void testEnc() { origLen = random() % 81; for (int i = 0; i < origLen; i++) { origBuf[i] = random() % 256; } encLen = ElektronHelper::MNMDataToSysex(origBuf, encBuf, origLen, sizeof(encBuf)); decLen = ElektronHelper::MNMSysexToData(encBuf, decBuf, encLen, sizeof(decBuf)); printf("origLen: %d, encLen: %d, decLen: %d\n", origLen, encLen, decLen); if (origLen != decLen) { printf("wrongLen\n"); printf("orig\n"); hexDump(origBuf, origLen); printf("encoded\n"); hexDump(encBuf, encLen); printf("decoded\n"); hexDump(decBuf, decLen); } for (int i = 0; i < origLen; i++) { if (origBuf[i] != decBuf[i]) { printf("%.4x: %.2x was %.2x\n", i, decBuf[i], origBuf[i]); } } }
bool SynscanDriver::sendCommand(const char * cmd, char * res, int cmd_len, int res_len) { int nbytes_written = 0, nbytes_read = 0, rc = -1; tcflush(PortFD, TCIOFLUSH); if (cmd_len > 0) { char hex_cmd[SYN_RES * 3] = {0}; hexDump(hex_cmd, cmd, cmd_len); LOGF_DEBUG("CMD <%s>", hex_cmd); rc = tty_write(PortFD, cmd, cmd_len, &nbytes_written); } else { LOGF_DEBUG("CMD <%s>", cmd); rc = tty_write_string(PortFD, cmd, &nbytes_written); } if (rc != TTY_OK) { char errstr[MAXRBUF] = {0}; tty_error_msg(rc, errstr, MAXRBUF); LOGF_ERROR("Serial write error: %s.", errstr); return false; } if (res == nullptr) return true; if (res_len > 0) rc = tty_read(PortFD, res, res_len, SYN_TIMEOUT, &nbytes_read); else rc = tty_nread_section(PortFD, res, SYN_RES, SYN_DEL, SYN_TIMEOUT, &nbytes_read); if (rc != TTY_OK) { char errstr[MAXRBUF] = {0}; tty_error_msg(rc, errstr, MAXRBUF); LOGF_ERROR("Serial read error: %s.", errstr); return false; } if (res_len > 0) { char hex_res[SYN_RES * 3] = {0}; hexDump(hex_res, res, res_len); LOGF_DEBUG("RES <%s>", hex_res); } else { LOGF_DEBUG("RES <%s>", res); } tcflush(PortFD, TCIOFLUSH); return true; }
static BOOL initSession( SOCKET sock ) { BYTE buffer[ 1024 ]; DWORD length; BOOL aes256 = FALSE; aes256 = (aesMaxKey >= 256); buffer[ 0 ] = aes256 ? 1 : 0; if ( ! (length = encodePK( sizeof( buffer ) - 1, &buffer[1] )) ) return( FALSE ); if ( verbose ) { printf( "Session Initiation: \n" ); hexDump( length + 1, buffer ); } if ( ! sendBytes( sock, buffer, length + 1 ) ) return( FALSE ); if ( ! receiveBytes( sock, buffer, sizeof( buffer ), &length ) ) return( FALSE ); if ( ! length ) { fprintf( stderr, "No session response from server\n" ); return( FALSE ); } if ( verbose ) { printf( "Session Response: \n" ); hexDump( length, buffer ); } switch( buffer[ 0 ] ) { case 0 : aes256 = FALSE; break; case 1 : if ( aes256 ) break; /* ** Fall through for unsupported AES key length. */ default: fprintf( stderr, "Invalid AES key length returned: %d\n", buffer[0] ); return( FALSE ); } if ( ! decodeSK( aes256, length - 1, &buffer[1] ) ) return( FALSE ); return( TRUE ); }
// Output hexdump to a QString QString QWSHexDump::toString() { QString result; QTextStream strm(&result, QFile::WriteOnly); outstrm = &strm; hexDump(); return result; }
void Logger::dump(LogItem item) { QString varName = item.value(0).toString(); QByteArray ba = item.value(1).toByteArray(); QString typeName = item.value(1).typeName(); int bytes = item.value(2).toInt(); LogLevel level(item.getLevel()); switch (int(level)) { case LogLevel::DumpVar: item.setValue(3, typeName); item.setMessage("%1 = {%2} %4 %3"); break; case LogLevel::DumpHex: item.setValue(3, typeName); item.setValue(4, hexDump(ba)); item.setMessage("%1 = %4 %3 %5 %2!"); break; default: qWarning("Logger::dump() with wrong level"); return; } enqueue(item); }
static int write_out(const void *buffer, size_t size, void *app_key) { FILE *out_fp = app_key; size_t wrote; hexDump("", buffer, size); wrote = fwrite(buffer, 1, size, out_fp); return (wrote == size) ? 0 : -1; }
/* Loop until it is explicitly halted or the network is lost, then clean up. */ static int run_loop() { for (;;) { if (mode == receiver && rfm69->receiveDone()) { LOG("Received something...\n"); // store the received data localy, so they can be overwited // This will allow to send ACK immediately after uint8_t data[RF69_MAX_DATA_LEN]; // recv/xmit buf, including header & crc bytes uint8_t dataLength = rfm69->DATALEN; memcpy(data, (void *)rfm69->DATA, dataLength); uint8_t theNodeID = rfm69->SENDERID; uint8_t targetID = rfm69->TARGETID; // should match _address uint8_t PAYLOADLEN = rfm69->PAYLOADLEN; uint8_t ACK_REQUESTED = rfm69->ACK_REQUESTED; uint8_t ACK_RECEIVED = rfm69->ACK_RECEIVED; // should be polled immediately after sending a packet with ACK request int16_t RSSI = rfm69->RSSI; // most accurate RSSI during reception (closest to the reception) LOG("ACK REQUESTED: %d, targetID %d, theConfig.nodeId %d\n", ACK_REQUESTED, targetID, theConfig.nodeId); if (ACK_REQUESTED && targetID == theConfig.nodeId) { // When a node requests an ACK, respond to the ACK // but only if the Node ID is correct rfm69->sendACK(); }//end if radio.ACK_REQESTED LOG("[%d] to [%d] ", theNodeID, targetID); if (dataLength != sizeof(Payload)) { LOG("Invalid payload received, not matching Payload struct! %d - %d\r\n", dataLength, sizeof(Payload)); hexDump(NULL, data, dataLength, 16); } else { theData = *(Payload*)data; //assume radio.DATA actually contains our struct and not something else LOG("Received Node ID = %d Device ID = %d Time = %d RSSI = %d var2 = %f var3 = %f\n", theData.nodeID, theData.sensorID, theData.var1_usl, RSSI, theData.var2_float, theData.var3_float ); } } //end if radio.receive if (mode == sender) { counter = counter + 1; if (counter % 20 == 0) { LOG("Sending test message\n"); send_message(); } else { usleep(100*1000); } } } }
/*--- FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Name: X509_DecodeSignatureAlgorithm * Description: This function will detect and decode the signature algorithm. It will * also extract any parameters that are required for the algorithm. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static unsigned int X509_DecodeSignatureAlgorithm ( ASN1_OBJECT* object, SIGNATURE* algorithm ) { unsigned int count; unsigned int result = 0; unsigned int have_prameters; ASN1_OBJECT sub_item; if (ASN1_GetNextObject(object,&sub_item) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_item,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE) ) { for (count=0;count < NUMBER_OF_SIGNATURE_ALGOS;count++) { if (sub_item.length == sig_matrix[count].sig_length && memcmp(sub_item.data,sig_matrix[count].sig_string,sub_item.length) == 0) { /* found the signature */ algorithm->algorithm = sig_matrix[count].algorithm; break; } } } have_prameters = ASN1_GetNextObject(object,&sub_item) && !ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_item,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_NULL_TYPE); /* lets now check for any parameters that exist */ switch (algorithm->algorithm) { case X509SA_RSA_MD2: case X509SA_RSA_MD5: case X509SA_RSA_SHA1: if (!have_prameters) { /* the RSA's don't have parameters */ result = 1; } break; case X509SA_DSA_SHA1: /* find any parameters - this should depend on the type */ while (ASN1_GetNextObject(object,&sub_item) && !ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_item,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_NULL_TYPE)) { printf("We have parameters: \n"); hexDump(sub_item.data,sub_item.length); } break; case X509SA_ECDSA_SHA1: break; } return result; }
void printBuf() { hexDump(MidiSysex.data + 3, MidiSysex.recordLen - 3); if (!inCallback) { m_memcpy(origBuf, MidiSysex.data, MidiSysex.recordLen); origLen = MidiSysex.recordLen; } else { printf("origLen: %d, newLen: %d\n", origLen, MidiSysex.recordLen); for (int i = 0; i < origLen; i++) { if (MidiSysex.data[i + 3] != origBuf[i + 3]) { printf("%.3x diff: %.2x was %.2x\n", i, MidiSysex.data[i + 3], origBuf[i + 3]); } } } }
void AbstractResponseHandler::handleResponse(osiSockAddr* responseFrom, Transport::shared_pointer const & /*transport*/, int8 version, int8 command, size_t payloadSize, ByteBuffer* payloadBuffer) { if(_debugLevel >= 3) { // TODO make a constant of sth (0 - off, 1 - debug, 2 - more/trace, 3 - messages) char ipAddrStr[48]; ipAddrToDottedIP(&responseFrom->ia, ipAddrStr, sizeof(ipAddrStr)); ostringstream prologue; prologue<<"Message [0x"<<hex<<(int)command<<", v0x"<<hex; prologue<<(int)version<<"] received from "<<ipAddrStr; hexDump(prologue.str(), _description, (const int8*)payloadBuffer->getArray(), payloadBuffer->getPosition(), static_cast<int>(payloadSize)); } }
//----------------------------- FUNCTION -------------------------------------* int TrcHexDump(WORD wLevel, BYTE* pby, int nBytes, int nShowBytes /*= -1*/) /*>>>> print hex dump of <pby> I wLevel: trace level I pby: ptr to byte array to dump I nBytes: number of bytes in byte array I nShowBytes: show up to <nShowBytes> bytes; if -1, use default max length <s_nMaxDumpWidth> Result E_TRC_OK E_TRC_NOT_INITIALIZED E_TRC_BAD_LEVEL E_TRC_NO_RESOURCE <<<<*/ { if (!s_bInitialized) { return E_TRC_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (s_traceMode == noTrace) { // trace mode is disabled return E_TRC_OK; } if ((wLevel & s_wLevel) == 0) { // this level is not activated return E_TRC_OK; } if (pby == NULL) { return E_TRC_NO_RESOURCE; } EnterCriticalSection(&s_csTrcFile); TrcPrint(wLevel, _T("HexDump: ")); if (nShowBytes < 0) { nShowBytes = s_nMaxDumpWidth; } hexDump(pby, nBytes, nShowBytes); LeaveCriticalSection(&s_csTrcFile); return E_TRC_OK; }
std::string binarize( const std::string & path, const std::string & name ) { FILE * f = fopen(path.c_str(),"rb"); if(!f) return ""; size_t sz = getFileSize(f); std::vector<unsigned char> buf(sz); fread(&buf[0],1,sz,f); std::string bufs = hexDump(&buf[0], sz); std::stringstream sizes, defs; sizes << "size_t " << name << "_size=" << (int)sz << ";"; defs << "\nunsigned char " << name << "[] = \n{" << bufs << "\n};"; fclose(f); return sizes.str() + defs.str(); }
static void keyInfo( HCRYPTKEY key ) { BYTE buffer[ 1024 ]; DWORD length; length = sizeof( buffer ); if ( ! CryptGetKeyParam( key, KP_BLOCKLEN, buffer, &length, 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptGetKeyParam BLOCKLEN failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); exit( 1 ); } printf( "Key Block Size: %d\n", *(DWORD *)buffer / 8 ); length = sizeof( buffer ); if ( ! CryptGetKeyParam( key, KP_MODE, buffer, &length, 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptGetKeyParam MODE failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); exit( 1 ); } printf( "Key Mode: %d\n", *(DWORD *)buffer ); length = sizeof( buffer ); if ( ! CryptGetKeyParam( key, KP_PADDING, buffer, &length, 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptGetKeyParam PADDING failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); exit( 1 ); } printf( "Key Padding Type: %d\n", *(DWORD *)buffer ); length = sizeof( buffer ); if ( ! CryptGetKeyParam( key, KP_IV, buffer, &length, 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptGetKeyParam PADDING failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); exit( 1 ); } printf( "Key IV: \n" ); hexDump( length, buffer ); }
void onSongMessageCallback() { printBuf(); if (!song.fromSysex(MidiSysex.data, MidiSysex.recordLen)) { fprintf(stderr, "error parsing song\n"); } else { printf("parsed song!\n"); } printf("\n"); if (!inCallback) { inCallback = true; uint16_t len = song.toSysex(sysexBuf, sizeof(sysexBuf)); hexDump(sysexBuf, len); parseSysex(sysexBuf, len); } inCallback = false; }
std::string hexDump(const void* ptr, size_t size) { std::ostringstream os; hexDump(ptr, size, std::ostream_iterator<StringPiece>(os, "\n")); return os.str(); }
static BOOL clientRequest( SOCKET sock, char *host, u_short port ) { BYTE buffer[ 1024 ]; BYTE *ptr, *end; DWORD length; BOOL echo = FALSE; sprintf_s( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), REQUEST_TEMPLATE, host, port ); length = strlen( buffer ); if ( ! (length = encode( length, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) )) ) return( FALSE ); if ( verbose ) { printf( "Client Request: \n" ); hexDump( length, buffer ); } if ( ! sendBytes( sock, buffer, length ) ) return( FALSE ); do { if ( ! receiveBytes( sock, buffer, sizeof( buffer ), &length ) ) return( FALSE ); if ( ! length ) { fprintf( stderr, "No response from server\n" ); break; } if ( verbose ) { printf( "Server Response: \n" ); hexDump( length, buffer ); } if ( ! (length = decode( length, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) )) ) return( FALSE ); ptr = buffer; end = ptr + length; *end = 0; while( ptr < end ) { BYTE *eol, save; for( eol = ptr; *eol && *eol != '\n'; eol++ ) /* DO NOTHING */; eol++; save = *eol; *eol = 0; /* ** Display response between 'BEGIN' and 'END' */ if ( ! echo ) { /* Echo starts with 'BEGIN' */ if ( ! strcmp( ptr, "BEGIN\r\n" ) || ! strcmp( ptr, "BEGIN\n" ) ) echo = TRUE; } else { /* Echo finishes with 'END' */ if ( ! strcmp( ptr, "END\r\n" ) || ! strcmp( ptr, "END\n" ) ) break; printf( "%s", ptr ); } *eol = save; ptr = eol; } } while( FALSE ); return( TRUE ); }
/*--- FUNCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Name: X509_DecodeExtensions * Description: This function will decode the extensions. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned int X509_DecodeExtensions ( ASN1_OBJECT* object, X509_CERTIFICATE* certificate ) { unsigned int result = 1; unsigned int count; unsigned int critical = 0; ASN1_OBJECT item; ASN1_OBJECT sub_item; ASN1_OBJECT element; ASN1_OBJECT payload; ASN1_OBJECT sub_element; ASN1_OBJECT sub_sub_element; /* f**king XMLers */ if (ASN1_GetNextObject(object,&item) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(item,A1T_CONSTRUCTED,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_SEQUENCE_TYPE)) { while (ASN1_GetNextObject(&item,&sub_item) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_item,A1T_CONSTRUCTED,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_SEQUENCE_TYPE)) { if (ASN1_GetNextObject(&sub_item,&element) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(element,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE) ) { if (ASN1_GetNextObject(&sub_item,&payload) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(payload,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_BOOLEAN_TYPE) ) { /* X509 are C**kMonkeys!!! Why not just make the critical boolean Mandatory!!! */ critical = payload.data[0]; ASN1_GetNextObject(&sub_item,&payload); } if (((unsigned short)element.data[0] == (unsigned short)id_ce[0]) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(payload,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_OCTETSTRING_TYPE)) { /* decode the elements and ignore the ones that we don't support */ switch(element.data[2]) { case X520_ID_CE_AUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIER: /* Does not need support, but should be supported (except when is MUST be. Ahhhh!!!!! ) */ if (ASN1_GetNextObject(&payload,&sub_element) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_element,A1T_CONSTRUCTED,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_SEQUENCE_TYPE)) { if (ASN1_GetNextObject(&sub_element,&sub_sub_element) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_sub_element,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC,0)) { } else if (ASN1_GetNextObject(&sub_element,&sub_sub_element) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_sub_element,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC,1)) { /* I can't be arsed decoding the rest, its pointless */ } else if (ASN1_GetNextObject(&sub_element,&sub_sub_element) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_sub_element,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC,2)) { /* as above */ } } break; case X520_ID_CE_SUBJECTKEYIDENTIFIER: /* Does not need support, but should be supported */ if (ASN1_GetNextObject(&payload,&sub_element) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_element,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_OCTETSTRING_TYPE)) { /* we havethe subject key ID */ // hexDump(sub_element.data,sub_element.length); } break; case X520_ID_CE_BASICCONSTRAINTS: /* must be supported */ if (ASN1_GetObject(payload.data,&sub_element) && sub_element.length != 0) { if (ASN1_GetNextObject(&sub_element,&sub_sub_element) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_sub_element,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_BOOLEAN_TYPE)) { /* we have the CA flag */ certificate->public_key.isCA = sub_sub_element.data[0]; } } break; case X520_ID_CE_KEYUSAGE: /* must be supported */ if (ASN1_GetObject(payload.data,&sub_element) && ASN1_CHECK_OBJECT(sub_element,A1T_PRIMITIVE,A1C_UNIVERSAL,A1UC_BITSTRING_TYPE) ) { /* we have the key usage */ certificate->public_key.cert_usage = (sub_element.data[1] | (sub_element.data[2] << 8)); } break; case X520_ID_CE_CERTIFICATEPOLICIES: /* must be supported */ if (critical) result = 0; /* fail is the cert requires this */ hexDump(sub_item.data,sub_item.length); break; case X520_ID_CE_SUBJECTALTNAME: /* must be supported */ if (critical) result = 0; /* fail is the cert requires this */ hexDump(sub_item.data,sub_item.length); break; case X520_ID_CE_NAMECONSTRAINTS: /* must be supported */ if (critical) result = 0; /* fail is the cert requires this */ break; case X520_ID_CE_EXTKEYUSAGE: /* must be supported */ if (critical) result = 0; /* fail is the cert requires this */ break; case X520_ID_CE_POLICYCONSTRAINTS: /* must be supported */ if (critical) result = 0; /* fail is the cert requires this */ break; case X520_ID_CE_INHIBITANYPOLICY: /* must be supported */ if (critical) result = 0; /* fail is the cert requires this */ break; /* none of the following need to be supported */ case X520_ID_CE_PRIVATEKEYUSAGEPERIOD: case X520_ID_CE_POLICYMAPPINGS: case X520_ID_CE_ISSUERALTNAME: case X520_ID_CE_SUBJECTDIRECTORYATTRIBUTES: case X520_ID_CE_CRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINTS: case X520_ID_CE_FRESHESTCRL: case X520_ID_CE_CRLNUMBER: case X520_ID_CE_ISSUINGDISTRIBUTIONPOINT: case X520_ID_CE_DELTACRLINDICATOR: case X520_ID_CE_CRLREASONS: case X520_ID_CE_CERTIFICATEISSUER: case X520_ID_CE_HOLDINSTRUCTIONCODE: case X520_ID_CE_INVALIDITYDATE: break; } } } } } return result; }
/* Loop until it is explicitly halted or the network is lost, then clean up. */ static int run_loop(struct mosquitto *m) { int res; long lastMess; for (;;) { res = mosquitto_loop(m, 10, 1); // No messages have been received withing MESSAGE_WATCHDOG interval if (millis() > lastMess + theConfig.messageWatchdogDelay) { LOG("=== Message WatchDog ===\n"); theStats.messageWatchdog++; // re-initialise the radio initRfm(rfm69); // reset watchdog lastMess = millis(); } if (rfm69->receiveDone()) { // record last message received time - to compute radio watchdog lastMess = millis(); theStats.messageReceived++; // store the received data localy, so they can be overwited // This will allow to send ACK immediately after uint8_t data[RF69_MAX_DATA_LEN]; // recv/xmit buf, including header & crc bytes uint8_t dataLength = rfm69->DATALEN; memcpy(data, (void *)rfm69->DATA, dataLength); uint8_t theNodeID = rfm69->SENDERID; uint8_t targetID = rfm69->TARGETID; // should match _address uint8_t PAYLOADLEN = rfm69->PAYLOADLEN; uint8_t ACK_REQUESTED = rfm69->ACK_REQUESTED; uint8_t ACK_RECEIVED = rfm69->ACK_RECEIVED; // should be polled immediately after sending a packet with ACK request int16_t RSSI = rfm69->RSSI; // most accurate RSSI during reception (closest to the reception) if (ACK_REQUESTED && targetID == theConfig.nodeId) { // When a node requests an ACK, respond to the ACK // but only if the Node ID is correct theStats.ackRequested++; rfm69->sendACK(); if (theStats.ackCount++%3==0) { // and also send a packet requesting an ACK (every 3rd one only) // This way both TX/RX NODE functions are tested on 1 end at the GATEWAY usleep(3000); //need this when sending right after reception .. ? theStats.messageSent++; if (rfm69->sendWithRetry(theNodeID, "ACK TEST", 8)) { // 3 retry, over 200ms delay each theStats.ackReceived++; LOG("Pinging node %d - ACK - ok!", theNodeID); } else { theStats.ackMissed++; LOG("Pinging node %d - ACK - nothing!", theNodeID); } } }//end if radio.ACK_REQESTED LOG("[%d] to [%d] ", theNodeID, targetID); if (dataLength != sizeof(Payload)) { LOG("Invalid payload received, not matching Payload struct! %d - %d\r\n", dataLength, sizeof(Payload)); hexDump(NULL, data, dataLength, 16); } else { theData = *(Payload*)data; //assume radio.DATA actually contains our struct and not something else //save it for mosquitto: sensorNode.nodeID = theData.nodeID; sensorNode.sensorID = theData.sensorID; sensorNode.var1_usl = theData.var1_usl; sensorNode.var2_float = theData.var2_float; sensorNode.var3_float = theData.var3_float; sensorNode.var4_int = RSSI; LOG("Received Node ID = %d Device ID = %d Time = %d RSSI = %d var2 = %f var3 = %f\n", sensorNode.nodeID, sensorNode.sensorID, sensorNode.var1_usl, sensorNode.var4_int, sensorNode.var2_float, sensorNode.var3_float ); if (sensorNode.nodeID == theNodeID) sendMQTT = 1; else { hexDump(NULL, data, dataLength, 16); } } } //end if radio.receive if (sendMQTT == 1) { //send var1_usl MQTTSendULong(m, sensorNode.nodeID, sensorNode.sensorID, 1, sensorNode.var1_usl); //send var2_float MQTTSendFloat(m, sensorNode.nodeID, sensorNode.sensorID, 2, sensorNode.var2_float); //send var3_float MQTTSendFloat(m, sensorNode.nodeID, sensorNode.sensorID, 3, sensorNode.var3_float); //send var4_int, RSSI MQTTSendInt(m, sensorNode.nodeID, sensorNode.sensorID, 4, sensorNode.var4_int); sendMQTT = 0; }//end if sendMQTT } mosquitto_destroy(m); (void)mosquitto_lib_cleanup(); if (res == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) { return 0; } else { return 1; } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, rc; char buffer[BUFLEN]; uint8_t arp[sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct arp_hdr)]; if(argc != 5) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <interface> <listen-port> <remote-host> <remote-port>\n\n", argv[0]); return(1); } memset(fd_udp_port, 0, sizeof(fd_udp_port)); int port = atoi(argv[2]); char *iface_out = argv[1]; char *rhost = argv[3]; int rport = atoi(argv[4]); int sock_udp = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); int sock_raw_recv = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL)); int sock_raw_send = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW); setsockopt(sock_raw_recv, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, iface_out, 4); setsockopt(sock_raw_send, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, iface_out, 4); int on = 1; setsockopt(sock_raw_send, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, &on, sizeof(on)); ssize_t recsize; struct sockaddr_in udp_listen_addr, udp_client_addr, other_addr; socklen_t slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); socklen_t udp_client_addr_size = slen; udp_listen_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; udp_listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if(port == 0) { srand(time(NULL)); do { port = 6001 + rand() % 22000; // random port 6001-28000 udp_listen_addr.sin_port = htons(port); rc = bind_public(sock_udp,(struct sockaddr *)&udp_listen_addr, sizeof(udp_listen_addr)); } while(rc == -1); } else { udp_listen_addr.sin_port = htons(port); rc = bind_public(sock_udp,(struct sockaddr *)&udp_listen_addr, sizeof(udp_listen_addr)); } if(rc == -1) { perror("error bind failed"); close(sock_udp); fprintf(stderr, "(is another tunnel or socat process already running?)\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } DEBUG_PRINT("Listening on port %i...\n", port); // Find interface index from interface name and store index in // struct sockaddr_ll device, which will be used as an argument of sendto(). struct sockaddr_ll device; memset(&device, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll)); device.sll_family = AF_PACKET; device.sll_halen = 6; if((device.sll_ifindex = if_nametoindex(iface_out)) == 0) { perror("if_nametoindex() failed to obtain interface index "); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } DEBUG_PRINT("Index for interface %s is %i\n", iface_out, device.sll_ifindex); struct ifreq ifr; ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET; strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, iface_out, IFNAMSIZ-1); // get MAC address of iface_out if(ioctl(sock_raw_send, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0) { perror("ioctl() failed to get source MAC address "); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } uint8_t if_raw_mac[6]; memcpy(if_raw_mac, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6 * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(device.sll_addr, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6 * sizeof (uint8_t)); DEBUG_PRINT("MAC address for interface %s is ", iface_out); for(i=0; i<5; i++) { DEBUG_PRINT("%02x:", if_raw_mac[i]); } DEBUG_PRINT("%02x\n", if_raw_mac[5]); // get IP address address of iface_out if(ioctl(sock_raw_send, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) < 0) { perror("ioctl() failed to get interface IP address"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } struct in_addr if_raw_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr; printf("TUNIP=%s \n",inet_ntoa(if_raw_addr)); DEBUG_PRINT("Rewriting IP source address to %s\n", inet_ntoa(if_raw_addr)); // send gratuitous ARP DEBUG_PRINT("Sending gratuitous ARP to map "); for(i=0; i<5; i++) { DEBUG_PRINT("%02x:", if_raw_mac[i]); } DEBUG_PRINT("%02x to %s\n", if_raw_mac[5], inet_ntoa(if_raw_addr)); memset(arp, 0, sizeof(arp)); struct ethhdr *arp_ethhdr = (void *)arp; struct arp_hdr *arp_arphdr = (void *)arp + sizeof(struct ethhdr); arp_arphdr->htype = htons(1); arp_arphdr->ptype = htons(ETH_P_IP); arp_arphdr->hlen = 6; arp_arphdr->plen = 4; arp_arphdr->opcode = htons(2); // 1 = ARP request, 2 = ARP reply memcpy(arp_arphdr->sender_mac, if_raw_mac, 6 * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(arp_arphdr->sender_ip, &if_raw_addr.s_addr, 4 * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(arp_arphdr->target_mac, if_raw_mac, 6 * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(arp_arphdr->target_ip, &if_raw_addr.s_addr, 4 * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(arp_ethhdr->h_source, if_raw_mac, 6 * sizeof (uint8_t)); memset(arp_ethhdr->h_dest, 0xff, 6 * sizeof (uint8_t)); arp_ethhdr->h_proto = htons(ETH_P_ARP); int bytes_sent = sendto(sock_raw_recv, arp, sizeof(arp), 0,(struct sockaddr*)&device, sizeof(device)); if(bytes_sent != sizeof(arp)) { perror("sendto(arp) failed"); } struct sockaddr_in server,mapped; struct hostent *hostinfo; hostinfo = gethostbyname(stunserver); if (!hostinfo) { fprintf(stderr, "Error resolving host %s\n", stunserver); return -1; } memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server)); server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*) hostinfo->h_addr; server.sin_port = htons(stunport); int res = stun_request(sock_udp, &server, NULL, &mapped); if (!res && (mapped.sin_addr.s_addr != htonl(INADDR_ANY))) { printf("CONNECT=%s:",inet_ntoa(mapped.sin_addr)); printf("%d\n",htons(mapped.sin_port)); } DEBUG_PRINT("Sending \"OPEN!\" packet to remote host (for UDP hole punching)\n"); hostinfo = gethostbyname(rhost); if(!hostinfo) { fprintf(stderr, "Error resolving remote-host\n"); return -1; } memset(&udp_client_addr, 0, sizeof(udp_client_addr)); udp_client_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; udp_client_addr.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*) hostinfo->h_addr; udp_client_addr.sin_port = htons(rport); strcpy(buffer, "OPEN!"); sendto(sock_udp, buffer, 5, 0,(struct sockaddr*)&udp_client_addr, udp_client_addr_size); DEBUG_PRINT("Waiting for connection from remote host...\n"); recsize = recvfrom(sock_udp, (void *)buffer, BUFLEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&udp_client_addr, &udp_client_addr_size); if(recsize == -1) { perror("recv error"); close(sock_udp); close(sock_raw_recv); close(sock_raw_send); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } DEBUG_PRINT("Received packet from %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(udp_client_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(udp_client_addr.sin_port)); fd_set rset; FD_ZERO(&rset); maxfd = sock_raw_send; int eof_socket = 0; while(!eof_socket) { int res = -1; FD_SET(sock_udp, &rset); FD_SET(sock_raw_recv, &rset); FD_SET(sock_raw_send, &rset); int sock_fake; for(sock_fake = maxfd + 1; sock_fake <= maxfd; sock_fake++) { FD_SET(sock_fake, &rset); } res = select(maxfd + 1, &rset, 0, 0, 0); if(res < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "select failed!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(FD_ISSET(sock_raw_recv, &rset)) { slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); recsize = recvfrom(sock_raw_recv, (void *)buffer, BUFLEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&other_addr, &slen); if(recsize > 0) { struct ethhdr *eth = (struct ethhdr *)buffer; if(ntohs(eth->h_proto) == ETH_P_ARP) { struct arp_hdr *packet = (void *)buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr); if(ntohs(packet->opcode) == 1) // ARP request { /* printf("Received ARP request from RAW socket\n"); */ /* printf("target_ip: %s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&packet->target_ip)); */ if(0 == memcmp(&packet->target_ip, &if_raw_addr.s_addr, 4 * sizeof(uint8_t))) // our IP { DEBUG_PRINT("Received ARP request for our IP from RAW socket, replying...\n"); // send ARP reply back to the sender of the ARP request memcpy(arp_ethhdr->h_dest, packet->sender_mac, 6 * sizeof (uint8_t)); int bytes_sent = sendto(sock_raw_recv, arp, sizeof(arp), 0,(struct sockaddr*)&device, sizeof(device)); if(bytes_sent != sizeof(arp)) { perror("sendto(arp) failed"); } } } } else if(ntohs(eth->h_proto) == ETH_P_IP) { struct iphdr *packet = (void *)buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr); if(packet->daddr == if_raw_addr.s_addr) { DEBUG_PRINT("Received IP packet from RAW socket: "); DEBUG_PRINT("%s -> ", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&packet->saddr)); DEBUG_PRINT("%s\n", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&packet->daddr)); int skip = 0; if(packet->protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP) { struct icmphdr *data = (void *)buffer + sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct iphdr); if(data->type == ICMP_ECHOREPLY) { DEBUG_PRINT("Protocol: ICMP, echo reply, id: %x\n", data->un.echo.id); } else { DEBUG_PRINT("Protocol: ICMP, type: %d, code: %d\n", data->type, data->code); } } else if(packet->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) { struct tcphdr *data = (void *)packet + sizeof(struct iphdr); DEBUG_PRINT("Protocol: TCP, sport: %d, dport: %d\n", htons(data->source), htons(data->dest)); DEBUG_PRINT("If we had a TCP stack we'd have to feed this packet into it, but now we're skipping it.\n"); skip = 1; } else if(packet->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) { struct udphdr *data = (void *)packet + sizeof(struct iphdr); DEBUG_PRINT("Protocol: UDP, sport: %d, dport: %d\n", htons(data->source), htons(data->dest)); if(packet->saddr == udp_client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr) { if(htons(data->source) == rport && htons(data->dest) == port) { DEBUG_PRINT("Skipping packet, this is our own UDP tunnel!\n"); skip = 1; } } } else { DEBUG_PRINT("Unknown protocol: %d\n", packet->protocol); } if(skip == 0) { int bytes_sent = sendto(sock_udp, packet, recsize-sizeof(struct ethhdr), 0,(struct sockaddr*)&udp_client_addr, udp_client_addr_size); if(bytes_sent != recsize-sizeof(struct ethhdr)) { perror("sendto() failed"); DEBUG_PRINT("tried sending to %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(udp_client_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(udp_client_addr.sin_port)); hexDump("packet", packet, recsize-sizeof(struct ethhdr)); hexDump("udp_client_addr", &udp_client_addr, udp_client_addr_size); } } } } } } if(FD_ISSET(sock_udp, &rset)) { slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); recsize = recvfrom(sock_udp, (void *)buffer, BUFLEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&other_addr, &slen); if(recsize == 4 && strcmp(buffer, "EXIT") == 0) { eof_socket = 1; } else if(recsize > 0) { DEBUG_PRINT("Received packet from UDP socket\n"); struct iphdr *packet = (struct iphdr *)buffer; struct in_addr in_addr_source, in_addr_dest; in_addr_source.s_addr = packet->saddr; in_addr_dest.s_addr = packet->daddr; struct sockaddr_in dest_addr; dest_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; dest_addr.sin_addr = in_addr_dest; DEBUG_PRINT("saddr: %s ", inet_ntoa(in_addr_source)); DEBUG_PRINT("daddr: %s\n", inet_ntoa(in_addr_dest)); /* hexDump("buffer", &buffer, recsize); */ if(packet->protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP) { struct icmphdr *data = (void *)buffer + sizeof(struct iphdr); DEBUG_PRINT("Protocol: ICMP, id: %x\n", data->un.echo.id); if(-1 == sendto(sock_raw_send, buffer, recsize, 0,(struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, sizeof(dest_addr))) { perror("sendto() failed"); } } else if(packet->protocol == IPPROTO_TCP) { // TCP should be handled by the other tunnel endpoint via tun2socks and not actually be sent through the UDP tunnel... struct tcphdr *data = (void *)buffer + sizeof(struct iphdr); DEBUG_PRINT("Protocol: TCP, sport: %d, dport: %d - what is this packet doing here?\n", htons(data->source), htons(data->dest)); } else if(packet->protocol == IPPROTO_UDP) { struct udphdr *data = (void *)buffer + sizeof(struct iphdr); DEBUG_PRINT("Protocol: UDP, sport: %d, dport: %d\n", htons(data->source), htons(data->dest)); // open and bind a UDP socket on the source port so the kernel doesn't send ICMP unreachable packets int sock_fake_udp = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); struct sockaddr_in fake_addr; fake_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; fake_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; fake_addr.sin_port = data->source; if(-1 == bind_public(sock_fake_udp,(struct sockaddr *)&fake_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))) { perror("bind() failed"); } fd_udp_port[sock_fake_udp] = htons(data->dest); maxfd = sock_fake_udp; if(-1 == sendto(sock_raw_send, buffer, recsize, 0,(struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, sizeof(dest_addr))) { perror("sendto() failed"); } } else { if(-1 == sendto(sock_raw_send, buffer, recsize, 0,(struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, sizeof(dest_addr))) { perror("sendto() failed"); } } } else eof_socket = 1; } for(sock_fake = sock_raw_send + 1; sock_fake <= maxfd; sock_fake++) { if(FD_ISSET(sock_fake, &rset)) { slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); // just empty the socket's recv buffer and discard the data, // it is read and forwarded by the RAW socket sock_raw_recv recsize = recvfrom(sock_fake, (void *)buffer, BUFLEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&other_addr, &slen); } } } return(0); }
//------------------------------------------ void process_packet(u_char *useless, const struct pcap_pkthdr *pkthdr, const u_char *packet) { // Test to see if we've been told to stop processing packets, e.g. because of signal if (process_packets == false) { pcap_breakloop(pPCAPDescriptor); } // update stats ++(stats.packets_processed); // check packet capture size if (pkthdr->caplen < SIZE_ETHERNET) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Packet capture length was smaller than ethernet header"); return; } // declare pointers to packet headers const struct sniff_ethernet *ethernet; // The ethernet header [1] const struct sniff_ip *ip; // The IP header // define ethernet header ethernet = (struct sniff_ethernet *)(packet); // printf("\tMAC src: %s\n", ether_ntoa((const struct // ether_addr*)(ethernet->ether_shost))); // printf("\tMAC dst: %s\n", ether_ntoa((const struct // ether_addr*)(ethernet->ether_dhost))); switch (ntohs(ethernet->ether_type)) { case 0x0800: // IPv4 ++(stats.ipv4_packets); break; case 0x0806: // ARP ++(stats.arp_packets); return; break; case 0x86dd: // ipv6_packets ++(stats.ipv6_packets); return; break; case 0x888e: // 802.1x Auth Packets ++(stats.e02_auth_packets); return; break; default: ++(stats.other_packets); hexDump("Other Packet", (void*)packet, pkthdr->caplen); return; break; } // check packet capture size if (pkthdr->caplen < (sizeof(struct sniff_ip) + SIZE_ETHERNET)) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Packet capture length was smaller than ethernet and IP header"); return; } // define/compute ipv4 header offset ip = (struct sniff_ip *)(packet + SIZE_ETHERNET); int size_ip; size_ip = IP_HL(ip) * 4; if (size_ip < 20) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid IP header length: %u bytes\n", size_ip); return; } // calculate the 'key' based on the 5 tuple used for matching sessions // together uint32_t key = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)&(ip->ip_dst)) ^ ntohl(*(uint32_t *)&(ip->ip_src)); // determine protocol switch (ip->ip_p) { case IPPROTO_TCP: { ++(stats.ipv4_tcp_packets); struct sniff_tcp *tcp; tcp = (struct sniff_tcp *)(packet + SIZE_ETHERNET + size_ip); struct portmanteau_session_header *hdr; hdr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct portmanteau_session_header)); if (hdr != NULL) { // increment allocated memory stats stats.memory_allocated += sizeof(struct portmanteau_session_header); hdr->ip_src_adr = *(uint32_t *)&(ip->ip_src); // stored in network order hdr->ip_dst_adr = *(uint32_t *)&(ip->ip_dst); // stored in network order hdr->key = key; hdr->next_proto = ip->ip_p; hdr->packet_number = stats.packets_processed; hdr->src_port = ntohs(tcp->th_sport); // stored in host order hdr->dst_port = ntohs(tcp->th_dport); // stored in host order // examine port number to decide if client to server, etc // this is crudely based on the fact that ephemeral port numbers are usually larger if ((hdr->dst_port > hdr->src_port) && (hdr->dst_port >= EPHEMERAL_PORT_START)) { ++(stats.server_to_client); } if ((hdr->src_port > hdr->dst_port) && (hdr->src_port >= EPHEMERAL_PORT_START)) { ++(stats.client_to_server); } int size_tcp; u_char *payload; // Packet payload int size_payload; size_tcp = TH_OFF(tcp) * 4; if (size_tcp < 20) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid TCP header length: %u bytes\n", size_tcp); return; } // define/compute tcp payload (segment) offset payload = (u_char *)(tcp) + size_tcp; // compute tcp payload (segment) size size_payload = ntohs(ip->ip_len) - (size_ip + size_tcp); // printf("TCP payload size: %u\n", size_payload); hdr->payload_size = size_payload; if (size_payload > 0) { // allocate the memory, and store the packet hdr->payload = calloc(1, size_payload); if (hdr->payload != NULL) { stats.memory_allocated += hdr->payload_size; memcpy(hdr->payload, payload, hdr->payload_size); } } // analyse packet against fingerprints analyse(hdr); // after analysis, free the memory free(hdr->payload); stats.memory_allocated -= hdr->payload_size; free(hdr); stats.memory_allocated -= sizeof(struct portmanteau_session_header); } break; } case IPPROTO_UDP: ++(stats.ipv4_udp_packets); break; case IPPROTO_ICMP: ++(stats.ipv4_icmp_packets); break; case IPPROTO_IP: ++(stats.ipv4_ip_packets); break; case IPPROTO_IGMP: ++(stats.ipv4_igmp_packets); break; default: ++(stats.ipv4_other_packets); hexDump("IPv4 Other Packet", (void*)packet, pkthdr->caplen); break; } }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char**argv) { int i; int fd = 0; uint16_t trial = 0; char* portPath = NULL; char* rx_addressString = NULL; char* tx_addressString = NULL; printf("> Simple message listener for tea-bootloader compatible nodes\n"); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(argc == 4) { portPath = argv[1]; rx_addressString = argv[2]; sscanf(rx_addressString,"%X:%X:%X:%X:%X",rx_addressBuffer,rx_addressBuffer+1,rx_addressBuffer+2,rx_addressBuffer+3,rx_addressBuffer+4); tx_addressString = argv[3]; sscanf(tx_addressString,"%X:%X:%X:%X:%X",tx_addressBuffer,tx_addressBuffer+1,tx_addressBuffer+2,tx_addressBuffer+3,tx_addressBuffer+4); } else { printf("> Argument parsing error!\n"); printf("> Usage: [port path] [dongle RX address] [node RX address]\n"); printf("> Example: ./main /dev/tty.usbserial-A900cbrd 0xE7:0xE7:0xE7:0xE7:0x00 0xD7:0xD7:0xD7:0xD7:0xD7\n"); return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fd = serialport_init(portPath,115200,'n'); if(fd < 0) { printf("[err]: Connection error.\n"); return 0; } else { printf("> Conection OK.\n"); serialport_flush(fd); printf("> Serial port flush OK.\n"); if(loopbackTest(fd) != 0) { printf("> Loopback test failed!\r\n"); return 0; } else { uint8_t version = getVersion(fd); printf("> Dongle version: %d.%d\r\n",(version>>4),(version&0x0F)); } } printf("> Setting the TX address ...\n"); setTXAddress(fd,tx_addressBuffer); printf("> Setting the RX address ...\n"); setRXAddress(fd,rx_addressBuffer); while(1) { uint8_t thisBuffer[1024]; char sendBuffer[256]; uint8_t len; int temp; float realval; if(getRxFifoCount(fd)) { len = getRxFifoCount(fd); printf("> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("> New message!\n"); printf("> Length: %d\n",len); pullDataFromFifo(fd,len,thisBuffer); hexDump("> Dump",thisBuffer,len); temp = (thisBuffer[0]<<8)+thisBuffer[1]; realval = ((float)temp * 1100.0) / 1024.0; realval -= 500; realval /= 10.0; printf("> Raw: %d\n",temp); printf("> Readout: %f\n",realval); sprintf(sendBuffer,"./phant_client.rb %f",realval); system(sendBuffer); printf("> Phant.io send process done.\n"); } } }
static BOOL initCrypt() { BYTE buffer[ 1024 ]; DWORD size, flags; if ( ! CryptAcquireContext( &provider, NULL, NULL, ProvType, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptAcquireContext() failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( FALSE ); } if ( ! CryptGenKey( provider, XchgKeyType, XchgKeyFlags, &xchgKey ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptGenKey() failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( FALSE ); } for( flags = CRYPT_FIRST; ; flags = CRYPT_NEXT ) { PROV_ENUMALGS_EX *info = (PROV_ENUMALGS_EX *)buffer; size = sizeof( buffer ); if ( ! CryptGetProvParam( provider, PP_ENUMALGS_EX, buffer, &size, flags ) ) { DWORD status = GetLastError(); if ( status == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) break; fprintf( stderr, "CryptGetProvParam() failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( FALSE ); } switch( info->aiAlgid ) { case CALG_RSA_KEYX : rsaMaxKey = max( rsaMaxKey, info->dwMaxLen ); break; case CALG_AES_128 : case CALG_AES_192 : case CALG_AES_256 : aesMaxKey = max( aesMaxKey, info->dwMaxLen ); break; } } if ( verbose ) { struct pkb { PUBLICKEYSTRUC hdr; RSAPUBKEY rsa; BYTE mod[1]; } *rsaKey= (struct pkb *)buffer; printf( "RSA Max Key Length: %d\n", rsaMaxKey ); printf( "AES Max Key Length: %d\n", aesMaxKey ); if ( ! CryptExportKey( xchgKey, 0, PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, NULL, &size ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptExportKey() [1] failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( FALSE ); } if ( size > sizeof( buffer ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptExportKey() requires %d bytes\n", size ); return( FALSE ); } size = sizeof( buffer ); if ( ! CryptExportKey( xchgKey, 0, PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, (BYTE *)rsaKey, &size ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptExportKey() [2] failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( FALSE ); } printf( "Xchg Exp: %d\n", rsaKey->rsa.pubexp ); printf( "Xchg Mod: \n" ); hexDump( rsaKey->rsa.bitlen / 8, rsaKey->mod ); } if ( rsaMaxKey < 1024 || aesMaxKey < 128 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid minimum key length\n" ); return( FALSE ); } return( TRUE ); }
static BOOL decodeSK( BOOL aes256, DWORD keylen, BYTE *keybuf ) { BYTE buffer[ 1024 ]; DWORD i, size, length; struct skb { PUBLICKEYSTRUC hdr; ALG_ID algId; BYTE key[1]; } *expKey = (struct skb *)buffer; struct ptkb { PUBLICKEYSTRUC hdr; DWORD keysize; BYTE key[1]; } *txtKey = (struct ptkb *)buffer; length = (expKey->key - buffer) + keylen; if ( length > sizeof( buffer ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptImportKey() requires %d bytes\n", length ); return( FALSE ); } expKey->hdr.bType = SIMPLEBLOB; expKey->hdr.bVersion = CUR_BLOB_VERSION; expKey->hdr.reserved = 0; expKey->hdr.aiKeyAlg = aes256 ? SessKey256 : SessKey128; expKey->algId = XchgKeyType; /* ** NOTE: it appears that the encoded key is byte swapped compared ** to external standards. There is a cryptic reference to a ** ReverseMemCopy() function in the RSA/SChannel server master ** key creation example. Also, the internal RSA modulus is ** byte swapped compared to the X509 encoding. This swap is ** required to interoperate with JavaSSE. */ for( i = 0; i < keylen; i++ ) expKey->key[i] = keybuf[ keylen - i - 1 ]; if ( ! CryptImportKey( provider, (BYTE *)expKey, length, xchgKey, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &sessKey ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptImportKey() failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( FALSE ); } if ( ! CryptSetKeyParam( sessKey, KP_MODE, (BYTE *)&sessKeyMode, 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptSetKeyParam() MODE failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( 0 ); } if ( ! CryptSetKeyParam( sessKey, KP_PADDING, (BYTE *)&sessKeyPadding, 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptSetKeyParam() PADDING failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( 0 ); } if ( sessKeyMode == CRYPT_MODE_CBC ) { size = sizeof( length ); if ( ! CryptGetKeyParam( sessKey, KP_BLOCKLEN, (BYTE *)&length, &size, 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptGetKeyParam() BLOCKLEN failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); exit( 1 ); } length /= 8; /* Bits -> bytes */ for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) buffer[i] = 0; if ( ! CryptSetKeyParam( sessKey, KP_IV, buffer, 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptSetKeyParam() PADDING failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( 0 ); } } if ( verbose ) { if ( ! CryptExportKey( sessKey, 0, PLAINTEXTKEYBLOB, 0, NULL, &size ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptExportKey() [1] failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( FALSE ); } if ( size > sizeof( buffer ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptExportKey() requires %d bytes\n", size ); return( FALSE ); } length = sizeof( buffer ); if ( ! CryptExportKey( sessKey, 0, PLAINTEXTKEYBLOB, 0, (BYTE *)txtKey, &length ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "CryptExportKey() [2] failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); return( FALSE ); } printf( "Sess Key: \n" ); hexDump( txtKey->keysize, txtKey->key ); keyInfo( sessKey ); } return( TRUE ); }
static void handleCommands(machine_6502 *machine, Bit16 *breaks, int *bpi){ int c; Bit16 start; Bit16 end; Bit16 numbytes; Bool hasSecond; fprintf(stdout,"- "); c = getchar(); switch(c){ case 'a': { int max = 255; char *filename = calloc(max,sizeof(char)); FILE *out; if (filename){ getfilename(filename,max); if (filename[0]){ out = fopen(filename, "w"); if (out != NULL){ disassemble(machine,out); fclose(out); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Could not open file: %s",filename); } } free(filename); } else{ fprintf(stderr,"Could note get memory for the file name.\n"); } } return; case 'b': /* set a break point */ { Bit16 bp; if (*bpi == MAX_BREAK) fprintf(stderr,"To many break points.\n"); else{ bp = getAddress(&hasSecond); breaks[(*bpi)++] = bp; } } return; case 'c':{ getchar(); /* eat the return */ while(1){ int i = 0; while(i < *bpi){ if (machine->regPC == breaks[i++]) return; } next_eval(machine,2); trace(machine, stdout); if (!machine->codeRunning) return; } } case 'n': getchar(); /* eat the return */ next_eval(machine,2); trace(machine, stdout); return; case 'd': /* dump the memory address */ start = getAddress(&hasSecond); if (hasSecond){ end = getAddress(&hasSecond); numbytes = abs(start - end); if (hasSecond){ fprintf(stderr,"Only a starting and ending address are allowed.\n"); } } else{ numbytes = 80; } hexDump(machine,start,numbytes,stdout); break; case 'p': /* save the program to a file */ { fprintf(stderr,"Disabled for now\n"); /* int max = 255; */ /* char *filename = calloc(max,sizeof(char)); */ /* if (filename){ */ /* getfilename(filename,max); */ /* if (filename[0]){ */ /* save_program(machine,filename); */ /* } */ /* free(filename); */ /* } */ /* else { */ /* fprintf(stderr,"Could not get memory for the file name\n"); */ /* } */ } break; case 'q': exit(0); break; case '?': help(); getchar(); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Invalid command %c\n",c); help(); } }
int larp_reply_pkt(struct arphdr *ar_hdr, struct sockaddr_ll *recv_addr) { int send_sockfd; int i, send_bytes, frame_length; uint32_t ipaddr_n32; //char ipaddr_p[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; /* to print IP address in presentation format */ struct sockaddr_ll send_addr; struct arphdr send_arhdr; /* standard ARP header fields */ struct tlv_type_len type_len; /* variable of type-len struct */ struct label_stack *l_stack = (struct label_stack *) malloc(label_count * sizeof(struct label_stack)); /* For label stack */ struct attr_tlv a_tlv; /* For Attributes TLV */ char if_name[IFNAMSIZ]; uint32_t metric_val; unsigned char *s_haddr = allocate_ustrmem (6); /*create a RAW PF_PACKET socket for sending out the reply*/ send_sockfd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ARP)); if (send_sockfd < 0) { /* socket function returns negative value on error */ printf("Sending socket creation failed\n"); exit(1); } uint8_t *buffer = allocate_ustrmem (IP_MAXPACKET); /* Making the buffer all zeros */ memset(buffer, 0, ETH_FRAME_LEN); /* Get the local interface MAC address based on the received interface index*/ get_mac (recv_addr->sll_ifindex, s_haddr); /*zeroing out the struct sockaddr_ll structure*/ memset(&send_addr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll)); /* Fill in the values for struct sockaddr_ll structure*/ send_addr.sll_family = PF_PACKET; send_addr.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ARP); send_addr.sll_ifindex = recv_addr->sll_ifindex; send_addr.sll_halen = ETH_ALEN; /*6 bytes for Mac address */ /* filling target MAC address from source MAC field of received LARP req */ send_addr.sll_addr[0] = ar_hdr->ar_sha[0]; send_addr.sll_addr[1] = ar_hdr->ar_sha[1]; send_addr.sll_addr[2] = ar_hdr->ar_sha[2]; send_addr.sll_addr[3] = ar_hdr->ar_sha[3]; send_addr.sll_addr[4] = ar_hdr->ar_sha[4]; send_addr.sll_addr[5] = ar_hdr->ar_sha[5]; /* Not used */ send_addr.sll_addr[6] = 0x00; send_addr.sll_addr[7] = 0x00; #if 0 for (i=0; i<5; i++) printf("%02x:", s_haddr[i]); printf("%02x\n", s_haddr[i]); #endif /* Start filling the buffer starting with Ethernet header */ /* Fill in ethernet header*/ memcpy(buffer, ar_hdr->ar_sha, ETH_ALEN * sizeof(uint8_t)); /* destination MAC*/ memcpy(buffer + ETH_ALEN, s_haddr, ETH_ALEN * sizeof(uint8_t)); /* source MAC */ /* Fill ETH_TYPE = ETH_P_ARP for ARP */ buffer[12] = ETH_P_ARP / 256; buffer[13] = ETH_P_ARP % 256; /*Fill in ARP header fileds */ send_arhdr.ar_htype = htons(ARPHRD_LARP); send_arhdr.ar_ptype = htons(ETH_P_IP); /* code for IPV6 can be added as needed*/ send_arhdr.ar_hln = ETH_ALEN; send_arhdr.ar_pln = IP_ADDR_SIZE; send_arhdr.ar_op = htons(LARP_REPLY_OP); /* LARP reply = 2 */ /* source and destination MAC address */ memcpy(&send_arhdr.ar_sha, s_haddr, ETH_ALEN * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&send_arhdr.ar_tha, ar_hdr->ar_sha, ETH_ALEN * sizeof(uint8_t)); /* Source and destination IP filled using received LARP request */ memcpy(&send_arhdr.ar_sip, ar_hdr->ar_tip, IP_ADDR_SIZE * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(&send_arhdr.ar_tip, ar_hdr->ar_sip, IP_ADDR_SIZE * sizeof(uint8_t)); /* Copying ARP header to sending packet buffer */ memcpy(buffer + ETH_HDR_SIZE, &send_arhdr, sizeof(struct arphdr)); /*Fill in type, length and label for TLV_LST */ fill_type_label_stack(&type_len, l_stack, ar_hdr->ar_tip); /* copy the tlv TLV_LST struct to sending buffer */ memcpy(buffer + ETH_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE, &type_len, TYPE_LEN_SIZE); memcpy(buffer + ETH_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE + TYPE_LEN_SIZE, l_stack, label_count * LABEL_STACK_SIZE); /*Add Attribute TLV to sending buffer only if it is enabled */ if(attr_tlv_flag) { /* zero the type_len struct so that now the new values can be held for attr_tlv*/ memset (&type_len, 0, TYPE_LEN_SIZE); /* Fill in struct values for attributes TLV */ fill_type_attribute_tlv(&type_len, &a_tlv, ar_hdr->ar_tip); /* Copy the ATTR_TLV struct to the sending buffer */ memcpy(buffer + ETH_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE + TYPE_LEN_SIZE + label_count * LABEL_STACK_SIZE, &type_len, TYPE_LEN_SIZE); memcpy(buffer + ETH_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE + TYPE_LEN_SIZE + label_count * LABEL_STACK_SIZE + TYPE_LEN_SIZE, &a_tlv, ATTR_TLV_SIZE); } /* Frame length = Ethernet header + ARP header + type_len + label_stack */ frame_length = ETH_HDR_SIZE + ARP_HDR_SIZE + TYPE_LEN_SIZE + label_count * LABEL_STACK_SIZE + attr_tlv_flag * (TYPE_LEN_SIZE + ATTR_TLV_SIZE); /* sending the filled packet buffer using sendto*/ send_bytes = sendto(send_sockfd, buffer, frame_length, 0, (SA *) &send_addr, sizeof(send_addr)); if(send_bytes <= 0) { /* Return value: 0 is no bytes sent and negative is error */ perror("Sendto() for LARP reply failed\n"); exit (1); } get_interface_name (send_addr.sll_ifindex, if_name); printf("Sent LARP reply to %u.%u.%u.%u for target %u.%u.%u.%u on interface: %s with label(s): ", send_arhdr.ar_tip[0], send_arhdr.ar_tip[1], send_arhdr.ar_tip[2], send_arhdr.ar_tip[3], send_arhdr.ar_sip[0], send_arhdr.ar_sip[1], send_arhdr.ar_sip[2], send_arhdr.ar_sip[3],if_name); u32fromu8(send_arhdr.ar_sip, &ipaddr_n32); uint32_t *label_stk = (uint32_t *) calloc (0, label_count * sizeof(uint32_t)); memcpy(label_stk, find_label(ipaddr_n32), label_count * sizeof(uint32_t)); print_label_stack(label_stk); metric_val = find_metric(ipaddr_n32); if (metric_val != 0) printf("and with metric: %u\n", find_metric(ipaddr_n32)); else printf("and with no ATTR_TLV.\n"); if (hex_dump_flag) /* print hex_dump of packet if flag enabled */ hexDump (ntohs(send_arhdr.ar_op), buffer+14 , frame_length - 14); /* freeing dynamically allocated memory */ free (label_stk); free(s_haddr); free(l_stack); }
extern int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *filename_cstr = "test.aaf"; #ifndef _MSC_VER setlocale (LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8"); #endif if (argc >= 2) { filename_cstr = argv[1]; } // convert C str to wide string aafWChar filename[FILENAME_MAX]; size_t status = mbstowcs(filename, filename_cstr, sizeof(filename)); if (status == (size_t)-1) { fprintf(stderr, "mbstowcs failed for \"%s\"\n", filename_cstr); return 1; } remove(filename_cstr); IAAFFile *pFile = NULL; int mode = 0; aafProductIdentification_t productID; aafProductVersion_t TestVersion = {1, 1, 0, 0, kAAFVersionUnknown}; productID.companyName = (aafCharacter*)L"HSC"; productID.productName = (aafCharacter*)L"String Tester"; productID.productVersion = &TestVersion; productID.productVersionString = NULL; productID.productID = TestProductID; productID.platform = (aafCharacter*)L"Linux"; // Create new AAF file check(AAFFileOpenNewModify(filename, mode, &productID, &pFile)); // Create a simple Mob IAAFClassDef *classDef = NULL; IAAFMob *pMob = NULL; IAAFHeader *pHeader = NULL; IAAFDictionary *pDictionary = NULL; check(pFile->GetHeader(&pHeader)); check(pHeader->GetDictionary(&pDictionary)); check(pDictionary->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFMasterMob, &classDef)); check(classDef->CreateInstance(IID_IAAFMob, (IUnknown **)&pMob)); classDef->Release(); check(pMob->SetMobID(TEST_MobID)); // UTF-8 for codepoint U+1D11E (musical G Clef): 0xf0,0x9d,0x84,0x9e // UTF-8 for codepoint U+1D122 (musical F Clef): 0xf0,0x9d,0x84,0xa2 // http://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1D100.pdf // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 aafCharacter *mobname; const unsigned char inputStr[] = { 0xf0,0x9d,0x84,0x9e, // U+1D11E 0xf0,0x9d,0x84,0xa2, // U+1D122 0x4d, 0x6f, 0x62, // 'M' 'o' 'b' 0x0 }; // Convert UTF-8 inputStr to native wchar_t representation (UTF-32 Unix, UTF-16 Windows) int wlen = 0, n; #ifndef _MSC_VER int ret; char *p = (char *)inputStr; while ((ret = mblen(p, 4)) > 0) { ++wlen; p+=ret; } mobname = new aafCharacter[wlen+1]; n = mbstowcs(mobname, (const char *)inputStr, wlen+1); if (n == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "mbstowcs returned -1. Invalid multibyte string\n"); exit(1); } #else // Under Windows we must use MultiByteToWideChar() to get correct UTF-8 conversion to UTF-16 // since mbstowcs() is broken for UTF-8. wlen = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, (LPCSTR)inputStr, -1, NULL, 0); if (wlen == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "MultiByteToWideChar returned 0. Invalid multibyte string\n"); exit(1); } mobname = new aafCharacter[wlen]; n = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, (LPCSTR)inputStr, -1, mobname, wlen); if (n == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "MultiByteToWideChar returned 0. Invalid multibyte string\n"); exit(1); } #endif // SetName() calls OMSimpleProperty::set() which does a memcpy of the mobname string // to an OMByte* variable 'bits()' at OMProperty.cpp:399 // Found by setting an rwatch on mobname address. check(pMob->SetName(mobname)); aafUInt32 size_before = 0; check(pMob->GetNameBufLen(&size_before)); check(pHeader->AddMob(pMob)); pMob->Release(); pHeader->Release(); pDictionary->Release(); // All the work of storing to disk happens during Save() // The bits() variable is next read in OMType::contract() at OMType.cpp:137 // which is called by ImplAAFTypeDefCharacter::externalize() at ImplAAFTypeDefCharacter.cpp:307 // which is called by ImplAAFTypeDefString::externalize() at ImplAAFTypeDefString.cpp:584 // which is called by OMSSStoredObject::save() at OMSSStoredObject.cpp:382 check(pFile->Save()); check(pFile->Close()); pFile->Release(); // OMCharacterStringProperty<CharacterType>::stringLength() at OMVariableSizePropertyT.h:80 // calculates string length of AAF string properties // Read AAF file back in check(AAFFileOpenExistingRead(filename, mode, &pFile)); // Get the Mob check(pFile->GetHeader(&pHeader)); check(pHeader->LookupMob(TEST_MobID, &pMob)); aafUInt32 size_after = 0; check(pMob->GetNameBufLen(&size_after)); aafCharacter *mobname_after = new aafCharacter[size_after]; check(pMob->GetName(mobname_after, size_after)); // Compare Mob name before storing to disk with Mob name read back from disk int test_result = 0; if (size_before != size_after) { printf("size_before=%d != size_after=%d\n", size_before, size_after); test_result = 1; } else { if (memcmp(mobname, mobname_after, size_before) != 0) { printf("wchar_t* mobname and wchar_t* mobname_after differ:\n"); printf(" %s\n", hexDump(mobname, size_before)); printf(" %s\n", hexDump(mobname_after, size_after)); test_result = 1; } } // Check if the multibyte (UTF-8) versions of mobname and mobname_after match. char *outputStr; #ifndef _MSC_VER wlen = wcslen(mobname_after)*sizeof(aafCharacter) + 1; outputStr = new char [wlen]; n = wcstombs (outputStr, mobname_after, wlen); if (n == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not convert mobname_after to multibyte str\n"); exit(1); } #else wlen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, mobname_after, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (wlen == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to convert mobname_after to multibyte string\n"); exit(1); } outputStr = new char[wlen]; wlen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, mobname_after, -1, outputStr, wlen, NULL, NULL); #endif if (strlen((char *)inputStr) != strlen(outputStr)) { fprintf(stderr, "UTF-8 version of string: input length(%d) != output length(%d)\n", (int)strlen((char *)inputStr), (int)strlen(outputStr)); test_result = 1; } if (strcmp((char *)inputStr, outputStr) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "UTF-8 version of string: input and output strings differ\n"); printf(" %s\n", hexDump(inputStr, strlen((char *)inputStr))); printf(" %s\n", hexDump(outputStr, strlen(outputStr))); test_result = 1; } pMob->Release(); pHeader->Release(); check(pFile->Close()); pFile->Release(); delete [] mobname; delete [] mobname_after; return test_result; }
int main(int argc , char* argv[]){ if (argc < 5){ printf("usage:\n"); printf(" ./%s <tunsrc> <tunsrc ip>" "<tundst> <tundst ip>\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } char tun_name[IFNAMSIZ]; char ERRBUF[LIBNET_ERRBUF_SIZE]; int nread; /* Connect to the device */ strcpy(tun_name, argv[1]); int tun_src_fd = tun_alloc(tun_name, IFF_TUN|IFF_NO_PI); strcpy(tun_name, argv[3]); int tun_dst_fd = tun_alloc(tun_name, IFF_TUN|IFF_NO_PI); char* src_tun_ip = argv[2]; char* dst_tun_ip = argv[4]; libnet_t* libnet = libnet_init(LIBNET_LINK_ADV, "wlan1", ERRBUF ); printf("binded to src %s - %s\n", argv[1], src_tun_ip); printf("binded to dst %s - %s\n", argv[3], dst_tun_ip); if(tun_src_fd < 0 || tun_dst_fd < 0){ perror("Allocating interface"); exit(1); } char buffer[1500]; int ethLayerSize = 0; //int ethLayerSize = ETHER_H_SIZE; int ipLayerSize = ethLayerSize + IP4_H_SIZE; int maxfd = MAX(tun_src_fd, tun_dst_fd); int rawfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_UDP); int rawipfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_UDP); if (rawfd < 0){ perror("raw socket"); exit(2); } int one = 1; const int* val = &one; if(setsockopt(rawfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, val, sizeof(one)) < 0){ perror("setsockopt()"); exit(2); } while(1) { #if 1 fd_set fdset; FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(tun_src_fd, &fdset); FD_SET(tun_dst_fd, &fdset); int ret = select(maxfd+1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ret<0){ perror("select"); exit(2); } if (FD_ISSET(tun_src_fd, &fdset)){ nread = sread(tun_src_fd,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); printf("src tun read %d bytes from \n", nread); if (nread >= ipLayerSize){ ip_h* ip = (ip_h*)(buffer+ethLayerSize); //if (ip->protocol != 1){ // printf("ignoring\n"); // goto next; //} //setDstHw(buffer, hwLoc); //setSrcHw(buffer, hwTap2); //setSrcIp(buffer+ethLayerSize, ""); setSrcIp(buffer+ethLayerSize, ""); setDstIp(buffer+ethLayerSize, ""); updateIPChecksum(buffer + ethLayerSize); sendEth(hwWlan, hwLaptop, (uint8_t*)buffer + ethLayerSize, nread, libnet); //swrite(tun_src_fd, buffer, nread); //sendToKernal(rawipfd, "", buffer + ethLayerSize + ipLayerSize, // nread - (ethLayerSize + ipLayerSize)); }else{ printf("unknown packet\n"); } } if (FD_ISSET(tun_dst_fd, &fdset)){ nread = sread(tun_dst_fd,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); printf("DST tun read %d bytes\n", nread); if (nread >= ipLayerSize){ //setDstHw(buffer, hwLoc); //setSrcHw(buffer, hwTap1); setSrcIp(buffer+ethLayerSize, ""); setDstIp(buffer+ethLayerSize, ""); updateIPChecksum(buffer + ethLayerSize); //swrite(tun_src_fd, buffer, nread); swrite(tun_dst_fd, buffer, nread); }else{ printf("unknown packet\n"); } } continue; // DONE; #endif nread = sread(tun_src_fd,buffer,sizeof(buffer)); hexDump(buffer, nread); printf("Read %d bytes from device %s\n", nread, tun_name); if (nread >= ethLayerSize){ ether_h *eth = (ether_h*) (buffer); if (nread >= ipLayerSize){ ip_h* ip = (ip_h*)(buffer+ethLayerSize); struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = ip->srcIp; printf("src ip: %s\n", inet_ntoa(addr)); switch((ip->protocol)){ case 1: // icmp printf("icmp"); break; case 6: // tcp printf("tcp"); break; default: printf("unknown (%x)", ip->protocol); break; } setSrcIp(buffer+ethLayerSize, dst_tun_ip); setDstIp(buffer+ethLayerSize, ""); //sendToKernal(rawfd, buffer, nread); // swap ip's here } } printf("\n"); } return 0; }
size_t parsePdfObj( size_t startPos, uint8_t *buf, size_t endPos, int dataType, struct pdfObject *curObjPtr ) { size_t curPos = startPos, bufOffset = 0, sPos; uint8_t tmpByte = 0, status = 0, *destBuf; int offset = 0, objNum = 0, objRev = 0, count = 0, getNum = 0, i; char tmpStr[1024]; char tmpBuf[4096]; struct pdfObject *tmpObjPtr; /* * parse this object */ if ( config->verbose ) printf( ">> %lu/%lu [%s]\n", startPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); /* * loop until we are at the end */ while ( curPos < endPos ) { if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_NONE ) { #ifdef DEBUG if ( config->debug >= 5 ) hexDump( curPos, buf+curPos, 64 ); #endif if ( buf[curPos] EQ ' ' | buf[curPos] EQ '\r' | buf[curPos] EQ '\n' | buf[curPos] EQ '\t' ) { /* white space */ curPos++; } else if ( buf[curPos] EQ '<' ) { if ( buf[curPos+1] EQ '<' ) { /* dictionary */ curPos+=2; if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY, curObjPtr ); } else { /* hex string */ curPos++; if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_HEXSTRING; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_HEXSTRING, curObjPtr ); } } else if ( buf[curPos] EQ '(' ) { /* string */ curPos++; if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_STRING; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_STRING, curObjPtr ); } else if ( buf[curPos] EQ '/' ) { /* label */ curPos++; if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_NAME; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_NAME, curObjPtr ); } else if ( buf[curPos] EQ '[' ) { /* array */ curPos++; if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_ARRAY; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_ARRAY, curObjPtr ); } else if ( sscanf( buf+curPos, "%d %d %n%s", &objNum, &objRev, &offset, tmpStr ) EQ 3 ) { /* named object */ if ( strncmp( tmpStr, "obj", 3 ) EQ 0 ) { printf( "Object: %d %d\n", objNum, objRev ); curPos += ( offset + 3 ); if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_OBJECT; curObjPtr->num = objNum; curObjPtr->gen = objRev; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_OBJECT, curObjPtr ); } else if ( tmpStr[0] EQ 'R' ) { printf( "ObjRef: %d %d\n", objNum, objRev ); curPos += ( offset + 1 ); if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_REFERENCE; curObjPtr->num = objNum; curObjPtr->gen = objRev; curObjPtr = curObjPtr->parent; /* once we have loaded all objects, we will link all references to their real objects */ } else { if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_INTNUM; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_INTNUM, curObjPtr ); } } else if ( isdigit( buf[curPos] ) || ( buf[curPos] EQ '-' ) || ( buf[curPos] EQ '+' ) ) { /* number */ if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_INTNUM; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_INTNUM, curObjPtr ); } else if ( ( buf[curPos] EQ 't' ) || ( buf[curPos] EQ 'f' ) ) { /* boolean number */ if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_BOOL; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_BOOL, curObjPtr ); } else if ( buf[curPos] EQ '%' ) { /* comment */ curPos++; /* check if this is EOF */ if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "%EOF\n", 5 ) EQ 0 ) { curPos += 5; printf( "EOF\n" ); curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_EOF; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_EOF, curObjPtr ); } else { if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_COMMENT; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_COMMENT, curObjPtr ); } } else if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "stream", 6 ) EQ 0 ) { /* stream */ curPos += 6; if ( buf[curPos] EQ '\r' ) curPos++; if ( buf[curPos] EQ '\n' ) curPos++; if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_STREAM; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_STREAM, curObjPtr ); } else if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "obj", 3 ) EQ 0 ) { /* object */ curPos += 3; if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_OBJECT; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_OBJECT, curObjPtr ); } else if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "xref", 4 ) EQ 0 ) { /* start of footer */ curPos += 4; if ( ( curObjPtr = insertPdfObject( curObjPtr ) ) EQ NULL ) { return FAILED; } curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_FOOTER; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_FOOTER, curObjPtr ); } else if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "startxref", 9 ) EQ 0 ) { curPos += 9; curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_NONE, curObjPtr ); } else if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "endobj", 6 ) EQ 0 ) { return( curPos ); } else if ( buf[curPos] EQ ']' ) { return( curPos ); } else if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, ">>", 2 ) EQ 0 ) { return( curPos ); } else if ( buf[curPos] EQ '>' ) { return( curPos ); } else { if ( isprint( buf[curPos] ) ) printf( "%c", buf[curPos] ); else printf( "." ); curPos++; } } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_EOF ) { /* all data after EOF is suspect */ if ( config->write ) { writeStream( curPos, buf+curPos, endPos - curPos ); } else hexDump( curPos, buf+curPos, endPos - curPos ); curPos = endPos; } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_REALNUM ) { /* 3.4 = realNum */ sPos = curPos; if ( ( buf[curPos] EQ '-' ) || ( buf[curPos] EQ '+' ) ) { tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = buf[curPos]; curPos++; } while( isdigit( buf[curPos] ) || buf[curPos] EQ '.' ) { tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = buf[curPos]; curPos++; } tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = '\0'; printf( "Real Number: %s\n", safePrint( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), tmpStr ) ); if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_INTNUM ) { /* 343 = intNum */ sPos = curPos; if ( ( buf[curPos] EQ '-' ) || ( buf[curPos] EQ '+' ) ) curPos++; while( ( isdigit( buf[curPos] ) ) || ( buf[curPos] EQ '.' ) ) { if ( buf[curPos] EQ '.' ) { curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_REALNUM; return parsePdfObj( sPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_REALNUM, curObjPtr ); } curPos++; } printf( "Integer: %d\n", atoi( buf+sPos ) ); if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_BOOL ) { /* true | false = bool */ if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "true", 4 ) EQ 0 ) { /* true */ printf( "Boolean: true\n" ); curPos += 4; } else if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "false", 5 ) EQ 0 ) { /* false */ printf( "Boolean: false\n" ); curPos += 5; } else curPos++; if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_EOL ) { /* \n\r | \n | \n\r\n\r = EOL */ while( ( buf[curPos] EQ '\n' ) || ( buf[curPos] EQ '\r' ) ) { curPos++; } if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_COMMENT ) { /* % ... EOL = comment */ sPos = curPos; while( ( buf[curPos] != '\r' ) && ( buf[curPos] != '\n' ) ) { tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = buf[curPos]; curPos++; } tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = '\0'; printf( "Comment: %s\n", safePrint( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), tmpStr ) ); if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_NAME ) { /* / ... = name */ sPos = curPos; while( ( buf[curPos] != '\r' ) && ( buf[curPos] != '\n' ) && ( buf[curPos] != ' ' ) && ( buf[curPos] != '[' ) && ( buf[curPos] != '<' ) && ( buf[curPos] != '/' ) && ( buf[curPos] != '(' ) && ( buf[curPos] != '>' ) && ( buf[curPos] != ']' ) && ( buf[curPos] != ')' ) ) { /* process label */ tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = buf[curPos]; curPos++; } tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = '\0'; printf( "Name: %s\n", safePrint( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), tmpStr ) ); if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_STRING ) { /* ( ... ) = literalString */ /* XXX add octal notation '\000' */ /* XXX handle escaped characters */ while( buf[curPos] EQ ' ' ) { curPos++; } sPos = curPos; if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "254 255", 7 ) EQ 0 ) { curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_UTFSTRING; return parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_UTFSTRING, curObjPtr ); } else if ( ( buf[curPos] EQ 'D' ) && ( buf[curPos+1] EQ ':' ) ) { curObjPtr->type = PDF_TYPE_DATESTRING; return parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_DATESTRING, curObjPtr ); } while( buf[curPos] != ')' ) { tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = buf[curPos]; curPos++; } tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = '\0'; printf( "String: %s\n", safePrint( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), tmpStr ) ); if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos + 1 ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_UTFSTRING ) { /* ( 254 255 ... ) = utf encoded literal string */ while( sscanf( buf+curPos, "%u%n", (unsigned int *)&tmpByte, &offset ) EQ 1 ) { curPos += offset; if ( buf[curPos] EQ ' ' ) { curPos++; } } while( buf[curPos] != ')' ) { curPos++; } curPos++; if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_DATESTRING ) { sPos = curPos; /* (D:YYYYMMDDHHmmSSOHH'mm') = date encoded literal string */ while( buf[curPos] != ')' ) { tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = buf[curPos]; curPos++; } curPos++; tmpStr[curPos-sPos] = '\0'; printf( "Date String: %s\n", safePrint( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), tmpStr ) ); if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_HEXSTRING ) { /* < ... > = hexString */ count = 0; sPos = curPos; while( buf[curPos] != '>' ) { if ( isxdigit( buf[curPos] ) ) tmpStr[count++] = buf[curPos]; curPos++; } /* append a zero is the string length is odd */ if ( !( count % 2 ) EQ 0 ) { tmpStr[count++] = '0'; } tmpStr[count] = '\0'; curPos++; printf( "HEX String: %s\n", safePrint( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), tmpStr ) ); for( i = 0, offset = 0; i < count; i += 2 ) { tmpStr[offset++] = xtoi( tmpStr+i, 2 ); } hexDump( 0, tmpStr, offset ); printf( "HEX String: %s\n", safePrint( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), tmpStr ) ); if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_UTFHEXSTRING ) { /* < fe ff ... > = utf encoded hex string */ sPos = curPos; } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_ARRAY ) { /* [ ... ] = array NOTE can be an array of any n objects */ while( buf[curPos] != ']' ) { curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_NONE, curObjPtr ); } curPos++; if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_DICTIONARY ) { /* << /Kids [ 1 0 R 1 0 R ] = name tree */ /* /Names [ (key1) 1 0 R (key2) 2 0 R ] */ /* /Limits [ (firstKey) (lastKey) ] */ /* << name ... >> = dictionary where key is a name and value can be any object */ /* XXX organize into name, value pairs */ while( strncmp( buf+curPos, ">>", 2 ) != 0 ) { curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_NONE, curObjPtr ); } curPos += 2; if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_OBJECT ) { /* 3 0 obj ... endobj = turns any object into an indirect (referencable) object */ /* 3 = objNum, 0 = objRev */ while ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "endobj", 6 ) != 0 ) { curPos = parsePdfObj( curPos, buf, endPos, PDF_TYPE_NONE, curObjPtr ); } curPos += 6; if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[PDF_TYPE_OBJECT] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_STREAM ) { /* XXX add code to associate the stream dictionary with the stream data */ /* << ... >>EOLstream\n\r or \r ... \n\r endstream = stream */ sPos = curPos; while( strncmp( buf+curPos, "endstream", 9 ) != 0 ) { curPos++; } printf( "Stream: %lu bytes\n", curPos - sPos ); /* allocate buffer for decompressed stream */ if ( ( destBuf = XMALLOC( ( curPos - sPos ) * 4 ) ) EQ NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERR - Unable to allocate memory for stream\n" ); exit( 1 ); } XMEMSET( destBuf, 0, ( curPos-sPos ) * 4 ); /* decompress the stream */ z_stream zstrm; XMEMSET( &zstrm, 0, sizeof(zstrm) ); zstrm.avail_in = curPos-sPos; zstrm.avail_out = ( curPos-sPos ) * 4; zstrm.next_in = buf+sPos; zstrm.next_out = destBuf; int rsti = inflateInit(&zstrm); if (rsti EQ Z_OK) { int rst2 = inflate (&zstrm, Z_FINISH); if (rst2 >= 0) { if ( config->write ) { writeStream( sPos, destBuf, zstrm.total_out ); } else hexDump( 0, destBuf, zstrm.total_out ); } else { printf( "Stream did not decompress\n" ); if ( config->write ) { writeStream( sPos, buf+sPos, curPos-sPos ); } else hexDump( sPos, buf+sPos, curPos-sPos ); } } XFREE( destBuf ); curPos += 9; if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_HEADER ) { /* %PDF-1.6EOL%nnnnEOL = file header where each n is > 128 to make file look binary */ } else if ( dataType EQ PDF_TYPE_FOOTER ) { /* xref ... trailer ... startxref ... %%EOF = document footer */ /* XXX making an asumption, big mistake */ /* 0 271 */ /* 0000000000 65535 f */ /* 0000000015 00000 n */ /* found the xref, now look for the trailer, startxref and finally the EOF */ fprintf( stderr, "PDF Footer\n" ); /* XXX need to parse xref table, may be multiple tables in the file */ if ( strncmp( buf+curPos, "trailer", 7 ) EQ 0 ) { printf( "trailer\n" ); curPos += 7; } else curPos++; if ( config->verbose ) printf( "<< %lu/%lu [%s]\n", curPos, endPos, typeStrings[dataType] ); return( curPos ); } } return( curPos ); }
// Output hexdump to a text stream void intoTextStream(QTextStream &strm) { outstrm = &strm; hexDump(); }
void bufDump(const char *what, const buf_t buf) { char desc[1024]; sprintf(desc, "%s (len=%lu, cap=%lu)", what, buf.len, buf.cap); hexDump(desc, buf.buf, buf.len); }