//! Clears the current bound image to the values specified in ilClearColour
ILboolean ILAPIENTRY ilClearImage()
    if (iCurImage == NULL) {
        return IL_FALSE;
    return ilClearImage_(iCurImage);
ILAPI ILimage* ILAPIENTRY iluRotate_(ILimage *Image, ILfloat Angle)
	ILimage		*Rotated = NULL;
	ILuint		x, y, c;
	ILfloat		x0, y0, x1, y1;
	ILfloat		HalfRotW, HalfRotH, HalfImgW, HalfImgH, Cos, Sin;
	ILuint		RotOffset, ImgOffset;
	ILint		XCorner[4], YCorner[4], MaxX, MaxY;
	ILushort	*ShortPtr;
	ILuint		*IntPtr;

	Rotated = (ILimage*)icalloc(1, sizeof(ILimage));
	if (Rotated == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (ilCopyImageAttr(Rotated, Image) == IL_FALSE) {
		return NULL;
	// Precalculate shit
	HalfImgW = Image->Width / 2.0f;
	HalfImgH = Image->Height / 2.0f;
	Cos = ilCos(Angle);
	Sin = ilSin(Angle);

	// Find where edges are in new image (origin in center).
	XCorner[0] = ilRound(-HalfImgW * Cos - -HalfImgH * Sin);
	YCorner[0] = ilRound(-HalfImgW * Sin + -HalfImgH * Cos);
	XCorner[1] = ilRound(HalfImgW * Cos - -HalfImgH * Sin);
	YCorner[1] = ilRound(HalfImgW * Sin + -HalfImgH * Cos);
	XCorner[2] = ilRound(HalfImgW * Cos - HalfImgH * Sin);
	YCorner[2] = ilRound(HalfImgW * Sin + HalfImgH * Cos);
	XCorner[3] = ilRound(-HalfImgW * Cos - HalfImgH * Sin);
	YCorner[3] = ilRound(-HalfImgW * Sin + HalfImgH * Cos);

	MaxX = 0;  MaxY = 0;
	for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
		if (XCorner[x] > MaxX)
			MaxX = XCorner[x];
		if (YCorner[x] > MaxY)
			MaxY = YCorner[x];

	if (ilResizeImage(Rotated, MaxX * 2, MaxY * 2, 1, Image->Bpp, Image->Bpc) == IL_FALSE) {
		return IL_FALSE;

	HalfRotW = Rotated->Width / 2.0f;
	HalfRotH = Rotated->Height / 2.0f;


	ShortPtr = (ILushort*)iluCurImage->Data;
	IntPtr = (ILuint*)iluCurImage->Data;

	//if (iluFilter == ILU_NEAREST) {
	switch (iluCurImage->Bpc)
		case 1:
			for (y = 0; y < Rotated->Height; y++) {
				y0 = y - HalfRotH;
				for (x = 0; x < Rotated->Width; x++) {
					x0 = x - HalfRotW;
					x1 = x0 * Cos - y0 * Sin;
					y1 = x0 * Sin + y0 * Cos;
					x1 += HalfImgW;
					y1 += HalfImgH;

					if (x1 < Image->Width && x1 >= 0 && y1 < Image->Height && y1 >= 0) {
						RotOffset = y * Rotated->Bps + x * Rotated->Bpp;
						ImgOffset = (ILuint)y1 * Image->Bps + (ILuint)x1 * Image->Bpp;
						for (c = 0; c < Image->Bpp; c++) {
							Rotated->Data[RotOffset + c] = Image->Data[ImgOffset + c];
		case 2:
			Image->Bps /= 2;
			Rotated->Bps /= 2;
			for (y = 0; y < Rotated->Height; y++) {
				y0 = y - HalfRotH;
				for (x = 0; x < Rotated->Width; x++) {
					x0 = x - HalfRotW;
					x1 = x0 * Cos - y0 * Sin;
					y1 = x0 * Sin + y0 * Cos;
					x1 += HalfImgW;
					y1 += HalfImgH;

					if (x1 < Image->Width && x1 >= 0 && y1 < Image->Height && y1 >= 0) {
						RotOffset = y * Rotated->Bps + x * Rotated->Bpp;
						ImgOffset = (ILuint)y1 * Image->Bps + (ILuint)x1 * Image->Bpp;
						for (c = 0; c < Image->Bpp; c++) {
							((ILushort*)(Rotated->Data))[RotOffset + c] = ShortPtr[ImgOffset + c];
			Image->Bps *= 2;
			Rotated->Bps *= 2;
		case 4:
			Image->Bps /= 4;
			Rotated->Bps /= 4;
			for (y = 0; y < Rotated->Height; y++) {
				y0 = y - HalfRotH;
				for (x = 0; x < Rotated->Width; x++) {
					x0 = x - HalfRotW;
					x1 = x0 * Cos - y0 * Sin;
					y1 = x0 * Sin + y0 * Cos;
					x1 += HalfImgW;
					y1 += HalfImgH;

					if (x1 < Image->Width && x1 >= 0 && y1 < Image->Height && y1 >= 0) {
						RotOffset = y * Rotated->Bps + x * Rotated->Bpp;
						ImgOffset = (ILuint)y1 * Image->Bps + (ILuint)x1 * Image->Bpp;
						for (c = 0; c < Image->Bpp; c++) {
							((ILuint*)(Rotated->Data))[RotOffset + c] = IntPtr[ImgOffset + c];
			Image->Bps *= 4;
			Rotated->Bps *= 4;

	return Rotated;