void MovieClip::play() { passoneframe_ = true; playing_ = true; prevClock_ = iclock(); addEventListener(EnterFrameEvent::ENTER_FRAME, &MovieClip::nextFrame); }
SplashScreen::SplashScreen(Application* application) : Sprite(application) { Dib dib1 = logo2dib(application, logo1, sizeof(logo1), 320, 44); Dib dib2 = logo2dib(application, logo2, sizeof(logo2), 320, 96); TextureParameters parameters; data1_ = application_->getTextureManager()->createTextureFromDib(dib1, parameters); data2_ = application_->getTextureManager()->createTextureFromDib(dib2, parameters); graphicsBase1_ = createGraphicsBase(data1_, 0, 0); graphicsBase2_ = createGraphicsBase(data2_, 0, 30); startTime_ = iclock(); Orientation orientation = application->orientation(); float width = application->getHardwareWidth(); float height = application->getHardwareHeight(); if (orientation == eLandscapeLeft || orientation == eLandscapeRight) std::swap(width, height); float dx = (width - 320) / 2; float dy = (height - 140) / 2; float sx = application->getLogicalScaleX(); float sy = application->getLogicalScaleY(); float tx = application->getLogicalTranslateX(); float ty = application->getLogicalTranslateY(); setScaleXY(1/sx, 1/sy); setXY((-tx + dx) / sx, (-ty + dy) / sy); }
static double GetCounter() { #if _WIN32 LARGE_INTEGER li; QueryPerformanceCounter(&li); return double(li.QuadPart-CounterStart)/PCFreq; #else return (iclock() - CounterStart) * 1000.0; #endif }
double StopWatch::clock() { double current = iclock(); if (isRunning_ == true) total_ += current - last_; last_ = current; return total_; }
void SplashScreen::doDraw(const CurrentTransform&, float sx, float sy, float ex, float ey) { double t = iclock() - startTime_; float a1 = alphaFunction(t); float a2 = alphaFunction(t - 0.25); graphicsBase1_.setColor(1, 1, 1, a1); graphicsBase1_.draw(shader_); graphicsBase2_.setColor(1, 1, 1, a2); graphicsBase2_.draw(shader_); }
static void StartCounter() { #if _WIN32 LARGE_INTEGER li; if(!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&li)) printf("QueryPerformanceFrequency failed!\n"); PCFreq = double(li.QuadPart)/1000.0; QueryPerformanceCounter(&li); CounterStart = li.QuadPart; #else CounterStart = iclock(); #endif }
int main() { client_sock = make_sock(""); ikcpcb *kcp = ikcp_create(0x11223344, (void*)0); kcp->output = udp_output; ikcp_wndsize(kcp, 128, 128); ikcp_nodelay(kcp, 0, 10, 0, 0); char buf[ECHO_LEN]; char *buf_in; char *msg = "hello"; int i=0; int current; int ret; for(;;) { ++i; isleep(1); current = iclock(); ikcp_update(kcp, current); if (i % 1000 == 0) { sprintf(buf, "%s:%d, %u", msg, i, current); ret = ikcp_send(kcp, buf, strlen(buf)); check(ret >= 0, "send"); printf("send [%s]\n", buf); } ret = recv(client_sock, buf, ECHO_LEN-1, 0); check_silently(ret > 0); ikcp_input(kcp, buf, ret); printf("\nrecv from server raw: %s\n", buf); ret = ikcp_recv(kcp, buf, ECHO_LEN-1); check_silently(ret > 0); buf[ret] = '\0'; printf("\nrecv from server: %s\n", buf); error: continue; } }
void MovieClip::nextFrame(EnterFrameEvent *) { switch (type_) { case eFrame: oneFrame(); break; case eTime: { double curr = iclock(); int delta = (curr - prevClock_) * 1000; prevClock_ = curr; delta = std::min(std::max(delta, 0), 1000); for (int i = 0; i < delta; ++i) oneFrame(); break; } } }
void connection_manager::handle_kcp_time(void) { //std::cout << "."; std::cout.flush(); hook_kcp_timer(); connections_.update_all_kcp(iclock()); }
void Dialog::ProgramThread_run() { int i; int j; int ret = 0; err_code_t err_code = OK; long t, dt; float calc_time; uint32_t fw_size = 256*1024*3; uint8_t board_str[16]; uint8_t board_str_len; uint32_t board_version; uint32_t board_revision; uint32_t crc; uint32_t crc_ret = 0; uint8_t *p_buf_crc; char *portname; char *filename; uint32_t baud; uint8_t block_buf[FLASH_TX_BLOCK_LENGTH]; uint32_t addr; uint32_t len; baud = (uint32_t)port->baudRate(); //QString --> QByteArray --> const char* QString strportName = port->portName(); QByteArray ba = strportName.toLatin1(); portname = ba.data(); // Open port if (!port->isOpen()) { onTextBoxLogPrint("serial port is not opened\r\n"); return; } QString selectedFile; for(int nIndex=0; nIndex < fileNames.size(); nIndex++) { selectedFile.append(fileNames.at(nIndex).toLocal8Bit().constData()); } QByteArray bafilename = selectedFile.toLatin1(); filename = bafilename.data(); QString textPrint; if( ( opencr_fp = fopen(filename, "rb" ) ) == NULL ) { onTextBoxLogPrint(textPrint.sprintf("Failed to open file : %s\r\n",filename)); return; //exit( 1 ); } else { fseek( opencr_fp, 0, SEEK_END ); opencr_fpsize = ftell( opencr_fp ); fseek( opencr_fp, 0, SEEK_SET ); onTextBoxLogPrint(">>\r\n"); onTextBoxLogPrint(textPrint.sprintf("file name :\r\n %s \r\n", filename)); onTextBoxLogPrint(textPrint.sprintf("file size : %d KB\r\n", opencr_fpsize/1024)); } fw_size = opencr_fpsize; t = iclock(); ret = opencr_ld_flash_erase(fw_size); dt = iclock() - t; onTextBoxLogPrint(textPrint.sprintf("flash_erase : %d : %f sec\r\n", ret, GET_CALC_TIME(dt))); if( ret < 0 ) { //port->close(); fclose( opencr_fp ); onTextBoxLogPrint("erase flash failed...\r\n"); return;//exit(1); } else { onTextBoxLogPrint("erase flash completed...\r\n"); } t = iclock(); crc = 0; addr = 0; while(1) { // ui->progressBar_Status->setValue(100*addr/fw_size); len = opencr_ld_file_read_data( block_buf, FLASH_TX_BLOCK_LENGTH); if( len == 0 ) break; for( i=0; i<len; i++ ) { crc = crc_calc( crc, block_buf[i] ); } ret = opencr_ld_flash_write( addr, block_buf, len ); if( ret < 0 ) break; addr += len; ui->textEdit_Log->insertPlainText("."); } ui->textEdit_Log->insertPlainText("\r\n"); dt = iclock() - t; onTextBoxLogPrint(textPrint.sprintf("flash_write : %d : %f sec \r\n", ret, GET_CALC_TIME(dt))); if( ret < 0 ) { port->close(); fclose( opencr_fp ); return; } t = iclock(); err_code = cmd_flash_fw_verify( fw_size, crc, &crc_ret ); dt = iclock() - t; if( err_code == OK ) { onTextBoxLogPrint(textPrint.sprintf("CRC OK %X %X %f sec\r\n", crc, crc_ret, GET_CALC_TIME(dt))); } else { onTextBoxLogPrint(textPrint.sprintf("CRC Fail : 0x%X : %X, %X %f sec\r\n", err_code, crc, crc_ret, GET_CALC_TIME(dt))); } onTextBoxLogPrint(textPrint.sprintf("jump_to_fw \r\n")); cmd_jump_to_fw(); port->close(); fclose( opencr_fp ); }
void Application::renderScene(int deltaFrameCount) { if (nframe_ < 0 || time_ < 0) { nframe_ = 0; time_ = iclock(); } double time = iclock(); nframe_++; if (nframe_ == 60) { double dtime = time - time_; time_ = time; glog_v("fps: %g %d", nframe_ / dtime, GReferenced::instanceCount); nframe_ = 0; } if (!ShaderEngine::Engine) return; ShaderEngine *gfx = ShaderEngine::Engine; //oglTextureReset(); gfx->reset(); gtexture_tick(); if (scale_ == 0) scale_ = 1; switch (hardwareOrientation_) { case eFixed: case ePortrait: case ePortraitUpsideDown: gfx->setViewport(0, 0, width_ / scale_, height_ / scale_); break; case eLandscapeLeft: case eLandscapeRight: gfx->setViewport(0, 0, height_ / scale_, width_ / scale_); break; } if (projectionDirty_) { projectionDirty_ = false; Matrix4 projection, frustum; //glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); //glLoadIdentity(); //glHint(GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT,GL_NICEST); projection.scale(logicalScaleX_, logicalScaleY_, 1); projection.translate(logicalTranslateX_, logicalTranslateY_, 0); projection.scale(1.f / scale_, 1.f / scale_, 1.f); if (hardwareOrientation_ == eFixed) { } else { switch (orientation_) { case ePortrait: break; case ePortraitUpsideDown: projection.translate(-(width_ / scale_) / 2, -(height_ / scale_) / 2, 0); projection.rotate(180, 0, 0, 1); projection.translate((width_ / scale_) / 2, (height_ / scale_) / 2, 0); break; case eLandscapeLeft: projection.translate(-(width_ / scale_) / 2, -(width_ / scale_) / 2, 0); projection.rotate(90, 0, 0, 1); projection.translate((width_ / scale_) / 2, (width_ / scale_) / 2, 0); break; case eLandscapeRight: projection.translate(-(height_ / scale_) / 2, -(height_ / scale_) / 2, 0); projection.rotate(270, 0, 0, 1); projection.translate((height_ / scale_) / 2, (height_ / scale_) / 2, 0); break; } switch (hardwareOrientation_) { case ePortrait: break; case ePortraitUpsideDown: projection.translate(-(width_ / scale_) / 2, -(height_ / scale_) / 2, 0); projection.rotate(180, 0, 0, 1); projection.translate((width_ / scale_) / 2, (height_ / scale_) / 2, 0); break; case eLandscapeLeft: projection.translate(-(width_ / scale_) / 2, -(width_ / scale_) / 2, 0); projection.rotate(-90, 0, 0, 1); projection.translate((width_ / scale_) / 2, (width_ / scale_) / 2, 0); break; case eLandscapeRight: projection.translate(-(height_ / scale_) / 2, -(height_ / scale_) / 2, 0); projection.rotate(-270, 0, 0, 1); projection.translate((height_ / scale_) / 2, (height_ / scale_) / 2, 0); break; } } Matrix4 vpProjection = projection; switch (hardwareOrientation_) { case eFixed: case ePortrait: case ePortraitUpsideDown: if (fov_ > 0) { float hw = width_ * 0.5 / scale_; float hh = height_ * 0.5 / scale_; float np = hh / tan(fov_ * M_PI / 360.0); float fp = (farplane_ > 0) ? farplane_ : hh * 2; float cnp = (nearplane_ > 0) ? nearplane_ : 0.01; frustum = gfx->setFrustum(-hw * cnp, hw * cnp, hh * cnp, -hh * cnp, np * cnp, np + fp); projection.translate(-hw, -hh, -np - 0.001); } else { float fp = (farplane_ > 0) ? farplane_ : 1; //Conservative default frustum = gfx->setOrthoFrustum(0, width_ / scale_, height_ / scale_, 0, -fp, fp); } gfx->adjustViewportProjection(vpProjection, width_ / scale_, height_ / scale_); break; case eLandscapeLeft: case eLandscapeRight: if (fov_ > 0) { float hw = width_ * 0.5 / scale_; float hh = height_ * 0.5 / scale_; float np = hh / tan(fov_ * M_PI / 360.0); float fp = (farplane_ > 0) ? farplane_ : hh * 2; float cnp = (nearplane_ > 0) ? nearplane_ : 0.01; frustum = gfx->setFrustum(-hh * cnp, hh * cnp, hw * cnp, -hw * cnp, np * cnp, np + fp); projection.translate(-hh, -hw, -np - 0.001); } else { float fp = (farplane_ > 0) ? farplane_ : 1; //Conservative default frustum = gfx->setOrthoFrustum(0, height_ / scale_, width_ / scale_, 0, -fp, fp); } gfx->adjustViewportProjection(vpProjection, height_ / scale_, width_ / scale_); break; } projectionMatrix_ = frustum * projection; vpProjectionMatrix_ = vpProjection; } gfx->setViewportProjection(vpProjectionMatrix_); //glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); //glLoadIdentity(); float ltx = this->getLogicalTranslateX(); float lty = this->getLogicalTranslateY(); float lsx = this->getLogicalScaleX(); float lsy = this->getLogicalScaleY(); int hw = this->getHardwareWidth(); int hh = this->getHardwareHeight(); if (hardwareOrientation_!=eFixed) { Orientation orientation = this->orientation(); if (orientation == eLandscapeLeft || orientation == eLandscapeRight) std::swap(hw, hh); } gfx->setProjection(projectionMatrix_); // hardware start/end x/y //if(lsx == 0) lsx = 1; //if(lsy == 0) lsy = 1; float sx = (0 - ltx) / lsx; float sy = (0 - lty) / lsy; float ex = (hw - ltx) / lsx; float ey = (hh - lty) / lsy; CurrentTransform currentTransform; stage_->draw(currentTransform, sx, sy, ex, ey); #if 0 && defined(QT_CORE_LIB) qDebug() << "bindTextureCount: " << getBindTextureCount(); qDebug() << "clientStateCount: " << getClientStateCount(); qDebug() << "texture2DStateCount: " << getTexture2DStateCount(); qDebug() << getVertexArrayCount() << getTextureCoordArrayCount(); #endif // Referenced::emptyPool(); lastFrameRenderTime_ = iclock() - time; }
StopWatch::StopWatch() { isRunning_ = true; last_ = iclock(); total_ = 0; }
static int os_timer(lua_State* L) { lua_pushnumber(L, iclock()); return 1; }
// 测试用例 void test(int mode) { // 创建模拟网络:丢包率10%,Rtt 60ms~125ms vnet = new LatencySimulator(10, 60, 125); // 创建两个端点的 kcp对象,第一个参数 conv是会话编号,同一个会话需要相同 // 最后一个是 user参数,用来传递标识 ikcpcb *kcp1 = ikcp_create(0x11223344, (void*)0); ikcpcb *kcp2 = ikcp_create(0x11223344, (void*)1); // 设置kcp的下层输出,这里为 udp_output,模拟udp网络输出函数 kcp1->output = udp_output; kcp2->output = udp_output; IUINT32 current = iclock(); IUINT32 slap = current + 20; IUINT32 index = 0; IUINT32 next = 0; IINT64 sumrtt = 0; int count = 0; int maxrtt = 0; // 配置窗口大小:平均延迟200ms,每20ms发送一个包, // 而考虑到丢包重发,设置最大收发窗口为128 ikcp_wndsize(kcp1, 128, 128); ikcp_wndsize(kcp2, 128, 128); // 判断测试用例的模式 if (mode == 0) { // 默认模式 ikcp_nodelay(kcp1, 0, 10, 0, 0); ikcp_nodelay(kcp2, 0, 10, 0, 0); } else if (mode == 1) { // 普通模式,关闭流控等 ikcp_nodelay(kcp1, 0, 10, 0, 1); ikcp_nodelay(kcp2, 0, 10, 0, 1); } else { // 启动快速模式 // 第二个参数 nodelay-启用以后若干常规加速将启动 // 第三个参数 interval为内部处理时钟,默认设置为 10ms // 第四个参数 resend为快速重传指标,设置为2 // 第五个参数 为是否禁用常规流控,这里禁止 ikcp_nodelay(kcp1, 1, 10, 2, 1); ikcp_nodelay(kcp2, 1, 10, 2, 1); kcp1->rx_minrto = 10; kcp1->fastresend = 1; } char buffer[2000]; int hr; IUINT32 ts1 = iclock(); while (1) { isleep(1); current = iclock(); ikcp_update(kcp1, iclock()); ikcp_update(kcp2, iclock()); // 每隔 20ms,kcp1发送数据 for (; current >= slap; slap += 20) { ((IUINT32*)buffer)[0] = index++; ((IUINT32*)buffer)[1] = current; // 发送上层协议包 ikcp_send(kcp1, buffer, 8); } // 处理虚拟网络:检测是否有udp包从p1->p2 while (1) { hr = vnet->recv(1, buffer, 2000); if (hr < 0) break; // 如果 p2收到udp,则作为下层协议输入到kcp2 ikcp_input(kcp2, buffer, hr); } // 处理虚拟网络:检测是否有udp包从p2->p1 while (1) { hr = vnet->recv(0, buffer, 2000); if (hr < 0) break; // 如果 p1收到udp,则作为下层协议输入到kcp1 ikcp_input(kcp1, buffer, hr); } // kcp2接收到任何包都返回回去 while (1) { hr = ikcp_recv(kcp2, buffer, 10); // 没有收到包就退出 if (hr < 0) break; // 如果收到包就回射 ikcp_send(kcp2, buffer, hr); } // kcp1收到kcp2的回射数据 while (1) { hr = ikcp_recv(kcp1, buffer, 10); // 没有收到包就退出 if (hr < 0) break; IUINT32 sn = *(IUINT32*)(buffer + 0); IUINT32 ts = *(IUINT32*)(buffer + 4); IUINT32 rtt = current - ts; if (sn != next) { // 如果收到的包不连续 printf("ERROR sn %d<->%d\n", (int)count, (int)next); return; } next++; sumrtt += rtt; count++; if (rtt > (IUINT32)maxrtt) maxrtt = rtt; printf("[RECV] mode=%d sn=%d rtt=%d\n", mode, (int)sn, (int)rtt); } if (next > 1000) break; } ts1 = iclock() - ts1; ikcp_release(kcp1); ikcp_release(kcp2); const char *names[3] = { "default", "normal", "fast" }; printf("%s mode result (%dms):\n", names[mode], (int)ts1); printf("avgrtt=%d maxrtt=%d tx=%d\n", (int)(sumrtt / count), (int)maxrtt, (int)vnet->tx1); printf("press enter to next ...\n"); char ch; scanf("%c", &ch); }
bool SplashScreen::isFinished() const { double t = iclock() - startTime_; return t > 4.25; }