std::vector<int> scatter_file(const char* filepath, MPI_Comm comm) {
    // init result
    std::vector<int> local_elements;

    // get rank
    int rank;
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);

    if (rank == 0) {
        /* I am the root process */
        // get file stream iterator
        std::ifstream infile_stream(filepath, std::ifstream::in);
        if (!(infile_stream.good() && infile_stream.is_open()))
                throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Couldn't open file ") + filepath);
        std::istream_iterator<int> input_iterator(infile_stream);

        // get number of elements as first element from stream
        int n = *(input_iterator++);

        // scatter the file accross processors
        local_elements = scatter_stream_block_decomp(input_iterator, n, comm);
    } else {
        /* I am NOT the root process */
        local_elements = scatter_stream_block_decomp_slave(comm);

    return local_elements;
bool UpdateExecutor::p_execute(const NValueArray &params, ReadWriteTracker *tracker) {

    VOLT_TRACE("INPUT TABLE: %s\n", m_inputTable->debug().c_str());
    VOLT_TRACE("TARGET TABLE - BEFORE: %s\n", m_targetTable->debug().c_str());

    assert(m_inputTuple.sizeInValues() == m_inputTable->columnCount());
    assert(m_targetTuple.sizeInValues() == m_targetTable->columnCount());
    TableIterator input_iterator(m_inputTable);
    while (input_iterator.next(m_inputTuple)) {
        // OPTIMIZATION: Single-Sited Query Plans
        // If our beloved UpdatePlanNode is apart of a single-site query plan,
        // then the first column in the input table will be the address of a
        // tuple on the target table that we will want to update. This saves us
        // the trouble of having to do an index lookup
        void *target_address = m_inputTuple.getNValue(0).castAsAddress();
        // Read/Write Set Tracking
        if (tracker != NULL) {
            tracker->markTupleWritten(m_targetTable, &m_targetTuple);

        // Loop through INPUT_COL_IDX->TARGET_COL_IDX mapping and only update
        // the values that we need to. The key thing to note here is that we
        // grab a temp tuple that is a copy of the target tuple (i.e., the tuple
        // we want to update). This insures that if the input tuple is somehow
        // bringing garbage with it, we're only going to copy what we really
        // need to into the target tuple.
        TableTuple &tempTuple = m_targetTable->getTempTupleInlined(m_targetTuple);
        for (int map_ctr = 0; map_ctr < m_inputTargetMapSize; map_ctr++) {

        // if there is a partition column for the target table
        if (m_partitionColumn != -1) {
            // check for partition problems
            // get the value for the partition column
            NValue value = tempTuple.getNValue(m_partitionColumn);
            bool isLocal = m_engine->isLocalSite(value);

            // if it doesn't map to this site
            if (!isLocal) {
                VOLT_ERROR("Mispartitioned tuple in single-partition plan for"
                           " table '%s'", m_targetTable->name().c_str());
                return false;

        #ifdef ARIES

            // add persistency check:
            PersistentTable* table = dynamic_cast<PersistentTable*>(m_targetTable);

            // only log if we are writing to a persistent table.
            if (table != NULL) {
                // before image -- target is old val with no updates
                // XXX: what about uninlined fields?
                // should we not be doing
                // m_targetTable->getTempTupleInlined(m_targetTuple); instead?
                TableTuple *beforeImage = &m_targetTuple;

                // after image -- temp is NEW, created using target and input
                TableTuple *afterImage = &tempTuple;

                TableTuple *keyTuple = NULL;
                char *keydata = NULL;
                std::vector<int32_t> modifiedCols;

                int32_t numCols = -1;

                // See if we can do better by using an index instead
                TableIndex *index = table->primaryKeyIndex();

                if (index != NULL) {
                    // First construct tuple for primary key
                    keydata = new char[index->getKeySchema()->tupleLength()];
                    keyTuple = new TableTuple(keydata, index->getKeySchema());

                    for (int i = 0; i < index->getKeySchema()->columnCount(); i++) {
                        keyTuple->setNValue(i, beforeImage->getNValue(index->getColumnIndices()[i]));

                    // no before image need be recorded, just the primary key
                    beforeImage = NULL;

                // Set the modified column list
                numCols = m_inputTargetMapSize;

                modifiedCols.resize(m_inputTargetMapSize, -1);

                for (int map_ctr = 0; map_ctr < m_inputTargetMapSize; map_ctr++) {
                    // can't use column-id directly, otherwise we would go over vector bounds
                    int pos = m_inputTargetMap[map_ctr].first - 1;

                    = m_inputTargetMap[map_ctr].second;

                // Next, let the input tuple be the diff after image
                afterImage = &m_inputTuple;

                LogRecord *logrecord = new LogRecord(computeTimeStamp(),
                        LogRecord::T_UPDATE,// this is an update record
                        LogRecord::T_FORWARD,// the system is running normally
                        -1,// XXX: prevLSN must be fetched from table!
                        m_engine->getExecutorContext()->currentTxnId() ,// txn id
                        m_engine->getSiteId(),// which execution site
                        m_targetTable->name(),// the table affected
                        keyTuple,// primary key
                        (numCols > 0) ? &modifiedCols : NULL,

                size_t logrecordLength = logrecord->getEstimatedLength();
                char *logrecordBuffer = new char[logrecordLength];

                FallbackSerializeOutput output;
                output.initializeWithPosition(logrecordBuffer, logrecordLength, 0);


                LogManager* m_logManager = this->m_engine->getLogManager();
                Logger m_ariesLogger = m_logManager->getAriesLogger();
                //VOLT_WARN("m_logManager : %p AriesLogger : %p",&m_logManager, &m_ariesLogger);
                const Logger *logger = m_logManager->getThreadLogger(LOGGERID_MM_ARIES);

                logger->log(LOGLEVEL_INFO, output.data(), output.position());

                delete[] logrecordBuffer;
                logrecordBuffer = NULL;

                delete logrecord;
                logrecord = NULL;

                if (keydata != NULL) {
                    delete[] keydata;
                    keydata = NULL;

                if (keyTuple != NULL) {
                    delete keyTuple;
                    keyTuple = NULL;


        if (!m_targetTable->updateTuple(tempTuple, m_targetTuple,
                                        m_updatesIndexes)) {
            VOLT_INFO("Failed to update tuple from table '%s'",
            return false;

    VOLT_TRACE("TARGET TABLE - AFTER: %s\n", m_targetTable->debug().c_str());
    // TODO lets output result table here, not in result executor. same thing in
    // delete/insert

    // add to the planfragments count of modified tuples
    m_engine->m_tuplesModified += m_inputTable->activeTupleCount();

    return true;