int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    Huint           sta;
    void*           retval;
    hthread_t       tid;
    hthread_attr_t  attr;
    int num_ops = 0;
	printf( "\n****Main Thread****... \n" );
    for( num_ops = 0; num_ops < 5; num_ops++)
	    // Initialize the attributes for the hardware thread
	    hthread_attr_init( &attr );
	    hthread_attr_sethardware( &attr, HWTI_BASEADDR );
	    // Create the hardware thread
		printf( "Starting Hardware Thread... \r" );
	    sta = hthread_create( &tid, &attr, NULL, (void*)(num_ops) );
		printf( "Started Hardware Thread (TID = %d) (ARG = %d)... 0x%8.8x\n", tid, num_ops, sta );
	    // Clean up the attribute structure
	    hthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
	    // Wait for the hardware thread to exit
		printf( "Waiting for Hardware Thread... \r" );
	    hthread_join( tid, &retval );
		printf( "Joined on  Hardware Thread... 0x%8.8x\n", (Huint)retval );
    // Return from main
    return 0;
int main() {
	hthread_t test_thread;
	hthread_attr_t test_attr;
	hthread_mutex_t mutex;
	int arg, retVal;
	//Print the name of the test to the screen
	printf( "Starting test mutex_init_3\n" );

	//Set up the arguments for the test
	arg = (int) &mutex;
	//Initialize RPC
	//Run the tests
	hthread_attr_init( &test_attr );
	if ( HARDWARE ) hthread_attr_sethardware( &test_attr, HWTI_ONE_BASEADDR );
	hthread_create( &test_thread, &test_attr, testThread, (void *) arg );
	hthread_join( test_thread, (void *) &retVal );

	//Evaluate the results
	if ( retVal == EXPECTED_RESULT ) {
		printf("Test PASSED\n");
		return PTS_PASS;
	} else {
		printf("Test FAILED [expecting %d, received %d]\n", EXPECTED_RESULT, retVal );
		return PTS_FAIL;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    Huint           sta;
    void*           retval;
    hthread_t       tid;
    hthread_attr_t  attr;
    int num_ops = 0;
	printf( "\n****Main Thread****... \n" );


// *************************************************************************************    
    unsigned int *fcn_pointer = (unsigned int*)(HWTI_BASEADDR + 6*sizeof(int));

    int code_offset				= 0;
	FuncPointer fp 				= 0;
	unsigned char * prog_ptr	= 0;
	unsigned int * first_instr = 0;

	// Initialize code offset and program pointer
	code_offset = 0x1f0; //0x1d4;//0x1a8;
	prog_ptr = (unsigned char *)&junk_o;
	// Initialize function pointer (actual place to jump to)
	fp = (FuncPointer)(prog_ptr + code_offset);

	// Initialize a pointer that allows one to "look" at the 1st instruction
	first_instr = (unsigned int*)(prog_ptr + code_offset);

    *fcn_pointer = (int)fp;
// *************************************************************************************    

    for( num_ops = 0; num_ops < 5; num_ops++)
	    // Initialize the attributes for the hardware thread
	    hthread_attr_init( &attr );
	    hthread_attr_sethardware( &attr, HWTI_BASEADDR );
	    // Create the hardware thread
		printf( "Starting Hardware Thread... \r" );
	    sta = hthread_create( &tid, &attr, (void*)fp, (void*)(num_ops) );
		printf( "Started Hardware Thread (TID = %d) (ARG = %d)... 0x%8.8x\n", tid, num_ops, sta );
	    // Clean up the attribute structure
	    hthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
	    // Wait for the hardware thread to exit
		printf( "Waiting for Hardware Thread... \r" );
	    hthread_join( tid, &retval );
		printf( "Joined on  Hardware Thread... 0x%8.8x\n", (Huint)retval );
    // Return from main
    return 0;
void* findFibonacci(void * arg) {
	hthread_attr_t attrBase;
	hthread_t threadBase;
	hthread_t threadOne;
	hthread_t threadTwo;
	struct fibonacci * fib;
	struct fibonacci fibOne;
	struct fibonacci fibTwo;
	fib = (struct fibonacci *) arg;
	if (fib->fibNum == 0 || fib->fibNum == 1) {
		//Set up the attr for a HW thread
		hthread_attr_init( &attrBase );
		hthread_attr_sethardware( &attrBase, HWTI_BASEADDR );

		//since there is only one HWTI, perform a mutex lock on it.
		//then create the HW thread
		hthread_mutex_lock( &hwtiMutex );
		//hthread_create(&threadBase, NULL, findFibHWTI, (void*)fib);
		//printf( "fibVal is %d\n", fib->fibVal );
		printf( "fib address is %x, %x, %x\n", (Huint)fib, (Huint)(&fib->fibNum), (Huint)(&fib->fibVal) );
		hthread_create(&threadBase, &attrBase, NULL, arg);

		//Clean up the attr
		hthread_attr_destroy( &attrBase );

		//Wait for HW thread to finish ... and unlock mutex
		hthread_join(threadBase, NULL);
		printf( "fibVal is %d\n", fib->fibVal );
		hthread_mutex_unlock( &hwtiMutex );
	} else {
		fibOne.fibNum = fib->fibNum - 1;
		fibTwo.fibNum = fib->fibNum - 2;

		hthread_create(&threadOne, NULL, findFibonacci, (void*)&fibOne);
		hthread_create(&threadTwo, NULL, findFibonacci, (void*)&fibTwo);

		hthread_join(threadOne, NULL);
		hthread_join(threadTwo, NULL);

		fib->fibVal = fibOne.fibVal + fibTwo.fibVal;
	return NULL;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
    hthread_t       tid, sw1, sw2;
    hthread_attr_t  hw1Attr, sw1Attr, sw2Attr;
	hthread_mutex_t mutex;
    Huint           retval;
	struct arguments myArgs;

    hthread_attr_init( &hw1Attr );
    hthread_attr_init( &sw1Attr );
    hthread_attr_init( &sw2Attr );
    hthread_attr_sethardware( &hw1Attr, HWTI_BASEADDR );
	hthread_mutex_init( &mutex, NULL );
	myArgs.mutex = &mutex;

	retval = hthread_mutex_lock( myArgs.mutex );
    // Set the thread's argument data to some value
    myArgs.value = 1000;
   	// Create two software threads
    hthread_create( &tid, &hw1Attr, NULL, (void*)(&myArgs) );
    hthread_create( &sw1, &sw1Attr, thread, (void*)(&myArgs) );
    hthread_create( &sw2, &sw2Attr, thread, (void*)(&myArgs) );

    // HWT should be blocked
	retval = hthread_mutex_unlock( myArgs.mutex );

    hthread_join( tid, (void*)(&retval) );
    hthread_join( sw1, (void*)(&retval) );
    hthread_join( sw2, (void*)(&retval) );
    // Clean up the attribute structure
    hthread_attr_destroy( &hw1Attr );
    hthread_attr_destroy( &sw1Attr );
    hthread_attr_destroy( &sw2Attr );

    // Print out value of arg, and a successful exit message
    printf( "After joins arg = %d\n", myArgs.value);
    printf( "-- QED --\n" );

    // Return from main
    return 1;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
    hthread_t       tid1;
    hthread_attr_t  attr1;
    struct command 	commands;
	Huint           i;
	log_t           log;

    // Create the log file for timing reports
	log_create( &log, 1024 );

    // Initialize the attributes for the threads
    hthread_attr_init( &attr1 );

    // Setup the attributes for the hardware threads
    hthread_attr_sethardware( &attr1, HWT_ZERO_BASEADDR );

	// Initialize matrixData
	commands.count = 060;
	commands.value = 1012;
	commands.operation = 6;
	//commands.ptrData = (int *) malloc( sizeof( int ) * commands.count );
	commands.ptrData = (int *) 0x63000050;

    // Create the hardware thread
	log_time( &log );
	hthread_create( &tid1, &attr1, NULL, (void*)(&commands) );

    // Wait for the threads to exit
    hthread_join( tid1, NULL );
	log_time( &log );

    readHWTStatus( HWT_ZERO_BASEADDR );

	for( i = 0; i < commands.count; i+=16 ) {
		printf( "%i=%i\n", i, commands.ptrData[i] );

    // Clean up the attribute structure
    hthread_attr_destroy( &attr1 );

	printf( "log dump\n" );
	log_close_ascii( &log );
    printf( "-- QED --\n" );

    // Return from main
    return 1;
int main() {
	hthread_t test_thread;
	hthread_attr_t test_attr;
	int arg, retVal, start_num, waken_num;
	struct testdata data;
	hthread_mutex_t mutex;
	hthread_cond_t cond;
	//Print the name of the test to the screen
	printf( "Starting test cond_broadcast_1\n" );

	//Set up the arguments for the test
	hthread_cond_init( &cond, NULL );
	hthread_mutex_init( &mutex, NULL );
	start_num = 0;
	waken_num = 0;
	data.mutex = &mutex;
	data.cond = &cond;
	data.start_num = &start_num;
	data.waken_num = &waken_num;
	data.function = a_thread_function;
	arg = (int) &data;
	//Initialize RPC
	//Run the tests
	hthread_attr_init( &test_attr );
	if ( HARDWARE ) hthread_attr_sethardware( &test_attr, HWTI_ONE_BASEADDR );
	hthread_create( &test_thread, &test_attr, testThread, (void *) arg );
	hthread_join( test_thread, (void *) &retVal );

	//Evaluate the results
	if ( retVal == EXPECTED_RESULT ) {
		printf("Test PASSED\n");
		return PTS_PASS;
	} else {
		printf("Test FAILED [expecting %d, received %d]\n", EXPECTED_RESULT, retVal );
		return PTS_FAIL;
int main()
    xps_timer_t timer;
    int time_create, time_start, time_stop;

// *************************************************************************************    
    extern unsigned char intermediate[];

    extern unsigned int dct_handle_offset;
    unsigned int dct_handle = (dct_handle_offset) + (unsigned int)(&intermediate);

    extern unsigned int idct_handle_offset;
    unsigned int idct_handle = (idct_handle_offset) + (unsigned int)(&intermediate);
// *************************************************************************************    

    // Thread attribute structures
    Huint           sta[NUM_THREADS];
    void*           retval[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_t       tid[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_attr_t  attr[NUM_THREADS];
    targ_t          targ[NUM_THREADS];

    int my_dct_matrix[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE] = {
        {23170,    23170,    23170,    23170,    23170,    23170,    23170,  23170  }, 
        {32138,    27246,    18205,     6393,    -6393,   -18205,   -27246,  -32138 },
        {30274,    12540,   -12540,   -30274,   -30274,   -12540,    12540,  30274  },
        {27246,    -6393,   -32138,   -18205,    18205,    32138,     6393,  -27246 },
        {23170,   -23170,   -23170,    23170,    23170,   -23170,   -23170,  23170  },
        {18205,   -32138,     6393,    27246,   -27246,   -6393,     32138,  -18205 },
        {12540,   -30274,    30274,   -12540,   -12540,    30274,   -30274,  12540  },
        {6393 ,   -18205,    27246,   -32138,    32138,   -27246,    18205,  -6393  }

    int my_dct_matrix_trans[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE] = {
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

    int my_temp[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
    int my_input[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
    int my_intermediate_dct[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
    int my_intermediate_idct[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
    int my_output[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
    int my_idct_output[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE];
    int my_scale_factor = 16;

    // Create timer
    xps_timer_create(&timer, (int*)0x20400000);

    // Start timer

    int i,j;
    printf("Using heterogeneous MB threads\r\n");
    printf("\tCode start address = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)&intermediate);
    printf("Using native PPC threads\r\n");
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
        // Initialize the attributes for the threads
        hthread_attr_init( &attr[j] );
        hthread_attr_sethardware( &attr[j], (void*)base_array[j] );

    // Calculate transpose of dct_matrix
    initialize_dct_matrix(my_dct_matrix, my_dct_matrix_trans);

    // Initialize input
    for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
            my_input[i][j] = i+j;
    // Fill in thread arguments for an initial DCT run
    targ[0].scale_factor = my_scale_factor;
    targ[0].input = my_input;
    targ[0].intermediate = my_intermediate_dct;
    targ[0].output = my_temp;
    targ[0].coeff_matrix = my_dct_matrix;
    targ[0].coeff_matrix_trans = my_dct_matrix_trans;

    printf("\r\nOriginal Input:\r\n");

    printf("\r\nOriginal DCT:\r\n");


    // Fill in thread arguments
    targ[0].scale_factor = my_scale_factor;
    targ[0].input = my_input;
    targ[0].intermediate = my_intermediate_dct;
    targ[0].output = my_output;
    targ[0].coeff_matrix = my_dct_matrix;
    targ[0].coeff_matrix_trans = my_dct_matrix_trans;

    targ[1].scale_factor = my_scale_factor;
    targ[1].input = my_temp;
    targ[1].intermediate = my_intermediate_idct;
    targ[1].output = my_idct_output;
    targ[1].coeff_matrix = my_dct_matrix;
    targ[1].coeff_matrix_trans = my_dct_matrix_trans;

    // Start timing thread create
    time_create = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

    // Peform DCT
    // Use a thread
    sta[0] = hthread_create( &tid[0], &attr[0], (void*)dct_handle, (void*)&targ[0] );
    sta[0] = hthread_create( &tid[0], NULL, dct_thread, (void*)&targ[0]);

    // Peform IDCT
    // Use a thread
    sta[1] = hthread_create( &tid[1], &attr[1], (void*)idct_handle, (void*)&targ[1] );
    sta[1] = hthread_create( &tid[1], NULL, idct_thread, (void*)&targ[1]);
    // Allow created threads to begin running and start timer
    time_start = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

    // Wait for threads to complete

    // Stop timer
    time_stop = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

    printf("\r\nDCT (retval = 0x%08x):\r\n",(unsigned int)retval[0]);

    printf("\r\nIDCT (retval = 0x%08x):\r\n",(unsigned int)retval[1]);

    printf("Create time  = %u\n",time_create);
    printf("Start time   = %u\n",time_start);
    printf("Stop time    = %u\n",time_stop);
    printf("Creation time (|Start - Create|) = %u\n",time_start - time_create);
    printf("Elapsed time  (|Stop - Start|)   = %u\n",time_stop - time_start);
    printf("Total time    (|Create - Stop|)  = %u\n",time_stop - time_create);

    return 0;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    if (NUM_THREADS > 2){
        return (-1);
    // Timer variables
    xps_timer_t timer;
    int time_create, time_start, time_stop;

    // Mutex
    hthread_mutex_t * mutex          = (hthread_mutex_t*)malloc( sizeof(hthread_mutex_t) );
    hthread_mutex_init( mutex, NULL );

    // Thread attribute structures
    Huint           sta[NUM_THREADS];
    void*           retval[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_t       tid[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_attr_t  attr[NUM_THREADS];
    targ_t thread_arg[NUM_THREADS];

    // Setup Cache

    // Create timer
    xps_timer_create(&timer, (int*)0x20400000);

    // Start timer

// *************************************************************************************    
    extern unsigned char intermediate[];

    extern unsigned int blink_handle_offset;
    unsigned int blink_handle = (blink_handle_offset) + (unsigned int)(&intermediate);

// *************************************************************************************    

    int j = 0;
    printf("Code start address = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)&intermediate);

    for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
        // Initialize the attributes for the threads
        hthread_attr_init( &attr[j] );
        hthread_attr_sethardware( &attr[j], (void*)base_array[j] );

    int num_ops = 0;
    for( num_ops = 0; num_ops < 1; num_ops = num_ops + 1)

        printf("******* Round %d ********\n",num_ops);
        printf("**** MB-based Threads ****\n");
        printf("**** PPC-based Threads ****\n");

        // Initialize thread arguments
        for ( j= 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            thread_arg[j].arg = 1 << ((j + 1));
            thread_arg[j].mutex = mutex;

        time_create = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);
        // Create threads
        for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            // Create the blink thread
            // Create MB Thread
            sta[j] = hthread_create( &tid[j], &attr[j], (void*)blink_handle, (void*)(&thread_arg[j]) );
            //printf( "Started MB Thread (TID = %d) \n", tid[j]);
            // Create SW Thread
            sta[j] = hthread_create( &tid[j], NULL, blink_thread, (void*)(&thread_arg[j]) );
            //printf( "Started SW Thread (TID = %d) \n", tid[j]);

        // Allow created threads to begin running and start timer
        time_start = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);
        printf("Waiting for threads...\n");
        // Join on all threads
        for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            hthread_join( tid[j], &retval[j] );

        // Grab stop time
        time_stop = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

        // Print out status
        for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            printf("TID[%d] = 0x%08x, status = 0x%08x, retval = 0x%08x\n",j,tid[j],sta[j],(unsigned int)retval[j]);

        printf("Create time  = %u\n",time_create);
        printf("Start time   = %u\n",time_start);
        printf("Stop time    = %u\n",time_stop);
        printf("Creation time (|Start - Create|) = %u\n",time_start - time_create);
        printf("Elapsed time  (|Stop - Start|)   = %u\n",time_stop - time_start);


    hthread_mutex_destroy( mutex );
    free( mutex );

    // Clean up the attribute structures
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
        hthread_attr_destroy( &attr[j] );

    printf ("-- Complete --\n");

    // Return from main
    return 0;
Huint microblaze_create(
        hthread_t * tid,
        hthread_attr_t * attr,
        Huint func_id,
        void * arg,
        Huint ublaze)

    Huint ret;
    void * func;

    assert(attr!=NULL); // Efficient NULL pointer check
    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Make sure tables are initialized
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if (table_initialized_flag == 0) {
        // Assert flag
        table_initialized_flag = 1;

        // Init thread table

        // Load entries with app-specific data

        // Init function-to-accelerator table

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Check if that specific MB is free
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if( !get_utilized_flags((void *) hwti_array[ublaze])) 
        // Create a native thread
        printf("Microblaze %d is either not Free or does not exist!\n",ublaze);
        func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, TYPE_HOST);
        if (func == (void*)TABLE_INIT)
            ret =  TABLE_INIT;
            // Ignore passed in attribute
            printf("Creating Native Thread!\n");
            ret = hthread_create(tid, NULL, func, arg);

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Otherwise create a hetero thread
    // ---------------------------------------------
        // Create a heterogeneous thread
        func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, slave_table[ublaze].processor_type);
        if (func == (void*)TABLE_INIT)
            ret =  TABLE_INIT;
            // Create thread hetero using V-HWTI[found]
            printf("Creating Hetero Thread (CPU#%d)!\n",ublaze);
            hthread_attr_sethardware( attr, (void*)hwti_array[ublaze] );
            ret = hthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg);

    return ret;
// (SMART) Dynamic thread creation function
Huint dynamic_create_smart(
        hthread_t * tid,
        hthread_attr_t * attr,
        Huint func_id,
        void * arg)

    Huint ret;
    void * func;
    // Efficient NULL pointer check

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Make sure tables are initialized
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if (table_initialized_flag == 0) {
        // Assert flag
        table_initialized_flag = 1;

        // Init thread table

        // Load entries with app-specific data

        // Init function-to-accelerator table

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Look for any free heterogeneous processors
    // ---------------------------------------------
    int i = 0;
    int found = NOT_FOUND;
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_AVAILABLE_HETERO_CPUS; i++)
       if( get_utilized_flags((void *) &i))
            // Mark CPU that was found, and break out of loop
           found = i;

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Create a native thread if no hetero CPUs are free
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if (found == NOT_FOUND)
        // Create a native/software thread on MB
        func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, TYPE_HOST);
        if (func == (void*)TABLE_INIT)
            ret =  TABLE_INIT;
            // Ignore passed in attribute
            printf("Creating Native Thread!\n");
            ret = hthread_create(tid, NULL, func, arg);
    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Otherwise create a hetero thread
    // ---------------------------------------------
        // Create a heterogeneous thread
        func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, slave_table[found].processor_type);
        if (func == (void*)TABLE_INIT)
            ret =  TABLE_INIT;
            // Create thread hetero using V-HWTI[found]
            printf("Creating Hetero Thread (CPU#%d)!\n",found);
            hthread_attr_sethardware( attr, (void*)hwti_array[found] );
            ret = hthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg);
    return ret;
//  Thread Create 
//  Description: This function encapsulates all of the thread create functions (i.e. dynamic
//      create smart, microblaze create, hthread create, etc.
//  Arguments:
//      1) Thread ID - Thread ID returned by the OS. Assigned during hthread_setup().
//      2) Thread Attribute - Attribute structure for the thread
//      3) Function ID - The function number the thread will execute
//      4) Argument - Argument to be passed to the function
//      5) Type - The type of thread you want to be created. (i.e. Software, dynamic_hw, etc.
//      6) Dma Length - the length of the parameter, arg. Passing a zero indicates no DMA'ing
Huint thread_create(
        hthread_t * tid,        
        hthread_attr_t * attr,  
        Huint func_id,   
        void * arg,             
        Huint type,      
        Huint dma_length)

    Huint ret;
    void * func;

    assert(attr!=NULL); // Efficient NULL pointer check

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Make sure tables are initialized
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if (!table_initialized_flag) {
        // Assert flag
        table_initialized_flag = 1;

        // Init thread table

        // Load entries with app-specific data

        // Init function-to-accelerator table
        // Initialize mutexes, ICAP, and bitfiles
        // for Partial Reconfiguration.

    // Check if we have not passed our threshold
    // TODO: Remove?
    //while( (NUM_AVAILABLE_HETERO_CPUS - get_num_free_slaves() + thread_counter) >  (NUM_AVAILABLE_HETERO_CPUS + SW_THREAD_COUNT))

    // Is this a software thread?
    if (type == SOFTWARE_THREAD) {
        // Create a native/software thread on the host processor
        // Make sure user didn't call  hthread_attr_sethardware()
        if (attr->hardware) {
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Your thread attribute is set for hardware but");
            printf(" you are creating a software thread!\n");
            ret = FAILURE;
        } else
            ret = software_create(tid, attr, func_id, arg);
    // For hardware threads, should we dynamically schedule them?
    } else if(type == DYNAMIC_HW) {

        // Identify a slave processor the best fits our needs (i.e., is 
        // available, is available and has an accelerator we want, etc.)
        Hint slave_num = find_best_match(func_id);

        // If we did not find any processors available.
        if (slave_num == MAGIC_NUMBER) {
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("No Free Slaves:Creating software thread\n");
            ret = software_create(tid, NULL, func_id, arg);
        } else {
            // Grab the function handle according to the processor type.
            func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, slave_table[slave_num].processor_type);
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Creating Hetero Thread (CPU#%d)!\n",slave_num);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            //         Write extra parameters for PR functionality            //
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            // Write pointer for first_used_accelerator so slave can update the table.
            // This assumes that for a particular function (id), slaves will also have 
            // the same first accelerator used.
            _hwti_set_first_accelerator_ptr( (Huint) hwti_array[slave_num], (Huint) &func_2_acc_table[func_id]);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            //         Create the hardware thread using better target         //
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            hthread_attr_sethardware( attr, (void*)hwti_array[slave_num] );
            ret =  hthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg);
    // For hardware threads, we will statically schedule them
    } else { 
        // Determine the exact slave processor number 
        Huint slave_num = type + STATIC_HW_OFFSET;

        // Check if valid slave number. Since 'slave_num' is 
        // and unsigned int, it cannot be negative, right?
        if (slave_num >= NUM_AVAILABLE_HETERO_CPUS) {
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Invalid slave number: %d\n", slave_num);
            printf("Creating a software thread instead\n");
            ret = software_create(tid, NULL, func_id, arg);

        // If that slave number exists, is it Free?
        if (_hwti_get_utilized_flag(hwti_array[slave_num]) == FLAG_HWTI_UTILIZED) { 
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Slave number %d is busy! Creating software thread\n", slave_num);
            ret = software_create(tid, NULL, func_id, arg);
        else {
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Creating Hetero Thread (CPU#%d)!\n",slave_num);
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            //         Write extra parameters for PR functionality            //
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            // Write pointer for first_used_accelerator so slave can update the table.
            // This assumes that for a particular function (id), slaves will also have 
            // the same first accelerator used.
            _hwti_set_first_accelerator_ptr( (Huint) hwti_array[slave_num], (Huint) &func_2_acc_table[func_id]);

            // Grab the function according to the processor type
            func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, slave_table[slave_num].processor_type);
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            //         Create the hardware thread using slave num             //
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            hthread_attr_sethardware( attr, (void*)hwti_array[slave_num] );
            ret = hthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg);
    return ret;
int run_tests()
        return (-1);
    // Timer variables
    xps_timer_t timer;
    int time_create, time_start, time_stop;

    // Thread attribute structures
    Huint           sta[NUM_THREADS];
    void*           retval[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_t       tid[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_attr_t  attr[NUM_THREADS];
    targ_t thread_arg[NUM_THREADS];

    // Setup Cache

    // Create timer
    xps_timer_create(&timer, (int*)0x20400000);

    // Start timer

// *************************************************************************************    
    extern unsigned char intermediate[];

    extern unsigned int distance_handle_offset;
    unsigned int distance_handle = (distance_handle_offset) + (unsigned int)(&intermediate);
    printf("Code start address = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)&intermediate);

// *************************************************************************************    
    int vals_x0[ARR_LENGTH];
    int vals_x1[ARR_LENGTH];

    int vals_y0[ARR_LENGTH];
    int vals_y1[ARR_LENGTH];
    int vals_ds[ARR_LENGTH];

    int j = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
        // Initialize the attributes for the threads
        hthread_attr_init( &attr[j] );
        hthread_attr_sethardware( &attr[j], (void*)base_array[j] );

    for (j = 0; j < ARR_LENGTH; j++)
        vals_x0[j] = ARR_LENGTH - j;
        vals_y0[j] = ARR_LENGTH - j;

        vals_x1[j] = ARR_LENGTH - j + 1;
        vals_y1[j] = ARR_LENGTH - j;

#ifdef MY_DEBUG

    int num_ops = 0;
    for( num_ops = 0; num_ops < 2; num_ops = num_ops + 1)

        printf("******* Round %d ********\n",num_ops);
        printf("**** MB-based Threads ****\n");
        printf("**** PPC-based Threads ****\n");

        for (j = 0; j < ARR_LENGTH; j++)
            vals_x0[j]  = ARR_LENGTH - j;

        // Initialize thread arguments
        int num_items = ARR_LENGTH/NUM_THREADS;
        int extra_items = ARR_LENGTH - (num_items*NUM_THREADS);
        for ( j= 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            thread_arg[j].x0s = &vals_x0[j*(num_items)];
            thread_arg[j].y0s = &vals_y0[j*(num_items)];
            thread_arg[j].x1s = &vals_x1[j*(num_items)];
            thread_arg[j].y1s = &vals_y1[j*(num_items)];
            thread_arg[j].distances = &vals_ds[j*(num_items)];
            thread_arg[j].length = num_items;
        // Add in extra items for the last thread if needed
        thread_arg[j-1].length += extra_items;

        time_create = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);
        // Create threads
        for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            // Create the distance thread
            // Create MB Thread
            sta[j] = hthread_create( &tid[j], &attr[j], (void*)distance_handle, (void*)(&thread_arg[j]) );
            //printf( "Started MB Thread (TID = %d) \n", tid[j]);
            // Create SW Thread
            sta[j] = hthread_create( &tid[j], NULL, distance_thread, (void*)(&thread_arg[j]) );
            //printf( "Started SW Thread (TID = %d) \n", tid[j]);

        // Allow created threads to begin running and start timer
        time_start = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);
        // Join on all threads
        for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            hthread_join( tid[j], &retval[j] );

        // Grab stop time
        time_stop = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

        // Print out status
        for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            printf("TID[%d] = 0x%08x, status = 0x%08x, retval = 0x%08x\n",j,tid[j],sta[j],(unsigned int)retval[j]);

        printf("Create time  = %u\n",time_create);
        printf("Start time   = %u\n",time_start);
        printf("Stop time    = %u\n",time_stop);
        printf("Creation time (|Start - Create|) = %u\n",time_start - time_create);
        printf("Elapsed time  (|Stop - Start|)   = %u\n",time_stop - time_start);
        printf("Total time   (|Create - Stop|)   = %u\n",time_stop - time_create);


#ifdef MY_DEBUG
    for (j = 0; j < ARR_LENGTH; j++)
        printf("D(%d) = %d\n",j,vals_ds[j]);

    // Clean up the attribute structures
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
        hthread_attr_destroy( &attr[j] );

    printf ("-- Complete --\n");

    // Return from main
    return 0;
//int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
int run_tests()
        return (-1);
    // Timer variables
    xps_timer_t timer;
    int time_create, time_start, time_stop;

    // Thread attribute structures
    Huint           sta[NUM_THREADS];
    void*           retval[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_t       tid[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_attr_t  attr[NUM_THREADS];
    targ_t thread_arg[NUM_THREADS];

    // Setup Cache

    // Create timer
    xps_timer_create(&timer, (int*)0x20400000);

    // Start timer

// *************************************************************************************    
    extern unsigned char intermediate[];

    extern unsigned int sort_handle_offset;
    unsigned int sort_handle = (sort_handle_offset) + (unsigned int)(&intermediate);

// *************************************************************************************    
    float local_data[ARR_LENGTH];

    int j = 0;
    printf("Code start address = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)&intermediate);

    for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
        // Initialize the attributes for the threads
        hthread_attr_init( &attr[j] );
        hthread_attr_sethardware( &attr[j], (void*)base_array[j] );

    for (j = 0; j < ARR_LENGTH; j++)
        local_data[j] = (ARR_LENGTH - j)*1.00;

#ifdef MY_DEBUG
    show_array(&local_data[0], ARR_LENGTH);
    int num_ops = 0;
    for( num_ops = 0; num_ops < 2; num_ops = num_ops + 1)

        printf("******* Round %d ********\n",num_ops);
        printf("**** MB-based Threads ****\n");
        printf("**** PPC-based Threads ****\n");

        for (j = 0; j < ARR_LENGTH; j++)
            local_data[j]  = ARR_LENGTH - j;

        // Initialize thread arguments
        for ( j= 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            thread_arg[j].data = &local_data[j*(ARR_LENGTH/NUM_THREADS)];
            thread_arg[j].length = ARR_LENGTH/NUM_THREADS;

        time_create = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);
        // Create threads
        for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            // Create the sort thread
            // Create MB Thread
            sta[j] = hthread_create( &tid[j], &attr[j], (void*)sort_handle, (void*)(&thread_arg[j]) );
            //printf( "Started MB Thread (TID = %d) \n", tid[j]);
            // Create SW Thread
            sta[j] = hthread_create( &tid[j], NULL, bubblesort_thread, (void*)(&thread_arg[j]) );
            //printf( "Started SW Thread (TID = %d) \n", tid[j]);

        // Allow created threads to begin running and start timer
        time_start = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

        // Join on all threads
        for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            hthread_join( tid[j], &retval[j] );

        // Grab stop time
        time_stop = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

        // Print out status
        for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
            printf("TID[%d] = 0x%08x, status = 0x%08x, retval = 0x%08x\n",j,tid[j],sta[j],(unsigned int)retval[j]);

        printf("Create time  = %u\n",time_create);
        printf("Start time   = %u\n",time_start);
        printf("Stop time    = %u\n",time_stop);
        printf("Creation time (|Start - Create|) = %u\n",time_start - time_create);
        printf("Elapsed time  (|Stop - Start|)   = %u\n",time_stop - time_start);
        printf("Total time   (|Create - Stop|)   = %u\n",time_stop - time_create);


#ifdef MY_DEBUG
    show_array(&local_data[0], ARR_LENGTH);
    check_array(&local_data[0], ARR_LENGTH);    // Note there will be errors as the data set is not merged

    // Clean up the attribute structures
    for (j = 0; j < NUM_THREADS; j++)
        hthread_attr_destroy( &attr[j] );

    printf ("-- Complete --\n");

    // Return from main
    return 0;
int run_tests()
    // Timer variables
    xps_timer_t timer;
    int time_create, time_start, time_unlock, time_stop;

    // Mutex
    hthread_mutex_t * mutex          = (hthread_mutex_t*)malloc( sizeof(hthread_mutex_t) );
    hthread_mutex_init( mutex, NULL );

    float min;

    // Thread attribute structures
    Huint           sta[NUM_THREADS];
    void*           retval[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_t       tid[NUM_THREADS];
    hthread_attr_t  attr[NUM_THREADS];
    targ_t thread_arg[NUM_THREADS];

    // Setup Cache

    // Create timer
    xps_timer_create(&timer, (int*)0x20400000);

    // Start timer

// *************************************************************************************    
    extern unsigned char intermediate[];

    extern unsigned int min_handle_offset;
    unsigned int min_handle = (min_handle_offset) + (unsigned int)(&intermediate);

// *************************************************************************************    
    printf("Code start address = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned int)&intermediate);

    int i = 0;
    float main_array[ARRAY_LENGTH];
    printf("Addr of array = 0x%08x\n",(unsigned int)&main_array[0]);
    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH; i++)
        main_array[i] = (i+2)*3.14f;

    int num_items = ARRAY_LENGTH/NUM_THREADS;
    int extra_items = ARRAY_LENGTH - (num_items*NUM_THREADS);
    float * start_addr = &main_array[0];
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
        // Initialize the attributes for the hardware threads
        hthread_attr_init( &attr[i] );
        hthread_attr_sethardware( &attr[i], (void*)base_array[i] );

        // Initialize thread arguments
        thread_arg[i].num_items = num_items;
        thread_arg[i].data_ptr = start_addr;
        thread_arg[i].min_mutex = mutex;
        thread_arg[i].min  = &min;
    // Add in extra items for the last thread if needed
    thread_arg[i-1].num_items += extra_items;

    int num_ops = 0;
    for( num_ops = 0; num_ops < 2; num_ops = num_ops + 1)

        printf("******* Round %d ********\n",num_ops);
    printf("**** MB-based Threads ****\n");
    printf("**** PPC-based Threads ****\n");
        min = 9999999;

        // Lock mutex before hand so that timing will not include thread creation time

        // Start timing thread create
        time_create = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

        for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
            // Create the worker threads

            // Create MB Thread
            sta[i] = hthread_create( &tid[i], &attr[i], (void*)(min_handle), (void*)(&thread_arg[i]) );
            // Create SW Thread
            sta[i] = hthread_create( &tid[i], NULL, min_thread, (void*)(&thread_arg[i]) );

        // Allow created threads to begin running and start timer
        time_start = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);
        time_unlock = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

        // Wait for the threads to exit
		//printf( "Waiting for thread(s) to complete... \n" );
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
    	    hthread_join( tid[i], &retval[i] );

        time_stop = xps_timer_read_counter(&timer);

        // Display results
        printf("Min = %f\n",min);
        for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
            printf("TID = 0x%08x, status = 0x%08x, retval = 0x%08x\n",tid[i],sta[i],(Huint)retval[i]);
        printf("Create time  = %u\n",time_create);
        printf("Start time   = %u\n",time_start);
        printf("Unlock time  = %u\n",time_unlock);
        printf("Stop time    = %u\n",time_stop);
        printf("Creation time (|Start - Create|) = %u\n",time_start - time_create);
        printf("Unlock time (|Unlock - Start|)   = %u\n",time_unlock - time_start);
        printf("Elapsed time  (|Stop - Start|)   = %u\n",time_stop - time_start);


    hthread_mutex_destroy( mutex );
    free( mutex );

    // Clean up the attribute structures
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
        hthread_attr_destroy( &attr[i] );
    printf ("-- Complete --\n");

    // Return from main
    return 0;