UnpinnedCopyEngine::UnpinnedCopyEngine(hsa_agent_t hsaAgent, hsa_agent_t cpuAgent, size_t bufferSize, int numBuffers, 
                                       bool isLargeBar, int thresholdH2DDirectStaging, 
                                       int thresholdH2DStagingPinInPlace, int thresholdD2H) :
    _numBuffers(numBuffers > _max_buffers ? _max_buffers : numBuffers),
    hsa_amd_memory_pool_t sys_pool;
    hsa_status_t err = hsa_amd_agent_iterate_memory_pools(_cpuAgent, findGlobalPool, &sys_pool);

    // Generate a packed C-style array of agents, for use below with hsa_amd_agents_allow_access
    std::vector<hsa_agent_t> agents;
    err = hsa_iterate_agents(&find_gpu, &agents);
    hsa_agent_t * agentBlock = new hsa_agent_t[agents.size()];
    int i=0;
    for (auto iter=agents.begin(); iter!= agents.end(); iter++) {
        agentBlock[i++] = *iter;
        assert (i<=agents.size());

    for (int i=0; i<_numBuffers; i++) {
        // TODO - experiment with alignment here.
        err = hsa_amd_memory_pool_allocate(sys_pool, _bufferSize, 0, (void**)(&_pinnedStagingBuffer[i]));

        if ((err != HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS) || (_pinnedStagingBuffer[i] == NULL)) {
            THROW_ERROR(hipErrorMemoryAllocation, err);

        // Allow access from every agent:
        // This is used in peer-to-peer copies, since we use the buffers to copy from different agents.
        // TODO - may want to review this algorithm for NUMA locality - it might be faster to use staging buffer closer to devices?
        err = hsa_amd_agents_allow_access(agents.size(), agentBlock, NULL, _pinnedStagingBuffer[i]);

        hsa_signal_create(0, 0, NULL, &_completionSignal[i]);
        hsa_signal_create(0, 0, NULL, &_completionSignal2[i]);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct timespec timer_1, timer_2;

    hsa_status_t err;

    err = hsa_init();
    check(Initializing the hsa runtime, err);

     * Iterate over the agents and pick the gpu agent using 
     * the get_gpu_agent callback.
    hsa_agent_t agent;
    err = hsa_iterate_agents(get_gpu_agent, &agent);
    check(Getting a gpu agent, err);

     * Query the name of the agent.
    char name[64] = { 0 };
    err = hsa_agent_get_info(agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_NAME, name);
    check(Querying the agent name, err);
    printf("The agent name is %s.\n", name);

     * Query the maximum size of the queue.
    uint32_t queue_size = 0;
    err = hsa_agent_get_info(agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE, &queue_size);
    check(Querying the agent maximum queue size, err);
    printf("The maximum queue size is %u.\n", (unsigned int) queue_size);

     * Create a queue using the maximum size.
    hsa_queue_t* queue; 
    err = hsa_queue_create(agent, queue_size, HSA_QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE, NULL, NULL, UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX, &queue);
    check(Creating the queue, err);

     * Load the BRIG binary.
    hsa_ext_module_t module;

     * Create hsa program.
    hsa_ext_program_t program;
    check(Create the program, err);

     * Add the BRIG module to hsa program.
    err = hsa_ext_program_add_module(program, module);
    check(Adding the brig module to the program, err);

     * Determine the agents ISA.
    hsa_isa_t isa;
    err = hsa_agent_get_info(agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_ISA, &isa);
    check(Query the agents isa, err);

     * Finalize the program and extract the code object.
    hsa_ext_control_directives_t control_directives;
    memset(&control_directives, 0, sizeof(hsa_ext_control_directives_t));
    hsa_code_object_t code_object;
    err = hsa_ext_program_finalize(program, isa, 0, control_directives, "-O0", HSA_CODE_OBJECT_TYPE_PROGRAM, &code_object);
    check(Finalizing the program, err);

     * Destroy the program, it is no longer needed.
    check(Destroying the program, err);

     * Create the empty executable.
    hsa_executable_t executable;
    err = hsa_executable_create(HSA_PROFILE_FULL, HSA_EXECUTABLE_STATE_UNFROZEN, "", &executable);
    check(Create the executable, err);

     * Load the code<F3> object.
    err = hsa_executable_load_code_object(executable, agent, code_object, "");
    check(Loading the code object, err);

     * Freeze the executable; it can now be queried for symbols.
    err = hsa_executable_freeze(executable, "");
    check(Freeze the executable, err);

    * Extract the symbol from the executable.
    hsa_executable_symbol_t symbol;
    err = hsa_executable_get_symbol(executable, "", "&__OpenCL_vector_copy_kernel", agent, 0, &symbol);
    check(Extract the symbol from the executable, err);

     * Extract dispatch information from the symbol
    uint64_t kernel_object;
    uint32_t kernarg_segment_size;
    uint32_t group_segment_size;
    uint32_t private_segment_size;

    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_OBJECT, &kernel_object);
    check(Extracting the symbol from the executable, err);
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_KERNARG_SEGMENT_SIZE, &kernarg_segment_size);
    check(Extracting the kernarg segment size from the executable, err);
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_GROUP_SEGMENT_SIZE, &group_segment_size);
    check(Extracting the group segment size from the executable, err);
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_PRIVATE_SEGMENT_SIZE, &private_segment_size);
    check(Extracting the private segment from the executable, err);
     * Create a signal to wait for the dispatch to finish.
    hsa_signal_t signal;
    err=hsa_signal_create(1, 0, NULL, &signal);
    check(Creating a HSA signal, err);

     * Allocate and initialize the kernel arguments and data.
    int* in=(int*)malloc(SIZE);
    int i;
    err=hsa_memory_register(in, SIZE);
    check(Registering argument memory for input parameter, err);

    int* out=(int*)malloc(SIZE);
    memset(out, 0, SIZE);
    err=hsa_memory_register(out, SIZE);
    check(Registering argument memory for output parameter, err);
    int element = ELEMENT;
    int iter = ITER;

    struct __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) args_t {
       	uint64_t global_offset_0;
	uint64_t global_offset_1;
	uint64_t global_offset_2;
	uint64_t printf_buffer;
	uint64_t vqueue_pointer;
	uint64_t aqlwrap_pointer;
        void* in;
        void* out;
        int iter;
        int element;
    } args;
    memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));

     * Find a memory region that supports kernel arguments.
    hsa_region_t kernarg_region;
    hsa_agent_iterate_regions(agent, get_kernarg_memory_region, &kernarg_region);
    err = (kernarg_region.handle == (uint64_t)-1) ? HSA_STATUS_ERROR : HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    check(Finding a kernarg memory region, err);
    void* kernarg_address = NULL;

     * Allocate the kernel argument buffer from the correct region.
    err = hsa_memory_allocate(kernarg_region, kernarg_segment_size, &kernarg_address);
    check(Allocating kernel argument memory buffer, err);
    memcpy(kernarg_address, &args, sizeof(args));
     * Obtain the current queue write index.
    uint64_t index = hsa_queue_load_write_index_relaxed(queue);

     * Write the aql packet at the calculated queue index address.
    const uint32_t queueMask = queue->size - 1;
    hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t* dispatch_packet = &(((hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t*)(queue->base_address))[index&queueMask]);

    dispatch_packet->setup  |= 1 << HSA_KERNEL_DISPATCH_PACKET_SETUP_DIMENSIONS;
    dispatch_packet->workgroup_size_x = (uint16_t)LOCAL_SIZE;
    dispatch_packet->workgroup_size_y = (uint16_t)1;
    dispatch_packet->workgroup_size_z = (uint16_t)1;
    dispatch_packet->grid_size_x = (uint32_t) (GLOBAL_SIZE);
    dispatch_packet->grid_size_y = 1;
    dispatch_packet->grid_size_z = 1;
    dispatch_packet->completion_signal = signal;
    dispatch_packet->kernel_object = kernel_object;
    dispatch_packet->kernarg_address = (void*) kernarg_address;
    dispatch_packet->private_segment_size = private_segment_size;
    dispatch_packet->group_segment_size = group_segment_size;
    __atomic_store_n((uint8_t*)(&dispatch_packet->header), (uint8_t)HSA_PACKET_TYPE_KERNEL_DISPATCH, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);

     * Increment the write index and ring the doorbell to dispatch the kernel.
    hsa_queue_store_write_index_relaxed(queue, index+1);
    hsa_signal_store_relaxed(queue->doorbell_signal, index);
    check(Dispatching the kernel, err);

     * Wait on the dispatch completion signal until the kernel is finished.
    hsa_signal_value_t value = hsa_signal_wait_acquire(signal, HSA_SIGNAL_CONDITION_LT, 1, UINT64_MAX, HSA_WAIT_STATE_BLOCKED);
    toc("Execution Period", &timer_1, &timer_2);
     * Validate the data in the output buffer.
    int temp = 0;
            temp = in[i];

        printf("PASS \n");
        printf("FAIL out=%d in=%d \n",out[GLOBAL_SIZE],temp);

     * Cleanup all allocated resources.
    check(Destroying the signal, err);

    check(Destroying the executable, err);

    check(Destroying the code object, err);

    check(Destroying the queue, err);
    check(Shutting down the runtime, err);

//printf("kernarg_segment_size:%d group_segment_size:%d private_segment_size:%d",kernarg_segment_size,group_segment_size,private_segment_size);
        return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    hsa_status_t err;

    err = hsa_init();
    check(Initializing the hsa runtime, err);

     * Determine if the finalizer 1.0 extension is supported.
    bool support;

    err = hsa_system_extension_supported(HSA_EXTENSION_FINALIZER, 1, 0, &support);

    check(Checking finalizer 1.0 extension support, err);

     * Generate the finalizer function table.
    hsa_ext_finalizer_1_00_pfn_t table_1_00;

    err = hsa_system_get_extension_table(HSA_EXTENSION_FINALIZER, 1, 0, &table_1_00);

    check(Generating function table for finalizer, err);

     * Iterate over the agents and pick the gpu agent using 
     * the get_gpu_agent callback.
    hsa_agent_t agent;
    err = hsa_iterate_agents(get_gpu_agent, &agent);
    check(Getting a gpu agent, err);

     * Query the name of the agent.
    char name[64] = { 0 };
    err = hsa_agent_get_info(agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_NAME, name);
    check(Querying the agent name, err);
    printf("The agent name is %s.\n", name);

     * Query the maximum size of the queue.
    uint32_t queue_size = 0;
    err = hsa_agent_get_info(agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE, &queue_size);
    check(Querying the agent maximum queue size, err);
    printf("The maximum queue size is %u.\n", (unsigned int) queue_size);

     * Create a queue using the maximum size.
    hsa_queue_t* queue; 
    err = hsa_queue_create(agent, queue_size, HSA_QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE, NULL, NULL, UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX, &queue);
    check(Creating the queue, err);

     * Load the BRIG binary.
    hsa_ext_module_t module;

     * Create hsa program.
    hsa_ext_program_t program;
    err = table_1_00.hsa_ext_program_create(HSA_MACHINE_MODEL_LARGE, HSA_PROFILE_FULL, HSA_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE_DEFAULT, NULL, &program);
    check(Create the program, err);

     * Add the BRIG module to hsa program.
    err = table_1_00.hsa_ext_program_add_module(program, module);
    check(Adding the brig module to the program, err);

     * Determine the agents ISA.
    hsa_isa_t isa;
    err = hsa_agent_get_info(agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_ISA, &isa);
    check(Query the agents isa, err);

     * Finalize the program and extract the code object.
    hsa_ext_control_directives_t control_directives;
    memset(&control_directives, 0, sizeof(hsa_ext_control_directives_t));
    hsa_code_object_t code_object;
    err = table_1_00.hsa_ext_program_finalize(program, isa, 0, control_directives, "", HSA_CODE_OBJECT_TYPE_PROGRAM, &code_object);
    check(Finalizing the program, err);

     * Destroy the program, it is no longer needed.
    check(Destroying the program, err);

     * Create the empty executable.
    hsa_executable_t executable;
    err = hsa_executable_create(HSA_PROFILE_FULL, HSA_EXECUTABLE_STATE_UNFROZEN, "", &executable);
    check(Create the executable, err);

     * Load the code object.
    err = hsa_executable_load_code_object(executable, agent, code_object, "");
    check(Loading the code object, err);

     * Freeze the executable; it can now be queried for symbols.
    err = hsa_executable_freeze(executable, "");
    check(Freeze the executable, err);

    * Extract the symbol from the executable.
    hsa_executable_symbol_t symbol;
    err = hsa_executable_get_symbol(executable, NULL, "&__vector_copy_kernel", agent, 0, &symbol);
    check(Extract the symbol from the executable, err);

     * Extract dispatch information from the symbol
    uint64_t kernel_object;
    uint32_t kernarg_segment_size;
    uint32_t group_segment_size;
    uint32_t private_segment_size;
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_OBJECT, &kernel_object);
    check(Extracting the symbol from the executable, err);
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_KERNARG_SEGMENT_SIZE, &kernarg_segment_size);
    check(Extracting the kernarg segment size from the executable, err);
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_GROUP_SEGMENT_SIZE, &group_segment_size);
    check(Extracting the group segment size from the executable, err);
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_PRIVATE_SEGMENT_SIZE, &private_segment_size);
    check(Extracting the private segment from the executable, err);

     * Create a signal to wait for the dispatch to finish.
    hsa_signal_t signal;
    err=hsa_signal_create(1, 0, NULL, &signal);
    check(Creating a HSA signal, err);

     * Allocate and initialize the kernel arguments and data.
    char* in=(char*)malloc(1024*1024*4);
    memset(in, 1, 1024*1024*4);
    err=hsa_memory_register(in, 1024*1024*4);
    check(Registering argument memory for input parameter, err);

    char* out=(char*)malloc(1024*1024*4);
    memset(out, 0, 1024*1024*4);
    err=hsa_memory_register(out, 1024*1024*4);
    check(Registering argument memory for output parameter, err);

    struct __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) args_t {
        void* in;
        void* out;
    } args;


     * Find a memory region that supports kernel arguments.
    hsa_region_t kernarg_region;
    hsa_agent_iterate_regions(agent, get_kernarg_memory_region, &kernarg_region);
    err = (kernarg_region.handle == (uint64_t)-1) ? HSA_STATUS_ERROR : HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    check(Finding a kernarg memory region, err);
    void* kernarg_address = NULL;

     * Allocate the kernel argument buffer from the correct region.
    err = hsa_memory_allocate(kernarg_region, kernarg_segment_size, &kernarg_address);
    check(Allocating kernel argument memory buffer, err);
    memcpy(kernarg_address, &args, sizeof(args));
     * Obtain the current queue write index.
    uint64_t index = hsa_queue_load_write_index_relaxed(queue);

     * Write the aql packet at the calculated queue index address.
    const uint32_t queueMask = queue->size - 1;
    hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t* dispatch_packet = &(((hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t*)(queue->base_address))[index&queueMask]);

    dispatch_packet->setup  |= 1 << HSA_KERNEL_DISPATCH_PACKET_SETUP_DIMENSIONS;
    dispatch_packet->workgroup_size_x = (uint16_t)256;
    dispatch_packet->workgroup_size_y = (uint16_t)1;
    dispatch_packet->workgroup_size_z = (uint16_t)1;
    dispatch_packet->grid_size_x = (uint32_t) (1024*1024);
    dispatch_packet->grid_size_y = 1;
    dispatch_packet->grid_size_z = 1;
    dispatch_packet->completion_signal = signal;
    dispatch_packet->kernel_object = kernel_object;
    dispatch_packet->kernarg_address = (void*) kernarg_address;
    dispatch_packet->private_segment_size = private_segment_size;
    dispatch_packet->group_segment_size = group_segment_size;

    uint16_t header = 0;

    __atomic_store_n((uint16_t*)(&dispatch_packet->header), header, __ATOMIC_RELEASE);

     * Increment the write index and ring the doorbell to dispatch the kernel.
    hsa_queue_store_write_index_relaxed(queue, index+1);
    hsa_signal_store_relaxed(queue->doorbell_signal, index);
    check(Dispatching the kernel, err);

     * Wait on the dispatch completion signal until the kernel is finished.
    hsa_signal_value_t value = hsa_signal_wait_acquire(signal, HSA_SIGNAL_CONDITION_LT, 1, UINT64_MAX, HSA_WAIT_STATE_BLOCKED);

     * Validate the data in the output buffer.
    int valid=1;
    int fail_index=0;
    for(int i=0; i<1024*1024; i++) {
        if(out[i]!=in[i]) {

    if(valid) {
        printf("Passed validation.\n");
    } else {
        printf("VALIDATION FAILED!\nBad index: %d\n", fail_index);

     * Cleanup all allocated resources.
    err = hsa_memory_free(kernarg_address);
    check(Freeing kernel argument memory buffer, err);

    check(Destroying the signal, err);

    check(Destroying the executable, err);

    check(Destroying the code object, err);

    check(Destroying the queue, err);
    check(Shutting down the runtime, err);


    return 0;
void initial_kernel()
    hsa_status_t err;
    err = hsa_init();
    check(Initializing the hsa runtime, err);

     * Iterate over the agents and pick the gpu agent using 
     * the get_gpu_agent callback.
    hsa_agent_t agent;
    err = hsa_iterate_agents(get_gpu_agent, &agent);
    check(Getting a gpu agent, err);

     * Query the name of the agent.
    char name[64] = { 0 };
    err = hsa_agent_get_info(agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_NAME, name);
    check(Querying the agent name, err);
    fprintf(stderr, "The agent name is %s.\n", name);

     * Query the maximum size of the queue.
    uint32_t queue_size = 0;
    err = hsa_agent_get_info(agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE, &queue_size);
    check(Querying the agent maximum queue size, err);
    fprintf(stderr, "The maximum queue size is %u.\n", (unsigned int) queue_size);

     * Create a queue using the maximum size.
    err = hsa_queue_create(agent, queue_size, HSA_QUEUE_TYPE_SINGLE, NULL, NULL, UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX, &queue);
    check(Creating the queue, err);

     * Load the BRIG binary.
    hsa_ext_module_t module;

     * Create hsa program.
    hsa_ext_program_t program;
    check(Create the program, err);

     * Add the BRIG module to hsa program.
    err = hsa_ext_program_add_module(program, module);
    check(Adding the brig module to the program, err);

     * Determine the agents ISA.
    hsa_isa_t isa;
    err = hsa_agent_get_info(agent, HSA_AGENT_INFO_ISA, &isa);
    check(Query the agents isa, err);

     * Finalize the program and extract the code object.
    hsa_ext_control_directives_t control_directives;
    memset(&control_directives, 0, sizeof(hsa_ext_control_directives_t));
    hsa_code_object_t code_object;
    err = hsa_ext_program_finalize(program, isa, 0, control_directives, "", HSA_CODE_OBJECT_TYPE_PROGRAM, &code_object);
    check(Finalizing the program, err);

     * Destroy the program, it is no longer needed.
    check(Destroying the program, err);

     * Create the empty executable.
    hsa_executable_t executable;
    err = hsa_executable_create(HSA_PROFILE_FULL, HSA_EXECUTABLE_STATE_UNFROZEN, "", &executable);
    check(Create the executable, err);

     * Load the code object.
    err = hsa_executable_load_code_object(executable, agent, code_object, "");
    check(Loading the code object, err);

     * Freeze the executable; it can now be queried for symbols.
    err = hsa_executable_freeze(executable, "");
    check(Freeze the executable, err);

    * Extract the symbol from the executable.
    hsa_executable_symbol_t symbol;
    err = hsa_executable_get_symbol(executable, "", "&__OpenCL_cal_diskernel_kernel", agent, 0, &symbol);
    check(Extract the symbol from the executable, err);

     * Extract dispatch information from the symbol
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_OBJECT, &kernel_object);
    check(Extracting the symbol from the executable, err);
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_KERNARG_SEGMENT_SIZE, &kernarg_segment_size);
    check(Extracting the kernarg segment size from the executable, err);
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_GROUP_SEGMENT_SIZE, &group_segment_size);
    check(Extracting the group segment size from the executable, err);
    err = hsa_executable_symbol_get_info(symbol, HSA_EXECUTABLE_SYMBOL_INFO_KERNEL_PRIVATE_SEGMENT_SIZE, &private_segment_size);
    check(Extracting the private segment from the executable, err);

     * Create a signal to wait for the dispatch to finish.
    err=hsa_signal_create(1, 0, NULL, &signal);
    check(Creating a HSA signal, err);

     * Allocate and initialize the kernel arguments and data.
    err |= hsa_memory_register(data, sizeof(float)*N_DCNT*N_DIM);
    err |= hsa_memory_register(cent, sizeof(float)*N_K*N_DIM);
    err |= hsa_memory_register(table, sizeof(int)*N_DCNT);

    err |= hsa_memory_register(chpt, sizeof(int)*N_DCNT);
    err |= hsa_memory_register(cent_c, sizeof(int)*N_DCNT);
    err |= hsa_memory_register(min_dis, sizeof(float)*N_DCNT);

    check(Registering argument memory for output parameter, err);

    struct __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) args_t {
        uint64_t global_offset_0;
    	uint64_t global_offset_1;
    	uint64_t global_offset_2;
    	uint64_t printf_buffer;
    	uint64_t vqueue_pointer;
    	uint64_t aqlwrap_pointer;

        void * data_ker;
        void * cent_ker;
        void * table;
        unsigned int K;
        unsigned int DIM;
        unsigned int DCNT;
        void * chpt;
        void * cent_c_ker;
        void * min_dis;
    } args;
    memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
    args.data_ker = data;
    args.cent_ker = cent;
    args.table = table;
    args.K = N_K;
    args.DIM = N_DIM;
    args.DCNT = N_DCNT;
    args.chpt = chpt;
    args.cent_c_ker = cent_c_ker;
    args.min_dis = min_dis;

     * Find a memory region that supports kernel arguments.
    hsa_region_t kernarg_region;
    hsa_agent_iterate_regions(agent, get_kernarg_memory_region, &kernarg_region);
    err = (kernarg_region.handle == (uint64_t)-1) ? HSA_STATUS_ERROR : HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    check(Finding a kernarg memory region, err);

     * Allocate the kernel argument buffer from the correct region.
    err = hsa_memory_allocate(kernarg_region, kernarg_segment_size, &kernarg_address);
    check(Allocating kernel argument memory buffer, err);
    memcpy(kernarg_address, &args, sizeof(args));
文件: pocl-hsa.c 项目: larsmans/pocl
(void *data,
 _cl_command_node* cmd)
  struct data *d;
  struct pocl_argument *al;
  unsigned i;
  cl_kernel kernel = cmd->command.run.kernel;
  struct pocl_context *pc = &cmd->command.run.pc;
  hsa_signal_value_t initial_value = 1;
#if 0
  /* Not yet supported by the reference library. */
  hsa_kernel_dispatch_packet_t kernel_packet;
  hsa_dispatch_packet_t kernel_packet;
  hsa_signal_t kernel_completion_signal = 0;
  hsa_region_t region;
  int error;
  amdgpu_args_t *args;
  /* 32b word offset in the kernel arguments buffer we can push the next
     argument to. */
  int args_offset = 0;

  assert (data != NULL);
  d = (struct data *) data;

  d->current_kernel = kernel;

  memset (&kernel_packet, 0, sizeof (hsa_dispatch_packet_t));

#if 0
  /* TODO: not yet supported by the open source runtime implementation.
     Assume the HSA Full profile so we can simply use host malloc().
  hsa_agent_iterate_regions(kernel_agent, pocl_hsa_get_kernarg, &region);

  if (hsa_memory_allocate(region, sizeof(amdgpu_args_t),
                          (void**)&args) !=
      assert (0 && "hsa_memory_allocate() failed.");
  args = (amdgpu_args_t*)malloc(sizeof(amdgpu_args_t));

  kernel_packet.kernarg_address = (uint64_t)args;

  /* Process the kernel arguments. Convert the opaque buffer
     pointers to real device pointers, allocate dynamic local
     memory buffers, etc. */
  for (i = 0; i < kernel->num_args; ++i)
      al = &(cmd->command.run.arguments[i]);
      if (kernel->arg_info[i].is_local)
          POCL_ABORT_UNIMPLEMENTED("pocl-hsa: local buffers not implemented.");
#if 0
          arguments[i] = malloc (sizeof (void *));
          *(void **)(arguments[i]) = pocl_hsa_malloc(data, 0, al->size, NULL);
      else if (kernel->arg_info[i].type == POCL_ARG_TYPE_POINTER)
          if (args_offset + 1 >= MAX_KERNEL_ARG_WORDS)
            POCL_ABORT("pocl-hsa: too many kernel arguments!");
          /* Assuming the pointers are 64b (or actually the same as in
             host) due to HSA. TODO: the 32b profile. */
          if (al->value == NULL)
              args->kernel_args[args_offset] = 0;
              args->kernel_args[args_offset + 1] = 0;
              *(uint64_t*)&args->kernel_args[args_offset] =
                (uint64_t)(*(cl_mem *) (al->value))->
          args_offset += 2;

#if 0
          /* It's legal to pass a NULL pointer to clSetKernelArguments. In
             that case we must pass the same NULL forward to the kernel.
             Otherwise, the user must have created a buffer with per device
             pointers stored in the cl_mem. */
          if (al->value == NULL)
              arguments[i] = malloc (sizeof (void *));
              *(void **)arguments[i] = NULL;
            arguments[i] =
              &((*(cl_mem *) (al->value))->device_ptrs[cmd->device->dev_id].mem_ptr);
      else if (kernel->arg_info[i].type == POCL_ARG_TYPE_IMAGE)
          POCL_ABORT_UNIMPLEMENTED("hsa: image arguments not implemented.");
#if 0
          dev_image_t di;
          fill_dev_image_t (&di, al, cmd->device);

          void* devptr = pocl_hsa_malloc (data, 0, sizeof(dev_image_t), NULL);
          arguments[i] = malloc (sizeof (void *));
          *(void **)(arguments[i]) = devptr;
          pocl_hsa_write (data, &di, devptr, 0, sizeof(dev_image_t));
      else if (kernel->arg_info[i].type == POCL_ARG_TYPE_SAMPLER)
          POCL_ABORT_UNIMPLEMENTED("hsa: sampler arguments not implemented.");
#if 0
          dev_sampler_t ds;
          arguments[i] = malloc (sizeof (void *));
          *(void **)(arguments[i]) = pocl_hsa_malloc
            (data, 0, sizeof(dev_sampler_t), NULL);
          pocl_hsa_write (data, &ds, *(void**)arguments[i], 0,
          if (args_offset >= MAX_KERNEL_ARG_WORDS)
            POCL_ABORT("pocl-hsa: too many kernel arguments!");

          /* Assuming the scalar fits to a 32b slot. TODO! */
          assert (al->size <= 4);
          args->kernel_args[args_offset] = *(uint32_t*)al->value;

  for (i = kernel->num_args;
       i < kernel->num_args + kernel->num_locals;
      POCL_ABORT_UNIMPLEMENTED("hsa: automatic local buffers not implemented.");
#if 0
      al = &(cmd->command.run.arguments[i]);
      arguments[i] = malloc (sizeof (void *));
      *(void **)(arguments[i]) = pocl_hsa_malloc (data, 0, al->size, NULL);

  args->workgroup_size_x = kernel_packet.workgroup_size_x = cmd->command.run.local_x;
  args->workgroup_size_y = kernel_packet.workgroup_size_y = cmd->command.run.local_y;
  args->workgroup_size_z = kernel_packet.workgroup_size_z = cmd->command.run.local_z;

  kernel_packet.grid_size_x = pc->num_groups[0] * cmd->command.run.local_x;
  kernel_packet.grid_size_y = pc->num_groups[1] * cmd->command.run.local_y;
  kernel_packet.grid_size_z = pc->num_groups[2] * cmd->command.run.local_z;

  /* AMDGPU specific OpenCL argument data. */

  args->wgs_x = pc->num_groups[0];
  args->wgs_y = pc->num_groups[1];
  args->wgs_z = pc->num_groups[2];

  kernel_packet.dimensions = 1;
  if (cmd->command.run.local_y > 1) kernel_packet.dimensions = 2;
  if (cmd->command.run.local_z > 1) kernel_packet.dimensions = 3;

  kernel_packet.header.type = HSA_PACKET_TYPE_DISPATCH;
  kernel_packet.header.acquire_fence_scope = HSA_FENCE_SCOPE_SYSTEM;
  kernel_packet.header.release_fence_scope = HSA_FENCE_SCOPE_SYSTEM;
  kernel_packet.header.barrier = 1;

  kernel_packet.kernel_object_address =

  error =  hsa_signal_create(initial_value, 0, NULL, &kernel_completion_signal);
  assert (error == HSA_STATUS_SUCCESS);

  kernel_packet.completion_signal = kernel_completion_signal;

    /* Launch the kernel by allocating a slot in the queue, writing the
       command to it, signaling the update with a door bell and finally,
       block waiting until finish signalled with the completion_signal. */
    const uint32_t queue_mask = d->queue->size - 1;
    uint64_t queue_index = hsa_queue_load_write_index_relaxed(d->queue);
    hsa_signal_value_t sigval;
    ((hsa_dispatch_packet_t*)(d->queue->base_address))[queue_index & queue_mask] =
    hsa_queue_store_write_index_relaxed(d->queue, queue_index + 1);
    hsa_signal_store_relaxed(d->queue->doorbell_signal, queue_index);

    sigval = hsa_signal_wait_acquire(kernel_completion_signal, HSA_EQ, 0,
                                     (uint64_t)(-1), HSA_WAIT_EXPECTANCY_UNKNOWN);

  for (i = 0; i < kernel->num_args; ++i)
      if (kernel->arg_info[i].is_local)
#if 0
          pocl_hsa_free (data, 0, *(void **)(arguments[i]));
      else if (kernel->arg_info[i].type == POCL_ARG_TYPE_IMAGE)
#if 0
          pocl_hsa_free (data, 0, *(void **)(arguments[i]));
#if 0
      else if (kernel->arg_info[i].type == POCL_ARG_TYPE_SAMPLER ||
               (kernel->arg_info[i].type == POCL_ARG_TYPE_POINTER &&
                *(void**)args->kernel_args[i] == NULL))
  for (i = kernel->num_args;
       i < kernel->num_args + kernel->num_locals;
#if 0
      pocl_hsa_free(data, 0, *(void **)(arguments[i]));
void TemplateDispatch<T>::dispatchKernel(T run_args, hsa_signal_t& signal,
	const Launch_params_t lparm) {
hsa_dispatch_packet_t run_Aql;
HSAContextKaveriImpl::KernelImpl *p_impl =
		(HSAContextKaveriImpl::KernelImpl *) m_p_kernel;

hsa_status_t err;
status_t status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
/*  Create a signal to wait for the dispatch to finish.  */
err = hsa_signal_create(1, 0, NULL, &signal);

/*  Setup this call to this kernel dispatch packet from scratch.  */
memset(&run_Aql, 0, sizeof(run_Aql));
run_Aql.completion_signal = signal;

/*  Set the dimensions passed from the application */
run_Aql.dimensions = (uint16_t) lparm.ndim;
run_Aql.grid_size_x = lparm.gdims[0];
run_Aql.workgroup_size_x = lparm.ldims[0];
if (lparm.ndim > 1) {
	run_Aql.grid_size_y = lparm.gdims[1];
	run_Aql.workgroup_size_y = lparm.ldims[1];
} else {
	run_Aql.grid_size_y = 1;
	run_Aql.workgroup_size_y = 1;
if (lparm.ndim > 2) {
	run_Aql.grid_size_z = lparm.gdims[2];
	run_Aql.workgroup_size_z = lparm.ldims[2];
} else {
	run_Aql.grid_size_z = 1;
	run_Aql.workgroup_size_z = 1;

/*  In the future, we may use environment variables for some of these */
run_Aql.header.type = HSA_PACKET_TYPE_DISPATCH;
run_Aql.header.acquire_fence_scope = 2;
run_Aql.header.release_fence_scope = 2;
run_Aql.header.barrier = 1;
run_Aql.group_segment_size =
run_Aql.private_segment_size =

/*  copy args from the custom run_args structure */
/*  FIXME We should align kernel_arg_buffer because run_args is aligned */
memcpy(run_kernel_arg_buffer, &run_args, sizeof(run_args));

/*  Bind kernelcode to the packet.  */
run_Aql.kernel_object_address = p_impl->hsaCodeDescriptor->code.handle;

/*  Bind kernel argument buffer to the aql packet.  */
run_Aql.kernarg_address = (uint64_t) run_kernel_arg_buffer;

/*  Obtain the current queue write index. increases with each call to kernel  */
uint64_t index = hsa_queue_load_write_index_relaxed(
/* printf("DEBUG:Call #%d to kernel \"%s\" \n",(int) index+1,"run"); */

/*  Write the run_Aql packet at the calculated queue index address.  */
const uint32_t queueMask = p_impl->context->commandQueue->size - 1;
const uint32_t pos = index & queueMask;
((hsa_dispatch_packet_t*) (p_impl->context->commandQueue->base_address))[pos] =

/* Increment the write index and ring the doorbell to dispatch the kernel.  */
hsa_queue_store_write_index_relaxed(p_impl->context->commandQueue, index + 1);

hsa_signal_store_relaxed(p_impl->context->commandQueue->doorbell_signal, index);
void MultiKernelDispatch<T>::queueKernel(HSAContext::Kernel* p_kernel,
		T kern_args, Launch_params_t lparm, bool wait) {

	if (wait)
		hsa_status_t err;
		m_expected_value  =1;
		err = hsa_signal_create(m_expected_value, 0, NULL, &m_signal);

	HSAContextKaveriImpl* p_ctx = (HSAContextKaveriImpl*) m_pcontext;
	/*  Obtain the current queue write index. increases with each call to kernel  */
	uint64_t index = hsa_queue_load_write_index_relaxed(p_ctx->commandQueue);
	/* printf("DEBUG:Call #%d to kernel \"%s\" \n",(int) index+1,"run"); */

	HSAContextKaveriImpl::KernelImpl *p_impl =
			(HSAContextKaveriImpl::KernelImpl *) p_kernel;

	/*  Setup this call to this kernel dispatch packet from scratch.  */
	memset(&m_aql, 0, sizeof(m_aql));

	/*  Set the dimensions passed from the application */
	m_aql.dimensions = (uint16_t) lparm.ndim;
	m_aql.grid_size_x = lparm.gdims[0];
	m_aql.workgroup_size_x = lparm.ldims[0];
	m_aql.completion_signal = m_signal;
	if (lparm.ndim > 1) {
		m_aql.grid_size_y = lparm.gdims[1];
		m_aql.workgroup_size_y = lparm.ldims[1];
	} else {
		m_aql.grid_size_y = 1;
		m_aql.workgroup_size_y = 1;
	if (lparm.ndim > 2) {
		m_aql.grid_size_z = lparm.gdims[2];
		m_aql.workgroup_size_z = lparm.ldims[2];
	} else {
		m_aql.grid_size_z = 1;
		m_aql.workgroup_size_z = 1;

	/*  In the future, we may use environment variables for some of these */
	m_aql.header.type = HSA_PACKET_TYPE_DISPATCH;
	m_aql.header.acquire_fence_scope = 2;
	m_aql.header.release_fence_scope = 2;
	m_aql.header.barrier = 1;
	m_aql.group_segment_size =
	m_aql.private_segment_size =

	void * run_kernel_arg_buffer = p_impl->m_run_arg_buffer;
	/*  copy args from the custom run_args structure */
	/*  FIXME We should align kernel_arg_buffer because run_args is aligned */
	memcpy(run_kernel_arg_buffer, &kern_args, sizeof(kern_args));

	/*  Bind kernelcode to the packet.  */
	m_aql.kernel_object_address = p_impl->hsaCodeDescriptor->code.handle;

	/*  Bind kernel argument buffer to the aql packet.  */
	m_aql.kernarg_address = (uint64_t) run_kernel_arg_buffer;

	const uint32_t queueMask = p_ctx->commandQueue->size - 1;
	const uint32_t pos = (index) & queueMask;
	((hsa_dispatch_packet_t*) (p_ctx->commandQueue->base_address))[pos] = m_aql;

	if (wait)
		hsa_signal_store_relaxed(p_ctx->commandQueue->doorbell_signal, index);
	/* Increment the write index and ring the doorbell to dispatch the kernel.  */
	hsa_queue_store_write_index_relaxed(p_ctx->commandQueue, index + 1);

	if (wait)
		hsa_signal_wait_acquire(m_signal, HSA_LT, m_expected_value, (uint64_t)-1, HSA_WAIT_EXPECTANCY_SHORT);
		m_signal = 0;
