// main function
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// process input arguments
	if (argc != 5) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s in out1 out2 out3\n", *argv);
		//                          0 1  2    3    4
		return 1;
	char *filename_in = argv[1];
	char *filename_out1 = argv[2];
	char *filename_out2 = argv[3];
	char *filename_out3 = argv[4];

	// read input image
	int w, h;
	float *in = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &w, &h);

	// allocate space for the output images
	float *out1 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *out2 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *out3 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));

	// run the algorithm
	fill_three_parts(out1, out2, out3, in, w, h);

	// save the output images
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out1, out1, w, h/3);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out2, out2, w, h/3);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out3, out3, w, h/3);

	// cleanup and exit
	free(out1); free(out2); free(out3);
	return 0;
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c != 6) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s width i0 m0 i1 m1\n", *v);
		//                          0 1     2  3  4  5
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	int width = atoi(v[1]);
	char *in_image = v[2];
	char *in_mask = v[3];
	char *out_image = v[4];
	char *out_mask = v[5];

	int w, h, pd, ww, hh;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float_vec(in_image, &w, &h, &pd);
	float *m = iio_read_image_float(in_mask, &ww, &hh);
	if (w != ww || h != hh)
		fail("size mismatch");

	fillcorners(x, m, w, h, pd, width);

	iio_save_image_float_vec(out_image, x, w, h, pd);
	iio_save_image_float(out_mask, m, w, h);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // process input arguments
    if (argc != 6) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n \t imageIn n i j imageOut \n");
        //                         0     1   2 3 4 5
    char *filename_ImgIn1 = argv[1];
    int n = atof(argv[2]);
    int i = atof(argv[3]);
    int j = atof(argv[4]);
    char *filename_ImgOut = argv[5];
    //read input images
    int w, h;
    float *im = iio_read_image_float(filename_ImgIn1, &w, &h);
    //allocate space for output image
    float *out = malloc(n*n*sizeof(float));
    echantillon_size_n(im, w, n, i, j, out);
    //save image
    iio_save_image_float(filename_ImgOut, out, n, n);
    //cleanup and exit
    return 0;

文件: cgpois.c 项目: Fahdben/imscript
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc != 5) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
			"%s boundary.png data.png mask.png out.png\n", *argv);
		//        0 1            2        3        4
		return 1;
	char *filename_inpu = argv[1];
	char *filename_data = argv[2];
	char *filename_mask = argv[3];
	char *filename_out = argv[4];

	int w[3], h[3];
	float *inpu = iio_read_image_float(filename_inpu, w, h);
	float *data = iio_read_image_float(filename_data, w+1, h+1);
	float *mask = iio_read_image_float(filename_mask, w+2, h+2);
	if (w[0] != w[1] || h[0] != h[1] || w[0] != w[2] || h[0] != h[2])
		return fprintf(stderr, "input image files sizes mismatch");
	float *out = xmalloc(*w**h*sizeof*out);

	for (int i = 0; i < *w * *h; i++)
		if (mask[i] > 0)
			inpu[i] = NAN;

	poisson_extension_steps(out, inpu, data, *w, *h);

	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, out, *w, *h);

	return 0;
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c != 5) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s img step nscales outpat\n", *v);
		//                          0 1   2    3       4
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	char *filename_in = v[1];
	float scalestep = atof(v[2]);
	int nscales = atoi(v[3]);
	char *filepattern_out = v[4];

	int w, h;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &w, &h);

	float *pyrx[nscales];
	int pyrw[nscales], pyrh[nscales];

	produce_upwards_pyramid(pyrx, pyrw, pyrh,
			x, w, h, nscales, scalestep);

	for (int i = 0; i < nscales; i++) {
		char buf[0x100];
		snprintf(buf, 0x100, filepattern_out, i);
		printf("SCALE NUMBER %d: %dx%d (%d) => \"%s\"\n", i,
				pyrw[i], pyrh[i], buf);
		iio_save_image_float(buf, pyrx[i], pyrw[i], pyrh[i]);

// main function
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// process input arguments
	if (argc != 5) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s dx dy in out\n", *argv);
		//                          0 1   2 3  4
		return 1;
	int dx = atoi(argv[1]);
	int dy = atoi(argv[2]);
	char *filename_in = argv[3];
	char *filename_out = argv[4];

	// read input image
	int w, h;
	float *in = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &w, &h);

	// allocate space for output image
	float *out = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));

	// run the algorithm
	apply_translation(out, dx, dy, in, w, h);

	// save output image
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, out, w, h);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c != 8) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
		"%s inpat.png first last sigma side nwarps epsilon\n", *v);
	//       0  1         2     3    4     5    6      7
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	char *inpat = v[1];
	int first_frame = atoi(v[2]);
	int last_frame = atoi(v[3]);
	float sigma = atof(v[4]);
	int   side = atoi(v[5]);
	int   nwarps = atoi(v[6]);
	float epsilon = atof(v[7]);

	int w, h, n;
	float **x = read_images(&n, &w, &h, inpat, first_frame, last_frame);
	assert(n == abs(first_frame - last_frame));

	float *y = xmalloc(w * h * sizeof*y);
	frakes_monaco_smith(y, x, w, h, n, sigma, side, nwarps, epsilon);
	iio_save_image_float("-", y, w, h);

	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) free(x[i]); free(x); free(y);
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c != 10 && c != 11) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
		"%s w h p r1 r2 c1 c2 x0 y0 [out.png]\n", *v);
	//        0 1 2 3 4  5  6  7  8  9   10
		return 1;
	int w = atoi(v[1]);
	int h = atoi(v[2]);
	float p = atof(v[3]);
	float r1 = atof(v[4]);
	float r2 = atof(v[5]);
	float c1 = atof(v[6]);
	float c2 = atof(v[7]);
	float x0 = atof(v[8]);
	float y0 = atof(v[9]);
	char *filename_out = c > 10 ? v[10] : "-";

	float *x = xmalloc(w*h*sizeof*x);
	radphar(x, w, h, p, r1, r2, c1, c2, x0, y0);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, x, w, h);
	return 0;
int main_rpc_warpabt(int c, char *v[])
	TIFFSetWarningHandler(NULL);//suppress warnings

	// input arguments
	if (c != 9) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
		"%s a.{tiff,rpc} b.{tiff,rpc} ax ay in.tif out.tif\n", *v);
		//0 1       2    3       4    5  6  7      8
		return 1;
	char *filename_a    = v[1];
	char *filename_rpca = v[2];
	char *filename_b    = v[3];
	char *filename_rpcb = v[4];
	double axyh[3] ={atof(v[5]), atof(v[6]), 0};
	char *filename_h0   = v[7];
	char *filename_out  = v[8];

	// read input images
	int megabytes = 800;
	struct tiff_tile_cache ta[1], tb[1];
	tiff_tile_cache_init(ta, filename_a, megabytes);
	tiff_tile_cache_init(tb, filename_b, megabytes);
	int pd = ta->i->spp;
	if (pd != tb->i->spp) fail("image color depth mismatch\n");

	// read input rpcs
	struct rpc rpca[1];
	struct rpc rpcb[1];
	read_rpc_file_xml(rpca, filename_rpca);
	read_rpc_file_xml(rpcb, filename_rpcb);

	// read initialized raster
	int w, h;
	float *in_h0 = iio_read_image_float(filename_h0, &w, &h);

	// allocate space for output raster
	float *out_h = xmalloc(w * h * sizeof*out_h);

	// run the algorithm
	float alpha2 = ALPHA()*ALPHA();
	int niter = NITER();
	int nwarps = NWARPS();
	for (int i = 0; i < nwarps; i++)
		mnehs_rpc(out_h, in_h0, w,h,ta,rpca,tb,rpcb,axyh, alpha2,niter);
		memcpy(in_h0, out_h, w*h*sizeof*in_h0);

	// save the output raster
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, out_h, w, h);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;
int main_compute(int c, char *v[])
	// input arguments
	bool do_only_warp = pick_option(&c, &v, "w", NULL);
	if (do_only_warp) return main_warp(c, v);
	bool do_center = pick_option(&c, &v, "c", NULL);
	if (c != 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
			"%s a.png b.png Pa.txt Pb.txt in.tiff out.tiff\n", *v);
		//        0  1     2     3      4     5       6
		return 1;
	char *filename_a   = v[1];
	char *filename_b   = v[2];
	char *matrix_pa    = v[3];
	char *matrix_pb    = v[4];
	char *filename_in  = v[5];
	char *filename_out = v[6];

	// read input images and matrices
	int wa, wb, wi, ha, hb, hi;
	float *a  = iio_read_image_float(filename_a, &wa, &ha);
	float *b  = iio_read_image_float(filename_b, &wb, &hb);
	float *h0 = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &wi, &hi);
	double PA[8], PB[8];
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PA, matrix_pa, 8);
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PB, matrix_pb, 8);

	// perform centering, if necessary
	if (do_center) {
		center_projection(PA, wa/2, ha/2);
		center_projection(PB, wb/2, hb/2);

	// allocate space for output image
	float *out = xmalloc(wi * hi * sizeof*out);

	// run the algorithm
	float alpha2 = ALPHA()*ALPHA();
	int niter = NITER();
	int nwarps = NWARPS();
	int nscales = NSCALES();
	mnehs_affine_ms(out, h0, wi, hi, a, wa, ha, b, wb, hb, PA, PB, alpha2, niter, nscales);
	//for (int i = 0; i < nwarps; i++)
	//	mnehs_affine(out, h0, wi,hi, a,wa,ha, b,wb,hb, PA, PB, alpha2, niter);
	//	memcpy(h0, out, wi * hi * sizeof*h0);

	// save the output image
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, out, wi, hi);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c != 8) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
			"%s a.png b.png \"fm\" out_disp out_err ini rad\n", *v);
		//        0 1     2       3    4        5       6   7
		return 1;
	char *filename_a = v[1];
	char *filename_b = v[2];
	char *fm_text = v[3];
	char *filename_out_disp = v[4];
	char *filename_out_err = v[5];
	char *filename_init = v[6];
	float maxradius = atof(v[7]);

	int nfm;
	float *ffm = alloc_parse_floats(9, fm_text, &nfm);
	if (nfm != 9)
		fail("expects a fundamental matrix (9 numbers)");
	double fm[9];
	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
		fm[i] = ffm[i];

	int w, h, pd, ww, hh, ppdd;
	float *a = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_a, &w, &h, &pd);
	float *b = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_b, &ww, &hh, &ppdd);
	if (w != ww || h != hh || pd != ppdd)
		fail("input images size mismatch");

	float *o = xmalloc(w*h*3*sizeof*o);
	float *e = xmalloc(w*h*sizeof*o);
	float *rad = xmalloc(w*h*sizeof*o);
	for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
		rad[i] = maxradius;

	float *i = NULL;
	if (0 != strcmp(filename_init, "0")) {
		i = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_init, &ww, &hh, &ppdd);
		if (w != ww || h != hh)
			fail("init image size mismatch");
		if (ppdd != 2)
			fail("init file must be a vector field");

	bmfm_fancy(o, e, a, b, w, h, pd, fm, i, rad);

	iio_save_image_float_vec(filename_out_disp, o, w, h, 2);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out_err, e, w, h);

	if (i) free(i);

	return 0;
static void save_debug_image(char *fpat, int id, float *x, int w, int h)
	char filename[0x100];
	snprintf(filename, 0x100, fpat, id);
	fprintf(stderr, "saving image \"%s\"\n", filename);
	iio_save_image_float(filename, x, w, h);
int main(int c, char *v[])
	int gpar = atoi(pick_option(&c, &v, "g", "1"));
	if (c < 4) {
		"usage:\n\t%s {sum|min|max|avg|mul|med] [v1 ...] > out\n", *v);
		//          0  1                          2  3
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	int n = c - 2;
	char *operation_name = v[1];
	float (*f)(float *,int) = NULL;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "sum"))   f = float_sum;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "mul"))   f = float_mul;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "prod"))  f = float_mul;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "avg"))   f = float_avg;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "min"))   f = float_min;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "max"))   f = float_max;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "med"))   f = float_med;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "mod"))   f = float_mod;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "cnt"))   f = float_cnt;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "medi"))   f = float_med;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "medv"))   f = float_medv;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "rnd"))   f = float_pick;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "first")) f = float_first;
	if (*operation_name == 'q') {
		float p = atof(1 + operation_name);
		f = float_percentile;
		f(&p, -1);
	if (!f) fail("unrecognized operation \"%s\"", operation_name);
	bool (*isgood)(float) = NULL;
	if (0 == gpar) isgood = isgood_finite;
	if (1 == gpar) isgood = isgood_numeric;
	if (2 == gpar) isgood = isgood_always;
	if (!isgood) fail("unrecognized goodness %d", gpar);
	float *x[n];
	int w[n], h[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		x[i] = iio_read_image_float(v[i+2], w + i, h + i);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		if (w[i] != *w || h[i] != *h)
			fail("%dth image size mismatch\n", i);
	float (*y) = xmalloc(*w * *h * sizeof*y);
	for (int i = 0; i < *w * *h; i++)
		float tmp[n];
		int ngood = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
			if (isgood(x[j][i]))
				tmp[ngood++] = x[j][i];
		y[i] = f(tmp, ngood);
	iio_save_image_float("-", y, *w, *h);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    //process input arguments
    if (argc != 4)
        fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n \t imageIn n tile \n");
        //                         0     1   2    3
        return 0;
    char *filename_ImgIn = argv[1];
    int n = atoi(argv[2]);
    char *fileout = argv[3];
    char filename_tile[n*n][256];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < n*n ; i++)
        sprintf(filename_tile[i], "%s_%d.png", fileout, i+1);
    //read input images
    int w, h;
    float *im = iio_read_image_float(filename_ImgIn, &w, &h);
    int w1 = floor(w/n);
    int h1 = floor(h/n);
    //allocate space for subimages
    float *tiles[n*n];
    for(int i = 0 ; i < n*n ; i++)
        tiles[i] = malloc(w1*h1*sizeof(float));
    //create tiles and rebuild image
    cut_n_parts(im, w, h, n, tiles);
    //save outputs
    for (int i = 0 ; i < n*n ; i++)
        iio_save_image_float(filename_tile[i], tiles[i], w1, h1);
    //cleanup and exit
    for(int i = 0 ; i < n*n ; i++)
    return 0;

文件: veco.c 项目: Fahdben/imscript
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c < 4) {
		"usage:\n\t%s {sum|min|max|avg|mul|med] [v1 ...] > out\n", *v);
		//          0  1                          2  3
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	int n = c - 2;
	char *operation_name = v[1];
	float (*f)(float *,int) = NULL;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "sum"))   f = float_sum;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "mul"))   f = float_mul;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "prod"))  f = float_mul;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "avg"))   f = float_avg;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "min"))   f = float_min;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "max"))   f = float_max;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "med"))   f = float_med;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "mod"))   f = float_mod;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "medi"))   f = float_med;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "medv"))   f = float_medv;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "rnd"))   f = float_pick;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "first")) f = float_first;
	if (!f) fail("unrecognized operation \"%s\"", operation_name);
	float *x[n];
	int w[n], h[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		x[i] = iio_read_image_float(v[i+2], w + i, h + i);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		if (w[i] != *w || h[i] != *h)
			fail("%dth image size mismatch\n", i);
	float (*y) = xmalloc(*w * *h * sizeof*y);
	for (int i = 0; i < *w * *h; i++)
		float tmp[n];
		int ngood = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
			if (isgood(x[j][i]))
				tmp[ngood++] = x[j][i];
		y[i] = f(tmp, ngood);
	iio_save_image_float("-", y, *w, *h);
int main(int c, char *v[])
	if (c != 2 && c != 1 && c != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s [in [out]]\n", *v);
		//                         0   1   2
		return 1;
	char *filename_in  = c > 1 ? v[1] : "-";
	char *filename_out = c > 2 ? v[2] : "-";

	int w, h;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &w, &h);

	long double H[256];
	fill_histogram(H, x, w*h);
	equalize_inplace(x, H, w*h);

	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, x, w, h);

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // process input arguments
    if (argc != 6)
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: \n \t imageIn n hom imageOut parameter \n");
        return 0;
    char *filename_ImgIn = argv[1];
    int n = atoi(argv[2]);
    char *hom = argv[3];
    char *filename_ImgOut = argv[4];
    float delta = atof(argv[5]);
    char filename_hom[n*n][256];
    int nn = n*n;
    int w, h;
    float *im = iio_read_image_float(filename_ImgIn, &w, &h);
    float H[nn*9];
    float *coordx = malloc(n*n*sizeof(float));
    float *coordy = malloc(n*n*sizeof(float));
    coordinates_centers(w, h, n, coordx, coordy);
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nn ; i++)
        sprintf(filename_hom[i], "%s_%d.txt", hom, i+1);
        FILE* f = NULL;
        f = fopen(filename_hom[i], "r");
        if (f != NULL)
            fscanf(f, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &H[9*i+0], &H[9*i+1], &H[9*i+2], &H[9*i+3], &H[9*i+4], &H[9*i+5], &H[9*i+6], &H[9*i+7], &H[9*i+8]);
            printf("Impossible to open file");
    float *out = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
    float *Tx = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
    float *Ty = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
    delta = delta*(w+h)/(n+2);
    compute_transformation(n, coordx, coordy, H, Tx, Ty, w, h, delta);
    apply_transformation(im, Tx, Ty, w, h, out);
    iio_save_image_float(filename_ImgOut, out, w, h);
    return 0;
 *  Main program:
 *   This program reads the following parameters from the console and
 *   then computes the optical flow:
 *   I_1 		  Previous image to I0
 *   I0          first image
 *   I1          second image
 *   I0_Smoothed Image for using with function g
 *   out         name of the output flow field
 *   outOcc      name of the output occlusion map
 *   nprocs      number of threads to use (OpenMP library)
 *   tauEta      Time step in the primal-dual scheme for eta variable
 *   tauChi      Time step in the primal-dual scheme for chi variable
 *   lambda      Data term weight parameter
 *   alpha       Length term weight parameter (in the occlusion region)
 *   beta		  Negative divergence data Term
 *   theta       tightness parameter
 *   nscales     number of scales in the pyramidal structure
 *   zfactor     downsampling factor for creating the scales
 *   nwarps      number of warps per scales
 *   epsilon     stopping criterion threshold for the iterative process
 *   verbose     switch on/off messages
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc < 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s I_1 I0 I1 [I0_Smoothed out "
				//              0   1   2  3      4        5
				"outOcc nproc lambda alpha beta theta nscales zfactor nwarps epsilon "
				// 6      7      8   9    10    11        12     13     14     15
				"verbose  ]\n", *argv);
				// 16
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// Variable Declaration
	double *u1=NULL, *u2=NULL; //field
	double *chi=NULL;	 	   //Occlussion map

	double *I_1=NULL, *I0=NULL, *I1=NULL;  // Previous (I_1), current (I0) and next image (I1)
	double *filtI0=NULL;                   //Filtered image used in function g

	int nx_1, ny_1, nx, ny, nx1, ny1, nxf, nyf; //Image sizes

	//read the parameters
	int i = 1;
	char* image_1_name = argv[i]; i++; //1
	char* image1_name  = argv[i]; i++; //2
	char* image2_name  = argv[i]; i++; //3
	char* image1_Smooth_name = (argc>i) ? argv[i] : argv[2]; i++; //4 If there is no I0_Smoothed, then it will be I0
	const char* outfile = (argc>i)? argv[i]: PAR_DEFAULT_OUTFLOW;       i++; //5
	const char* outOccFile = (argc>i)? argv[i]: PAR_DEFAULT_OUT_OCC;       i++; //6
	int   nproc   = (argc>i)? atoi(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_NPROC;   i++; //7
	double lambda  = (argc>i)? atof(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_LAMBDA;  i++; //8
	double alpha   = (argc>i)? atof(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_ALPHA;   i++; //9
	double betaW   = (argc>i)? atof(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_BETA;    i++; //10
	double theta   = (argc>i)? atof(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_THETA;   i++; //11
	int   nscales = (argc>i)? atoi(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_NSCALES; i++; //12
	double zfactor = (argc>i)? atof(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_ZFACTOR; i++; //13
	int   nwarps  = (argc>i)? atoi(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_NWARPS;  i++; //14
	double epsilon = (argc>i)? atof(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_EPSILON; i++; //15
	int   verbose = (argc>i)? atoi(argv[i]): PAR_DEFAULT_VERBOSE; i++; //16

	//check parameters
	if (nproc < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "warning: "
				"nproc changed to %d\n", nproc);
	if (lambda <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "warning: "
				"lambda changed to %g\n", lambda);
	if (alpha <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "warning: "
				"alpha changed to %g\n", alpha);
	if (betaW <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "warning: "
				"beta changed to %g\n", betaW);
	if (theta <= 0) {
		if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "warning: "
				"theta changed to %g\n", theta);
	if (nscales <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "warning: "
				"nscales changed to %d\n", nscales);
	if (zfactor <= 0 || zfactor >= 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "warning: "
				"zfactor changed to %g\n", zfactor);
	if (nwarps <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "warning: "
				"nwarps changed to %d\n", nwarps);
	if (epsilon <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "warning: "
				"epsilon changed to %f\n", epsilon);

#ifdef _OPENMP
	if (nproc > 0)

	// read the input images
	I_1    = read_image(image_1_name, &nx_1, &ny_1);
	I0     = read_image(image1_name, &nx, &ny);
	I1     = read_image(image2_name, &nx1, &ny1);
	filtI0 = read_image(image1_Smooth_name, &nxf, &nyf);

	if(nx==nx_1 && nx==nx1 && nx==nxf &&
			ny==ny_1 && ny==ny1 && ny==nyf)
		//Set the number of scales according to the size of the
		//images.  The value N is computed to assure that the smaller
		//images of the pyramid don't have a size smaller than 16x16

		const int N = floor(log((float)MIN(nx, ny)/16.0)/log(1./zfactor)) + 1;

		if (N < nscales)
			nscales = N;

		if (verbose)
					" nproc=%d   \n lambda=%f \n alpha=%f \n"
					" beta=%f \n theta=%f \n nscales=%d \n zfactor=%f\n nwarps=%d \n epsilon=%g\n",
					nproc, lambda, alpha, betaW, theta, nscales,
					zfactor, nwarps, epsilon);

		//allocate memory for the flow
		u1  = (double *)xmalloc( nx * ny * sizeof(double));
		u2  = (double *)xmalloc( nx * ny * sizeof(double));

		//and the occlusion map
		chi = (double *)xmalloc( nx * ny * sizeof(double));

		for(int i=0; i<nx*ny; i++)
			chi[i] = 0.0;
			u1[i]  = 0.0;
			u2[i]  = 0.0;

		//compute the optical flow
				I_1, I0, I1, filtI0, u1, u2, chi, nx, ny, lambda, alpha, betaW,  theta,
				nscales, zfactor, nwarps, epsilon, verbose);

		//write_flow(u1, u2, nx, ny); //<----Eliminar en la version fina a entregar. Solo esta para propositos de depuraci—n.

		//save the optical flow

		float *f = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nx * ny * 2);
		for (int i = 0; i < nx * ny; i++)
			f[2*i] = (float)u1[i];   //Avoid the cast!
			f[2*i+1] = (float)u2[i]; //Avoid the cast!
		iio_save_image_float_vec((char *)outfile, f, nx, ny, 2);


		//save the occlusions
/*		int iv=0;
		FILE * fid=fopen(outOccFile, "w");
		for (int i=0; i<ny; i++)
			for (int j=0; j<nx; j++)
				fprintf(fid, " %f", chi[iv]);
			fprintf(fid, " \n");
		//iio_save_image_double((char *)outOccFile, chi, nx, ny);

		float *fOcc = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * nx * ny );
		for (int i = 0; i < nx * ny; i++)
			fOcc[i] = (float)chi[i]*255;   //Avoid the cast!
		iio_save_image_float((char *)outOccFile, fOcc, nx, ny);

	//delete allocated memory

// main function
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// process input arguments
	if (argc != 6) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s image der1 der2 der3 der4\n", *argv);
		//                          0 1     2     3    4    5
		return 1;
	char *filename_image = argv[1];
	char *filename_der1 = argv[2];
	char *filename_der2 = argv[3];
	char *filename_der3 = argv[4];
	char *filename_der4 = argv[5];

	// read input image
	int w, h;
	float *im = iio_read_image_float(filename_image, &w, &h);

	// allocate space for the output image
	float *out1 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *out2 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *out3 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *out4 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *dec1 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *dec2 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *dec3 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *dec4 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));

	// creer les images translatees
	apply_translation(dec1, 1, 0, im, w, h);
	apply_translation(dec2, 0, 1, im, w, h);
	apply_translation(dec3, -1, 1, im, w, h);
	apply_translation(dec4, -1, -1, im, w, h);

	// calculer les derivees
	for(int j = 0 ; j < h ; j++)
    for(int i = 0 ; i < w ; i++)
	    out1[j*w+i] = (dec1[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])*(dec1[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i]);
        out2[j*w+i] = (dec2[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])*(dec2[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i]);
        out3[j*w+i] = (dec3[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])*(dec3[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])/2;
        out4[j*w+i] = (dec4[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])*(dec4[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])/2;

	// save the output image
	iio_save_image_float(filename_der1, out1, w, h);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_der2, out2, w, h);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_der3, out3, w, h);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_der4, out4, w, h);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;
int main_rpc_pm(int c, char *v[])
	TIFFSetWarningHandler(NULL);//suppress warnings

	// input arguments
	if (c < 9 || 0 == c%2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
		"%s (a.{tiff,rpc})+ ax ay in.tif out.tif\n", *v);
		//0  1       2     c-4 c-3 c-2    c-1
		return 1;
	int n = (c - 5) / 2;
	double axyh[3] = {atof(v[c-4]), atof(v[c-3]), 0};
	char *filename_h0   = v[c-2];
	char *filename_out  = v[c-1];
	char *filename_img[n];
	char *filename_rpc[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		filename_img[i] = v[1 + 2 * i];
		filename_rpc[i] = v[2 + 2 * i];

	fprintf(stderr, "patch matching from %d views\n", n);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		fprintf(stderr, "view %d/%d:\n", i+1, n);
		fprintf(stderr, "\tIMG = %s\n", filename_img[i]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\tRPC = %s\n", filename_rpc[i]);

	// read input images
	int megabytes = 800/n;
	struct tiff_tile_cache t[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		tiff_tile_cache_init(t + i, filename_img[i], megabytes);
	int pd = t->i->spp;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		if (pd != t[i].i->spp)
			fail("image %d color depth mismatch\n", i);

	// read input rpcs
	struct rpc r[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		read_rpc_file_xml(r + i, filename_rpc[i]);

	// read initialized raster
	int w, h;
	float *in_h0 = iio_read_image_float(filename_h0, &w, &h);

	// allocate space for output raster
	float *out_h = xmalloc(w * h * sizeof*out_h);

	// run the algorithm
	pm_rpcn(out_h, in_h0, w, h, t, r, n, axyh);

	// save the output raster
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, out_h, w, h);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;