void ConvexFeature::testEdge(ConvexFeature* cf,const Point3F& s1, const Point3F& e1, CollisionList* cList, F32 tol)
   F32 tolSquared = tol*tol;

   // Test edges against edges
   const Edge* edge = mEdgeList.begin();
   const Edge* end  = mEdgeList.end();
   for (; edge != end; edge++) {
      if (cList->getCount() >= CollisionList::MaxCollisions)

      const Point3F& s2 = mVertexList[edge->vertex[0]];
      const Point3F& e2 = mVertexList[edge->vertex[1]];

      // Get the distance and closest points
      Point3F i1,i2;
      F32 distance = sqrDistanceEdges(s1, e1, s2, e2, &i1, &i2);
      if (distance > tolSquared)
      distance = mSqrt(distance);

      // Need to figure out how to orient the collision normal.
      // The current test involves checking to see whether the collision
      // points are contained within the convex volumes, which is slow.
      if (inVolume(i1) || cf->inVolume(i2))
         distance = -distance;

      // Contact normal
      VectorF normal = i1 - i2;
      if ( mIsZero( distance ) )
         normal *= 1 / distance;

      // Return a collision
      Collision& info = cList->increment();
      info.point    = i1;
      info.normal   = normal;
      info.distance = distance;
      info.material = material;
      info.object   = object;
bool ompl::geometric::BallTreeRRTstar::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
    base::Goal                 *goal   = pdef_->getGoal().get();
    base::GoalSampleableRegion *goal_s = dynamic_cast<base::GoalSampleableRegion*>(goal);

    if (!goal)
        msg_.error("Goal undefined");
        return false;

    while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())
        Motion *motion = new Motion(si_, rO_);
        si_->copyState(motion->state, st);

    if (nn_->size() == 0)
        msg_.error("There are no valid initial states!");
        return false;

    if (!sampler_)
        sampler_ = si_->allocStateSampler();

    msg_.inform("Starting with %u states", nn_->size());

    Motion *solution       = NULL;
    Motion *approximation  = NULL;
    double approximatedist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    bool sufficientlyShort = false;

    Motion *rmotion   = new Motion(si_, rO_);
    Motion *toTrim    = NULL;
    base::State *rstate = rmotion->state;
    base::State *xstate = si_->allocState();
    base::State *tstate = si_->allocState();
    std::vector<Motion*> solCheck;
    std::vector<Motion*> nbh;
    std::vector<double>  dists;
    std::vector<int>     valid;
    long unsigned int    rewireTest = 0;

    std::pair<base::State*,double> lastValid(tstate, 0.0);

    while (ptc() == false)
        bool rejected = false;

        /* sample until a state not within any of the existing volumes is found */
            /* sample random state (with goal biasing) */
            if (goal_s && rng_.uniform01() < goalBias_ && goal_s->canSample())

            /* check to see if it is inside an existing volume */
            if (inVolume(rstate))
                rejected = true;

                /* see if the state is valid */
                    /* if it's not, reduce the size of the nearest volume to the distance
                       between its center and the rejected state */
                    toTrim = nn_->nearest(rmotion);
                    double newRad = si_->distance(toTrim->state, rstate);
                    if (newRad < toTrim->volRadius)
                        toTrim->volRadius = newRad;


                rejected = false;

        while (rejected);

        /* find closest state in the tree */
        Motion *nmotion = nn_->nearest(rmotion);

        base::State *dstate = rstate;

        /* find state to add */
        double d = si_->distance(nmotion->state, rstate);
        if (d > maxDistance_)
            si_->getStateSpace()->interpolate(nmotion->state, rstate, maxDistance_ / d, xstate);
            dstate = xstate;

        if (si_->checkMotion(nmotion->state, dstate, lastValid))
            /* create a motion */
            double distN = si_->distance(dstate, nmotion->state);
            Motion *motion = new Motion(si_, rO_);
            si_->copyState(motion->state, dstate);
            motion->parent = nmotion;
            motion->cost = nmotion->cost + distN;

            /* find nearby neighbors */
            double r = std::min(ballRadiusConst_ * (sqrt(log((double)(1 + nn_->size())) / ((double)(nn_->size())))),

            nn_->nearestR(motion, r, nbh);
            rewireTest += nbh.size();

            // cache for distance computations
            // cache for motion validity
            std::fill(valid.begin(), valid.end(), 0);

            if (delayCC_)
                // calculate all costs and distances
                for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nbh.size() ; ++i)
                    if (nbh[i] != nmotion)
                        double c = nbh[i]->cost + si_->distance(nbh[i]->state, dstate);
                        nbh[i]->cost = c;

                // sort the nodes
                std::sort(nbh.begin(), nbh.end(), compareMotion);

                for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nbh.size() ; ++i)
                    if (nbh[i] != nmotion)
                        dists[i] = si_->distance(nbh[i]->state, dstate);
                        nbh[i]->cost -= dists[i];
                // collision check until a valid motion is found
                for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nbh.size() ; ++i)
                    if (nbh[i] != nmotion)

                        dists[i] = si_->distance(nbh[i]->state, dstate);
                        double c = nbh[i]->cost + dists[i];
                        if (c < motion->cost)
                            if (si_->checkMotion(nbh[i]->state, dstate, lastValid))
                                motion->cost = c;
                                motion->parent = nbh[i];
                                valid[i] = 1;
                                valid[i] = -1;
                                /* if a collision is found, trim radius to distance from motion to last valid state */
                                double nR = si_->distance(nbh[i]->state, lastValid.first);
                                if (nR < nbh[i]->volRadius)
                                    nbh[i]->volRadius = nR;
                        valid[i] = 1;
                        dists[i] = distN;

                /* find which one we connect the new state to*/
                for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nbh.size() ; ++i)
                    if (nbh[i] != nmotion)

                        dists[i] = si_->distance(nbh[i]->state, dstate);
                        double c = nbh[i]->cost + dists[i];
                        if (c < motion->cost)
                            if (si_->checkMotion(nbh[i]->state, dstate, lastValid))
                                motion->cost = c;
                                motion->parent = nbh[i];
                                valid[i] = 1;
                                valid[i] = -1;
                                /* if a collision is found, trim radius to distance from motion to last valid state */
                                double newR = si_->distance(nbh[i]->state, lastValid.first);
                                if (newR < nbh[i]->volRadius)
                                    nbh[i]->volRadius = newR;

                        valid[i] = 1;
                        dists[i] = distN;

            /* add motion to tree */

            solCheck[0] = motion;

            /* rewire tree if needed */
            for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < nbh.size() ; ++i)
                if (nbh[i] != motion->parent)
                    double c = motion->cost + dists[i];
                    if (c < nbh[i]->cost)
                        bool v = false;
                        if (valid[i] == 0)
                            if(!si_->checkMotion(nbh[i]->state, dstate, lastValid))
                                /* if a collision is found, trim radius to distance from motion to last valid state */
                                double R =  si_->distance(nbh[i]->state, lastValid.first);
                                if (R < nbh[i]->volRadius)
                                    nbh[i]->volRadius = R;
                                v = true;
                        if (valid[i] == 1)
                            v = true;

                        if (v)
                            // Remove this node from its parent list
                            removeFromParent (nbh[i]);
                            double delta = c - nbh[i]->cost;

                            nbh[i]->parent = motion;
                            nbh[i]->cost = c;

                            // Update the costs of the node's children
                            updateChildCosts(nbh[i], delta);

            // check if we found a solution
            for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < solCheck.size() ; ++i)
                double dist = 0.0;
                bool solved = goal->isSatisfied(solCheck[i]->state, &dist);
                sufficientlyShort = solved ? goal->isPathLengthSatisfied(solCheck[i]->cost) : false;

                if (solved)
                    if (sufficientlyShort)
                        solution = solCheck[i];
                    else if (!solution || (solCheck[i]->cost < solution->cost))
                        solution = solCheck[i];
                else if (!solution && dist < approximatedist)
                    approximation = solCheck[i];
                    approximatedist = dist;

            // terminate if a sufficient solution is found
            if (solution && sufficientlyShort)
            /* if a collision is found, trim radius to distance from motion to last valid state */
            toTrim = nn_->nearest(nmotion);
            double newRadius =  si_->distance(toTrim->state, lastValid.first);
            if (newRadius < toTrim->volRadius)
                toTrim->volRadius = newRadius;

    double solutionCost;
    bool approximate = (solution == NULL);
    bool addedSolution = false;
    if (approximate)
        solution = approximation;
        solutionCost = approximatedist;
        solutionCost = solution->cost;

    if (solution != NULL)
        // construct the solution path
        std::vector<Motion*> mpath;
        while (solution != NULL)
            solution = solution->parent;

        // set the solution path
        PathGeometric *path = new PathGeometric(si_);
        for (int i = mpath.size() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i)
        goal->addSolutionPath(base::PathPtr(path), approximate, solutionCost);
        addedSolution = true;

    if (rmotion->state)
    delete rmotion;

    msg_.inform("Created %u states. Checked %lu rewire options.", nn_->size(), rewireTest);

    return addedSolution;