int HttpServer::svc(void)
	char buf[2048];
	buf[2047] = '\0';	// security
	ACE_Time_Value timeout;

	ssize_t size = peer().recv(buf, 2040, &timeout);

	if (size > 5)
			int startUrlOffset = 5;		// get rid of "GET /" from Http request, so skip 5 chars
			char* stopUrl = ACE_OS::strstr(buf+startUrlOffset, " HTTP");	// detect location of post-URL trailing stuff
				throw (CStdString("Malformed http request"));							;
			*stopUrl = '\0';									// Remove post-URL trailing stuff
			CStdString url(buf+startUrlOffset);
			int queryOffset = url.Find("?");
			if (queryOffset	 > 0)
				// Strip beginning of URL in case the command is received as an URL "query" of the form:
				// http://hostname/service/command?type=ping
				url = url.Right(url.size() - queryOffset - 1);

			CStdString className = UrlSerializer::FindClass(url);
			ObjectRef objRef = ObjectFactory::GetSingleton()->NewInstance(className);
			if (objRef.get())
				ObjectRef response = objRef->Process();

				if(response.get() == NULL)
					throw (CStdString("Command does not return a response:") + className);
					DOMImplementation* impl =  DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(XStr("Core").unicodeForm());
					XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE::DOMDocument* myDoc;
					   myDoc = impl->createDocument(
								   0,			 // root element namespace URI.
								   XStr("response").unicodeForm(),	   // root element name
								   0);			 // document type object (DTD).
					CStdString pingResponse = DomSerializer::DomNodeToString(myDoc);

					CStdString httpOk("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-type: text/xml\r\n\r\n");
					peer().send(httpOk, httpOk.GetLength(), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
					peer().send(pingResponse, pingResponse.GetLength(), MSG_NOSIGNAL);

				throw (CStdString("Command not found:") + className);							;

		catch (CStdString &e)
			CStdString error("HTTP/1.0 404 not found\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\nError\r\n");
			error = error + e + "\r\n";
			peer().send(error, error.GetLength(), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
		catch(const XMLException& e)
			CStdString error("HTTP/1.0 404 not found\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\nXML Error\r\n");
			peer().send(error, error.GetLength(), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
		CStdString notFound("HTTP/1.0 404 not found\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\nNot found\r\n");
		peer().send(notFound, notFound.GetLength(), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
	return 0;
void handleRequest(void* ptr){
	struct targs* args = ptr;
	int sock, copied;
	time_t seconds;
	char buf[4096];
	char packets[10][4096];
	char packet[8192];
	int packetIndex;

	strcpy(packet, "");
	sock = args -> newSock;

	//read in data
	recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
	int x;
	strcat(packet, buf);
	for(x=0;x<4096;x++)buf[x] = 0;
	int keepalive = 1;
		packetIndex = -1;
		//read whatever is on the socket fully
		while(copied = recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT) > 0){
			int i;
			strcat(packet, buf);
			for(i=0;i<4096;i++)buf[i] = 0;
		//extract data from packet
		if(strlen(packet) > 0){
			char packetsCop[8192];
			strcpy(packetsCop, packet);

			//split the received data into packets
			char* token = strtok(packetsCop, "\n");
			while(token != NULL){
				int e = strlen(token);
				if(strstr(token, "HTTP/") != NULL){
					packetIndex += 1;
					strcpy( packets[packetIndex], "");
				strcat(packets[packetIndex], token);
				strcat(packets[packetIndex], "\n");
				token = strtok(NULL, "\n");
			int t;

			//iterate throught each packet and process appropriately
			for(t = 0; t <= packetIndex; t++){
				//update our timeout
				seconds = time(NULL);
				char method[2048];
				char http[512];

				//check if the method is ok
				if(methodOk(packets[t], method) < 0){
					sendBad(sock, method, 0); //send 400: invalid method
					keepalive = 0;
				//check if the http version is ok
				else if(httpOk(packets[t], http) < 0){
					sendBad(sock, http, 2); //send 400: invalid http version
					keepalive = 0;
					//check whether or not we want to keep the connection open
					getKeepAlive(packets[t], (int*)&keepalive);
					char fileName[4096];
					int status;
					//get the file name from the packet and do additional processing
					status = getFileName(packets[t], fileName);

					//determine what to do with packet
					if(status == 200){
						sendFile(sock, fileName, keepalive);
					else if(status == 404){
						sendNotFound(sock, fileName);
						keepalive = 0;
					else if(status == 400){
						sendBad(sock, fileName, 1);
						keepalive = 0;
					else if(status == 501){
						sendBad(sock, fileName, 3);
						keepalive = 0;
			int r;
			for(r=0;r<packetIndex;r++)packets[r][0] = 0;
		int i;
		for(i=0;i<sizeof(packet);i++)packet[i] = 0;
		strcpy(packet, "");
	}while(keepalive && ((time(NULL)) - (seconds) < 10));