// This is the main HTTP client connect work.  Makes the connection
// and handles the protocol and reads the return headers.  Needs
// to leave the stream at the start of the real data.
static int http_connect(struct http_session* session,
    struct sockaddr_in * server, char *host_addr, const char *url)
	int socket_handle;
	int peer_handle;
	int rc;
	char mimeBuffer[100];
	int timeout = HTTP_RCV_TIMEO;

	if((socket_handle = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP )) < 0)
		rt_kprintf( "HTTP: SOCKET FAILED\n" );
		return -1;

	/* set recv timeout option */
	setsockopt(socket_handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout));

	peer_handle = connect( socket_handle, (struct sockaddr *) server, sizeof(*server));
	if ( peer_handle < 0 )
		rt_kprintf( "HTTP: CONNECT FAILED %i\n", peer_handle );
		return -1;

		char *buf;
		rt_uint32_t length;

		buf = rt_malloc (512);
		if (*url)
			length = rt_snprintf(buf, 512, _http_get, url, host_addr);
			length = rt_snprintf(buf, 512, _http_get, "/", host_addr);

		rc = send(peer_handle, buf, length, 0);
		// rt_kprintf("HTTP request:\n%s", buf);

		/* release buffer */

	// We now need to read the header information
	while ( 1 )
		int i;

		// read a line from the header information.
		rc = http_read_line( peer_handle, mimeBuffer, 100 );
		// rt_kprintf(">> %s\n", mimeBuffer);

		if ( rc < 0 ) return rc;

		// End of headers is a blank line.  exit.
		if (rc == 0) break;
		if ((rc == 2) && (mimeBuffer[0] == '\r')) break;

		// Convert mimeBuffer to upper case, so we can do string comps
		for(i = 0; i < strlen(mimeBuffer); i++)
			mimeBuffer[i] = toupper(mimeBuffer[i]);

		if(strstr(mimeBuffer, "HTTP/1.")) // First line of header, contains status code. Check for an error code
			rc = http_is_error_header(mimeBuffer);
				rt_kprintf("HTTP: status code = %d!\n", rc);
				return -rc;

		if(strstr(mimeBuffer, "CONTENT-LENGTH:"))
			session->size = http_parse_content_length(mimeBuffer);
			rt_kprintf("size = %d\n", session->size);

	// We've sent the request, and read the headers.  SockHandle is
	// now at the start of the main data read for a file io read.
	return peer_handle;
// This is the main HTTP client connect work.  Makes the connection
// and handles the protocol and reads the return headers.  Needs
// to leave the stream at the start of the real data.
static int shoutcast_connect(struct shoutcast_session* session,
    struct sockaddr_in* server, char* host_addr, const char* url)
	int socket_handle;
	int peer_handle;
	int rc;
	char mimeBuffer[256];
	int timeout = HTTP_RCV_TIMEO;

	if((socket_handle = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP )) < 0)
		rt_kprintf( "ICY: SOCKET FAILED\n" );
		return -1;

	/* set recv timeout option */
	setsockopt(socket_handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (void*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout));

	peer_handle = connect( socket_handle, (struct sockaddr *) server, sizeof(*server));
	if ( peer_handle < 0 )
		rt_kprintf( "ICY: CONNECT FAILED %i\n", peer_handle );

		return -1;

		char *buf;
		rt_uint32_t length;

		buf = rt_malloc (512);
		if (*url)
			length = rt_snprintf(buf, 512, _shoutcast_get, url, host_addr);
			length = rt_snprintf(buf, 512, _shoutcast_get, "/", host_addr);

		rc = send(peer_handle, buf, length, 0);
		rt_kprintf("SHOUTCAST request:\n%s", buf);

		/* release buffer */

	/* read the header information */
	while ( 1 )
		// read a line from the header information.
		rc = http_read_line(peer_handle, mimeBuffer, 100);
		rt_kprintf(">>%s", mimeBuffer);

		if ( rc < 0 )
			return rc;

		// End of headers is a blank line.  exit.
		if (rc == 0) break;
		if ((rc == 2) && (mimeBuffer[0] == '\r')) break;

		if(strstr(mimeBuffer, "ICY")) // First line of header, contains status code. Check for an error code
			rc = shoutcast_is_error_header(mimeBuffer);
				rt_kprintf("ICY: status code = %d!\n", rc);
				return -rc;

		if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "HTTP/1."))
			rc = http_is_error_header(mimeBuffer);
				rt_kprintf("HTTP: status code = %d!\n", rc);
				return -rc;

		if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "icy-name:"))
			/* get name */
			char* name;

			name = mimeBuffer + strlen("icy-name:");
			session->station_name = rt_strdup(name);
			rt_kprintf("station name: %s\n", session->station_name);

		if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "icy-br:"))
			/* get bitrate */
			session->bitrate = strtol(mimeBuffer + strlen("icy-br:"), RT_NULL, 10);
			rt_kprintf("bitrate: %d\n", session->bitrate);

		if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "icy-metaint:"))
			/* get metaint */
			session->metaint = strtol(mimeBuffer + strlen("icy-metaint:"), RT_NULL, 10);
			rt_kprintf("metaint: %d\n", session->metaint);

		if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "content-type:"))
			/* check content-type */
			if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "audio/mpeg") == RT_NULL)
				rt_kprintf("ICY content is not audio/mpeg.\n");
				return -1;

		if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "Content-Type:"))
			/* check content-type */
			if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "audio/mpeg") == RT_NULL)
				rt_kprintf("ICY content is not audio/mpeg.\n");
				return -1;

	// We've sent the request, and read the headers.  SockHandle is
	// now at the start of the main data read for a file io read.
	return peer_handle;
int  radio_list_update_servicer_connect(struct sockaddr_in* server, char* host_addr, const char* url)
    int socket_handle;
    int peer_handle;
    int rc;
    char mimeBuffer[256];

    if((socket_handle = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP )) < 0)
        rt_kprintf( "RLUS: SOCKET FAILED\n" );
        return -1;

    peer_handle = connect( socket_handle, (struct sockaddr *) server, sizeof(*server));
    if ( peer_handle < 0 )
        rt_kprintf( "RLUS: CONNECT FAILED %i\n", peer_handle );
        return -1;

        char *buf;
        rt_uint32_t length;

        buf = rt_malloc (512);
        if (*url)
            length = rt_snprintf(buf, 512, _radio_list_update_get, url, host_addr, ntohs(server->sin_port));
            length = rt_snprintf(buf, 512, _radio_list_update_get, "/", host_addr, ntohs(server->sin_port));

        rc = send(peer_handle, buf, length, 0);
        rt_kprintf("radio list update request:\n%s", buf);

        /* release buffer */
    /* read the header information */
    while ( 1 )
        // read a line from the header information.
        rc = http_read_line(peer_handle, mimeBuffer, 100);
        rt_kprintf(">>%s", mimeBuffer);

        if ( rc < 0 )
            return rc;
        // End of headers is a blank line.  exit.
        if (rc == 0) break;
        if ((rc == 2) && (mimeBuffer[0] == '\r')) break;

        if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "HTTP/1."))
            rc = http_is_error_header(mimeBuffer);
                rt_kprintf("HTTP: status code = %d!\n", rc);
                return -rc;

        if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "content-type:"))
            /* check content-type */
            if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "text/plain") == RT_NULL)
                rt_kprintf("radio list update content is not text/plain.\n");
                return -1;

        if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "Content-Type:"))
#if 0       // not check content-type anymore
            /* check content-type */
            if (strstr(mimeBuffer, "text/plain") == RT_NULL)
                rt_kprintf("radio list update content is not text/plain.\n");
                return -1;

    return peer_handle;