SCgMainWindow::SCgMainWindow(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), mView(0), mScene(0), mInputHandler(0) { mView = new SCgView(); mInputHandler = new SCgMainWindowInputHandler(mView); mScene = new SCgMainWindowScene(mInputHandler, mView); mView->setCacheMode(QGraphicsView::CacheBackground);//CacheBackground); mView->setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::BoundingRectViewportUpdate); mView->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); mView->setTransformationAnchor(QGraphicsView::AnchorUnderMouse); mView->setResizeAnchor(QGraphicsView::AnchorViewCenter); mView->setOptimizationFlag(QGraphicsView::DontAdjustForAntialiasing); mView->setDragMode(QGraphicsView::RubberBandDrag); mView->setAcceptDrops(true); mView->setSceneRect(-1024, -1024, 2048, 2048); mView->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); mView->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); // mView->setViewport(new QGLWidget()); // mView->setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate); mView->setScene(mScene); initializeActions(); mView->show(); }
MdiContainerWidgetTaskMenu::MdiContainerWidgetTaskMenu(QMdiArea *m, QObject *parent) : ContainerWidgetTaskMenu(m, MdiContainer, parent) { initializeActions(); connect(m_nextAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), m, SLOT(activateNextSubWindow())); connect(m_previousAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), m , SLOT(activatePreviousSubWindow())); connect(m_tileAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), m, SLOT(tileSubWindows())); connect(m_cascadeAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), m, SLOT(cascadeSubWindows())); }
PlayerController::PlayerController() { // Default keybindings mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::Left] = MoveLeft; mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::Right] = MoveRight; mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::Space] = Attack; // initialize actions initializeActions(); }
KivioView::KivioView(KivioDocument* document, QWidget* parent) : KoPAView(document, parent), m_document(document) { Q_ASSERT(m_document); setXMLFile("kivio.rc"); initializeActions(); initializeGUI(); connect(m_document, SIGNAL(updateGui()), this, SLOT(updateGui())); }
RKCommandEditorWindowPart::RKCommandEditorWindowPart (QWidget *parent, RKCommandEditorWindow *editor_widget) : KParts::Part (parent) { RK_TRACE (COMMANDEDITOR); KInstance* instance = new KInstance ("rkward"); setInstance (instance); command_editor = editor_widget; setXMLFile ("rkcommandeditorwindowpart.rc"); initializeActions (); }
Player::Player() { // Set initial key bindings mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::Left] = MoveLeft; mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::Right] = MoveRight; mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::Up] = MoveUp; mKeyBinding[sf::Keyboard::Down] = MoveDown; // Set initial action bindings initializeActions(); // Assign all categories to player's aircraft for(auto& pair : mActionBinding) pair.second.category = Category::Player; }
Club::Club(Stadium *s, int _id, bool _goal) { stadium = s; onTheRightGoal = _goal; sinceBallIsPassed = 0; someoneGettingBall = false; SquadPosition* sqp; for (int i=0; i<11; i++) { sqp = new SquadPosition; lineUp[i] = sqp; } for (int i=0; i<12; i++) { sqp = new SquadPosition; subs[i] = sqp; } for (int i=0; i<12; i++) { sqp = new SquadPosition; reserves[i] = sqp; } switch(_id) { case ID_LEICESTER16: init_c_leicester16(); break; case ID_MANUNITED16: init_c_manunited16(); break; default: cout << "Error at club initialization. Wrong ID." << endl; } sortLineUp(); assignClubs(); initializeActions(); }
void WebView::setPage(WebPage *page) { if (m_page == page) { return; } QWebEngineView::setPage(page); m_page = qobject_cast<WebPage*>(page); connect(m_page, SIGNAL(privacyChanged(bool)), this, SIGNAL(privacyChanged(bool))); // Set default zoom level zoomReset(); // Actions needs to be initialized for every QWebPage change initializeActions(); mApp->plugins()->emitWebPageCreated(m_page); }
void ImageNavigator::initialize() { setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | windowFlags()); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); QRect screenRect = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(QApplication::desktop()->primaryScreen()); screenWidth = screenRect.width(); screenHeight = screenRect.height(); // qDebug() << "Screen Dimensions are " << screenWidth << " x " << screenHeight << endl; initializeTools(); initializeActions(); setBackgroundRole(QPalette::Dark); setForegroundRole(QPalette::Dark); navOrigin = QPoint(0, 0); scrollSpeed = 150; scrollBorder = 100; horizontalScrollBar()->setRange(0, 200); verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, 200); horScroll = 0; verScroll = 0; imageScale = 1.0; // maximumValueSearchRange=10; // sigma = 3.0; // maxSearchMethod = mrcImage::maximum_value; spotSelectMode = false; latticeRefinementMode = false; createPathMode = false; ctfView = false; viewDisplayParameters = false; fftSelectionMode = false; viewport()->setMouseTracking(true); connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(openMenu())); if (imageType != "fft") image->setVisible("realOverlay", true); resize(1024, 768); showMaximized(); //showFullScreen(); }
GLShaderDev::GLShaderDev(const QStringList& args) : _editor(new CodeEditor(this)), _output(new BuildOutput(this)), _glInfoDialog(nullptr), _newFileDialog(new NewFileDialog(this)) { resize(1000, 800); // FIXME set sizeHint instead of hardcoding it setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/glsd-icon.png")); setCentralWidget(_editor); initializeContext(); initializeActions(); initializeDockWidgets(); loadSettings(); updateTitleBar(); for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) openFile(; }
Player::Player(): m_currentLevel("level_1.tmx"), m_currentGameStatus(LevelRunning) { // Set initial key bindings m_keyBinding[sf::Keyboard::Z] = GoForward; m_keyBinding[sf::Keyboard::S] = GoBackward; m_keyBinding[sf::Keyboard::Q] = TurnLeft; m_keyBinding[sf::Keyboard::D] = TurnRight; m_keyBinding[sf::Keyboard::R] = SetRed; m_keyBinding[sf::Keyboard::G] = SetGreen; m_keyBinding[sf::Keyboard::B] = SetBlue; // Set initial action bindings initializeActions(); for (auto it = m_actionBinding.begin(); it!= m_actionBinding.end(); ++it) (*it).second.category = Category::PlayerActor; }
void LogBook::init() { qDebug() << "LogBook plugin - press Command-L to toggle Log Book view mode. Press ALT-L for configuration."; initializeDatabase(); //Load the module's custom style sheets QFile styleSheetFile; styleSheetFile.setFileName(":/logbook/normalStyle.css"); if(|QFile::Text)){ normalStyleSheet = styleSheetFile.readAll(); } styleSheetFile.close(); styleSheetFile.setFileName(":/logbook/nightStyle.css"); if(|QFile::Text)){ nightStyleSheet = styleSheetFile.readAll(); } styleSheetFile.close(); configDialog = new LogBookConfigDialog(tableModels); sessionsDialog = new SessionsDialog(tableModels); targetsDialog = new TargetsDialog(tableModels); flagShowLogBook = false; initializeActions(); }
RKConsole::RKConsole (QWidget *parent, bool tool_window, const char *name) : RKMDIWindow (parent, RKMDIWindow::ConsoleWindow, tool_window, name) { RK_TRACE (APP); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this); layout->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0); // create a Kate-part as command-editor KTextEditor::Editor* editor = KTextEditor::editor("katepart"); RK_ASSERT (editor); doc = editor->createDocument (this); view = doc->createView (this); layout->addWidget (view); KTextEditor::ConfigInterface *confint = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::ConfigInterface*> (view); RK_ASSERT (view); confint->setConfigValue ("dynamic-word-wrap", false); setFocusProxy (view); setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus); /* We need to disable kactions that were plugged to the KateViewInternal in kateview.cpp. These actions include Key_Up, Key_Down, etc. */ kate_edit_actions = view->findChild<KActionCollection*> ("edit_actions"); if (!kate_edit_actions) { kate_edit_actions=view->actionCollection(); } if (kate_edit_actions) { // make sure these actions never get triggered by a shortcut QList<QKeySequence> noshort; noshort.append (QKeySequence ()); // no primary noshort.append (QKeySequence ()); // no secondary noshort.append (QKeySequence ()); // for good measure QList<QAction*> keas = kate_edit_actions->actions (); for (int i = 0; i < keas.size (); ++i) { keas[i]->setShortcuts (noshort); } } else { RK_DO (qDebug ("Could not retrieve the katepart's edit action collection"), APP, DL_ERROR); } if (view->focusProxy ()) view->focusProxy()->installEventFilter(this); view->installEventFilter(this); doc->setModified (false); hinter = new RKFunctionArgHinter (this, view); setCaption (i18n ("R Console")); console_part = new RKConsolePart (this); setPart (console_part); setMetaInfo (shortCaption (), "rkward://page/rkward_console", RKSettings::PageConsole); initializeActivationSignals (); initializeActions (getPart ()->actionCollection ()); nprefix = "> "; iprefix = "+ "; prefix = nprefix; // KDE4: a way to do this? // doc->setUndoSteps (0); clear (); RKCommandHighlighter::setHighlighting (doc, RKCommandHighlighter::RInteractiveSession); commands_history = RKSettingsModuleConsole::loadCommandHistory (); commands_history_position = commands_history.constEnd (); current_command = 0; current_command_displayed_up_to = 0; tab_key_pressed_before = false; previous_chunk_was_piped = false; // KDE4 TODO: workaround for KDE 4 pre-release versions. Hope this gets fixed before 4.0 // see setMinimumHeight (50); }
RKConsole::RKConsole () : QWidget (0) { RK_TRACE (APP); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this); // create a Kate-part as command-editor #if !KDE_IS_VERSION (3, 2, 0) doc = static_cast<Kate::Document *> (KTextEditor::createDocument ("libkatepart", this, "Kate::Document")); view = static_cast<Kate::View *> (doc->createView (this)); # else doc = Kate::document (KTextEditor::createDocument ("libkatepart", this, "Kate::Document")); RK_ASSERT (doc); view = Kate::view (doc->createView (this)); RK_ASSERT (view); #endif layout->addWidget (view); view->setDynWordWrap (false); setFocusProxy (view); setFocusPolicy (QWidget::StrongFocus); /* We need to unplug kactions that were pluged to the KateViewInternal in kateview.cpp. These actions incluse Key_Up, Key_Down, etc. It's a bit boring to do, but there is no way to do that another way yet. Apparently, things will be different in KDE 4.*/ const QObjectList *list = view->children (); QObjectListIt it (*list); QObject *obj; KActionCollection* ac=0; QWidget* Kvi=0; //here we store the KateViewInternal of the view, so we can uplug actions from it while ((obj = it.current()) != 0) { ++it; obj->installEventFilter (this); if (obj->inherits("KActionCollection")) { ac= (KActionCollection*) obj; } else if(obj->inherits("KateViewInternal")) { Kvi= (QWidget*) obj; } } if (ac) { unplugAction("move_line_up", ac); unplugAction("move_line_down", ac); unplugAction("move_cusor_left", ac); unplugAction("beginning_of_line", ac); unplugAction("backspace", ac); unplugAction("delete_next_character", ac); unplugAction("beginning_of_document", ac); unplugAction("select_beginning_of_line", ac); unplugAction("select_char_left", ac); unplugAction("word_left", ac); //TODO deal with that one unplugAction("select_word_left", ac); //TODO deal with that one unplugAction("select_beginning_of_document", ac); unplugAction("select_end_of_document", ac); unplugAction("select_line_up", ac); unplugAction("select_line_down", ac); unplugAction("select_page_up", ac); unplugAction("move_top_of_view", ac); unplugAction("select_top_of_view", ac); unplugAction("select_page_down", ac); unplugAction("move_bottom_of_view", ac); unplugAction("select_bottom_of_view", ac); unplugAction("to_matching_bracket", ac); unplugAction("select_matching_bracket", ac); unplugAction("paste", ac); } else { RK_DO (qDebug ("Could not retrieve the view's action collection"), APP, DL_WARNING); } view->focusProxy()->installEventFilter(this); view->installEventFilter(this); doc->setModified (false); hinter = new RKFunctionArgHinter (this, view); setCaption (i18n ("R Console")); part = new RKConsolePart (this); initializeActions (part->actionCollection ()); nprefix = "> "; iprefix = "+ "; prefix = nprefix; command_incomplete = false; output_continuation = false; doc->setUndoSteps (0); clear (); setRHighlighting (); commands_history = RKSettingsModuleConsole::loadCommandHistory (); commands_history_position = commands_history.constEnd (); current_command = 0; tab_key_pressed_before = false; }
/** *@brief Instancie les Qmenu et les QAction. */ void MainWindow::createMenuBar() { initializeMenuItems(); // Creates all QMenu initializeActions(); // Creates and add all QAction to the menu }