bool i2cRead(I2CDevice device, uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg, uint8_t len, uint8_t* buf)
    addr_ <<= 1;

    I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx;
    I2Cx = i2cHardwareMap[device].dev;

    /* Test on BUSY Flag */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_BUSY) != RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

        /* Configure slave address, nbytes, reload, end mode and start or stop generation */
    I2C_TransferHandling(I2Cx, addr_, 1, I2C_SoftEnd_Mode, I2C_Generate_Start_Write);

        /* Wait until TXIS flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_TXIS) == RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

        /* Send Register address */
    I2C_SendData(I2Cx, (uint8_t) reg);

        /* Wait until TC flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_TC) == RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

        /* Configure slave address, nbytes, reload, end mode and start or stop generation */
    I2C_TransferHandling(I2Cx, addr_, len, I2C_AutoEnd_Mode, I2C_Generate_Start_Read);

        /* Wait until all data are received */
    while (len) {
        /* Wait until RXNE flag is set */
        i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
        while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_RXNE) == RESET) {
            if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
                return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

                /* Read data from RXDR */
        *buf = I2C_ReceiveData(I2Cx);
        /* Point to the next location where the byte read will be saved */

                /* Decrement the read bytes counter */

        /* Wait until STOPF flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_STOPF) == RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

        /* Clear STOPF flag */
    I2C_ClearFlag(I2Cx, I2C_ICR_STOPCF);

        /* If all operations OK */
    return true;
void i2cInit(I2CDevice device)

    i2cDevice_t *i2c;
    i2c = &(i2cHardwareMap[device]);

    I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx;
    I2Cx = i2c->dev;
    IO_t scl = IOGetByTag(i2c->scl);
    IO_t sda = IOGetByTag(i2c->sda);

    RCC_ClockCmd(i2c->rcc, ENABLE);

    IOConfigGPIOAF(scl, IOCFG_I2C, GPIO_AF_4);

    IOConfigGPIOAF(sda, IOCFG_I2C, GPIO_AF_4);

    I2C_InitTypeDef i2cInit = {
        .I2C_Mode = I2C_Mode_I2C,
        .I2C_AnalogFilter = I2C_AnalogFilter_Enable,
        .I2C_DigitalFilter = 0x00,
        .I2C_OwnAddress1 = 0x00,
        .I2C_Ack = I2C_Ack_Enable,
        .I2C_AcknowledgedAddress = I2C_AcknowledgedAddress_7bit,
        .I2C_Timing = (i2c->overClock ? I2C_HIGHSPEED_TIMING : I2C_STANDARD_TIMING)

    I2C_Init(I2Cx, &i2cInit);

    I2C_StretchClockCmd(I2Cx, ENABLE);
    I2C_Cmd(I2Cx, ENABLE);

uint16_t i2cGetErrorCounter(void)
    return i2cErrorCount;

bool i2cWrite(I2CDevice device, uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data)
    addr_ <<= 1;

    I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx;
    I2Cx = i2cHardwareMap[device].dev;

    /* Test on BUSY Flag */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_BUSY) != RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

        /* Configure slave address, nbytes, reload, end mode and start or stop generation */
    I2C_TransferHandling(I2Cx, addr_, 1, I2C_Reload_Mode, I2C_Generate_Start_Write);

        /* Wait until TXIS flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_TXIS) == RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

        /* Send Register address */
    I2C_SendData(I2Cx, (uint8_t) reg);

        /* Wait until TCR flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_TCR) == RESET)
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

        /* Configure slave address, nbytes, reload, end mode and start or stop generation */
    I2C_TransferHandling(I2Cx, addr_, 1, I2C_AutoEnd_Mode, I2C_No_StartStop);

        /* Wait until TXIS flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_TXIS) == RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

        /* Write data to TXDR */
    I2C_SendData(I2Cx, data);

        /* Wait until STOPF flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_STOPF) == RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback();

        /* Clear STOPF flag */
    I2C_ClearFlag(I2Cx, I2C_ICR_STOPCF);

    return true;
bool i2cWrite(uint8_t addr_, uint8_t reg, uint8_t data)
    addr_ <<= 1;

    /* Test on BUSY Flag */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_BUSY) != RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback(I2Cx);

    /* Configure slave address, nbytes, reload, end mode and start or stop generation */
    I2C_TransferHandling(I2Cx, addr_, 1, I2C_Reload_Mode, I2C_Generate_Start_Write);

    /* Wait until TXIS flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_TXIS) == RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback(I2Cx);

    /* Send Register address */
    I2C_SendData(I2Cx, (uint8_t) reg);

    /* Wait until TCR flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_TCR) == RESET)
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback(I2Cx);

    /* Configure slave address, nbytes, reload, end mode and start or stop generation */
    I2C_TransferHandling(I2Cx, addr_, 1, I2C_AutoEnd_Mode, I2C_No_StartStop);

    /* Wait until TXIS flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_TXIS) == RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback(I2Cx);

    /* Write data to TXDR */
    I2C_SendData(I2Cx, data);

    /* Wait until STOPF flag is set */
    i2cTimeout = I2C_LONG_TIMEOUT;
    while (I2C_GetFlagStatus(I2Cx, I2C_ISR_STOPF) == RESET) {
        if ((i2cTimeout--) == 0) {
            return i2cTimeoutUserCallback(I2Cx);

    /* Clear STOPF flag */
    I2C_ClearFlag(I2Cx, I2C_ICR_STOPCF);

    return true;