class_answer<T, Tds1, Tds2>::
class_answer(uint nclasses, double target_factor, bool binary_target_,
             t_confidence conf, bool apply_tanh_, const char *name_,
             int force, int single, idxdim *kerd, double sigma_scale)
    : answer_module<T, Tds1, Tds2>(binary_target_ ? 1 : nclasses, name_),
    conf_type(conf), binary_target(binary_target_), resize_output(true),
    apply_tanh(apply_tanh_), tmp(1, 1, 1), force_class(force),
    // create 1-of-n targets with target 1.0 for shown class, -1.0 for the rest
    targets = create_target_matrix<T>(nclasses, (T)1.0);
    // binary target
    if (binary_target)
        if (nclasses != 2)
            eblerror("expecting 2 classes only when binary_target is on");
        targets = idx<T>(2, 1, 1);
        // int neg_id = ds.get_class_id("bg"); // negative class
        // if (neg_id == 0) {
        //      targets.set(-1.0, 0, 0); // negative: -1.0
        //      targets.set( 1.0, 1, 0); // positive:  1.0
        // } else {
        targets.sset((T)1.0, 0); // positive:  1.0
        targets.sset((T)-1.0, 1); // negative: -1.0
        // }
    // target factor
    idx_dotc(targets, target_factor, targets);
    // set min/max of target
    target_min = idx_min(targets);
    target_max = idx_max(targets);
    target_range = target_max - target_min;
    // set confidence parameters
    T max_dist;
    switch (conf_type)
    case confidence_sqrdist:
        max_dist = target_max - target_min;
        conf_ratio = targets.dim(0) * max_dist * max_dist;
        // shift value to be subtracted before dividing by conf_ratio
        conf_shift = target_min;
        eblprint("Using sqrdist confidence formula with normalization ratio "
                 << conf_ratio << " and shift value " << conf_shift << std::endl);
    case confidence_single:
        conf_ratio = target_max - target_min;
        // shift value to be subtracted before dividing by conf_ratio
        conf_shift = target_min;
        eblprint("Using single output confidence with normalization ratio "
                 << conf_ratio << " and shift value " << conf_shift << std::endl);
    case confidence_max:
        if (force >= 0)
            conf_ratio = target_max - target_min;
            conf_shift = -conf_ratio;
            conf_ratio *= 2;
            conf_ratio = target_max - target_min;
            conf_shift = 0; // no shift needed, the difference min is 0.
        eblprint("Using max confidence formula with normalization ratio "
                 << conf_ratio << std::endl);
        eblerror("confidence type " << conf_type << " undefined");

    if (kerd && kerd->order() == 2)
        smoothing_kernel =
            create_mexican_hat2<T>(kerd->dim(0), kerd->dim(1), 1,
        smoothing_kernel =
            create_mexican_hat2<T>(9, 9, 1, sigma_scale);
    eblprint("smoothing kernel:" << std::endl);
文件: matshow.cpp 项目: 2php/eblearn
int display(list<string>::iterator &ifname,
	    bool signd, bool load, list<string> *mats) {
  //cout << "displaying " << ifname->c_str() << endl;
  // conf mode
  if (conf)
    return display_net<T>(ifname, signd, load, mats);
  // mat mode
  if (is_matrix(ifname->c_str())) {
    idxdim d = get_matrix_dims(ifname->c_str());
    if (interleaved)
      d.shift_dim(0, 2);
    if (save_individually || print
        || !(d.order() == 2  || (d.order() == 3 &&
                                 (d.dim(2) == 1 || d.dim(2) == 3)))) {
      // this is probably not an image, just display info and print matrix
      string type;
      get_matrix_type(ifname->c_str(), type);
      idx<T> m = load_matrix<T>(ifname->c_str());
      cout << "Matrix " << ifname->c_str() << " is of type " << type
	   << " with dimensions " << d << " (min " << idx_min(m)
	   << ", max " << idx_max(m) << ", mean " << idx_mean(m)
	   << "):" << endl;
      if (has_multiple_matrices(ifname->c_str())) {
	midx<T> ms = load_matrices<T>(ifname->c_str(), true);
	// saving sub-matrices
	if (save_individually) {
	  cout << "Saving each sub-matrix of " << *ifname << " individually..."
	       << endl;
	  save_matrices_individually(ms, *ifname, true);
	// printing sub-matrices
	cout << "This file contains " << m << " matrices: ";
	if (ms.order() == 1) {
	  for (intg i = 0; i < ms.dim(0); ++i) {
	    idx<T> tmp = ms.mget(i);
	    cout << tmp.info() << " ";
	} else if (ms.order() == 2) {
	  for (intg i = 0; i < ms.dim(0); ++i) {
	    for (intg j = 0; j < ms.dim(1); ++j) {
	      idx<T> tmp = ms.mget(i, j);
	      cout << tmp.info() << " ";
	    cout << endl;
	cout << endl;
      } else
	cout << "This is a single-matrix file." << endl;
      return 0;
  // image mode
  int loaded = 0;
  static idx<T> mat;
  uint h = 0, w = 0, rowh = 0, maxh = 0;
  list<string>::iterator fname = ifname;
#ifdef __GUI__
  if (show_filename) {
    gui << at(h, w) << black_on_white() << ifname->c_str();
    h += 16;
  maxh = h;
  for (uint i = 0; i < nh; ++i) {
    rowh = maxh;
    for (uint j = 0; j < nw; ++j) {
      if (fname == mats->end())
	fname = mats->begin();
      try {
	//      if (load)
	mat = load_image<T>(*fname);
	if (print)
	  cout << *fname << ": " << mat << endl << mat.str() << endl;
	// show only some channels
	if (chans >= 0)
	  mat = mat.select(2, chans);
	maxh = (std::max)(maxh, (uint) (rowh + mat.dim(0)));
	T min = 0, max = 0;
#ifdef __GUI__
	if (autorange || signd) {
	  if (autorange) {
	    min = idx_min(mat);
	    max = idx_max(mat);
	  } else if (signd) {
	    T matmin = idx_min(mat);
	    if ((double)matmin < 0) {
	      min = -1;
	      max = -1;
	  draw_matrix(mat, rowh, w, zoom, zoom, min, max);
	} else
	  draw_matrix(mat, rowh, w, zoom, zoom, (T) range[0], (T) range[1]);
	w += mat.dim(1) + 1;
      } catch(string &err) {
      if (fname == ifname)
	break ;
    if (fname == ifname)
      break ;
    w = 0;
#ifdef __GUI__
  // info
  if (show_info) {
    set_text_colors(0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 200);
    gui << mat;
    gui << at(15, 0) << *fname;
    gui << at(29, 0) << "min: " << idx_min(mat) << " max: " << idx_max(mat);
  // help
  if (show_help) {
    h = 0;
    w = 0;
    uint hstep = 14;
    set_text_colors(0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 200);
    gui << at(h, w) << "Controls:"; h += hstep;
    set_text_colors(0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255, 200);
    gui << at(h, w) << "Right/Space: next image"; h += hstep;
    gui << at(h, w) << "Left/Backspace: previous image"; h += hstep;
    gui << at(h, w) << "i: image info"; h += hstep;
    gui << at(h, w) << "a: auto-range (use min and max as range)"; h += hstep;
    gui << at(h, w) << "x/z: show more/less images on width axis"; h += hstep;
    gui << at(h, w) << "y/t: show more/less images on height axis"; h += hstep;
    gui << at(h, w) << "0,1,2: show channel 0, 1 or 2 only"; h += hstep;
    gui << at(h, w) << "9: show alls channels"; h += hstep;
    gui << at(h, w) << "h: help";
  // update title
  string title;
  title << "matshow: " << ebl::basename(ifname->c_str());
  return loaded;
    // // confidence smoothing
    // idx<T> c = outx.select(0, 1);
    // uint hpad = (uint) (smoothing_kernel.dim(0) / 2);
    // uint wpad = (uint) (smoothing_kernel.dim(1) / 2);
    // idx<T> tmp(c.dim(0) + 2 * hpad, c.dim(1) + 2 * wpad);
    // idx_clear(tmp);
    // idx<T> tmp2 = tmp.narrow(0, c.dim(0), hpad);
    // tmp2 = tmp2.narrow(1, c.dim(1), wpad);
    // idx_copy(c, tmp2);
    // idx_2dconvol(tmp, smoothing_kernel, c);
    // idx_addc(c, (T)1);

    EDEBUG(this->name() << ": in " << in << " (in min " << idx_min(in)
                        << " max " << idx_max(in) << ") out " << out << " (out min "
                        << idx_min(out) << " max " << idx_max(out) << ")");
#ifdef __DEBUG__
    idx<T> ldec = out.select(0, 0);
    EDEBUG(this->name() << ": class min " << idx_min(ldec)
                        << " max " << idx_max(ldec));
    idx<T> lconf = out.select(0, 1);
    EDEBUG(this->name() << ": confidence min " << idx_min(lconf)
                        << " max " << idx_max(lconf));

template<typename T, typename Tds1, typename Tds2>
void class_answer<T, Tds1, Tds2>::
fprop_ds2(labeled_datasource<T, Tds1, Tds2> &ds, state<T> &out)