  NodePtr create(const SampleVector& samples, unsigned int num_tests)
    auto hist_samples = std::make_unique<HistogramType>(samples);

	std::vector<SampleType> samples_left;
	std::vector<SampleType> samples_right;

    float max_info_gain = -0.1f;
    NodePtr max_node;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_tests; ++i)
		NodePtr node(createRandomNode(m_log_stream));
      node->split(samples, samples_left, samples_right);

      HistogramType hist_left(samples_left);
      HistogramType hist_right(samples_right);

      std::vector<HistogramType*> hist;

      float infoGain = hist_samples->informationGain(hist);
	  *m_log_stream << ": IGain: " << infoGain << " / " << max_info_gain << ";" << i << ": " << samples_left.size() << "," << samples_right.size() << std::endl;
      if (infoGain > max_info_gain)
        max_info_gain = infoGain;
        max_node = std::move(node);

    return max_node;
void Tree::trainTree(const MatrixReal& featMat, const VectorInteger& labels)

//	We work with a queue of nodes, initially containing only the root node.
//	We process the queue until it becomes empty. 
	std::queue<int> toTrain;

	int size,numClasses,numVars,dims;

	size = labels.size();
	dims = featMat.cols();
	numClasses = labels.maxCoeff();

	classWts = VectorReal::Zero(numClasses+1);

	for(int i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
		classWts(labels(i)) += 1.0;

	classWts /= size;
	for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i)

	std::cout<<"Training tree, dimensions set\n";

	numVars = (int)((double)sqrt((double)dims)) + 1;
	int cur;

//	The relevant indices for the root node is the entire set of training data
	nodes[0].start = 0;
	nodes[0].end = size-1;

//	Initialise the queue with just the root node

//	Stores the relevant features.
	VectorReal relFeat;

//	Resize our boolean array, more on this later. 
	std::cout<<"Starting the queue\n";

	int lpoints,rpoints;
//	While the queue isn't empty, continue processing.
		int featNum;
		double threshold;
		lpoints = rpoints = 0;

		cur = toTrain.front();
//		std::cout<<"In queue, node being processed is d :"<<cur.depth<<"\n";
//		There are two ways for a node to get out of the queue trivially,
//		a) it doesn't have enough data to be a non-trivial split, or
//		b) it has hit the maximum permissible depth
		if((nodes[cur].end - nodes[cur].start < DATA_MIN) || (nodes[cur].depth == depth))
//			Tell ourselves that this is a leaf node, and remove the node
//			from the queue.
//			std::cout<<"Popping a leaf node\n";


//			Initialize the histogram and set it to zero
			nodes[cur].hist = VectorReal::Zero(numClasses+1);

//			The below code should give the histogram of all the elements
			for(int i = nodes[cur].start; i <= nodes[cur].end; ++i)
				nodes[cur].hist[labels(nodeix[i])] += 1.0;

			for(int i = 0 ; i < classWts.size(); ++i)
				nodes[cur].hist[i] = nodes[cur].hist[i] / classWts[i];



		double infoGain(-100.0);

//		In case this isn't a trivial node, we need to process it. 
		for(int i = 0; i < numVars; ++i)
//			std::cout<<"Choosing a random variable\n";
//			Randomly select a feature
			featNum = rand()%dims;
//			std::cout<<"Feat: "<<featNum<<std::endl;
//			Extract the relevant feature set from the training data
			relFeat = featMat.col(featNum);

			double tmax,tmin,curInfo;

			tmax = relFeat.maxCoeff();
			tmin = relFeat.minCoeff();
//			infoGain = -100;
			//std::cout<<"Min "<<tmin<<"Max: "<<tmax<<std::endl;

//			NUM_CHECKS is a macro defined at the start
			for(int j = 0; j  < NUM_CHECKS; ++j)
//				std::cout<<"Choosing a random threshold\n";
//				Generate a random threshold
				threshold = ((rand()%100)/100.0)*(tmax - tmin) + tmin;
				//std::cout<<"Thresh: "<<threshold<<std::endl;
				for(int k = nodes[cur].start; k <= nodes[cur].end ; ++k)
					indices[k] = (relFeat(k) < threshold);

//				Check if we have enough information gain
				curInfo = informationGain(nodes[cur].start,nodes[cur].end, labels);
//				std::cout<<"Info gain : "<<curInfo<<"\n";
//				curInfo = (double) ((rand()%10)/10.0);

				if(curInfo > infoGain)
					infoGain = curInfo;
					nodes[cur].x = featNum;
					nodes[cur].threshold = threshold;


//		We have selected a feature and a threshold for it that maximises the information gain.

		relFeat = featMat.col(nodes[cur].x);

//		We just set the indices depending on whether the features are greater or lesser.
//		Conventions followed : greater goes to the right.
		for(int k = nodes[cur].start; k <= nodes[cur].end; ++k)
//			If relfeat is lesser, indices[k] will be true, which will put it in the 
//			left side of the partition.
			indices[k] = relFeat(k) < nodes[cur].threshold;
//			indices[k] = (bool)(rand()%2);

		if( (lpoints < DATA_MIN) || (rpoints < DATA_MIN) )
//			Tell ourselves that this is a leaf node, and remove the node
//			from the queue.
//			std::cout<<"Popping a leaf node\n";


//			Initialize the histogram and set it to zero
			nodes[cur].hist = VectorReal::Zero(numClasses+1);

//			The below code should give the histogram of all the elements
			for(int i = nodes[cur].start; i <= nodes[cur].end; ++i)
				nodes[cur].hist[labels(nodeix[i])] += 1.0;


		int part;

//		Use the prebuilt function to linearly partition our data
		part = partition(nodes[cur].start,nodes[cur].end);

		Node right, left;
//		Increase the depth of the children
		right.depth = left.depth = nodes[cur].depth + 1;

//		Correctly assign the partitions
		left.start = nodes[cur].start;
		left.end = part -1;
//		Push back into the relevant places and also link the parent and the child
		nodes[cur].leftChild = nodes.size()-1;

//		Ditto with the right node. 
		right.start = part;
		right.end = nodes[cur].end;

		nodes[cur].rightChild = nodes.size()-1;

//		Finally remove our node from the queue. 
