void VertexBasedSegmenter::placeSeeds(int index){

    regionCentroids[0] = index;
    clusterIndex[index] = 0;
    int count = 1;

    double *distFromSeeds = new double[mesh.getNumVertex()];

    while (regionCentroids.size() < NCluster) {

        for(int iterVerts = 0; iterVerts<mesh.getNumVertex(); iterVerts++){
            distFromSeeds[iterVerts] = 0.0;


                distFromSeeds[iterVerts] = mesh.getVertex(iterVerts).distance(mesh.getVertex(regionCentroids[0]));
                for(int k=1; k<regionCentroids.size(); k++){
                    if(distFromSeeds[iterVerts] > mesh.getVertex(iterVerts).distance(mesh.getVertex(regionCentroids[k])))
                        distFromSeeds[iterVerts] = mesh.getVertex(iterVerts).distance(mesh.getVertex(regionCentroids[k]));


        vertexind furthest = indexOfMax(distFromSeeds);
        clusterIndex[furthest] = count;
        regionCentroids[count++] = furthest;
        //cout<<"Reg "<<count-1<<" vertex "<<regionCentroids[count-1]<<endl;
    cout<<"Placed "<<regionCentroids.size()<<" centroids"<<endl;
//--------------主要程式碼(Main Code)--------------
int main(void)
	//宣告與定義(Declaration & Definition)
	//int array for testing
		int randArray[100];

	//random function initialization
			//now rand() is usable :D
			//rand() range: 0 ~ unsigned int MAX.
	//assign rand number//print value
			unsigned int assranC;
			for(assranC = 0; assranC < 100; assranC++)
					randArray[assranC] = rand() % 20;
					//print value
						printf("%u\t%u\n", assranC, randArray[assranC]);
	////assign rand number//print value
		indexOfMax(randArray, sizeof(randArray) / sizeof(int));

				goto restartProgram;

			return 0;
// Calculate the mapping order and mapping score
void S2MP::calcMappingScore()
    // keep track of the number of matching weights equal to zero
    int coutnMinusOnes = 0;
    // find the position of each row's max matching weight
    for (int i = 0; i < (_sp1len - _sp1frst); i++)
        // in the case of two matching Max weights, we take the first one
        int weightPos = indexOfMax(_w.getReference(i));
        // set all mappings associated with a meanininglessly small weight to -1
        if (_w.getReference(i).getUnchecked(weightPos) < 0.00001)
            weightPos = -1;
            coutnMinusOnes += 1;
        // store matching weight position i.e. max weight in this row
    // If there are no mappings, return with mappingScore = 0
    if (coutnMinusOnes == _mappingOrder.size())
        _mappingScore = 0;
    // Now detect conflicts/duplicates (two itemsets in sp1 mapped to the same itemset in sp2)
    for (int i = 0; i < (_sp1len - _sp1frst - 1); i++)

        //if we have a none zero matching weight, find conflict and resolve
        if (_mappingOrder.getUnchecked(i) > -1)
            for (int k = i + 1; k < (_sp1len - _sp1frst); k++)
                if (_mappingOrder.getUnchecked(i) == _mappingOrder.getUnchecked(k))
                    solveConflict(i, k);
    // set _mapping_score to the mean of the weights of the mapped itemsets and return
    double count = 0.0;
    double total = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < _mappingOrder.size(); i++)
        if (_mappingOrder.getUnchecked(i) > -1)
            total += _w.getReference(i)[_mappingOrder.getUnchecked(i)];
            count += 1.0;
    if (count != 0)
        _mappingScore = total/count;
    } else {
        _mappingScore = 0.0;