VirtualHost::VirtualHost() : m_disabled(false) { Hdf empty; initRuntimeOption(empty); }
void VirtualHost::init(const IniSetting::Map& ini, Hdf vh) { m_name = vh.getName(); const char *prefix = Config::Get(ini, vh, "Prefix", "", false); const char *pattern = Config::Get(ini, vh, "Pattern", "", false); const char *pathTranslation = Config::Get(ini, vh, "PathTranslation", "", false); if (prefix) m_prefix = prefix; if (pattern) { m_pattern = format_pattern(pattern, false); if (!m_pattern.empty()) { m_pattern += "i"; // case-insensitive } } if (pathTranslation) { m_pathTranslation = pathTranslation; if (!m_pathTranslation.empty() && m_pathTranslation[m_pathTranslation.length() - 1] != '/') { m_pathTranslation += '/'; } } initRuntimeOption(ini, vh); // overwrites m_disabled = Config::GetBool(ini, vh, "Disabled", false, false); m_checkExistenceBeforeRewrite = Config::GetBool(ini, vh, "CheckExistenceBeforeRewrite", true, false); for (Hdf hdf = vh["RewriteRules"].firstChild(); hdf.exists(); hdf = { RewriteRule dummy; m_rewriteRules.push_back(dummy); RewriteRule &rule = m_rewriteRules.back(); rule.pattern = format_pattern(Config::GetString(ini, hdf, "pattern", "", false), true); = Config::GetString(ini, hdf, "to", "", false); rule.qsa = Config::GetBool(ini, hdf, "qsa", false, false); rule.redirect = Config::GetInt16(ini, hdf, "redirect", 0, false); rule.encode_backrefs = Config::GetBool(ini, hdf, "encode_backrefs", false, false); if (rule.pattern.empty() || { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid rewrite rule: (empty pattern or to)"); } for (Hdf chdf = hdf["conditions"].firstChild(); chdf.exists(); chdf = { RewriteCond dummy; rule.rewriteConds.push_back(dummy); RewriteCond &cond = rule.rewriteConds.back(); cond.pattern = format_pattern(Config::GetString(ini, chdf, "pattern", "", false), true); if (cond.pattern.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid rewrite rule: (empty cond pattern)"); } const char *type = Config::Get(ini, chdf, "type", "", false); if (type) { if (strcasecmp(type, "host") == 0) { cond.type = RewriteCond::Type::Host; } else if (strcasecmp(type, "request") == 0) { cond.type = RewriteCond::Type::Request; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid rewrite rule: (invalid " "cond type)"); } } else { cond.type = RewriteCond::Type::Request; } cond.negate = Config::GetBool(ini, chdf, "negate", false, false); } } if (vh["IpBlockMap"].firstChild().exists()) { m_ipBlocks = std::make_shared<IpBlockMap>(ini, vh["IpBlockMap"]); } for (Hdf hdf = vh["LogFilters"].firstChild(); hdf.exists(); hdf = { QueryStringFilter filter; filter.urlPattern = format_pattern(Config::GetString(ini, hdf, "url", "", false), true); filter.replaceWith = Config::GetString(ini, hdf, "value", "", false); filter.replaceWith = "\\1=" + filter.replaceWith; std::string pattern = Config::GetString(ini, hdf, "pattern", "", false); std::vector<std::string> names; names = Config::GetVector(ini, hdf, "params", names, false); if (pattern.empty()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { if (pattern.empty()) { pattern = "(?<=[&\?])("; } else { pattern += "|"; } pattern += names[i]; } if (!pattern.empty()) { pattern += ")=.*?(?=(&|$))"; pattern = format_pattern(pattern, false); } } else if (!names.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid log filter: (cannot specify " "both params and pattern)"); } filter.namePattern = pattern; m_queryStringFilters.push_back(filter); } m_serverVars = Config::GetMap(ini, vh, "ServerVariables", m_serverVars, false); m_serverName = Config::GetString(ini, vh, "ServerName", m_serverName, false); }
void VirtualHost::init(Hdf vh) { m_name = vh.getName(); const char *prefix = vh["Prefix"].get(""); const char *pattern = vh["Pattern"].get(""); const char *pathTranslation = vh["PathTranslation"].get(""); Hdf overwrite = vh["overwrite"]; initRuntimeOption(overwrite); if (prefix) m_prefix = prefix; if (pattern) { m_pattern = Util::format_pattern(pattern, true); if (!m_pattern.empty()) { m_pattern += "i"; // case-insensitive } } if (pathTranslation) { m_pathTranslation = pathTranslation; if (!m_pathTranslation.empty() && m_pathTranslation[m_pathTranslation.length() - 1] != '/') { m_pathTranslation += '/'; } } m_disabled = vh["Disabled"].getBool(false); m_documentRoot = RuntimeOption::SourceRoot + m_pathTranslation; if (!m_documentRoot.empty() && m_documentRoot[m_documentRoot.length() - 1] == '/') { m_documentRoot = m_documentRoot.substr(0, m_documentRoot.length() - 1); } Hdf rewriteRules = vh["RewriteRules"]; for (Hdf hdf = rewriteRules.firstChild(); hdf.exists(); hdf = { RewriteRule dummy; m_rewriteRules.push_back(dummy); RewriteRule &rule = m_rewriteRules.back(); rule.pattern = Util::format_pattern(hdf["pattern"].getString(""), true); = hdf["to"].getString(""); rule.qsa = hdf["qsa"].getBool(false); rule.redirect = hdf["redirect"].getInt16(0); if (rule.pattern.empty() || { throw InvalidArgumentException("rewrite rule", "(empty pattern or to)"); } Hdf rewriteConds = hdf["conditions"]; for (Hdf chdf = rewriteConds.firstChild(); chdf.exists(); chdf = { RewriteCond dummy; rule.rewriteConds.push_back(dummy); RewriteCond &cond = rule.rewriteConds.back(); cond.pattern = Util::format_pattern(chdf["pattern"].getString(""), true); if (cond.pattern.empty()) { throw InvalidArgumentException("rewrite rule", "(empty cond pattern)"); } const char *type = chdf["type"].get(); if (type) { if (strcasecmp(type, "host") == 0) { cond.type = RewriteCond::Host; } else if (strcasecmp(type, "request") == 0) { cond.type = RewriteCond::Request; } else { throw InvalidArgumentException("rewrite rule", "(invalid cond type)"); } } else { cond.type = RewriteCond::Request; } cond.negate = chdf["negate"].getBool(false); } } if (vh["IpBlockMap"].firstChild().exists()) { Hdf ipblocks = vh["IpBlockMap"]; m_ipBlocks = IpBlockMapPtr(new IpBlockMap(ipblocks)); } Hdf logFilters = vh["LogFilters"]; for (Hdf hdf = logFilters.firstChild(); hdf.exists(); hdf = { QueryStringFilter filter; filter.urlPattern = Util::format_pattern(hdf["url"].getString(""), true); filter.replaceWith = hdf["value"].getString(""); filter.replaceWith = "\\1=" + filter.replaceWith; string pattern = hdf["pattern"].getString(""); vector<string> names; hdf["params"].get(names); if (pattern.empty()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { if (pattern.empty()) { pattern = "(?<=[&\?])("; } else { pattern += "|"; } pattern += names[i]; } if (!pattern.empty()) { pattern += ")=.*?(?=(&|$))"; pattern = Util::format_pattern(pattern, false); } } else if (!names.empty()) { throw InvalidArgumentException ("log filter", "(cannot specify both params and pattern)"); } filter.namePattern = pattern; m_queryStringFilters.push_back(filter); } vh["ServerVariables"].get(m_serverVars); m_serverName = vh["ServerName"].getString(); }
VirtualHost::VirtualHost() : m_disabled(false) { IniSetting::Map ini = IniSetting::Map::object; Hdf empty; initRuntimeOption(ini, empty); }