int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *routerip, *interface, mac[6] = ""; char rdatabuf[1024], wdatabuf[1024], cmsgbuf[1024], mybuf[1024]; unsigned char *routerip6, *route6, *mac6 = mac, *ip6, *ptr, *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3; unsigned char *dns; int size, /*mtu = 1500, */ i, j, k, l, m, s, len, t, mlen, csize = 0; socklen_t fromlen; static struct iovec iov; struct sockaddr_storage from; struct msghdr mhdr; struct sockaddr_in6 ddst; unsigned long long int count = 0; if (argc < 3 || strncmp(argv[1], "-h", 2) == 0) help(argv[0]); if (strcmp(argv[1], "-r") == 0) { // is ignored argv++; argc--; } memset(mac, 0, sizeof(mac)); interface = argv[1]; if (argc >= 6 && (ptr = argv[5]) != NULL) sscanf(ptr, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x", (unsigned int *) &mac[0], (unsigned int *) &mac[1], (unsigned int *) &mac[2], (unsigned int *) &mac[3], (unsigned int *) &mac[4], (unsigned int *) &mac[5]); else mac6 = thc_get_own_mac(interface); if (argc >= 5 && argv[4] != NULL) ip6 = thc_resolve6(argv[4]); else ip6 = thc_get_own_ipv6(interface, NULL, PREFER_LINK); if (argc >= 4 && argv[3] != NULL) dns = thc_resolve6(argv[3]); else dns = thc_resolve6("FF02::FB"); routerip = argv[2]; if ((ptr = index(routerip, '/')) == NULL) { printf("Error: Option must be supplied as IP-ADDRESS/PREFIXLENGTH, e.g. ff80::01/16\n"); } *ptr++ = 0; size = atoi(ptr); routerip6 = thc_resolve6(routerip); route6 = thc_resolve6(routerip); if (routerip6 == NULL || size < 1 || size > 128) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: IP-ADDRESS/PREFIXLENGTH argument is invalid: %s\n", argv[2]); exit(-1); } if (size < 64) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: network prefix must be a minimum of /64, resizing to /64\n"); size = 64; } if (size % 8 > 0) { size = ((size / 8) + 1) * 8; fprintf(stderr, "Warning: prefix must be a multiple of 8, resizing to /%d\n", csize * 8); } csize = 8 - ((size - 64) / 8); if (dns == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: dns argument is invalid: %s\n", argv[3]); exit(-1); } if (ip6 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: link-local-ip6 argument is invalid: %s\n", argv[4]); exit(-1); } /* if (mtu < 1 || mtu > 65536) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: mtu argument is invalid: %s\n", argv[5]); exit(-1); } if (mtu < 1228 || mtu > 1500) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unusual mtu size defined, be sure what you are doing :%d\n", mtu); */ if (mac6 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: mac address in invalid\n"); exit(-1); } if ((s = thc_bind_udp_port(547)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not bind to 547/udp\n"); exit(-1); } if (thc_bind_multicast_to_socket(s, interface, thc_resolve6("ff02::1:2")) < 0 || thc_bind_multicast_to_socket(s, interface, thc_resolve6("ff02::1:3")) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not bind multicast address\n"); exit(-1); } if ((t = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { perror("Error:"); exit(-1); } memset(mybuf, 0, sizeof(mybuf)); mybuf[1] = 2; mybuf[3] = 14; mybuf[5] = 1; mybuf[7] = 1; // mybuf + 8 == time memcpy(mybuf + 12, mac6, 6); mlen = 18; mybuf[mlen + 1] = 23; mybuf[mlen + 3] = 16; memcpy(mybuf + mlen + 4, dns, 16); mlen += 20; printf("Starting to fake dhcp6 server on %s for %s (Press Control-C to end) ...\n\n", interface, argv[2]); while (1) { memset((char *) &from, 0, sizeof(from)); memset(&iov, 0, sizeof(iov)); memset(&mhdr, 0, sizeof(mhdr)); iov.iov_base = rdatabuf; iov.iov_len = sizeof(rdatabuf); mhdr.msg_name = &from; mhdr.msg_namelen = sizeof(from); mhdr.msg_iov = &iov; mhdr.msg_iovlen = 1; mhdr.msg_control = (caddr_t) cmsgbuf; mhdr.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmsgbuf); if ((len = recvmsg(s, &mhdr, 0)) > 0) { fromlen = mhdr.msg_namelen; if (debug) thc_dump_data(rdatabuf, len, "Received Packet"); ddst.sin6_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *) mhdr.msg_name)->sin6_addr; ptr2 = thc_ipv62notation((char *) &ddst.sin6_addr); switch (rdatabuf[0]) { case 1: ptr1 = "Solicitate"; break; case 2: ptr1 = "Advertise (illegal, ignored)"; break; case 3: ptr1 = "Request"; break; case 4: ptr1 = "Confirm"; break; case 5: ptr1 = "Renew"; break; case 6: ptr1 = "Rebind"; break; case 7: ptr1 = "Reply (illegal, ignored)"; break; case 8: ptr1 = "Release (ignored)"; break; case 9: ptr1 = "Decline (ignored)"; break; case 10: ptr1 = "Reconfigure (illegal, ignored)"; break; case 11: ptr1 = "Information Request (ignored)"; break; case 12: ptr1 = "Relay Forward (ignored)"; break; case 13: ptr1 = "Relay Reply (ignored)"; break; default: ptr1 = "Unknown (ignored)"; break; } printf("Received DHCP6 %s packet from %s\n", ptr1, ptr2); free(ptr2); if (rdatabuf[0] >= 1 && rdatabuf[0] < 7 && rdatabuf[0] != 2) { memset(wdatabuf, 0, sizeof(wdatabuf)); memcpy(wdatabuf + 1, rdatabuf + 1, 3); i = j = 4; k = -1; if (rdatabuf[0] == 1) { // initial request wdatabuf[0] = 2; while ((j + 4) < len) { l = rdatabuf[j + 2] * 256 + rdatabuf[j + 3]; if (l + j + 4 > len) { l = 0; j = len; printf("Info: received evil packet\n"); } else { if (rdatabuf[j + 1] == 1) { memcpy(wdatabuf + i, rdatabuf + j, l + 4); i += l + 4; } else if (rdatabuf[j + 1] == 3) { k = j; // just set a pointer } j += l + 4; } } // add 02, 23 j = time(NULL); memcpy(mybuf + 8, (char *) &j, 4); memcpy(wdatabuf + i, mybuf, mlen); i += mlen; // now expand 3 if (k > -1 && rdatabuf[k + 3] == 12 && rdatabuf[k + 2] == 0) { // copy structure memcpy(wdatabuf + i, rdatabuf + k, 16); } else { // or create new wdatabuf[i + 1] = 3; memcpy(wdatabuf + i + 4, (char *) &j, 4); // copy time as IAID } wdatabuf[i + 3] = 40; memset(wdatabuf + i + 8, 0, 8); wdatabuf[i + 10] = 0x7f; wdatabuf[i + 14] = 0xfe; i += 16; wdatabuf[i + 1] = 5; wdatabuf[i + 3] = 24; memcpy(wdatabuf + i + 4, routerip6, 16); // address count++; if (csize > 0) memcpy(wdatabuf + i + 4 + 16 - csize, (char *) &count, csize); // counter ptr3 = thc_ipv62notation(wdatabuf + i + 4); wdatabuf[i + 21] = 2; wdatabuf[i + 25] = 2; i += 28; } else { wdatabuf[0] = 7; m = 0; while ((j + 4) < len) { l = rdatabuf[j + 2] * 256 + rdatabuf[j + 3]; if (l + j + 4 > len) { l = 0; j = len; printf("Info: received evil packet\n"); } else { // just copy types 1-3 and 23 if ((rdatabuf[j + 1] >= 1 && rdatabuf[j + 1] <= 3) || rdatabuf[j + 1] == 23) { memcpy(wdatabuf + i, rdatabuf + j, l + 4); i += l + 4; if (rdatabuf[j + 1] == 23) k = 1; if (rdatabuf[j + 1] == 3) m = 1; } j += l + 4; } } if (k == -1) { memcpy(wdatabuf + i, mybuf + 18, 20); i += 20; } } len = i; if (debug) thc_dump_data(wdatabuf, len, "Reply Packet"); ddst.sin6_family = AF_INET6; ddst.sin6_port = htons(546); //ddst.sin6_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)mhdr.msg_name)->sin6_addr; ddst.sin6_scope_id = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *) mhdr.msg_name)->sin6_scope_id; if (sendto(t, wdatabuf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &ddst, sizeof(ddst)) < 0) perror("Error:"); else { ptr2 = thc_ipv62notation((char *) &ddst.sin6_addr); if (wdatabuf[0] == 2) { printf("Sent DHCP6 Advertise packet to %s (offer: %s)\n", ptr2, ptr3); free(ptr3); } else if (m) printf("Sent DHCP6 Reply packet to %s (address accepted)\n", ptr2); else printf("Sent DHCP6 Reply packet to %s (did not set address)\n", ptr2); free(ptr2); } } } } /* packet structure: 1 byte = type 3 bytes = sessionid while(packet data) { 2 bytes = type 2 bytes = length in bytes of following data ... defined fixed length data ... } server listen on ff02::1:2 udp 547 client connects from linklocal port 546, ttl 1 01 = solicit 3 bytes = sessionid 6 bytes = blog (elapsed, 8) 8 bytes = 01 blob (client id + time + mac) 4 bytes = time 6 bytes = mac 16 bytes = 03 blob (want perm address) 5 + length + hostname = hostname 18 bytes = blob (vendor class, type 16) 12 bytes = blob (requested options, type 6) server sends to linklocal (respect client port), ttl 1 02 = advertise 3 bytes = sessionid (copy) 18 bytes = 01 blob (client copy of client-id) 8 bytes = 02 blob (server id + time + mac) 4 bytes = time 6 bytes = mac 0003 = give perm address 2 bytes = length 4 bytes = IAID (from client request!) 4 bytes = validity time 1 (1800) 4 bytes = validity time 2 (2880) 0005 = address structure 2 bytes = length (24 bytes) 16 bytes = address 4 bytes = validity time (3600) 4 byte = validity time (same) 0023 = dns option 2 bytes = length (16 bytes) 16 bytes = dns server address client sends to ff02::1:2 ! 03 = request 3 bytes = sessionid 6 bytes = blog (elapsed, 8) 8 bytes = 01 blob (client id + time + mac) 4 bytes = time 6 bytes = mac 18 bytes = client (again) 18 bytes = server (copy) 44 bytes = address (copy) 5 + length + hostname = hostname (again) 18 bytes = blob again (vendor class, type 16) 12 bytes = blob again (requested options, type 6) server replies 7 = reply copy original advertise packet :-) */ return 0; // never reached }
void dtkColorGrid::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * event ) { QToolTip::hideText(); switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Right: if (d->idx == -1) { d->row = d->col = 0; d->idx = 0; } else { if (++d->col == d->widthInCells) { d->col = 0; d->row++; } d->idx = index(); if (d->idx == -1) { d->row = d->col = 0; d->idx = 0; } } repaint(); d->hlColor = d->colors->at(d->idx); emit highlighted(d->hlColor); event->accept(); return; case Qt::Key_Left: if (d->idx == -1) { d->row = d->col = 0; d->idx = 0; } else { if (--d->col < 0) { d->col = d->widthInCells-1; d->row--; } d->idx = index(); if (d->idx == -1) { d->row = heightInCells()-1; d->idx = d->colors->size()-1; d->col = d->idx % d->widthInCells; } } repaint(); d->hlColor = d->colors->at(d->idx); emit highlighted(d->hlColor); event->accept(); return; case Qt::Key_Up: if (d->idx == -1) { d->row = d->col = 0; d->idx = 0; } else { int h = heightInCells()-1; if (--d->row < 0) { d->row = h; if (--d->col < 0) { d->row = h; d->idx = d->colors->size()-1; d->col = d->idx % d->widthInCells; } } d->idx = index(); if (d->idx == -1 && d->row == h) { d->row--; d->idx = index(); } if (d->idx == -1) { d->row = h; d->idx = d->colors->size()-1; d->col = d->idx % d->widthInCells; } } repaint(); d->hlColor = d->colors->at(d->idx); emit highlighted(d->hlColor); event->accept(); return; case Qt::Key_Down: if (d->idx == -1) { d->row = d->col = 0; d->idx = 0; } else { int h = heightInCells()-1; if (++d->row > h) { d->row = 0; d->col++; } d->idx = index(); if (d->idx == -1 && d->row == h) { d->row = 0; d->col++; d->idx = index(); } if (d->idx == -1) { d->row = d->col = 0; d->idx = 0; } } repaint(); d->hlColor = d->colors->at(d->idx); emit highlighted(d->hlColor); event->accept(); return; case Qt::Key_Return: if (d->idx != -1) { emit picked(d->selColor = d->hlColor); emit accepted(); } event->accept(); return; case Qt::Key_Escape: emit rejected(); event->accept(); return; default: event->ignore(); } return QWidget::keyPressEvent(event); }
void SessionModel::setDecimalTotals(bool decimals) { m_decimals = decimals; emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount(), columnCount())); }
void ListModel::update(int row) { emit dataChanged(index(row, 0), index(row, 1)); }
/** * magmad command line parsing code * * @param argc number of command line arguments * @param argv vector of command line arguments */ void magma_parse_args(int argc, char **argv) { memset(magma_environment.log, 0, 255); magma_environment.progname = *argv; /* saving program name */ magma_environment.port = MAGMA_PORT; /* default port */ magma_environment.servername = g_strdup(""); /* default server name */ magma_environment.nickname = g_strdup(""); /* default server nickname */ magma_environment.ipaddr = g_strdup(""); /* default server IP address */ magma_environment.hashpath = g_strdup(""); /* default server path for local storage */ magma_environment.bootserver = NULL; /* default remote boot server */ magma_environment.secretkey = NULL; magma_environment.bandwidth = MAGMA_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH; /* Declared bandwidth */ = MAGMA_DEFAULT_STORAGE; /* Declared storage */ magma_environment.bootstrap = 0; /* If true, this node should bootstrap a new network, if false this node should join an existing one */ /* * cycling through options */ char c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "blhHA?D:Tp:i:n:s:d:w:r:k:" )) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'b': if (magma_environment.bootserver) { dbg(LOG_ERR, DEBUG_BOOT, "Bootstrap and remote server can't be specified together. Exiting now."); exit(1); } magma_environment.bootstrap = 1; break; case 'h': case 'H': magma_usage(NULL); break; case 'A': memset(magma_environment.log, 1, 255); dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Enabling all debug statements"); break; case 'D': if (optarg) { magma_environment.logstring = g_strdup(optarg); dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Setting debug mask to %s", magma_environment.logstring); } break; case 'p': if (optarg) { magma_environment.port = atol(optarg); dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "port: %d", magma_environment.port); } break; case 'i': if (optarg) { g_free_null(magma_environment.ipaddr); magma_environment.ipaddr = g_strdup(optarg); dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Server local IP addr: %s", magma_environment.ipaddr); } break; case 'n': if (optarg) { g_free_null(magma_environment.nickname); magma_environment.nickname = g_strndup(optarg, 255); dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Server Nickname: %s", magma_environment.nickname); } break; case 's': if (optarg) { g_free_null(magma_environment.servername); magma_environment.servername = g_strndup(optarg, 255); dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Server FQDN name: %s", magma_environment.servername); } break; case 'd': if (optarg) { g_free_null(magma_environment.hashpath); magma_environment.hashpath = g_strdup(optarg); if (magma_environment.hashpath[strlen(magma_environment.hashpath) - 1] == '/') { magma_environment.hashpath[strlen(magma_environment.hashpath) - 1] = '\0'; } dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Hash Dir Path: %s", magma_environment.hashpath); } break; case 'w': if (optarg) { magma_environment.bandwidth = atol(optarg); dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Declared Bandwidth: %dKbit/s", magma_environment.bandwidth); } break; case 'r': if (optarg) { if (magma_environment.bootstrap) { dbg(LOG_ERR, DEBUG_BOOT, "Bootstrap and remote server can't be specified together. Exiting now."); exit(1); } g_free_null(magma_environment.bootserver); char *portp = NULL; if ((portp = rindex(optarg,':')) != NULL) { *portp = '\0'; portp++; magma_environment.bootport = atoi(portp); } else { magma_environment.bootport = MAGMA_PORT; } magma_environment.bootserver = g_strdup(optarg); magma_environment.bootstrap = 0; dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Remote boot server: %s:%u", magma_environment.bootserver, magma_environment.bootport); } break; case 'k': if (optarg) { magma_environment.secretkey = g_strdup(optarg); dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Secret Key is [%s]", magma_environment.secretkey); } break; case '?': if (isprint(optopt)) { dbg(LOG_ERR, DEBUG_ERR, "Unknown option -%c", optopt); magma_usage(NULL); } else { dbg(LOG_INFO, DEBUG_BOOT, "Unknown option character \\x%x", optopt); } break; default: break; } } magma_expand_log_channels(&magma_environment); GResolver *resolver = g_resolver_get_default(); /* * try to replace default nickname with a valid one from the DNS */ if (!strlen(magma_environment.nickname)) { char *hostname = malloc(HOST_NAME_MAX); if (hostname != NULL) { if (gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX) == 0) { g_free_null(magma_environment.nickname); magma_environment.nickname = g_strdup(hostname); } g_free_null(hostname); } } /* * try to replace default server name with a valid one from the DNS */ if (!strlen(magma_environment.servername)) { /* struct hostent *h = gethostbyname(magma_environment.nickname); if (h != NULL) { g_free_null(magma_environment.servername); magma_environment.servername = g_strdup(h->h_name); if (index(magma_environment.servername, '.') == NULL) { // server name should be a fully qualified name!!! magma_usage("Server Fully Qualified Name is not Fully Qualified!"); } } */ GList *addr = g_resolver_lookup_by_name(resolver, magma_environment.nickname, NULL, NULL); gchar *addr_string = g_list_nth_data(addr, 0); if (!addr_string) { gchar *string = g_strdup_printf( "No FQDN provided and magmad was unable to resolve one from %s", magma_environment.nickname); magma_usage(string); } else { if (!index(magma_environment.servername, '.')) { magma_usage("Server Fully Qualified Name is not Fully Qualified!"); } } } /* * Without a valid IP address the server can't start. * Try to resolve magma_environment.servername and exit * if the operation fails */ if (inet_aton(magma_environment.ipaddr, NULL) == 0) { GList *addr = g_resolver_lookup_by_name(resolver, magma_environment.servername, NULL, NULL); gchar *addr_string = g_list_nth_data(addr, 0); if (!addr_string) { gchar *string = g_strdup_printf("No IP address provided and can't resolve %s", magma_environment.servername); magma_usage(string); } else { magma_environment.ipaddr = addr_string; } } /* * if neither boot server or bootstrap has been specified, the * server should load its state from last saved lava topology */ if (!magma_environment.bootstrap && !magma_environment.bootserver) { if (!magma_environment.nickname || !strlen(magma_environment.nickname)) { magma_usage("Please specify server nickname to allow status loading from disk!"); } } else if (magma_environment.secretkey == NULL ) { magma_usage("No secret key specified! Network can't be created or joined!"); } g_object_unref(resolver); }
/* * next_token * Given a string, return the next token. The string is modified to return * the remainder of the string after the identified token. * A token is found either as characters delimited by one or many spaces. * Or as a pair of double-quotes(") with any characters in between. * if there are trailing spaces after the token, trail is set to one. * If string is NULL or "", NULL is returned. * If empty token found, s0 is NULL * NOTE: token must be freed after use. */ static int next_token(char **s0, char **token0, int *trail0) { char *s; char *st; char *token = NULL; size_t len; int quote=0; int trail=0; s = *s0; if (s==NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: null string\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } for (s=*s0; *s; s++){ /* First iterate through delimiters */ if (index(CLIGEN_DELIMITERS, *s) == NULL) break; trail++; } if (*s && index(CLIGEN_QUOTES, *s) != NULL){ quote++; s++; } st=s; /* token starts */ for (; *s; s++){ /* Then find token */ if (quote){ if (index(CLIGEN_QUOTES, *s) != NULL) break; } else if (index(CLIGEN_DELIMITERS, *s) != NULL) break; } if (quote && *s){ s++; // fprintf(stderr, "s=\"%s\" %d %s\n", s, *s, index(CLIGEN_DELIMITERS, *s)); if (*s && index(CLIGEN_DELIMITERS, *s) == NULL){ ;// cligen_reason("Quote token error"); } len = (s-st)-1; } else{ if (quote){ /* Here we signalled error before but it is removed */ st--; } len = (s-st); if (!len){ token = NULL; *s0 = NULL; goto done; } } if ((token=malloc(len+1)) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: malloc: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); return -1; } memcpy(token, st, len); token[len] = '\0'; *s0 = s; done: *trail0 = trail; *token0 = token; return 0; }
FilePath::const_iterator FilePath::cbegin() const { return index(); }
QVariant BookmarksModel::data(int i, int role) const { return data(index(i, 0), role); }
QVariant UrlRetrievalModel::data(int row, const QByteArray &role) const { return data(index(row), m_roles.key(role)); }
void GMMExpectationMaximization::autoInitializeByEqualIntervals(uint num_gaussians,uint col,const MatrixX & dataset) { uint data_count = dataset.rows(); uint dim = dataset.cols(); std::vector<std::vector<uint> > index(num_gaussians); for(uint g = 0; g < num_gaussians; g++) index[g].reserve(data_count / num_gaussians); m_weights.clear(); m_weights.resize(num_gaussians); m_means.clear(); m_means.resize(num_gaussians,VectorX::Zero(dim)); m_covs.clear(); m_covs.resize(num_gaussians,MatrixX::Zero(dim,dim)); // find max and min value for column col Real cmax = dataset(0,col); Real cmin = dataset(0,col); for(uint n = 1; n < data_count; n++) { if (dataset(n,col) > cmax) cmax = dataset(n,col); if (dataset(n,col) < cmin) cmin = dataset(n,col); } Real cspan = cmax - cmin; for(uint n = 0; n < data_count; n++) { // compute gaussian index to which this point belongs uint gi = uint((dataset(n,col) - cmin) / (cspan + 1.0) * Real(num_gaussians)); // sum the points to obtain means m_means[gi] += dataset.row(n); index[gi].push_back(n); } for (uint g = 0; g < num_gaussians; g++) { uint popsize = index[g].size(); // avoid division by zero: if no samples are available, initialize to something from somewhere if (popsize == 0) { m_means[g] = dataset.row(g % data_count); m_covs[g] = MatrixX::Identity(dim,dim); m_weights[g] = 1.0f / Real(num_gaussians); continue; } // average by popsize m_means[g] /= Real(popsize); // same weight for all gaussians m_weights[g] = 1.0f / Real(num_gaussians); // compute covariance matrix for (uint p = 0; p < popsize; p++) { const Eigen::VectorXf & r = dataset.row(index[g][p]); const Eigen::VectorXf & m = m_means[g]; m_covs[g] += (r - m) * (r - m).transpose(); } m_covs[g] /= Real(popsize); m_covs[g] += MatrixX::Identity(dim,dim) * m_epsilon; } }
bool IndDBase::load_phenotypes( const std::string & filename ) { if ( ! attached() ) Helper::halt( "no attached INDDB" ); if ( ! Helper::fileExists(filename) ) { plog.warn("could not find phenotype file " + filename ); return false; } // Expect a variant of FAM file format InFile f( filename ); std::map<std::string,int> phe_codes1; std::map<int,int> phe_codes2; std::vector<std::string> phe_codes; std::map<std::string,mType> type_codes; std::map<std::string,std::string> mis_codes; int expected_col_count = -1; int inserted = 0; sql.begin(); drop_index(); while ( ! f.eof() ) { std::string s = f. readLine(); if ( s == "" ) continue; // Meta-information? if ( s.size() > 2 && s.substr(0,2) == "##" ) { std::vector<std::string> tok = Helper::quoted_parse( s.substr(2) ); // need at least a name if ( tok.size() < 1 ) continue; std::string name = tok[0]; // defaults std::string type = "Integer"; std::string miss = "0"; std::string desc = "Dichotomous phenotype"; if ( tok.size() >= 2 ) type = tok[1]; if ( tok.size() >= 3 ) miss = tok[2]; if ( tok.size() >= 4 ) desc = tok[3]; int code = insert_phenotype( name, type, miss, desc ); phe_codes1[ name ] = code; mis_codes[ name ] = miss; if ( Helper::is_int( type ) ) type_codes[ name ] = META_INT; else if ( Helper::is_float( type ) ) type_codes[ name ] = META_FLOAT; else type_codes[ name ] = META_TEXT; } // Or header line? else if ( s.substr(0,1) == "#" ) { // #ID phe1 phe2 phe3 std::vector<std::string> tok = Helper::parse( s , " \t"); if ( tok.size() < 2 ) { plog.warn("malformed phenotype file"); continue; } if ( tok[0] != "#ID" ) { plog.warn("malformed phenotype file"); continue; } for ( int i = 1 ; i < tok.size(); i++ ) { std::map<std::string,int>::iterator k = phe_codes1.find( tok[i] ); if ( k == phe_codes1.end() ) Helper::halt( tok[i] + " in header of phenotype file but not defined" ); phe_codes2[ i ] = k->second; phe_codes.push_back( tok[i] ); } expected_col_count = tok.size(); } // Or data ? else { // Skip, if we haven't seen a header if ( expected_col_count == -1 ) continue; std::vector<std::string> tok = Helper::parse( s , " \t"); if ( tok.size() != expected_col_count ) { plog.warn("row in phenotype file with wrong number of fields"); continue; } int indiv_id = fetch_id( tok[0] ); // if individual does not exist, create if ( indiv_id == 0 ) { std::string period = "."; sql.bind_text( stmt_insert_individual , ":name" , tok[0] ); sql.bind_text( stmt_insert_individual , ":fid" , period ); sql.bind_text( stmt_insert_individual , ":fid" , period ); sql.bind_text( stmt_insert_individual , ":iid" , period ); sql.bind_text( stmt_insert_individual , ":pat" , period ); sql.bind_text( stmt_insert_individual , ":mat" , period ); sql.bind_text( stmt_insert_individual , ":sex" , period ); sql.step( stmt_insert_individual ); sql.reset( stmt_insert_individual ); // and grab the ID indiv_id = fetch_id( tok[0] ); } // // Insert actual phenotypes // for ( int i = 1; i < tok.size(); i++ ) { // skip undefined phenotypes if ( phe_codes2[i] == 0 ) continue; // skip missing values if ( tok[i] == mis_codes[ phe_codes[i-1] ] ) continue; mType mt = type_codes[ phe_codes[ i-1 ] ]; // skip invalid values for numerics (as MT will be registered) if ( mt == META_INT ) { int x; if ( Helper::str2int( tok[i] , x ) ) insert( indiv_id , phe_codes2[i] , x ); } else if ( mt == META_FLOAT ) { double x; if ( Helper::str2dbl( tok[i] , x ) ) insert( indiv_id , phe_codes2[i] , x ); } else { insert( indiv_id , phe_codes2[i] , tok[i] ); } } ++inserted; } } f.close(); index(); sql.commit(); plog << "Processed " << inserted << " rows\n"; if ( inserted && GP && GP->has_project_file() ) GP->fIndex.append_to_projectfile( Helper::fullpath( filename ) , "PHE" ); return true; }
void RecentRequestsTableModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order) { qSort(list.begin(), list.end(), RecentRequestEntryLessThan(column, order)); Q_EMIT dataChanged(index(0, 0, QModelIndex()), index(list.size() - 1, NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS - 1, QModelIndex())); }
/* * Evil wildcarding resource string lookup. * This walks the supplied env string table and returns a match. * The start point can be remembered for incremental searches. */ static int res_find(int *line, int *startln, const char *name, int *unit, const char *resname, const char *value, const char **ret_name, int *ret_namelen, int *ret_unit, const char **ret_resname, int *ret_resnamelen, const char **ret_value) { int n = 0, hit, i = 0; char r_name[32]; int r_unit; char r_resname[32]; char r_value[128]; const char *s, *cp; char *p; #ifndef __rtems__ if (checkmethod) { hintp = NULL; switch (hintmode) { case 0: /* loader hints in environment only */ break; case 1: /* static hints only */ hintp = static_hints; checkmethod = 0; break; case 2: /* fallback mode */ if (dynamic_kenv) { mtx_lock(&kenv_lock); cp = kenvp[0]; for (i = 0; cp != NULL; cp = kenvp[++i]) { if (!strncmp(cp, "hint.", 5)) { use_kenv = 1; checkmethod = 0; break; } } mtx_unlock(&kenv_lock); } else { cp = kern_envp; while (cp) { if (strncmp(cp, "hint.", 5) == 0) { cp = NULL; hintp = kern_envp; break; } while (*cp != '\0') cp++; cp++; if (*cp == '\0') { cp = NULL; hintp = static_hints; break; } } } break; default: break; } if (hintp == NULL) { if (dynamic_kenv) { use_kenv = 1; checkmethod = 0; } else hintp = kern_envp; } } if (use_kenv) { mtx_lock(&kenv_lock); i = 0; cp = kenvp[0]; if (cp == NULL) { mtx_unlock(&kenv_lock); return (ENOENT); } } else #endif /* __rtems__ */ cp = hintp; while (cp) { hit = 1; (*line)++; if (strncmp(cp, "hint.", 5) != 0) hit = 0; else n = sscanf(cp, "hint.%32[^.].%d.%32[^=]=%127s", r_name, &r_unit, r_resname, r_value); if (hit && n != 4) { printf("CONFIG: invalid hint '%s'\n", cp); /* XXX: abuse bogus index() declaration */ p = index(cp, 'h'); *p = 'H'; hit = 0; } if (hit && startln && *startln >= 0 && *line < *startln) hit = 0; if (hit && name && strcmp(name, r_name) != 0) hit = 0; if (hit && unit && *unit != r_unit) hit = 0; if (hit && resname && strcmp(resname, r_resname) != 0) hit = 0; if (hit && value && strcmp(value, r_value) != 0) hit = 0; if (hit) break; if (use_kenv) { #ifndef __rtems__ cp = kenvp[++i]; if (cp == NULL) break; #else /* __rtems__ */ (void) i; #endif /* __rtems__ */ } else { while (*cp != '\0') cp++; cp++; if (*cp == '\0') { cp = NULL; break; } } } #ifndef __rtems__ if (use_kenv) mtx_unlock(&kenv_lock); #endif /* __rtems__ */ if (cp == NULL) return ENOENT; s = cp; /* This is a bit of a hack, but at least is reentrant */ /* Note that it returns some !unterminated! strings. */ s = index(s, '.') + 1; /* start of device */ if (ret_name) *ret_name = s; s = index(s, '.') + 1; /* start of unit */ if (ret_namelen && ret_name) *ret_namelen = s - *ret_name - 1; /* device length */ if (ret_unit) *ret_unit = r_unit; s = index(s, '.') + 1; /* start of resname */ if (ret_resname) *ret_resname = s; s = index(s, '=') + 1; /* start of value */ if (ret_resnamelen && ret_resname) *ret_resnamelen = s - *ret_resname - 1; /* value len */ if (ret_value) *ret_value = s; if (startln) /* line number for anchor */ *startln = *line + 1; return 0; }
QModelIndex FolderSelectionModel::mapFromSource(const QModelIndex &sourceIndex) const { return index(sourceIndex.row()+1, sourceIndex.column()); }
void updateLayerVisibility( const QString& layerId ) { int row = mOrder.indexOf( layerId ); if ( row != -1 ) emit dataChanged( index( row ), index( row ) ); }
int UrlRetrievalModel::match(int start, const QByteArray &role, const QVariant &value, int flags) const { const QModelIndexList idxs = match(index(start), m_roles.key(role), value, 1, Qt::MatchFlags(flags)); return idxs.isEmpty() ? -1 : idxs.first().row(); }
CrystVector_long DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::SortReflectionBySinThetaOverLambda(const REAL maxSTOL) { TAU_PROFILE("DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::SortReflectionBySinThetaOverLambda()","void ()",TAU_DEFAULT); VFN_DEBUG_ENTRY("DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::SortReflectionBySinThetaOverLambda()",5) // ScatteringData::SortReflectionBySinThetaOverLambda only sorts H,K,L and multiplicity. CrystVector_long index=this->ScatteringData::SortReflectionBySinThetaOverLambda(maxSTOL); if(mObsIntensity.numElements()==mNbRefl) { CrystVector_REAL tmpObs,tmpSigma,tmpWeight; tmpObs=mObsIntensity; tmpSigma=mObsSigma; tmpWeight=mWeight; for(long i=0;i<mNbRefl;i++) { mObsIntensity(i)=tmpObs(index(i)); mObsSigma(i)=tmpSigma(index(i)); mWeight(i)=tmpWeight(index(i)); } // Keep a copy as squared F(hkl), to enable fourier maps // :TODO: stop using mObsIntensity and just keep mFhklObsSq ? mFhklObsSq=mObsIntensity; mClockFhklObsSq.Click(); if(mGroupOption.GetChoice()==2) { CrystVector_long tmp;//,oldgroup(mNbGroup);; tmp=mGroupIndex; for(long i=0;i<mNbRefl;i++) mGroupIndex(i)=tmp(index(i)); /* for(long i=0;i<mNbRefl;i++) cout<<mIntH(i)<<" "<<mIntK(i)<<" "<<mIntL(i)<<" " <<mObsIntensity(i)<<" "<<mObsSigma(i)<<" "<<mWeight(i)<< ":"<<mGroupIndex(i)<<endl; */ // Now re-index the groups of reflections in // ascending order { index.resize(mNbGroup); index=-1; long group=0; CrystVector_REAL oldGroupIobs, oldGroupWeight,oldGroupSigma; oldGroupIobs =mGroupIobs; oldGroupWeight=mGroupWeight; oldGroupSigma=mGroupSigma; for(long i=0;i<mNbRefl;i++) { if(index(mGroupIndex(i))==-1)// first reflection of a group ? { mGroupIobs(group)=oldGroupIobs(mGroupIndex(i)); mGroupSigma(group)=oldGroupSigma(mGroupIndex(i)); mGroupWeight(group)=oldGroupWeight(mGroupIndex(i)); //oldgroup(group)=mGroupIndex(i); index(mGroupIndex(i))=group++; } mGroupIndex(i)=index(mGroupIndex(i)); } } /* cout<<mIntH.numElements()<<"," <<mIntK.numElements()<<"," <<mIntL.numElements()<<"," <<oldgroup.numElements()<<","<<mGroupIndex.numElements()<<endl; for(long i=0;i<mNbRefl;i++) cout<<mIntH(i)<<" "<<mIntK(i)<<" "<<mIntL(i)<<endl <<" :"<<oldgroup(mGroupIndex(i))<<"->"<<mGroupIndex(i)<<endl; */ // Now re-group the reflections index=SortSubs(mGroupIndex); { CrystVector_long oldH,oldK,oldL,oldMult; oldH=mH; oldK=mK; oldL=mL; oldMult=mMultiplicity; tmpObs=mObsIntensity; tmpSigma=mObsSigma; tmpWeight=mWeight; for(long i=0;i<mNbRefl;i++) { const long subs=index(i); mH(i)=oldH(subs); mK(i)=oldK(subs); mL(i)=oldL(subs); mMultiplicity(i)=oldMult(subs); mObsIntensity(i)=tmpObs(subs); mObsSigma(i)=tmpSigma(subs); mWeight(i)=tmpWeight(subs); } mClockHKL.Click(); this->PrepareHKLarrays(); this->CalcSinThetaLambda(); } // re-write mGroupIndex so that it marks the // last reflection of each group. index=mGroupIndex; mGroupIndex.resize(mNbGroup); long group=0; for(long i=0;i<mNbRefl;i++) if(index(i)!=group) mGroupIndex(group++)=i; mGroupIndex(mNbGroup-1)=mNbRefl; } } else {// if there are no observed values, enter dummy ones mObsIntensity.resize(mNbRefl); mObsSigma.resize(mNbRefl); mWeight.resize(mNbRefl); mObsIntensity=100.; mObsSigma=1.; mWeight=1.; mFhklObsSq.resize(0); mClockFhklObsSq.Click(); } VFN_DEBUG_EXIT("DiffractionDataSingleCrystal::SortReflectionBySinThetaOverLambda()",5) return index; }
ExampleSetModel::ExampleSetType ExampleSetModel::getType(int i) const { if (i < 0 || i >= rowCount()) return InvalidExampleSet; QModelIndex modelIndex = index(i, 0); QVariant variant = data(modelIndex, Qt::UserRole + 2); /*Qt version uniqueId*/ if (variant.isValid()) return QtExampleSet; return ExtraExampleSet; } int ExampleSetModel::getQtId(int i) const { QTC_ASSERT(i >= 0, return -1); QModelIndex modelIndex = index(i, 0); QVariant variant = data(modelIndex, Qt::UserRole + 2); QTC_ASSERT(variant.isValid(), return -1); QTC_ASSERT(variant.canConvert<int>(), return -1); return variant.toInt(); } int ExampleSetModel::getExtraExampleSetIndex(int i) const { QTC_ASSERT(i >= 0, return -1); QModelIndex modelIndex = index(i, 0); QVariant variant = data(modelIndex, Qt::UserRole + 3); QTC_ASSERT(variant.isValid(), return -1); QTC_ASSERT(variant.canConvert<int>(), return -1); return variant.toInt(); }
/* // FUNCTION: WndProc(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG) // // PURPOSE: Processes messages for the main window. */ LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PNHMainWindow data; switch (message) { case WM_CREATE: /* set window data */ data = (PNHMainWindow)malloc(sizeof(NHMainWindow)); if( !data ) panic("out of memory"); ZeroMemory(data, sizeof(NHMainWindow)); data->mapAcsiiModeSave = MAP_MODE_ASCII12x16; SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)data); GetNHApp()->hMainWnd = hWnd; break; case WM_MSNH_COMMAND: onMSNHCommand(hWnd, wParam, lParam); break; case WM_KEYDOWN: { data = (PNHMainWindow)GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA); /* translate arrow keys into nethack commands */ switch (wParam) { case VK_LEFT: if( STATEON(VK_CONTROL) ) { /* scroll map window one line left */ SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_HSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEUP, 0), (LPARAM)NULL ); } else { NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_W)); } return 0; case VK_RIGHT: if( STATEON(VK_CONTROL) ) { /* scroll map window one line right */ SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_HSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEDOWN, 0), (LPARAM)NULL ); } else { NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_E)); } return 0; case VK_UP: if( STATEON(VK_CONTROL) ) { /* scroll map window one line up */ SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEUP, 0), (LPARAM)NULL ); } else { NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_N)); } return 0; case VK_DOWN: if( STATEON(VK_CONTROL) ) { /* scroll map window one line down */ SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_LINEDOWN, 0), (LPARAM)NULL ); } else { NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_S)); } return 0; case VK_HOME: if( STATEON(VK_CONTROL) ) { /* scroll map window to upper left corner */ SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_THUMBTRACK, 0), (LPARAM)NULL ); SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_HSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_THUMBTRACK, 0), (LPARAM)NULL ); } else { NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_NW)); } return 0; case VK_END: if( STATEON(VK_CONTROL) ) { /* scroll map window to lower right corner */ SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_THUMBTRACK, ROWNO), (LPARAM)NULL ); SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_HSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_THUMBTRACK, COLNO), (LPARAM)NULL ); } else { NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_SW)); } return 0; case VK_PRIOR: if( STATEON(VK_CONTROL) ) { /* scroll map window one page up */ SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_PAGEUP, 0), (LPARAM)NULL ); } else { NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_NE)); } return 0; case VK_NEXT: if( STATEON(VK_CONTROL) ) { /* scroll map window one page down */ SendMessage( mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MAP), WM_VSCROLL, MAKEWPARAM(SB_PAGEDOWN, 0), (LPARAM)NULL ); } else { NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_SE)); } return 0; case VK_DECIMAL: case VK_DELETE: NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_WAITLOOK)); return 0; case VK_INSERT: NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_INV)); return 0; case VK_SUBTRACT: NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_MINUS)); return 0; case VK_ADD: NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_PLUS)); return 0; case VK_CLEAR: /* This is the '5' key */ NHEVENT_KBD(KEYTABLE(KEY_GOINTERESTING)); return 0; case VK_F4: if( IS_MAP_FIT_TO_SCREEN(iflags.wc_map_mode) ) { mswin_select_map_mode( IS_MAP_ASCII(iflags.wc_map_mode)? data->mapAcsiiModeSave : MAP_MODE_TILES ); } else { mswin_select_map_mode( IS_MAP_ASCII(iflags.wc_map_mode)? MAP_MODE_ASCII_FIT_TO_SCREEN : MAP_MODE_TILES_FIT_TO_SCREEN ); } return 0; case VK_F5: if( IS_MAP_ASCII(iflags.wc_map_mode) ) { if( IS_MAP_FIT_TO_SCREEN(iflags.wc_map_mode) ) { mswin_select_map_mode(MAP_MODE_TILES_FIT_TO_SCREEN); } else { mswin_select_map_mode(MAP_MODE_TILES); } } else { if( IS_MAP_FIT_TO_SCREEN(iflags.wc_map_mode) ) { mswin_select_map_mode(MAP_MODE_ASCII_FIT_TO_SCREEN); } else { mswin_select_map_mode(data->mapAcsiiModeSave); } } return 0; default: { WORD c; BYTE kbd_state[256]; c = 0; ZeroMemory(kbd_state, sizeof(kbd_state)); GetKeyboardState(kbd_state); if( ToAscii( wParam, (lParam>>16)&0xFF, kbd_state, &c, 0) ) { NHEVENT_KBD( c&0xFF ); return 0; } else { return 1; } } } /* end switch */ } break; case WM_SYSCHAR: /* Alt-char pressed */ { /* If not nethackmode, don't handle Alt-keys here. If no Alt-key pressed it can never be an extended command */ if (GetNHApp()->regNetHackMode && ((lParam & 1<<29) != 0)) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char)(wParam & 0xFF); unsigned char scancode = (lParam >> 16) & 0xFF; if (index(extendedlist, tolower(c)) != 0) { NHEVENT_KBD(M(tolower(c))); } else if (scancode == (SCANLO + SIZE(scanmap)) - 1) { NHEVENT_KBD(M('?')); } return 0; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); }
QVariant ExampleSetModel::getDisplayName(int i) const { if (i < 0 || i >= rowCount()) return QVariant(); return data(index(i, 0), Qt::UserRole + 1); }
void AMSamplePlatePre2013ItemModel::onDatabaseItemRemoved(const QString &tableName, int id) { if(tableName != sampleTableName_) return; emit dataChanged(index(id), index(id)); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { char *command_line = NULL; char input_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; char *address = NULL; /* comma seperated str with addrs/ptrs (sorted) */ char **addresses = NULL; int n_addresses = 0; char *msg = NULL; char *temp_buffer = NULL; int non_authoritative = FALSE; int result = STATE_UNKNOWN; double elapsed_time; long microsec; struct timeval tv; int parse_address = FALSE; /* This flag scans for Address: but only after Name: */ output chld_out, chld_err; size_t i; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); /* Set signal handling and alarm */ if (signal (SIGALRM, runcmd_timeout_alarm_handler) == SIG_ERR) { usage_va(_("Cannot catch SIGALRM")); } /* Parse extra opts if any */ argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname); if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR) { usage_va(_("Could not parse arguments")); } /* get the command to run */ xasprintf (&command_line, "%s %s %s", NSLOOKUP_COMMAND, query_address, dns_server); alarm (timeout_interval); gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); if (verbose) printf ("%s\n", command_line); /* run the command */ if((np_runcmd(command_line, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0)) != 0) { msg = (char *)_("nslookup returned an error status"); result = STATE_WARNING; } /* scan stdout */ for(i = 0; i < chld_out.lines; i++) { if (addresses == NULL) addresses = malloc(sizeof(*addresses)*10); else if (!(n_addresses % 10)) addresses = realloc(addresses,sizeof(*addresses) * (n_addresses + 10)); if (verbose) puts(chld_out.line[i]); if (strcasestr (chld_out.line[i], "")) { if ((temp_buffer = strstr (chld_out.line[i], "name = "))) addresses[n_addresses++] = strdup (temp_buffer + 7); else { msg = (char *)_("Warning plugin error"); result = STATE_WARNING; } } /* bug ID: 2946553 - Older versions of bind will use all available dns servers, we have to match the one specified */ if (strstr (chld_out.line[i], "Server:") && strlen(dns_server) > 0) { temp_buffer = strchr (chld_out.line[i], ':'); temp_buffer++; /* Strip leading tabs */ for (; *temp_buffer != '\0' && *temp_buffer == '\t'; temp_buffer++) /* NOOP */; strip(temp_buffer); if (temp_buffer==NULL || strlen(temp_buffer)==0) { die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("DNS CRITICAL - '%s' returned empty server string\n"), NSLOOKUP_COMMAND); } if (strcmp(temp_buffer, dns_server) != 0) { die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("DNS CRITICAL - No response from DNS %s\n"), dns_server); } } /* the server is responding, we just got the host name... */ if (strstr (chld_out.line[i], "Name:")) parse_address = TRUE; else if (parse_address == TRUE && (strstr (chld_out.line[i], "Address:") || strstr (chld_out.line[i], "Addresses:"))) { temp_buffer = index (chld_out.line[i], ':'); temp_buffer++; /* Strip leading spaces */ for (; *temp_buffer != '\0' && *temp_buffer == ' '; temp_buffer++) /* NOOP */; strip(temp_buffer); if (temp_buffer==NULL || strlen(temp_buffer)==0) { die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("DNS CRITICAL - '%s' returned empty host name string\n"), NSLOOKUP_COMMAND); } addresses[n_addresses++] = strdup(temp_buffer); } else if (strstr (chld_out.line[i], _("Non-authoritative answer:"))) { non_authoritative = TRUE; } result = error_scan (chld_out.line[i]); if (result != STATE_OK) { msg = strchr (chld_out.line[i], ':'); if(msg) msg++; break; } } /* scan stderr */ for(i = 0; i < chld_err.lines; i++) { if (verbose) puts(chld_err.line[i]); if (error_scan (chld_err.line[i]) != STATE_OK) { result = max_state (result, error_scan (chld_err.line[i])); msg = strchr(input_buffer, ':'); if(msg) msg++; } } if (addresses) { int i,slen; char *adrp; qsort(addresses, n_addresses, sizeof(*addresses), qstrcmp); for(i=0, slen=1; i < n_addresses; i++) { slen += strlen(addresses[i])+1; } adrp = address = malloc(slen); for(i=0; i < n_addresses; i++) { if (i) *adrp++ = ','; strcpy(adrp, addresses[i]); adrp += strlen(addresses[i]); } *adrp = 0; } else die (STATE_CRITICAL, _("DNS CRITICAL - '%s' msg parsing exited with no address\n"), NSLOOKUP_COMMAND); /* compare to expected address */ if (result == STATE_OK && expected_address_cnt > 0) { result = STATE_CRITICAL; temp_buffer = ""; for (i=0; i<expected_address_cnt; i++) { /* check if we get a match and prepare an error string */ if (strcmp(address, expected_address[i]) == 0) result = STATE_OK; xasprintf(&temp_buffer, "%s%s; ", temp_buffer, expected_address[i]); } if (result == STATE_CRITICAL) { /* Strip off last semicolon... */ temp_buffer[strlen(temp_buffer)-2] = '\0'; xasprintf(&msg, _("expected '%s' but got '%s'"), temp_buffer, address); } } /* check if authoritative */ if (result == STATE_OK && expect_authority && non_authoritative) { result = STATE_CRITICAL; xasprintf(&msg, _("server %s is not authoritative for %s"), dns_server, query_address); } microsec = deltime (tv); elapsed_time = (double)microsec / 1.0e6; if (result == STATE_OK) { result = get_status(elapsed_time, time_thresholds); if (result == STATE_OK) { printf ("DNS %s: ", _("OK")); } else if (result == STATE_WARNING) { printf ("DNS %s: ", _("WARNING")); } else if (result == STATE_CRITICAL) { printf ("DNS %s: ", _("CRITICAL")); } printf (ngettext("%.3f second response time", "%.3f seconds response time", elapsed_time), elapsed_time); printf (_(". %s returns %s"), query_address, address); if ((time_thresholds->warning != NULL) && (time_thresholds->critical != NULL)) { printf ("|%s\n", fperfdata ("time", elapsed_time, "s", TRUE, time_thresholds->warning->end, TRUE, time_thresholds->critical->end, TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0)); } else if ((time_thresholds->warning == NULL) && (time_thresholds->critical != NULL)) { printf ("|%s\n", fperfdata ("time", elapsed_time, "s", FALSE, 0, TRUE, time_thresholds->critical->end, TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0)); } else if ((time_thresholds->warning != NULL) && (time_thresholds->critical == NULL)) { printf ("|%s\n", fperfdata ("time", elapsed_time, "s", TRUE, time_thresholds->warning->end, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0)); } else printf ("|%s\n", fperfdata ("time", elapsed_time, "s", FALSE, 0, FALSE, 0, TRUE, 0, FALSE, 0)); } else if (result == STATE_WARNING) printf (_("DNS WARNING - %s\n"), !strcmp (msg, "") ? _(" Probably a non-existent host/domain") : msg); else if (result == STATE_CRITICAL) printf (_("DNS CRITICAL - %s\n"), !strcmp (msg, "") ? _(" Probably a non-existent host/domain") : msg); else printf (_("DNS UNKNOWN - %s\n"), !strcmp (msg, "") ? _(" Probably a non-existent host/domain") : msg); return result; }
void BookmarksModel::entryChanged(BookmarkNode *item) { QModelIndex idx = index(item); emit dataChanged(idx, idx); }
int comm_rank_from_coords(const Topology *topo, const int *coords) { return topo->ranks[index(topo->ndim, topo->dims, coords)]; }
int internal__hydra_connect(char *host, int port, int protocol, int type) { int s, ret = -1, ipv6 = 0; #ifdef AF_INET6 struct sockaddr_in6 target6; struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; #endif struct sockaddr_in target; struct sockaddr_in sin; char *buf, *tmpptr = NULL; int err = 0; #ifdef AF_INET6 memset(&target6, 0, sizeof(target6)); memset(&sin6, 0, sizeof(sin6)); if ((host[0] == 16 && proxy_string_ip[0] != 4) || proxy_string_ip[0] == 16) ipv6 = 1; #endif #ifdef AF_INET6 if (ipv6) s = socket(AF_INET6, protocol, type); else #endif s = socket(PF_INET, protocol, type); if (s >= 0) { if (src_port != 0) { int bind_ok = 0; #ifdef AF_INET6 if (ipv6) { sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6.sin6_port = htons(src_port); } else #endif { sin.sin_family = PF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(src_port); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } //we will try to find a free port down to 512 while (!bind_ok && src_port >= 512) { #ifdef AF_INET6 if (ipv6) ret = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sin6, sizeof(sin6)); else #endif ret = bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin)); if (ret == -1) { if (verbose) perror("internal_hydra_connect error"); if (errno == EADDRINUSE) { src_port--; #ifdef AF_INET6 if (ipv6) sin6.sin6_port = htons(src_port); else #endif sin.sin_port = htons(src_port); } else { if (errno == EACCES && (getuid() > 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] You need to be root to test this service\n"); close(s); return -1; } } } else bind_ok = 1; } } if (use_proxy > 0) { if (proxy_string_ip[0] == 4) { memcpy(&target.sin_addr.s_addr, &proxy_string_ip[1], 4); target.sin_family = AF_INET; target.sin_port = htons(proxy_string_port); } #ifdef AF_INET6 if (proxy_string_ip[0] == 16) { memcpy(&target6.sin6_addr, &proxy_string_ip[1], 16); target6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; target6.sin6_port = htons(proxy_string_port); } #endif } else { if (host[0] == 4) { memcpy(&target.sin_addr.s_addr, &host[1], 4); target.sin_family = AF_INET; target.sin_port = htons(port); } #ifdef AF_INET6 if (host[0] == 16) { memcpy(&target6.sin6_addr, &host[1], 16); target6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; target6.sin6_port = htons(port); } #endif } signal(SIGALRM, alarming); do { if (fail > 0) sleep(WAIT_BETWEEN_CONNECT_RETRY); alarm_went_off = 0; alarm(waittime); #ifdef AF_INET6 #ifdef SO_BINDTODEVICE if (host[17] != 0) { setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, &host[17], strlen(&host[17]) + 1); } #else #ifdef IP_FORCE_OUT_IFP if (host[17] != 0) { setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, IP_FORCE_OUT_IFP, &host[17], strlen(&host[17]) + 1); } #endif #endif if (ipv6) ret = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &target6, sizeof(target6)); else #endif ret = connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &target, sizeof(target)); alarm(0); if (ret < 0 && alarm_went_off == 0) { fail++; if (verbose ) { if (do_retry && fail <= MAX_CONNECT_RETRY) fprintf(stderr, "Process %d: Can not connect [unreachable], retrying (%d of %d retries)\n", (int) getpid(), fail, MAX_CONNECT_RETRY); else fprintf(stderr, "Process %d: Can not connect [unreachable]\n", (int) getpid()); } } } while (ret < 0 && fail <= MAX_CONNECT_RETRY && do_retry); if (ret < 0 && fail > MAX_CONNECT_RETRY) { if (debug) printf("DEBUG_CONNECT_UNREACHABLE\n"); /* we wont quit here, thats up to the module to decide what to do * fprintf(stderr, "Process %d: Can not connect [unreachable], process exiting\n", (int)getpid()); * hydra_child_exit(1); */ extern_socket = -1; close(s); ret = -1; return ret; } ret = s; extern_socket = s; if (debug) printf("DEBUG_CONNECT_OK\n"); err = 0; if (use_proxy == 2) { if ((buf = malloc(4096)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] could not malloc()\n"); close(s); return -1; } memset(&target, 0, sizeof(target)); if (host[0] == 4) { memcpy(&target.sin_addr.s_addr, &host[1], 4); target.sin_family = AF_INET; target.sin_port = htons(port); } #ifdef AF_INET6 memset(&target6, 0, sizeof(target6)); if (host[0] == 16) { memcpy(&target6.sin6_addr, &host[1], 16); target6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; target6.sin6_port = htons(port); } #endif if (hydra_strcasestr(proxy_string_type, "connect") || hydra_strcasestr(proxy_string_type, "http")) { if (proxy_authentication == NULL) if (host[0] == 16) snprintf(buf, 4096, "CONNECT [%s]:%d HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", hydra_address2string(host), port); else snprintf(buf, 4096, "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", hydra_address2string(host), port); else if (host[0] == 16) snprintf(buf, 4096, "CONNECT [%s]:%d HTTP/1.0\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\n\r\n", hydra_address2string(host), port, proxy_authentication); else snprintf(buf, 4096, "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.0\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\n\r\n", hydra_address2string(host), port, proxy_authentication); send(s, buf, strlen(buf), 0); recv(s, buf, 4096, 0); if (strncmp("HTTP/", buf, 5) == 0 && (tmpptr = index(buf, ' ')) != NULL && *++tmpptr == '2') { if (debug) printf("DEBUG_CONNECT_PROXY_OK\n"); } else { if (debug) printf("DEBUG_CONNECT_PROXY_FAILED (Code: %c%c%c)\n", *tmpptr, *(tmpptr + 1), *(tmpptr + 2)); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] CONNECT call to proxy failed with code %c%c%c\n", *tmpptr, *(tmpptr + 1), *(tmpptr + 2)); err = 1; } // free(buf); } else { if (hydra_strcasestr(proxy_string_type, "socks5")) { // char buf[1024]; size_t cnt, wlen; /* socks v5 support */ buf[0] = SOCKS_V5; buf[1] = 1; if (proxy_authentication == NULL) buf[2] = SOCKS_NOAUTH; else buf[2] = SOCKS_PASSAUTH; cnt = hydra_send(s, buf, 3, 0); if (cnt != 3) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS5 proxy write failed (%zu/3)\n", cnt); err = 1; } else { cnt = hydra_recv(s, buf, 2); if (cnt != 2) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS5 proxy read failed (%zu/2)\n", cnt); err = 1; } if ((unsigned int) buf[1] == SOCKS_NOMETHOD) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS5 proxy authentication method negotiation failed\n"); err = 1; } /* SOCKS_DOMAIN not supported here, do we need it ? */ if (err != 1) { /* send user/pass */ if (proxy_authentication != NULL) { //format was checked previously char *login = strtok(proxy_authentication, ":"); char *pass = strtok(NULL, ":"); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x01%c%s%c%s", (char) strlen(login), login, (char) strlen(pass), pass); cnt = hydra_send(s, buf, strlen(buf), 0); if (cnt != strlen(buf)) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS5 proxy write failed (%zu/3)\n", cnt); err = 1; } else { cnt = hydra_recv(s, buf, 2); if (cnt != 2) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS5 proxy read failed (%zu/2)\n", cnt); err = 1; } if (buf[1] != 0) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS5 proxy authentication failure\n"); err = 1; } else { if (debug) hydra_report(stderr, "[DEBUG] SOCKS5 proxy authentication success\n"); } } } #ifdef AF_INET6 if (ipv6) { /* Version 5, connect: IPv6 address */ buf[0] = SOCKS_V5; buf[1] = SOCKS_CONNECT; buf[2] = 0; buf[3] = SOCKS_IPV6; memcpy(buf + 4, &target6.sin6_addr, sizeof target6.sin6_addr); memcpy(buf + 20, &target6.sin6_port, sizeof target6.sin6_port); wlen = 22; } else { #endif /* Version 5, connect: IPv4 address */ buf[0] = SOCKS_V5; buf[1] = SOCKS_CONNECT; buf[2] = 0; buf[3] = SOCKS_IPV4; memcpy(buf + 4, &target.sin_addr, sizeof target.sin_addr); memcpy(buf + 8, &target.sin_port, sizeof target.sin_port); wlen = 10; #ifdef AF_INET6 } #endif cnt = hydra_send(s, buf, wlen, 0); if (cnt != wlen) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS5 proxy write failed (%zu/%zu)\n", cnt, wlen); err = 1; } else { cnt = hydra_recv(s, buf, 10); if (cnt != 10) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS5 proxy read failed (%zu/10)\n", cnt); err = 1; } if (buf[1] != 0) { /* 0x05 = connection refused by destination host */ if (buf[1] == 5) hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS proxy request failed\n"); else hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS error %d\n", buf[1]); err = 1; } } } } } else { if (hydra_strcasestr(proxy_string_type, "socks4")) { if (ipv6) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS4 proxy does not support IPv6\n"); err = 1; } else { // char buf[1024]; size_t cnt, wlen; /* socks v4 support */ buf[0] = SOCKS_V4; buf[1] = SOCKS_CONNECT; /* connect */ memcpy(buf + 2, &target.sin_port, sizeof target.sin_port); memcpy(buf + 4, &target.sin_addr, sizeof target.sin_addr); buf[8] = 0; /* empty username */ wlen = 9; cnt = hydra_send(s, buf, wlen, 0); if (cnt != wlen) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS4 proxy write failed (%zu/%zu)\n", cnt, wlen); err = 1; } else { cnt = hydra_recv(s, buf, 8); if (cnt != 8) { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS4 proxy read failed (%zu/8)\n", cnt); err = 1; } if (buf[1] != 90) { /* 91 = 0x5b = request rejected or failed */ if (buf[1] == 91) hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS proxy request failed\n"); else hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] SOCKS error %d\n", buf[1]); err = 1; } } } } else { hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Unknown proxy type: %s, valid type are \"connect\", \"socks4\" or \"socks5\"\n", proxy_string_type); err = 1; } } } free(buf); } if (err) { close(s); extern_socket = -1; ret = -1; return ret; } fail = 0; return ret; } return ret; }
void build_request(const char *url) { char tmp[10]; int i; bzero(host,MAXHOSTNAMELEN); bzero(request,REQUEST_SIZE); if(force_reload && proxyhost!=NULL && http10<1) http10=1; if(method==METHOD_HEAD && http10<1) http10=1; if(method==METHOD_OPTIONS && http10<2) http10=2; if(method==METHOD_TRACE && http10<2) http10=2; switch(method) { default: case METHOD_GET: strcpy(request,"GET");break; case METHOD_HEAD: strcpy(request,"HEAD");break; case METHOD_OPTIONS: strcpy(request,"OPTIONS");break; case METHOD_TRACE: strcpy(request,"TRACE");break; } strcat(request," "); if(NULL==strstr(url,"://")) { fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: is not a valid URL.\n",url); exit(2); } if(strlen(url)>1500) { fprintf(stderr,"URL is too long.\n"); exit(2); } if(proxyhost==NULL) if (0!=strncasecmp("http://",url,7)) { fprintf(stderr,"\nOnly HTTP protocol is directly supported, set --proxy for others.\n"); exit(2); } /* protocol/host delimiter */ i=strstr(url,"://")-url+3; /* printf("%d\n",i); */ if(strchr(url+i,'/')==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"\nInvalid URL syntax - hostname don't ends with '/'.\n"); exit(2); } if(proxyhost==NULL) { /* get port from hostname */ if(index(url+i,':')!=NULL && index(url+i,':')<index(url+i,'/')) { strncpy(host,url+i,strchr(url+i,':')-url-i); bzero(tmp,10); strncpy(tmp,index(url+i,':')+1,strchr(url+i,'/')-index(url+i,':')-1); /* printf("tmp=%s\n",tmp); */ proxyport=atoi(tmp); if(proxyport==0) proxyport=80; } else { strncpy(host,url+i,strcspn(url+i,"/")); } // printf("Host=%s\n",host); strcat(request+strlen(request),url+i+strcspn(url+i,"/")); } else { // printf("ProxyHost=%s\nProxyPort=%d\n",proxyhost,proxyport); strcat(request,url); } if(http10==1) strcat(request," HTTP/1.0"); else if (http10==2) strcat(request," HTTP/1.1"); strcat(request,"\r\n"); if(http10>0) strcat(request,"User-Agent: WebBench "PROGRAM_VERSION"\r\n"); if(proxyhost==NULL && http10>0) { strcat(request,"Host: "); strcat(request,host); strcat(request,"\r\n"); } if(force_reload && proxyhost!=NULL) { strcat(request,"Pragma: no-cache\r\n"); } if(http10>1) strcat(request,"Connection: close\r\n"); /* add empty line at end */ if(http10>0) strcat(request,"\r\n"); // printf("Req=%s\n",request); }
static char * XkbRF_SubstituteVars(char *name, XkbRF_MultiDefsPtr mdefs) { char *str, *outstr, *orig, *var; int len, ndx; orig= name; str= index(name,'%'); if (str==NULL) return name; len= strlen(name); while (str!=NULL) { char pfx= str[1]; int extra_len= 0; if ((pfx=='+')||(pfx=='|')||(pfx=='_')||(pfx=='-')) { extra_len= 1; str++; } else if (pfx=='(') { extra_len= 2; str++; } var = str + 1; str = get_index(var + 1, &ndx); if (ndx == -1) { str = index(str,'%'); continue; } if ((*var=='l') && mdefs->layout[ndx] && *mdefs->layout[ndx]) len+= strlen(mdefs->layout[ndx])+extra_len; else if ((*var=='m')&&mdefs->model) len+= strlen(mdefs->model)+extra_len; else if ((*var=='v') && mdefs->variant[ndx] && *mdefs->variant[ndx]) len+= strlen(mdefs->variant[ndx])+extra_len; if ((pfx=='(')&&(*str==')')) { str++; } str= index(&str[0],'%'); } name= (char *)_XkbAlloc(len+1); str= orig; outstr= name; while (*str!='\0') { if (str[0]=='%') { char pfx,sfx; str++; pfx= str[0]; sfx= '\0'; if ((pfx=='+')||(pfx=='|')||(pfx=='_')||(pfx=='-')) { str++; } else if (pfx=='(') { sfx= ')'; str++; } else pfx= '\0'; var = str; str = get_index(var + 1, &ndx); if (ndx == -1) { continue; } if ((*var=='l') && mdefs->layout[ndx] && *mdefs->layout[ndx]) { if (pfx) *outstr++= pfx; strcpy(outstr,mdefs->layout[ndx]); outstr+= strlen(mdefs->layout[ndx]); if (sfx) *outstr++= sfx; } else if ((*var=='m')&&(mdefs->model)) { if (pfx) *outstr++= pfx; strcpy(outstr,mdefs->model); outstr+= strlen(mdefs->model); if (sfx) *outstr++= sfx; } else if ((*var=='v') && mdefs->variant[ndx] && *mdefs->variant[ndx]) { if (pfx) *outstr++= pfx; strcpy(outstr,mdefs->variant[ndx]); outstr+= strlen(mdefs->variant[ndx]); if (sfx) *outstr++= sfx; } if ((pfx=='(')&&(*str==')')) str++; } else { *outstr++= *str++; } } *outstr++= '\0'; if (orig!=name) _XkbFree(orig); return name; }
void __gnat_localtime_tzoff (const time_t *timer, const int *is_historic, long *off) { struct tm tp; /* AIX, HPUX, Sun Solaris */ #if defined (_AIX) || defined (__hpux__) || defined (sun) { (*Lock_Task) (); localtime_r (timer, &tp); *off = (long) -timezone; (*Unlock_Task) (); /* Correct the offset if Daylight Saving Time is in effect */ if (tp.tm_isdst > 0) *off = *off + 3600; } /* VxWorks */ #elif defined (__vxworks) #include <stdlib.h> { (*Lock_Task) (); localtime_r (timer, &tp); /* Try to read the environment variable TIMEZONE. The variable may not have been initialize, in that case return an offset of zero (0) for UTC. */ char *tz_str = getenv ("TIMEZONE"); if ((tz_str == NULL) || (*tz_str == '\0')) *off = 0; else { char *tz_start, *tz_end; /* The format of the data contained in TIMEZONE is N::U:S:E where N is the name of the time zone, U are the minutes difference from UTC, S is the start of DST in mmddhh and E is the end of DST in mmddhh. Extracting the value of U involves setting two pointers, one at the beginning and one at the end of the value. The end pointer is then set to null in order to delimit a string slice for atol to process. */ tz_start = index (tz_str, ':') + 2; tz_end = index (tz_start, ':'); tz_end = '\0'; /* The Ada layer expects an offset in seconds. Note that we must reverse the sign of the result since west is positive and east is negative on VxWorks targets. */ *off = -atol (tz_start) * 60; /* Correct the offset if Daylight Saving Time is in effect */ if (tp.tm_isdst > 0) *off = *off + 3600; } (*Unlock_Task) (); } /* Darwin, Free BSD, Linux, where component tm_gmtoff is present in struct tm */ #elif defined (__APPLE__) \ || defined (__DragonFly__) \ || defined (__FreeBSD__) \ || defined (__OpenBSD__) \ || defined (linux) \ || defined (__GLIBC__) { localtime_r (timer, &tp); *off = tp.tm_gmtoff; } /* Default: treat all time values in GMT */ #else *off = 0; #endif }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { int k = 6; double thresh = DBL_MAX; // No threshold, disabled by default if (argc < 2) { pcl::console::print_error ("Need at least three parameters! Syntax is: %s <query_vfh_model.pcd> [options] {kdtree.idx} {training_data.h5} {training_data.list}\n", argv[0]); pcl::console::print_info (" where [options] are: -k = number of nearest neighbors to search for in the tree (default: "); pcl::console::print_value ("%d", k); pcl::console::print_info (")\n"); pcl::console::print_info (" -thresh = maximum distance threshold for a model to be considered VALID (default: "); pcl::console::print_value ("%f", thresh); pcl::console::print_info (")\n\n"); return (-1); } // this won't be needed for flann > 1.6.10 flann::ObjectFactory<flann::IndexParams, flann_algorithm_t>::instance().register_<flann::LinearIndexParams>(FLANN_INDEX_LINEAR); std::string extension (".pcd"); transform (extension.begin (), extension.end (), extension.begin (), (int(*)(int))tolower); // Load the test histogram std::vector<int> pcd_indices = pcl::console::parse_file_extension_argument (argc, argv, ".pcd"); vfh_model histogram; if (!loadHist (argv[ (0)], histogram)) { pcl::console::print_error ("Cannot load test file %s\n", argv[ (0)]); return (-1); } pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-thresh", thresh); // Search for the k closest matches pcl::console::parse_argument (argc, argv, "-k", k); pcl::console::print_highlight ("Using "); pcl::console::print_value ("%d", k); pcl::console::print_info (" nearest neighbors.\n"); std::string kdtree_idx_file_name = "kdtree.idx"; std::string training_data_h5_file_name = "training_data.h5"; std::string training_data_list_file_name = "training_data.list"; std::vector<vfh_model> models; flann::Matrix<int> k_indices; flann::Matrix<float> k_distances; flann::Matrix<float> data; // Check if the data has already been saved to disk if (!boost::filesystem::exists ("training_data.h5") || !boost::filesystem::exists ("training_data.list")) { pcl::console::print_error ("Could not find training data models files %s and %s!\n", training_data_h5_file_name.c_str (), training_data_list_file_name.c_str ()); return (-1); } else { loadFileList (models, training_data_list_file_name); flann::load_from_file (data, training_data_h5_file_name, "training_data"); pcl::console::print_highlight ("Training data found. Loaded %d VFH models from %s/%s.\n", (int)data.rows, training_data_h5_file_name.c_str (), training_data_list_file_name.c_str ()); } // Check if the tree index has already been saved to disk if (!boost::filesystem::exists (kdtree_idx_file_name)) { pcl::console::print_error ("Could not find kd-tree index in file %s!", kdtree_idx_file_name.c_str ()); return (-1); } else { flann::Index<flann::ChiSquareDistance<float> > index (data, flann::SavedIndexParams ("kdtree.idx")); index.buildIndex (); nearestKSearch (index, histogram, k, k_indices, k_distances); } // Output the results on screen pcl::console::print_highlight ("The closest %d neighbors for %s are:\n", k, argv[pcd_indices[0]]); for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) pcl::console::print_info (" %d - %s (%d) with a distance of: %f\n", i, (k_indices[0][i]).first.c_str (), k_indices[0][i], k_distances[0][i]); // Load the results pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer p (argc, argv, "VFH Cluster Classifier"); int y_s = (int)floor (sqrt ((double)k)); int x_s = y_s + (int)ceil ((k / (double)y_s) - y_s); double x_step = (double)(1 / (double)x_s); double y_step = (double)(1 / (double)y_s); pcl::console::print_highlight ("Preparing to load "); pcl::console::print_value ("%d", k); pcl::console::print_info (" files ("); pcl::console::print_value ("%d", x_s); pcl::console::print_info ("x"); pcl::console::print_value ("%d", y_s); pcl::console::print_info (" / "); pcl::console::print_value ("%f", x_step); pcl::console::print_info ("x"); pcl::console::print_value ("%f", y_step); pcl::console::print_info (")\n"); int viewport = 0, l = 0, m = 0; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { std::string cloud_name = (k_indices[0][i]).first; boost::replace_last (cloud_name, "_vfh", ""); p.createViewPort (l * x_step, m * y_step, (l + 1) * x_step, (m + 1) * y_step, viewport); l++; if (l >= x_s) { l = 0; m++; } sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 cloud; pcl::console::print_highlight (stderr, "Loading "); pcl::console::print_value (stderr, "%s ", cloud_name.c_str ()); if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile (cloud_name, cloud) == -1) break; // Convert from blob to PointCloud pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud_xyz; pcl::fromROSMsg (cloud, cloud_xyz); if (cloud_xyz.points.size () == 0) break; pcl::console::print_info ("[done, "); pcl::console::print_value ("%d", (int)cloud_xyz.points.size ()); pcl::console::print_info (" points]\n"); pcl::console::print_info ("Available dimensions: "); pcl::console::print_value ("%s\n", pcl::getFieldsList (cloud).c_str ()); // Demean the cloud Eigen::Vector4f centroid; pcl::compute3DCentroid (cloud_xyz, centroid); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_xyz_demean (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::demeanPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> (cloud_xyz, centroid, *cloud_xyz_demean); // Add to renderer* p.addPointCloud (cloud_xyz_demean, cloud_name, viewport); // Check if the model found is within our inlier tolerance std::stringstream ss; ss << k_distances[0][i]; if (k_distances[0][i] > thresh) { p.addText (ss.str (), 20, 30, 1, 0, 0, ss.str (), viewport); // display the text with red // Create a red line pcl::PointXYZ min_p, max_p; pcl::getMinMax3D (*cloud_xyz_demean, min_p, max_p); std::stringstream line_name; line_name << "line_" << i; p.addLine (min_p, max_p, 1, 0, 0, line_name.str (), viewport); p.setShapeRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_LINE_WIDTH, 5, line_name.str (), viewport); } else p.addText (ss.str (), 20, 30, 0, 1, 0, ss.str (), viewport); // Increase the font size for the score* p.setShapeRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_FONT_SIZE, 18, ss.str (), viewport); // Add the cluster name p.addText (cloud_name, 20, 10, cloud_name, viewport); } // Add coordianate systems to all viewports p.addCoordinateSystem (0.1, 0); p.spin (); return (0); }
/* * Give our OK for a hook to be added. The hook name is of the * form "<family>/<type>/<proto>" where the three components may * be decimal numbers or else aliases from the above lists. * * Connecting a hook amounts to opening the socket. Disconnecting * the hook closes the socket and destroys the node as well. */ static int ng_ksocket_newhook(node_p node, hook_p hook, const char *name0) { struct thread *td = curthread->td_proc ? curthread : &thread0; /* XXX broken */ const priv_p priv = NG_NODE_PRIVATE(node); char *s1, *s2, name[NG_HOOKSIZ]; int family, type, protocol, error; /* Check if we're already connected */ if (priv->hook != NULL) return (EISCONN); if (priv->flags & KSF_CLONED) { if (priv->flags & KSF_EMBRYONIC) { /* Remove ourselves from our parent's embryo list */ LIST_REMOVE(priv, siblings); priv->flags &= ~KSF_EMBRYONIC; } } else { /* Extract family, type, and protocol from hook name */ ksnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", name0); s1 = name; if ((s2 = index(s1, '/')) == NULL) return (EINVAL); *s2++ = '\0'; family = ng_ksocket_parse(ng_ksocket_families, s1, 0); if (family == -1) return (EINVAL); s1 = s2; if ((s2 = index(s1, '/')) == NULL) return (EINVAL); *s2++ = '\0'; type = ng_ksocket_parse(ng_ksocket_types, s1, 0); if (type == -1) return (EINVAL); s1 = s2; protocol = ng_ksocket_parse(ng_ksocket_protos, s1, family); if (protocol == -1) return (EINVAL); /* Create the socket */ error = socreate(family, &priv->so, type, protocol, td); if (error != 0) return (error); /* XXX call soreserve() ? */ } /* OK */ priv->hook = hook; /* * In case of misconfigured routing a packet may reenter * ksocket node recursively. Decouple stack to avoid possible * panics about sleeping with locks held. */ NG_HOOK_FORCE_QUEUE(hook); return(0); }