文件: lab5.c 项目: okeefm/litec_code
unsigned int ReadRanger(void)
	unsigned int range =0;
	i2c_read_data(ranger_addr, 2, Data, 2);  // read two bytes, starting at reg 2
	range = (((unsigned int)Data[0] << 8) | Data[1]); //concatenate the two bytes.
	return range; 
/* Read bytes */
int i2c_read(uchar chip, uint addr, int alen, uchar *buffer, int len)
	uint offset;
	int i;

	debug("i2c_read: chip=0x%x, addr=0x%x, len=0x%x\n",
				chip, addr, len);
	if (!i2c_addr_ok(addr, alen)) {
		debug("i2c_read: Bad address %x.%d.\n", addr, alen);
		return 1;
	for (offset = 0; offset < len; offset++) {
		if (alen) {
			uchar data[alen];
			for (i = 0; i < alen; i++) {
				data[alen - i - 1] =
					(addr + offset) >> (8 * i);
			if (i2c_write_data(chip, data, alen)) {
				debug("i2c_read: error sending (0x%x)\n",
				return 1;
		if (i2c_read_data(chip, buffer + offset, 1)) {
			debug("i2c_read: error reading (0x%x)\n", addr);
			return 1;

	return 0;
* Function    :  raysens_ctpm_fw_online
* Description : entry online  mode and check 
* Parameters  :  none
* Return      :    0: successful ; error: -1
static int raysens_ctpm_fw_online(struct i2c_client *client)
	int i;
	unsigned char IICBufOnlineR[10];	
	i2c_write_bytes(client, Register[18], 1);
	i2c_write_bytes(client, Register[0], 10);  //4 
       i2c_read_data(client, IICBufOnlineR, 10);
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) 
		if (IICBufOnlineR[i] != Register[0][i])
	        TS_DBG("ONLINE_HANDLE error! \n");
	        strcpy(fw_status,"***err: ONLINE_HANDLE error!***\n");
			return -1;


	i2c_write_bytes(client, Register[1], 10);  //4 
	TS_DBG("ONLINE_BEGIN data \n");
	i2c_write_bytes(client,  Register[2], 3); 	
	//i2c_read_interface(I2C_CTPM_ADDRESS, IICBufOnlineR, 10);//
	 i2c_read_data(client,  IICBufOnlineR, 4);
	pr_info("IICBufOnlineR = %x, %x, %x, %x \n", IICBufOnlineR[0], IICBufOnlineR[1], IICBufOnlineR[2], IICBufOnlineR[3]);
	 if ((IICBufOnlineR[0] == Register[3][0]) && (IICBufOnlineR[1] == Register[3][1]) && (IICBufOnlineR[2] == Register[3][2]) && (IICBufOnlineR[3] == Register[3][3])) 
	{ //如果读到的数不是 0xab9d573b
		TS_DBG("ONLINE_BEG_CHECK error \n");
		strcpy(fw_status,"***err: ONLINE_BEG_CHECK error!***\n");
		return -1;
	return 1;
unsigned int read_ranger()
	unsigned char Data[2];
	unsigned int range = 0;
	unsigned char addr = 0xE0;   // the address of the ranger is 0xE0
	i2c_read_data(addr, 2, Data, 2);   // read two bytes, starting at reg 2
	range = (((unsigned int)Data[0] << 8) | Data[1]);
	return range;
文件: Lab4.c 项目: lancegerday/Lab4
unsigned char read_ranger(void) {
    unsigned int range = 0;
    unsigned char slave_reg = 2; //start at register 2
    unsigned char num_bytes = 2; //read 2 bytes

    i2c_read_data(addr, slave_reg, Data, num_bytes); // read two bytes, starting at reg 2
    range = (((unsigned int) Data[0] << 8) | Data[1]); // Store high and low bytes of Data in variable range
    return range;
文件: Lab4.c 项目: lancegerday/Lab4
unsigned int Read_Compass() {
    unsigned char addr = 0xC0; // Address the compass heading will be written to
    unsigned char Data[2]; // Data array to store heading data
    unsigned int heading; // Variable to store heading data
    i2c_read_data(addr, 2, Data, 2); // Read data from compass registers, store it in Data buffer
    heading = (((unsigned int) Data[0] << 8) | Data[1]); //Take high data byte, convert to int, 
    //shift left 8 bits, and copy lower compass byte to first half of int
    take_heading = 0;
    return heading; // Return data heading between 0 and 3599 
int fmradio_i2c_read(unsigned char address, unsigned char* buf, int count)
    bitclr32(&CCU_IO, 1<<12);
    int ret = i2c_read_data(fm_i2c_bus, address, -1, buf, count);
    bitset32(&CCU_IO, 1<<12);
    return ret;
* Function    : static RRS_BYTE*  CTS12_read_flash(struct i2c_client *client,uint8_t *address, uint8_t *direction, int len,RRS_BYTE* pbt_buf,char type)
* Description : read program form flash
* Parameters  :  address : start address
			    direction : +1/-1
			    len:  length
			    pbt_buf: data save in buffer
			    type:  para or bin
* Return      :    0: successful ; error: -1
static RRS_BYTE*  CTS12_read_flash(struct i2c_client *client, uint8_t *address, uint8_t *direction, int len, RRS_BYTE* pbt_buf, char type)
	int  i;
	unsigned char IICBufOnlineR[10];	
	i2c_write_bytes(client, address, 7); 
#if (defined(CTS13_PARA)|| defined(CTS13_BIN))
	if (type == para)
	       for (i = 0; i < 254; i++) 
			i2c_write_bytes(client, Register[8], 7);  //address -1

	i2c_write_bytes(client, Register[10], 7); 
	i2c_write_bytes(client, Register[11], 7); 
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		i2c_write_bytes(client, Register[12], 7); 
		i2c_read_data(client,  IICBufOnlineR, 4); 

		pbt_buf[i * 4 + 0] = IICBufOnlineR[0]; 
		pbt_buf[i * 4 + 1] = IICBufOnlineR[1]; 
		pbt_buf[i * 4 + 2] = IICBufOnlineR[2]; 
		pbt_buf[i * 4 + 3] = IICBufOnlineR[3]; 

		pr_info("i == %d ,IICBufOnlineR = %x, %x, %x, %x \n", i, IICBufOnlineR[0], IICBufOnlineR[1], IICBufOnlineR[2], IICBufOnlineR[3]);
		i2c_write_bytes(client, direction, 7); 

	i2c_write_bytes(client, Register[13], 7); 
	i2c_write_bytes(client, Register[14], 7); 
	return pbt_buf;
unsigned int ReadRanger() {		//Reads ranger, returns distance
	i2c_read_data(range_and_ping_addr, 2, comp_and_range_Data, 2); // read two bytes, starting at reg 2
	return (((unsigned int)comp_and_range_Data[0] << 8) | comp_and_range_Data[1]);
}//end readRanger
//Compas and Ranger read functions
unsigned int ReadCompass() {	//Reads Compass, returns heading
	i2c_read_data(comp_addr, 2, comp_and_range_Data, 2);	//read two byte, starting at reg 2
	return (unsigned int)(comp_and_range_Data[0]<<8 | comp_and_range_Data[1]);	//combine the two values
	//the combined integer returned in degrees between 0 and 3599, has units of 1/10 of a degree
}//end read compass
int fmradio_i2c_read(unsigned char address, unsigned char* buf, int count)
    return i2c_read_data(fm_i2c_bus, address, -1, buf, count);