QueryObjectsStorage::QueryObjectsStorage(std::string hsgrPath, std::string ramIndexPath, std::string fileIndexPath, std::string nodesPath, std::string edgesPath, std::string namesPath, std::string timestampPath) {
	INFO("loading graph data");
	std::ifstream hsgrInStream(hsgrPath.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
    if(!hsgrInStream) { ERR(hsgrPath <<  " not found"); }
	//Deserialize road network graph
	std::vector< QueryGraph::_StrNode> nodeList;
	std::vector< QueryGraph::_StrEdge> edgeList;
	const int n = readHSGRFromStream(hsgrInStream, nodeList, edgeList, &checkSum);

	INFO("Data checksum is " << checkSum);
	graph = new QueryGraph(nodeList, edgeList);
	assert(0 == nodeList.size());
	assert(0 == edgeList.size());

	if(timestampPath.length()) {
	    INFO("Loading Timestamp");
	    std::ifstream timestampInStream(timestampPath.c_str());
	    if(!timestampInStream) { ERR(timestampPath <<  " not found"); }

	    getline(timestampInStream, timestamp);
	    timestamp = "n/a";
	if(25 < timestamp.length())

    INFO("Loading auxiliary information");
    //Init nearest neighbor data structure
	std::ifstream nodesInStream(nodesPath.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
	if(!nodesInStream) { ERR(nodesPath <<  " not found"); }
    std::ifstream edgesInStream(edgesPath.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
    if(!edgesInStream) { ERR(edgesPath <<  " not found"); }
	nodeHelpDesk = new NodeInformationHelpDesk(ramIndexPath.c_str(), fileIndexPath.c_str(), n, checkSum, graph);
	nodeHelpDesk->initNNGrid(nodesInStream, edgesInStream);

	//deserialize street name list
	INFO("Loading names index");
	std::ifstream namesInStream(namesPath.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
    if(!namesInStream) { ERR(namesPath <<  " not found"); }
	unsigned size(0);
	namesInStream.read((char *)&size, sizeof(unsigned));
	//        names = new std::vector<std::string>();

	char buf[1024];
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
		unsigned sizeOfString = 0;
		namesInStream.read((char *)&sizeOfString, sizeof(unsigned));
		buf[sizeOfString] = '\0'; // instead of memset
		namesInStream.read(buf, sizeOfString);
	INFO("All query data structures loaded");
QueryObjectsStorage::QueryObjectsStorage(std::string hsgrPath, std::string ramIndexPath, std::string fileIndexPath, std::string nodesPath, std::string namesPath, std::string psd) {
	INFO("loading graph data");
	std::ifstream hsgrInStream(hsgrPath.c_str(), ios::binary);
	//Deserialize road network graph
	std::vector< QueryGraph::_StrNode> nodeList;
	std::vector< QueryGraph::_StrEdge> edgeList;
	const int n = readHSGRFromStream(hsgrInStream, nodeList, edgeList, &checkSum);

	INFO("Data checksum is " << checkSum);
	graph = new QueryGraph(nodeList, edgeList);
	assert(0 == nodeList.size());
	assert(0 == edgeList.size());
	INFO("Loading nearest neighbor indices");
	//Init nearest neighbor data structure
	std::ifstream nodesInStream(nodesPath.c_str(), ios::binary);
	nodeHelpDesk = new NodeInformationHelpDesk(ramIndexPath.c_str(), fileIndexPath.c_str(), n, checkSum);

	//deserialize street name list
	INFO("Loading names index");
	std::ifstream namesInStream(namesPath.c_str(), ios::binary);
	unsigned size(0);
	namesInStream.read((char *)&size, sizeof(unsigned));
	//        names = new std::vector<std::string>();

	char buf[1024];
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
		unsigned sizeOfString = 0;
		namesInStream.read((char *)&sizeOfString, sizeof(unsigned));
		buf[sizeOfString] = '\0'; // instead of memset
		namesInStream.read(buf, sizeOfString);
	INFO("All query data structures loaded");