//frontier for hegemony
int frontier (char * b, char color) {
  int f = 0;
  int in_frontier = 0;
  int i;
  int j;
  for (i = 0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j<BOARD_SIZE; j++) {
      in_frontier = 0;
      if (get_cell(i,j,b) != color) {
	if (in_board(i,j+1)) {
	  if (get_cell(i,j+1,b)==color) {
	    in_frontier = 1;
	if (in_board(i,j-1)) {
	  if (get_cell(i,j-1,b)==color) {
	    in_frontier = 1;
	if (in_board(i+1,j)) {
	  if (get_cell(i+1,j,b)==color) {
	    in_frontier = 1;
	if (in_board(i-1,j)) {
	  if (get_cell(i-1,j,b)==color) {
	    in_frontier = 1;
	f += in_frontier;
  return f;
//available space for starve strategy
int available(char* b, char color) {
  int matrix[BOARD_SIZE * BOARD_SIZE] = {0};
  int av = 0;
  int otherPlayer = other(color);
  char change = 1;
  int i = 0;
  int j = 0;
  for (i = 0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j<BOARD_SIZE; j++) {
      if (get_cell(i,j,b) == color) {
        matrix[j*BOARD_SIZE + i] = 1;
        av += 1;
  while (change) {
    change = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < BOARD_SIZE; j++) {
        if (get_cell(i,j,b) != otherPlayer && !matrix[j*BOARD_SIZE + i]){
          if (in_board(i+1, j)) {
            if (matrix[j*BOARD_SIZE + i+1]){
              matrix[j*BOARD_SIZE + i] = 1;
              change = 1;
          if (in_board(i-1, j)) {
            if (matrix[j*BOARD_SIZE + i-1]){
              matrix[j*BOARD_SIZE + i] = 1;
              change = 1;
          if (in_board(i, j+1)) {
              if (matrix[(j+1)*BOARD_SIZE + i]) {
                matrix[j*BOARD_SIZE + i] = 1;
                change = 1;
          if (in_board(i, j-1)) {
            if (matrix[(j-1)*BOARD_SIZE + i]) {
              matrix[j*BOARD_SIZE + i] = 1;
              change = 1;
        av += matrix[j*BOARD_SIZE + i];
return av;
//update, given player, choice and board
void update_board(char player, char color, char * b) {
  int i,j;
  int change = 0;
  for (i=0; i<BOARD_SIZE; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<BOARD_SIZE; j++) {
      if (get_cell(i,j,b) == color) {
	if (in_board(i-1,j)) {if (get_cell(i-1,j,b) == player) {set_cell(i,j,player,b); change = 1;}}
	if (in_board(i+1,j)) {if (get_cell(i+1,j,b) == player) {set_cell(i,j,player,b); change = 1;}}
	if (in_board(i,j-1)) {if (get_cell(i,j-1,b) == player) {set_cell(i,j,player,b); change = 1;}}
	if (in_board(i,j+1)) {if (get_cell(i,j+1,b) == player) {set_cell(i,j,player,b); change = 1;}}
  if (change) {update_board(player, color, b );}
void game::on_event(const SDL_Event& event) {
  if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN &&
      event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) {
    if (in_board()) {
      if (m_active_special) {
        const int digit = m_board.get_digit(m_selx, m_sely);

        // Attempt a special move
        if (m_active_special->m_type == special_move::nuke && digit == -1) {
          clear_3x3(m_selx, m_sely);
          m_active_special->m_type = special_move::none;

        if (m_active_special->m_type == special_move::clear_digit &&
            digit != -1) {
          for (int y = 0; y != 9; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x != 9; ++x)
              if (m_board.get_digit(x, y) == digit) m_board.set_digit(x, y, -1);

          m_active_special->m_type = special_move::none;

        m_active_special = 0;
      } else {

      if (m_queue.digits_left() == 0 || m_board.get_filled() == 0) end_game();

    for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
      if (m_specials[i].m_button.click(event.button) &&
          m_specials[i].m_type != special_move::none)

    if (m_quit.click(event.button)) m_sm.set_next_state("title");

  if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) {
    // Check if the cursor is inside the board
    int mx = event.motion.x;
    int my = event.motion.y;

    if (mx >= board_xpos && mx < (board_xpos + 32 * 9) && my >= board_ypos &&
        my < (board_ypos + 32 * 9)) {
      m_selx = (mx - board_xpos) / 32;
      m_sely = (my - board_ypos) / 32;
    } else {
      m_selx = -1;
      m_sely = -1;


    for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i)
      if (m_specials[i].m_type != special_move::none)
void game::do_digit() {
  if (in_board() && m_board.get_digit(m_selx, m_sely) == -1) {
    int board_digit = m_board.get_3x3_sum(m_selx, m_sely) % 10;
    int queue_digit = m_queue.take();

    if (board_digit == queue_digit) {
      // Ding, clear the 3x3 square
      int cleared = clear_3x3(m_selx, m_sely);
      if (cleared > 3) {
        m_bonus += cleared * 100;
        m_bonusanims.push_back(bonus_anim(m_bonus_gfx, cleared,
                                          board_xpos + (m_selx * 32) - 29,
                                          board_ypos + (m_sely * 32) - 8));
    } else {
      // Oh noes, place the queue digit
      m_board.set_digit(m_selx, m_sely, queue_digit);
      if (m_board.get_cleared() == 0) end_game();
void game::on_draw(sdl_surface& screen) {
  SDL_BlitSurface(m_bkg, 0, screen, 0);

  // TODO: Do this once to a surface at game instantiation
  SDL_Rect board_bkg_dest = {34, 100};
  SDL_BlitSurface(m_board_bkg, 0, screen, &board_bkg_dest);
  SDL_Rect queue_bkg_dest = {354, 100};
  SDL_BlitSurface(m_queue_bkg, 0, screen, &queue_bkg_dest);

  m_board.draw(screen, board_xpos, board_ypos);
  m_queue.draw(screen, queue_xpos, queue_ypos);

  for (std::list<tile_anim>::iterator ai = m_anims.begin();
       ai != m_anims.end();) {
    if (ai->tick())
      ai = m_anims.erase(ai);

  if (in_board() && m_board.get_digit(m_selx, m_sely) == -1) {
    // Draw the selection
    int lx = std::max(0, m_selx - 1);
    int hx = std::min(9, m_selx + 2);
    int ly = std::max(0, m_sely - 1);
    int hy = std::min(9, m_sely + 2);

    // Draw corners
    SDL_Rect dest, src = {0, 0, 8, 8};  // Top left
    dest.x = board_xpos + lx * 32 - 8;
    dest.y = board_ypos + ly * 32 - 8;
    SDL_BlitSurface(m_selection, &src, screen, &dest);
    src.x = 104;  // Top right
    dest.x = board_xpos + hx * 32;
    dest.y = board_ypos + ly * 32 - 8;
    SDL_BlitSurface(m_selection, &src, screen, &dest);
    src.y = 104;  // Bottom right
    dest.x = board_xpos + hx * 32;
    dest.y = board_ypos + hy * 32;
    SDL_BlitSurface(m_selection, &src, screen, &dest);
    src.x = 0;  // Bottom left
    dest.x = board_xpos + lx * 32 - 8;
    dest.y = board_ypos + hy * 32;
    SDL_BlitSurface(m_selection, &src, screen, &dest);

    // Draw top & bottom
    src.x = 8;
    src.w = 32;
    for (int x = lx; x != hx; ++x)  // Top & bottom
      src.y = 0;
      dest.x = board_xpos + x * 32;
      dest.y = board_ypos + ly * 32 - 8;
      SDL_BlitSurface(m_selection, &src, screen, &dest);
      src.y = 104;
      dest.y = board_ypos + hy * 32;
      SDL_BlitSurface(m_selection, &src, screen, &dest);
    src.y = 8;
    src.w = 8;
    src.h = 32;
    for (int y = ly; y != hy; ++y)  // Left & right
      src.x = 0;
      dest.x = board_xpos + lx * 32 - 8;
      dest.y = board_ypos + y * 32;
      SDL_BlitSurface(m_selection, &src, screen, &dest);
      src.x = 104;
      dest.x = board_xpos + hx * 32;
      SDL_BlitSurface(m_selection, &src, screen, &dest);

    int queue_digit = m_queue.top();
    if (queue_digit != -1) {
      // Fade the queue digit in a pleasant manner
      int digit_alpha =
          96 + static_cast<int>(std::sin(SDL_GetTicks() / 300.0) * 48);
      SDL_Rect src = {Sint16(queue_digit * 32), 0, 32, 32};
      SDL_Rect dest = {Sint16(board_xpos + m_selx * 32),
                       Sint16(board_ypos + m_sely * 32)};
      SDL_SetAlpha(m_digits, SDL_SRCALPHA, digit_alpha);
      SDL_BlitSurface(m_digits, &src, screen, &dest);
      SDL_SetAlpha(m_digits, 0, 255);


  for (int i = 0; i != 3; ++i) {
    if (m_specials[i].m_type != special_move::none) {

  for (auto ai = m_bonusanims.begin(); ai != m_bonusanims.end();) {
    if (ai->tick()) {
      ai = m_bonusanims.erase(ai);
    } else {