void imagetest_write(void)
  struct image *image;
  uint32_t      i;
  struct rect   rect;

  image = image_new(IMAGE_TYPE_8, 640, 480);

  image_putline(image, 20, 460, 620, 20, 60);

  image_putellipse(image, 320, 240, 300, 200, 64, 180);
  image_putcircle(image, 320, 240, 80, 64, 195);

  rect.x = 60;
  rect.y = 300;
  rect.w = 580;
  rect.h = 180;

  image_putrect(image, &rect, 80);

  for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
    image_putpixel(image, 20 + i, 50, i);

/*  image_putstr(image, &image_font_6x10, 100, 40, 12, IMAGE_ALIGN_LEFT, "libchaos rocks!");
  image_putstr(image, &image_font_6x10, 160, 80, 11, IMAGE_ALIGN_LEFT, "dschoint");*/
  image_save_gif(image, "lala.gif");

static Mask *ase_file_read_mask_chunk(FILE *f)
  int c, u, v, byte;
  Mask *mask;
  // Read chunk data
  int x = fgetw(f);
  int y = fgetw(f);
  int w = fgetw(f);
  int h = fgetw(f);

  ase_file_read_padding(f, 8);
  std::string name = ase_file_read_string(f);

  mask = new Mask();
  mask->replace(x, y, w, h);

  // Read image data
  for (v=0; v<h; v++)
    for (u=0; u<(w+7)/8; u++) {
      byte = fgetc(f);
      for (c=0; c<8; c++)
        image_putpixel(mask->getBitmap(), u*8+c, v, byte & (1<<(7-c)));

  return mask;
void image_putpen(Image* image, Pen* pen, int x, int y, int fg_color, int bg_color)
  Image* pen_image = pen->get_image();
  int u, v, size = pen->get_size();

  x -= size/2;
  y -= size/2;

  if (fg_color == bg_color) {
    image_rectfill(image, x, y, x+pen_image->w-1, y+pen_image->h-1, bg_color);
  else {
    for (v=0; v<pen_image->h; v++) {
      for (u=0; u<pen_image->w; u++) {
        if (image_getpixel(pen_image, u, v))
          image_putpixel(image, x+u, y+v, fg_color);
          image_putpixel(image, x+u, y+v, bg_color);
static void pixel_for_image(int x, int y, Data *data)
  image_putpixel(data->image, x, y, data->color);
// clears the mask region in the current sprite with the specified background color
void UndoTransaction::clearMask(int bgcolor)
  Cel* cel = getCurrentCel();
  if (!cel)

  Image* image = getCelImage(cel);
  if (!image)

  Mask* mask = m_document->getMask();

  // If the mask is empty or is not visible then we have to clear the
  // entire image in the cel.
  if (!m_document->isMaskVisible()) {
    // If the layer is the background then we clear the image.
    if (m_sprite->getCurrentLayer()->is_background()) {
      if (isEnabled())
        m_undoHistory->pushUndoer(new undoers::ImageArea(m_undoHistory->getObjects(),
            image, 0, 0, image->w, image->h));

      // clear all
      image_clear(image, bgcolor);
    // If the layer is transparent we can remove the cel (and its
    // associated image).
    else {
      removeCel(static_cast<LayerImage*>(m_sprite->getCurrentLayer()), cel);
  else {
    int offset_x = mask->getBounds().x-cel->getX();
    int offset_y = mask->getBounds().y-cel->getY();
    int u, v, putx, puty;
    int x1 = MAX(0, offset_x);
    int y1 = MAX(0, offset_y);
    int x2 = MIN(image->w-1, offset_x+mask->getBounds().w-1);
    int y2 = MIN(image->h-1, offset_y+mask->getBounds().h-1);

    // do nothing
    if (x1 > x2 || y1 > y2)

    if (isEnabled())
      m_undoHistory->pushUndoer(new undoers::ImageArea(m_undoHistory->getObjects(),
          image, x1, y1, x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1));

    // clear the masked zones
    for (v=0; v<mask->getBounds().h; v++) {
      div_t d = div(0, 8);
      uint8_t* address = ((uint8_t**)mask->getBitmap()->line)[v]+d.quot;

      for (u=0; u<mask->getBounds().w; u++) {
        if ((*address & (1<<d.rem))) {
          putx = u + offset_x;
          puty = v + offset_y;
          image_putpixel(image, putx, puty, bgcolor);

        _image_bitmap_next_bit(d, address);