static void test_recycler(void) { struct mock_pop *mpop = MMAP_ANON_ALIGNED(MOCK_POOL_SIZE, Ut_mmap_align); PMEMobjpool *pop = &mpop->p; memset(pop, 0, MOCK_POOL_SIZE); pop->heap_offset = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)&mpop->heap - (uint64_t)mpop); pop->p_ops.persist = obj_heap_persist; pop->p_ops.memset_persist = obj_heap_memset_persist; pop->p_ops.base = pop; pop->set = MALLOC(sizeof(*(pop->set))); pop->set->options = 0; pop->set->directory_based = 0; void *heap_start = (char *)pop + pop->heap_offset; uint64_t heap_size = MOCK_POOL_SIZE - sizeof(PMEMobjpool); struct palloc_heap *heap = &pop->heap; struct pmem_ops *p_ops = &pop->p_ops; struct stats *s = stats_new(pop); UT_ASSERTne(s, NULL); UT_ASSERT(heap_check(heap_start, heap_size) != 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_init(heap_start, heap_size, &pop->heap_size, p_ops) == 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_boot(heap, heap_start, heap_size, &pop->heap_size, pop, p_ops, s, pop->set) == 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_buckets_init(heap) == 0); UT_ASSERT(pop->heap.rt != NULL); /* trigger heap bucket populate */ struct memory_block m = MEMORY_BLOCK_NONE; m.size_idx = 1; struct bucket *b = heap_bucket_acquire_by_id(heap, DEFAULT_ALLOC_CLASS_ID); UT_ASSERT(heap_get_bestfit_block(heap, b, &m) == 0); heap_bucket_release(heap, b); int ret; struct recycler *r = recycler_new(&pop->heap, 10000 /* never recalc */); UT_ASSERTne(r, NULL); init_run_with_score(pop->heap.layout, 0, 64); init_run_with_score(pop->heap.layout, 1, 128); init_run_with_score(pop->heap.layout, 15, 0); struct memory_block mrun = {0, 0, 1, 0}; struct memory_block mrun2 = {1, 0, 1, 0}; memblock_rebuild_state(&pop->heap, &mrun); memblock_rebuild_state(&pop->heap, &mrun2); ret = recycler_put(r, &mrun, recycler_calc_score(&pop->heap, &mrun, NULL)); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); ret = recycler_put(r, &mrun2, recycler_calc_score(&pop->heap, &mrun2, NULL)); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); struct memory_block mrun_ret = MEMORY_BLOCK_NONE; mrun_ret.size_idx = 1; struct memory_block mrun2_ret = MEMORY_BLOCK_NONE; mrun2_ret.size_idx = 1; ret = recycler_get(r, &mrun_ret); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); ret = recycler_get(r, &mrun2_ret); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); UT_ASSERTeq(mrun2.chunk_id, mrun2_ret.chunk_id); UT_ASSERTeq(mrun.chunk_id, mrun_ret.chunk_id); init_run_with_score(pop->heap.layout, 7, 256); init_run_with_score(pop->heap.layout, 2, 64); init_run_with_score(pop->heap.layout, 5, 512); init_run_with_score(pop->heap.layout, 10, 128); mrun.chunk_id = 7; mrun2.chunk_id = 2; struct memory_block mrun3 = {5, 0, 1, 0}; struct memory_block mrun4 = {10, 0, 1, 0}; memblock_rebuild_state(&pop->heap, &mrun3); memblock_rebuild_state(&pop->heap, &mrun4); mrun_ret.size_idx = 1; mrun2_ret.size_idx = 1; struct memory_block mrun3_ret = MEMORY_BLOCK_NONE; mrun3_ret.size_idx = 1; struct memory_block mrun4_ret = MEMORY_BLOCK_NONE; mrun4_ret.size_idx = 1; ret = recycler_put(r, &mrun, recycler_calc_score(&pop->heap, &mrun, NULL)); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); ret = recycler_put(r, &mrun2, recycler_calc_score(&pop->heap, &mrun2, NULL)); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); ret = recycler_put(r, &mrun3, recycler_calc_score(&pop->heap, &mrun3, NULL)); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); ret = recycler_put(r, &mrun4, recycler_calc_score(&pop->heap, &mrun4, NULL)); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); ret = recycler_get(r, &mrun2_ret); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); ret = recycler_get(r, &mrun4_ret); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); ret = recycler_get(r, &mrun_ret); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); ret = recycler_get(r, &mrun3_ret); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); UT_ASSERTeq(mrun.chunk_id, mrun_ret.chunk_id); UT_ASSERTeq(mrun2.chunk_id, mrun2_ret.chunk_id); UT_ASSERTeq(mrun3.chunk_id, mrun3_ret.chunk_id); UT_ASSERTeq(mrun4.chunk_id, mrun4_ret.chunk_id); init_run_with_max_block(pop->heap.layout, 1); struct memory_block mrun5 = {1, 0, 1, 0}; memblock_rebuild_state(&pop->heap, &mrun5); ret = recycler_put(r, &mrun5, recycler_calc_score(&pop->heap, &mrun5, NULL)); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); struct memory_block mrun5_ret = MEMORY_BLOCK_NONE; mrun5_ret.size_idx = 11; ret = recycler_get(r, &mrun5_ret); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, ENOMEM); mrun5_ret = MEMORY_BLOCK_NONE; mrun5_ret.size_idx = 10; ret = recycler_get(r, &mrun5_ret); UT_ASSERTeq(ret, 0); recycler_delete(r); stats_delete(pop, s); heap_cleanup(heap); UT_ASSERT(heap->rt == NULL); FREE(pop->set); MUNMAP_ANON_ALIGNED(mpop, MOCK_POOL_SIZE); }
static void test_heap(void) { struct mock_pop *mpop = MMAP_ANON_ALIGNED(MOCK_POOL_SIZE, Ut_mmap_align); PMEMobjpool *pop = &mpop->p; memset(pop, 0, MOCK_POOL_SIZE); pop->heap_offset = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)&mpop->heap - (uint64_t)mpop); pop->p_ops.persist = obj_heap_persist; pop->p_ops.memset_persist = obj_heap_memset_persist; pop->p_ops.base = pop; pop->set = MALLOC(sizeof(*(pop->set))); pop->set->options = 0; pop->set->directory_based = 0; struct stats *s = stats_new(pop); UT_ASSERTne(s, NULL); void *heap_start = (char *)pop + pop->heap_offset; uint64_t heap_size = MOCK_POOL_SIZE - sizeof(PMEMobjpool); struct palloc_heap *heap = &pop->heap; struct pmem_ops *p_ops = &pop->p_ops; UT_ASSERT(heap_check(heap_start, heap_size) != 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_init(heap_start, heap_size, &pop->heap_size, p_ops) == 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_boot(heap, heap_start, heap_size, &pop->heap_size, pop, p_ops, s, pop->set) == 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_buckets_init(heap) == 0); UT_ASSERT(pop->heap.rt != NULL); test_alloc_class_bitmap_correctness(); test_container((struct block_container *)container_new_ravl(heap), heap); test_container((struct block_container *)container_new_seglists(heap), heap); struct alloc_class *c_small = heap_get_best_class(heap, 1); struct alloc_class *c_big = heap_get_best_class(heap, 2048); UT_ASSERT(c_small->unit_size < c_big->unit_size); /* new small buckets should be empty */ UT_ASSERT(c_big->type == CLASS_RUN); struct memory_block blocks[MAX_BLOCKS] = { {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0} }; struct bucket *b_def = heap_bucket_acquire_by_id(heap, DEFAULT_ALLOC_CLASS_ID); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; ++i) { heap_get_bestfit_block(heap, b_def, &blocks[i]); UT_ASSERT(blocks[i].block_off == 0); } heap_bucket_release(heap, b_def); struct memory_block old_run = {0, 0, 1, 0}; struct memory_block new_run = {0, 0, 0, 0}; struct alloc_class *c_run = heap_get_best_class(heap, 1024); struct bucket *b_run = heap_bucket_acquire(heap, c_run); /* * Allocate blocks from a run until one run is exhausted. */ UT_ASSERTne(heap_get_bestfit_block(heap, b_run, &old_run), ENOMEM); int *nresv = bucket_current_resvp(b_run); do { new_run.chunk_id = 0; new_run.block_off = 0; new_run.size_idx = 1; UT_ASSERTne(heap_get_bestfit_block(heap, b_run, &new_run), ENOMEM); UT_ASSERTne(new_run.size_idx, 0); *nresv = 0; } while (old_run.block_off != new_run.block_off); *nresv = 0; heap_bucket_release(heap, b_run); stats_delete(pop, s); UT_ASSERT(heap_check(heap_start, heap_size) == 0); heap_cleanup(heap); UT_ASSERT(heap->rt == NULL); FREE(pop->set); MUNMAP_ANON_ALIGNED(mpop, MOCK_POOL_SIZE); }
/* * pmalloc_construct -- allocates a new block of memory with a constructor * * The block offset is written persistently into the off variable, but only * after the constructor function has been called. * * If successful function returns zero. Otherwise an error number is returned. */ int pmalloc_construct(PMEMobjpool *pop, uint64_t *off, size_t size, void (*constructor)(PMEMobjpool *pop, void *ptr, size_t usable_size, void *arg), void *arg, uint64_t data_off) { int err = 0; struct lane_section *lane; if ((err = lane_hold(pop, &lane, LANE_SECTION_ALLOCATOR)) != 0) return err; size_t sizeh = size + sizeof (struct allocation_header); struct bucket *b = heap_get_best_bucket(pop, sizeh); struct memory_block m = {0, 0, 0, 0}; m.size_idx = bucket_calc_units(b, sizeh); err = heap_get_bestfit_block(pop, b, &m); if (err == ENOMEM && !bucket_is_small(b)) goto out; /* there's only one huge bucket */ if (err == ENOMEM) { /* * There's no more available memory in the common heap and in * this lane cache, fallback to the auxiliary (shared) bucket. */ b = heap_get_auxiliary_bucket(pop, sizeh); err = heap_get_bestfit_block(pop, b, &m); } if (err == ENOMEM) { /* * The auxiliary bucket cannot satisfy our request, borrow * memory from other caches. */ heap_drain_to_auxiliary(pop, b, m.size_idx); err = heap_get_bestfit_block(pop, b, &m); } if (err == ENOMEM) { /* we are completely out of memory */ goto out; } /* * Now that the memory is reserved we can go ahead with making the * allocation persistent. */ uint64_t real_size = bucket_unit_size(b) * m.size_idx; err = persist_alloc(pop, lane, m, real_size, off, constructor, arg, data_off); out: if (lane_release(pop) != 0) { ERR("Failed to release the lane"); ASSERT(0); } return err; }
/* * heap_ensure_run_bucket_filled -- (internal) refills the bucket if needed */ static int heap_ensure_run_bucket_filled(struct palloc_heap *heap, struct bucket *b, uint32_t units) { ASSERTeq(b->aclass->type, CLASS_RUN); if (b->is_active) { b->c_ops->rm_all(b->container); b->active_memory_block.m_ops ->claim_revoke(&b->active_memory_block); b->is_active = 0; } struct heap_rt *h = heap->rt; struct memory_block m = MEMORY_BLOCK_NONE; if (recycler_get(h->recyclers[b->aclass->id], &m) == 0) { pthread_mutex_t *lock = m.m_ops->get_lock(&m); util_mutex_lock(lock); heap_reuse_run(heap, b, &m); util_mutex_unlock(lock); b->active_memory_block = m; b->is_active = 1; return 0; } m.size_idx = b->aclass->run.size_idx; /* cannot reuse an existing run, create a new one */ struct bucket *defb = heap_get_default_bucket(heap); util_mutex_lock(&defb->lock); if (heap_get_bestfit_block(heap, defb, &m) == 0) { ASSERTeq(m.block_off, 0); heap_create_run(heap, b, &m); b->active_memory_block = m; b->is_active = 1; util_mutex_unlock(&defb->lock); return 0; } util_mutex_unlock(&defb->lock); /* * Try the recycler again, the previous call to the bestfit_block for * huge chunks might have reclaimed some unused runs. */ if (recycler_get(h->recyclers[b->aclass->id], &m) == 0) { pthread_mutex_t *lock = m.m_ops->get_lock(&m); util_mutex_lock(lock); heap_reuse_run(heap, b, &m); util_mutex_unlock(lock); /* * To verify that the recycler run is not able to satisfy our * request we attempt to retrieve a block. This is not ideal, * and should be replaced by a different heuristic once proper * memory block scoring is implemented. */ struct memory_block tmp = MEMORY_BLOCK_NONE; tmp.size_idx = units; if (b->c_ops->get_rm_bestfit(b->container, &tmp) != 0) { b->c_ops->rm_all(b->container); m.m_ops->claim_revoke(&m); return ENOMEM; } else { bucket_insert_block(b, &tmp); } b->active_memory_block = m; b->is_active = 1; return 0; } return ENOMEM; }
static void test_heap() { struct mock_pop *mpop = Malloc(MOCK_POOL_SIZE); PMEMobjpool *pop = &mpop->p; memset(pop, 0, MOCK_POOL_SIZE); pop->size = MOCK_POOL_SIZE; pop->heap_size = MOCK_POOL_SIZE - sizeof(PMEMobjpool); pop->heap_offset = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)&mpop->heap - (uint64_t)mpop); pop->p_ops.persist = obj_heap_persist; pop->p_ops.memset_persist = obj_heap_memset_persist; pop->p_ops.base = pop; pop->p_ops.pool_size = pop->size; void *heap_start = (char *)pop + pop->heap_offset; uint64_t heap_size = pop->heap_size; struct palloc_heap *heap = &pop->heap; struct pmem_ops *p_ops = &pop->p_ops; UT_ASSERT(heap_check(heap_start, heap_size) != 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_init(heap_start, heap_size, p_ops) == 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_boot(heap, heap_start, heap_size, pop, p_ops) == 0); UT_ASSERT(pop->heap.rt != NULL); struct bucket *b_small = heap_get_best_bucket(heap, 1); struct bucket *b_big = heap_get_best_bucket(heap, 2048); UT_ASSERT(b_small->unit_size < b_big->unit_size); struct bucket *b_def = heap_get_best_bucket(heap, CHUNKSIZE); UT_ASSERT(b_def->unit_size == CHUNKSIZE); /* new small buckets should be empty */ UT_ASSERT(b_small->type == BUCKET_RUN); UT_ASSERT(b_big->type == BUCKET_RUN); struct memory_block blocks[MAX_BLOCKS] = { {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0} }; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; ++i) { heap_get_bestfit_block(heap, b_def, &blocks[i]); UT_ASSERT(blocks[i].block_off == 0); } struct memory_block prev; heap_get_adjacent_free_block(heap, b_def, &prev, blocks[1], 1); UT_ASSERT(prev.chunk_id == blocks[0].chunk_id); struct memory_block cnt; heap_get_adjacent_free_block(heap, b_def, &cnt, blocks[0], 0); UT_ASSERT(cnt.chunk_id == blocks[1].chunk_id); struct memory_block next; heap_get_adjacent_free_block(heap, b_def, &next, blocks[1], 0); UT_ASSERT(next.chunk_id == blocks[2].chunk_id); UT_ASSERT(heap_check(heap_start, heap_size) == 0); heap_cleanup(heap); UT_ASSERT(heap->rt == NULL); Free(mpop); }
static void test_heap() { struct mock_pop *mpop = Malloc(MOCK_POOL_SIZE); PMEMobjpool *pop = &mpop->p; memset(pop, 0, MOCK_POOL_SIZE); pop->size = MOCK_POOL_SIZE; pop->heap_size = MOCK_POOL_SIZE - sizeof(PMEMobjpool); pop->heap_offset = (uint64_t)((uint64_t)&mpop->heap - (uint64_t)mpop); pop->persist = obj_heap_persist; UT_ASSERT(heap_check(pop) != 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_init(pop) == 0); UT_ASSERT(heap_boot(pop) == 0); UT_ASSERT(pop->heap != NULL); struct bucket *b_small = heap_get_best_bucket(pop, 1); struct bucket *b_big = heap_get_best_bucket(pop, 2048); UT_ASSERT(b_small->unit_size < b_big->unit_size); struct bucket *b_def = heap_get_best_bucket(pop, CHUNKSIZE); UT_ASSERT(b_def->unit_size == CHUNKSIZE); /* new small buckets should be empty */ UT_ASSERT(b_small->type == BUCKET_RUN); UT_ASSERT(b_big->type == BUCKET_RUN); struct memory_block blocks[MAX_BLOCKS] = { {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0} }; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; ++i) { heap_get_bestfit_block(pop, b_def, &blocks[i]); UT_ASSERT(blocks[i].block_off == 0); } struct memory_block *blocksp[MAX_BLOCKS] = {NULL}; struct memory_block prev; heap_get_adjacent_free_block(pop, b_def, &prev, blocks[1], 1); UT_ASSERT(prev.chunk_id == blocks[0].chunk_id); blocksp[0] = &prev; struct memory_block cnt; heap_get_adjacent_free_block(pop, b_def, &cnt, blocks[0], 0); UT_ASSERT(cnt.chunk_id == blocks[1].chunk_id); blocksp[1] = &cnt; struct memory_block next; heap_get_adjacent_free_block(pop, b_def, &next, blocks[1], 0); UT_ASSERT(next.chunk_id == blocks[2].chunk_id); blocksp[2] = &next; struct operation_context *ctx = operation_init(pop, NULL); struct memory_block result = heap_coalesce(pop, blocksp, MAX_BLOCKS, HEAP_OP_FREE, ctx); operation_process(ctx); operation_delete(ctx); UT_ASSERT(result.size_idx == 3); UT_ASSERT(result.chunk_id == prev.chunk_id); UT_ASSERT(heap_check(pop) == 0); heap_cleanup(pop); UT_ASSERT(pop->heap == NULL); Free(mpop); }