bool NemoCalendarImportModel::importToNotebook(const QString ¬ebookUid) { mKCal::ExtendedCalendar::Ptr calendar(new mKCal::ExtendedCalendar(KDateTime::Spec::LocalZone())); mKCal::ExtendedStorage::Ptr storage = calendar->defaultStorage(calendar); if (!storage->open()) { qWarning() << "Unable to open calendar DB"; return false; } if (!notebookUid.isEmpty()) { if (! (storage->defaultNotebook() && storage->defaultNotebook()->uid() == notebookUid)) { mKCal::Notebook::Ptr notebook = storage->notebook(notebookUid); if (notebook) { // TODO: should we change default notebook back if we change it? storage->setDefaultNotebook(notebook); } else { qWarning() << "Invalid notebook UID" << notebookUid; return false; } } } if (importFromFile(mFileName, calendar)) storage->save(); storage->close(); return true; }
void Surface_Radiance_Plugin::importFromFileDialog() { QStringList fileNames = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(m_schnapps, "Import surface with radiance", m_schnapps->getAppPath(), "Surface with radiance Files (*.ply)"); QStringList::Iterator it = fileNames.begin(); while(it != fileNames.end()) { importFromFile(*it); ++it; } }
MStatus FileTranslator::reader ( const MFileObject& file, const MString& options, MPxFileTranslator::FileAccessMode mode ) { MStatus status ( MS::kSuccess ); try { #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 800 if ( mode == MPxFileTranslator::kReferenceAccessMode ) { int optionValue; MGlobal::executeCommand ( "optionVar -q \"referenceOptionsSharedReference\";", optionValue ); if ( optionValue != 0 ) { #ifdef WIN32 MessageBox ( NULL, "Maya may now hang. Do disable the reference option named: \"Shared Reference Nodes\".", "POSSIBLE HANG", MB_OK ); #endif } } #endif // Maya 8.0 and 8.5 #if defined (OSMac_) char nameBuffer[MAXPATHLEN]; strcpy ( nameBuffer, file.fullName().asChar() ); const MString filename ( nameBuffer ); #else const MString filename = file.fullName(); #endif // OSMac // Process the import options ImportOptions::set ( options, mode ); if (ImportOptions::hasError()) status = MStatus::kFailure; // Import the COLLADA DAE file status = importFromFile ( filename.asChar() ); } catch ( COLLADABU::Exception* exception ) { MGlobal::displayWarning ( exception->getMessage().c_str() ); } catch ( ... ) { MGlobal::displayWarning ( "ColladaMaya has thrown an exception!" ); } return status; }
KrBookmarkHandler::KrBookmarkHandler(FileManagerWindow *mainWindow) : QObject(mainWindow->widget()), _mainWindow(mainWindow), _middleClick(false), _mainBookmarkPopup(0), _specialBookmarks() { // create our own action collection and make the shortcuts apply only to parent _privateCollection = new KActionCollection(this); _collection = _mainWindow->actions(); // create _root: father of all bookmarks. it is a dummy bookmark and never shown _root = new KrBookmark(i18n("Bookmarks")); _root->setParent(this); // load bookmarks importFromFile(); // hack QString filename = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + QLatin1Char('/') + BOOKMARKS_FILE; manager = KBookmarkManager::managerForFile(filename, QStringLiteral("krusader")); connect(manager, SIGNAL(changed(const QString&, const QString&)), this, SLOT(bookmarksChanged(const QString&, const QString&))); }
bool NemoCalendarImportModel::importToMemory(const QString &fileName) { if (!mEventList.isEmpty()) mEventList.clear(); beginResetModel(); KCalCore::MemoryCalendar::Ptr cal(new KCalCore::MemoryCalendar(KDateTime::Spec::LocalZone())); importFromFile(fileName, cal); KCalCore::Incidence::List incidenceList = cal->incidences(); for (int i = 0; i < incidenceList.size(); i++) { KCalCore::Incidence::Ptr incidence =; if (incidence->type() == KCalCore::IncidenceBase::TypeEvent) mEventList.append(incidence.staticCast<KCalCore::Event>()); } if (!mEventList.isEmpty()) qSort(mEventList.begin(), mEventList.end(), incidenceLessThan); endResetModel(); emit countChanged(); return true; }
/** The main program. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Parameters param(argc, argv); // parse the command-line arguments if(param.noOfNodes() == std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() || param.noOfEdges() ==std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()) { STXXL_MSG("Either number of vertices or edges is not speicifed. Exiting!!!"); return 0; } Graph inputGraph(param.noOfNodes(),param.noOfEdges()); if (param.randomGraph()) { STXXL_MSG("Generating random graph"); inputGraph.generateGraph(); inputGraph.printGraph(); } else if (param.importInputFilename() != "") { // import graph from file STXXL_MSG("Import graph" << std::endl ); if(param.otherGraph()) importFromFile(param.importInputFilename(),inputGraph ); else importEdgeVector( param.importInputFilename(),inputGraph ); } // export input graph if (param.outputFilename() != "") { STXXL_MSG("Export graph" << std::endl ); std::ofstream outFile(param.outputFilename().c_str()); exportEdgeVector(outFile, inputGraph); } stxxl::stats_data stats_begin(*stxxl::stats::get_instance()); stxxl::timer Timer; MST mst(inputGraph.getNoVertices()); mst.clearMST(); float B = (float) BLOCK_SIZE/(float)(sizeof(Edge)); float M = (10 * 1024 * 1024)/(float)(sizeof(Edge)); float N = param.noOfNodes()+2*param.noOfEdges(); STXXL_MSG("N: "<<N<<" M: "<<M<<" B: "<<B<<" Sizeof Edge: "<<sizeof(Edge)); if(N > M) { stxxl::stats_data stats_begin(*stxxl::stats::get_instance()); Timer.reset(); Timer.start(); stage(inputGraph,mst); STXXL_MSG("Part-1 build elapsed time: " << (Timer.mseconds() / 1000.) <<" seconds : " << (double(inputGraph.getNoEdges()) / (Timer.mseconds() / 1000.)) << " edges per sec"); std::cout << stats_total; } if(inputGraph.getNoEdges() != 0) { stats_begin = *stxxl::stats::get_instance(); Timer.reset(); Timer.start(); ExternalPrim prim; prim.buildMST(inputGraph,mst); STXXL_MSG("MST build elapsed time: " << (Timer.mseconds() / 1000.) <<" seconds : " << (double(inputGraph.getNoEdges()) / (Timer.mseconds() / 1000.)) << " edges per sec"); std::cout << stxxl::stats_data(*stxxl::stats::get_instance()) - stats_begin; } mst.printMST(); return 0; }
TranslationMatrix::TranslationMatrix(const string& inputFile) { importFromFile(inputFile); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { char tmpName[FILENAME_MAX] = {0}; char *gkpName = NULL; char *tigName = NULL; int32 tigVers = -1; int32 tigPart = -1; int64 ctgBgn = -1; int64 ctgEnd = -1; char *ctgName = NULL; char *outName = NULL; char *inName = NULL; bool forceCompute = false; int32 numFailures = 0; int32 numSkipped = 0; bool useUnitig = false; bool showResult = false; CNS_Options options = { CNS_OPTIONS_SPLIT_ALLELES_DEFAULT, CNS_OPTIONS_MIN_ANCHOR_DEFAULT, CNS_OPTIONS_DO_PHASING_DEFAULT }; // Comminucate to MultiAlignment_CNS.c that we are doing consensus and not cgw. thisIsConsensus = 1; argc = AS_configure(argc, argv); int arg=1; int err=0; while (arg < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-g") == 0) { gkpName = argv[++arg]; } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-t") == 0) { tigName = argv[++arg]; tigVers = atoi(argv[++arg]); tigPart = atoi(argv[++arg]); } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-c") == 0) { AS_UTL_decodeRange(argv[++arg], ctgBgn, ctgEnd); } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-T") == 0) { ctgName = argv[++arg]; } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-O") == 0) { outName = argv[++arg]; } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-I") == 0) { inName = argv[++arg]; } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-f") == 0) { forceCompute = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-U") == 0) { useUnitig = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-v") == 0) { showResult = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-V") == 0) { VERBOSE_MULTIALIGN_OUTPUT++; } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-w") == 0) { options.smooth_win = atoi(argv[++arg]); } else if (strcmp(argv[arg], "-P") == 0) { options.do_phasing = atoi(argv[++arg]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[arg]); err++; } arg++; } if ((err) || (gkpName == NULL) || (tigName == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -g gkpStore -t tigStore version partition [opts]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " -c b Compute only contig ID 'b' (must be in the correct partition!)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c b-e Compute only contigs from ID 'b' to ID 'e'\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -T file Test the computation of the contig layout in 'file'\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f Recompute contigs that already have a multialignment\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -U Reuse the unitig consensus for contigs with only a single\n"); fprintf(stderr, " unitig (EXPERIMENTAL!)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -O file Don't update tigStore, dump a binary file instead.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -I file Import binary file into tigStore\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v Show multialigns.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -V Enable debugging option 'verbosemultialign'.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -w ws Smoothing window size\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } // Open both stores for read only. gkpStore = new gkStore(gkpName, false, false); tigStore = new MultiAlignStore(tigName, tigVers, 0, tigPart, false, false, false); gkpStore->gkStore_loadPartition(tigPart); // Decide on what to compute. Either all contigs, or a single contig, or a special case test. uint32 b = 0; uint32 e = tigStore->numContigs(); if (ctgBgn != -1) { b = ctgBgn; e = ctgEnd + 1; } FORCE_UNITIG_ABUT = 1; if (ctgName != NULL) { errno = 0; FILE *F = fopen(ctgName, "r"); if (errno) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open input contig file '%s': %s\n", ctgName, strerror(errno)), exit(1); MultiAlignT *ma = CreateEmptyMultiAlignT(); bool isUnitig = false; while (LoadMultiAlignFromHuman(ma, isUnitig, F) == true) { if (ma->maID < 0) ma->maID = (isUnitig) ? tigStore->numUnitigs() : tigStore->numContigs(); if (MultiAlignContig(ma, gkpStore, &options)) { if (showResult) PrintMultiAlignT(stdout, ma, gkpStore, false, false, AS_READ_CLEAR_LATEST); } else { fprintf(stderr, "MultiAlignContig()-- contig %d failed.\n", ma->maID); numFailures++; } } DeleteMultiAlignT(ma); b = e = 0; } // Reopen for writing, if we have work to do. if (((inName) || (b < e)) && (outName == NULL)) { delete tigStore; tigStore = new MultiAlignStore(tigName, tigVers, 0, tigPart, true, false, true); } if (inName) { importFromFile(inName, tigPart); b = e = 0; } // Now the usual case. Iterate over all contigs, compute and update. for (uint32 i=b; i<e; i++) { MultiAlignT *cma = tigStore->loadMultiAlign(i, false); if (cma == NULL) { // Not in our partition, or deleted. continue; } bool exists = (cma->consensus != NULL) && (GetNumchars(cma->consensus) > 1); if ((forceCompute == false) && (exists == true)) { // Already finished contig consensus. fprintf(stderr, "Working on contig %d (%d unitigs and %d fragments) - already computed, skipped\n", cma->maID, cma->data.num_unitigs, cma->data.num_frags); numSkipped++; tigStore->unloadMultiAlign(cma->maID, false); continue; } int32 uID = GetIntUnitigPos(cma->u_list, 0)->ident; // If this is a surrogate, we CANNOT reuse the unitig. We need to process the contig so that // the unplaced reads are stripped out. A surrogate should have different contig and unitig // IDs; we could also check the contig status. if ((cma->data.num_unitigs == 1) && (cma->maID == uID) && (useUnitig == true)) { fprintf(stderr, "Working on contig %d (%d unitigs and %d fragments) - reusing unitig %d consensus\n", cma->maID, cma->data.num_unitigs, cma->data.num_frags, uID); MultiAlignT *uma = tigStore->loadMultiAlign(uID, true); uma->data = cma->data; tigStore->unloadMultiAlign(cma->maID, false); if (outName) writeToOutFile(outName, tigPart, uma); else tigStore->insertMultiAlign(uma, false, false); tigStore->unloadMultiAlign(uma->maID, true); continue; } fprintf(stderr, "Working on contig %d (%d unitigs and %d fragments)%s\n", cma->maID, cma->data.num_unitigs, cma->data.num_frags, (exists) ? " - already computed, recomputing" : ""); if (MultiAlignContig(cma, gkpStore, &options)) { if (outName) writeToOutFile(outName, tigPart, cma); else tigStore->insertMultiAlign(cma, false, true); if (showResult) PrintMultiAlignT(stdout, cma, gkpStore, false, false, AS_READ_CLEAR_LATEST); tigStore->unloadMultiAlign(cma->maID, false); } else { fprintf(stderr, "MultiAlignContig()-- contig %d failed.\n", cma->maID); numFailures++; } } delete tigStore; fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "NumColumnsInUnitigs = %d\n", NumColumnsInUnitigs); fprintf(stderr, "NumGapsInUnitigs = %d\n", NumGapsInUnitigs); fprintf(stderr, "NumRunsOfGapsInUnitigReads = %d\n", NumRunsOfGapsInUnitigReads); fprintf(stderr, "NumColumnsInContigs = %d\n", NumColumnsInContigs); fprintf(stderr, "NumGapsInContigs = %d\n", NumGapsInContigs); fprintf(stderr, "NumRunsOfGapsInContigReads = %d\n", NumRunsOfGapsInContigReads); fprintf(stderr, "NumAAMismatches = %d\n", NumAAMismatches); fprintf(stderr, "NumVARRecords = %d\n", NumVARRecords); fprintf(stderr, "NumVARStringsWithFlankingGaps = %d\n", NumVARStringsWithFlankingGaps); fprintf(stderr, "NumUnitigRetrySuccess = %d\n", NumUnitigRetrySuccess); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); if (numFailures) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Total number of contig failures = %d\n", numFailures); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Consensus did NOT finish successfully.\n"); return(1); } fprintf(stderr, "Consensus finished successfully. Bye.\n"); return(0); }
void ewol::resource::DistanceFieldFont::init(const std::string& _fontName) { std11::unique_lock<std11::recursive_mutex> lock(m_mutex); ewol::resource::Texture::init(_fontName); std::string localName = _fontName; std::vector<std::string> folderList; if (true == ewol::getContext().getFontDefault().getUseExternal()) { #if defined(__TARGET_OS__Android) folderList.push_back("ROOT:system/fonts"); #elif defined(__TARGET_OS__Linux) folderList.push_back("ROOT:usr/share/fonts/truetype"); #endif } std::string applicationBaseFont = ewol::getContext().getFontDefault().getFolder(); std::vector<std::string> applicationBaseFontList = etk::FSNodeExplodeMultiplePath(applicationBaseFont); for (auto &it : applicationBaseFontList) { folderList.push_back(it); } for (size_t folderID = 0; folderID < folderList.size() ; folderID++) { etk::FSNode myFolder(folderList[folderID]); // find the real Font name : std::vector<std::string> output; myFolder.folderGetRecursiveFiles(output); std::vector<std::string> split = etk::split(localName, ';'); EWOL_INFO("try to find font named : " << split << " in: " << myFolder); //EWOL_CRITICAL("parse string : " << split); bool hasFindAFont = false; for (size_t jjj=0; jjj<split.size(); jjj++) { EWOL_INFO(" try with : '" << split[jjj] << "'"); for (size_t iii=0; iii<output.size(); iii++) { //EWOL_DEBUG(" file : " << output[iii]); if( true == etk::end_with(output[iii], split[jjj]+"-"+"regular"+".ttf", false) || true == etk::end_with(output[iii], split[jjj]+"-"+"r"+".ttf", false) || true == etk::end_with(output[iii], split[jjj]+"regular"+".ttf", false) || true == etk::end_with(output[iii], split[jjj]+"r"+".ttf", false) || true == etk::end_with(output[iii], split[jjj]+".ttf", false)) { EWOL_INFO(" find Font [Regular] : " << output[iii]); m_fileName = output[iii]; hasFindAFont=true; break; } } if (hasFindAFont == true) { EWOL_INFO(" find this font : '" << split[jjj] << "'"); break; } else if (jjj == split.size()-1) { EWOL_ERROR("Find NO font in the LIST ... " << split); } } if (hasFindAFont == true) { EWOL_INFO(" find this font : '" << folderList[folderID] << "'"); break; } else if (folderID == folderList.size()-1) { EWOL_ERROR("Find NO font in the LIST ... " << folderList); } } if (m_fileName.size() == 0) { EWOL_ERROR("can not load FONT name : '" << m_fileName << "'" ); m_font = nullptr; return; } EWOL_INFO("Load FONT name : '" << m_fileName << "'"); m_font = ewol::resource::FontFreeType::create(m_fileName); if (m_font == nullptr) { EWOL_ERROR("Pb Loading FONT name : '" << m_fileName << "'" ); } // set the bassic charset: m_listElement.clear(); if (m_font == nullptr) { return; } if (importFromFile() == true) { EWOL_INFO("GET distance field from previous file"); flush(); return; } m_sizeRatio = ((float)SIZE_GENERATION) / ((float)m_font->getHeight(SIZE_GENERATION)); // TODO : basic font use 512 is better ... == > maybe estimate it with the dpi ??? setImageSize(ivec2(256,32)); // now we can acces directly on the image m_data.clear(etk::Color<>(0x00000000)); // add error glyph addGlyph(0); // by default we set only the first AINSI char availlable for (int32_t iii=0x20; iii<0x7F; iii++) { addGlyph(iii); } flush(); //exportOnFile(); }
bool importFromFile(const std::string fileName, const std::string& xmlPath){ return importFromFile(fileName.c_str(), xmlPath); }