", szMessage, 5 ) == 0 )
               szMessage = "__ENUMINDEX";
            else if( iLen == 12 && memcmp( "VALUE", szMessage, 5 ) == 0 )
               szMessage = "__ENUMVALUE";
            else if( iLen == 11 && memcmp( "BASE", szMessage, 4 ) == 0 )
               szMessage = "__ENUMBASE";
            else if( iLen == 10 && memcmp( "KEY", szMessage, 3 ) == 0 )
               szMessage = "__ENUMKEY";
            else if( iLen == 14 && memcmp( "ISFIRST", szMessage, 7 ) == 0 )
               szMessage = "__ENUMISFIRST";
            else if( iLen == 13 && memcmp( "ISLAST", szMessage, 6 ) == 0 )
               szMessage = "__ENUMISLAST";
               szMessage = NULL;

            if( szMessage )
               int iCount = ( int ) hb_compExprParamListLen( pParms );
               PHB_ENUMERATOR pForVar, pEnumVar = NULL;

               pForVar = HB_COMP_PARAM->functions.pLast->pEnum;

               if( iCount == 0 )
                  while( pForVar )
                     if( pForVar->iForEachDir != 0 )
                        pEnumVar = pForVar;
                     pForVar = pForVar->pNext;
               else if( iCount == 1 )
                  if( pParms->value.asList.pExprList->ExprType == HB_ET_VARIABLE ||
                      pParms->value.asList.pExprList->ExprType == HB_ET_VARREF )
                     const char * szName = pParms->value.asList.pExprList->value.asSymbol.name;

                     while( pForVar )
                        if( pForVar->iForEachDir != 0 &&
                            strcmp( pEnumVar->szName, szName ) == 0 )
                           pEnumVar = pForVar;
                        pForVar = pForVar->pNext;
               if( pEnumVar )
#if 0
                  if( pEnumVar->iForEachDir < 0 )
                     if( strcmp( "__ENUMISFIRST", szMessage ) == 0 )
                        szMessage = "__ENUMISLAST";
                     else if( strcmp( "__ENUMISLAST",  szMessage ) == 0 )
                        szMessage = "__ENUMISFIRST";
                  if( pParms )
                     HB_COMP_EXPR_FREE( pParms );
                  HB_COMP_EXPR_FREE( pName );
                  return hb_compExprNewMethodObject(
                                 hb_compExprNewSend( szMessage, HB_COMP_PARAM ),
                                 hb_compExprNewVar( pEnumVar->szName, HB_COMP_PARAM ) );
      if( pName->value.asSymbol.funcid == HB_F_EVAL &&
          hb_compExprParamListLen( pParms ) != 0 )
         /* Optimize Eval( bBlock, [ArgList] ) to: bBlock:Eval( [ArgList] ) */
         PHB_EXPR pEval;

         pEval = hb_compExprNewMethodCall(
                              hb_compExprNewSend( "EVAL", HB_COMP_PARAM ),
                              pParms->value.asList.pExprList ),
                              HB_COMP_PARAM ) );
#if ! defined( HB_MACRO_SUPPORT )
         /* force reduction */
         pEval->nLength = 1;
         pParms->value.asList.pExprList = NULL;
         HB_COMP_EXPR_FREE( pParms );
         HB_COMP_EXPR_FREE( pName );
         return pEval;
      else if( pName->value.asSymbol.funcid == HB_F__GET_ &&
               hb_compExprParamListLen( pParms ) != 0 )
         /* Reserved Clipper function used to handle GET variables
         PHB_EXPR pArg, pNext;

         /* pArg has to be reduced to eliminate possible problems with
          * cloned expressions in SETGET block
         if( HB_SUPPORT_HARBOUR )
            pParms = HB_EXPR_USE( pParms, HB_EA_REDUCE );
            pArg = pParms->value.asList.pExprList;
            pArg = pParms->value.asList.pExprList;
            pNext = pArg->pNext;
            pArg->pNext = NULL;
            pArg = hb_compExprListStrip( HB_EXPR_USE( pArg, HB_EA_REDUCE ), HB_COMP_PARAM );
            pArg->pNext = pNext;
            pParms->value.asList.pExprList = pArg;

         if( pArg->ExprType == HB_ET_ARRAYAT )
            HB_USHORT uiCount;

            /* replace:
               _GET_( a[1], "a[1]", , , )
               __GetA( {||a }, "a", , , , { 1 } )
            PHB_EXPR pIndex, pVar;
            PHB_EXPR pBase;

            pName->value.asSymbol.name = "__GETA";
            /* NOTE: a[ i, j ] is stored as: (pExprList)->(pIndex)
             * ( ( a->[ i ] )->[ j ] )
            pVar = HB_EXPR_USE( pArg->value.asList.pExprList, HB_EA_REDUCE );
            pBase = pVar->ExprType == HB_ET_ARRAYAT ? pVar : NULL;
            pIndex = HB_EXPR_USE( pArg->value.asList.pIndex, HB_EA_REDUCE );
            pIndex->pNext = NULL;
            while( pVar->ExprType == HB_ET_ARRAYAT )
               /* traverse back to a leftmost expression and build a list
                * of index expressions
               pVar->value.asList.pIndex->pNext = pIndex;
               pIndex = pVar->value.asList.pIndex;
               pVar = pVar->value.asList.pExprList;

            /* create a set only codeblock */
            if( pVar->ExprType == HB_ET_MACRO )
               /* &var[ 1 ] */
               HB_COMP_EXPR_FREE( pVar );
               pVar = hb_compExprNewNil( HB_COMP_PARAM );
               pVar = hb_compExprAddCodeblockExpr( hb_compExprNewCodeBlock( NULL, 0, 0, HB_COMP_PARAM ), pVar );

            /* pVar will be the first argument now
            pParms->value.asList.pExprList = pVar;
            /* link the rest of parameters
            pVar->pNext = pArg->pNext;
            /* Delete an argument that was the first one
            pArg->value.asList.pIndex = NULL;
            pArg->value.asList.pExprList = NULL;
            HB_COMP_EXPR_CLEAR( pArg );
            /* Create an array with index elements
            pIndex = hb_compExprNewArray( hb_compExprNewList( pIndex, HB_COMP_PARAM ), HB_COMP_PARAM );
            /* The array with index elements have to be the sixth argument
             * of __GetA() call
            uiCount = 1;
            while( ++uiCount < 6 )
               if( pVar->pNext == NULL )
                  pVar->pNext = hb_compExprNewNil( HB_COMP_PARAM );
               pVar = pVar->pNext;
            if( pVar->pNext ) /* Delete 6-th argument if present */
               pIndex->pNext = pVar->pNext->pNext;
               HB_COMP_EXPR_FREE( pVar->pNext );
            pVar->pNext = pIndex;   /* Set a new 6-th argument */

            /* Remove the index expression from a string representation
            pVar = pParms->value.asList.pExprList->pNext;
            if( pVar->ExprType == HB_ET_STRING )
               HB_SIZE i = 0;
               char * szVar = pVar->value.asString.string;

               /* NOTE: Clipper strips a string at the first '[' character too
               while( ++i < pVar->nLength )
                  if( szVar[ i ] == '[' )
                     if( ! pVar->value.asString.dealloc )
                        szVar = pVar->value.asString.string = ( char * )
                           hb_xmemdup( pVar->value.asString.string, i + 1 );
                        pVar->value.asString.dealloc = HB_TRUE;
                     szVar[ i ] = 0;
                     pVar->nLength = i;
            /* clear expressions no longer used */
            if( pBase )
               while( pBase->ExprType == HB_ET_ARRAYAT )
                  pVar = pBase->value.asList.pExprList;
                  pBase->value.asList.pExprList = NULL;
                  HB_COMP_EXPR_CLEAR( pBase );
                  pBase = pVar;
         else if( pArg->ExprType == HB_ET_MACRO )
            /* @ 0,0 GET &var    => __Get( NIL, var,... )
             * @ 0,0 GET var&var => __Get( NIL, "var&var",... )
            pName->value.asSymbol.name = "__GET";
            if( pArg->value.asMacro.pExprList == NULL )
               /* Simple macro expansion (not a parenthesized expressions)
               PHB_EXPR pFirst;

               pFirst = pArg;                /* first argument */
               pNext  = pFirst->pNext;       /* second argument */
               if( pNext )
                  pNext = pNext->pNext;      /* third argument */

               pArg = hb_compExprNewNil( HB_COMP_PARAM );   /* replace 1st with NIL */
               pParms->value.asList.pExprList = pArg;
               pArg->pNext = pFirst->pNext;
               if( pFirst->value.asMacro.cMacroOp == '&' )
                  /* simple &variable - replace the second argument with
                   * a variable name
                  const char * szName = pFirst->value.asMacro.szMacro;
                  if( pFirst->pNext )
                     HB_COMP_EXPR_FREE( pFirst->pNext );  /* delete a second argument */
                  pArg->pNext = hb_compExprNewVar( szName, HB_COMP_PARAM );
                  pArg->pNext->pNext = pNext;    /* restore third argument */
                  /* text substitution text&variable - replace the second
                   * argument with a string
                  if( pArg->pNext == NULL )
                     /* no second argument */
                     const char *szText = pFirst->value.asMacro.szMacro;
                     pArg->pNext = hb_compExprNewString( szText, strlen( szText ), HB_FALSE, HB_COMP_PARAM );
                     pArg->pNext->pNext = pNext;
               HB_COMP_EXPR_FREE( pFirst );  /* delete first argument */
               /* @ 0,0 GET &(var)
#if defined( HB_MACRO_SUPPORT )
               hb_macroError( EG_SYNTAX, HB_COMP_PARAM );
               hb_compGenError( HB_COMP_PARAM, hb_comp_szErrors, 'E', HB_COMP_ERR_GET_COMPLEX_MACRO, NULL, NULL );
            pName->value.asSymbol.name = "__GET";

            /* store second and a rest of arguments */
            pNext = pArg->pNext;
            pArg->pNext = NULL;
            /* replace first argument with a set/get codeblock */
#if ! defined( HB_MACRO_SUPPORT )
            if( pArg->ExprType == HB_ET_VARIABLE )
               if( hb_compVariableFind( HB_COMP_PARAM, pArg->value.asSymbol.name, NULL, NULL ) )
                  pArg = hb_compExprSetGetBlock( pArg, HB_COMP_PARAM );
                  /* Undeclared variable name - create a set/get codeblock
                   * at runtime
                  if( HB_COMP_PARAM->iWarnings >= 2 )
                     hb_compGenWarning( HB_COMP_PARAM, hb_comp_szWarnings, 'W', HB_COMP_WARN_AMBIGUOUS_VAR, pArg->value.asSymbol.name, NULL );
                  HB_COMP_EXPR_FREE( pArg );
                  pArg = hb_compExprNewNil( HB_COMP_PARAM );
               pArg = hb_compExprSetGetBlock( pArg, HB_COMP_PARAM );
            /* restore next arguments */
            pArg->pNext = pNext;
            /* set an updated list of arguments */
            pParms->value.asList.pExprList = pArg;

         pName->value.asSymbol.name =
                              hb_compGetFuncID( pName->value.asSymbol.name,
                                                &pName->value.asSymbol.flags );
   else if( pName->ExprType == HB_ET_MACRO )
      /* Signal that macro compiler have to generate a pcode that will
       * return function name as symbol instead of usual value
      pName->value.asMacro.SubType = HB_ET_MACRO_SYMBOL;

      HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_compExprNewFunCall(&)" ) );

   pExpr->value.asFunCall.pParms = pParms;
   pExpr->value.asFunCall.pFunName = pName;

   return pExpr;