文件: art.c 项目: IAPark/vlc
int playlist_FindArtInCacheUsingItemUID( input_item_t *p_item )
    char *uid = input_item_GetInfo( p_item, "uid", "md5" );
    if ( ! *uid )
        free( uid );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* we have an input item uid set */
    bool b_done = false;
    char *psz_byuiddir = GetDirByItemUIDs( uid );
    char *psz_byuidfile = GetFileByItemUID( psz_byuiddir, "arturl" );
    free( psz_byuiddir );
    if( psz_byuidfile )
        FILE *fd = vlc_fopen( psz_byuidfile, "rb" );
        if ( fd )
            char sz_cachefile[2049];
            /* read the cache hash url */
            if ( fgets( sz_cachefile, 2048, fd ) != NULL )
                input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, sz_cachefile );
                b_done = true;
            fclose( fd );
        free( psz_byuidfile );
    free( uid );
    if ( b_done ) return VLC_SUCCESS;

    return VLC_EGENERIC;
void formatSnapshotItem( input_item_t *p_item )
    if( !p_item )

    if( !p_item->p_meta )
        p_item->p_meta = vlc_meta_New();

    /* copy the snapshot mrl as a ArtURL */
    if( p_item->p_meta )
        char* psz_uri = NULL;
        psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_item );
        if( psz_uri )
            input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
        free( psz_uri );

     * TODO: select the best mrl for displaying snapshots
     *   - vlc://pause:10  => snapshot are displayed as Art
     *   - file:///path/image.ext  => snapshot are displayed as videos
    input_item_SetURI( p_item, "vlc://pause:10" );

    // input_item_AddOption( p_item, "fake-duration=10000",
    //                       VLC_INPUT_OPTION_TRUSTED );
文件: art.c 项目: MisTelochka/vlc
int playlist_SaveArt( playlist_t *p_playlist, input_item_t *p_item,
                      const uint8_t *p_buffer, int i_buffer, const char *psz_type )
    char *psz_filename = ArtCacheName( p_item, psz_type );

    if( !psz_filename )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char *psz_uri = make_URI( psz_filename );
    if( !psz_uri )
        free( psz_filename );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Check if we already dumped it */
    struct stat s;
    if( !utf8_stat( psz_filename, &s ) )
        input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
        free( psz_filename );
        free( psz_uri );
        return VLC_SUCCESS;

    /* Dump it otherwise */
    FILE *f = utf8_fopen( psz_filename, "wb" );
    if( f )
        if( fwrite( p_buffer, i_buffer, 1, f ) != 1 )
            msg_Err( p_playlist, "%s: %m", psz_filename );
            msg_Dbg( p_playlist, "album art saved to %s", psz_filename );
            input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
        fclose( f );
    free( psz_filename );
    free( psz_uri );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
static int vlclua_node_add_node( lua_State *L )
    services_discovery_t *p_sd = (services_discovery_t *)vlclua_get_this( L );
    input_item_t **pp_node = (input_item_t **)luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "node" );
    if( *pp_node )
        if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
            lua_getfield( L, -1, "title" );
            if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) )
                const char *psz_name = lua_tostring( L, -1 );
                input_item_node_t *p_input_node = input_item_node_Create( *pp_node );
                input_item_t *p_input = input_item_NewWithType( VLC_OBJECT( p_sd ),
                                                                psz_name, 0, NULL, 0,
                                                                -1, ITEM_TYPE_NODE );
                lua_pop( L, 1 );

                if( p_input )
                    lua_getfield( L, -1, "arturl" );
                    if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) && strcmp( lua_tostring( L, -1 ), "" ) )
                        char *psz_value = strdup( lua_tostring( L, -1 ) );
                        EnsureUTF8( psz_value );
                        msg_Dbg( p_sd, "ArtURL: %s", psz_value );
                        input_item_SetArtURL( p_input, psz_value );
                        free( psz_value );
                    input_item_node_AppendItem( p_input_node, p_input );
                    input_item_node_PostAndDelete( p_input_node );
                    input_item_t **udata = (input_item_t **)
                                           lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof( input_item_t * ) );
                    *udata = p_input;
                    if( luaL_newmetatable( L, "node" ) )
                        lua_newtable( L );
                        luaL_register( L, NULL, vlclua_node_reg );
                        lua_setfield( L, -2, "__index" );
                    lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
                msg_Err( p_sd, "node:add_node: the \"title\" parameter can't be empty" );
            msg_Err( p_sd, "Error parsing add_node arguments" );
    return 1;
void formatSnapshotItem( input_item_t *p_item )
    if( !p_item )

    char* psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_item );

    /* copy the snapshot mrl as a ArtURL */
    if( psz_uri )
        input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );

    free( psz_uri );
文件: sd.c 项目: CSRedRat/vlc
static int vlclua_sd_add_node( lua_State *L )
    services_discovery_t *p_sd = (services_discovery_t *)vlclua_get_this( L );
    if( lua_istable( L, -1 ) )
        lua_getfield( L, -1, "title" );
        if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) )
            const char *psz_name = lua_tostring( L, -1 );
            input_item_t *p_input = input_item_NewWithType( "vlc://nop",
                                                            psz_name, 0, NULL, 0,
                                                            -1, ITEM_TYPE_NODE );
            lua_pop( L, 1 );

            if( p_input )
                lua_getfield( L, -1, "arturl" );
                if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) && strcmp( lua_tostring( L, -1 ), "" ) )
                    char *psz_value = strdup( lua_tostring( L, -1 ) );
                    EnsureUTF8( psz_value );
                    msg_Dbg( p_sd, "ArtURL: %s", psz_value );
                    /** @todo Ask for art download if not local file */
                    input_item_SetArtURL( p_input, psz_value );
                    free( psz_value );
                lua_pop( L, 1 );
                lua_getfield( L, -1, "category" );
                if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) )
                    services_discovery_AddItem( p_sd, p_input, luaL_checkstring( L, -1 ) );
                    services_discovery_AddItem( p_sd, p_input, NULL );
                input_item_t **udata = (input_item_t **)
                                       lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof( input_item_t * ) );
                *udata = p_input;
                if( luaL_newmetatable( L, "node" ) )
                    lua_newtable( L );
                    luaL_register( L, NULL, vlclua_node_reg );
                    lua_setfield( L, -2, "__index" );
                lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
            msg_Err( p_sd, "vlc.sd.add_node: the \"title\" parameter can't be empty" );
        msg_Err( p_sd, "Error parsing add_node arguments" );
    return 1;
void InputManager::setArt( input_item_t *p_item, QString fileUrl )
    if( hasInput() )
        char *psz_cachedir = config_GetUserDir( VLC_CACHE_DIR );
        QString old_url = THEMIM->getIM()->decodeArtURL( p_item );
        old_url = QDir( old_url ).canonicalPath();

        if( old_url.startsWith( QString::fromUtf8( psz_cachedir ) ) )
            QFile( old_url ).remove(); /* Purge cached artwork */

        free( psz_cachedir );

        input_item_SetArtURL( p_item , fileUrl.toUtf8().constData() );
文件: art.c 项目: MisTelochka/vlc
int playlist_FindArtInCache( input_item_t *p_item )
    char *psz_path = ArtCachePath( p_item );

    if( !psz_path )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Check if file exists */
    DIR *p_dir = utf8_opendir( psz_path );
    if( !p_dir )
        free( psz_path );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    bool b_found = false;
    char *psz_filename;
    while( !b_found && (psz_filename = utf8_readdir( p_dir )) )
        if( !strncmp( psz_filename, "art", 3 ) )
            char *psz_file;
            if( asprintf( &psz_file, "%s" DIR_SEP "%s",
                          psz_path, psz_filename ) != -1 )
                char *psz_uri = make_URI( psz_file );
                if( psz_uri )
                    input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
                    free( psz_uri );
                free( psz_file );

            b_found = true;
        free( psz_filename );

    /* */
    closedir( p_dir );
    free( psz_path );
    return b_found ? VLC_SUCCESS : VLC_EGENERIC;
文件: meta.c 项目: mstorsjo/vlc
static int fetch_art( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char * psz_filename,
                      const luabatch_context_t *p_context )
    lua_State *L = init( p_this, p_context->p_item, psz_filename );
    if( !L )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    int i_ret = run(p_this, psz_filename, L, "fetch_art", p_context);
    if(i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
        lua_close( L );
        return i_ret;

    if(lua_gettop( L ))
        const char * psz_value;

        if( lua_isstring( L, -1 ) )
            psz_value = lua_tostring( L, -1 );
            if( psz_value && *psz_value != 0 )
                lua_Dbg( p_this, "setting arturl: %s", psz_value );
                input_item_SetArtURL ( p_context->p_item, psz_value );
                lua_close( L );
                return VLC_SUCCESS;
        else if( !lua_isnoneornil( L, -1 ) )
            msg_Err( p_this, "Lua art fetcher script %s: "
                 "didn't return a string", psz_filename );
        msg_Err( p_this, "Script went completely foobar" );

    lua_close( L );
    return VLC_EGENERIC;
文件: m3u.c 项目: etix/vlc
static int Demux( demux_t *p_demux )
    char       *psz_line;
    char       *psz_name = NULL;
    char       *psz_artist = NULL;
    char       *psz_album_art = NULL;
    int        i_parsed_duration = 0;
    mtime_t    i_duration = -1;
    const char**ppsz_options = NULL;
    char *    (*pf_dup) (const char *) = p_demux->p_sys->pf_dup;
    int        i_options = 0;
    bool b_cleanup = false;
    input_item_t *p_input;

    input_item_t *p_current_input = GetCurrentItem(p_demux);
    input_item_node_t *p_subitems = input_item_node_Create( p_current_input );

    psz_line = vlc_stream_ReadLine( p_demux->s );
    while( psz_line )
        char *psz_parse = psz_line;

        /* Skip leading tabs and spaces */
        while( *psz_parse == ' ' || *psz_parse == '\t' ||
               *psz_parse == '\n' || *psz_parse == '\r' ) psz_parse++;

        if( *psz_parse == '#' )
            /* Parse extra info */

            /* Skip leading tabs and spaces */
            while( *psz_parse == ' ' || *psz_parse == '\t' ||
                   *psz_parse == '\n' || *psz_parse == '\r' ||
                   *psz_parse == '#' ) psz_parse++;

            if( !*psz_parse ) goto error;

            if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "EXTINF:", sizeof("EXTINF:") -1 ) )
                /* Extended info */
                psz_parse += sizeof("EXTINF:") - 1;
                FREENULL( psz_name );
                FREENULL( psz_artist );
                parseEXTINF( psz_parse, &psz_artist, &psz_name, &i_parsed_duration );
                if( i_parsed_duration >= 0 )
                    i_duration = i_parsed_duration * INT64_C(1000000);
                if( psz_name )
                    psz_name = pf_dup( psz_name );
                if( psz_artist )
                    psz_artist = pf_dup( psz_artist );
            else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "EXTVLCOPT:",
                                   sizeof("EXTVLCOPT:") -1 ) )
                /* VLC Option */
                char *psz_option;
                psz_parse += sizeof("EXTVLCOPT:") -1;
                if( !*psz_parse ) goto error;

                psz_option = pf_dup( psz_parse );
                if( psz_option )
                    INSERT_ELEM( ppsz_options, i_options, i_options,
                                 psz_option );
            /* Special case for jamendo which provide the albumart */
            else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "EXTALBUMARTURL:",
                     sizeof( "EXTALBUMARTURL:" ) -1 ) )
                psz_parse += sizeof( "EXTALBUMARTURL:" ) - 1;
                free( psz_album_art );
                psz_album_art = pf_dup( psz_parse );
        else if( !strncasecmp( psz_parse, "RTSPtext", sizeof("RTSPtext") -1 ) )
            ;/* special case to handle QuickTime RTSPtext redirect files */
        else if( *psz_parse )
            char *psz_mrl;

            psz_parse = pf_dup( psz_parse );
            if( !psz_name && psz_parse )
                /* Use filename as name for relative entries */
                psz_name = strdup( psz_parse );

            psz_mrl = ProcessMRL( psz_parse, p_demux->p_sys->psz_prefix );

            b_cleanup = true;
            if( !psz_mrl )
                free( psz_parse );
                goto error;

            p_input = input_item_NewExt( psz_mrl, psz_name, i_duration,
                                         ITEM_TYPE_UNKNOWN, ITEM_NET_UNKNOWN );
            free( psz_parse );
            free( psz_mrl );

            if( !p_input )
                goto error;
            input_item_AddOptions( p_input, i_options, ppsz_options, 0 );
            input_item_CopyOptions( p_input, p_current_input );

            if( !EMPTY_STR(psz_artist) )
                input_item_SetArtist( p_input, psz_artist );
            if( psz_name ) input_item_SetTitle( p_input, psz_name );
            if( !EMPTY_STR(psz_album_art) )
                input_item_SetArtURL( p_input, psz_album_art );

            input_item_node_AppendItem( p_subitems, p_input );
            vlc_gc_decref( p_input );


        /* Fetch another line */
        free( psz_line );
        psz_line = vlc_stream_ReadLine( p_demux->s );
        if( !psz_line ) b_cleanup = true;

        if( b_cleanup )
            /* Cleanup state */
            while( i_options-- ) free( (char*)ppsz_options[i_options] );
            FREENULL( ppsz_options );
            i_options = 0;
            FREENULL( psz_name );
            FREENULL( psz_artist );
            FREENULL( psz_album_art );
            i_parsed_duration = 0;
            i_duration = -1;

            b_cleanup = false;
    input_item_node_PostAndDelete( p_subitems );
    var_Destroy( p_demux, "m3u-extvlcopt" );
    return 0; /* Needed for correct operation of go back */
文件: podcast.c 项目: mstorsjo/vlc
/* "specs" : http://phobos.apple.com/static/iTunesRSS.html */
static int ReadDir( stream_t *p_demux, input_item_node_t *p_subitems )
    bool b_item = false;
    bool b_image = false;

    xml_reader_t *p_xml_reader;
    char *psz_elname = NULL;
    char *psz_item_mrl = NULL;
    char *psz_item_size = NULL;
    char *psz_item_type = NULL;
    char *psz_item_name = NULL;
    char *psz_item_date = NULL;
    char *psz_item_author = NULL;
    char *psz_item_category = NULL;
    char *psz_item_duration = NULL;
    char *psz_item_keywords = NULL;
    char *psz_item_subtitle = NULL;
    char *psz_item_summary = NULL;
    char *psz_art_url = NULL;
    const char *node;
    int i_type;
    input_item_t *p_input;

    input_item_t *p_current_input = GetCurrentItem(p_demux);

    p_xml_reader = xml_ReaderCreate( p_demux, p_demux->s );
    if( !p_xml_reader )
        goto error;

    /* xml */
    /* check root node */
    if( xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &node ) != XML_READER_STARTELEM )
        msg_Err( p_demux, "invalid file (no root node)" );
        goto error;

    if( strcmp( node, "rss" ) )
        msg_Err( p_demux, "invalid root node <%s>", node );
        goto error;

    while( (i_type = xml_ReaderNextNode( p_xml_reader, &node )) > 0 )
        switch( i_type )
            case XML_READER_STARTELEM:
                free( psz_elname );
                psz_elname = strdup( node );
                if( unlikely(!psz_elname) )
                    goto error;

                if( !strcmp( node, "item" ) )
                    b_item = true;
                else if( !strcmp( node, "image" ) )
                    b_image = true;

                // Read the attributes
                const char *attr, *value;
                while( (attr = xml_ReaderNextAttr( p_xml_reader, &value )) )
                    if( !strcmp( node, "enclosure" ) )
                        char **p = NULL;
                        if( !strcmp( attr, "url" ) )
                            p = &psz_item_mrl;
                        else if( !strcmp( attr, "length" ) )
                            p = &psz_item_size;
                        else if( !strcmp( attr, "type" ) )
                            p = &psz_item_type;
                        if( p != NULL )
                            free( *p );
                            *p = strdup( value );
                            msg_Dbg( p_demux,"unhandled attribute %s in <%s>",
                                     attr, node );
                        msg_Dbg( p_demux,"unhandled attribute %s in <%s>",
                                 attr, node );

            case XML_READER_TEXT:
                if(!psz_elname) break;

                /* item specific meta data */
                if( b_item )
                    char **p;

                    if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "title" ) )
                        p = &psz_item_name;
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "itunes:author" ) ||
                             !strcmp( psz_elname, "author" ) )
                        /* <author> isn't standard iTunes podcast stuff */
                        p = &psz_item_author;
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "itunes:summary" ) ||
                             !strcmp( psz_elname, "description" ) )
                        /* <description> isn't standard iTunes podcast stuff */
                        p = &psz_item_summary;
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "pubDate" ) )
                        p = &psz_item_date;
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "itunes:category" ) )
                        p = &psz_item_category;
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "itunes:duration" ) )
                        p = &psz_item_duration;
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "itunes:keywords" ) )
                        p = &psz_item_keywords;
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "itunes:subtitle" ) )
                        p = &psz_item_subtitle;

                    free( *p );
                    *p = strdup( node );
                /* toplevel meta data */
                else if( !b_image )
                    if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "title" ) )
                        input_item_SetName( p_current_input, node );
#define ADD_GINFO( info, name ) \
    else if( !strcmp( psz_elname, name ) ) \
        input_item_AddInfo( p_current_input, _("Podcast Info"), \
                            info, "%s", node );
                    ADD_GINFO( _("Podcast Link"), "link" )
                    ADD_GINFO( _("Podcast Copyright"), "copyright" )
                    ADD_GINFO( _("Podcast Category"), "itunes:category" )
                    ADD_GINFO( _("Podcast Keywords"), "itunes:keywords" )
                    ADD_GINFO( _("Podcast Subtitle"), "itunes:subtitle" )
#undef ADD_GINFO
                    else if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "itunes:summary" ) ||
                             !strcmp( psz_elname, "description" ) )
                    { /* <description> isn't standard iTunes podcast stuff */
                        input_item_AddInfo( p_current_input,
                            _( "Podcast Info" ), _( "Podcast Summary" ),
                            "%s", node );
                    if( !strcmp( psz_elname, "url" ) && *node )
                        free( psz_art_url );
                        psz_art_url = strdup( node );
                        msg_Dbg( p_demux, "unhandled text in element <%s>",
                                 psz_elname );

            // End element
            case XML_READER_ENDELEM:
                FREENULL( psz_elname );

                if( !strcmp( node, "item" ) )
                    if( psz_item_mrl == NULL )
                        if (psz_item_name)
                            msg_Warn( p_demux, "invalid XML item, skipping %s",
                                      psz_item_name );
                            msg_Warn( p_demux, "invalid XML item, skipped" );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_name );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_size );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_type );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_date );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_author );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_category );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_duration );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_keywords );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_subtitle );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_summary );
                        FREENULL( psz_art_url );
                        FREENULL( psz_elname );

                    vlc_xml_decode( psz_item_mrl );
                    vlc_xml_decode( psz_item_name );
                    p_input = input_item_New( psz_item_mrl, psz_item_name );
                    FREENULL( psz_item_mrl );
                    FREENULL( psz_item_name );

                    if( p_input == NULL )
                        break; /* FIXME: meta data memory leaks? */

                    /* Set the duration if available */
                    if( psz_item_duration )
                        p_input->i_duration = strTimeToMTime( psz_item_duration );

#define ADD_INFO( info, field ) \
    if( field ) { \
        input_item_AddInfo( p_input, _( "Podcast Info" ), (info), "%s", \
                            (field) ); \
        FREENULL( field ); }
                    ADD_INFO( _("Podcast Publication Date"), psz_item_date  );
                    ADD_INFO( _("Podcast Author"), psz_item_author );
                    ADD_INFO( _("Podcast Subcategory"), psz_item_category );
                    ADD_INFO( _("Podcast Duration"), psz_item_duration );
                    ADD_INFO( _("Podcast Keywords"), psz_item_keywords );
                    ADD_INFO( _("Podcast Subtitle"), psz_item_subtitle );
                    ADD_INFO( _("Podcast Summary"), psz_item_summary );
                    ADD_INFO( _("Podcast Type"), psz_item_type );
#undef ADD_INFO

                    /* Add the global art url to this item, if any */
                    if( psz_art_url )
                        vlc_xml_decode( psz_art_url );
                        input_item_SetArtURL( p_input, psz_art_url );

                    if( psz_item_size )
                        input_item_AddInfo( p_input,
                                                _( "Podcast Info" ),
                                                _( "Podcast Size" ),
                                                _("%s bytes"),
                                                psz_item_size );
                        FREENULL( psz_item_size );
                    input_item_node_AppendItem( p_subitems, p_input );
                    input_item_Release( p_input );
                    b_item = false;
                else if( !strcmp( node, "image" ) )
                    b_image = false;
文件: art.c 项目: IAPark/vlc
int playlist_SaveArt( vlc_object_t *obj, input_item_t *p_item,
                      const void *data, size_t length, const char *psz_type )
    char *psz_filename = ArtCacheName( p_item, psz_type );

    if( !psz_filename )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char *psz_uri = vlc_path2uri( psz_filename, "file" );
    if( !psz_uri )
        free( psz_filename );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Check if we already dumped it */
    struct stat s;
    if( !vlc_stat( psz_filename, &s ) )
        input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
        free( psz_filename );
        free( psz_uri );
        return VLC_SUCCESS;

    /* Dump it otherwise */
    FILE *f = vlc_fopen( psz_filename, "wb" );
    if( f )
        if( fwrite( data, 1, length, f ) != length )
            msg_Err( obj, "%s: %s", psz_filename, vlc_strerror_c(errno) );
            msg_Dbg( obj, "album art saved to %s", psz_filename );
            input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
        fclose( f );
    free( psz_uri );

    /* save uid info */
    char *uid = input_item_GetInfo( p_item, "uid", "md5" );
    if ( ! *uid )
        free( uid );
        goto end;

    char *psz_byuiddir = GetDirByItemUIDs( uid );
    char *psz_byuidfile = GetFileByItemUID( psz_byuiddir, "arturl" );
    ArtCacheCreateDir( psz_byuiddir );
    free( psz_byuiddir );

    if ( psz_byuidfile )
        f = vlc_fopen( psz_byuidfile, "wb" );
        if ( f )
            if( fputs( "file://", f ) < 0 || fputs( psz_filename, f ) < 0 )
                msg_Err( obj, "Error writing %s: %s", psz_byuidfile,
                         vlc_strerror_c(errno) );
            fclose( f );
        free( psz_byuidfile );
    free( uid );
    /* !save uid info */
    free( psz_filename );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
static int FindMeta( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    art_finder_t *p_finder = (art_finder_t *)p_this;
    input_item_t *p_item = p_finder->p_item;
    bool b_have_art = false;
    struct stat statinfo;
    char *psz_path = NULL;

    if( !p_item )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char *psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( p_item );
    if( !psz_uri )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if ( *psz_uri && psz_uri[strlen( psz_uri ) - 1] != DIR_SEP_CHAR )
        if ( asprintf( &psz_path, "%s"DIR_SEP, psz_uri ) == -1 )
            free( psz_uri );
            return VLC_EGENERIC;
        char *psz_basedir = make_path( psz_path );
        FREENULL( psz_path );
        if( psz_basedir == NULL )
            free( psz_uri );
            return VLC_EGENERIC;
        if( vlc_stat( psz_basedir, &statinfo ) == 0 && S_ISDIR(statinfo.st_mode) )
            psz_path = psz_basedir;
            free( psz_basedir );

    if ( psz_path == NULL )
        char *psz_basedir = make_path( psz_uri );
        if( psz_basedir == NULL )
            free( psz_uri );
            return VLC_EGENERIC;

        char *psz_buf = strrchr( psz_basedir, DIR_SEP_CHAR );
        if( psz_buf )
            *++psz_buf = '\0';
            *psz_basedir = '\0'; /* relative path */
        psz_path = psz_basedir;

    free( psz_uri );

    for( int i = -1; !b_have_art && i < i_covers; i++ )
        const char *filename;
        char *filebuf, *filepath;

        if( i == -1 ) /* higher priority : configured filename */
            filebuf = var_InheritString( p_this, "album-art-filename" );
            if( filebuf == NULL )
            filename = filebuf;
            filename = cover_files[i];
            filebuf = NULL;

        if( asprintf( &filepath, "%s%s", psz_path, filename ) == -1 )
            filepath = NULL;
        free( filebuf );
        if( unlikely(filepath == NULL) )

        if( vlc_stat( filepath, &statinfo ) == 0 && S_ISREG(statinfo.st_mode) )
            char *psz_uri = vlc_path2uri( filepath, "file" );
            if( psz_uri )
                input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
                free( psz_uri );
                b_have_art = true;
        free( filepath );
    free( psz_path );

    return b_have_art ? VLC_SUCCESS : VLC_EGENERIC;
文件: meta.c 项目: Kafay/vlc
 * Called through lua_scripts_batch_execute to call 'fetch_art' on the script
 * pointed by psz_filename.
static int fetch_art( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char * psz_filename,
                      lua_State * L, void * user_data )
    int i_ret = VLC_EGENERIC;
    input_item_t * p_input = user_data;
    int s;

    /* Ugly hack to delete previous versions of the fetchart()
    * functions. */
    lua_pushnil( L );
    lua_setglobal( L, "fetch_art" );

    /* Load and run the script(s) */
    if( luaL_dofile( L, psz_filename ) )
        msg_Warn( p_this, "Error loading script %s: %s", psz_filename,
                  lua_tostring( L, lua_gettop( L ) ) );
        lua_pop( L, 1 );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    lua_getglobal( L, "fetch_art" );

    if( !lua_isfunction( L, lua_gettop( L ) ) )
        msg_Warn( p_this, "Error while runing script %s, "
                  "function fetch_art() not found", psz_filename );
        lua_pop( L, 1 );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if( lua_pcall( L, 0, 1, 0 ) )
        msg_Warn( p_this, "Error while runing script %s, "
                  "function fetch_art(): %s", psz_filename,
                  lua_tostring( L, lua_gettop( L ) ) );
        lua_pop( L, 1 );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if((s = lua_gettop( L )))
        const char * psz_value;

        if( lua_isstring( L, s ) )
            psz_value = lua_tostring( L, s );
            if( psz_value && *psz_value != 0 )
                lua_Dbg( p_this, "setting arturl: %s", psz_value );
                input_item_SetArtURL ( p_input, psz_value );
                i_ret = VLC_SUCCESS;
        else if( !lua_isnil( L, s ) )
            msg_Err( p_this, "Lua art fetcher script %s: "
                 "didn't return a string", psz_filename );
        msg_Err( p_this, "Script went completely foobar" );

    return i_ret;
static int FindMeta( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    art_finder_t *p_finder = (art_finder_t *)p_this;
    input_item_t *p_item = p_finder->p_item;
    bool b_have_art = false;

    if( !p_item )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char *psz_dir = input_item_GetURI( p_item );
    if( !psz_dir )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char *psz_path = make_path( psz_dir );
    free( psz_dir );
    if( psz_path == NULL )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char *psz_buf = strrchr( psz_path, DIR_SEP_CHAR );
    if( psz_buf )
        *++psz_buf = '\0';
        *psz_path = '\0'; /* relative path */

    for( int i = -1; !b_have_art && i < i_covers; i++ )
        const char *filename;
        char *filebuf, *filepath;

        if( i == -1 ) /* higher priority : configured filename */
            filebuf = var_InheritString( p_this, "album-art-filename" );
            if( filebuf == NULL )
            filename = filebuf;
            filename = cover_files[i];
            filebuf = NULL;

        if( asprintf( &filepath, "%s%s", psz_path, filename ) == -1 )
            filepath = NULL;
        free( filebuf );
        if( unlikely(filepath != NULL) )

        struct stat dummy;
        if( vlc_stat( filepath, &dummy ) == 0 )
            char *psz_uri = make_URI( filepath, "file" );
            if( psz_uri )
                input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
                free( psz_uri );
                b_have_art = true;
        free( filepath );
    free( psz_path );

    return b_have_art ? VLC_SUCCESS : VLC_EGENERIC;
int playlist_SaveArt( playlist_t *p_playlist, input_item_t *p_item,
                      const uint8_t *p_buffer, int i_buffer, const char *psz_type )
    char *psz_filename = ArtCacheName( p_item, psz_type );

    if( !psz_filename )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    char *psz_uri = make_URI( psz_filename, "file" );
    if( !psz_uri )
        free( psz_filename );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* Check if we already dumped it */
    struct stat s;
    if( !vlc_stat( psz_filename, &s ) )
        input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
        free( psz_filename );
        free( psz_uri );
        return VLC_SUCCESS;

    /* Dump it otherwise */
    FILE *f = vlc_fopen( psz_filename, "wb" );
    if( f )
        if( fwrite( p_buffer, i_buffer, 1, f ) != 1 )
            msg_Err( p_playlist, "%s: %m", psz_filename );
            msg_Dbg( p_playlist, "album art saved to %s", psz_filename );
            input_item_SetArtURL( p_item, psz_uri );
        fclose( f );
    free( psz_uri );

    /* save uid info */
    char *uid = input_item_GetInfo( p_item, "uid", "md5" );
    if ( ! *uid )
        free( uid );
        goto end;

    char *psz_byuiddir = GetDirByItemUIDs( uid );
    char *psz_byuidfile = GetFileByItemUID( psz_byuiddir, "arturl" );
    ArtCacheCreateDir( psz_byuiddir );
    free( psz_byuiddir );

    if ( psz_byuidfile )
        f = vlc_fopen( psz_byuidfile, "wb" );
        if ( f )
            if( fputs( "file://", f ) < 0 || fputs( psz_filename, f ) < 0 )
                msg_Err( p_playlist, "Error writing %s: %m", psz_byuidfile );
            fclose( f );
        free( psz_byuidfile );
    free( uid );
    /* !save uid info */
    free( psz_filename );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;