/* * Summon a creature of the specified type * * XXX XXX XXX This function is rather dangerous */ static void do_cmd_wiz_named(int r_idx, bool slp) { int py = p_ptr->py; int px = p_ptr->px; int i, x, y; cave_type *c_ptr; /* Paranoia */ /* if (!r_idx) return; */ /* Prevent illegal monsters */ if (r_idx >= max_r_idx) return; /* Try 10 times */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int d = 1; /* Pick a location */ scatter(&y, &x, py, px, d); /* paranoia */ if (!in_bounds2(y, x)) continue; /* Require empty grids */ c_ptr = area(y, x); if (!cave_empty_grid(c_ptr)) continue; /* Place it (allow groups) */ if (place_monster_aux(y, x, r_idx, slp, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)) break; } }
/* Summon a horde of monsters */ static void do_cmd_summon_horde(void) { int px = p_ptr->px; int py = p_ptr->py; int wy = py, wx = px; int attempts = 1000; cave_type *c_ptr; while (--attempts) { scatter(&wy, &wx, py, px, 3); /* paranoia */ if (!in_bounds2(wy, wx)) continue; c_ptr = area(wy, wx); if (cave_naked_grid(c_ptr)) break; /* Not under the player */ if ((wy == py) && (wx == px)) break; } (void)alloc_horde(wy, wx); }
/* * Recursive fractal algorithm to place water through the dungeon. */ static void recursive_river(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int feat1, int feat2, int width) { int dx, dy, length, l, x, y; int changex, changey; int ty, tx; bool done; cave_type *c_ptr; length = distance(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (length > 4) { /* * Divide path in half and call routine twice. * There is a small chance of splitting the river */ dx = (x2 - x1) / 2; dy = (y2 - y1) / 2; if (dy != 0) { /* perturbation perpendicular to path */ changex = randint1(abs(dy)) * 2 - abs(dy); } else { changex = 0; } if (dx != 0) { /* perturbation perpendicular to path */ changey = randint1(abs(dx)) * 2 - abs(dx); } else { changey = 0; } if (!in_bounds(y1 + dy + changey, x1 + dx + changex)) { changex = 0; changey = 0; } /* construct river out of two smaller ones */ recursive_river(x1, y1, x1 + dx + changex, y1 + dy + changey, feat1, feat2, width); recursive_river(x1 + dx + changex, y1 + dy + changey, x2, y2, feat1, feat2, width); /* Split the river some of the time - junctions look cool */ if (one_in_(DUN_WAT_CHG) && (width > 0)) { recursive_river(x1 + dx + changex, y1 + dy + changey, x1 + 8 * (dx + changex), y1 + 8 * (dy + changey), feat1, feat2, width - 1); } } else { /* Actually build the river */ for (l = 0; l < length; l++) { x = x1 + l * (x2 - x1) / length; y = y1 + l * (y2 - y1) / length; done = FALSE; while (!done) { for (ty = y - width - 1; ty <= y + width + 1; ty++) { for (tx = x - width - 1; tx <= x + width + 1; tx++) { if (!in_bounds2(ty, tx)) continue; c_ptr = &cave[ty][tx]; if (c_ptr->feat == feat1) continue; if (c_ptr->feat == feat2) continue; if (distance(ty, tx, y, x) > rand_spread(width, 1)) continue; /* Do not convert permanent features */ if (cave_perma_grid(c_ptr)) continue; /* * Clear previous contents, add feature * The border mainly gets feat2, while the center gets feat1 */ if (distance(ty, tx, y, x) > width) c_ptr->feat = feat2; else c_ptr->feat = feat1; /* Clear garbage of hidden trap or door */ c_ptr->mimic = 0; /* Lava terrain glows */ if (have_flag(f_info[feat1].flags, FF_LAVA)) { if (!(d_info[dungeon_type].flags1 & DF1_DARKNESS)) c_ptr->info |= CAVE_GLOW; } /* Hack -- don't teleport here */ c_ptr->info |= CAVE_ICKY; } } done = TRUE; } } } }
static void cmd_racial_power_aux(const mutation_type *mut_ptr) { s16b plev = p_ptr->lev; int dir = 0; if (racial_aux(mut_ptr->level, mut_ptr->cost, mut_ptr->stat, mut_ptr->diff)) { switch (p_ptr->prace) { case RACE_DWARF: { msg_print("You examine your surroundings."); (void)detect_traps(); (void)detect_doors(); (void)detect_stairs(); break; } case RACE_HOBBIT: { object_type *q_ptr; object_type forge; /* Get local object */ q_ptr = &forge; /* Create the food ration */ object_prep(q_ptr, 21); /* Drop the object from heaven */ (void)drop_near(q_ptr, -1, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px); msg_print("You cook some food."); break; } case RACE_GNOME: { msg_print("Blink!"); teleport_player(10 + plev); break; } case RACE_HALF_ORC: { msg_print("You play tough."); (void)set_afraid(0); break; } case RACE_HALF_TROLL: { msg_print("RAAAGH!"); if (!p_ptr->shero) { (void)hp_player(30); } (void)set_afraid(0); (void)set_shero(p_ptr->shero + 10 + randint1(plev)); break; } case RACE_AMBERITE: { /* Hack - use levels to choose ability */ if (mut_ptr->level == 30) { msg_print("You picture the Pattern in your mind and walk it..."); (void)set_poisoned(0); (void)set_image(0); (void)set_stun(0); (void)set_cut(0); (void)set_blind(0); (void)set_afraid(0); (void)do_res_stat(A_STR, 200); (void)do_res_stat(A_INT, 200); (void)do_res_stat(A_WIS, 200); (void)do_res_stat(A_DEX, 200); (void)do_res_stat(A_CON, 200); (void)do_res_stat(A_CHR, 200); (void)restore_level(); } else if (mut_ptr->level == 40) { /* No effect in arena or quest */ if (p_ptr->inside_quest) { msg_print("There is no effect."); } else { msg_print("You start walking around. Your surroundings change."); if (autosave_l) do_cmd_save_game(TRUE); /* Leaving */ p_ptr->leaving = TRUE; } } break; } case RACE_BARBARIAN: { msg_print("Raaagh!"); if (!p_ptr->shero) { (void)hp_player(30); } (void)set_afraid(0); (void)set_shero(p_ptr->shero + 10 + randint1(plev)); break; } case RACE_HALF_OGRE: { msg_print("You carefully set an explosive rune..."); (void)explosive_rune(); break; } case RACE_HALF_GIANT: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_print("You bash at a stone wall."); (void)wall_to_mud(dir); break; } case RACE_HALF_TITAN: { msg_print("You examine your foes..."); (void)probing(); break; } case RACE_CYCLOPS: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_print("You throw a huge boulder."); (void)fire_bolt(GF_MISSILE, dir, (3 * plev) / 2); break; } case RACE_YEEK: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_print("You make a horrible scream!"); (void)fear_monster(dir, plev); break; } case RACE_KLACKON: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_print("You spit acid."); if (plev < 25) (void)fire_bolt(GF_ACID, dir, plev); else (void)fire_ball(GF_ACID, dir, plev, 2); break; } case RACE_KOBOLD: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_print("You throw a dart of poison."); (void)fire_bolt(GF_POIS, dir, plev); break; } case RACE_NIBELUNG: { msg_print("You examine your surroundings."); (void)detect_traps(); (void)detect_doors(); (void)detect_stairs(); break; } case RACE_DARK_ELF: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_print("You cast a magic missile."); (void)fire_bolt_or_beam(10, GF_MISSILE, dir, damroll(3 + ((plev - 1) / 5), 4)); break; } case RACE_DRACONIAN: { int Type = (one_in_(3) ? GF_COLD : GF_FIRE); cptr Type_desc = ((Type == GF_COLD) ? "cold" : "fire"); if (randint1(100) < plev) { switch (p_ptr->pclass) { case CLASS_WARRIOR: case CLASS_RANGER: if (one_in_(3)) { Type = GF_MISSILE; Type_desc = "the elements"; } else { Type = GF_SHARDS; Type_desc = "shards"; } break; case CLASS_MAGE: case CLASS_WARRIOR_MAGE: case CLASS_HIGH_MAGE: if (one_in_(3)) { Type = GF_MANA; Type_desc = "mana"; } else { Type = GF_DISENCHANT; Type_desc = "disenchantment"; } break; case CLASS_CHAOS_WARRIOR: if (!one_in_(3)) { Type = GF_CONFUSION; Type_desc = "confusion"; } else { Type = GF_CHAOS; Type_desc = "chaos"; } break; case CLASS_MONK: if (!one_in_(3)) { Type = GF_CONFUSION; Type_desc = "confusion"; } else { Type = GF_SOUND; Type_desc = "sound"; } break; case CLASS_MINDCRAFTER: if (!one_in_(3)) { Type = GF_CONFUSION; Type_desc = "confusion"; } else { Type = GF_PSI; Type_desc = "mental energy"; } break; case CLASS_PRIEST: case CLASS_PALADIN: if (one_in_(3)) { Type = GF_HELL_FIRE; Type_desc = "hellfire"; } else { Type = GF_HOLY_FIRE; Type_desc = "holy fire"; } break; case CLASS_ROGUE: if (one_in_(3)) { Type = GF_DARK; Type_desc = "darkness"; } else { Type = GF_POIS; Type_desc = "poison"; } break; } } if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; msg_format("You breathe %s.", Type_desc); (void)fire_ball(Type, dir, plev * 2, (plev / 15) + 1); break; } case RACE_MIND_FLAYER: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; else { msg_print("You concentrate and your eyes glow red..."); (void)fire_bolt(GF_PSI, dir, plev); } break; } case RACE_IMP: { if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; if (plev >= 30) { msg_print("You cast a ball of fire."); (void)fire_ball(GF_FIRE, dir, plev, 2); } else { msg_print("You cast a bolt of fire."); (void)fire_bolt(GF_FIRE, dir, plev); } break; } case RACE_GOLEM: { (void)set_shield(p_ptr->shield + rand_range(30, 50)); break; } case RACE_SKELETON: case RACE_ZOMBIE: { msg_print("You attempt to restore your lost energies."); (void)restore_level(); break; } case RACE_VAMPIRE: { int y, x, dummy; cave_type *c_ptr; /* Only works on adjacent monsters */ if (!get_rep_dir(&dir)) break; y = p_ptr->py + ddy[dir]; x = p_ptr->px + ddx[dir]; /* Paranoia */ if (!in_bounds2(y, x)) break; c_ptr = area(y, x); if (!c_ptr->m_idx) { msg_print("You bite into thin air!"); break; } msg_print("You grin and bare your fangs..."); dummy = plev + randint1(plev) * MAX(1, plev / 10); /* Dmg */ if (drain_gain_life(dir, dummy)) { /* Gain nutritional sustenance: 150/hp drained */ /* A Food ration gives 5000 food points (by contrast) */ /* Don't ever get more than "Full" this way */ /* But if we ARE Gorged, it won't cure us */ dummy = p_ptr->food + MIN(5000, 100 * dummy); if (p_ptr->food < PY_FOOD_MAX) /* Not gorged already */ (void)set_food(dummy >= PY_FOOD_MAX ? PY_FOOD_MAX - 1 : dummy); } else msg_print("Yechh. That tastes foul."); break; } case RACE_SPECTRE: { msg_print("You emit an eldritch howl!"); if (!get_aim_dir(&dir)) break; (void)fear_monster(dir, plev); break; } case RACE_SPRITE: { msg_print("You throw some magic dust..."); if (plev < 25) (void)sleep_monsters_touch(); else (void)sleep_monsters(); break; } case RACE_GHOUL: { if (mut_ptr->level == 30) { /* Sense living */ (void)detect_monsters_living(); } else { eat_corpse(); } break; } default: msg_print("This race has no bonus power."); p_ptr->energy_use = 0; } } /* Redraw mana and hp */ p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_HP | PR_MANA); /* Window stuff */ p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER | PW_SPELL); }
/* * Places "streamers" of rock through dungeon * * Note that their are actually six different terrain features used * to represent streamers. Three each of magma and quartz, one for * basic vein, one with hidden gold, and one with known gold. The * hidden gold types are currently unused. */ void build_streamer(int feat, int chance) { int i, tx, ty; int y, x, dir; int dummy = 0; cave_type *c_ptr; feature_type *f_ptr; feature_type *streamer_ptr = &f_info[feat]; bool streamer_is_wall = have_flag(streamer_ptr->flags, FF_WALL) && !have_flag(streamer_ptr->flags, FF_PERMANENT); bool streamer_may_have_gold = have_flag(streamer_ptr->flags, FF_MAY_HAVE_GOLD); /* Hack -- Choose starting point */ y = rand_spread(cur_hgt / 2, cur_hgt / 6); x = rand_spread(cur_wid / 2, cur_wid / 6); /* Choose a random compass direction */ dir = ddd[randint0(8)]; /* Place streamer into dungeon */ while (dummy < SAFE_MAX_ATTEMPTS) { dummy++; /* One grid per density */ for (i = 0; i < DUN_STR_DEN; i++) { int d = DUN_STR_RNG; /* Pick a nearby grid */ while (1) { ty = rand_spread(y, d); tx = rand_spread(x, d); if (!in_bounds2(ty, tx)) continue; break; } /* Access the grid */ c_ptr = &cave[ty][tx]; f_ptr = &f_info[c_ptr->feat]; if (have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_MOVE) && (have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_WATER) || have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_LAVA))) continue; /* Do not convert permanent features */ if (have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_PERMANENT)) continue; /* Only convert "granite" walls */ if (streamer_is_wall) { if (!is_extra_grid(c_ptr) && !is_inner_grid(c_ptr) && !is_outer_grid(c_ptr) && !is_solid_grid(c_ptr)) continue; if (is_closed_door(c_ptr->feat)) continue; } if (c_ptr->m_idx && !(have_flag(streamer_ptr->flags, FF_PLACE) && monster_can_cross_terrain(feat, &r_info[m_list[c_ptr->m_idx].r_idx], 0))) { /* Delete the monster (if any) */ delete_monster(ty, tx); } if (c_ptr->o_idx && !have_flag(streamer_ptr->flags, FF_DROP)) { s16b this_o_idx, next_o_idx = 0; /* Scan all objects in the grid */ for (this_o_idx = c_ptr->o_idx; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx) { /* Acquire object */ object_type *o_ptr = &o_list[this_o_idx]; /* Acquire next object */ next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx; /* Hack -- Preserve unknown artifacts */ if (object_is_fixed_artifact(o_ptr)) { /* Mega-Hack -- Preserve the artifact */ a_info[o_ptr->name1].cur_num = 0; if (cheat_peek) { char o_name[MAX_NLEN]; object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, (OD_NAME_ONLY | OD_STORE)); msg_format("Artifact (%s) was deleted by streamer.", o_name); } } else if (o_ptr->name3) { /* Mega-Hack -- Preserve the artifact */ a_info[o_ptr->name3].cur_num = 0; if (cheat_peek) { char o_name[MAX_NLEN]; object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, (OD_NAME_ONLY | OD_STORE)); msg_format("Artifact (%s) was deleted by streamer.", o_name); } } else if (cheat_peek && o_ptr->art_name) { msg_print("One of the random artifacts was deleted by streamer."); } } /* Delete objects */ delete_object(ty, tx); } /* Clear previous contents, add proper vein type */ c_ptr->feat = feat; /* Paranoia: Clear mimic field */ c_ptr->mimic = 0; if (streamer_may_have_gold) { /* Hack -- Add some known treasure */ if (one_in_(chance)) { cave_alter_feat(ty, tx, FF_MAY_HAVE_GOLD); } /* Hack -- Add some hidden treasure */ else if (one_in_(chance / 4)) { cave_alter_feat(ty, tx, FF_MAY_HAVE_GOLD); cave_alter_feat(ty, tx, FF_ENSECRET); } } } if (dummy >= SAFE_MAX_ATTEMPTS) { if (cheat_room) { msg_print("Warning! Could not place streamer!"); } return; } /* Advance the streamer */ y += ddy[dir]; x += ddx[dir]; /* Quit before leaving the dungeon */ if (!in_bounds(y, x)) break; } }