int main() { igraph_t g; igraph_vector_t v, weights; long int i; igraph_real_t value; igraph_arpack_options_t options; igraph_star(&g, 100, IGRAPH_STAR_UNDIRECTED, 0); igraph_arpack_options_init(&options); igraph_vector_init(&v, 0); igraph_eigenvector_centrality(&g, &v, &value, /*directed=*/ 0, /*scale=*/0, /*weights=*/0, &options); if ( != 0) { return 1; } for (i=0; i<igraph_vector_size(&v); i++) { printf(" %.3f", fabs(VECTOR(v)[i])); } printf("\n"); igraph_destroy(&g); /* Special cases: check for empty graph */ igraph_empty(&g, 10, 0); igraph_eigenvector_centrality(&g, &v, &value, 0, 0, 0, &options); if (value != 0.0) { return 1; } for (i=0; i<igraph_vector_size(&v); i++) { printf(" %.2f", fabs(VECTOR(v)[i])); } printf("\n"); igraph_destroy(&g); /* Special cases: check for full graph, zero weights */ igraph_full(&g, 10, 0, 0); igraph_vector_init(&weights, 45); igraph_vector_fill(&weights, 0); igraph_eigenvector_centrality(&g, &v, &value, 0, 0, &weights, &options); igraph_vector_destroy(&weights); if (value != 0.0) { return 2; } for (i=0; i<igraph_vector_size(&v); i++) { printf(" %.2f", fabs(VECTOR(v)[i])); } printf("\n"); igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_vector_destroy(&v); return 0; }
int main() { igraph_t g; igraph_vector_ptr_t result; igraph_es_t es; igraph_integer_t omega; long int i, j, n; const int params[] = {4, -1, 2, 2, 0, 0, -1, -1}; igraph_set_warning_handler(warning_handler_ignore); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&result, 0); igraph_full(&g, 6, 0, 0); igraph_es_pairs_small(&es, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 5, -1); igraph_delete_edges(&g, es); igraph_es_destroy(&es); for (j=0; j<sizeof(params)/(2*sizeof(params[0])); j++) { if (params[2*j+1] != 0) { igraph_cliques(&g, &result, params[2*j], params[2*j+1]); } else { igraph_largest_cliques(&g, &result); } n = igraph_vector_ptr_size(&result); printf("%ld cliques found\n", (long)n); canonicalize_list(&result); for (i=0; i<n; i++) { igraph_vector_t* v = (igraph_vector_t*) igraph_vector_ptr_e(&result,i); print_vector(v); igraph_vector_destroy(v); free(v); } } igraph_clique_number(&g, &omega); printf("omega=%ld\n", (long)omega); test_callback(&g); igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_tree(&g, 5, 2, IGRAPH_TREE_OUT); igraph_cliques(&g, &result, 5, 5); if (igraph_vector_ptr_size(&result) != 0) return 1; igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_vector_ptr_destroy(&result); return 0; }
int main() { igraph_t graph; igraph_t full, tree; igraph_hrg_t hrg; igraph_t dendrogram; // int i, j; // igraph_vector_t neis; igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), 42); // We need attributes igraph_i_set_attribute_table(&igraph_cattribute_table); igraph_full(&full, 10, /*directed=*/ 0, /*loops=*/ 0); igraph_tree(&tree, 15, /*children=*/ 2, /*type=*/ IGRAPH_TREE_UNDIRECTED); igraph_disjoint_union(&graph, &full, &tree); igraph_add_edge(&graph, 0, 10); igraph_destroy(&full); igraph_destroy(&tree); // Fit igraph_hrg_init(&hrg, igraph_vcount(&graph)); igraph_hrg_fit(&graph, &hrg, /*start=*/ 0, /*steps=*/ 0); // Create a graph from it igraph_hrg_dendrogram(&dendrogram, &hrg); // Print the tree, with labels // igraph_vector_init(&neis, 0); // for (i=0; i<igraph_vcount(&graph)-1; i++) { // printf("Vertex # %2i, ", (int) (i+igraph_vcount(&graph))); // igraph_neighbors(&dendrogram, &neis, i+igraph_vcount(&graph), IGRAPH_OUT); // printf("left: # %2i, right: # %2i, ", (int) VECTOR(neis)[0], // (int) VECTOR(neis)[1]); // printf("prob: %6.2g\n", // VAN(&dendrogram, "probability", i+igraph_vcount(&graph))); // } // igraph_vector_destroy(&neis); igraph_destroy(&dendrogram); igraph_hrg_destroy(&hrg); igraph_destroy(&graph); return 0; }
int main() { igraph_t g; igraph_vector_t v, res, reset, weights; igraph_arpack_options_t arpack_options; igraph_real_t value; int ret; igraph_pagerank_power_options_t power_options; /* Test graphs taken from */ igraph_vector_init(&v, 10); VECTOR(v)[0]=0; VECTOR(v)[1]=1; VECTOR(v)[2]=1; VECTOR(v)[3]=2; VECTOR(v)[4]=2; VECTOR(v)[5]=0; VECTOR(v)[6]=3; VECTOR(v)[7]=2; VECTOR(v)[8]=0; VECTOR(v)[9]=2; igraph_create(&g, &v, 0, 1); igraph_vector_init(&res, 0); oldwarn=igraph_set_warning_handler(warning_handler_stdout); igraph_pagerank_old(&g, &res, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 1000, 0.001, 0.85, 0); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_vector_destroy(&res); igraph_vector_destroy(&v); igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_vector_init(&v, 28); VECTOR(v)[ 0]=0; VECTOR(v)[ 1]=1; VECTOR(v)[ 2]=0; VECTOR(v)[ 3]=2; VECTOR(v)[ 4]=0; VECTOR(v)[ 5]=3; VECTOR(v)[ 6]=1; VECTOR(v)[ 7]=0; VECTOR(v)[ 8]=2; VECTOR(v)[ 9]=0; VECTOR(v)[10]=3; VECTOR(v)[11]=0; VECTOR(v)[12]=3; VECTOR(v)[13]=4; VECTOR(v)[14]=3; VECTOR(v)[15]=5; VECTOR(v)[16]=3; VECTOR(v)[17]=6; VECTOR(v)[18]=3; VECTOR(v)[19]=7; VECTOR(v)[20]=4; VECTOR(v)[21]=0; VECTOR(v)[22]=5; VECTOR(v)[23]=0; VECTOR(v)[24]=6; VECTOR(v)[25]=0; VECTOR(v)[26]=7; VECTOR(v)[27]=0; igraph_create(&g, &v, 0, 1); igraph_vector_init(&res, 0); igraph_pagerank_old(&g, &res, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 10000, 0.0001, 0.85, 0); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_vector_destroy(&res); igraph_vector_destroy(&v); igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_set_warning_handler(oldwarn); /* New PageRank */ igraph_star(&g, 11, IGRAPH_STAR_UNDIRECTED, 0); igraph_vector_init(&res, 0); igraph_arpack_options_init(&arpack_options); igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_ARPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, 0, &arpack_options); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, 0, 0); print_vector(&res, stdout); /* Check twice more for consistency */ igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_ARPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, 0, &arpack_options); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, 0, 0); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_ARPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, 0, &arpack_options); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, 0, 0); print_vector(&res, stdout); /* Check personalized PageRank */ igraph_personalized_pagerank_vs(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_ARPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.5, igraph_vss_1(1), 0, &arpack_options); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_personalized_pagerank_vs(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.5, igraph_vss_1(1), 0, 0); print_vector(&res, stdout); /* Errors */ power_options.niter = -1; power_options.eps=0.0001; igraph_set_error_handler(igraph_error_handler_ignore); igraph_set_warning_handler(igraph_warning_handler_ignore); ret=igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_POWER, &res, /*value=*/ 0, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 0.85, /*weights=*/ 0, &power_options); if (ret != IGRAPH_EINVAL) { return 1; } power_options.niter=10000; power_options.eps=-1; ret=igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_POWER, &res, /*value=*/ 0, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 0.85, /*weights=*/ 0, &power_options); if (ret != IGRAPH_EINVAL) { return 2; } power_options.niter=10000; power_options.eps=0.0001; ret=igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_POWER, &res, /*value=*/ 0, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 1.2, /*weights=*/ 0, &power_options); if (ret != IGRAPH_EINVAL) { return 3; } igraph_vector_init(&reset, 2); ret=igraph_personalized_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_ARPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, &reset, 0, &arpack_options); if (ret != IGRAPH_EINVAL) { return 4; } ret=igraph_personalized_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, &reset, 0, 0); if (ret != IGRAPH_EINVAL) { return 4; } igraph_vector_resize(&reset, 10); igraph_vector_fill(&reset, 0); ret=igraph_personalized_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_ARPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, &reset, 0, &arpack_options); if (ret != IGRAPH_EINVAL) { return 5; } ret=igraph_personalized_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 0, 0.85, &reset, 0, 0); if (ret != IGRAPH_EINVAL) { return 5; } igraph_vector_destroy(&reset); igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_set_error_handler(igraph_error_handler_abort); /* Special cases: check for empty graph */ igraph_empty(&g, 10, 0); igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_ARPACK, &res, &value, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 0.85, 0, &arpack_options); if (value != 1.0) { return 6; } igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, &res, &value, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 0.85, 0, 0); if (value != 1.0) { return 6; } print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_destroy(&g); /* Special cases: check for full graph, zero weights */ igraph_full(&g, 10, 0, 0); igraph_vector_init(&v, 45); igraph_vector_fill(&v, 0); igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_ARPACK, &res, &value, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 0.85, &v, &arpack_options); if (value != 1.0) { return 7; } igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, &res, &value, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 0.85, &v, 0); if (value != 1.0) { return 7; } igraph_vector_destroy(&v); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_destroy(&g); /* Another test case for PageRank (bug #792352) */ igraph_small(&g, 9, 1, 0, 5, 1, 5, 2, 0, 3, 1, 5, 4, 5, 7, 6, 0, 8, 0, 8, 1, -1); igraph_vector_init(&weights, 9); VECTOR(weights)[0] = 4; VECTOR(weights)[1] = 5; VECTOR(weights)[2] = 5; VECTOR(weights)[3] = 4; VECTOR(weights)[4] = 4; VECTOR(weights)[5] = 4; VECTOR(weights)[6] = 3; VECTOR(weights)[7] = 4; VECTOR(weights)[8] = 4; igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_ARPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 0.85, &weights, &arpack_options); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_pagerank(&g, IGRAPH_PAGERANK_ALGO_PRPACK, &res, 0, igraph_vss_all(), 1, 0.85, &weights, 0); print_vector(&res, stdout); igraph_vector_destroy(&weights); igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_vector_destroy(&res); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 9) { cout << "Usage: ./release/fixating <Update Rule: \"Bd\", \"dB\"> <integer: population size> <\"directed\" or \"undirected\"> <double: fitness of mutant> <category of graph: \"complete\", \"ER\", \"BB\", \"WS\", \"geo\", or \"custom\" > <secondary parameter for the category of graph: \"GNM\" or \"GNP\" for Erdos Reny, double power of preference for Barabasi, int dimension for small world, bool periodic for geometric, , adjacency matrix for custom> <tertiary parameter for the category of graph: probability for every edge in Erdos-Reny GNP and geometric, number of edges for Erdos-Reny GNM, m for barabasi, probability of rewiring for small world, 0 for custom> <output: \"probability\", \"conditional\", \"unconditional\", or \"all\">" << endl; return -1; } // ---------- If you want to stop time, uncomment all comments with //CLOCK// //CLOCK// std::clock_t start; //CLOCK// double bt = 0; //CLOCK// double st = 0; //counting variable for the graph generators int counts = 0; const unsigned int popSize = atoi(argv[2]); if (popSize > 23) { cout << "Code only possible for population size up to 23... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } const unsigned int numStates = 1 << popSize; string update = argv[1]; if (update != "dB" && update != "Bd") { cout << "Only \"Bd\" or \"dB\" possible for update rule!... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } float fitnessMutants = atof(argv[4]); string direction = argv[3]; string category = argv[5]; igraph_t graph; int admat[popSize * popSize]; string output = argv[8]; if (output != "probability" && output != "conditional" && output != "unconditional" && output != "all") { cout << "Only \"probability\", \"unconditional\", \"conditional\" or \"all\" possible for output!... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } // ---------- Code snippet for fully connected graph ---------- if (category == "complete") { if (direction == "undirected") { igraph_full(&graph, popSize, false, false); } else if (direction == "directed") { igraph_full(&graph, popSize, true, false); } else { cout << "Only \"directed\" and \"undirected\" possible for direction of graph!... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } } // ---------- Code snippet for random graph ---------- else if (category == "ER") { string gn = argv[6]; igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), std::clock()); igraph_bool_t isConnected = 0; if (direction == "directed") { while ((isConnected == 0) & (counts < maxcount)) { if (gn == "GNP") { double edgeprob = atof(argv[7]); if ((edgeprob > 1) || (edgeprob < 0)) { cout << "probabilities larger than 1 or smaller than 0 ...aborting..." << endl; return -1; } igraph_erdos_renyi_game(&graph, IGRAPH_ERDOS_RENYI_GNP, popSize, edgeprob, true, false); } else if (gn == "GNM") { int edgenumber = atoi(argv[7]); if ((edgenumber < 1) || (edgenumber > popSize*(popSize-1))) { cout << "number of edges must be greater than 1 and smaller than N*(N-1) ...aborting..." << endl; return -1; } igraph_erdos_renyi_game(&graph, IGRAPH_ERDOS_RENYI_GNM, popSize, edgenumber, true, false); } else { cout << "Only \"GNM\" and \"GNP\" possible ... aborting..." << endl; } igraph_is_connected(&graph, &isConnected, IGRAPH_STRONG); counts++; } if (counts == maxcount) { cout << "Probability or number of edges too low... Did not find a connected graph after "<< maxcount <<" attempts... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } } else if (direction == "undirected") { int counts = 0; while ((isConnected == 0) & (counts < maxcount)) { if (gn == "GNP") { double edgeprob = atof(argv[7]); if ((edgeprob > 1) || (edgeprob < 0)) { cout << "probabilities larger than 1 or smaller than 0 ...aborting..." << endl; return -1; } igraph_erdos_renyi_game(&graph, IGRAPH_ERDOS_RENYI_GNP, popSize, edgeprob, false, false); } else if (gn == "GNM") { int edgenumber = atoi(argv[7]); if ((edgenumber < 1) || (edgenumber > popSize*(popSize-1)/2)) { cout << "number of edges must be greater than 1 and smaller than N*(N-1)/2 ...aborting..." << endl; return -1; } igraph_erdos_renyi_game(&graph, IGRAPH_ERDOS_RENYI_GNM, popSize, edgenumber, false, false); } else { cout << "Only \"GNM\" and \"GNP\" possible ... aborting..." << endl; } igraph_is_connected(&graph, &isConnected, IGRAPH_STRONG); counts++; } if (counts == maxcount) { cout << "Probability or number of edges too low... Did not find a connected graph after "<< maxcount <<" attempts... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } } else { cout << "Only \"directed\" and \"undirected\" possible for direction of graph!... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } } //---------------------------- Code snippet for small world network --------------------------------// else if (category == "WS") { igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), std::clock()); igraph_bool_t isConnected = 0; double edgeprob = atof(argv[7]); if ((edgeprob > 1) || (edgeprob < 0)) { cout << "probabilities larger than 1 or smaller than 0 ...aborting..." << endl; return -1; } int dim = atoi(argv[6]); int latSize = pow(popSize,1/double(dim)); if (direction == "directed") { while ((isConnected == 0) & (counts < maxcount)) { igraph_watts_strogatz_game(&graph, dim, latSize, 1, edgeprob, 0, 0); igraph_is_connected(&graph, &isConnected, IGRAPH_STRONG); counts++; } } else if (direction == "undirected") { while ((isConnected == 0) & (counts < maxcount)) { igraph_watts_strogatz_game(&graph, dim, latSize, 1, edgeprob, 0, 0); igraph_is_connected(&graph, &isConnected, IGRAPH_STRONG); counts++; } } else { cout << "Only \"directed\" and \"undirected\" possible for direction of graph!... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } if (counts == maxcount) { cout << "Did not find a connected graph after "<< maxcount <<" attempts... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } } //---------------------------- Code snippet for geometric generator --------------------------------// else if(category == "geo") { igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), std::clock()); igraph_bool_t isConnected = 0; double edgeprob = atof(argv[7]); if ((edgeprob > 1) || (edgeprob < 0)) { cout << "probabilities larger than 1 or smaller than 0 ...aborting..." << endl; return -1; } bool torus = (atoi(argv[6]) == 1); double radius = sqrt(edgeprob/3.14); if (direction == "directed") { while ((isConnected == 0) & (counts < maxcount)) { igraph_grg_game(&graph, popSize, radius, torus, 0, 0); igraph_is_connected(&graph, &isConnected, IGRAPH_STRONG); counts++; } } else if (direction == "undirected") { while ((isConnected == 0) & (counts < maxcount)) { igraph_grg_game(&graph, popSize, radius, torus, 0, 0); igraph_is_connected(&graph, &isConnected, IGRAPH_STRONG); counts++; } } else { cout << "Only \"directed\" and \"undirected\" possible for direction of graph!... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } if (counts == maxcount) { cout << "Probability or number of edges too low... Did not find a connected graph after "<< maxcount <<" attempts... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } } //---------------------------- Code snippet for barabasi generator --------------------------------// else if(category == "BB") { double power = atof(argv[6]); int m = atoi(argv[7]); igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), std::clock()); igraph_bool_t isConnected = 0; if (direction == "directed") { cout << "directed Barabasi-Albert never creates connected graphs, use undirected instead! aborting..." << endl; return -1; } else if (direction == "undirected") { while ((isConnected == 0) & (counts < maxcount)) { igraph_barabasi_game(&graph, popSize, power, m, 0, 0, 1.0, false, IGRAPH_BARABASI_PSUMTREE, 0); igraph_is_connected(&graph, &isConnected, IGRAPH_STRONG); counts++; } } else { cout << "Only \"directed\" and \"undirected\" possible for direction of graph!... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } if (counts == maxcount) { cout << "Did not find a connected graph after "<< maxcount <<" attempts... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } } // ---------- Code snippet for custom graph ---------- else if(category == "custom") { std::string admats = argv[6]; if (admats.size() != popSize*popSize) { cout << "adjacency matrix has the wrong size... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } std::vector<int> ints; std::transform(std::begin(admats), std::end(admats), std::back_inserter(ints), [](char c) { return c - '0'; } ); std::copy(ints.begin(), ints.end(), admat); } else { cout << "Only \"complete\", \"ER\", \"BB\", \"WS\", or \"geo\" as categories... aborting..." << endl; return -1; } // ---------- Here the adjacency matrix gets copied into an array ---------- if(category!="custom") { igraph_matrix_t admatv; igraph_matrix_init(&admatv, 0,0); igraph_get_adjacency( &graph, &admatv,IGRAPH_GET_ADJACENCY_BOTH,false); for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < popSize ; i++) { for(unsigned int k = 0 ; k < popSize ; k++) { admat[ i*popSize + k] = MATRIX(admatv,i,k ); } } igraph_destroy(&graph); igraph_matrix_destroy(&admatv); } for (unsigned int i=0; i<popSize; i++) { for (unsigned int j=0; j<popSize; j++) { // If you want to print the adjacency matrix: cout<<admat[i * popSize + j]<<" "; } } cout<<endl; t_vectorFP data; t_vectorInt row; t_vectorInt col; data.reserve(popSize * numStates); row.reserve(popSize * numStates); col.reserve(popSize * numStates); //CLOCK// start = std::clock(); createTransitionMatrix(popSize, numStates, fitnessMutants, update, admat, data, row, col); std::vector<T> tripletList; tripletList.reserve(popSize * numStates); for( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < data.size() ; j++) { tripletList.push_back(T(,,; } SpMat mat(numStates,numStates); mat.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end()); // Stopping time after creating transition matrix //CLOCK// bt = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; //for (int i = 0; i<data.size(); i++) // cout<<"unconditional: transition prob from state "<<row[i]<<" to state "<<col[i]<<" is "<<data[i]<<endl; string s1; /* ---------- No distinguishing between "probability", "unconditional" time, and "conditional" time ---------- */ float * fixProbAllStates = static_cast<float*> (malloc(numStates * sizeof(float))); fixProb(mat, popSize, numStates, fixProbAllStates); // Stopping time after solving fixation probabilities //CLOCK// st = ( std::clock() - start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC - bt; float probOne = 0.0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) { int j = 1 << i; probOne = probOne + fixProbAllStates[j]; } probOne = probOne / (float)(popSize); cout << "fixation probability:" << probOne << endl; /* ---------- Printing the fixation probability starting from all states ---------- */ /* for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) { bitset<23> b1(i); s1 = b1.to_string(); cout<<"fixation probability in state "; cout<< s1.substr(23-popSize,popSize); cout <<" is "<<fixProbAllStates[i]<<endl; } */ if((output == "unconditional")||(output == "all")) { float * uncondFixTimeAllStates = static_cast<float*> (malloc(numStates * sizeof(float))); // Stopping the time for solving for unconditional fixation time //CLOCK// start = std::clock(); //CLOCK// bt = ( std::clock() - start ) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; time(mat, popSize, numStates, uncondFixTimeAllStates); //CLOCK// float avUncondTime = 0.0; for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < popSize ; i++) { int j = 1 << i; avUncondTime = avUncondTime + uncondFixTimeAllStates[j]; } avUncondTime = avUncondTime / (float)(popSize); free(uncondFixTimeAllStates); cout<< "unconditional fixation time:" << avUncondTime << endl; } /* ---------- Printing the average unconditional fixation time starting from all states ---------- */ //for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) //{ // bitset<23> b1(i); // s1 = b1.to_string(); //cout<<"Unconditional fixation time in state "; //cout<< s1.substr (23-popSize,popSize); //cout <<" is "<<uncondFixTimeAllStates[i]<<endl; //} //float * fixProbAllStates = (float*) malloc(numStates * sizeof(float)); //fixProb(mat, popSize, numStates, fixProbAllStates); if((output == "conditional")||(output == "all")) { createConditionalTransitionMatrix(popSize, numStates, fixProbAllStates, data, row, col); std::vector<T> tripletListCond; tripletListCond.reserve(popSize * numStates); for( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < data.size() ; j++) { tripletListCond.push_back(T(,,; } SpMat conditionalMatrix(numStates,numStates); conditionalMatrix.setFromTriplets(tripletListCond.begin(), tripletListCond.end()); float * condFixTimeAllStates = static_cast<float*> (malloc(numStates * sizeof(float))); time(conditionalMatrix, popSize, numStates, condFixTimeAllStates); float avCondTime = 0.0; for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < popSize ; i++) { int j = 1 << i; avCondTime = avCondTime + condFixTimeAllStates[j]; } avCondTime = avCondTime / (float)(popSize); free(condFixTimeAllStates); cout << "conditional fixation time:" << avCondTime << endl; } free(fixProbAllStates); /* ---------- Printing the average conditional fixation time starting from all states ---------- */ //for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) //{ //bitset<23> b1(i); //s1 = b1.to_string(); //cout<<"Conditional fixation time in state "; //cout<< s1.substr (23-popSize,popSize); //cout <<" is "<<condFixTimeAllStates[i]<<endl; //} st = ( std::clock() - start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC - bt; //CLOCK// cout<<"building time: "<< bt <<'\n'; //CLOCK// cout<<"solving time: "<< st << "\n\n"; }
Graph::Graph(int size) : size(size) { graph = new igraph_t; igraph_full(graph, size, 0, 0); }
int main() { igraph_t g, g2; igraph_vector_ptr_t sep; igraph_vs_t vs; igraph_small(&g, 7, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, 1,0, 2,0, 3,0, 4,0, 5,0, 6,0, -1); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g, &sep); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_destroy(&g); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ igraph_small(&g, 5, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, 0,3, 1,3, 2,3, 0,4, 1,4, 2,4, -1); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g, &sep); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_destroy(&g); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ igraph_small(&g, 5, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, 2,0, 3,0, 4,0, 2,1, 3,1, 4,1, -1); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g, &sep); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_destroy(&g); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ igraph_small(&g, 10, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, 0,2, 0,3, 1,2, 1,3, 5,2, 5,3, 6,2, 6,3, 7,2, 7,3, 8,2, 8,3, 9,2, 9,3, 2,4, 4,3, -1); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g, &sep); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_destroy(&g); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ igraph_full(&g, 4, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, /*loops=*/ 0); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g, &sep); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_destroy(&g); /* ----------------------------------------------------------- */ igraph_small(&g, 23, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, 0,1, 0,2, 0,3, 0,4, 0,5, 1,2, 1,3, 1,4, 1,6, 2,3, 2,5, 2,6, 3,4, 3,5, 3,6, 4,5, 4,6, 4,20, 5,6, 6,7, 6,10, 6,13, 6,18, 7,8, 7,10, 7,13, 8,9, 9,11, 9,12, 10,11, 10,13, 11,15, 12,15, 13,14, 14,15, 16,17, 16,18, 16,19, 17,19, 17,20, 18,19, 18,21, 18,22, 19,20, 20,21, 20,22, 21,22, -1); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g, &sep); printf("Orig:\n"); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_vs_vector_small(&vs, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22, -1); igraph_induced_subgraph(&g, &g2, vs, IGRAPH_SUBGRAPH_AUTO); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g2, &sep); printf("1-7,17-23:\n"); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_vs_destroy(&vs); igraph_destroy(&g2); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_vs_vector_small(&vs, 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15, -1); igraph_induced_subgraph(&g, &g2, vs, IGRAPH_SUBGRAPH_AUTO); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g2, &sep); printf("7-16:\n"); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_vs_destroy(&vs); igraph_destroy(&g2); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_vs_vector_small(&vs, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22, -1); igraph_induced_subgraph(&g, &g2, vs, IGRAPH_SUBGRAPH_AUTO); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g2, &sep); printf("17-23:\n"); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_vs_destroy(&vs); igraph_destroy(&g2); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_vs_vector_small(&vs, 6,7,10,13, -1); igraph_induced_subgraph(&g, &g2, vs, IGRAPH_SUBGRAPH_AUTO); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g2, &sep); printf("7,8,11,14:\n"); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_vs_destroy(&vs); igraph_destroy(&g2); igraph_vector_ptr_init(&sep, 0); igraph_vs_vector_small(&vs, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, -1); igraph_induced_subgraph(&g, &g2, vs, IGRAPH_SUBGRAPH_AUTO); igraph_minimum_size_separators(&g2, &sep); printf("1-7:\n"); print_and_destroy(&sep); igraph_vs_destroy(&vs); igraph_destroy(&g2); igraph_destroy(&g); return 0; }
int main() { igraph_t g, g2, cli; igraph_vector_t perm; igraph_vector_ptr_t cliques; igraph_integer_t no; int i; igraph_rng_seed(igraph_rng_default(), 42); /* Create a graph that has a random component, plus a number of relatively small cliques */ igraph_vector_init_seq(&perm, 0, NODES-1); igraph_erdos_renyi_game(&g, IGRAPH_ERDOS_RENYI_GNM, NODES, NODES, /*directed=*/ 0, /*loops=*/ 0, igraph_rng_default()); igraph_full(&cli, CLIQUE_SIZE, /*directed=*/ 0, /*loops=*/ 0); for (i=0; i<NO_CLIQUES; i++) { /* Permute vertices of g */ permutation(&perm); igraph_permute_vertices(&g, &g2, &perm); igraph_destroy(&g); g=g2; /* Add a clique */ igraph_union(&g2, &g, &cli, /*edge_map1=*/ 0, /*edge_map2=*/ 0); igraph_destroy(&g); g=g2; } igraph_simplify(&g, /*multiple=*/ 1, /*loop=*/ 0, /*edge_comb=*/ 0); igraph_vector_destroy(&perm); igraph_destroy(&cli); /* Find the maximal cliques */ igraph_vector_ptr_init(&cliques, 0); igraph_maximal_cliques(&g, &cliques, /*min_size=*/ 3, /*max_size=*/ 0 /*no limit*/); igraph_maximal_cliques_count(&g, &no, /*min_size=*/ 3, /*max_size=*/ 0 /*no limit*/); if (no != igraph_vector_ptr_size(&cliques)) { return 1; } /* Print and destroy them */ print_and_destroy_cliques(&cliques); /* Clean up */ igraph_vector_ptr_destroy(&cliques); igraph_destroy(&g); /* Build a triangle with a loop (thanks to Emmanuel Navarro) */ igraph_small(&g, 3, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, -1); /* Find the maximal cliques */ igraph_vector_ptr_init(&cliques, 0); igraph_maximal_cliques(&g, &cliques, /*min_size=*/ 3, /*max_size=*/ 0 /*no limit*/); igraph_maximal_cliques_count(&g, &no, /*min_size=*/ 3, /*max_size=*/ 0 /*no limit*/); if (no != igraph_vector_ptr_size(&cliques)) { return 2; } /* Print and destroy them */ print_and_destroy_cliques(&cliques); /* Clean up */ igraph_vector_ptr_destroy(&cliques); igraph_destroy(&g); return 0; }
static void fit_rvine_trees(igraph_t **trees, const gsl_matrix *data, const dml_vine_weight_t weight, const dml_vine_trunc_t trunc, const dml_copula_indeptest_t indeptest, const double indeptest_level, const dml_copula_type_t *types, const size_t types_size, const dml_copula_select_t select, const gsl_rng *rng) { size_t m, n; igraph_t *graph; igraph_vector_t *graph_weight; dml_copula_t *copula; gsl_vector *x; igraph_integer_t e; // Edge id. igraph_integer_t a, aa, ab, b, ba, bb; // Vertex id. gsl_vector *u = NULL, *v = NULL; igraph_integer_t Cea, Ceb; gsl_vector_short *Ue, *Ua, *Ub; size_t k; dml_measure_t *measure; double tree_aic, copula_aic; gsl_permutation *perm, *rank, *u_rank = NULL, *v_rank = NULL; igraph_i_set_attribute_table(&igraph_cattribute_table); m = data->size1; n = data->size2; graph = g_malloc(sizeof(igraph_t)); graph_weight = g_malloc(sizeof(igraph_vector_t)); perm = gsl_permutation_alloc(m); for (k = 0; k < n - 1; k++) { // Tree index. if (k == 0) { igraph_full(graph, n, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, IGRAPH_NO_LOOPS); // Assign the observations to the nodes. for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Variable and node index. x = gsl_vector_alloc(m); gsl_matrix_get_col(x, data, i); // Results of the h-function of the copula assigned to the // edge that corresponds to this vertex in the previous tree. // h for the h-function with its arguments in order and // hrev for the h-function with its arguments reversed. In the // first tree both are equal to the observations of the // corresponding variable, in the rest of the trees they differ. SETVAP(graph, "h", i, x); SETVAP(graph, "hrev", i, x); gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, x); rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m); gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm); // Ranks of the h and hrev vectors. SETVAP(graph, "hrank", i, rank); SETVAP(graph, "hrevrank", i, rank); } for (e = 0; e < igraph_ecount(graph); e++) { igraph_edge(graph, e, &a, &b); // Variables "connected" by this edge. Ue = gsl_vector_short_calloc(n); gsl_vector_short_set(Ue, a, 1); gsl_vector_short_set(Ue, b, 1); SETEAP(graph, "Ue", e, Ue); // Conditioned set. SETEAN(graph, "Cea", e, a + 1); SETEAN(graph, "Ceb", e, b + 1); Cea = EAN(graph, "Cea", e); Ceb = EAN(graph, "Ceb", e); // Calculate the weight of the edge. u = VAP(graph, "h", a); v = VAP(graph, "h", b); u_rank = VAP(graph, "hrank", a); v_rank = VAP(graph, "hrank", b); // The conditioned set is ordered to make the order of the // arguments in the bivariate copulas unique as suggested in // Czado, C. (2010) Pair-Copula Constructions of Multivariate // Copulas. In Jaworski, P. and Durante, F. and Hardle, W. K. // and Rychlik, T. (eds.) Copula Theory and Its Applications, // Springer-Verlag, 93-109. if (Cea < Ceb) { rvine_set_weight(graph, weight, e, u, v, u_rank, v_rank); } else { rvine_set_weight(graph, weight, e, v, u, v_rank, u_rank); } } } else { igraph_empty(graph, n - k, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED); // Adding all "possible" edges. for (a = 0; a < igraph_vcount(graph) - 1; a++) { for (b = a + 1; b < igraph_vcount(graph); b++) { igraph_edge(trees[k - 1], a, &aa, &ab); igraph_edge(trees[k - 1], b, &ba, &bb); // Checking the proximity condition. if (aa == ba || aa == bb || ab == ba || ab == bb) { igraph_add_edge(graph, a, b); igraph_get_eid(graph, &e, a, b, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, 1); // Variables "connected" by this edge and conditioned set. Ua = EAP(trees[k - 1], "Ue", a); Ub = EAP(trees[k - 1], "Ue", b); Ue = gsl_vector_short_calloc(n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { gsl_vector_short_set(Ue, i, gsl_vector_short_get(Ua, i) | gsl_vector_short_get(Ub, i)); if (gsl_vector_short_get(Ua, i) && !gsl_vector_short_get(Ub, i)) { SETEAN(graph, "Cea", e, i + 1); } if (gsl_vector_short_get(Ub, i) && !gsl_vector_short_get(Ua, i)) { SETEAN(graph, "Ceb", e, i + 1); } } SETEAP(graph, "Ue", e, Ue); } } } // Compute pseudo-observations and edge weights. for (a = 0; a < igraph_vcount(graph); a++) { // See the comment in the code for the first tree. SETVAP(graph, "h", a, NULL); SETVAP(graph, "hrev", a, NULL); SETVAP(graph, "hrank", a, NULL); SETVAP(graph, "hrevrank", a, NULL); } for (e = 0; e < igraph_ecount(graph); e++) { igraph_edge(graph, e, &a, &b); Cea = EAN(graph, "Cea", e); Ceb = EAN(graph, "Ceb", e); // Assign u and u_rank. if ((Cea == EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a) && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a) < EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", a))) || (Cea != EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a) && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a) > EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", a)))) { u = VAP(graph, "h", a); if (u == NULL) { copula = EAP(trees[k - 1], "copula", a); measure = EAP(trees[k - 1], "measure", a); u = gsl_vector_alloc(m); dml_copula_h(copula, measure->x, measure->y, u); SETVAP(graph, "h", a, u); gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, u); rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m); gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm); SETVAP(graph, "hrank", a, rank); } u_rank = VAP(graph, "hrank", a); } if ((Cea == EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a) && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a) > EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", a))) || (Cea != EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a) && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", a) < EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", a)))) { u = VAP(graph, "hrev", a); if (u == NULL) { copula = EAP(trees[k - 1], "copula", a); measure = EAP(trees[k - 1], "measure", a); u = gsl_vector_alloc(m); dml_copula_h(copula, measure->y, measure->x, u); SETVAP(graph, "hrev", a, u); gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, u); rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m); gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm); SETVAP(graph, "hrevrank", a, rank); } u_rank = VAP(graph, "hrevrank", a); } // Assign v and v_rank. if ((Ceb == EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b) && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b) < EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", b))) || (Ceb != EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b) && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b) > EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", b)))) { v = VAP(graph, "h", b); if (v == NULL) { copula = EAP(trees[k - 1], "copula", b); measure = EAP(trees[k - 1], "measure", b); v = gsl_vector_alloc(m); dml_copula_h(copula, measure->x, measure->y, v); SETVAP(graph, "h", b, v); gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, v); rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m); gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm); SETVAP(graph, "hrank", b, rank); } v_rank = VAP(graph, "hrank", b); } if ((Ceb == EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b) && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b) > EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", b))) || (Ceb != EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b) && (EAN(trees[k - 1], "Cea", b) < EAN(trees[k - 1], "Ceb", b)))) { v = VAP(graph, "hrev", b); if (v == NULL) { copula = EAP(trees[k - 1], "copula", b); measure = EAP(trees[k - 1], "measure", b); v = gsl_vector_alloc(m); dml_copula_h(copula, measure->y, measure->x, v); SETVAP(graph, "hrev", b, v); gsl_sort_vector_index(perm, v); rank = gsl_permutation_alloc(m); gsl_permutation_inverse(rank, perm); SETVAP(graph, "hrevrank", b, rank); } v_rank = VAP(graph, "hrevrank", b); } // Set the weight of the edge. The arguments are ordered here. // The order determines the x and y fields of measure. if (Cea < Ceb) { rvine_set_weight(graph, weight, e, u, v, u_rank, v_rank); } else { rvine_set_weight(graph, weight, e, v, u, v_rank, u_rank); } } } // Compute the minimum weight spanning tree. trees[k] = g_malloc(sizeof(igraph_t)); igraph_vector_init(graph_weight, igraph_ecount(graph)); EANV(graph, "weight", graph_weight); igraph_minimum_spanning_tree_prim(graph, trees[k], graph_weight); igraph_vector_destroy(graph_weight); tree_aic = 0; for (e = 0; e < igraph_ecount(trees[k]); e++) { igraph_edge(trees[k], e, &a, &b); Cea = EAN(trees[k], "Cea", e); Ceb = EAN(trees[k], "Ceb", e); measure = EAP(trees[k], "measure", e); // Assign a bivariate copula to the edge. if (Cea < Ceb) { copula = dml_copula_select(measure->x, measure->y, measure, indeptest, indeptest_level, types, types_size, select, rng); // Get information for the truncation of the vine. if (trunc == DML_VINE_TRUNC_AIC) { dml_copula_aic(copula, measure->x, measure->y, &copula_aic); tree_aic += copula_aic; } } else { copula = dml_copula_select(measure->y, measure->x, measure, indeptest, indeptest_level, types, types_size, select, rng); // Get information for the truncation of the vine. if (trunc == DML_VINE_TRUNC_AIC) { dml_copula_aic(copula, measure->y, measure->x, &copula_aic); tree_aic += copula_aic; } } SETEAP(trees[k], "copula", e, copula); } igraph_destroy(graph); // Check if the vine should be truncated. if (trunc == DML_VINE_TRUNC_AIC && tree_aic >= 0) { // Free the memory used for the last tree. rvine_tree_cleanup(trees[k]); for (e = 0; e < igraph_ecount(trees[k]); e++) { copula = EAP(trees[k], "copula", e); dml_copula_free(copula); } igraph_destroy(trees[k]); g_free(trees[k]); trees[k] = NULL; break; } if (k > 0) rvine_tree_cleanup(trees[k - 1]); } // Cleanup the last tree if the vine was completely estimated. // If the vine was truncated, the last tree will be freed in // the function vine_fit_rvine, because the rvine_trees_to_vine // function needs some attributes of its edges. if (k == n - 1) { rvine_tree_cleanup(trees[n - 2]); } g_free(graph_weight); g_free(graph); gsl_permutation_free(perm); }
int main() { float dist[8][8] = { {0.00, 4.69, 6.79, 3.50, 3.11, 4.46, 5.57, 3.00}, {4.69, 0.00, 2.10, 2.27, 2.65, 2.36, 1.99, 1.74}, {6.79, 2.10, 0.00, 3.78, 4.53, 2.83, 2.44, 3.79}, {3.50, 2.27, 3.78, 0.00, 1.98, 4.35, 2.07, 0.53}, {3.11, 2.65, 4.53, 1.98, 0.00, 3.80, 3.31, 1.47}, {4.46, 2.36, 2.83, 4.35, 3.80, 0.00, 4.35, 3.82}, {5.57, 1.99, 2.44, 2.07, 3.31, 4.35, 0.00, 2.57}, {3.00, 1.74, 3.79, 0.53, 1.47, 3.82, 2.57, 0.00}, }; igraph_t g; igraph_matrix_t coords, dist_mat; igraph_real_t vc; igraph_arpack_options_t options; int i, j; srand(time(0)); igraph_arpack_options_init(&options); igraph_tree(&g, 10, 2, IGRAPH_TREE_UNDIRECTED); igraph_matrix_init(&coords, 0, 0); igraph_layout_mds(&g, &coords, 0, 2, &options); if (MATRIX(coords, 0, 0) > 0) { for (i = 0; i < igraph_matrix_nrow(&coords); i++) MATRIX(coords, i, 0) *= -1; } if (MATRIX(coords, 0, 1) < 0) { for (i = 0; i < igraph_matrix_nrow(&coords); i++) MATRIX(coords, i, 1) *= -1; } igraph_matrix_print(&coords); igraph_matrix_destroy(&coords); igraph_destroy(&g); igraph_full(&g, 8, IGRAPH_UNDIRECTED, 0); igraph_matrix_init(&coords, 8, 2); igraph_matrix_init(&dist_mat, 8, 8); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) MATRIX(coords, i, j) = rand() % 1000; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (j = i+1; j < 8; j++) { double dist_sq = 0.0; dist_sq += sqr(MATRIX(coords, i, 0)-MATRIX(coords, j, 0)); dist_sq += sqr(MATRIX(coords, i, 1)-MATRIX(coords, j, 1)); MATRIX(dist_mat, i, j) = sqrt(dist_sq); MATRIX(dist_mat, j, i) = sqrt(dist_sq); } igraph_layout_mds(&g, &coords, &dist_mat, 2, &options); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (j = i+1; j < 8; j++) { double dist_sq = 0.0; dist_sq += sqr(MATRIX(coords, i, 0)-MATRIX(coords, j, 0)); dist_sq += sqr(MATRIX(coords, i, 1)-MATRIX(coords, j, 1)); if (fabs(sqrt(dist_sq) - MATRIX(dist_mat, i, j)) > 1e-2) { printf("dist(%d,%d) should be %.4f, but it is %.4f\n", i, j, MATRIX(dist_mat, i, j), sqrt(dist_sq)); return 1; } } igraph_matrix_destroy(&dist_mat); igraph_matrix_destroy(&coords); igraph_destroy(&g); return 0; }