inline void MPU6050_getMotion6(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az, int16_t* gx, int16_t* gy, int16_t* gz, uint8_t use_calib) { uint8_t tx_buf[1]; uint8_t tx_len; tx_buf[0] = MPU6050_RA_ACCEL_XOUT_H; tx_len = 1; uint8_t rx_len = 14; uint8_t rx_buf[rx_len]; i2c_writeBytes(mpu6050_dev_addr, tx_buf, tx_len, 0); i2c_readBytes(mpu6050_dev_addr, rx_buf, rx_len, 0); *ax = (((int16_t)rx_buf[0]) << 8) | rx_buf[1]; *ay = (((int16_t)rx_buf[2]) << 8) | rx_buf[3]; *az = (((int16_t)rx_buf[4]) << 8) | rx_buf[5]; *gx = (((int16_t)rx_buf[8]) << 8) | rx_buf[9]; *gy = (((int16_t)rx_buf[10]) << 8) | rx_buf[11]; *gz = (((int16_t)rx_buf[12]) << 8) | rx_buf[13]; if(use_calib == 1) { *gx -= gx0; *gy -= gy0; *gz -= gz0; } }
/* * Just for accessing HMC from MC * data got from */ void MPU6050_setBypassMode() { uint8_t tx_len = 2; uint8_t tx_buf[tx_len]; tx_buf[0] = 0x37; // register address tx_buf[1] = 0x02; // needed value i2c_writeBytes(mpu6050_dev_addr, tx_buf, tx_len, 0); tx_buf[0] = 0x6A; // register address tx_buf[1] = 0x00; // needed value i2c_writeBytes(mpu6050_dev_addr, tx_buf, tx_len, 0); }
void MPU6050_getFIFOBytes(uint8_t *data, uint8_t length) { uint8_t tx_buf; tx_buf = MPU6050_RA_FIFO_R_W; i2c_writeBytes(mpu6050_dev_addr, &tx_buf, 1, 0); i2c_readBytes(mpu6050_dev_addr, data, length, 0); }
void hmc5883l_writeConfiguration( hmc5883l_configuration_t *conf ){ DEBUG_FUNC_ENTER(); i2c_writeBytes( HMC5883L_SLAVER, HMC5883L_REG_ADDR_CONF_A, (uint8_t*)conf, 3 ); DEBUG_FUNC_EXIT(); }
/** Send a reset command. * The Reset sequence shall be sent once after power-on to make * sure that the calibration PROM gets loaded into the internal * register. It can be also used to reset the device ROM from * an unknown condition. * @return Status of operation (true = success) */ bool_t ms561101ba_reset(void) { return i2c_writeBytes(MS561101BA_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, MS561101BA_RA_RESET, 0, NULL); }
void MPU6050_setSampleRateDiv(uint8_t data) { uint8_t tx_buf[2] = {MPU6050_RA_SMPLRT_DIV, data}; i2c_writeBytes(mpu6050_dev_addr, tx_buf, 2, 0); }