void HSVRangeDisplay::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
  QPainter painter(this);
  painter.drawImage(QPoint(0,0), m_image);

  // Draw the bounding rectangle for the HSVRange
  // This is a little tricky because the range can wrap in hue (Y)

  int left = sat2x(m_range.s.min);
  int width = val2x(m_range.v.min) - left;

  int top = hue2y(m_range.h.min);
  int height = hue2y(m_range.h.max) - top;
  if (height < 0) height += m_height;

  painter.drawRect(left, top, width, height);
  painter.drawRect(left, top-m_height, width, height);
void ColorPicker::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
  int w = width() - 5;

  QRect r(0, foff, w, height() - 2*foff);
  int wi = r.width() - 2;
  int hi = r.height() - 2;
  if (!m_pix || m_pix->height() != hi || m_pix->width() != wi) 
    delete m_pix;
    QImage img(wi, hi, QImage::Format_RGB32);
    int y;
    uint *pixel = (uint *) img.scanLine(0);
    for (y = 0; y < hi; y++) 
      const uint *end = pixel + wi;
      int yh = y2hue(y+coff);
      int ys = y2sat(y+coff);
      int yg = y2gam(y+coff);
      while (pixel < end) 
        QColor c;
        c.setHsv(yh, ys, (int)(255*pow(0.7,yg/100.0)));
        *pixel = c.rgb();
    m_pix = new QPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img));
  QPainter p(this);
  p.drawPixmap(1, coff, *m_pix);
  const QPalette &g = palette();
  qDrawShadePanel(&p, r, g, true);
  QPolygon a;
  int y = m_mode==Hue ?        hue2y(m_hue) : 
          m_mode==Saturation ? sat2y(m_sat) :
  a.setPoints(3, w, y, w+5, y+5, w+5, y-5);
  p.eraseRect(w, 0, 5, height());