int module_hash_binary_parse (MAYBE_UNUSED const hashconfig_t *hashconfig, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_t *user_options, MAYBE_UNUSED const user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra, hashes_t *hashes)
  // note: if module_hash_binary_parse exists, then module_hash_decode is not called

  FILE *fp = fopen (hashes->hashfile, "rb");

  if (fp == NULL) return (PARSER_HASH_FILE);

  #define TC_HEADER_SIZE 512

  char *in = (char *) hcmalloc (TC_HEADER_SIZE);

  const size_t n = hc_fread (in, 1, TC_HEADER_SIZE, fp);

  fclose (fp);

  if (n != TC_HEADER_SIZE) return (PARSER_TC_FILE_SIZE);

  hash_t *hashes_buf = hashes->hashes_buf;

  hash_t *hash = &hashes_buf[0];

  const int parser_status = module_hash_decode (hashconfig, hash->digest, hash->salt, hash->esalt, hash->hook_salt, hash->hash_info, in, TC_HEADER_SIZE);

  if (parser_status != PARSER_OK) return 0;

  hcfree (in);

  // keyfiles

  tc_t *tc = (tc_t *) hash->esalt;

  if (user_options->truecrypt_keyfiles)
    char *keyfiles = hcstrdup (user_options->truecrypt_keyfiles);

    char *saveptr = NULL;

    char *keyfile = strtok_r (keyfiles, ",", &saveptr);

    while (keyfile)
      if (hc_path_read (keyfile))
        cpu_crc32 (keyfile, (u8 *) tc->keyfile_buf);

      keyfile = strtok_r ((char *) NULL, ",", &saveptr);

    free (keyfiles);

  // keyboard layout mapping

  if (user_options->keyboard_layout_mapping)
    if (hc_path_read (user_options->keyboard_layout_mapping))
      initialize_keyboard_layout_mapping (user_options->keyboard_layout_mapping, tc->keyboard_layout_mapping_buf, &tc->keyboard_layout_mapping_cnt);

  return 1;
int straight_ctx_init (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
  straight_ctx_t       *straight_ctx        = hashcat_ctx->straight_ctx;
  user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra  = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra;
  user_options_t       *user_options        = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  straight_ctx->enabled = false;

  if (user_options->example_hashes == true) return 0;
  if (user_options->left           == true) return 0;
  if (user_options->opencl_info    == true) return 0;
  if (user_options->show           == true) return 0;
  if (user_options->usage          == true) return 0;
  if (user_options->version        == true) return 0;

  if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF) return 0;

  straight_ctx->enabled = true;

   * generate NOP rules

  if ((user_options->rp_files_cnt == 0) && (user_options->rp_gen == 0))
    straight_ctx->kernel_rules_buf = (kernel_rule_t *) hcmalloc (sizeof (kernel_rule_t));

    straight_ctx->kernel_rules_buf[0].cmds[0] = RULE_OP_MANGLE_NOOP;

    straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt = 1;
    if (user_options->rp_files_cnt)
      const int rc_kernel_load = kernel_rules_load (hashcat_ctx, &straight_ctx->kernel_rules_buf, &straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt);

      if (rc_kernel_load == -1) return -1;
    else if (user_options->rp_gen)
      const int rc_kernel_generate = kernel_rules_generate (hashcat_ctx, &straight_ctx->kernel_rules_buf, &straight_ctx->kernel_rules_cnt);

      if (rc_kernel_generate == -1) return -1;

   * wordlist based work

  if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_STRAIGHT)
    if (user_options_extra->wordlist_mode == WL_MODE_FILE)
      for (int i = 0; i < user_options_extra->hc_workc; i++)
        char *l0_filename = user_options_extra->hc_workv[i];

        // at this point we already verified the path actually exist and is readable

        if (hc_path_is_directory (l0_filename) == true)
          char **dictionary_files;

          dictionary_files = scan_directory (l0_filename);

          if (dictionary_files != NULL)
            qsort (dictionary_files, (size_t) count_dictionaries (dictionary_files), sizeof (char *), sort_by_stringptr);

            for (int d = 0; dictionary_files[d] != NULL; d++)
              char *l1_filename = dictionary_files[d];

              if (hc_path_read (l1_filename) == false)
                event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", l1_filename, strerror (errno));

                hcfree (dictionary_files);

                return -1;

              if (hc_path_is_file (l1_filename) == true)
                const int rc = straight_ctx_add_wl (hashcat_ctx, l1_filename);

                if (rc == -1)
                  hcfree (dictionary_files);

                  return -1;

          hcfree (dictionary_files);
          const int rc = straight_ctx_add_wl (hashcat_ctx, l0_filename);

          if (rc == -1) return -1;

      if (straight_ctx->dicts_cnt == 0)
        event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "No usable dictionary file found.");

        return -1;
  else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_COMBI)

  else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_BF)

  else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID1)
    for (int i = 0; i < user_options_extra->hc_workc - 1; i++)
      char *l0_filename = user_options_extra->hc_workv[i];

      // at this point we already verified the path actually exist and is readable

      if (hc_path_is_directory (l0_filename) == true)
        char **dictionary_files;

        dictionary_files = scan_directory (l0_filename);

        if (dictionary_files != NULL)
          qsort (dictionary_files, (size_t) count_dictionaries (dictionary_files), sizeof (char *), sort_by_stringptr);

          for (int d = 0; dictionary_files[d] != NULL; d++)
            char *l1_filename = dictionary_files[d];

            if (hc_path_read (l1_filename) == false)
              event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", l1_filename, strerror (errno));

              hcfree (dictionary_files);

              return -1;

            if (hc_path_is_file (l1_filename) == true)
              const int rc = straight_ctx_add_wl (hashcat_ctx, l1_filename);

              if (rc == -1)
                hcfree (dictionary_files);

                return -1;

        hcfree (dictionary_files);
        const int rc = straight_ctx_add_wl (hashcat_ctx, l0_filename);

        if (rc == -1) return -1;

    if (straight_ctx->dicts_cnt == 0)
      event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "No usable dictionary file found.");

      return -1;
  else if (user_options->attack_mode == ATTACK_MODE_HYBRID2)
    for (int i = 1; i < user_options_extra->hc_workc; i++)
      char *l0_filename = user_options_extra->hc_workv[i];

      // at this point we already verified the path actually exist and is readable

      if (hc_path_is_directory (l0_filename) == true)
        char **dictionary_files;

        dictionary_files = scan_directory (l0_filename);

        if (dictionary_files != NULL)
          qsort (dictionary_files, (size_t) count_dictionaries (dictionary_files), sizeof (char *), sort_by_stringptr);

          for (int d = 0; dictionary_files[d] != NULL; d++)
            char *l1_filename = dictionary_files[d];

            if (hc_path_read (l1_filename) == false)
              event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "%s: %s", l1_filename, strerror (errno));

              hcfree (dictionary_files);

              return -1;

            if (hc_path_is_file (l1_filename) == true)
              const int rc = straight_ctx_add_wl (hashcat_ctx, l1_filename);

              if (rc == -1)
                hcfree (dictionary_files);

                return -1;

        hcfree (dictionary_files);
        const int rc = straight_ctx_add_wl (hashcat_ctx, l0_filename);

        if (rc == -1) return -1;

    if (straight_ctx->dicts_cnt == 0)
      event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "No usable dictionary file found.");

      return -1;

  return 0;