文件: ejsUri.c 项目: monmarzia/ejs-2
static HttpUri *toHttpUri(Ejs *ejs, EjsObj *arg, int dup)
    HttpUri     *uri;

    if (ejsIs(ejs, arg, String)) {
        uri = httpCreateUri(ejsToMulti(ejs, arg), 0);

    } else if (ejsIs(ejs, arg, Uri)) {
        if (dup) {
            uri = httpCloneUri(((EjsUri*) arg)->uri, 0);
        } else {
            uri = ((EjsUri*) arg)->uri;

    } else if (ejsIs(ejs, arg, Path)) {
        uri = httpCreateUri(((EjsPath*) arg)->value, 0);

    } else if (ejsGetLength(ejs, arg) > 0) {
        uri = createHttpUriFromHash(ejs, arg, 0);

    } else {
        arg = (EjsObj*) ejsToString(ejs, arg);
        uri = httpCreateUri(ejsToMulti(ejs, arg), 0);
    return uri;
文件: client.c 项目: BIDXOM/http-2
PUBLIC int httpConnect(HttpConn *conn, cchar *method, cchar *uri, struct MprSsl *ssl)
    assert(method && *method);
    assert(uri && *uri);

    if (httpServerConn(conn)) {
        httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_BAD_GATEWAY, "Cannot call connect in a server");
        return MPR_ERR_BAD_STATE;
    if (conn->tx == 0 || conn->state != HTTP_STATE_BEGIN) {
        /* WARNING: this will erase headers */
        httpPrepClientConn(conn, 0);
    assert(conn->state == HTTP_STATE_BEGIN);
    conn->tx->parsedUri = httpCreateUri(uri, HTTP_COMPLETE_URI_PATH);

    if (openConnection(conn, ssl) == 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
    conn->authRequested = 0;
    conn->tx->method = supper(method);
    conn->startMark = mprGetHiResTicks();
        The receive pipeline is created when parsing the response in parseIncoming()
    httpCreateTxPipeline(conn, conn->http->clientRoute);
    httpSetState(conn, HTTP_STATE_CONNECTED);
    return 0;
文件: auth.c 项目: wangeshen/http
    Form login service routine. Called in response to a form-based login request. Only used when httpSetAuthForm is utilized.
    The password is clear-text so this must be used over SSL to be secure.
static void loginServiceProc(HttpConn *conn)
    HttpAuth    *auth;
    cchar       *username, *password, *referrer;

    auth = conn->rx->route->auth;
    username = httpGetParam(conn, "username", 0);
    password = httpGetParam(conn, "password", 0);

    if (httpLogin(conn, username, password)) {
        if ((referrer = httpGetSessionVar(conn, "referrer", 0)) != 0) {
                Preserve protocol scheme from existing connection
            HttpUri *where = httpCreateUri(referrer, 0);
            httpCompleteUri(where, conn->rx->parsedUri);
            referrer = httpUriToString(where, 0);
            httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, referrer);
        } else {
            if (auth->loggedIn) {
                httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, auth->loggedIn);
            } else {
                httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, "~");
    } else {
        httpRedirect(conn, HTTP_CODE_MOVED_TEMPORARILY, auth->loginPage);
文件: http.c 项目: varphone/appweb-4
static int issueRequest(HttpConn *conn, cchar *url, MprList *files)
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpUri     *target, *location;
    char        *redirect;
    cchar       *msg, *sep;
    int         count, redirectCount, rc;

    httpSetRetries(conn, app->retries);
    httpSetTimeout(conn, app->timeout, app->timeout);

    for (redirectCount = count = 0; count <= conn->retries && redirectCount < 16 && !mprShouldAbortRequests(conn); count++) {
        if (prepRequest(conn, files, count) < 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
        if (sendRequest(conn, app->method, url, files) < 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
        if ((rc = httpWait(conn, HTTP_STATE_PARSED, conn->limits->requestTimeout)) == 0) {
            if (httpNeedRetry(conn, &redirect)) {
                if (redirect) {
                    location = httpCreateUri(redirect, 0);
                    target = httpJoinUri(conn->tx->parsedUri, 1, &location);
                    url = httpUriToString(target, HTTP_COMPLETE_URI);
                    count = 0;
                /* Count redirects and auth retries */
            } else {
        } else if (!conn->error) {
            if (rc == MPR_ERR_TIMEOUT) {
                httpError(conn, HTTP_ABORT | HTTP_CODE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
                    "Inactive request timed out, exceeded request timeout %d", app->timeout);
            } else {
                httpError(conn, HTTP_ABORT | HTTP_CODE_COMMS_ERROR, "Connection I/O error");
        if ((rx = conn->rx) != 0) {
            if (rx->status == HTTP_CODE_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE || rx->status == HTTP_CODE_REQUEST_URL_TOO_LARGE ||
                (rx->status == HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED && conn->authUser == 0)) {
                /* No point retrying */
        mprLog(MPR_DEBUG, "retry %d of %d for: %s %s", count, conn->retries, app->method, url);
    //  MOB - comment out errorMsg as auth errors were returning errors here.
    if (conn->error /* || conn->errorMsg */) {
        msg = (conn->errorMsg) ? conn->errorMsg : "";
        sep = (msg && *msg) ? "\n" : "";
        mprError("http: failed \"%s\" request for %s after %d attempt(s).%s%s", app->method, url, count, sep, msg);
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_CONNECT;
    return 0;
文件: ejsUri.c 项目: monmarzia/ejs-2
    Convert an arg to a URI. Can handle strings, paths, URIs and object hashes. Will cast all else to strings and then
static EjsUri *castToUri(Ejs *ejs, EjsObj *arg)
    EjsUri  *up;

    up = ejsCreateObj(ejs, ESV(Uri), 0);
    if (ejsIs(ejs, arg, String)) {
        up->uri = httpCreateUri(up, ejsToMulti(ejs, arg), 0);

    } else if (ejsIs(ejs, arg, Uri)) {
        up->uri = httpCloneUri(((EjsUri*) arg)->uri, 0);

    } else if (ejsIs(ejs, arg, Path)) {
        ustr = ((EjsPath*) arg)->path;
        up->uri = httpCreateUri(up, ustr, 0);

    } else if (ejsGetLength(ejs, arg) > 0) {
        up->uri = createHttpUriFromHash(ejs, up, arg, 0);

    } else {
        arg = (EjsObj) ejsToString(ejs, arg);
        up->uri = httpCreateUri(up, ejsToMulti(ejs, arg), 0);
    return up;
文件: client.c 项目: embedthis/http
PUBLIC int httpConnect(HttpStream *stream, cchar *method, cchar *url, MprSsl *ssl)
    HttpNet     *net;
    HttpTx      *tx;
    HttpUri     *uri;
    cchar       *ip, *protocol;
    int         port;

    assert(method && *method);
    assert(url && *url);

    net = stream->net;
    if (httpServerStream(stream)) {
        mprLog("client error", 0, "Cannot call httpConnect() in a server");
        return MPR_ERR_BAD_STATE;
    if (net->protocol <= 0) {
        mprLog("client error", 0, "HTTP protocol to use has not been defined");
        return MPR_ERR_BAD_STATE;
    if (stream->tx == 0 || stream->state != HTTP_STATE_BEGIN) {
        httpResetClientStream(stream, 0);
    tx = stream->tx;
    tx->method = supper(method);
    stream->authRequested = 0;
    stream->startMark = mprGetHiResTicks();

    if ((uri = tx->parsedUri = httpCreateUri(url, HTTP_COMPLETE_URI_PATH)) == 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
    ssl = uri->secure ? (ssl ? ssl : mprCreateSsl(0)) : 0;
    httpGetUriAddress(uri, &ip, &port);

    if (net->sock) {
        if (net->error) {
            mprCloseSocket(net->sock, 0);
            net->sock = 0;

        } else if (canUse(net, stream, uri, ssl, ip, port)) {
            httpLog(net->trace, "client.connection.reuse", "context", "reuse:%d", stream->keepAliveCount);

        } else {
            if (net->protocol >= 2) {
                if (mprGetListLength(net->streams) > 1) {
                    httpError(stream, HTTP_CODE_COMMS_ERROR, "Cannot use network for %s due to other existing requests", ip);
                    return MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND;
            } else {
                mprCloseSocket(net->sock, 0);
                net->sock = 0;
    if (!net->sock) {
        if (httpConnectNet(net, ip, port, ssl) < 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_CONNECT;
        stream->net = net;
        stream->sock = net->sock;
        stream->ip = net->ip;
        stream->port = net->port;
        stream->keepAliveCount = (net->protocol >= 2) ? 0 : stream->limits->keepAliveMax;

        if (net->protocol == 1 && uri->webSockets && httpUpgradeWebSocket(stream) < 0) {
            stream->errorMsg = net->errorMsg = net->sock->errorMsg;
            return 0;
    httpSetState(stream, HTTP_STATE_CONNECTED);
    protocol = net->protocol < 2 ? "HTTP/1.1" : "HTTP/2";
    httpLog(net->trace, "client.request", "request", "method='%s', url='%s', protocol='%s'", tx->method, url, protocol);
    return 0;
文件: uri.c 项目: DavidQuan/http
PUBLIC HttpUri *httpLinkUri(HttpConn *conn, cchar *target, MprHash *options)
    HttpRoute       *route, *lroute;
    HttpRx          *rx;
    HttpUri         *uri;
    cchar           *routeName, *action, *controller, *originalAction, *tplate;
    char            *rest;


    rx = conn->rx;
    route = rx->route;
    controller = 0;

    if (target == 0) {
        target = "";
    if (*target == '@') {
        target = sjoin("{action: '", target, "'}", NULL);
    if (*target != '{') {
        tplate = target;
        if (!options) {
            options = route->vars;
    } else  {
        if (options) {
            options = mprBlendHash(httpGetOptions(target), options);
        } else {
            options = httpGetOptions(target);
        options = mprBlendHash(options, route->vars);

            Prep the action. Forms are:
                . @action               # Use the current controller
                . @controller/          # Use "index" as the action
                . @controller/action
        if ((action = httpGetOption(options, "action", 0)) != 0) {
            originalAction = action;
            if (*action == '@') {
                action = &action[1];
            if (strchr(action, '/')) {
                controller = stok((char*) action, "/", (char**) &action);
                action = stok((char*) action, "/", &rest);
            if (controller) {
                httpSetOption(options, "controller", controller);
            } else {
                controller = httpGetParam(conn, "controller", 0);
            if (action == 0 || *action == '\0') {
                action = "list";
            if (action != originalAction) {
                httpSetOption(options, "action", action);
            Find the template to use. Strategy is this order:
                . options.template
                . options.route.template
                . options.action mapped to a route.template, via:
                . /app/STAR/action
                . /app/controller/action
                . /app/STAR/default
                . /app/controller/default
        if ((tplate = httpGetOption(options, "template", 0)) == 0) {
            if ((routeName = httpGetOption(options, "route", 0)) != 0) {
                routeName = expandRouteName(conn, routeName);
                lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, routeName);
            } else {
                lroute = 0;
            if (!lroute) {
                if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, controller, action))) == 0) {
                    if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, "{controller}", action))) == 0) {
                        if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, controller, "default"))) == 0) {
                            lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, "{controller}", "default"));
            if (lroute) {
                tplate = lroute->tplate;
        if (!tplate) {
            mprLog("error http", 0, "Cannot find template for URI %s", target);
            target = "/";
    target = httpTemplate(conn, tplate, options);

    if ((uri = httpCreateUri(target, 0)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    return uri;
文件: uri.c 项目: BIDXOM/http-2
PUBLIC HttpUri *httpLinkUri(HttpConn *conn, cchar *target, MprHash *options)
    HttpRoute       *route, *lroute;
    HttpRx          *rx;
    HttpUri         *uri;
    cchar           *routeName, *action, *controller, *originalAction, *tplate;
    char            *rest;

    rx = conn->rx;
    route = rx->route;
    controller = 0;

    if (target == 0) {
        target = "";
    if (*target == '@') {
        target = sjoin("{action: '", target, "'}", NULL);
    if (*target != '{') {
        tplate = target;
        if (!options) {
            options = route->vars;
    } else  {
        if (options) {
            options = mprBlendHash(httpGetOptions(target), options);
        } else {
            options = httpGetOptions(target);
        options = mprBlendHash(options, route->vars);

            Prep the action. Forms are:
                . @action               # Use the current controller
                . @controller/          # Use "index" as the action
                . @controller/action
        if ((action = httpGetOption(options, "action", 0)) != 0) {
            originalAction = action;
            if (*action == '@') {
                action = &action[1];
            if (strchr(action, '/')) {
                controller = stok((char*) action, "/", (char**) &action);
                action = stok((char*) action, "/", &rest);
            if (controller) {
                httpSetOption(options, "controller", controller);
            } else {
                controller = httpGetParam(conn, "controller", 0);
            if (action == 0 || *action == '\0') {
                action = "list";
            if (action != originalAction) {
                httpSetOption(options, "action", action);
            Find the template to use. Strategy is this order:
                . options.template
                . options.route.template
                . options.action mapped to a route.template, via:
                . /app/STAR/action
                . /app/controller/action
                . /app/STAR/default
                . /app/controller/default
        if ((tplate = httpGetOption(options, "template", 0)) == 0) {
            if ((routeName = httpGetOption(options, "route", 0)) != 0) {
                routeName = expandRouteName(conn, routeName);
                lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, routeName);
            } else {
                lroute = 0;
            if (!lroute) {
                if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, controller, action))) == 0) {
                    if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, "{controller}", action))) == 0) {
                        if ((lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, controller, "default"))) == 0) {
                            lroute = httpLookupRoute(conn->host, actionRoute(route, "{controller}", "default"));
            if (lroute) {
                tplate = lroute->tplate;
        if (!tplate) {
            mprLog("error http", 0, "Cannot find template for URI %s", target);
            target = "/";
    target = httpTemplate(conn, tplate, options);
    uri = httpCreateUri(target, 0);

        This was changed from: httpCreateUri(rx->uri) to rx->parsedUri.
        The use case was appweb: /auth/form/login which redirects using: https:///auth/form/login on localhost:4443
        This must extract the existing host and port from the prior request
    uri = httpResolveUri(rx->parsedUri, 1, &uri, 0);
    return httpNormalizeUri(uri);
文件: http.c 项目: adammendoza/http
static int parseArgs(int argc, char **argv)
    char        *argp, *key, *value;
    int         i, setWorkers, nextArg, ssl;

    setWorkers = 0;
    ssl = 0;

    for (nextArg = 1; nextArg < argc; nextArg++) {
        argp = argv[nextArg];
        if (*argp != '-') {
        if (smatch(argp, "--auth")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->authType = slower(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--benchmark") || smatch(argp, "-b")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--ca")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->ca = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
                if (!mprPathExists(app->ca, R_OK)) {
                    mprError("Cannot find ca file %s", app->ca);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--cert")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->cert = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
                if (!mprPathExists(app->cert, R_OK)) {
                    mprError("Cannot find cert file %s", app->cert);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--chunk")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                value = argv[++nextArg];
                app->chunkSize = atoi(value);
                if (app->chunkSize < 0) {
                    mprError("Bad chunksize %d", app->chunkSize);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--ciphers")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->ciphers = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--continue") || smatch(argp, "-c")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--cookie")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                mprAddItem(app->headers, mprCreateKeyPair("Cookie", argv[++nextArg], 0));

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--data")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                if (app->bodyData == 0) {
                    app->bodyData = mprCreateBuf(-1, -1);
                mprPutStringToBuf(app->bodyData, argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--debugger") || smatch(argp, "-D")) {
            app->retries = 0;
            app->timeout = MAXINT;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--delete")) {
            app->method = "DELETE";

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--form") || smatch(argp, "-f")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                if (app->formData == 0) {
                    app->formData = mprCreateList(-1, 0);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--header")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                key = argv[++nextArg];
                if ((value = strchr(key, ':')) == 0) {
                    mprError("Bad header format. Must be \"key: value\"");
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
                *value++ = '\0';
                while (isspace((uchar) *value)) {
                mprAddItem(app->headers, mprCreateKeyPair(key, value, 0));

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--host")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->host = argv[++nextArg];
                if (*app->host == ':') {
                    app->host = &app->host[1];
                if (isPort(app->host)) {
                    app->host = sfmt("", app->host);
                } else {
                    app->host = sclone(app->host);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--iterations") || smatch(argp, "-i")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->iterations = atoi(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--key")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->key = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
                if (!mprPathExists(app->key, R_OK)) {
                    mprError("Cannot find key file %s", app->key);
                    return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--log") || smatch(argp, "-l")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                mprStartLogging(argv[++nextArg], 0);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--method") || smatch(argp, "-m")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->method = argv[++nextArg];

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--out") || smatch(argp, "-o")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->outFilename = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--noout") || smatch(argp, "-n")  ||
                   smatch(argp, "--quiet") || smatch(argp, "-q")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--nofollow")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--password") || smatch(argp, "-p")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->password = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--post")) {
            app->method = "POST";

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--printable")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--protocol")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->protocol = supper(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--provider")) {
            /* Undocumented SSL provider selection */
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->provider = sclone(argv[++nextArg]);
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--put")) {
            app->method = "PUT";

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--range")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                if (app->ranges == 0) {
                    app->ranges = sfmt("bytes=%s", argv[++nextArg]);
                } else {
                    app->ranges = srejoin(app->ranges, ",", argv[++nextArg], NULL);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--retries") || smatch(argp, "-r")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->retries = atoi(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--self")) {
            /* Undocumented. Allow self-signed certs. Users should just not set --verify */
            app->verifyIssuer = 0;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--sequence")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--showHeaders") || smatch(argp, "--show") || smatch(argp, "-s")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--showStatus") || smatch(argp, "--showCode")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--single") || smatch(argp, "-s")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--text")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--threads") || smatch(argp, "-t")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->loadThreads = atoi(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--timeout")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->timeout = atoi(argv[++nextArg]) * MPR_TICKS_PER_SEC;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--upload") || smatch(argp, "-u")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--user") || smatch(argp, "--username")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->username = argv[++nextArg];

        //  DEPRECATE validate. Preserve verify.
        } else if (smatch(argp, "--validate") || smatch(argp, "--verify")) {
            app->verifyPeer = 1;
            ssl = 1;

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--verbose") || smatch(argp, "-v")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--version") || smatch(argp, "-V")) {
            mprEprintf("%s %s\n"
                "Copyright (C) Embedthis Software 2003-2013\n"
                "Copyright (C) Michael O'Brien 2003-2013\n",
               BIT_TITLE, BIT_VERSION);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--workerTheads") || smatch(argp, "-w")) {
            if (nextArg >= argc) {
                return showUsage();
            } else {
                app->workers = atoi(argv[++nextArg]);

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--zero")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "--")) {

        } else if (smatch(argp, "-")) {

        } else {
            return showUsage();
    if (argc == nextArg) {
        return showUsage();
    app->nextArg = nextArg;
    argc = argc - nextArg;
    argv = &argv[nextArg];
    app->target = argv[argc - 1];
    if (--argc > 0) {
            Files present on command line
        app->files = mprCreateList(argc, MPR_LIST_STATIC_VALUES);
        for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
            mprAddItem(app->files, argv[i]);
    if (!setWorkers) {
        app->workers = app->loadThreads + 2;
    if (app->method == 0) {
        if (app->bodyData || app->formData || app->upload) {
            app->method = "POST";
        } else if (app->files) {
            app->method = "PUT";
        } else {
            app->method = "GET";
    HttpUri *uri = httpCreateUri(app->target, 0);
    if (uri->secure || ssl) {
        app->ssl = mprCreateSsl(0);
        if (app->provider) {
            mprSetSslProvider(app->ssl, app->provider);
        if (app->cert) {
            if (!app->key) {
                mprError("Must specify key file");
                return 0;
            mprSetSslCertFile(app->ssl, app->cert);
            mprSetSslKeyFile(app->ssl, app->key);
        if (app->ca) {
            mprLog(4, "Using CA: \"%s\"", app->ca);
            mprSetSslCaFile(app->ssl, app->ca);
        if (app->verifyIssuer == -1) {
            app->verifyIssuer = app->verifyPeer ? 1 : 0;
        mprVerifySslPeer(app->ssl, app->verifyPeer);
        mprVerifySslIssuer(app->ssl, app->verifyIssuer);
        if (app->ciphers) {
            mprSetSslCiphers(app->ssl, app->ciphers);
    } else {
        mprVerifySslPeer(NULL, 0);
    /* Suppress comp warning */
    return 0;
文件: ejsUri.c 项目: monmarzia/ejs-2
    function set uri(value: String): Void
static EjsObj *uri_set_uri(Ejs *ejs, EjsUri *up, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    up->uri = httpCreateUri(ejsToMulti(ejs, argv[0]), 0);
    return 0;
文件: client.c 项目: ni-webtech/http
static HttpConn *openConnection(HttpConn *conn, cchar *url, struct MprSsl *ssl)
    Http        *http;
    HttpUri     *uri;
    MprSocket   *sp;
    char        *ip;
    int         port, rc, level;


    http = conn->http;
    uri = httpCreateUri(url, HTTP_COMPLETE_URI);
    conn->tx->parsedUri = uri;

    if (*url == '/') {
        ip = (http->proxyHost) ? http->proxyHost : http->defaultClientHost;
        port = (http->proxyHost) ? http->proxyPort : http->defaultClientPort;
    } else {
        ip = (http->proxyHost) ? http->proxyHost : uri->host;
        port = (http->proxyHost) ? http->proxyPort : uri->port;
    if (port == 0) {
        port = (uri->secure) ? 443 : 80;
    if (conn && conn->sock) {
        if (--conn->keepAliveCount < 0 || port != conn->port || strcmp(ip, conn->ip) != 0 || 
                uri->secure != (conn->sock->ssl != 0) || conn->sock->ssl != ssl) {
        } else {
            mprLog(4, "Http: reusing keep-alive socket on: %s:%d", ip, port);
    if (conn->sock) {
        return conn;
    if ((sp = mprCreateSocket()) == 0) {
        httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_COMMS_ERROR, "Can't create socket for %s", url);
        return 0;
    if ((rc = mprConnectSocket(sp, ip, port, 0)) < 0) {
        httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_COMMS_ERROR, "Can't open socket on %s:%d", ip, port);
        return 0;
    /* Must be done even if using keep alive for repeat SSL requests */
    if (uri->secure) {
        if (ssl == 0) {
            ssl = mprCreateSsl();
        if (mprUpgradeSocket(sp, ssl, 0) < 0) {
            conn->errorMsg = sp->errorMsg;
            return 0;
    conn->sock = sp;
    conn->ip = sclone(ip);
    conn->port = port;
    conn->secure = uri->secure;
    conn->keepAliveCount = (conn->limits->keepAliveMax) ? conn->limits->keepAliveMax : -1;

    if ((level = httpShouldTrace(conn, HTTP_TRACE_RX, HTTP_TRACE_CONN, NULL)) >= 0) {
        mprLog(level, "### Outgoing connection from %s:%d to %s:%d", 
            conn->ip, conn->port, conn->sock->ip, conn->sock->port);
    return conn;
文件: http.c 项目: gitorup/appweb
static int issueRequest(HttpConn *conn, cchar *url, MprList *files)
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpUri     *target, *location;
    char        *redirect;
    cchar       *msg, *sep, *authType;
    int         count, redirectCount, rc;

    httpSetRetries(conn, app->retries);
    httpSetTimeout(conn, app->timeout, app->timeout);
    authType = conn->authType;

    for (redirectCount = count = 0; count <= conn->retries && redirectCount < 10 && !mprShouldAbortRequests(conn); count++) {
        if (prepRequest(conn, files, count) < 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_OPEN;
        if (sendRequest(conn, app->method, url, files) < 0) {
            return MPR_ERR_CANT_WRITE;
        if ((rc = httpWait(conn, HTTP_STATE_PARSED, conn->limits->requestTimeout)) == 0) {
            if (httpNeedRetry(conn, &redirect)) {
                if (redirect) {
                    httpRemoveHeader(conn, "Host");
                    location = httpCreateUri(redirect, 0);
                    if (!location || !location->valid) {
                        httpError(conn, HTTP_ABORT, "Invalid location URI");
                    target = httpJoinUri(conn->tx->parsedUri, 1, &location);
                    url = httpUriToString(target, HTTP_COMPLETE_URI);
                    count = 0;
                if (conn->rx && conn->rx->status == HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED && authType && smatch(authType, conn->authType)) {
                    /* Supplied authentication details and failed */
            } else {
        } else if (!conn->error) {
            if (rc == MPR_ERR_TIMEOUT) {
                httpError(conn, HTTP_ABORT | HTTP_CODE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT,
                    "Inactive request timed out, exceeded request timeout %lld", app->timeout);
            } else {
                httpError(conn, HTTP_ABORT | HTTP_CODE_COMMS_ERROR, "Connection I/O error");
        if ((rx = conn->rx) != 0) {
            if (rx->status == HTTP_CODE_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE || rx->status == HTTP_CODE_REQUEST_URL_TOO_LARGE ||
                rx->status == HTTP_CODE_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ||
                (rx->status == HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED && conn->username == 0)) {
                /* No point retrying */
            if (conn->sock->flags & MPR_SOCKET_CERT_ERROR) {
        mprDebug("http", 4, "retry %d of %d for: %s %s", count, conn->retries, app->method, url);
    if (conn->error) {
        msg = (conn->errorMsg) ? conn->errorMsg : "";
        sep = (msg && *msg) ? "\n" : "";
        mprLog("error http", 0, "Failed \"%s\" request for %s%s%s", app->method, url, sep, msg);
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_CONNECT;
    return 0;
文件: tx.c 项目: adammendoza/http
    Redirect the user to another web page. The targetUri may or may not have a scheme.
PUBLIC void httpRedirect(HttpConn *conn, int status, cchar *targetUri)
    HttpTx          *tx;
    HttpRx          *rx;
    HttpUri         *target, *base;
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    cchar           *msg;
    char            *dir, *cp;

    rx = conn->rx;
    tx = conn->tx;

    if (tx->finalized) {
        /* A response has already been formulated */
    tx->status = status;

    if (schr(targetUri, '$')) {
        targetUri = httpExpandUri(conn, targetUri);
    mprLog(3, "redirect %d %s", status, targetUri);
    msg = httpLookupStatus(conn->http, status);

    if (300 <= status && status <= 399) {
        if (targetUri == 0) {
            targetUri = "/";
        target = httpCreateUri(targetUri, 0);
        base = rx->parsedUri;
            Support URIs without a host:  https:///path. This is used to redirect onto the same host but with a 
            different scheme. So find a suitable local endpoint to supply the port for the scheme.
        if (!target->port &&
                (!target->host || smatch(base->host, target->host)) &&
                (target->scheme && !smatch(target->scheme, base->scheme))) {
            endpoint = smatch(target->scheme, "https") ? conn->host->secureEndpoint : conn->host->defaultEndpoint;
            if (endpoint) {
                target->port = endpoint->port;
            } else {
                httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Cannot find endpoint for scheme %s", target->scheme);
        if (target->path && target->path[0] != '/') {
                Relative file redirection to a file in the same directory as the previous request.
            dir = sclone(rx->pathInfo);
            if ((cp = strrchr(dir, '/')) != 0) {
                /* Remove basename */
                *cp = '\0';
            target->path = sjoin(dir, "/", target->path, NULL);
        target = httpCompleteUri(target, base);
        targetUri = httpUriToString(target, 0);
        httpSetHeader(conn, "Location", "%s", targetUri);
            "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n"
            "<body><h1>%s</h1>\r\n<p>The document has moved <a href=\"%s\">here</a>.</p></body></html>\r\n",
            msg, msg, targetUri);
    } else {
            "<!DOCTYPE html>\r\n"
            msg, msg);