gboolean ibus_config_backend_write_value(MkdgBackend * backend, GValue * value, const gchar * section, const gchar * key, gpointer userData) { gboolean result = FALSE; IBusConfig *config = (IBusConfig *) backend->config; gchar confSection[KEY_BUFFER_SIZE]; to_real_section(confSection, backend, section); #if IBUS_CHECK_VERSION(1, 4, 0) GVariant *gVar = g_variant_ref_sink(mkdg_g_value_to_g_variant(value)); if (gVar != NULL) { result = ibus_config_set_value(config, confSection, key, gVar); } #else result = ibus_config_set_value(config, confSection, key, value); #endif if (result == FALSE) { mkdg_log(WARN, "ibus_config_backend_write_value(-, %s, -) %s %s", key, "Failed to set variable", key); return FALSE; } if (!config) { mkdg_log(WARN, "ibus_config_backend_write_value(-, %s, -) %s", key, "Failed to connect to IBusService"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void preferences_save (Preferences* self) { GeeMap* _tmp0_; GeeMapIterator* _tmp1_ = NULL; GeeMapIterator* iter; GeeMapIterator* _tmp2_; gboolean _tmp3_ = FALSE; g_return_if_fail (self != NULL); _tmp0_ = self->priv->current; _tmp1_ = gee_map_map_iterator (_tmp0_); iter = _tmp1_; _tmp2_ = iter; _tmp3_ = gee_map_iterator_first (_tmp2_); if (_tmp3_) { { gboolean _tmp4_; _tmp4_ = TRUE; while (TRUE) { gboolean _tmp5_; IBusConfig* _tmp8_; GeeMapIterator* _tmp9_; gpointer _tmp10_ = NULL; gchar* _tmp11_; GeeMapIterator* _tmp12_; gpointer _tmp13_ = NULL; GVariant* _tmp14_; _tmp5_ = _tmp4_; if (!_tmp5_) { GeeMapIterator* _tmp6_; gboolean _tmp7_ = FALSE; _tmp6_ = iter; _tmp7_ = gee_map_iterator_next (_tmp6_); if (!_tmp7_) { break; } } _tmp4_ = FALSE; _tmp8_ = self->priv->config; _tmp9_ = iter; _tmp10_ = gee_map_iterator_get_key (_tmp9_); _tmp11_ = (gchar*) _tmp10_; _tmp12_ = iter; _tmp13_ = gee_map_iterator_get_value (_tmp12_); _tmp14_ = (GVariant*) _tmp13_; ibus_config_set_value (_tmp8_, "engine/skk", _tmp11_, _tmp14_); _g_variant_unref0 (_tmp14_); _g_free0 (_tmp11_); } } } _g_object_unref0 (iter); }