int sgl_attach_window(CameraSgl *camera, HWND attached, int left, int top, int width, int height, EventCallback callback)
	camera->display_win = imaqGetSystemWindowHandle (camera->display_win_num);
	camera->attached_win = attached;
	camera->rect_show = MakeRect (top, left, height, width);

	//SetWindowLong( camera->display_win, GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILDWINDOW );
	SetParent( camera->display_win, camera->attached_win);
	SetWindowLong( camera->display_win, GWL_STYLE, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS );
	imaqSetWindowSize( camera->display_win_num, width, height );
	// 显示工具条窗口
	ToolWindowOptions twoptions;
	Point pos;
	int img_width, img_height;
	memset(&twoptions, 1, sizeof(twoptions));
	twoptions.showZoomTool = TRUE;
	twoptions.showRectangleTool = TRUE;
	imaqSetupToolWindow (TRUE, 4, &twoptions);
	imaqGetWindowPos (camera->display_win_num, &pos);
	imaqGetWindowSize (camera->display_win_num, &img_width, &img_height);
	pos.x = pos.x + width;
	imaqMoveToolWindow (pos);
	imaqShowToolWindow (TRUE);
	// 注册工具条的回调处理
	imaqSetEventCallback (callback, TRUE);

	return 0;
//Function: Constructor
//Description: Creates pointers to data structures contained by TwoPhotonGui to set up acquisition
//			   Sets up Vision modules
TwoPhotonThread::TwoPhotonThread(ScanEngine *scanEngi, AcqEngine *acqEngi,  DataFile2P *data2Pi, zStepperDriver *zStepper, AomControl *aCtrl)
	scanEng = scanEngi;
	acqEng = acqEngi;
	data2P = data2Pi;
	zStep = *zStepper;
	aomCtrl = aCtrl;

	Point	toolPos;
	//temporary scaling
	scaleMin1 = 0;
	scaleMax1 = 32767;
	scaleMin2 = 0;
	scaleMax2 = 32767;

	//Setup diplay and display tools using NIVision calls
	image1 = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_RGB, 0);
	displayWinNum1 = 1;
	imaqDisplayImage(image1, displayWinNum1, 1);
	imaqSetWindowTitle(1, "PMT Images");
	imaqSetWindowSize(1, 256, 256);
	posWindow1.x = 850;
	posWindow1.y = 300;
	imaqMoveWindow(1, posWindow1);

	imaqShowToolWindow (TRUE);
	imaqSetCurrentTool (IMAQ_POLYLINE_TOOL);

	image2 = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0);
	displayWinNum2 = 2;
	imaqDisplayImage(image2, displayWinNum2, 1);
	imaqSetWindowTitle(2, "ROI Images");
	imaqSetWindowSize(2, 256, 256);
	posWindow2.x = 850;
	posWindow2.y = 590;
	imaqMoveWindow(2, posWindow2);

	intScalingCoeff = 1.0;
	bScaleCoeffCalc = false;

	//Allocate memory for display arrays.
	imageData1 = new RGBValue[acqEng->getnumValidXSamps() * acqEng->getnumValidYSamps()];
	imageData2 = new unsigned char[acqEng->getWidth() * acqEng->getRepeats()];

	bContinuous		=	false;
	bLifetimeFov	=	false;
	bLinescan		=	false;
