void topology_ops_init()
static void construct_digraph(lua_State* L, pgfgd_SyntacticDigraph* d)
  d->internals = (pgfgd_SyntacticDigraph_internals*) calloc(1, sizeof(pgfgd_SyntacticDigraph_internals));
  d->internals->state = L;
  // Create the options table:
  d->options = make_option_table(L, GRAPH_INDEX, 0);

  // Create the vertex table
  init_vertex_array(&d->vertices, lua_rawlen(L, VERTICES_INDEX));

  // Create the vertices
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<d->vertices.length; i++) {
    pgfgd_Vertex* v  = (pgfgd_Vertex*) calloc(1, sizeof(pgfgd_Vertex));

    // Push the vertex onto the Lua stack:
    lua_rawgeti(L, VERTICES_INDEX, i+1);
    // Fill v with information:
    v->name  = make_string_from(L, "name");
    v->shape = make_string_from(L, "shape");
    v->kind  = make_string_from(L, "kind");
    // Options:
    v->options = make_option_table(L, VERTICES_INDEX, i+1);
    // Index:
    v->array_index = i;
    // Setup pos field
    lua_getfield(L, -1, "pos");
    make_coordinate(L, &v->pos);
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    // Setup path array:
    lua_getfield(L, -1, "path");
    v->path = make_path(L);
    lua_pop(L, 1); 

    // Pop the vertex
    lua_pop(L, 1);
    d->vertices.array[i] = v;

  // Construct the edges:
  init_edge_array(&d->syntactic_edges, lua_rawlen(L, EDGES_INDEX));

  int edge_index;
  for (edge_index = 0; edge_index < d->syntactic_edges.length; edge_index++) {
    pgfgd_Edge* e = (pgfgd_Edge*) calloc(1, sizeof(pgfgd_Edge));

    lua_rawgeti(L, EDGES_INDEX, edge_index+1);
    e->direction = make_string_from(L, "direction");      
    e->options = make_option_table(L, EDGES_INDEX, edge_index+1);
    // Index:
    e->array_index = edge_index;

    // Compute the tail vertex index:
    lua_getfield(L, -1, "tail");
    lua_gettable(L, VERTICES_INDEX);
    e->tail = d->vertices.array[lua_tointeger(L, -1) - 1];
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    lua_getfield(L, -1, "head");
    lua_gettable(L, VERTICES_INDEX);
    e->head = d->vertices.array[lua_tointeger(L, -1) - 1];
    lua_pop(L, 1);
    // Fill path:
    e->path = make_empty_path(L);
    e->path->length = -1; // Means that a default path should be created.
    // Pop the edge form the Lua stack:
    lua_pop(L, 1);
    d->syntactic_edges.array[edge_index] = e;