/* * idnGetPrgEncoding - refer to Program's Local Encoding * * use program name as registry key */ BOOL idnGetPrgEncoding(char *enc, size_t len) { if (GetStringFromRegistry(IDNVAL_ENCODE, enc, len, IDN_PERPROG|IDN_CURUSER) != TRUE || enc[0] == '\0') { sprintf(enc, "CP%d", GetACP()); } idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "idnGetPrgEncoding: %-.30s\n", enc); return (TRUE); }
HINSTANCE idnWinsockHandle(void) { static HINSTANCE dll_handle = NULL; static int initialized = 0; if (!initialized) { /* Get the handle of the original winsock DLL */ idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "idnWinsockHandle: loading original DLL..\n"); dll_handle = load_original_dll(); } initialized = 1; return (dll_handle); }
static BOOL check_dll(const char *name) { HINSTANCE hdll = NULL; #if 1 hdll = LoadLibrary(name); #else /* * Just check the existence of the named DLL, without taking * the trouble of calling DllMain. */ hdll = LoadLibraryEx(name, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); #endif if (hdll == NULL) { idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "idnGetContext: DLL %s does not exist\n"); return (FALSE); } else { idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "idnGetContext: DLL %s exists\n"); FreeLibrary(hdll); return (TRUE); } }
BOOL idnConvReq(idn_resconf_t ctx, const char FAR *from, char FAR *to, size_t tolen) { idn_result_t r; idnLogReset(); idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "idnConvReq(from=%-.100s)\n", from); if (ctx == NULL) { idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "idnConvReq: ctx is NULL\n"); if (strlen(from) >= tolen) return FALSE; strcpy(to, from); return TRUE; } r = idn_res_encodename(ctx, IDN_ENCODE_APP, from, to, tolen); if (r == idn_success) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
HANDLE PASCAL WSAAsyncGetServByName(HWND a0, u_int a1, const char* a2, const char* a3, char* a4, int a5) { static HANDLE (PASCAL *fp)(HWND a0, u_int a1, const char* a2, const char* a3, char* a4, int a5); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub WSAAsyncGetServByName() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "WSAAsyncGetServByName")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry WSAAsyncGetServByName (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); }
int PASCAL WSAAsyncSelect(SOCKET a0, HWND a1, u_int a2, long a3) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(SOCKET a0, HWND a1, u_int a2, long a3); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub WSAAsyncSelect() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "WSAAsyncSelect")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry WSAAsyncSelect (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2, a3); }
unsigned long PASCAL inet_addr(const char* a0) { static unsigned long (PASCAL *fp)(const char* a0); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub inet_addr() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "inet_addr")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry inet_addr (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0); }
int PASCAL Arecv(int a0, int a1, int a2, int a3) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(int a0, int a1, int a2, int a3); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub Arecv() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "Arecv")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry Arecv (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2, a3); }
int PASCAL closesockinfo(int a0) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(int a0); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub closesockinfo() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "closesockinfo")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry closesockinfo (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0); }
int PASCAL __WSAFDIsSet(SOCKET a0, fd_set* a1) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(SOCKET a0, fd_set* a1); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub __WSAFDIsSet() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "__WSAFDIsSet")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry __WSAFDIsSet (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1); }
void PASCAL WSASetLastError(int a0) { static void (PASCAL *fp)(int a0); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub WSASetLastError() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "WSASetLastError")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry WSASetLastError (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } (*fp)(a0); }
int PASCAL setsockopt(SOCKET a0, int a1, int a2, const char* a3, int a4) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(SOCKET a0, int a1, int a2, const char* a3, int a4); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub setsockopt() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "setsockopt")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry setsockopt (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); }
int PASCAL select(int a0, fd_set* a1, fd_set* a2, fd_set* a3, const struct timeval* a4) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(int a0, fd_set* a1, fd_set* a2, fd_set* a3, const struct timeval* a4); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub select() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "select")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry select (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); }
int PASCAL recvfrom(SOCKET a0, char* a1, int a2, int a3, struct sockaddr* a4, int* a5) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(SOCKET a0, char* a1, int a2, int a3, struct sockaddr* a4, int* a5); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub recvfrom() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "recvfrom")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry recvfrom (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); }
u_short PASCAL ntohs(u_short a0) { static u_short (PASCAL *fp)(u_short a0); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub ntohs() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "ntohs")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry ntohs (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0); }
int PASCAL ioctlsocket(SOCKET a0, long a1, u_long * a2) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(SOCKET a0, long a1, u_long * a2); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub ioctlsocket() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "ioctlsocket")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry ioctlsocket (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2); }
char * PASCAL inet_ntoa(struct in_addr a0) { static char * (PASCAL *fp)(struct in_addr a0); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub inet_ntoa() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "inet_ntoa")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry inet_ntoa (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0); }
int PASCAL WSACancelAsyncRequest(HANDLE a0) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(HANDLE a0); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub WSACancelAsyncRequest() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "WSACancelAsyncRequest")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry WSACancelAsyncRequest (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0); }
FARPROC PASCAL WSASetBlockingHook(FARPROC a0) { static FARPROC (PASCAL *fp)(FARPROC a0); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub WSASetBlockingHook() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "WSASetBlockingHook")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry WSASetBlockingHook (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0); }
SOCKET PASCAL socket(int a0, int a1, int a2) { static SOCKET (PASCAL *fp)(int a0, int a1, int a2); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub socket() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "socket")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry socket (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2); }
int PASCAL WSAStartup(WORD a0, LPWSADATA a1) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(WORD a0, LPWSADATA a1); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub WSAStartup() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "WSAStartup")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry WSAStartup (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1); }
int PASCAL MigrateWinsockConfiguration(int a0, int a1, int a2) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(int a0, int a1, int a2); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub MigrateWinsockConfiguration() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "MigrateWinsockConfiguration")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry MigrateWinsockConfiguration (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2); }
int PASCAL WEP(void) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(void); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub WEP() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "WEP")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry WEP (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(); }
struct protoent * PASCAL getprotobynumber(int a0) { static struct protoent * (PASCAL *fp)(int a0); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub getprotobynumber() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "getprotobynumber")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry getprotobynumber (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0); }
int PASCAL getsockname(SOCKET a0, struct sockaddr* a1, int* a2) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(SOCKET a0, struct sockaddr* a1, int* a2); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub getsockname() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "getsockname")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry getsockname (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2); }
BOOL PASCAL AcceptEx(SOCKET a0, SOCKET a1, PVOID a2, DWORD a3, DWORD a4, DWORD a5, LPDWORD a6, LPOVERLAPPED a7) { static BOOL (PASCAL *fp)(SOCKET a0, SOCKET a1, PVOID a2, DWORD a3, DWORD a4, DWORD a5, LPDWORD a6, LPOVERLAPPED a7); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub AcceptEx() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "AcceptEx")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry AcceptEx (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); }
struct servent * PASCAL getservbyport(int a0, const char* a1) { static struct servent * (PASCAL *fp)(int a0, const char* a1); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub getservbyport() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "getservbyport")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry getservbyport (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1); }
VOID PASCAL GetAcceptExSockaddrs(PVOID a0, DWORD a1, DWORD a2, DWORD a3, struct sockaddr** a4, LPINT a5, struct sockaddr** a6, LPINT a7) { static VOID (PASCAL *fp)(PVOID a0, DWORD a1, DWORD a2, DWORD a3, struct sockaddr** a4, LPINT a5, struct sockaddr** a6, LPINT a7); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub GetAcceptExSockaddrs() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "GetAcceptExSockaddrs")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry GetAcceptExSockaddrs (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } (*fp)(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); }
BOOL idnConvRsp(idn_resconf_t ctx, const char FAR *from, char FAR *to, size_t tolen) { idnLogReset(); idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "idnConvRsp(from=%-.100s)\n", from); if (ctx == NULL) { if (strlen(from) >= tolen) return FALSE; strcpy(to, from); return TRUE; } else if (idn_res_decodename(ctx, IDN_DECODE_APP, from, to, tolen) == idn_success) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
int PASCAL _org_gethostname(char* a0, int a1) { static int (PASCAL *fp)(char* a0, int a1); #ifdef DEBUG_STUB idnLogPrintf(idn_log_level_trace, "stub _org_gethostname() called\n"); #endif if (fp == NULL) { void *p; if ((p = GetProcAddress(DLLHANDLE, "gethostname")) == NULL) { FATAL("cannot find entry gethostname (%d)\n", GetLastError()); abort(); } fp = p; } return (*fp)(a0, a1); }