文件: ekf.cpp 项目: 9DSmart/ecl
bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
	// Keep accumulating measurements until we have a minimum of 10 samples for the baro and magnetoemter

	// Sum the IMU delta angle measurements
	imuSample imu_init = _imu_buffer.get_newest();
	_delVel_sum += imu_init.delta_vel;

	// Sum the magnetometer measurements
	if (_mag_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_mag_sample_delayed)) {
		if (_mag_counter == 0) {
			_mag_filt_state = _mag_sample_delayed.mag;

		_mag_counter ++;
		_mag_filt_state = _mag_filt_state * 0.9f + _mag_sample_delayed.mag * 0.1f;

	// set the default height source from the adjustable parameter
	if (_hgt_counter == 0) {
		_primary_hgt_source = _params.vdist_sensor_type;

	if (_primary_hgt_source == VDIST_SENSOR_RANGE) {
		if (_range_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_range_sample_delayed)) {
			if (_hgt_counter == 0) {
				_control_status.flags.baro_hgt = false;
				_control_status.flags.gps_hgt = false;
				_control_status.flags.rng_hgt = true;
				_hgt_filt_state = _range_sample_delayed.rng;

			_hgt_counter ++;
			_hgt_filt_state = 0.9f * _hgt_filt_state + 0.1f * _range_sample_delayed.rng;

	} else if (_primary_hgt_source == VDIST_SENSOR_BARO || _primary_hgt_source == VDIST_SENSOR_GPS) {
		if (_baro_buffer.pop_first_older_than(_imu_sample_delayed.time_us, &_baro_sample_delayed)) {
			if (_hgt_counter == 0) {
				_control_status.flags.baro_hgt = true;
				_control_status.flags.gps_hgt = false;
				_control_status.flags.rng_hgt = false;
				_hgt_filt_state = _baro_sample_delayed.hgt;

			_hgt_counter ++;
			_hgt_filt_state = 0.9f * _hgt_filt_state + 0.1f * _baro_sample_delayed.hgt;

	} else {
		return false;

	// check to see if we have enough measurements and return false if not
	if (_hgt_counter <= 10 || _mag_counter <= 10) {
		return false;

	} else {
		// reset variables that are shared with post alignment GPS checks
		_gps_drift_velD = 0.0f;
		_gps_alt_ref = 0.0f;

		// Zero all of the states
		_state.gyro_scale(0) = _state.gyro_scale(1) = _state.gyro_scale(2) = 1.0f;
		_state.accel_z_bias = 0.0f;

		// get initial roll and pitch estimate from delta velocity vector, assuming vehicle is static
		float pitch = 0.0f;
		float roll = 0.0f;

		if (_delVel_sum.norm() > 0.001f) {
			pitch = asinf(_delVel_sum(0));
			roll = atan2f(-_delVel_sum(1), -_delVel_sum(2));

		} else {
			return false;

		// calculate initial tilt alignment
		matrix::Euler<float> euler_init(roll, pitch, 0.0f);
		_state.quat_nominal = Quaternion(euler_init);
		_output_new.quat_nominal = _state.quat_nominal;

		// initialise the filtered alignment error estimate to a larger starting value
		_tilt_err_length_filt = 1.0f;

		// calculate the averaged magnetometer reading
		Vector3f mag_init = _mag_filt_state;

		// calculate the initial magnetic field and yaw alignment

		// calculate the averaged height reading to calulate the height of the origin
		_hgt_sensor_offset = _hgt_filt_state;

		// if we are not using the baro height as the primary source, then calculate an offset relative to the origin
		// so it can be used as a backup
		if (!_control_status.flags.baro_hgt) {
			baroSample baro_newest = _baro_buffer.get_newest();
			_baro_hgt_offset = baro_newest.hgt - _hgt_sensor_offset;

		} else {
			_baro_hgt_offset = 0.0f;

		// initialise the state covariance matrix

		// initialise the terrain estimator

		return true;
文件: ekf.cpp 项目: priseborough/ecl
bool Ekf::initialiseFilter(void)
	_state.gyro_scale(0) = _state.gyro_scale(1) = _state.gyro_scale(2) = 1.0f;
	_state.accel_z_bias = 0.0f;

	// get initial roll and pitch estimate from accel vector, assuming vehicle is static
	Vector3f accel_init = _imu_down_sampled.delta_vel / _imu_down_sampled.delta_vel_dt;

	float pitch = 0.0f;
	float roll = 0.0f;

	if (accel_init.norm() > 0.001f) {

		pitch = asinf(accel_init(0));
		roll = -asinf(accel_init(1) / cosf(pitch));

	matrix::Euler<float> euler_init(roll, pitch, 0.0f);

	// Get the latest magnetic field measurement.
	// If we don't have a measurement then we cannot initialise the filter
	magSample mag_init = _mag_buffer.get_newest();

	if (mag_init.time_us == 0) {
		return false;

	// rotate magnetic field into earth frame assuming zero yaw and estimate yaw angle assuming zero declination
	// TODO use declination if available
	matrix::Dcm<float> R_to_earth_zeroyaw(euler_init);
	Vector3f mag_ef_zeroyaw = R_to_earth_zeroyaw * mag_init.mag;
	float declination = 0.0f;
	euler_init(2) = declination - atan2f(mag_ef_zeroyaw(1), mag_ef_zeroyaw(0));

	// calculate initial quaternion states
	_state.quat_nominal = Quaternion(euler_init);
	_output_new.quat_nominal = _state.quat_nominal;

	// calculate initial earth magnetic field states
	matrix::Dcm<float> R_to_earth(euler_init);
	_state.mag_I = R_to_earth * mag_init.mag;


	// initialize vertical position with newest baro measurement
	baroSample baro_init = _baro_buffer.get_newest();

	if (baro_init.time_us == 0) {
		return false;

	_state.pos(2) = -baro_init.hgt;
	_output_new.pos(2) = -baro_init.hgt;


	return true;
void Ekf::fuseAirspeed()
    // Initialize variables
    float vn; // Velocity in north direction
    float ve; // Velocity in east direction
    float vd; // Velocity in downwards direction
    float vwn; // Wind speed in north direction
    float vwe; // Wind speed in east direction
    float v_tas_pred; // Predicted measurement
    float R_TAS = sq(math::constrain(_params.eas_noise, 0.5f, 5.0f) * math::constrain(_airspeed_sample_delayed.eas2tas, 0.9f,
                     10.0f)); // Variance for true airspeed measurement - (m/sec)^2
    float SH_TAS[3] = {}; // Varialbe used to optimise calculations of measurement jacobian
    float H_TAS[24] = {}; // Observation Jacobian
    float SK_TAS[2] = {}; // Varialbe used to optimise calculations of the Kalman gain vector
    float Kfusion[24] = {}; // Kalman gain vector

    // Copy required states to local variable names
    vn = _state.vel(0);
    ve = _state.vel(1);
    vd = _state.vel(2);
    vwn = _state.wind_vel(0);
    vwe = _state.wind_vel(1);

    // Calculate the predicted airspeed
    v_tas_pred = sqrtf((ve - vwe) * (ve - vwe) + (vn - vwn) * (vn - vwn) + vd * vd);

    // Perform fusion of True Airspeed measurement
    if (v_tas_pred > 1.0f) {
        // Calculate the observation jacobian
        // intermediate variable from algebraic optimisation
        SH_TAS[0] = 1.0f/v_tas_pred;
        SH_TAS[1] = (SH_TAS[0]*(2.0f*ve - 2.0f*vwe))*0.5f;
        SH_TAS[2] = (SH_TAS[0]*(2.0f*vn - 2.0f*vwn))*0.5f;

        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _k_num_states; i++) {
            H_TAS[i] = 0.0f;

        H_TAS[4] = SH_TAS[2];
        H_TAS[5] = SH_TAS[1];
        H_TAS[6] = vd*SH_TAS[0];
        H_TAS[22] = -SH_TAS[2];
        H_TAS[23] = -SH_TAS[1];

        // We don't want to update the innovation variance if the calculation is ill conditioned
        float _airspeed_innov_var_temp = (R_TAS + SH_TAS[2]*(P[4][4]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][4]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][4]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) + SH_TAS[1]*(P[4][5]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][5]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][5]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) - SH_TAS[2]*(P[4][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][22]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][22]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][22]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][22]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) - SH_TAS[1]*(P[4][23]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][23]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][23]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][23]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) + vd*SH_TAS[0]*(P[4][6]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][6]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][6]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][6]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]));

        if (_airspeed_innov_var_temp >= R_TAS) { // Check for badly conditioned calculation
            SK_TAS[0] = 1.0f / _airspeed_innov_var_temp;
            _fault_status.flags.bad_airspeed = false;

        } else { // Reset the estimator covarinace matrix
            _fault_status.flags.bad_airspeed = true;
            ECL_ERR("EKF airspeed fusion numerical error - covariance reset");

        SK_TAS[1] = SH_TAS[1];

        Kfusion[0] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[0][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[0][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[0][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[0][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[0][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[1] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[1][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[1][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[1][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[1][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[1][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[2] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[2][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[2][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[2][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[2][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[2][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[3] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[3][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[3][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[3][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[3][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[3][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[4] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[4][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[4][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[4][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[4][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[4][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[5] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[5][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[5][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[5][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[5][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[6] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[6][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[6][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[6][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[6][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[6][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[7] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[7][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[7][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[7][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[7][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[7][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[8] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[8][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[8][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[8][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[8][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[8][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[9] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[9][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[9][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[9][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[9][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[9][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[10] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[10][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[10][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[10][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[10][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[10][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[11] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[11][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[11][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[11][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[11][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[11][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[12] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[12][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[12][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[12][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[12][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[12][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[13] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[13][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[13][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[13][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[13][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[13][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[14] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[14][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[14][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[14][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[14][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[14][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[15] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[15][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[15][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[15][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[15][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[15][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[16] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[16][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[16][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[16][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[16][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[16][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[17] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[17][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[17][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[17][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[17][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[17][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[18] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[18][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[18][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[18][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[18][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[18][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[19] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[19][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[19][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[19][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[19][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[19][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[20] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[20][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[20][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[20][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[20][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[20][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[21] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[21][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[21][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[21][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[21][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[21][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[22] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[22][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[22][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[22][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[22][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[22][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
        Kfusion[23] = SK_TAS[0]*(P[23][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[23][5]*SK_TAS[1] - P[23][23]*SK_TAS[1] + P[23][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);

        // Calculate measurement innovation
        _airspeed_innov = v_tas_pred -

        // Calculate the innovation variance
        _airspeed_innov_var = 1.0f / SK_TAS[0];

        // Compute the ratio of innovation to gate size
        _tas_test_ratio = sq(_airspeed_innov) / (sq(fmaxf(_params.tas_innov_gate, 1.0f)) * _airspeed_innov_var);

        // If the innovation consistency check fails then don't fuse the sample and indicate bad airspeed health
        if (_tas_test_ratio > 1.0f) {
            _innov_check_fail_status.flags.reject_airspeed = true;
        else {
            _innov_check_fail_status.flags.reject_airspeed = false;

        // Airspeed measurement sample has passed check so record it
        _time_last_arsp_fuse = _time_last_imu;

        // apply covariance correction via P_new = (I -K*H)*P
        // first calculate expression for KHP
        // then calculate P - KHP
        for (unsigned row = 0; row < _k_num_states; row++) {
            KH[row][4] = Kfusion[row] * H_TAS[4];
            KH[row][5] = Kfusion[row] * H_TAS[5];
            KH[row][6] = Kfusion[row] * H_TAS[6];
            KH[row][22] = Kfusion[row] * H_TAS[22];
            KH[row][23] = Kfusion[row] * H_TAS[23];

        for (unsigned row = 0; row < _k_num_states; row++) {
            for (unsigned column = 0; column < _k_num_states; column++) {
                float tmp = KH[row][4] * P[4][column];
                tmp += KH[row][5] * P[5][column];
                tmp += KH[row][6] * P[6][column];
                tmp += KH[row][22] * P[22][column];
                tmp += KH[row][23] * P[23][column];
                KHP[row][column] = tmp;

        // if the covariance correction will result in a negative variance, then
        // the covariance marix is unhealthy and must be corrected
        bool healthy = true;
        _fault_status.flags.bad_airspeed = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < _k_num_states; i++) {
            if (P[i][i] < KHP[i][i]) {
                // zero rows and columns

                //flag as unhealthy
                healthy = false;

                // update individual measurement health status
                _fault_status.flags.bad_airspeed = true;


        // only apply covariance and state corrrections if healthy
        if (healthy) {
            // apply the covariance corrections
            for (unsigned row = 0; row < _k_num_states; row++) {
                for (unsigned column = 0; column < _k_num_states; column++) {
                    P[row][column] = P[row][column] - KHP[row][column];

            // correct the covariance marix for gross errors

            // apply the state corrections
            fuse(Kfusion, _airspeed_innov);
