文件: plugin.c 项目: VujinovM/anjuta
static gboolean
is_commented_multiline (IAnjutaEditor *editor,
                        IAnjutaIterable *start,
                        IAnjutaIterable *end)
    gchar *text;
    gboolean is_commented = TRUE;

    text = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, start, end, NULL);
    while (is_commented && !g_str_has_prefix (text, "/*"))
        if (!ianjuta_iterable_previous (start, NULL))
            is_commented = FALSE;
        g_free (text);
        text = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, start, end, NULL);
        if (g_str_has_prefix (text, "*/"))
            is_commented = FALSE;
    while (is_commented && !g_str_has_suffix (text, "*/"))
        if (!ianjuta_iterable_next (end, NULL))
            is_commented = FALSE;
        g_free (text);
        text = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, start, end, NULL);
        if (g_str_has_suffix (text, "/*"))
            is_commented = FALSE;

    g_free (text);
    return is_commented;
文件: plugin.c 项目: VujinovM/anjuta
static void
toggle_comment_multiline (IAnjutaEditor *editor,
                          IAnjutaIterable *start,
                          IAnjutaIterable *end)
    IAnjutaIterable *start_copy, *end_copy;
    gchar *text;
    gboolean is_commented;

    start_copy = ianjuta_iterable_clone (start, NULL);
    end_copy = ianjuta_iterable_clone (end, NULL);
    is_commented = is_commented_multiline (editor, start_copy, end_copy);
    text = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, start_copy, end_copy, NULL);

    if (is_commented)
        ianjuta_editor_erase (editor, start_copy, end_copy, NULL);
        ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, start_copy, text + 2,
                               (strlen (text) - 4), NULL);
        ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, end, "*/", -1, NULL);
        ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, start, "/*", -1, NULL);

    g_object_unref (start_copy);
    g_object_unref (end_copy);
    g_free (text);
cpp_java_indentation_changed (IAnjutaEditor *editor,
                              IAnjutaIterable *position,
                              gboolean added,
                              gint length,
                              gint lines,
                              const gchar *text,
                              IndentCPlugin* plugin)
	/* If autoindent is enabled*/
	if (plugin->smart_indentation)
		if (g_settings_get_boolean (plugin->settings, PREF_BRACE_AUTOCOMPLETION))
			if (!added && length == 1 && (*text == '[' || *text == '('))
				IAnjutaIterable *next;
				gchar *next_char;

				next = ianjuta_iterable_clone (position, NULL);
				ianjuta_iterable_next (next, NULL);
				next_char = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, position, next, NULL);
				if ((*text == '[' && *next_char == ']') || (*text == '(' && *next_char == ')'))
					erase_editor_blocked (editor, position, next, plugin);
static gchar *
get_editor_line (IAnjutaEditor *editor, gint line)
	IAnjutaIterable *start;
	IAnjutaIterable *end;
	gchar *content = NULL;

	if (line < 0)
		gint last;
		end = ianjuta_editor_get_end_position(editor, NULL);
		last = ianjuta_editor_get_line_from_position (editor, end, NULL);
		line = last + line;
		g_object_unref (end);
	if (line > 0)
		start = ianjuta_editor_get_line_begin_position (editor, line, NULL);
		end = ianjuta_editor_get_line_end_position (editor, line, NULL);
		content = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, start, end, NULL);
		g_object_unref (start);
		g_object_unref (end);

	return content;
文件: plugin.c 项目: VujinovM/anjuta
static gchar*
get_text_between (IAnjutaEditor *editor, gchar *prefix, gchar *suffix)
	IAnjutaEditorCell *search_start = IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (
										ianjuta_editor_get_start_position (editor, NULL));
	IAnjutaEditorCell *search_end = IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (
										ianjuta_editor_get_end_position (editor, NULL));

	IAnjutaEditorCell *result_start;
	IAnjutaEditorCell *result_end = NULL;

	IAnjutaEditorCell *prefix_end;
	IAnjutaEditorCell *suffix_start;

	ianjuta_editor_search_forward (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SEARCH (editor),
								   prefix, FALSE,
								   search_start, search_end,
								   &result_end, NULL);

	if (!result_end)
		return NULL;

	g_object_unref (result_start);

	prefix_end = result_end;

	ianjuta_editor_search_forward (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SEARCH (editor),
								   suffix, FALSE,
								   result_end, search_end,
								   &result_end, NULL);

	suffix_start = result_start;

	if (!result_end)
		return NULL;

	g_object_unref (result_end);

	return ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, prefix_end, suffix_start, NULL);
static gboolean
spaces_only (IAnjutaEditor* editor, IAnjutaIterable* begin, IAnjutaIterable* end)
	gboolean empty = TRUE;
	gchar* idx;
	gchar* text = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, begin, end, NULL);

	if (text == NULL)
		return TRUE;

	for (idx = text; *idx != '\0'; idx++)
		if (!isspace(*idx))
			empty = FALSE;
	return empty;
 * parser_cxx_assist_parse_expression:
 * @assist: self,
 * @iter: current cursor position
 * @start_iter: return location for the start of the completion
 * Returns: An iter of a list of IAnjutaSymbols or NULL
static IAnjutaIterable*
parser_cxx_assist_parse_expression (ParserCxxAssist* assist, IAnjutaIterable* iter, IAnjutaIterable** start_iter)
	IAnjutaEditor* editor = IANJUTA_EDITOR (assist->priv->iassist);
	IAnjutaIterable* res = NULL;
	IAnjutaIterable* cur_pos = ianjuta_iterable_clone (iter, NULL);
	gboolean op_start = FALSE;
	gboolean ref_start = FALSE;
	gchar* stmt = NULL;
	/* Cursor points after the current characters, move back */
	ianjuta_iterable_previous (cur_pos, NULL);
	/* Search for a operator in the current line */
		gchar ch = ianjuta_editor_cell_get_char (IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL(cur_pos),
		                                         0, NULL);
		if (parser_cxx_assist_is_expression_separator(ch, FALSE, iter)) {

		if (ch == '.' || (op_start && ch == '-') || (ref_start && ch == ':'))
			/* Found an operator, get the statement and the pre_word */
			IAnjutaIterable* pre_word_start = ianjuta_iterable_clone (cur_pos,
			IAnjutaIterable* pre_word_end = ianjuta_iterable_clone (iter, NULL);
			IAnjutaIterable* stmt_end = ianjuta_iterable_clone (pre_word_start,

			/* we need to pass to the parser all the statement included the last
			 * operator, being it "." or "->" or "::"
			 * Increase the end bound of the statement.
			ianjuta_iterable_next (stmt_end, NULL);
			if (op_start == TRUE || ref_start == TRUE)
				ianjuta_iterable_next (stmt_end, NULL);
			/* Move one character forward so we have the start of the pre_word
			 * and not the last operator */
			ianjuta_iterable_next (pre_word_start, NULL);
			/* If this is a two character operator, skip the second character */
			if (op_start)
				ianjuta_iterable_next (pre_word_start, NULL);
			parser_cxx_assist_update_pre_word (assist, ianjuta_editor_get_text (

			/* Try to get the name of the variable */
			while (ianjuta_iterable_previous (cur_pos, NULL))
				gchar word_ch = ianjuta_editor_cell_get_char (
				                        IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL(cur_pos), 0, NULL);
				if (parser_cxx_assist_is_expression_separator(word_ch, FALSE,
			ianjuta_iterable_next (cur_pos, NULL);
			stmt = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor,
			                                cur_pos, stmt_end, NULL);
			*start_iter = pre_word_start;
			g_object_unref (stmt_end);
			g_object_unref (pre_word_end);
		else if (ch == '>')
			op_start = TRUE;
		else if (ch == ':')
			ref_start = TRUE;
			op_start = FALSE;
			ref_start = FALSE;
	while (ianjuta_iterable_previous (cur_pos, NULL));

	if (stmt)
		gint lineno;
		gchar *above_text;
		IAnjutaIterable* start;
		if (!assist->priv->editor_filename)
			g_free (stmt);
			return NULL;
		start = ianjuta_editor_get_start_position (editor, NULL);
		above_text = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, start, iter, NULL);
		g_object_unref (start);
		lineno = ianjuta_editor_get_lineno (editor, NULL);

		/* the parser works even for the "Gtk::" like expressions, so it 
		 * shouldn't be created a specific case to handle this.
		res = engine_parser_process_expression (stmt,
		g_free (stmt);
	g_object_unref (cur_pos);
	return res;
文件: plugin.c 项目: VujinovM/anjuta
static void
toggle_comment_singleline (CppJavaPlugin *plugin, IAnjutaEditor *editor,
                           gint line)
    IAnjutaIterable *begin, *end, *begin_copy, *end_copy;
    gchar *text, *text_stripped, **text_diff = NULL;

    begin = ianjuta_editor_get_line_begin_position (editor, line, NULL);
    end = ianjuta_editor_get_line_end_position (editor, line, NULL);
    begin_copy = ianjuta_iterable_clone (begin, NULL);
    end_copy = ianjuta_iterable_clone (end, NULL);

    if (is_commented_multiline (editor, begin_copy, end_copy))
        toggle_comment_multiline (editor, begin_copy, end_copy);
        g_object_unref (begin);
        g_object_unref (end);
        g_object_unref (begin_copy);
        g_object_unref (end_copy);
    g_object_unref (begin_copy);
    g_object_unref (end_copy);

    text = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, begin, end, NULL);
    text_stripped = g_strstrip (g_strdup (text));
    text_diff = g_strsplit (text, text_stripped, 2);

    if (plugin->current_language &&
        (g_str_equal (plugin->current_language, "C")))
        if (g_str_has_prefix (text_stripped, "/*") &&
            g_str_has_suffix (text_stripped, "*/"))
            ianjuta_editor_erase (editor, begin, end, NULL);
            ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, begin, text_stripped + 2,
                                   (strlen (text_stripped) - 4), NULL);
            if (text_diff != NULL)
                ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, begin, *text_diff, -1, NULL);
            ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, end, "*/", -1, NULL);
            ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, begin, "/*", -1, NULL);
        if (g_str_has_prefix (text_stripped, "//"))
            ianjuta_editor_erase (editor, begin, end, NULL);
            ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, begin, text_stripped + 2, -1, NULL);
            if (text_diff != NULL)
                ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, begin, *text_diff, -1, NULL);
            ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, begin, "//", -1, NULL);

    g_object_unref (begin);
    g_object_unref (end);
    g_free (text);
    g_free (text_stripped);
    g_strfreev (text_diff);
/* Search string in editor, return TRUE and matching part as start and
 * end editor cell */
static gboolean
editor_search (IAnjutaEditor *editor,
               const gchar *search_text, 
               gboolean case_sensitive,
               gboolean search_forward,
               gboolean regex_mode,
               IAnjutaEditorCell* search_start,
               IAnjutaEditorCell* search_end,
               IAnjutaEditorCell** result_start,
               IAnjutaEditorCell** result_end)
	gboolean found;

	if (regex_mode)
		gint start_pos;
		gint end_pos;
		gchar *text_to_search;

		text_to_search = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor,
		                                          IANJUTA_ITERABLE (search_start),
		                                          IANJUTA_ITERABLE (search_end), NULL);

		found = search_regex_in_text (search_text, text_to_search, search_forward, &start_pos, &end_pos);

		start_pos += ianjuta_iterable_get_position(IANJUTA_ITERABLE (search_start), NULL);
		end_pos += ianjuta_iterable_get_position(IANJUTA_ITERABLE (search_start), NULL);

		if (found && start_pos >= 0)
			*result_start = IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (ianjuta_editor_get_start_position (editor,
			*result_end = IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (ianjuta_editor_get_start_position (editor,

			if (!ianjuta_iterable_set_position(IANJUTA_ITERABLE(*result_start), start_pos, NULL) ||
				!ianjuta_iterable_set_position(IANJUTA_ITERABLE(*result_end), end_pos, NULL))
				found = FALSE;

		if (search_forward)
			found = ianjuta_editor_search_forward (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SEARCH (editor),
			                                       search_text, case_sensitive,
			                                       search_start, search_end,
			                                       result_end, NULL);
			found = ianjuta_editor_search_backward (IANJUTA_EDITOR_SEARCH (editor),
			                                        search_text, case_sensitive,
			                                        search_end, search_start,
			                                        result_end, NULL);

	return found;
static gint
set_line_indentation (IndentCPlugin *plugin, IAnjutaEditor *editor, gint line_num, gint indentation, gint parenthesis_indentation)
	IAnjutaIterable *line_begin, *line_end, *indent_position;
	IAnjutaIterable *current_pos;
	gint carat_offset, nchars = 0;
	gchar *old_indent_string = NULL, *indent_string = NULL;

	/* DEBUG_PRINT ("In %s()", __FUNCTION__); */
	line_begin = ianjuta_editor_get_line_begin_position (editor, line_num, NULL);
	line_end = ianjuta_editor_get_line_end_position (editor, line_num, NULL);

	DEBUG_PRINT ("line begin = %d, line end = %d, current_pos = %d",
				 line_begin, line_end, current_pos);
	indent_position = ianjuta_iterable_clone (line_begin, NULL);

	if (ianjuta_iterable_compare (line_end, line_begin, NULL) > 0)
		gchar *idx;
		gchar *line_string = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, line_begin,
														   line_end, NULL);

		//DEBUG_PRINT ("line_string = '%s'", line_string);
		if (line_string)
			idx = line_string;

			/* Find first non-white space */
			while (*idx != '\0' && isspace (*idx))
				idx = g_utf8_find_next_char (idx, NULL);
				ianjuta_iterable_next (indent_position, NULL);
			g_free (line_string);
	/* Indent iter defined at this point, Identify how much is current
	 * position is beyound this point. We need to restore it later after
	 * indentation
	current_pos = ianjuta_editor_get_position (editor, NULL);
	carat_offset = ianjuta_iterable_diff (indent_position, current_pos, NULL);
	//DEBUG_PRINT ("carat offset is = %d", carat_offset);

	/* Set new indentation */
	if ((indentation + parenthesis_indentation) > 0)
		indent_string = get_line_indentation_string (plugin, editor, indentation, parenthesis_indentation);
		nchars = indent_string ? g_utf8_strlen (indent_string, -1) : 0;

		/* Only indent if there is something to indent with */
		if (indent_string)
			/* Get existing indentation */
			if (ianjuta_iterable_compare (indent_position, line_begin, NULL) > 0)
				old_indent_string =
					ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, line_begin,
												  indent_position, NULL);

				//DEBUG_PRINT ("old_indent_string = '%s'", old_indent_string);

			/* Only indent if there was no indentation before or old
			 * indentation string was different from the new indent string
			if (old_indent_string == NULL ||
				strcmp (old_indent_string, indent_string) != 0)
				/* Remove the old indentation string, if there is any */
				if (old_indent_string)
					ianjuta_editor_erase (editor, line_begin,
										  indent_position, NULL);

				/* Insert the new indentation string */
				ianjuta_editor_insert (editor, line_begin,
									   indent_string, -1, NULL);

	/* If indentation == 0, we really didn't enter the previous code block,
	 * but we may need to clear existing indentation.
	if ((indentation + parenthesis_indentation) == 0)
		/* Get existing indentation */
		if (ianjuta_iterable_compare (indent_position, line_begin, NULL) > 0)
			old_indent_string =
				ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, line_begin,
											  indent_position, NULL);
		if (old_indent_string)
			ianjuta_editor_erase (editor, line_begin, indent_position, NULL);

	/* Restore current position */
	if (carat_offset >= 0)
		/* If the cursor was not before the first non-space character in
		 * the line, restore it's position after indentation.
		gint i;
		IAnjutaIterable *pos = ianjuta_editor_get_line_begin_position (editor, line_num, NULL);
		for (i = 0; i < nchars + carat_offset; i++)
			ianjuta_iterable_next (pos, NULL);
		ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
		ianjuta_editor_goto_position (editor, pos, NULL);
		ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
		g_object_unref (pos);
	else /* cursor_offset < 0 */
		/* If the cursor was somewhere in the old indentation spaces,
		 * home the cursor to first non-space character in the line (or
		 * end of line if there is no non-space characters in the line.
		gint i;
		IAnjutaIterable *pos = ianjuta_editor_get_line_begin_position (editor, line_num, NULL);
		for (i = 0; i < nchars; i++)
			ianjuta_iterable_next (pos, NULL);
		ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
		ianjuta_editor_goto_position (editor, pos, NULL);
		ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);
		g_object_unref (pos);

	g_object_unref (current_pos);
	g_object_unref (indent_position);
	g_object_unref (line_begin);
	g_object_unref (line_end);

	g_free (old_indent_string);
	g_free (indent_string);
	return nchars;
static gint
get_line_indentation (IAnjutaEditor *editor, gint line_num)
	IAnjutaIterable *line_begin, *line_end;
	gchar *line_string, *idx;
	gint line_indent = 0, left_braces = 0, right_braces = 0;
	gchar ch;

	line_end = ianjuta_editor_get_line_end_position (editor, line_num, NULL);

	/* Find first right brace going backwards from end of current line that is before a closing bracket */
	while (ianjuta_iterable_previous (line_end, NULL))
		ch = ianjuta_editor_cell_get_char (IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (line_end), 0, NULL);
		if (ch == ')')
		else if (ch =='}')

	/* Find the line which contains the left brace matching the right brace we found */
	if (right_braces > 0)
		while (ianjuta_iterable_previous (line_end, NULL) && right_braces > left_braces)
			ch = ianjuta_editor_cell_get_char (IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (line_end), 0, NULL);
			if (ch == ')')
			else if (ch == '(')

		line_num = ianjuta_editor_get_line_from_position (editor, line_end, NULL);

	g_object_unref (line_end);
	line_begin = ianjuta_editor_get_line_begin_position (editor, line_num, NULL);
	line_end = ianjuta_editor_get_line_end_position (editor, line_num, NULL);

	DEBUG_PRINT ("%s: line begin = %d, line end = %d", __FUNCTION__,
				 line_begin, line_end);
	if (ianjuta_iterable_compare (line_begin, line_end, NULL) == 0)
		g_object_unref (line_begin);
		g_object_unref (line_end);
		return 0;

	line_string = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, line_begin, line_end,
	g_object_unref (line_begin);
	g_object_unref (line_end);

	/* DEBUG_PRINT ("line_string = '%s'", line_string); */

	if (!line_string)
		return 0;

	idx = line_string;

	/* Find first non-white space */
	while (*idx != '\0' && isspace (*idx))
		if (*idx == '\t')
			line_indent += TAB_SIZE;
		idx++; /* Since we are looking for first non-space char, simple
				* increment of the utf8 chars would do */
	g_free (line_string);
	return line_indent;
cpp_java_indentation_char_added (IAnjutaEditor *editor,
                                 IAnjutaIterable *insert_pos,
                                 gchar ch,
                                 IndentCPlugin *plugin)
	IAnjutaEditorAttribute attrib;
	IAnjutaIterable *iter;
	gboolean should_auto_indent = FALSE;

	iter = ianjuta_iterable_clone (insert_pos, NULL);

	/* If autoindent is enabled*/
	if (plugin->smart_indentation)

		/* DEBUG_PRINT ("Char added at position %d: '%c'", insert_pos, ch); */

		if (iter_is_newline (iter, ch))
			skip_iter_to_newline_head (iter, ch);
			/* All newline entries means enable indenting */
			should_auto_indent = TRUE;
		else if (ch == '{' || ch == '}' || ch == '#')
			/* Indent only when it's the first non-white space char in the line */

			/* Don't bother if we are inside string */
			attrib = ianjuta_editor_cell_get_attribute (IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (iter),
			if (attrib != IANJUTA_EDITOR_STRING)
				/* Iterate backwards till the begining of the line and disable
				 * indenting if any non-white space char is encountered

				/* Begin by assuming it should be indented */
				should_auto_indent = TRUE;

				while (ianjuta_iterable_previous (iter, NULL))
					ch = ianjuta_editor_cell_get_char (IANJUTA_EDITOR_CELL (iter),
					                                   0, NULL);

					//DEBUG_PRINT ("Looking at char '%c'", ch);

					/* Break on begining of line (== end of previous line) */
					if (iter_is_newline (iter, ch))
						skip_iter_to_newline_head (iter, ch);
					/* If a non-white space char is encountered, disabled indenting */
					if (!isspace (ch))
						should_auto_indent = FALSE;
		if (should_auto_indent)
			gint insert_line;
			gint line_indent;
			gint parenthesis_indentation;

			ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);

			insert_line = ianjuta_editor_get_lineno (editor, NULL);
			line_indent = get_line_auto_indentation (plugin, editor, insert_line, &parenthesis_indentation);
			set_line_indentation (plugin, editor, insert_line, line_indent, parenthesis_indentation);
			ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT(editor), NULL);

	if (g_settings_get_boolean (plugin->settings, PREF_BRACE_AUTOCOMPLETION))
		if (ch == '[' || ch == '(')
						gchar *prev_char, *next_char;
						IAnjutaIterable *previous, *next, *next_end;

						previous = ianjuta_iterable_clone (iter, NULL);
						ianjuta_iterable_previous (previous, NULL);
						prev_char = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, previous, iter, NULL);

						next = ianjuta_iterable_clone (iter, NULL);
						ianjuta_iterable_next (next, NULL);
						next_end = ianjuta_iterable_clone (next, NULL);
						ianjuta_iterable_next (next_end, NULL);
						next_char = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, next, next_end, NULL);

						/* If the previous char is a ' we don't have to autocomplete,
						   also we only autocomplete if the next character is white-space
						   a closing bracket, "," or ";" */
						if (*prev_char != '\'' &&
						    (g_ascii_isspace(*next_char) || is_closing_bracket (*next_char) ||
							 *next_char == ',' || *next_char == ';'|| *next_char == '\0'))
							ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (editor), NULL);
							ianjuta_iterable_next (iter, NULL);
							switch (ch)
								case '[':
									       insert_editor_blocked (editor, iter,
									                              "]", plugin);
								case '(':
									       insert_editor_blocked (editor, iter,
									                       ")", plugin);
							ianjuta_editor_goto_position (editor, iter, NULL);
							ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (editor), NULL);
						g_object_unref (previous);
		            else if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'')
						gchar *prev_char;
						IAnjutaIterable *previous;

						previous = ianjuta_iterable_clone (iter, NULL);
						ianjuta_iterable_previous (previous, NULL);
						prev_char = ianjuta_editor_get_text (editor, previous, iter, NULL);

						/* First iter*/
						ianjuta_iterable_next (iter, NULL);

						 * If the character is " we have to decide if we need insert
						 * another " or we have to skip the character
						if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'')
							 * Now we have to detect if we want to manage " as a char
							if (*prev_char != '\'' && *prev_char != '\\')
								gchar *c;

								if (ch == '"')
									c = g_strdup ("\"");
								else c = g_strdup ("'");

								ianjuta_document_begin_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (editor), NULL);
								insert_editor_blocked (editor, iter, c, plugin);
								ianjuta_editor_goto_position (editor, iter, NULL);
								ianjuta_document_end_undo_action (IANJUTA_DOCUMENT (editor), NULL);

								g_free (c);
							g_object_unref (previous);
							g_object_unref (iter);
						g_object_unref (previous);
	g_object_unref (iter);