main() { int drv= DETECT, mod_g; if ((f= fopen("", "r")) == NULL) { printf("Eroare la deschiderea fisierului !"); getch(); return 0; } i= 0; while (!feof(f)) { i++; fscanf(f, "%i %i %i %i\n", &x1[i], &y1[i], &x2[i], &y2[i]); } fclose(f); initgraph(&drv, &mod_g, "c:\\bc31\\bgi"); setbkcolor(WHITE); cleardevice(); setcolor(YELLOW); setwritemode(XOR_PUT); for (j= 1; j <= i; j++) { if (x1[j] != x2[j]) { a1= (float(y2[j]-y1[j]))/(float(x2[j]-x1[j])); a2= (float(x1[j])*float(y2[j])-float(y1[j])*float(x2[j]))/(x2[j]-x1[j]); i1= -float(a2); i2= (float(a1)*float(getmaxx()))-float(a2); for (x= 0; x <= getmaxx(); x++) { j1= (float(a1)*float(x))-float(a2); line(x, j1, x, 0); } } else for (x= 0; x <= getmaxy(); x++) line(x1[j], x, getmaxx(), x); } getch(); return 0; }
void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; int r,x,y,p,xc=320,yc=240; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\TC\\BGI"); cleardevice(); printf("Enter the radius "); scanf("%d",&r); x=0; y=r; putpixel(xc+x,yc-y,1); p=3-(2*r); for(x=0;x<=y;x++) { if (p<0) { y=y; p=(p+(4*x)+6); } else { y=y-1; p=p+((4*(x-y)+10)); } putpixel(xc+x,yc-y,1); putpixel(xc-x,yc-y,2); putpixel(xc+x,yc+y,3); putpixel(xc-x,yc+y,4); putpixel(xc+y,yc-x,5); putpixel(xc-y,yc-x,6); putpixel(xc+y,yc+x,7); putpixel(xc-y,yc+x,8); } getch(); closegraph();
void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,maxx,maxy,x,y,button,prevx,prevy; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"d:\\tc\\bgi"); printf("Freehand drawing with the mouse"); maxx=getmaxx(); maxy=getmaxy(); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); setviewport(1,1,maxx-1,maxy-1,1); if(initmouse()==0) { closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); printf("Mouse driver not loaded"); exit(1); } restrictmouseptr(1,1,maxx-1,maxy-1); showmouseptr(); while(!kbhit()) { getmousepos(&button,&x,&y); if((button & 1)==1) { hidemouseptr(); prevx=x; prevy=y; while((button & 1)==1) { line(prevx,prevy,x,y); prevx=x; prevy=y; getmousepos(&button,&x,&y); } showmouseptr(); } } }
int main() { int x1,x2,y1,y2; char clr; int gd=DETECT,gm; void linebres(int,int,int,int,int); printf("Enter the initial coordinate points:"); scanf("%d%d",&x1,&x2); printf("Enter the end coordinate points:"); scanf("%d%d",&y1,&y2); printf("Choose the colour ...valuse from (0-15)"); scanf("%d",&clr); initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); cleardevice(); linebres(x1,y1,x2,y2,clr); getch(); closegraph(); }
int DGraphics::Init( int gmode ) { int gdriver = VGA, errorcode; gdriver=installuserdriver("SVGA256",NULL); initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); if ( (errorcode = graphresult()) != grOk ) { cout << "Error: Graphics - %s\n" << grapherrormsg(errorcode); return FALSE; } ActiveMode=gmode; return TRUE; }
void graphics_setup(void) { int graphics_adapter,gr_mode; graphics_adapter=VGA;gr_mode=VGAHI; initgraph(&graphics_adapter,&gr_mode,""); x_res=640; y_res=480; mode_flag=1; maxx=639; minx=0; maxy=479; miny=0; screen_x=639; screen_y=479; setcolor(7); return; }
void main() { int driver = DETECT,mode; int i; initgraph(&driver,&mode,"c:\\borlandc\\bgi"); line(100,100,500,100); for ( i = 20; i < 300; i++ ) if ( getpixel(300,i) == WHITE ) { setcolor(BLUE); circle(300,i,5); } else putpixel(300,i,WHITE); getch(); closegraph(); }
void main() { int gdriver=DETECT,gmode; int x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,xt,yt; float t; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"C:\\TC\\BGI"); clrscr(); printf("Enter the control points"); scanf("\n%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d",&x0,&y0,&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2,&x3,&y3); for(t=0.1;t<=0.9;t+=0.1) { xt=x0*pow((1-t),3)+3*x1*t*pow((1-t),2)+3*x2*t*t*(1-t)+x3*pow(t,3); yt=y0*pow((1-t),3)+3*y1*t*pow((1-t),2)+3*y2*t*t*(1-t)+y3*pow(t,3); putpixel(xt,yt,RED); } getch(); closegraph(); }
main( ) { int gd = DETECT, gm ; int drawtree ( int x1, int y1, float a, float l, float f, int n ) ; initgraph ( &gd, &gm, "d:\\tc\\bgi" ) ; drawtree ( 280, 350, 270, 60, 90, 6 ) ; getch( ) ; closegraph( ) ; restorecrtmode( ) ; }
int main() { int unidad = 0,modo; initgraph (&unidad,&modo,"c:\\bc\\bgi"); if (graphresult() != 0) { cout << "Error al tratar de pasar al modo grafico\n"; getch(); return 1; } moveto(20,20); outtext ("p r u e b a"); setviewport (100,100,400,400, 1 ); getch(); cleardevice(); getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }
int main() { initgraph( 640, 480 ); setrendermode(RENDER_MANUAL); PIMAGE img = newimage(); getimage(img, "F://Pictures//12264878375.jpg"); double r = 0; fps f; for ( ; is_run(); delay_fps(6000) ) { r += 0.02; if (r > PI * 2) r -= PI * 2; cleardevice(); putimage_rotatezoom(NULL, img, 320, 240, 0.5f, 0.5f, r, 0.5f, 0, -1, 1); } return 0; }
main() { int shape[10] = { 50, 50, 100, 150, 200, 150, 350, 90, 50, 50 }; int driver, mode; driver = DETECT; initgraph(&driver, &mode, ""), setbkcolor(CYAN); setcolor(RED); drawpoly(5, shape); getch(); restorecrtmode(); }
void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); line(100,100,100,200); //Vertical Line line(70,150,100,150); //Middle Line Dividing Vertical Line line(100,100,150,150); //Slant Line From Top to Bottom line(100,200,150,150); //Slant Line From Bottom to Top line(150,100,150,200); //Vertical Line line(150,150,250,150); //Horizontal Line getch(); closegraph(); }
void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,maxx,maxy,x=40,y=40,fst; char str[40]; char *pattern[]={ "EMPTY_FILL","SOLID_FILL","LINE_FILL", "LTSLASH_FILL","SLASH_FILL", "BKSLASH_FILL","LTBKSLASH_FILL", "HATCH_FILL","XHATCH_FILL", "INTERLEAVE_FILL","WIDE_DOT_FILL", "CLOSE_DOT_FILL","USER_FILL" }; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"d:\\tc\\bgi"); maxx=getmaxx(); maxy=getmaxy(); rectangle(0,10,maxx,maxy); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(175,0,"Pre-defined Fill Styles"); for(fst=0;fst<12;fst++) { setfillstyle(fst,LIGHTRED); bar(x,y,x+80,y+80); rectangle(x,y,x+80,y+80); itoa(fst,str,10); outtextxy(x,y+100,str); outtextxy(x,y+110,pattern[fst]); x=x+150; if(x>490) { y=y+150; x=40; } } getch(); closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); }
int main(){ int dx,dy,x,y,p,x1,y1,x2,y2; int gd,gm; printf("Enter the value of x1 : "); scanf("%d",&x1); printf("Enter the value of y1 : "); scanf("%d",&y1); printf("Enter the value of x2 : "); scanf("%d",&x2); printf("Enter the value of y1 : "); scanf("%d",&y2); dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; p = 2 * dy - dx; x = x1; y = y1; detectgraph(&gd,&gm); initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); setbkcolor(WHITE); putpixel(x,y,0); while(x <= x2){ if(p < 0){ x=x+1; y=y; p = p + 2 * (dy); } else{ x=x+1; y=y+1; p = p + 2 * (dy - dx); } putpixel(x,y,0); } getch(); closegraph(); }
int main() { int i,j,k,framenum=0; int gd=DETECT,gm,retval; char *frame="1"; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"f:\\tc\\bgi"); i=graphresult(); if(i!=0) { printf("\nGraphics Error\n"); exit(1); } rectangle(10,10,100,420); rectangle(530,10,630,420); // outtextxy(530,200,"Receiver"); count=INITY; while(count<400) { outtextxy(100-10,count,frame); drawline(100,530,1); framenum=atoi(frame); count=count+GAP; ///////////////////// retval=wait(30,count); if(retval==1) { framenum++; itoa(framenum,frame,10); drawline(530,100,0); count=count+GAP; } else { //resend the frame outtextxy(100-10,count,frame); drawline(100,530,1); } } getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }
int main() { //声明一个img图片对象 PIMAGE img; initgraph(640, 480); //先随便画一些东西 setcolor(EGERGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x0)); setfillcolor(EGERGB(0xFF, 0x0, 0x80)); fillellipse(50, 50, 50, 50); //用newimage在initgraph后创建这个对象。但记得要在不使用的时候delimage img = newimage(); //从屏幕上截取(0, 0) - (80, 60)这部分作为img,这个img大小为80*60 //img的尺寸会重设,大小由第三第四个参数决定 //注意,(0,0)这点会被包含在img里,但(80, 60)不包含 getimage(img, 0, 0, 80, 60); //对img设置填充色为绿色 setfillcolor(EGERGB(0x0, 0x70, 0x0), img); //对img画实心矩形 bar(40, 20, 70, 50, img); int x, y; //把img平铺在屏幕上,使用一个二重循环 for (y = 0; y < 8; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < 8; ++x) { //把img整个,画在指定的坐标上,左上角对齐这个坐标 putimage(x * 80, y * 60, img); } } getch(); delimage(img); closegraph(); return 0; }
int main() { int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "C:\\TC\\BGI"); int ch; int p = 60; int l = 60; int xc = getmaxx() / 2; int yc = getmaxy() - 60; Car cars(xc,yc,p,l); while(1) { //infinite loop cars.draw(); // outtextxy(400,400,"Press Esc to Exit....."); if(kbhit()) //check if a key is pressed { ch=getch(); if(ch==75) //move left { cars.moveLeft(); } if(ch==77) //move right { cars.moveRight(); } if(ch==27) //exit when esc pressed break; delay(5); cleardevice(); } } return 0; }
void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,maxx,maxy,x,y,button; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); maxx=getmaxx(); maxy=getmaxy(); rectangle(0,56,maxx,maxy); setviewport(1,57,maxx-1,maxy-1,1); gotoxy(26,1); printf("Mouse Demonstration Program!"); if(initmouse()==0) { closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); printf("Mouse driver not loaded"); exit(1); } restrictmouseptr(1,57,maxx-1,maxy-1); showmouseptr(); gotoxy(1,2); printf("Left Button"); gotoxy(15,2); printf("Right Button"); gotoxy(55,3); printf("Press any key to exit"); while(!kbhit()) { getmousepos(&button,&x,&y); gotoxy(5,3); (button&1)==1 ? printf("DOWN"):printf("UP"); gotoxy(20,3); (button&2)==2 ? printf("DOWN"):printf("UP"); gotoxy(65,2); printf("X=%03d y=%03d",x,y); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char gridFileName[80]; if (argc == 3){ strcpy(gridFileName, argv[1]); if (!strcmp(argv[2], "EUCLIDEAN")){ HEURISTIC = EUCLIDEAN; cout << "Heuristics = EUCLIDEAN" << endl; } else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "MANHATTAN")){ HEURISTIC = MANHATTAN; cout << "Heuristics = MANHATTAN" << endl; } } else { cout << "missing parameters: gridworld heuristic" << endl; } int graphDriver = 0,graphMode = 0; //initgraph(&graphDriver, &graphMode, "", 1440, 900); // Start Window //initgraph(&graphDriver, &graphMode, "", 1280, 1024); // Start Window initgraph(&graphDriver, &graphMode, "", 1360, 768); // Start Window - LAPTOP SCREEN //initgraph(&graphDriver, &graphMode, "", 1920, 1080); // Start Window - Full-HD BACKGROUND_COLOUR = WHITE; LINE_COLOUR = GREEN; GRIDWORLD_ROWS = 0; //7; //6; //duplicated in GridWorld GRIDWORLD_COLS = 0; //15;//13; //duplicated in GridWorld SHOW_MAP_DETAILS=false; try{ runSimulation(gridFileName); } catch(...){ cout << "Exception caught!\n"; } cout << "----<< The End.>>----" << endl; return 0; }
int main(void) { /* request auto detection */ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; int style, midx, midy; int size = 1; /* initialize graphics and local variables */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); /* read result of initialization */ errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */ } midx = getmaxx() / 2; midy = getmaxy() / 2; settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT); /* loop through the available text styles */ for (style=DEFAULT_FONT; style<=GOTHIC_FONT; style++) { cleardevice(); if (style == TRIPLEX_FONT) size = 4; /* select the text style */ settextstyle(style, HORIZ_DIR, size); /* output a message */ outtextxy(midx, midy, fname[style]); getch(); } /* clean up */ closegraph(); return 0; }
void main() { const l1=80,l2=240,l3=360; const linecolor=YELLOW,barcolor=LIGHTCYAN; int gd = DETECT,gm; float w,f,t,a,y,interval=20,width=10; int i,x1=0; printf("\nEnter the frequency:"); scanf("%f",&f); printf("\nEnter the amplitude:"); scanf("%f",&a); printf("\nEnter the sampling interval:"); scanf("%f",&interval); // printf("\nEnter the width:"); // scanf("%f",&width); w=2*3.14*f; t=0.1; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"e:\\tc\\bgi"); line(0,l1,639,l1); //x axis line(0,l2,639,l2); line(0,l3,639,l3); line(0,0,0,479); //y axis for(i=0;i<640;++i) { y=a*sin(w*t); putpixel(i,l1+y,YELLOW); setcolor(barcolor); rectangle(x1,l2,x1+width,l2-a); // line(x1,l2,x1,l2-a); putpixel(i,l3+y,YELLOW); if(x1==i) { setcolor(barcolor); rectangle(x1,l3,x1+width,l3+y); // line(x1,l3,x1,l3+y); x1=x1+interval; } t=t+.1; delay(5); } getch(); closegraph(); }
main() { int x,y,r=70,r1; double a; int gdriver=DETECT,gmode; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,""); cleardevice(); setbkcolor(WHITE); setcolor(RED); for(a=0;a<2*PI;a+=PI/30) { x=320+r*cos(a); y=240-r*sin(a); r1=sqrt((x-320)*(x-320)+(y-240+r)*(y-240+r)); circle(x,y,r1); } getch(); closegraph(); }
void draw_cube(double edge[20][3]) { initgraph(&gd,&gm,"..\bgi"); int i; clearviewport(); for(i=0;i<19;i++) { x1=edge[i][0]+edge[i][2]*(cos(2.3562)); y1=edge[i][1]-edge[i][2]*(sin(2.3562)); x2=edge[i+1][0]+edge[i+1][2]*(cos(2.3562)); y2=edge[i+1][1]-edge[i+1][2]*(sin(2.3562)); line(x1+320,240-y1,x2+320,240-y2); } line(320,240,320,25); line(320,240,550,240); line(320,240,150,410); getch(); closegraph(); }
void initialize_graphics(int& max_x, int& max_y) { /* initialize_graphics() function initializes the graphic enviroment. */ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "E:\\tc\\bgi"); /* read result of initialization */ errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error:",grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf( "Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */ } max_x = getmaxx(); max_y = getmaxy(); }
void ginit() { /* 自動検出を要求 */ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; /* グラフィックスシステムの初期化 */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\\bc4\bgi"); /* 初期化の結果を取得 */ errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* エラーが発生したか? */ { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); /* エラーとして終了 */ } }
void main(void) { clrscr(); int gdriver=DETECT,gmode; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); int x=0,y=0,r=0,b=0,color=0,midx,midy,maxx,maxy; midx=getmaxx()/2; midy=getmaxy()/2; maxx=getmaxx(); maxy=getmaxy(); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); do { delay(10); setcolor(color); setbkcolor(0); arc(midx,midy,999,r,40); arc(midx,midy,999,r,42); arc(midx,midy,999,r,44); arc(midx,midy,999,r,46); arc(midx,midy,999,r,48); arc(midx,midy,999,r,50); arc(midx,midy,999,r,52); arc(midx,midy,999,r,54); arc(midx,midy,999,r,56); arc(midx,midy,500,r,70); arc(midx,midy,500,r,72); arc(midx,midy,500,r,74); arc(midx,midy,500,r,76); arc(midx,midy,500,r,78); arc(midx,midy,500,r,80); moveto(midx-20,midy); outtext("WE thank"); x++; y++; r++; color++; } while( !kbhit() ); getch(); closegraph(); }
void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\TurboC3\\BGI"); Display x; x.draw_car(160,200); x.draw_car(460,200); getch(); x.erase_car(160,200); x.erase_car(460,200); cout<<"Car Erased."; getch(); x.draw_car(160,40); x.draw_car(460,40); getch(); }
main() { int xc,yc,r,a,b; int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\TC\\BGI"); a=getmaxx(); b=getmaxy(); setcolor(RED); line(a/2,0,a/2,b); line(0,b/2,a,b/2); printf("Enter the Center and radius"); scanf("%d%d%d",&xc,&yc,&r); xc=xc+a/2; yc=b/2-yc; cmp(xc,yc,r); getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }
main() // test the functions { // initialize the graphics system int graphdriver = DETECT, graphmode; initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode, "..\\bgi"); Circle MyCircle(100, 200, 50); // declare a circle object MyCircle.Show(); // show it getch(); // wait for keypress MyCircle.MoveTo(200, 250); // move the circle (tests hide // and show also) getch(); MyCircle.Expand(50); // make it bigger getch(); MyCircle.Contract(75); // make it smaller getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }