int hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_windows_registry(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, wchar_t *wsource)
	HKEY tuners_key;
	LONG ret = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Silicondust\\HDHomeRun\\Tuners", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, &tuners_key);
	if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_windows_registry: failed to open tuners registry key (%ld)\n", (long)ret);
		return 0;

	DWORD index = 0;
	while (1) {
		/* Next tuner device. */
		wchar_t wdevice_name[32];
		DWORD size = sizeof(wdevice_name);
		ret = RegEnumKeyEx(tuners_key, index++, wdevice_name, &size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {

		/* Check device configuation. */
		HKEY device_key;
		ret = RegOpenKeyEx(tuners_key, wdevice_name, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &device_key);
		if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_windows_registry: failed to open registry key for %S (%ld)\n", wdevice_name, (long)ret);

		wchar_t wsource_test[32];
		size = sizeof(wsource_test);
		if (RegQueryValueEx(device_key, L"Source", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&wsource_test, &size) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
			wsprintf(wsource_test, L"Unknown");


		if (_wcsicmp(wsource_test, wsource) != 0) {

		/* Create and add device. */
		char device_name[32];
		sprintf(device_name, "%S", wdevice_name);

		struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd = hdhomerun_device_create_from_str(device_name, hds->dbg);
		if (!hd) {
			hdhomerun_debug_printf(hds->dbg, "hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_windows_registry: invalid device name '%s' / failed to create device object\n", device_name);

		hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device(hds, hd);

	return (int)hds->hd_count;
static int hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_str_discover(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, uint32_t target_ip, uint32_t device_id)
	struct hdhomerun_discover_device_t result;
	int discover_count = hdhomerun_discover_find_devices_custom_v2(target_ip, HDHOMERUN_DEVICE_TYPE_TUNER, device_id, &result, 1);
	if (discover_count != 1) {
		return 0;

	int count = 0;
	unsigned int tuner_index;
	for (tuner_index = 0; tuner_index < result.tuner_count; tuner_index++) {
		struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd = hdhomerun_device_create(result.device_id, result.ip_addr, tuner_index, hds->dbg);
		if (!hd) {

		hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device(hds, hd);

	return count;
void hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_file(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, char *filename)
	FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");
	if (!fp) {

	while(1) {
		char device_name[32];
		if (!fgets(device_name, sizeof(device_name), fp)) {

		struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd = hdhomerun_device_create_from_str(device_name, hds->dbg);
		if (!hd) {

		hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device(hds, hd);

int hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_str(struct hdhomerun_device_selector_t *hds, char *device_str)
	 * IP address based device_str.
	unsigned int a[4];
	if (sscanf(device_str, "%u.%u.%u.%u", &a[0], &a[1], &a[2], &a[3]) == 4) {
		uint32_t ip_addr = (uint32_t)((a[0] << 24) | (a[1] << 16) | (a[2] << 8) | (a[3] << 0));

		 * Multicast IP address.
		unsigned int port;
		if (sscanf(device_str, "%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", &a[0], &a[1], &a[2], &a[3], &port) == 5) {
			struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd = hdhomerun_device_create_multicast(ip_addr, port, hds->dbg);
			if (!hd) {
				return 0;

			hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device(hds, hd);
			return 1;

		 * IP address + tuner number.
		unsigned int tuner;
		if (sscanf(device_str, "%u.%u.%u.%u-%u", &a[0], &a[1], &a[2], &a[3], &tuner) == 5) {
			struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd = hdhomerun_device_create(HDHOMERUN_DEVICE_ID_WILDCARD, ip_addr, tuner, hds->dbg);
			if (!hd) {
				return 0;

			hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device(hds, hd);
			return 1;

		 * IP address only - discover and add tuners.
		return hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_str_discover(hds, ip_addr, HDHOMERUN_DEVICE_ID_WILDCARD);

	 * Device ID based device_str.
	char *end;
	uint32_t device_id = (uint32_t)strtoul(device_str, &end, 16);
	if ((end == device_str + 8) && hdhomerun_discover_validate_device_id(device_id)) {
		 * IP address + tuner number.
		if (*end == '-') {
			unsigned int tuner = (unsigned int)strtoul(end + 1, NULL, 10);
			struct hdhomerun_device_t *hd = hdhomerun_device_create(device_id, 0, tuner, hds->dbg);
			if (!hd) {
				return 0;

			hdhomerun_device_selector_add_device(hds, hd);
			return 1;

		 * Device ID only - discover and add tuners.
		return hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_str_discover(hds, 0, device_id);

	* DNS based device_str.
	struct addrinfo hints;
	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
	hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
	hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;

	struct addrinfo *sock_info;
	if (getaddrinfo(device_str, "65001", &hints, &sock_info) != 0) {
		return 0;

	struct sockaddr_in *sock_addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)sock_info->ai_addr;
	uint32_t ip_addr = (uint32_t)ntohl(sock_addr->sin_addr.s_addr);

	if (ip_addr == 0) {
		return 0;

	return hdhomerun_device_selector_load_from_str_discover(hds, ip_addr, HDHOMERUN_DEVICE_ID_WILDCARD);