int monster::attack_at(int x, int y) {
    int mondex = g->mon_at(x, y);
    int npcdex = g->npc_at(x, y);

    if(x == g->u.posx && y == g->u.posy) {
        hit_player(g, g->u);
        return 1;

    if(mondex != -1) {
        // Currently, there are only pro-player and anti-player groups,
        // this makes it easy for us.
        monster& mon = g->zombie(mondex);

        // Don't attack yourself.
        if(&mon == this) {
            return 0;

        // Special case: Target is hallucination
        if(mon.is_hallucination()) {

            // We haven't actually attacked anything, i.e. we can still do things.
            // Hallucinations(obviously) shouldn't affect the way real monsters act.
            return 0;

        // With no melee dice, we can't attack, but we had to process until here
        // because hallucinations require no melee dice to destroy.
        if(type->melee_dice <= 0) {
            return 0;

        bool is_enemy = mon.friendly != friendly;
        is_enemy = is_enemy || has_flag(MF_ATTACKMON); // I guess the flag means all monsters are enemies?

        if(is_enemy) {
            hit_monster(g, mondex);
            return 1;
    } else if(npcdex != -1  && type->melee_dice > 0) {
        // For now we're always attacking NPCs that are getting into our
        // way. This is consistent with how it worked previously, but
        // later on not hitting allied NPCs would be cool.
        hit_player(g, *g->active_npc[npcdex]);
        return 1;

    // Nothing to attack.
    return 0;
void monster::friendly_move(game *g)
 point next;
 bool moved = false;
 moves -= 100;
 if (plans.size() > 0 && (plans[0].x != g->u.posx || plans[0].y != g->u.posy) &&
     (can_move_to(g->m, plans[0].x, plans[0].y) ||
     (g->m.has_flag(bashable, plans[0].x, plans[0].y) && has_flag(MF_BASHES)))){
  next = plans[0];
  moved = true;
 } else
  stumble(g, moved);
 if (moved) {
  int mondex = g->mon_at(next.x, next.y);
  int npcdex = g->npc_at(next.x, next.y);
  if (mondex != -1 && g->z[mondex].friendly == 0 && type->melee_dice > 0)
   hit_monster(g, mondex);
  else if (npcdex != -1 && type->melee_dice > 0)
   hit_player(g, g->active_npc[g->npc_at(next.x, next.y)]);
  else if (mondex == -1 && npcdex == -1 && can_move_to(g->m, next.x, next.y))
   move_to(g, next.x, next.y);
  else if ((!can_move_to(g->m, next.x, next.y) || one_in(3)) &&
           g->m.has_flag(bashable, next.x, next.y) && has_flag(MF_BASHES)) {
   std::string bashsound = "NOBASH"; // If we hear "NOBASH" it's time to debug!
   int bashskill = int(type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides);
   g->m.bash(next.x, next.y, bashskill, bashsound);
   g->sound(next.x, next.y, 18, bashsound);
  } else if (g->m.move_cost(next.x, next.y) == 0 && has_flag(MF_DESTROYS)) {
   g->m.destroy(g, next.x, next.y, true);
   moves -= 250;
Function: friendly_move
The per-turn movement and action calculation of any friendly monsters.
void monster::friendly_move(game *g)
	point next;
	bool moved = false;
	//If we sucessfully calculated a plan in the generic monster movement function, begin executing it.
	if (plans.size() > 0 && (plans[0].x != g->u.posx || plans[0].y != g->u.posy) &&
		(can_move_to(g, plans[0].x, plans[0].y) ||
		(g->m.has_flag(bashable, plans[0].x, plans[0].y) && has_flag(MF_BASHES)))){
			next = plans[0];
			moved = true;
	} else {
		//Otherwise just stumble around randomly until we formulate a plan.
		moves -= 100;
		stumble(g, moved);
	if (moved) {
		//We have a plan.
		int mondex = g->mon_at(next.x, next.y);
		int npcdex = g->npc_at(next.x, next.y);
		//If there is an unfriendly mosnter in the target square we want to move into, hit them if we have a melee attack.
		if (mondex != -1 && g->z[mondex].friendly == 0 && type->melee_dice > 0){
			hit_monster(g, mondex);
		//If there is an npc (any npc?) we hit them assuming we have a melee attack.
		else if (npcdex != -1 && type->melee_dice > 0){
			hit_player(g, *g->active_npc[g->npc_at(next.x, next.y)]);
		//If no one is there and its a walkable square, walk there.
		else if (mondex == -1 && npcdex == -1 && can_move_to(g, next.x, next.y)){
			move_to(g, next.x, next.y);
		//If there is a bashable object in our way, bash it down.
		else if ((!can_move_to(g, next.x, next.y) || one_in(3)) &&
			g->m.has_flag(bashable, next.x, next.y) && has_flag(MF_BASHES)) {
				std::string bashsound = "NOBASH"; // If we hear "NOBASH" it's time to debug!
				int bashskill = int(type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides);
				g->m.bash(next.x, next.y, bashskill, bashsound);
				g->sound(next.x, next.y, 18, bashsound);
				moves -= 100;
		//If there is a destroyable object in our way, destroy it.
		else if (g->m.move_cost(next.x, next.y) == 0 && has_flag(MF_DESTROYS)) {
			g->m.destroy(g, next.x, next.y, true);
			moves -= 250;
		//If all else fails in our plan (an issue with pathfinding maybe) stumble around instead.
		else {
			stumble(g, moved);
			moves -= 100;
 * This function handles those runes which detonate but do not cast
 * spells. Typically, poisoned or diseased runes.
 * @param op Rune.
 * @param victim Victim of the rune. */
static void rune_attack(object *op, object *victim)
	int dam = op->stats.dam;

	op->stats.dam = (sint16) ((float) dam * (LEVEL_DAMAGE(op->level) * 0.925f));

	if (victim)
		tag_t tag = victim->count;
		hit_player(victim, op->stats.dam, op, AT_INTERNAL);

		if (was_destroyed(victim, tag))
			op->stats.dam = dam;

		/* If there's a disease in the needle, put it in the player */
		if (op->randomitems != NULL)
			create_treasure(op->randomitems, op, 0, op->level ? op->level : victim->map->difficulty, T_STYLE_UNSET, ART_CHANCE_UNSET, 0, NULL);

		if (op->inv && op->inv->type == DISEASE)
			object *disease = op->inv;
			infect_object(victim, disease, 1);
			check_walk_off(disease, NULL, MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED);
		hit_map(op, 0, 0);

	op->stats.dam = dam;
void monster::hit_player(game *g, player &p, bool can_grab)
    moves -= 100;

    if (type->melee_dice == 0) // We don't attack, so just return
    add_effect(ME_HIT_BY_PLAYER, 3); // Make us a valid target for a few turns
    if (has_flag(MF_HIT_AND_RUN))
        add_effect(ME_RUN, 4);
    bool is_npc = p.is_npc();
    bool u_see = (!is_npc || g->u_see(p.posx, p.posy));
    std::string you  = (is_npc ? p.name : "you");
    std::string You  = (is_npc ? p.name : "You");
    std::string your = (is_npc ? p.name + "'s" : "your");
    std::string Your = (is_npc ? p.name + "'s" : "Your");
    body_part bphit;
    int side = rng(0, 1);
    int dam = hit(g, p, bphit), cut = type->melee_cut, stab = 0;
    technique_id tech = p.pick_defensive_technique(g, this, NULL);
    p.perform_defensive_technique(tech, g, this, NULL, bphit, side, dam, cut, stab);

    //110*e^(-.3*[melee skill of monster]) = % chance to miss. *100 to track .01%'s
    //Returns ~80% at 1, drops quickly to 33% at 4, then slowly to 5% at 10 and 1% at 16
    if (rng(0, 10000) < 11000 * exp(-.3 * type->melee_skill))
        g->add_msg("The %s misses.", name().c_str());
        //Reduce player's ability to dodge by monster's ability to hit
        int dodge_ii = p.dodge(g) - rng(0, type->melee_skill);
        if (dodge_ii < 0)
            dodge_ii = 0;

        // 100/(1+99*e^(-.6*[dodge() return modified by monster's skill])) = % chance to dodge
        // *100 to track .01%'s
        // 1% minimum, scales slowly to 16% at 5, then rapidly to 80% at 10,
        // then returns less with each additional point, reaching 99% at 16
        if (rng(0, 10000) < 10000/(1 + 99 * exp(-.6 * dodge_ii)))
            g->add_msg("%s dodge the %s.", You.c_str(), name().c_str());
            p.practice(g->turn, "dodge", type->melee_skill * 2); //Better monster = more skill gained

        //Successful hit with damage
        else if (dam > 0)
            p.practice(g->turn, "dodge", type->melee_skill);
            if (u_see && tech != TEC_BLOCK)
                g->add_msg("The %s hits %s %s.", name().c_str(), your.c_str(),
                           body_part_name(bphit, side).c_str());

            // Attempt defensive moves
            if (!is_npc)
                if (g->u.activity.type == ACT_RELOAD)
                    g->add_msg("You stop reloading.");
                else if (g->u.activity.type == ACT_READ)
                    g->add_msg("You stop reading.");
                else if (g->u.activity.type == ACT_CRAFT || g->u.activity.type == ACT_LONGCRAFT)
                    g->add_msg("You stop crafting.");
                    g->u.activity.type = ACT_NULL;
            if (p.has_active_bionic("bio_ods"))
                if (u_see)
                    g->add_msg("%s offensive defense system shocks it!", Your.c_str());
                if (hurt(rng(10, 40)))
            if (p.encumb(bphit) == 0 &&(p.has_trait(PF_SPINES) || p.has_trait(PF_QUILLS)))
                int spine = rng(1, (p.has_trait(PF_QUILLS) ? 20 : 8));
                g->add_msg("%s %s puncture it!", Your.c_str(),
                           (g->u.has_trait(PF_QUILLS) ? "quills" : "spines"));
                if (hurt(spine))

            if (dam + cut <= 0)
                return; // Defensive technique canceled damage.

            //Hurt the player
            dam = p.hit(g, bphit, side, dam, cut);

            //Monster effects
            if (dam > 0 && has_flag(MF_VENOM))
                if (!is_npc)
                    g->add_msg("You're poisoned!");
                p.add_disease("poison", 30);
            else if (dam > 0 && has_flag(MF_BADVENOM))
                if (!is_npc)
                    g->add_msg("You feel poison flood your body, wracking you with pain...");
                p.add_disease("badpoison", 40);
            if (has_flag(MF_BLEED) && dam > 6 && cut > 0)
                if (!is_npc)
                    g->add_msg("You're Bleeding!");
                p.add_disease("bleed", 60);

            //Same as monster's chance to not miss
            if (can_grab && has_flag(MF_GRABS) && (rng(0, 10000) > 11000 * exp(-.3 * type->melee_skill)))
                if (!is_npc)
                    g->add_msg("The %s grabs you!", name().c_str());
                if (p.weapon.has_technique(TEC_BREAK, &p) &&
                    dice(p.dex_cur + p.skillLevel("melee"), 12) > dice(type->melee_dice, 10))
                    if (!is_npc)
                        g->add_msg("You break the grab!");
                    hit_player(g, p, false); //We grabed, so hit them again

            if (tech == TEC_COUNTER && !is_npc)
                // A counterattack is a free action to avoid stunlocking the player.
                int player_moves = p.moves;
                hurt( p.hit_mon(g, this) );
                p.moves = player_moves;

    // if dam > 0
    if (is_npc)
        if (p.hp_cur[hp_head] <= 0 || p.hp_cur[hp_torso] <= 0)
            npc* tmp = dynamic_cast<npc*>(&p);
            int index = g->npc_at(p.posx, p.posy);
            if (index != -1 && index < g->active_npc.size())
                g->active_npc.erase(g->active_npc.begin() + index);

    // Adjust anger/morale of same-species monsters, if appropriate
    int anger_adjust = 0, morale_adjust = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < type->anger.size(); i++)
        if (type->anger[i] == MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)
            anger_adjust += 15;
    for (int i = 0; i < type->placate.size(); i++)
        if (type->placate[i] == MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)
            anger_adjust -= 15;
    for (int i = 0; i < type->fear.size(); i++)
        if (type->fear[i] == MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)
            morale_adjust -= 15;
    if (anger_adjust != 0 && morale_adjust != 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < g->z.size(); i++)
            g->z[i].morale += morale_adjust;
            g->z[i].anger += anger_adjust;
// General movement.
// Currently, priority goes:
// 1) Special Attack
// 2) Sight-based tracking
// 3) Scent-based tracking
// 4) Sound-based tracking
void monster::move(game *g)
// We decrement wandf no matter what.  We'll save our wander_to plans until
// after we finish out set_dest plans, UNLESS they time out first.
 if (wandf > 0)

// First, use the special attack, if we can!
 if (sp_timeout > 0)
 if (sp_timeout == 0 && (friendly == 0 || has_flag(MF_FRIENDLY_SPECIAL))) {
  mattack ma;
  (ma.*type->sp_attack)(g, this);
 if (moves < 0)
 if (has_flag(MF_IMMOBILE)) {
  moves = 0;
 if (has_effect(ME_STUNNED)) {
  stumble(g, false);
  moves = 0;
 if (has_effect(ME_DOWNED)) {
  moves = 0;
 if (has_effect(ME_BOULDERING)){
  moves -= 20;
  if (moves < 0)
   moves = 0;
 if (friendly != 0) {
  if (friendly > 0)

 bool moved = false;
 point next;
 int mondex = (plans.size() > 0 ? g->mon_at(plans[0].x, plans[0].y) : -1);

 monster_attitude current_attitude = attitude();
 if (friendly == 0)
  current_attitude = attitude(&(g->u));
// If our plans end in a player, set our attitude to consider that player
 if (plans.size() > 0) {
  if (plans.back().x == g->u.posx && plans.back().y == g->u.posy)
   current_attitude = attitude(&(g->u));
  else {
   for (int i = 0; i < g->active_npc.size(); i++) {
    if (plans.back().x == g->active_npc[i]->posx &&
        plans.back().y == g->active_npc[i]->posy)
     current_attitude = attitude((g->active_npc[i]));

 if (current_attitude == MATT_IGNORE ||
     (current_attitude == MATT_FOLLOW && plans.size() <= MONSTER_FOLLOW_DIST)) {
  moves -= 100;
  stumble(g, false);

 if (plans.size() > 0 && !is_fleeing(g->u) &&
     (mondex == -1 || g->z[mondex].friendly != 0 || has_flag(MF_ATTACKMON)) &&
     (can_move_to(g, plans[0].x, plans[0].y) ||
      (plans[0].x == g->u.posx && plans[0].y == g->u.posy) ||
     (g->m.has_flag(bashable, plans[0].x, plans[0].y) && has_flag(MF_BASHES)))){
  // CONCRETE PLANS - Most likely based on sight
  next = plans[0];
  moved = true;
 } else if (has_flag(MF_SMELLS)) {
// No sight... or our plans are invalid (e.g. moving through a transparent, but
//  solid, square of terrain).  Fall back to smell if we have it.
  point tmp = scent_move(g);
  if (tmp.x != -1) {
   next = tmp;
   moved = true;
 if (wandf > 0 && !moved) { // No LOS, no scent, so as a fall-back follow sound
  point tmp = sound_move(g);
  if (tmp.x != posx || tmp.y != posy) {
   next = tmp;
   moved = true;

// Finished logic section.  By this point, we should have chosen a square to
//  move to (moved = true).
 if (moved) {	// Actual effects of moving to the square we've chosen
  mondex = g->mon_at(next.x, next.y);
  int npcdex = g->npc_at(next.x, next.y);
  if (next.x == g->u.posx && next.y == g->u.posy && type->melee_dice > 0)
   hit_player(g, g->u);
  else if (mondex != -1 && g->z[mondex].type->species == species_hallu) {
   moves -= 100;
  } else if (mondex != -1 && type->melee_dice > 0 && this != &(g->z[mondex]) &&
             (g->z[mondex].friendly != 0 || has_flag(MF_ATTACKMON)))
   hit_monster(g, mondex);
  else if (npcdex != -1 && type->melee_dice > 0)
   hit_player(g, *g->active_npc[npcdex]);
  else if ((!can_move_to(g, next.x, next.y) || one_in(3)) &&
             g->m.has_flag(bashable, next.x, next.y) && has_flag(MF_BASHES)) {
   std::string bashsound = "NOBASH"; // If we hear "NOBASH" it's time to debug!
   int bashskill = int(type->melee_dice * type->melee_sides);
   g->m.bash(next.x, next.y, bashskill, bashsound);
   g->sound(next.x, next.y, 18, bashsound);
   moves -= 100;
  } else if (g->m.move_cost(next.x, next.y) == 0 && has_flag(MF_DESTROYS)) {
   g->m.destroy(g, next.x, next.y, true);
   moves -= 250;
  } else if (can_move_to(g, next.x, next.y) && g->is_empty(next.x, next.y))
   move_to(g, next.x, next.y);
   moves -= 100;
 } else
  moves -= 100;

// If we're close to our target, we get focused and don't stumble
 if ((has_flag(MF_STUMBLES) && (plans.size() > 3 || plans.size() == 0)) ||
  stumble(g, moved);
void monster::hit_player(game *g, player &p, bool can_grab)
    moves -= 100;

    if (type->melee_dice == 0) // We don't attack, so just return
    add_effect(ME_HIT_BY_PLAYER, 3); // Make us a valid target for a few turns
    if (has_flag(MF_HIT_AND_RUN))
        add_effect(ME_RUN, 4);
    bool is_npc = p.is_npc();
    bool u_see = (!is_npc || g->u_see(p.posx, p.posy));
    std::string you  = (is_npc ? p.name : "you");
    std::string You  = (is_npc ? p.name : "You");
    std::string your = (is_npc ? p.name + "'s" : "your");
    std::string Your = (is_npc ? p.name + "'s" : "Your");
    body_part bphit;
    int dam = hit(g, p, bphit), cut = type->melee_cut, stab = 0;
    int side = random_side(bphit);

    //110*e^(-.3*[melee skill of monster]) = % chance to miss. *100 to track .01%'s
    //Returns ~80% at 1, drops quickly to 33% at 4, then slowly to 5% at 10 and 1% at 16
    if (rng(0, 10000) < 11000 * exp(-.3 * type->melee_skill))
        if (u_see) {
            g->add_msg(_("The %s misses."), name().c_str());
        if (!g->u.uncanny_dodge())
            //Reduce player's ability to dodge by monster's ability to hit
            int dodge_ii = p.dodge(g) - rng(0, type->melee_skill);
            if (dodge_ii < 0)
                dodge_ii = 0;

            // 100/(1+99*e^(-.6*[dodge() return modified by monster's skill])) = % chance to dodge
            // *100 to track .01%'s
            // 1% minimum, scales slowly to 16% at 5, then rapidly to 80% at 10,
            // then returns less with each additional point, reaching 99% at 16
            if (rng(0, 10000) < 10000/(1 + 99 * exp(-.6 * dodge_ii)))
                if (is_npc) {
                    if(u_see) {
                        g->add_msg(_("%1$s dodges the %2$s."), p.name.c_str(), name().c_str());
                } else {
                    g->add_msg(_("You dodge the %s."), name().c_str());
                p.practice(g->turn, "dodge", type->melee_skill * 2); //Better monster = more skill gained

            //Successful hit with damage
            else if (dam > 0)
                p.practice(g->turn, "dodge", type->melee_skill);

                if(!p.block_hit(g, this, NULL, bphit, side, dam, cut, stab) && u_see) {
                    if (is_npc) {
                        if( u_see ) {
                            g->add_msg(_("The %1$s hits %2$s's %3$s."), name().c_str(),
                                       p.name.c_str(), body_part_name(bphit, side).c_str());
                    } else {
                        g->add_msg(_("The %1$s hits your %2$s."), name().c_str(),
                                   body_part_name(bphit, side).c_str());

                // Attempt defensive moves
                if (!is_npc)
                    if (g->u.activity.type == ACT_RELOAD)
                        g->add_msg(_("You stop reloading."));
                    else if (g->u.activity.type == ACT_READ)
                        g->add_msg(_("You stop reading."));
                    else if (g->u.activity.type == ACT_CRAFT || g->u.activity.type == ACT_LONGCRAFT)
                        g->add_msg(_("You stop crafting."));
                        g->u.activity.type = ACT_NULL;

                if (p.has_active_bionic("bio_ods"))
                    if (!is_npc) {
                        g->add_msg(_("Your offensive defense system shocks it!"),
                    } else if (u_see) {
                        g->add_msg(_("%s's offensive defense system shocks it!"),
                    hurt(rng(10, 40));
                if (p.encumb(bphit) == 0 &&(p.has_trait("SPINES") || p.has_trait("QUILLS")))
                    int spine = rng(1, (p.has_trait("QUILLS") ? 20 : 8));
                    if (is_npc) {
                        if( u_see ) {
                            g->add_msg(_("%1$s's %2$s puncture it!"), p.name.c_str(),
                                       (g->u.has_trait("QUILLS") ? _("quills") : _("spines")));
                    } else {
                        g->add_msg(_("Your %s puncture it!"),
                                   (g->u.has_trait("QUILLS") ? _("quills") : _("spines")));

                if (dam + cut <= 0)
                    return; // Defensive technique canceled damage.

                //Hallucinations don't actually hurt the player, but do produce the message
                if(is_hallucination()) {

                    //~14% chance of vanishing after hitting the player
                    if(one_in(7)) {

                } else {

                    //Hurt the player
                    dam = p.hit(g, bphit, side, dam, cut);

                    //Monster effects
                    if (dam > 0 && has_flag(MF_VENOM)) {
                        g->add_msg_if_player(&p, _("You're poisoned!"));
                        p.add_disease("poison", 30);
                    } else if (dam > 0 && has_flag(MF_BADVENOM)) {
                        g->add_msg_if_player(&p, _("You feel poison flood your body, wracking you with pain..."));
                        p.add_disease("badpoison", 40);
                    } else if (dam > 0 && has_flag(MF_PARALYZE)) {
                        g->add_msg_if_player(&p, _("You feel poison enter your body!"));
                        p.add_disease("paralyzepoison", 100, false, 1, 20, 100);

                    if (has_flag(MF_BLEED) && dam > 6 && cut > 0) {
                        g->add_msg_if_player(&p, _("You're Bleeding!"));
                        p.add_disease("bleed", 60, false, 1, 3, 120, 1, bphit, side, true);

                    //Same as monster's chance to not miss
                    if (can_grab && has_flag(MF_GRABS) &&
                        (rng(0, 10000) > 11000 * exp(-.3 * type->melee_skill)))
                        g->add_msg(_("The %s grabs you!"), name().c_str());
                        if (p.has_grab_break_tec() &&
                            dice(p.dex_cur + p.skillLevel("melee"), 12) > dice(type->melee_dice, 10))
                            g->add_msg_if_player(&p, _("You break the grab!"));
                        } else {
                            hit_player(g, p, false); //We grabed, so hit them again

                // TODO: readd with counter mechanic

    // if dam > 0
    if (is_npc)
        if (p.hp_cur[hp_head] <= 0 || p.hp_cur[hp_torso] <= 0)
            npc* tmp = dynamic_cast<npc*>(&p);
            int index = g->npc_at(p.posx, p.posy);
            if (index != -1 && index < g->active_npc.size())
                g->active_npc.erase(g->active_npc.begin() + index);

    // Adjust anger/morale of same-species monsters, if appropriate
    int anger_adjust = 0, morale_adjust = 0;
    if (type->has_anger_trigger(MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)){
        anger_adjust += 15;
    if (type->has_fear_trigger(MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)){
        morale_adjust -= 15;
    if (type->has_placate_trigger(MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)){
        anger_adjust -= 15;

    if (anger_adjust != 0 && morale_adjust != 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < g->num_zombies(); i++)
            g->zombie(i).morale += morale_adjust;
            g->zombie(i).anger += anger_adjust;
文件: spell_util.c 项目: atrinik/dwc
 * If we are here, the arch (spell) we check was able to move to this
 * place. wall() has failed, including reflection checking.
 * Look for a target.
 * @param op The spell object. */
void check_fired_arch(object *op)
	tag_t op_tag = op->count, tmp_tag;
	object *tmp, *hitter, *head;
	int dam;

	/* we return here if we have NOTHING blocking here */
	if (!blocked(op, op->map, op->x, op->y, op->terrain_flag))

	if (op->other_arch)

	if (op->stats.sp == SP_PROBE && op->type == BULLET)
		check_walk_off(op, NULL, MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED);

	hitter = get_owner(op);

	if (!hitter)
		hitter = op;
	else if (hitter->head)
		hitter = hitter->head;

	for (tmp = get_map_ob(op->map, op->x, op->y); tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->above)
		head = tmp->head;

		if (!head)
			head = tmp;

		if (!IS_LIVE(tmp))

		/* Let friends fire through friends */
		if (is_friend_of(hitter, head) || head == hitter)

		tmp_tag = tmp->count;

		dam = hit_player(tmp, op->stats.dam, op, AT_INTERNAL);

		if (was_destroyed(op, op_tag) || !was_destroyed(tmp, tmp_tag) || (op->stats.dam -= dam) < 0)
				check_walk_off(op, NULL, MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED);

文件: apply.c 项目: atrinik/dwc
 * 'victim' moves onto 'trap' (trap has FLAG_WALK_ON or FLAG_FLY_ON set) or
 * 'victim' leaves 'trap' (trap has FLAG_WALK_OFF or FLAG_FLY_OFF) set.
 * I added the flags parameter to give the single events more information
 * about whats going on:
 * Most important is the "MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED" flag.
 * If set, a object has left a tile but "vanished" and not moved (perhaps
 * it exploded or something). This means that some events are not
 * triggered like trapdoors or teleporter traps for example which have a
 * "FLY/MOVE_OFF" set. This will avoid that they touch invalid objects.
 * @param trap Object victim moved on.
 * @param victim The object that moved on trap.
 * @param originator Player, monster or other object that caused 'victim'
 * to move onto 'trap'. Will receive messages caused by this action. May
 * be NULL, however, some types of traps require an originator to
 * function.
 * @param flags Flags. */
void move_apply(object *trap, object *victim, object *originator, int flags)
	static int recursion_depth = 0;

	/* move_apply() is the most likely candidate for causing unwanted and
	 * possibly unlimited recursion. */
	/* The following was changed because it was causing perfeclty correct
	 * maps to fail.  1)  it's not an error to recurse:
	 * rune detonates, summoning monster.  monster lands on nearby rune.
	 * nearby rune detonates.  This sort of recursion is expected and
	 * proper.  This code was causing needless crashes. */
	if (recursion_depth >= 500)
		LOG(llevDebug, "WARNING: move_apply(): aborting recursion [trap arch %s, name %s; victim arch %s, name %s]\n", trap->arch->name, trap->name, victim->arch->name, victim->name);

	if (trap->head)
		trap = trap->head;

	/* Trigger the TRIGGER event */
	if (trigger_event(EVENT_TRIGGER, victim, trap, originator, NULL, 0, 0, 0, SCRIPT_FIX_NOTHING))


	switch (trap->type)
		/* these objects can trigger other objects connected to them.
		 * We need to check them at map loading time and other special
		 * events to be sure to have a 100% working map state. */
		case BUTTON:
		case PEDESTAL:

			check_trigger(trap, victim);

		case CHECK_INV:
			check_inv(victim, trap);

		/* these objects trigger to but they are "instant".
		 * We don't need to check them when loading. */
		case ALTAR:
			/* sacrifice victim on trap */
			apply_altar(trap, victim, originator);

			if (!(flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED))
				convert_item(victim, trap);



		/* should be walk_on/fly_on only */
		case SPINNER:
			if (victim->direction)
				if ((victim->direction = victim->direction + trap->direction) > 8)
					victim->direction = (victim->direction % 8) + 1;



		case DIRECTOR:
			if (victim->direction)
				victim->direction = trap->direction;


		/* no need to hit anything */
		case MMISSILE:
			if (IS_LIVE(victim) && !(flags&MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED))
				tag_t trap_tag = trap->count;
				hit_player(victim, trap->stats.dam, trap, AT_MAGIC);

				if (!was_destroyed(trap, trap_tag))

				check_walk_off(trap, NULL, MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED);


		case THROWN_OBJ:
			if (trap->inv == NULL || (flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED))

		/* fallthrough */
		case ARROW:
			/* bad bug: monster throw a object, make a step forwards, step on object ,
			 * trigger this here and get hit by own missile - and will be own enemy.
			 * Victim then is his own enemy and will start to kill herself (this is
			 * removed) but we have not synced victim and his missile. To avoid senseless
			 * action, we avoid hits here */
			if ((IS_LIVE(victim) && trap->speed) && trap->owner != victim)
				hit_with_arrow(trap, victim);


		case CONE:

		case BULLET:
			if ((QUERY_FLAG(victim, FLAG_NO_PASS) || IS_LIVE(victim)) && !(flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED))


		case TRAPDOOR:
			int max, sound_was_played;
			object *ab;

			if ((flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED))

			if (!trap->value)
				sint32 tot;

				for (ab = trap->above, tot = 0; ab != NULL; ab = ab->above)
					if (!QUERY_FLAG(ab, FLAG_FLYING))
						tot += (ab->nrof ? ab->nrof : 1) * ab->weight + ab->carrying;

				if (!(trap->value = (tot > trap->weight) ? 1 : 0))

				SET_ANIMATION(trap, (NUM_ANIMATIONS(trap) / NUM_FACINGS(trap)) * trap->direction + trap->value);
				update_object(trap, UP_OBJ_FACE);

			for (ab = trap->above, max = 100, sound_was_played = 0; --max && ab && !QUERY_FLAG(ab, FLAG_FLYING); ab = ab->above)
				if (!sound_was_played)
					play_sound_map(trap->map, trap->x, trap->y, SOUND_FALL_HOLE, SOUND_NORMAL);
					sound_was_played = 1;

				if (ab->type == PLAYER)
					new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, ab, "You fall into a trapdoor!");

				transfer_ob(ab, EXIT_X(trap), EXIT_Y(trap), trap->last_sp, ab, trap);


		case PIT:
			/* Pit not open? */
			if ((flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED) || trap->stats.wc > 0)

			play_sound_map(victim->map, victim->x, victim->y, SOUND_FALL_HOLE, SOUND_NORMAL);

			if (victim->type == PLAYER)
				new_draw_info(NDI_UNIQUE, victim, "You fall through the hole!\n");

			transfer_ob(victim->head ? victim->head : victim, EXIT_X(trap), EXIT_Y(trap), trap->last_sp, victim, trap);


		case EXIT:
			/* If no map path specified, we assume it is the map path of the exit. */
			if (!EXIT_PATH(trap))
				FREE_AND_ADD_REF_HASH(EXIT_PATH(trap), trap->map->path);

			if (!(flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED) && victim->type == PLAYER && EXIT_PATH(trap) && EXIT_Y(trap) != -1 && EXIT_X(trap) != -1)
				/* Basically, don't show exits leading to random maps the players output. */
				if (trap->msg && strncmp(EXIT_PATH(trap), "/!", 2) && strncmp(EXIT_PATH(trap), "/random/", 8))
					new_draw_info(NDI_NAVY, victim, trap->msg);

				enter_exit(victim, trap);


		case SHOP_MAT:
			if (!(flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED))
				apply_shop_mat(trap, victim);


		/* Drop a certain amount of gold, and have one item identified */
			if (!(flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED))
				apply_identify_altar(victim, trap, originator);


		case SIGN:
			/* Only player should be able read signs */
			if (victim->type == PLAYER)
				apply_sign(victim, trap);


			if (victim->type == PLAYER)
				(void) esrv_apply_container(victim, trap);


		case RUNE:
			if (!(flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED) && trap->level && IS_LIVE(victim))
				spring_trap(trap, victim);


#if 0
		/* we don't have this atm. */
		case DEEP_SWAMP:
			if (!(flags & MOVE_APPLY_VANISHED))
				walk_on_deep_swamp(trap, victim);


			LOG(llevDebug, "name %s, arch %s, type %d with fly/walk on/off not handled in move_apply()\n", trap->name, trap->arch->name, trap->type);

void player::hit_player(game *g, player &p, bool allow_grab)
 bool is_u = (this == &(g->u));	// Affects how we'll display messages

 if (is_u && p.is_npc()) {
  npc* npcPtr = dynamic_cast<npc*>(&p);

 std::string You  = (is_u ? "You"  : name);
 std::string Your = (is_u ? "Your" : name + "'s");
 std::string your = (is_u ? "your" : (male ? "his" : "her"));
 std::string verb = "hit";

// Divide their dodge roll by 2 if this is a grab
 int target_dodge = (allow_grab ? p.dodge_roll(g) : p.dodge_roll(g) / 2);
 int hit_value = hit_roll() - target_dodge;
 bool missed = (hit_roll() <= 0);

 int move_cost = attack_speed(*this, missed);

 if (missed) {
  int stumble_pen = stumble(*this);
  if (is_u) {	// Only display messages if this is the player
   if (weapon.has_technique(TEC_FEINT, this))
    g->add_msg("You feint.");
   else if (stumble_pen >= 60)
    g->add_msg("You miss and stumble with the momentum.");
   else if (stumble_pen >= 10)
    g->add_msg("You swing wildly and miss.");
    g->add_msg("You miss.");
  melee_practice(*this, false, unarmed_attack(),
                 weapon.is_bashing_weapon(), weapon.is_cutting_weapon(),
                 (weapon.has_flag(IF_SPEAR) || weapon.has_flag(IF_STAB)));
  move_cost += stumble_pen;
  if (weapon.has_technique(TEC_FEINT, this))
   move_cost = rng(move_cost / 3, move_cost);
  moves -= move_cost;
 moves -= move_cost;

 body_part bp_hit;
 int side = rng(0, 1);
 hit_value += rng(-10, 10);
 if (hit_value >= 30)
  bp_hit = bp_eyes;
 else if (hit_value >= 20)
  bp_hit = bp_head;
 else if (hit_value >= 10)
  bp_hit = bp_torso;
 else if (one_in(4))
  bp_hit = bp_legs;
  bp_hit = bp_arms;

 std::string target = (p.is_npc() ? p.name + "'s " : "your ");
 target += body_part_name(bp_hit, side);

 bool critical_hit = scored_crit(target_dodge);

 int bash_dam = roll_bash_damage(NULL, critical_hit);
 int cut_dam  = roll_cut_damage(NULL, critical_hit);
 int stab_dam = roll_stab_damage(NULL, critical_hit);

 technique_id tech_def = p.pick_defensive_technique(g, NULL, this);
 p.perform_defensive_technique(tech_def, g, NULL, this, bp_hit, side,
                               bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

 if (bash_dam + cut_dam + stab_dam <= 0)
  return; // Defensive technique canceled our attack!

 if (critical_hit) // Crits cancel out Toad Style's armor boost

 int pain = 0; // Boost to pain; required for perform_technique

// Moves lost to getting your weapon stuck
 int stuck_penalty = roll_stuck_penalty(NULL, (stab_dam >= cut_dam));
 if (weapon.is_style())
  stuck_penalty = 0;

// Pick one or more special attacks
 technique_id technique = pick_technique(g, NULL, &p, critical_hit, allow_grab);

// Handles effects as well; not done in melee_affect_*
 perform_technique(technique, g, NULL, &p, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam, pain);
 p.pain += pain;

// Mutation-based attacks
 perform_special_attacks(g, NULL, &p, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

// Handles speed penalties to monster & us, etc
 melee_special_effects(g, NULL, &p, critical_hit, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

// Make a rather quiet sound, to alert any nearby monsters
 if (weapon.typeId() != "style_ninjutsu") // Ninjutsu is silent!
  g->sound(posx, posy, 8, "");

 p.hit(g, bp_hit, side, bash_dam, (cut_dam > stab_dam ? cut_dam : stab_dam));

 verb = melee_verb(technique, your, *this, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);
 int dam = bash_dam + (cut_dam > stab_dam ? cut_dam : stab_dam);
 hit_message(g, You.c_str(), verb.c_str(), target.c_str(), dam, critical_hit);

 bool bashing = (bash_dam >= 10 && !unarmed_attack());
 bool cutting = (cut_dam >= 10 && cut_dam >= stab_dam);
 bool stabbing = (stab_dam >= 10 && stab_dam >= cut_dam);
 melee_practice(*this, true, unarmed_attack(), bashing, cutting, stabbing);

 if (dam >= 5 && has_artifact_with(AEP_SAP_LIFE))
  healall( rng(dam / 10, dam / 5) );

 if (allow_grab && technique == TEC_GRAB) {
// Move our weapon to a temp slot, if it's not unarmed
  if (p.weapon.has_technique(TEC_BREAK, &p) &&
      dice(p.dex_cur + p.skillLevel("melee"), 12) >
      dice(dex_cur + skillLevel("melee"), 10)) {
   if (is_u)
    g->add_msg("%s break%s the grab!", target.c_str(), (p.is_npc() ? "s" : ""));
  } else if (!unarmed_attack()) {
   item tmpweap = remove_weapon();
   hit_player(g, p, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed
   weapon = tmpweap;
  } else
   hit_player(g, p, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed
 if (tech_def == TEC_COUNTER) {
  if (!p.is_npc())
  p.hit_player(g, *this);
void check_projectile_collisions(projectile *p)
	SDL_Rect a = {
	SDL_Rect b;

	if (p->spawned_by != get_player_item()) {
		b.x = get_player_x();
		b.y = get_player_y();
		b.w = get_player_stat("width");
		b.h = get_player_stat("height");
		if (!check_collision(a, b)) {


	int xmin = (p->x/TILE_DIM)-2;
	int ymin = (p->y/TILE_DIM)-2;
	int xmax = (p->x/TILE_DIM)+2;
	int ymax = (p->y/TILE_DIM)+2;
	int x, y;
	for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
		for (y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
			if (is_solid_tile(x, y)) {
				b.x = x*32;
				b.y = y*32;
				b.w = b.h = TILE_DIM;
				if (!check_collision(a, b)) {

	list_node *entities = get_entities();
	list_node *c;
	entity *e;
	for (c = entities->next; c->next != NULL; c = c->next) {
		if (((entity *) c->data) != NULL &&
				((entity *) c->data)->item != p->spawned_by) {
			e = (entity *) c->data;
			b.x = e->x;
			b.y = e->y;
			b.w = e->w;
			b.h = e->h;
			if (e->collideable && !check_collision(a, b)) {
				hit_entity(e, p->dmg);
void monster::hit_player(game *g, player &p, bool can_grab)
 if (type->melee_dice == 0) // We don't attack, so just return
 add_effect(ME_HIT_BY_PLAYER, 3); // Make us a valid target for a few turns
 if (has_flag(MF_HIT_AND_RUN))
  add_effect(ME_RUN, 4);
 bool is_npc = p.is_npc();
 int  junk;
 bool u_see = (!is_npc || g->u_see(p.posx, p.posy, junk));
 std::string you  = (is_npc ? p.name : "you");
 std::string You  = (is_npc ? p.name : "You");
 std::string your = (is_npc ? p.name + "'s" : "your");
 std::string Your = (is_npc ? p.name + "'s" : "Your");
 body_part bphit;
 int side = rng(0, 1);
 int dam = hit(g, p, bphit), cut = type->melee_cut, stab = 0;
 technique_id tech = p.pick_defensive_technique(g, this, NULL);
 p.perform_defensive_technique(tech, g, this, NULL, bphit, side,
                               dam, cut, stab);
 if (dam == 0 && u_see)
  g->add_msg("The %s misses %s.", name().c_str(), you.c_str());
 else if (dam > 0) {
  if (u_see && tech != TEC_BLOCK)
   g->add_msg("The %s hits %s %s.", name().c_str(), your.c_str(),
              body_part_name(bphit, side).c_str());
// Attempt defensive moves

  if (!is_npc) {
   if (g->u.activity.type == ACT_RELOAD)
    g->add_msg("You stop reloading.");
   else if (g->u.activity.type == ACT_READ)
    g->add_msg("You stop reading.");
   else if (g->u.activity.type == ACT_CRAFT)
    g->add_msg("You stop crafting.");
   g->u.activity.type = ACT_NULL;
  if (p.has_active_bionic(bio_ods)) {
   if (u_see)
    g->add_msg("%s offensive defense system shocks it!", Your.c_str());
   hurt(rng(10, 40));
  if (p.encumb(bphit) == 0 &&
      (p.has_trait(PF_SPINES) || p.has_trait(PF_QUILLS))) {
   int spine = rng(1, (p.has_trait(PF_QUILLS) ? 20 : 8));
   g->add_msg("%s %s puncture it!", Your.c_str(),
              (g->u.has_trait(PF_QUILLS) ? "quills" : "spines"));

  if (dam + cut <= 0)
   return; // Defensive technique canceled damage.

  p.hit(g, bphit, side, dam, cut);
  if (has_flag(MF_VENOM)) {
   if (!is_npc)
    g->add_msg("You're poisoned!");
   p.add_disease(DI_POISON, 30, g);
  } else if (has_flag(MF_BADVENOM)) {
   if (!is_npc)
    g->add_msg("You feel poison flood your body, wracking you with pain...");
   p.add_disease(DI_BADPOISON, 40, g);
  if (has_flag(MF_BLEED) && dam > 6 && cut > 0) {
   if (!is_npc)
    g->add_msg("You're Bleeding!");
   p.add_disease(DI_BLEED, 30, g);
  if (can_grab && has_flag(MF_GRABS) &&
      dice(type->melee_dice, 10) > dice(p.dodge(g), 10)) {
   if (!is_npc)
    g->add_msg("The %s grabs you!", name().c_str());
   if (p.weapon.has_technique(TEC_BREAK, &p) &&
       dice(p.dex_cur + p.skillLevel("melee").level(), 12) > dice(type->melee_dice, 10)){
    if (!is_npc)
     g->add_msg("You break the grab!");
   } else
    hit_player(g, p, false);

  if (tech == TEC_COUNTER && !is_npc) {
   hurt( p.hit_mon(g, this) );
 } // if dam > 0
 if (is_npc) {
  if (p.hp_cur[hp_head] <= 0 || p.hp_cur[hp_torso] <= 0) {
   npc* tmp = dynamic_cast<npc*>(&p);
   int index = g->npc_at(p.posx, p.posy);
   if (index != -1 && index < g->active_npc.size())
    g->active_npc.erase(g->active_npc.begin() + index);
// Adjust anger/morale of same-species monsters, if appropriate
 int anger_adjust = 0, morale_adjust = 0;
 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < type->anger.size(); i++) {
  if (type->anger[i] == MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)
   anger_adjust += 15;
 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < type->placate.size(); i++) {
  if (type->placate[i] == MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)
   anger_adjust -= 15;
 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < type->fear.size(); i++) {
  if (type->fear[i] == MTRIG_FRIEND_ATTACKED)
   morale_adjust -= 15;
 if (anger_adjust != 0 && morale_adjust != 0) {
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < g->z.size(); i++) {
   g->z[i].morale += morale_adjust;
   g->z[i].anger += anger_adjust;