void hgLoadSqlTab(char *database, char *table, char *createFile,
                  int inCount, char *inNames[])
/* hgLoadSqlTab - Load table into database from SQL and text files. */
    struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);

    int loadOptions = 0;
    int i=0;
    boolean oldTable = optionExists("oldTable") || optionExists("append");
    if (optionExists("warn"))
        loadOptions |= SQL_TAB_FILE_WARN_ON_ERROR;

    if (! optionExists("notOnServer"))
        loadOptions |= SQL_TAB_FILE_ON_SERVER;

    if (! oldTable)
        struct dyString *dy = readAndReplaceTableName(createFile, table);
        sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, dy->string);
    verbose(1, "Scanning through %d files\n", inCount);
    for (i=0;  i < inCount;  i++)
        verbose(2, "Loading file %s into table %s\n", inNames[i], table);
        if (sameString("stdin", inNames[i]))
            sqlLoadTabFile(conn, "/dev/stdin", table,
                           (loadOptions & ~SQL_TAB_FILE_ON_SERVER));
            sqlLoadTabFile(conn, inNames[i], table, loadOptions);
    if (oldTable)
        hgHistoryComment(conn, "Add contents of %d text file(s) to table %s.",
                         inCount, table);
        hgHistoryComment(conn, "Load table %s directly from .sql and %d text file(s).",
                         table, inCount);
void loadPslTable(char *database, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *pslFile)
/* load one psl table */
char table[128];
char *tabFile;
boolean indirectLoad = FALSE;

verbose(1, "Processing %s\n", pslFile);

/* determine table name to use */
if (clTableName != NULL)
    safef(table, sizeof(table), "%s", clTableName);
    if (endsWith(pslFile, ".gz"))
	char *stripGz;
	stripGz = cloneString(pslFile);
	splitPath(stripGz, NULL, table, NULL);
	splitPath(pslFile, NULL, table, NULL);

setupTable(database, conn, table);

/* if a bin column is being added or if the input file is
 * compressed, we must copy to an intermediate tab file */
indirectLoad = ((pslCreateOpts & PSL_WITH_BIN) != 0) || endsWith(pslFile, ".gz") || !noSort;

if (indirectLoad)
    tabFile = "psl.tab";
    if (pslCreateOpts & PSL_XA_FORMAT)
        copyPslXaToTab(pslFile, tabFile);
        copyPslToTab(pslFile, tabFile);
    tabFile = pslFile;

sqlLoadTabFile(conn, tabFile, table, pslLoadOpts);

if (!noHistory)
    hgHistoryComment(conn, "Add psl alignments to %s table", table);

if (indirectLoad && !keep)
void loadDatabase(char *database, char *tab, char *track)
/* Load database from tab file. */
    struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
    struct dyString *dy = newDyString(1024);
    /* First make table definition. */
    if (sqlTable != NULL)
        /* Read from file. */
        char *sql, *s;
        readInGulp(sqlTable, &sql, NULL);

        /* Chop of end-of-statement semicolon if need be. */
        s = strchr(sql, ';');
        if (s != NULL) *s = 0;

        sqlRemakeTable(conn, track, sql);
    else if (!oldTable)
        /* Create definition statement. */
        verbose(1, "Creating table definition for %s\n", track);
        sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "CREATE TABLE %s (\n", track);
        if (!noBin)
            dyStringAppend(dy, "  bin smallint unsigned not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  level int unsigned not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  tName varchar(255) not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  tStart int unsigned not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  tEnd int unsigned not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  strand char(1) not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qName varchar(255) not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qStart int unsigned not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qEnd int unsigned not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  chainId int unsigned not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  ali int unsigned not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  score double not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qOver int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qFar int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qDup int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  type varchar(255) not null,\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  tN int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qN int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  tR int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qR int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  tNewR int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qNewR int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  tOldR int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qOldR int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  tTrf int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  qTrf int not null, \n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "#Indices\n");
        if (!noBin)
            dyStringAppend(dy, "  INDEX(tName(16),bin),\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, "  INDEX(tName(16),tStart)\n");
        dyStringAppend(dy, ")\n");
        sqlRemakeTable(conn, track, dy->string);

    sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "load data local infile '%s' into table %s", tab, track);
    verbose(1, "Loading %s into %s\n", track, database);
    sqlUpdate(conn, dy->string);
    /* add a comment to the history table and finish up connection */
    hgHistoryComment(conn, "Loaded net table %s", track);
static void loadDatabase(char *database, char *track, int bedSize, struct bedStub *bedList)
/* Load database from bedList. */
struct sqlConnection *conn;
struct dyString *dy = newDyString(1024);
char *tab = (char *)NULL;
int loadOptions = (optionExists("onServer") ? SQL_TAB_FILE_ON_SERVER : 0);

if ( ! noLoad )
    conn = sqlConnect(database);

if ((char *)NULL != tmpDir)
    tab = cloneString(rTempName(tmpDir,"loadBed",".tab"));
    tab = cloneString("bed.tab");

if (bedDetail && sqlTable == NULL) 
    errAbort("bedDetail format requires sqlTable option");
if (bedDetail && !strictTab) 
    errAbort("bedDetail format must be tab separated");
if (bedDetail && !noBin) 
    noBin = TRUE;

/* First make table definition. */
if (sqlTable != NULL && !oldTable)
    /* Read from file. */
    char *sql, *s;
    readInGulp(sqlTable, &sql, NULL);
    /* Chop off end-of-statement semicolon if need be. */
    s = strchr(sql, ';');
    if (s != NULL) *s = 0;
    if ( !noLoad )
        if (renameSqlTable)
            char *pos = stringIn("CREATE TABLE ", sql);
            if (pos == NULL)
                errAbort("Can't find CREATE TABLE in %s\n", sqlTable);
            char *oldSql = cloneString(sql);
            nextWord(&pos); nextWord(&pos);
            char *tableName = nextWord(&pos);
            sql = replaceChars(oldSql, tableName, track);
        verbose(1, "Creating table definition for %s\n", track);
        sqlRemakeTable(conn, track, sql);
        if (!noBin) 
	    addBinToEmptyTable(conn, track);
	adjustSqlTableColumns(conn, track, bedSize);
else if (!oldTable)
    int minLength;

    if (noLoad)
    else if (maxChromNameLength)
	minLength = maxChromNameLength;
	minLength = hGetMinIndexLength(database);
    verbose(2, "INDEX chrom length: %d\n", minLength);

    /* Create definition statement. */
    verbose(1, "Creating table definition for %s\n", track);
    dyStringPrintf(dy, "CREATE TABLE %s (\n", track);
    if (!noBin)
       dyStringAppend(dy, "  bin smallint unsigned not null,\n");
    dyStringAppend(dy, "  chrom varchar(255) not null,\n");
    dyStringAppend(dy, "  chromStart int unsigned not null,\n");
    dyStringAppend(dy, "  chromEnd int unsigned not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 4)
       maybeBedGraph(4, dy, "  name varchar(255) not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 5)
	if (allowNegativeScores)
	    maybeBedGraph(5, dy, "  score int not null,\n");
	    maybeBedGraph(5, dy, "  score int unsigned not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 6)
       maybeBedGraph(6, dy, "  strand char(1) not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 7)
       maybeBedGraph(7, dy, "  thickStart int unsigned not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 8)
       maybeBedGraph(8, dy, "  thickEnd int unsigned not null,\n");
    /*	As of 2004-11-22 the reserved field is used as itemRgb in code */
    if (bedSize >= 9)
       maybeBedGraph(9, dy, "  reserved int unsigned  not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 10)
       maybeBedGraph(10, dy, "  blockCount int unsigned not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 11)
       maybeBedGraph(11, dy, "  blockSizes longblob not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 12)
       maybeBedGraph(12, dy, "  chromStarts longblob not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 13)
       maybeBedGraph(13, dy, "  expCount int unsigned not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 14)
       maybeBedGraph(14, dy, "  expIds longblob not null,\n");
    if (bedSize >= 15)
       maybeBedGraph(15, dy, "  expScores longblob not null,\n");
    dyStringAppend(dy, "#Indices\n");
    if (nameIx && (bedSize >= 4) && (0 == bedGraph))
       dyStringAppend(dy, "  INDEX(name(16)),\n");
    if (noBin)
	dyStringPrintf(dy, "  INDEX(chrom(%d),chromStart)\n", minLength);
        dyStringPrintf(dy, "  INDEX(chrom(%d),bin)\n", minLength);
    dyStringAppend(dy, ")\n");
    if (noLoad)
	verbose(2,"%s", dy->string);
	sqlRemakeTable(conn, track, dy->string);

verbose(1, "Saving %s\n", tab);
writeBedTab(tab, bedList, bedSize);

if ( ! noLoad )
    verbose(1, "Loading %s\n", database);
    if (customTrackLoader)
	sqlLoadTabFile(conn, tab, track, loadOptions|SQL_TAB_FILE_WARN_ON_WARN);
	sqlLoadTabFile(conn, tab, track, loadOptions);

    if (! noHistory)
	char comment[256];
	/* add a comment to the history table and finish up connection */
	safef(comment, sizeof(comment),
	    "Add %d element(s) from bed list to %s table",
		slCount(bedList), track);
	hgHistoryComment(conn, comment);
    if(fillInScoreColumn != NULL)
        char query[500];
        char buf[500];
        struct sqlResult *sr;
        safef(query, sizeof(query), "select sum(score) from %s", track);
        if(sqlQuickQuery(conn, query, buf, sizeof(buf)))
            unsigned sum = sqlUnsigned(buf);
            if (!sum)
                safef(query, sizeof(query), "select min(%s), max(%s) from %s", fillInScoreColumn, fillInScoreColumn, track);
                if ((sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query)) != NULL)
                    char **row = sqlNextRow(sr);
                    if(row != NULL)
                        float min = sqlFloat(row[0]);
                        float max = sqlFloat(row[1]);
			if ( !(max == -1 && min == -1)) // if score is -1 then ignore, as if it werent present
			    if (max == min || sameString(row[0],row[1])) // this will lead to 'inf' score value in SQL update causing an error
				errAbort("Could not set score in table %s max(%s)=min(%s)=%s\n", track, fillInScoreColumn, fillInScoreColumn, row[0]);

			    // Calculate a, b s/t f(x) = ax + b maps min-max => minScore-1000
			    float a = (1000-minScore) / (max - min);
			    float b = 1000 - ((1000-minScore) * max) / (max - min);

			    safef(query, sizeof(query), "update %s set score = round((%f * %s) + %f)",  track, a, fillInScoreColumn, b);
			    int changed = sqlUpdateRows(conn, query, NULL);
			    verbose(2, "update query: %s; changed: %d\n", query, changed);
			    verbose(2, "score not updated; all values for column %s are -1\n", fillInScoreColumn);

    /*	if temp dir specified, unlink file to make it disappear */
    if ((char *)NULL != tmpDir)
    verbose(1, "No load option selected, see file: %s\n", tab);

}	/*	static void loadDatabase()	*/
void dbTrash(char *db)
/* dbTrash - drop tables from a database older than specified N hours. */
char query[256];
struct sqlResult *sr;
char **row;
int updateTimeIx;
int createTimeIx;
int dataLengthIx;
int indexLengthIx;
int nameIx;
int timeIxUsed;
unsigned long long totalSize = 0;
// expiredTableNames: table exists and is in metaInfo and subject to age limits
struct slName *expiredTableNames = NULL;
struct slName *lostTables = NULL;	// tables existing but not in metaInfo
unsigned long long lostTableCount = 0;
struct hash *expiredHash = newHash(10); // as determined by metaInfo
struct hash *notExpiredHash = newHash(10);
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db);

if (extFileCheck)

time_t ageSeconds = (time_t)(ageHours * 3600);	/*	age in seconds	*/
sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query),"select name,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastUse) from %s WHERE "
    "lastUse < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %ld SECOND);", CT_META_INFO,ageSeconds);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    hashAddInt(expiredHash, row[0], sqlSigned(row[1]));
sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query),"select name,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastUse) from %s WHERE "
    "lastUse >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %ld SECOND);",CT_META_INFO,ageSeconds);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    hashAddInt(notExpiredHash, row[0], sqlSigned(row[1]));

if (tableStatus)  // show table status is very expensive, use only when asked
    /*	run through the table status business to get table size information */
    sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query),"show table status");
    while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	/* if not doing history too, and this is the history table, next row */
	if ((!historyToo) && (sameWord(row[nameIx],"history")))
	/* also skip the metaInfo table */
	if ((!historyToo) && (sameWord(row[nameIx],CT_META_INFO)))
	/* don't delete the extFile table  */
	if (sameWord(row[nameIx],CT_EXTFILE))


	if (hashLookup(expiredHash,row[nameIx]))
	    slNameAddHead(&expiredTableNames, row[nameIx]);
	    verbose(3,"%s %ld drop %s\n",row[timeIxUsed], (unsigned long)timep,
	    /*	 If sizes are non-NULL, add them up	*/
	    if ( ((char *)NULL != row[dataLengthIx]) &&
		    ((char *)NULL != row[indexLengthIx]) )
		totalSize += sqlLongLong(row[dataLengthIx])
		    + sqlLongLong(row[indexLengthIx]);
	    hashRemove(expiredHash, row[nameIx]);
	    if (hashLookup(notExpiredHash,row[nameIx]))
		verbose(3,"%s %ld OK %s\n",row[timeIxUsed], (unsigned long)timep,
		{	/* table exists, but not in metaInfo, is it old enough ? */
		if (timep < dropTime)
		    slNameAddHead(&expiredTableNames, row[nameIx]);
		    verbose(2,"%s %ld dropt %s lost table\n",
			row[timeIxUsed], (unsigned long)timep, row[nameIx]);
		    /*       If sizes are non-NULL, add them up     */
		    if ( ((char *)NULL != row[dataLengthIx]) &&
			((char *)NULL != row[indexLengthIx]) )
			    totalSize += sqlLongLong(row[dataLengthIx])
				+ sqlLongLong(row[indexLengthIx]);
		    verbose(3,"%s %ld OKt %s\n",row[timeIxUsed],
			(unsigned long)timep, row[nameIx]);
    {	// simple 'show tables' is more efficient than 'show table status'
    sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query),"show tables");
    sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
    while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	if (hashLookup(expiredHash,row[0]))
	    slNameAddHead(&expiredTableNames, row[0]);
	    time_t lastUse = (time_t)hashIntVal(expiredHash,row[0]);
	    struct tm *lastUseTm = localtime(&lastUse);
	    verbose(3,"%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %ld drop %s\n",
		lastUseTm->tm_year+1900, lastUseTm->tm_mon+1,
		lastUseTm->tm_mday, lastUseTm->tm_hour, lastUseTm->tm_min,
		lastUseTm->tm_sec, (unsigned long)lastUse,row[0]);
	    hashRemove(expiredHash, row[0]);
	else if (hashLookup(notExpiredHash,row[0]))
	    time_t lastUse = (time_t)hashIntVal(notExpiredHash,row[0]);
	    struct tm *lastUseTm = localtime(&lastUse);
	    verbose(3,"%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %ld OK %s\n",
		lastUseTm->tm_year+1900, lastUseTm->tm_mon+1,
		lastUseTm->tm_mday, lastUseTm->tm_hour, lastUseTm->tm_min,
		lastUseTm->tm_sec, (unsigned long)lastUse,row[0]);
	    struct slName *el = slNameNew(row[0]);
	    slAddHead(&lostTables, el);
    lostTableCount = slCount(lostTables);
    // If tables exist, but not in metaInfo, check their age to expire them.
    // It turns out even this show table status is slow too, so, only
    // run thru it if asked to eliminate lost tables.  It is better to
    // do this operation with the stand-alone perl script on the customTrash
    // database machine.
    if (delLostTable && lostTables)
	struct slName *el;
	for (el = lostTables; el != NULL; el = el->next)
	    if (sameWord(el->name,"history"))
	    if (sameWord(el->name,CT_META_INFO))
	    if (sameWord(el->name,CT_EXTFILE))
	    boolean oneTableOnly = FALSE; // protect against multiple tables
	    /*	get table time information to see if it is expired */
	    sqlSafef(query,sizeof(query),"show table status like '%s'", el->name);

	    while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
		if (oneTableOnly)
		    errAbort("ERROR: query: '%s' returned more than one table "
				"name\n", query);
		    oneTableOnly = TRUE;
		if (differentWord(row[nameIx], el->name))
		    errAbort("ERROR: query: '%s' did not return table name '%s' != '%s'\n", query, el->name, row[nameIx]);


		if (timep < dropTime)
		    slNameAddHead(&expiredTableNames, row[nameIx]);
		    verbose(2,"%s %ld dropt %s lost table\n",
			row[timeIxUsed], (unsigned long)timep, row[nameIx]);
		    verbose(3,"%s %ld OKt %s\n",
			row[timeIxUsed], (unsigned long)timep, row[nameIx]);

/*	perhaps the table was already dropped, but not from the metaInfo */
struct hashEl *elList = hashElListHash(expiredHash);
struct hashEl *el;
for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
    verbose(2,"%s exists in %s only\n", el->name, CT_META_INFO);
    if (drop)
	ctTouchLastUse(conn, el->name, FALSE); /* removes metaInfo row */

if (drop)
    char comment[256];
    if (expiredTableNames)
	struct slName *el;
	int droppedCount = 0;
	/* customTrash DB user permissions do not have permissions to
 	 * drop tables.  Must use standard special user that has all
 	 * permissions.  If we are not using the standard user at this
 	 * point, then switch to it.
	if (sameWord(db,CUSTOM_TRASH))
	    conn = sqlConnect(db);
	for (el = expiredTableNames; el != NULL; el = el->next)
	    verbose(2,"# drop %s\n", el->name);
	    sqlDropTable(conn, el->name);
	    ctTouchLastUse(conn, el->name, FALSE); /* removes metaInfo row */
	/* add a comment to the history table and finish up connection */
	if (tableStatus)
	    safef(comment, sizeof(comment), "Dropped %d tables with "
		"total size %llu, %llu lost tables",
		    droppedCount, totalSize, lostTableCount);
	    safef(comment, sizeof(comment),
		"Dropped %d tables, no size info, %llu lost tables",
		    droppedCount, lostTableCount);
	verbose(2,"# %s\n", comment);
	hgHistoryComment(conn, "%s", comment);
	safef(comment, sizeof(comment),
	    "Dropped no tables, none expired, %llu lost tables",
	verbose(2,"# %s\n", comment);
    char comment[256];
    if (expiredTableNames)
	int droppedCount = slCount(expiredTableNames);
	if (tableStatus)
	    safef(comment, sizeof(comment), "Would have dropped %d tables with "
		"total size %llu, %llu lost tables",
		    droppedCount, totalSize, lostTableCount);
	    safef(comment, sizeof(comment),
		"Would have dropped %d tables, no size info, %llu lost tables",
		    droppedCount, lostTableCount);
	verbose(2,"# %s\n", comment);
	safef(comment, sizeof(comment),
	    "Would have dropped no tables, none expired, %llu lost tables",
	verbose(2,"# %s\n", comment);
void dbTrash(char *db)
/* dbTrash - drop tables from a database older than specified N hours. */
char query[256];
struct sqlResult *sr;
char **row;
int updateTimeIx;
int createTimeIx;
int dataLengthIx;
int indexLengthIx;
int nameIx;
int timeIxUsed;
unsigned long long totalSize = 0;
struct slName *tableNames = NULL;	/*	subject to age limits	*/
struct hash *expiredHash = newHash(10);
struct hash *notExpiredHash = newHash(10);
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db);

if (extFileCheck)

time_t ageSeconds = (time_t)(ageHours * 3600);	/*	age in seconds	*/
safef(query,sizeof(query),"select name from %s WHERE "
    "lastUse < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %ld SECOND);", CT_META_INFO,ageSeconds);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    hashAddInt(expiredHash, row[0], 1);
safef(query,sizeof(query),"select name from %s WHERE "
    "lastUse >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %ld SECOND);",CT_META_INFO,ageSeconds);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    hashAddInt(notExpiredHash, row[0], 1);

/*	run through the table status business to get table size information */
safef(query,sizeof(query),"show table status");
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
nameIx = sqlFieldColumn(sr, "Name");
createTimeIx = sqlFieldColumn(sr, "Create_time");
updateTimeIx = sqlFieldColumn(sr, "Update_time");
dataLengthIx = sqlFieldColumn(sr, "Data_length");
indexLengthIx = sqlFieldColumn(sr, "Index_length");
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    struct tm tm;
    time_t timep = 0;

    /* if not doing history too, and this is the history table, next row */
    if ((!historyToo) && (sameWord(row[nameIx],"history")))
    /* also skip the metaInfo table */
    if ((!historyToo) && (sameWord(row[nameIx],CT_META_INFO)))
    /* don't delete the extFile table  */
    if (sameWord(row[nameIx],CT_EXTFILE))

    /*	Update_time is sometimes NULL on MySQL 5
     *	so if it fails, then check the Create_time
    timeIxUsed = updateTimeIx;
    if ((row[updateTimeIx] != NULL) &&
	    (sscanf(row[updateTimeIx], "%4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d",
		&(tm.tm_year), &(tm.tm_mon), &(tm.tm_mday),
		    &(tm.tm_hour), &(tm.tm_min), &(tm.tm_sec)) != 6) )
	timeIxUsed = createTimeIx;
	if (sscanf(row[createTimeIx], "%4d-%2d-%2d %2d:%2d:%2d",
	    &(tm.tm_year), &(tm.tm_mon), &(tm.tm_mday),
		&(tm.tm_hour), &(tm.tm_min), &(tm.tm_sec)) != 6)
	    verbose(2,"%s %s %s\n",
	    errAbort("could not parse date %s or %s on table %s\n",
		row[createTimeIx], row[updateTimeIx], row[nameIx]);
    tm.tm_year -= 1900;
    tm.tm_mon -= 1;
    tm.tm_isdst = -1;   /*      do not know timezone, figure it out */
    timep = mktime(&tm);

    if (hashLookup(expiredHash,row[nameIx]))
	slNameAddHead(&tableNames, row[nameIx]);
	verbose(3,"%s %ld drop %s\n",row[timeIxUsed], (unsigned long)timep,
	/*	 If sizes are non-NULL, add them up	*/
	if ( ((char *)NULL != row[dataLengthIx]) &&
		((char *)NULL != row[indexLengthIx]) )
	    totalSize += sqlLongLong(row[dataLengthIx])
		+ sqlLongLong(row[indexLengthIx]);
	hashRemove(expiredHash, row[nameIx]);
	if (hashLookup(notExpiredHash,row[nameIx]))
	    verbose(3,"%s %ld   OK %s\n",row[timeIxUsed], (unsigned long)timep,
	    {	/* table exists, but not in metaInfo, is it old enough ? */
	    if (timep < dropTime)
		slNameAddHead(&tableNames, row[nameIx]);
		verbose(2,"%s %ld dropt %s\n",
		    row[timeIxUsed], (unsigned long)timep, row[nameIx]);
		/*       If sizes are non-NULL, add them up     */
		if ( ((char *)NULL != row[dataLengthIx]) &&
		    ((char *)NULL != row[indexLengthIx]) )
			totalSize += sqlLongLong(row[dataLengthIx])
			    + sqlLongLong(row[indexLengthIx]);
		verbose(3,"%s %ld  OKt %s\n",row[timeIxUsed],
		    (unsigned long)timep, row[nameIx]);

/*	perhaps the table was already dropped, but not from the metaInfo */
struct hashEl *elList = hashElListHash(expiredHash);
struct hashEl *el;
for (el = elList; el != NULL; el = el->next)
    verbose(2,"%s exists in %s only\n", el->name, CT_META_INFO);
    if (drop)
	ctTouchLastUse(conn, el->name, FALSE); /* removes metaInfo row */

if (drop)
    if (tableNames)
	char comment[256];
	struct slName *el;
	int droppedCount = 0;
	/* customTrash DB user permissions do not have permissions to
 	 * drop tables.  Must use standard special user that has all
 	 * permissions.  If we are not using the standard user at this
 	 * point, then switch to it.
	if (sameWord(db,CUSTOM_TRASH))
	    conn = sqlConnect(db);
	for (el = tableNames; el != NULL; el = el->next)
	    verbose(2,"# drop %s\n", el->name);
	    sqlDropTable(conn, el->name);
	    ctTouchLastUse(conn, el->name, FALSE); /* removes metaInfo row */
	/* add a comment to the history table and finish up connection */
	safef(comment, sizeof(comment),
	    "Dropped %d tables with total size %llu", droppedCount, totalSize);
	verbose(2,"# %s\n", comment);
	hgHistoryComment(conn, comment);