heap_t *create_heap(uint32_t start, uint32_t end_addr, uint32_t max, bool supervisor, bool readonly) {
	heap_t *heap = (heap_t *) kmalloc(sizeof(heap_t));

	// All our assumptions are made on startAddress and endAddress being page-aligned.
	ASSERT(start % 0x1000 == 0);
	ASSERT(end_addr % 0x1000 == 0);

	// Initialise the index.
	heap->index = place_ordered_array((void*) start, HEAP_INDEX_SIZE, &header_t_less_than);

	// Shift the start address forward to resemble where we can start putting data.
	start += sizeof(type_t) * HEAP_INDEX_SIZE;

	// Make sure the start address is page-aligned.
	if((start & 0xFFFFF000) != 0) {
		start &= 0xFFFFF000;
		start += 0x1000;
	// Write the start, end and max addresses into the heap structure.
	heap->start_address = start;
	heap->end_address = end_addr;
	heap->max_address = max;
	heap->supervisor = supervisor;
	heap->readonly = readonly;

	// We start off with one large hole in the index.
	header_t *hole = (header_t *)start;
	hole->size = end_addr-start;
	hole->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
	hole->is_hole = 1;
	insert_ordered_array((void*) hole, &heap->index);     

	return heap;
文件: kheap.c 项目: blessed/blessOS
heap_t* create_heap(u32int start, u32int end, u32int max)
	heap_t *heap = (heap_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(heap_t));

	ASSERT(start % 0x1000 == 0);
	ASSERT(end % 0x1000 == 0);

	heap->index = place_ordered_array((void *)start, HEAP_INDEX_SIZE, header_less_than);

	start += sizeof(type_t) * HEAP_INDEX_SIZE;

	if (start & ~0xfffff000)
		start &= 0xfffff000;
		start += 0x1000;

	heap->start_address = start;
	heap->end_address = end;
	heap->max_address = max;

	header_t *hole = (header_t *)start;
	hole->size = end - start;
	hole->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
	hole->is_hole = 1;
	insert_ordered_array((type_t)hole, &heap->index);

	return heap;
heap* create_heap(u32int start, u32int end_addr) 
    heap* h = (heap*)start;
    // Initialise the index.
    h->index = create_ordered_array((void*)(start + sizeof(heap)), HEAP_INDEX_SIZE);

    // Shift the start address forward to resemble where we can start putting data.
    start += sizeof (u32int*)*HEAP_INDEX_SIZE + sizeof(heap);

    // Write the start, end and max addresses into the heap structure.
    h->start_address = start;
    h->end_address = end_addr;

    // We start off with one large hole in the index.
    header *hole = (header*) start;
    hole->size = end_addr - start;
    hole->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
    hole->is_hole = 1;
    footer *foot = (footer*)(start + end_addr - start - sizeof(footer));
    foot->head = hole;
    foot->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
    insert_ordered_array((u32int) hole, &h->index);

    return h;
void free(void* p, heap* h) 
    // Exit gracefully for null pointers.
    if (p == NULL)

    // Get the header and footer associated with this pointer.
    header *head = (header*) ((u32int) p - sizeof (header));
    footer *foot = (footer*) ((u32int) head + head->size - sizeof (footer));

    // Sanity checks.
    if(!(head->magic == HEAP_MAGIC && foot->magic == HEAP_MAGIC))
        print_msg("Memory error\n");

    // Make us a hole.
    head->is_hole = 1;

    // Do we want to add this head into the 'free holes' index?
    char do_add = 1;

    // Unify left
    // If the thing immediately to the left of us is a foot...
    footer *test_foot = (footer*) ((u32int) head - sizeof (footer));
    if (test_foot->magic == HEAP_MAGIC && test_foot->head->is_hole) {
        u32int cache_size = head->size; // Cache our current size.
        head = test_foot->head; // Rewrite our head with the new one.
        foot->head = head; // Rewrite our foot to point to the new head.
        head->size += cache_size; // Change the size.
        do_add = 0; // Since this head is already in the index, we don't want to add it again.

    // Unify right
    // If the thing immediately to the right of us is a head...
    header *test_head = (header*) ((u32int) foot + sizeof (footer));
    if (test_head->magic == HEAP_MAGIC && test_head->is_hole) {
        head->size += test_head->size; // Increase our size.
        test_foot = (footer*) ((u32int) test_head + // Rewrite it's foot to point to our head.
                test_head->size - sizeof (footer));
        test_foot->head = head;
        // Find and remove this head from the index.
        u32int iterator = 0;
        while ((iterator < h->index.size) && (lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &h->index) != (u32int) test_head))

        // Make sure we actually found the item.
        if(iterator >= h->index.size)
            print_msg("Iterator behind heap size");
        // Remove it.
        remove_ordered_array(iterator, &h->index);

    if (do_add == 1)
        insert_ordered_array((u32int) head, &h->index);
void* alloc(u32int size, heap* h) 
    u32int new_size = size + sizeof (header) + sizeof (footer);
    s32int iterator = find_smallest_hole(new_size, h);
    if (iterator == -1) // If we didn't find a suitable hole
        print_msg("No enough memory space\n");
        return NULL;

    header *orig_hole_header = (header *) lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &h->index);
    u32int orig_hole_pos = (u32int) orig_hole_header;
    u32int orig_hole_size = orig_hole_header->size;
    // Here we work out if we should split the hole we found into two parts.
    // Is the original hole size - requested hole size less than the overhead for adding a new hole?
    if (orig_hole_size - new_size < sizeof (header) + sizeof (footer)) {
        // Then just increase the requested size to the size of the hole we found.
        size += orig_hole_size - new_size;
        new_size = orig_hole_size;
    remove_ordered_array(iterator, &h->index);

    // we make sure all the header and footer attributes are correct, along with magic numbers
    header *block_header = (header *) orig_hole_pos;
    block_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
    block_header->is_hole = 0;
    block_header->size = new_size;

    footer *block_footer = (footer *) (orig_hole_pos + sizeof (header) + size);
    block_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
    block_footer->head = block_header;

    // We may need to write a new hole after the allocated block.
    // We do this only if the new hole would have positive size...
    if (orig_hole_size - new_size > 0) {
        header *hole_header = (header *) (orig_hole_pos + sizeof (header) + size + sizeof (footer));
        hole_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
        hole_header->is_hole = 1;
        hole_header->size = orig_hole_size - new_size;
        footer *hole_footer = (footer *) ((u32int) hole_header + orig_hole_size - new_size - sizeof (footer));
        if ((u32int) hole_footer < h->end_address) {
            hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
            hole_footer->head = hole_header;
        // Put the new hole in the index;
        insert_ordered_array((u32int) hole_header, &h->index);

    return (void *) ((u32int) block_header + sizeof (header));
文件: vmem.c 项目: TheBugEater/Kernel
vmem_heap_t* create_heap(addr start, addr end_addr, addr max, unsigned char supervisor, unsigned char readonly)
	struct vmem_heap* heap = (struct vmem_heap*)kmalloc(sizeof(struct vmem_heap));

	/* All of our assumptions are made on start and end being page-aligned */
	ASSERT(start % 0x1000 == 0);
	ASSERT(end_addr % 0x1000 == 0);

	/* Initalize the index */
	heap->index = place_ordered_array((void*)start, VMEM_INDEX_SIZE, &vmem_header_less_than);

	/* Shift the start address forward to resemble where we can start putting data */
	start += sizeof(type_t) * VMEM_INDEX_SIZE;

	/* Make sure the start address is page aligned */
	if (start & 0xFFFFF000 != 0)
		start &= 0xFFFFF000;
		start += 0x1000;

	/* Write the start, end and max addresses into the heap structure */
	heap->start_address = start;
	heap->end_address = end_addr;
	heap->max_address = max;
	heap->supervisor = supervisor;
	heap->readonly = readonly;

	/* We start off with one large hole in the index */
	struct vmem_header* hole = (struct vmem_header*)start;
	hole->size = end_addr - start;
	hole->magic = VMEM_MAGIC;
	hole->is_hole = 1;
	insert_ordered_array((void*)hole, &heap->index);

	return heap;
文件: kheap.c 项目: Magnus932/kernel
heap_t *create_heap(u32 start, u32 end_addr, u32 max,
					u8 supervisor, u8 readonly)
	heap_t *heap = (heap_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(heap_t));
	/* Initialize the index */
	heap->index = place_ordered_array((void *)start, HEAP_INDEX_SIZE,
	start += HEAP_INDEX_SIZE * sizeof(type_t);

	heap->start_address = start;
	heap->end_address = end_addr;
	heap->max_address = max;
	heap->supervisor = supervisor;
	heap->readonly = readonly;

	/* We start off with one large hole in the index */
	header_t *hole = (header_t *)start;
	hole->size = end_addr - start;
	hole->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
	hole->is_hole = 1;
	insert_ordered_array((void *)hole, &heap->index);

	return heap;
文件: kheap.c 项目: Magnus932/kernel
void free(void *p, heap_t *heap)
	 * Exit gracefully for null pointers.
	if (!p)
	 * Get the header and footer associated with this
	 * pointer.
	header_t *header = (header_t *)((u32)p - sizeof(header_t));
	footer_t *footer = (footer_t *)((u32)header + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));

	 * Check the magic numbers of both the header
	 * and footer. If they do not match this is a bogus
	 * pointer passed.
	if (header->magic != HEAP_MAGIC)
	if (footer->magic != HEAP_MAGIC)
	 * Make us a hole.
	header->is_hole = 1;
	 * Do we want to add this header into the "free holes"
	 * index?
	u8 do_add = 1;
	 * Unify left. If the thing immediately to the left of us
	 * is a footer.
	footer_t *test_footer = (footer_t *)((u32)header - sizeof(footer_t));
	if (test_footer->magic == HEAP_MAGIC &&
		test_footer->header->is_hole) {
		 * Cache our current size.
		u32 cache_size = header->size;
		 * Rewrite our header with the new one.
		header = test_footer->header;
		 * Rewrite our footer to point to the new
		 * header.
		footer->header = header;
		 * Change the size of the new header.
		header->size += cache_size;
		 * Since this header is already in the index, we dont
		 * want to add it again.
		do_add = 0;

	 * Unify right. If the thing immediately to the right of us
	 * is a header.
	header_t *test_header = (header_t *)((u32)footer + sizeof(footer_t));
	if (test_header->magic == HEAP_MAGIC &&
		test_header->is_hole) {
		 * Increase our current size.
		header->size += test_header->size;
		 * Rewrite its footer to point to our header.
		test_footer = (footer_t *)((u32)test_header + test_header->size -
		footer = test_footer;

		footer->header = header;
		 * Find and remove test_header from the index.
		u32 i = 0;
		while (i < heap->index.size &&
			   lookup_ordered_array(i, &heap->index) != (void *)test_header)
		 * Make sure we actually found the item. Error
		 * debugging will be added later. For now just
		 * return.
		if (i == heap->index.size)
		 * Remove the pointer from the index list.
		 remove_ordered_array(i, &heap->index);
	 * If there was no unification, or there was a
	 * unify right, but not left, simply add the block of
	 * memory into the index list.
	if (do_add)
		insert_ordered_array((void *)header, &heap->index);
文件: kheap.c 项目: Magnus932/kernel
void *alloc(u32 size, u8 page_align, heap_t *heap)
	 * Make sure we take the size of the header/footer
	 * into account.
	u32 new_size = size + sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t);
	 * Find the smallest hole that will fit
	s32 i = find_smallest_hole(new_size, page_align, heap);

	if (i == -1) {
		 * If we didnt find a suitable hole
		 u32 old_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;
		 u32 old_end_address = heap->end_address;

		 expand(old_length + new_size, heap);
		 u32 new_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;

		  * Find the endmost header. Not endmost in size, but in
		  * location.
		 u32 i = 0, idx = -1, value = 0x0;
		 while (i < heap->index.size) {
		 	u32 tmp = (u32)lookup_ordered_array(i, &heap->index);
		 	if (tmp > value) {
		 		value = tmp;
		 		idx = i;
		  * If we didnt find any headers, we need to add one
		 if (idx == -1) {
		 	header_t *header = (header_t *)old_end_address;
		 	header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
		 	header->size = new_length - old_length;
		 	header->is_hole = 1;
		 	footer_t *footer = (footer_t *)(old_end_address + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
		 	footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
		 	footer->header = header;
		 	insert_ordered_array((void *)header, &heap->index);
		 else {
		 	 * The last header needs adjusting
		 	header_t *header = lookup_ordered_array(idx, &heap->index);
		 	header->size += new_length - old_length;
		 	/* Rewrite the footer */
		 	footer_t *footer = (footer_t *)((u32)header + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
		 	footer->header = header;
		 	footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
		  * We now have enough space. Recurse call the function
		  * again.
		 return alloc(size, page_align, heap);

	header_t *orig_hole_header = (header_t *)lookup_ordered_array(i, &heap->index);
	u32 orig_hole_pos = (u32)orig_hole_header;
	u32 orig_hole_size = orig_hole_header->size;

	if (orig_hole_size - new_size < sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t)) {
		size += orig_hole_size - new_size;
		new_size = orig_hole_size;
	// If we need to page-align the data, do it now and make a new hole in front of our block.
    if (page_align && orig_hole_pos&0xFFFFF000)
        u32 new_location      = orig_hole_pos + 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos&0xFFF) - sizeof(header_t);
        header_t *hole_header = (header_t *)orig_hole_pos;
        hole_header->size     = 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos&0xFFF) - sizeof(header_t);
        hole_header->magic    = HEAP_MAGIC;
        hole_header->is_hole  = 1;
        footer_t *hole_footer = (footer_t *) ( (u32)new_location - sizeof(footer_t) );
        hole_footer->magic    = HEAP_MAGIC;
        hole_footer->header   = hole_header;
        orig_hole_pos         = new_location;
        orig_hole_size        = orig_hole_size - hole_header->size;
        // Else we don't need this hole any more, delete it from the index.
        remove_ordered_array(i, &heap->index);
	header_t *block_header = (header_t *)orig_hole_pos;
	block_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
	block_header->is_hole = 0;
	block_header->size = new_size;

	footer_t *block_footer = (footer_t *)(orig_hole_pos + sizeof(header_t) + size);
	block_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
	block_footer->header = block_header;

	 * We may need to write a new hole after the allocated block.
	 * We do this only if the new hole would have a positive size
	if (orig_hole_size - new_size > 0) {
		header_t *hole_header = (header_t *)(orig_hole_pos + sizeof(header_t) + size + sizeof(footer_t));
		hole_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
		hole_header->is_hole = 1;
		hole_header->size = orig_hole_size - new_size;
		footer_t *hole_footer = (footer_t *)((u32)hole_header + orig_hole_size - new_size - sizeof(footer_t));
		hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
		hole_footer->header = hole_header;
		if ((u32)hole_footer < heap->end_address) {
			hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
			hole_footer->header = hole_header;
		 * Put the new hole into the index.
		insert_ordered_array((void *)hole_header, &heap->index);

	return (void *)((u32)block_header + sizeof(header_t));
void free(void *p, heap_t *heap) {
	// Exit gracefully for null pointers.
	if (p == 0) {

	// Get the header and footer associated with this pointer.
	header_t *header = (header_t*) ((uint32_t) p - sizeof(header_t));
	footer_t *footer = (footer_t*) ((uint32_t) header + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));

	// Sanity checks.
	ASSERT(header->magic == HEAP_MAGIC);
	ASSERT(footer->magic == HEAP_MAGIC);

	// Make us a hole.
	header->is_hole = 1;

	// Do we want to add this header into the 'free holes' index?
	bool do_add = true;

	// Unify left
	// If the thing immediately to the left of us is a footer...
	footer_t *test_footer = (footer_t*) ((uint32_t) header - sizeof(footer_t));
	if(test_footer->magic == HEAP_MAGIC && test_footer->header->is_hole == 1) {
		uint32_t cache_size = header->size; // Cache our current size.
		header = test_footer->header;     // Rewrite our header with the new one.
		footer->header = header;          // Rewrite our footer to point to the new header.
		header->size += cache_size;       // Change the size.
		do_add = false;                   // Since this header is already in the index, we don't want to add it again.

	// Unify right
	// If the thing immediately to the right of us is a header...
	header_t *test_header = (header_t*) ((uint32_t) footer + sizeof(footer_t));
	if(test_header->magic == HEAP_MAGIC && test_header->is_hole) {
		header->size += test_header->size; // Increase our size.
		// Rewrite its footer to point to our header.
		test_footer = (footer_t*) ((uint32_t) test_header + test_header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
		footer = test_footer;

		// Find and remove this header from the index.
		uint32_t iterator = 0;
		while((iterator < heap->index.size) && (lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index) != (void*)test_header)) {

		// Make sure we actually found the item.
		ASSERT(iterator < heap->index.size);

		// Remove it.
		remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);

/*	// If the footer location is the end address, we can contract.
	if ((uint32_t)footer+sizeof(footer_t) == heap->end_address) {
		uint32_t old_length = heap->end_address-heap->start_address;
		uint32_t new_length = contract((uint32_t) header - heap->start_address, heap);
		// Check how big we will be after resizing.
		if (header->size - (old_length-new_length) > 0) {
			// We will still exist, so resize us.
			header->size -= old_length-new_length;
			footer = (footer_t*) ((uint32_t) header + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
			footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
			footer->header = header;
		} else {
			// We will no longer exist. Remove us from the index.
			uint32_t iterator = 0;
			while ((iterator < heap->index.size) && (lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index) != (void*) test_header)) {

			// If we didn't find ourselves, we have nothing to remove.
			if (iterator < heap->index.size) {
				remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);

	// If required, add us to the index.
	if(do_add == true) {
		insert_ordered_array((void*) header, &heap->index);
void *alloc(uint32_t size, bool page_align, heap_t *heap) {
	// Make sure we take the size of header/footer into account.
	uint32_t new_size = size + sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t);
	// Find the smallest hole that will fit.
	int32_t iterator = find_smallest_hole(new_size, page_align, heap);

	if (iterator == -1) { // If we didn't find a suitable hole
		// Save some previous data.
		uint32_t old_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;
		uint32_t old_end_address = heap->end_address;

		// We need to allocate some more space.
		expand(old_length+new_size, heap, size);
		uint32_t new_length = heap->end_address-heap->start_address;

		// Find the endmost header. (Not endmost in size, but in location).
		iterator = 0;
		// Vars to hold the index of, and value of, the endmost header found so far.
		uint32_t idx = -1; uint32_t value = 0x0;
		while(iterator < heap->index.size) {
			uint32_t tmp = (uint32_t) lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
			if(tmp > value) {
				value = tmp;
				idx = iterator;

		// If we didn't find ANY headers, we need to add one.
		if(idx == -1) {
			header_t *header = (header_t *)old_end_address;
			header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
			header->size = new_length - old_length;
			header->is_hole = 1;
			footer_t *footer = (footer_t *) (old_end_address + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
			footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
			footer->header = header;
			insert_ordered_array((void*) header, &heap->index);
		} else {
			// The last header needs adjusting.
			header_t *header = lookup_ordered_array(idx, &heap->index);
			header->size += new_length - old_length;
			// Rewrite the footer.
			footer_t *footer = (footer_t *) ((uint32_t) header + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
			footer->header = header;
			footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;

		// We now have enough space. Recurse, and call the function again.
		return alloc(size, page_align, heap);

	header_t *orig_hole_header = (header_t *) lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
	uint32_t orig_hole_pos = (uint32_t) orig_hole_header;
	uint32_t orig_hole_size = orig_hole_header->size;
	// Here we work out if we should split the hole we found into two parts.
	// Is the original hole size - requested hole size less than the overhead for adding a new hole?
	if(orig_hole_size-new_size < sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t)) {
		// Then just increase the requested size to the size of the hole we found.
		size += orig_hole_size-new_size;
		new_size = orig_hole_size;

	// If we need to page-align the data, do it now and make a new hole in front of our block.
	if(page_align && orig_hole_pos & 0xFFFFF000) {
		uint32_t new_location   = orig_hole_pos + 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos&0xFFF) - sizeof(header_t);
		header_t *hole_header = (header_t *)orig_hole_pos;
		hole_header->size     = 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos&0xFFF) - sizeof(header_t);
		hole_header->magic    = HEAP_MAGIC;
		hole_header->is_hole  = 1;
		footer_t *hole_footer = (footer_t *) ((uint32_t) new_location - sizeof(footer_t));
		hole_footer->magic    = HEAP_MAGIC;
		hole_footer->header   = hole_header;
		orig_hole_pos         = new_location;
		orig_hole_size        = orig_hole_size - hole_header->size;
	} else {
		// Else we don't need this hole any more, delete it from the index.
		remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);

	// Overwrite the original header...
	header_t *block_header  = (header_t *)orig_hole_pos;
	block_header->magic     = HEAP_MAGIC;
	block_header->is_hole   = 0;
	block_header->size      = new_size;
	// ...And the footer
	footer_t *block_footer  = (footer_t *) (orig_hole_pos + sizeof(header_t) + size);
	block_footer->magic     = HEAP_MAGIC;
	block_footer->header    = block_header;

	// We may need to write a new hole after the allocated block.
	// We do this only if the new hole would have positive size...
	if(orig_hole_size - new_size > 0) {
		header_t *hole_header = (header_t *) (orig_hole_pos + sizeof(header_t) + size + sizeof(footer_t));
		hole_header->magic    = HEAP_MAGIC;
		hole_header->is_hole  = 1;
		hole_header->size     = orig_hole_size - new_size;
		footer_t *hole_footer = (footer_t *) ((uint32_t) hole_header + orig_hole_size - new_size - sizeof(footer_t));
		if ((uint32_t)hole_footer < heap->end_address) {
			hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
			hole_footer->header = hole_header;
		// Put the new hole in the index;
		insert_ordered_array((void*) hole_header, &heap->index);
	// ...And we're done!
	return (void *) ((uint32_t) block_header+sizeof(header_t));
文件: kheap.c 项目: blessed/blessOS
void free(void *p, heap_t *heap)
	if (!p)

	header_t *header = (header_t *)((u32int)p - sizeof(header_t));
	footer_t *footer = (footer_t *)((u32int)header + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));

	ASSERT(header->magic == HEAP_MAGIC);
	ASSERT(footer->magic == HEAP_MAGIC);

	header->is_hole = 1;

	char do_add = 1;

	// Unify left
	footer_t *test_footer = (footer_t *)((u32int)header - sizeof(footer_t));
	if (test_footer->magic == HEAP_MAGIC &&
			test_footer->header->is_hole == 1)
		u32int cache_size = header->size;
		header = test_footer->header;
		footer->header = header;
		header->size += cache_size;
		do_add = 0;

	// Unify right
	header_t *test_header = (header_t *)((u32int)footer + sizeof(footer_t));
	if (test_header->magic == HEAP_MAGIC &&
		header->size += test_header->size;
		test_footer = (footer_t *)((u32int)test_header + test_header->size - sizeof(footer_t));

		footer = test_footer;
		u32int iterator = 0;
		while ((iterator < heap->index.size) &&
				(lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index) != (void *)test_header))

		ASSERT(iterator < heap->index.size);
		remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);

	if ((u32int)footer + sizeof(footer_t) == heap->end_address)
		u32int old_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;
		u32int new_length = contract((u32int)header - heap->start_address, heap);

		if (header->size - (old_length - new_length) > 0)
			header->size -= old_length - new_length;
			footer = (footer_t *)((u32int)header + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
			footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
			footer->header = header;
			u32int iterator = 0;
			while ((iterator < heap->index.size) &&
					(lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index) != (void *)test_header))

			if (iterator < heap->index.size)
				remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);

	if (do_add)
		insert_ordered_array((void *)header, &heap->index);
文件: kheap.c 项目: blessed/blessOS
void* alloc(u32int size, u8int page_align, heap_t *heap)
	u32int new_size = size + sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t);
	s32int iterator = find_smallest_hole(new_size, page_align, heap);

	// no suitable hole found
	if (iterator == -1)
		u32int old_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;
		u32int old_end_address = heap->end_address;

		expand(old_length + new_size, heap);
		u32int new_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;

		iterator = 0;
		u32int idx = -1; u32int value = 0x0;
		while ((u32int)iterator < heap->index.size)
			u32int tmp = (u32int)lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
			if (tmp > value)
				value = tmp;
				idx = iterator;


		if ((s32int)idx == -1)
			header_t *header = (header_t *)old_end_address;
			header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
			header->size = new_length - old_length;
			header->is_hole = 1;
			footer_t *footer = (footer_t *)(old_end_address + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
			footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
			footer->header = header;
			insert_ordered_array((void *)header, &heap->index);
			header_t *header = lookup_ordered_array(idx, &heap->index);
			header->size += new_length - old_length;
			footer_t *footer = (footer_t *)((u32int)header + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
			footer->header = header;
			footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;

		return alloc(size, page_align, heap);

	header_t *orig_hole_header = (header_t *)lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
	u32int orig_hole_pos = (u32int)orig_hole_header;
	u32int orig_hole_size = orig_hole_header->size;

	if (orig_hole_size - new_size < sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t))
		size += orig_hole_size - new_size;
		new_size = orig_hole_size;

	if (page_align && orig_hole_pos & ~0xfffff000)
		u32int new_location = orig_hole_pos + 0x1000 - (orig_hole_pos & 0xfff) - sizeof(header_t);
		header_t *hole_header = (header_t *)orig_hole_pos;
		hole_header->size = 0x1000 - (orig_hole_pos & 0xfff) - sizeof(header_t);
		hole_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
		hole_header->is_hole = 1;
		footer_t *hole_footer = (footer_t *)((u32int)new_location - sizeof(footer_t));
		hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
		hole_footer->header = hole_header;
		orig_hole_pos = new_location;
		orig_hole_size -= hole_header->size;
		remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);

	header_t *block_header = (header_t *)orig_hole_pos;
	block_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
	block_header->is_hole = 0;
	block_header->size = new_size;
	footer_t *block_footer = (footer_t *)(orig_hole_pos + sizeof(header_t) + size);
	block_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
	block_footer->header = block_header;

	if (orig_hole_size - new_size > 0)
		header_t *hole_header = (header_t *)(orig_hole_pos + sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t) + size);
		hole_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
		hole_header->is_hole = 1;
		hole_header->size = orig_hole_size - new_size;
		footer_t *hole_footer = (footer_t *)((u32int)hole_header + orig_hole_size - new_size - sizeof(footer_t));
		if ((u32int)hole_footer < heap->end_address)
			hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
			hole_footer->header = hole_header;

		insert_ordered_array((void *)hole_header, &heap->index);

	return (void *)((u32int)block_header + sizeof(header_t));
文件: vmem.c 项目: TheBugEater/Kernel
void vfree(void *p, struct vmem_heap* heap)
	/* Exit gracefully for null pointers */
	if (p == 0)

	/* Get the header and footer associated with this pointer */
	struct vmem_header* header = (struct vmem_header*)((addr)p - sizeof(struct vmem_header));
	struct vmem_footer* footer = (struct vmem_footer*)((addr)header + header->size - sizeof(struct vmem_footer));

	/* Sanity checks */
	ASSERT(header->magic == VMEM_MAGIC);
	ASSERT(footer->magic == VMEM_MAGIC);

	/* Make us a hole */
	header->is_hole = 0;

	/* Do we want to add this header to the free holes index */
	char do_add = 1;

	/* Unify left */
	struct vmem_footer* test_footer = (struct vmem_footer*)((addr)header - sizeof(struct vmem_footer));
	if (test_footer->magic == VMEM_MAGIC && test_footer->header->is_hole == 1)
		addr cache_size = header->size;	/* Cache our current size */
		header = test_footer->header;	/* Rewrite our header with the new one */
		footer->header = header;	/* Rewrite our footer to point to the new header */
		header->size += cache_size;	/* Change the size */
		do_add = 0;			/* Since this header is already in the index, we don't want to add it */

	/* Unify right */
	struct vmem_header* test_header = (struct vmem_header*)((addr)footer + sizeof(struct vmem_footer));
	if (test_header->magic == VMEM_MAGIC && test_header->is_hole)
		header->size += test_header->size;	/* Increase our size */
		test_footer = (struct vmem_footer*)((addr)test_header + test_header->size - sizeof(struct vmem_footer));
		footer = test_footer;

		/* Find and remove this kernel from the index */
		unsigned int iterator = 0;
		while ((iterator < heap->index.size) &&
			(lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index) != (void*)test_header))

		/* Make sure we actually found the item */
		ASSERT(iterator < heap->index.size);

		/* Remove it */
		remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);

	/* If the footer location is the end address, we can contract */
	if ((addr)footer + sizeof(struct vmem_footer) == heap->end_address)
		addr old_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;
		addr new_length = contract((addr)header - heap->start_address, heap);

		/* Check how big we will be after resizing */
		if (header->size - (old_length - new_length) > 0)
			/* We will still exist, so resize us */
			header->size -= old_length - new_length;
			footer = (struct vmem_footer*)((addr)header + header->size - sizeof(struct vmem_footer));
			footer->magic = VMEM_MAGIC;
			footer->header = header;
			/* We will no longer exist, remove us from the index */
			unsigned int iterator = 0;
			while ((iterator < heap->index.size) &&
				(lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index) != (void*)test_header))

			/* If we didn't find ourselves, we have nothing to remove */
			if (iterator < heap->index.size)
				remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);

	/* Add ourselves if we need to */
	if (do_add == 1)
		insert_ordered_array((void*)header, &heap->index);
文件: vmem.c 项目: TheBugEater/Kernel
void* vmalloc(addr size, unsigned char page_align, struct vmem_heap* heap)
	/* Make sure we take the size of the header / footer into account */
	addr new_size = size + sizeof(struct vmem_header) + sizeof(struct vmem_footer);

	/* Find the smallest hole that will fit */
	signed int iterator = find_smallest_hole(new_size, page_align, heap);

	if (iterator == -1) /* If we didn't find a suitable hole */
		/* Save some previous data */
		addr old_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;
		addr old_end_address = heap->end_address;

		/* We need to allocate some more space */
		expand(old_length + new_size, heap);
		addr new_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;

		/* Find the endmost header (not endmost in size, but in location) */
		iterator = 0;
		/* Vars to hold the index of, and value of, the endmost header found so far */
		addr idx = -1; addr value = 0x0;
		while (iterator < heap->index.size)
			addr tmp = (addr)lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
			if (tmp > value)
				value = tmp;
				idx = iterator;

		/* If we didn't find any headers, we need to add one */
		if (idx == -1)
			struct vmem_header* header	= (struct vmem_header*)old_end_address;
			header->magic			= VMEM_MAGIC;
			header->size			= new_length - old_length;
			header->is_hole			= 1;
			struct vmem_footer* footer	= (struct vmem_footer*)(old_end_address + header->size
							  - sizeof(struct vmem_footer));
			footer->magic			= VMEM_MAGIC;
			footer->header			= header;
			insert_ordered_array((void*)header, &heap->index);
			/* The last header needs adjusting */
			struct vmem_header* header = lookup_ordered_array(idx, &heap->index);
			header->size += new_length - old_length;
			/* Rewrite the footer */
			struct vmem_footer* footer = (struct vmem_footer*)((addr)header + header->size - 
						     sizeof(struct vmem_footer));
			footer->header = header;
			footer->magic = VMEM_MAGIC;

	struct vmem_header* orig_hole_header = (struct vmem_header*)lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
	addr orig_hole_pos = (addr)orig_hole_header;
	addr orig_hole_size = orig_hole_header->size;

	/* Here we work out if we should split the hole we found into two parts.
	 * Is the original hole size - requested hole size less than the overhead for adding a new hole? */
	if (orig_hole_size - new_size < sizeof(struct vmem_header) + sizeof(struct vmem_footer))
		/* Then just increase the requested size to the size of the hole we found */
		size += orig_hole_size - new_size;
		new_size = orig_hole_size;

	/* If we need to page-align the data, do it now and make a new hole in front of our block */
	if (page_align && (orig_hole_pos & 0xFFFFF000))
		addr new_location		= orig_hole_pos + 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos & 0xFFF) - 
					  	  sizeof(struct vmem_header);
		struct vmem_header* hole_header = (struct vmem_header*)orig_hole_pos;
		hole_header->size		= 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos & 0xFFF) -
						  sizeof(struct vmem_header);
		hole_header->magic		= VMEM_MAGIC;
		hole_header->is_hole		= 1;
		struct vmem_footer* hole_footer	= (struct vmem_footer*)((addr)new_location - sizeof(struct vmem_footer));
		hole_footer->magic		= VMEM_MAGIC;
		hole_footer->header		= hole_header;
		orig_hole_pos			= new_location;
		orig_hole_size			= orig_hole_size - hole_header->size;
		/* Else we don't need this hole any more, delete it from the index */
		remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);

	/* Overwrite the original header... */
	struct vmem_header* block_header	= (struct vmem_header*)orig_hole_pos;
	block_header->magic			= VMEM_MAGIC;
	block_header->is_hole			= 0;
	block_header->size			= new_size;
	/* ... and the footer */
	struct vmem_footer* block_footer	= (struct vmem_footer*)(orig_hole_pos + sizeof(struct vmem_header) + size);
	block_footer->magic			= VMEM_MAGIC;
	block_footer->header			= block_header;

	/* We may need to write a new hole after the allocated block.
	 * We do this only if the new hole would have positive size */
	if (orig_hole_size - new_size > 0)
		struct vmem_header* hole_header	= (struct vmem_header*)(orig_hole_pos + sizeof(struct vmem_header) + size +
						  sizeof(struct vmem_footer));
		hole_header->magic		= VMEM_MAGIC;
		hole_header->is_hole		= 1;
		hole_header->size		= orig_hole_size - new_size;
		struct vmem_footer* hole_footer	= (struct vmem_footer*)((addr)hole_header + orig_hole_size - new_size -
						  sizeof(struct vmem_footer));
		if ((addr)hole_footer < heap->end_address)
			hole_footer->magic	= VMEM_MAGIC;
			hole_footer->header	= hole_header;
		/* Put the new hole in the array */
		insert_ordered_array((void*)hole_header, &heap->index);

	/* ... and we're done! */
	return (void*)((addr)block_header + sizeof(struct vmem_header));