void split(std::vector<STD_STRING> &theStringVector, const  STD_STRING  &theString, const  STD_STRING  &theDelimiter, size_t startPos)
	size_t start = startPos, end = 0;
    if (theString.length() == 0) {

	while (end != STD_STRING::npos)
		end = theString.find(theDelimiter, start);

		// If at the end, use length=maxLength else use lengt=end-start
		STD_STRING trimmed = theString.substr(start,
			(end == std::string::npos) ? std::string::npos : end - start);
		size_t first = trimmed.find_first_not_of(hpm_str(" "));
		size_t last = trimmed.find_last_not_of(hpm_str(" ")) + 1;
		trimmed = trimmed.substr(
//			theString.substr(start,
//			(end == std::string::npos) ? std::string::npos : end - start));

		// If at end, use start=maxSize else use start=end+delimiter
		start = ((end > (std::string::npos - 1))
			? std::string::npos : end + 1);
//		start = ((end > (std::string::npos - theDelimiter.size()))
//			? std::string::npos : end + theDelimiter.size());
bool CTCMRequirementsEventHandler::addYourStuffToRightClick(HPMRightClickContext rightClickContext, HPMString projectName, HPMString root, HansoftSection section, std::vector<HPMUniqueID> &selectedTasks)
	if (projectName == s_requirementsProjectName && section == HansoftSection::BACKLOG)
		// Add the menu alternative to add a new test suite to the right click menu
		m_pSession->GlobalAddRightClickMenuItem(rightClickContext, hpm_str(""), root + s_addSuiteItem,
			m_pSession->LocalizationCreateUntranslatedStringFromString(s_addSuiteMenuAlternative), NULL);

		// Add the menu alternative to add a new user story to the right click menu
		m_pSession->GlobalAddRightClickMenuItem(rightClickContext, hpm_str(""), root + s_addUserStoryItem,
			m_pSession->LocalizationCreateUntranslatedStringFromString(s_addUserStoryAlternative), NULL);
		return true;
	return false;
* Called when the user invokes the add user story alternative.
void CTCMRequirementsEventHandler::onCreateUserStory(HPMString userStoryTitle, HPMString userStory, std::vector<HPMUniqueID> selectedTasks, HPMUniqueID projectUID)
	HPMUniqueID userStoryRefID = HansoftUtils::createBacklogItem(s_developmentProjectName, s_developmentRootName, userStoryTitle);
	//TODO: Set user story description
	if (userStoryRefID.IsValid())
		HPMUniqueID userStoryUID = m_pSession->TaskRefGetTask(userStoryRefID);
		m_pSession->TaskSetUserStoryFlag(userStoryUID, true);
		m_pSession->TaskSetDetailedDescription(userStoryUID, userStory);
		// Create the link from the created test suite to the requirement
		HansoftUtils::createLink(selectedTasks[0], userStoryRefID);
		HansoftUtils::createLink(userStoryRefID, selectedTasks[0]);

		MessageBox(NULL, hpm_str("The user story was created"), hpm_str("Hansoft TCM plugin"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
* Called when the user invokes the add test suite alternative
void CTCMRequirementsEventHandler::onCreateTestSuite(HPMString testSuiteName, HPMString testSuiteDescription, std::vector<HPMUniqueID> selectedTasks, HPMUniqueID projectUID)
	HPMUniqueID testSuiteRefID = HansoftUtils::createBacklogItem(s_testCasesProjectName, s_testSuitesRootName, testSuiteName);
	//TODO: Set test suite description
	if (testSuiteRefID.IsValid())
		HPMUniqueID testSuiteUID = m_pSession->TaskRefGetTask(testSuiteRefID);
		m_pSession->TaskSetUserStoryFlag(testSuiteUID, true);
		m_pSession->TaskSetDetailedDescription(testSuiteUID, testSuiteDescription);

		// Create the link from the created test suite to the requirement
		HansoftUtils::createLink(selectedTasks[0], testSuiteRefID);
		HansoftUtils::createLink(testSuiteRefID, selectedTasks[0]);

		MessageBox(NULL, hpm_str("The test suite was created"), hpm_str("Hansoft TCM plugin"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);
* Handles the actions defined in s_startCycleItem and s_endCycleItem.
* Params:
*	action - the string defining the action that was invoked by the user.
*   selectedTasks - the current selection of tasks
*   projectUID - the unique identifier for the current project.
* Returns:
*	Returns true if the event handler will pick up this action
bool CTCMRequirementsEventHandler::handleThis(HPMString action, std::vector<HPMUniqueID> &selectedTasks, HPMUniqueID projectUID)
	if (action == s_addSuiteItem)
		m_testSuiteName = hpm_str("");
		m_testSuiteDesc = hpm_str("");

		HPMString initialValues =
			s_addTestSuiteDialog + hpm_str("\r\n")
			HPMUniqueID()							// Can be set to specific project
			, HPMUniqueID()							// Can be set to specific resource
			, m_addTestSuiteDialogue
			, initialValues
		return true;
	else if (action == s_addUserStoryItem)
		m_userStoryName = hpm_str("");
		m_userStoryDesc = hpm_str("");

		HPMString initialValues =
			s_addUserStoryDialog + hpm_str("\r\n")
			HPMUniqueID()							// Can be set to specific project
			, HPMUniqueID()							// Can be set to specific resource
			, m_addUserStoryDialogue
			, initialValues
		return true;
	return false;
CTCMRequirementsEventHandler::CTCMRequirementsEventHandler(HPMSdkSession *_pSession) : CTCMEventHandler(_pSession)
	m_userStoryName = hpm_str("");
	m_userStoryDesc = hpm_str("");
	m_addUserStoryDialogue =
		hpm_str("	DialogName \"Add user story\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("	Item Tab\r\n")
		hpm_str("	{\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Identifier \"") + s_addUserStoryDialog + hpm_str("\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Name \"Info\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		InfoText \"User story dialog\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		LayoutStyle \"VerticalList\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Item FormLayout\r\n")
		hpm_str("		{\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Identifier \"Form\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Item Edit\r\n")
		hpm_str("			{\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Identifier \"UserStoryName\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Name \"User story name:\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				DefaultValue \"\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Password 0\r\n")
		hpm_str("			}\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Item MultiLineEdit\r\n")
		hpm_str("			{\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Identifier \"UserStoryDesc\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Name \"User story description:\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				DefaultValue \"As a .... I expect to be able to ..... so that ......\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Height 150\r\n")
		hpm_str("				ScrollBars 2\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Password 0\r\n")
		hpm_str("			}\r\n")
		hpm_str("		}\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Item FormLayout\r\n")
		hpm_str("		{\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Identifier \"Form2\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Item StaticText\r\n")
		hpm_str("		{\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Name \"Information\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Identifier \"UserStoryInfo\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("			DefaultValue \"The new user story will be added to the development project and linked to the requirement project. Data will propagate up into the requirement.\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		}\r\n")
		hpm_str("		}\r\n")
		hpm_str("	}\r\n");

	m_testSuiteName = hpm_str("");
	m_testSuiteDesc = hpm_str("");
	m_addTestSuiteDialogue =
		hpm_str("	DialogName \"Add test suite\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("	Item Tab\r\n")
		hpm_str("	{\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Identifier \"") + s_addTestSuiteDialog + hpm_str("\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Name \"Info\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		InfoText \"User test suite dialog\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		LayoutStyle \"VerticalList\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Item FormLayout\r\n")
		hpm_str("		{\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Identifier \"Form\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Item Edit\r\n")
		hpm_str("			{\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Identifier \"TestSuiteName\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Name \"Test suite name:\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				DefaultValue \"\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Password 0\r\n")
		hpm_str("			}\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Item MultiLineEdit\r\n")
		hpm_str("			{\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Identifier \"TestSuiteDesc\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Name \"Test suite description:\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				DefaultValue \"\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Height 150\r\n")
		hpm_str("				ScrollBars 2\r\n")
		hpm_str("				Password 0\r\n")
		hpm_str("			}\r\n")
		hpm_str("		}\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Item FormLayout\r\n")
		hpm_str("		{\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Identifier \"Form2\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		Item StaticText\r\n")
		hpm_str("		{\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Name \"Information\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("			Identifier \"TestSuiteInfo\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("			DefaultValue \"The new test suite will be added to the test case project and linked to the requirement project. Data will propagate up into the requirement.\"\r\n")
		hpm_str("		}\r\n")
		hpm_str("		}\r\n")
		hpm_str("	}\r\n");