bool WindowProxy::initialize()
    TRACE_EVENT0("v8", "WindowProxy::initialize");
    TRACE_EVENT_SCOPED_SAMPLING_STATE("blink", "InitializeWindow");

    ScriptForbiddenScope::AllowUserAgentScript allowScript;

    v8::HandleScope handleScope(m_isolate);


    if (!isContextInitialized())
        return false;

    ScriptState::Scope scope(m_scriptState.get());
    v8::Handle<v8::Context> context = m_scriptState->context();
    if (m_global.isEmpty()) {
        m_global.set(m_isolate, context->Global());
        if (m_global.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

    if (!installDOMWindow()) {
        return false;

    m_frame->loaderClient()->didCreateScriptContext(context, m_world->extensionGroup(), m_world->worldId());
    return true;
bool WindowProxy::initialize()
    TRACE_EVENT0("v8", "WindowProxy::initialize");
    TRACE_EVENT_SCOPED_SAMPLING_STATE("blink", "InitializeWindow");

    ScriptForbiddenScope::AllowUserAgentScript allowScript;

    v8::HandleScope handleScope(m_isolate);


    if (!isContextInitialized())
        return false;

    ScriptState::Scope scope(m_scriptState.get());
    v8::Local<v8::Context> context = m_scriptState->context();
    if (m_global.isEmpty()) {
        m_global.set(m_isolate, context->Global());
        if (m_global.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

    if (!installDOMWindow()) {
        return false;

    SecurityOrigin* origin = 0;
    if (m_world->isMainWorld()) {
        // ActivityLogger for main world is updated within updateDocument().
        origin = m_frame->securityContext()->securityOrigin();
        // FIXME: Can this be removed when CSP moves to browser?
        ContentSecurityPolicy* csp = m_frame->securityContext()->contentSecurityPolicy();
        context->AllowCodeGenerationFromStrings(csp->allowEval(0, ContentSecurityPolicy::SuppressReport));
        context->SetErrorMessageForCodeGenerationFromStrings(v8String(m_isolate, csp->evalDisabledErrorMessage()));
    } else {
        origin = m_world->isolatedWorldSecurityOrigin();
    if (m_frame->isLocalFrame()) {
        LocalFrame* frame = toLocalFrame(m_frame);
        MainThreadDebugger::initializeContext(context, m_world->worldId());
        InspectorInstrumentation::didCreateScriptContext(frame, m_scriptState.get(), origin, m_world->worldId());
        frame->loader().client()->didCreateScriptContext(context, m_world->extensionGroup(), m_world->worldId());
    return true;
// Create a new environment and setup the global object.
// The global object corresponds to a DOMWindow instance. However, to
// allow properties of the JS DOMWindow instance to be shadowed, we
// use a shadow object as the global object and use the JS DOMWindow
// instance as the prototype for that shadow object. The JS DOMWindow
// instance is undetectable from JavaScript code because the __proto__
// accessors skip that object.
// The shadow object and the DOMWindow instance are seen as one object
// from JavaScript. The JavaScript object that corresponds to a
// DOMWindow instance is the shadow object. When mapping a DOMWindow
// instance to a V8 object, we return the shadow object.
// To implement split-window, see
//   1) https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17249
//   2) https://wiki.mozilla.org/Gecko:SplitWindow
//   3) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296639
// we need to split the shadow object further into two objects:
// an outer window and an inner window. The inner window is the hidden
// prototype of the outer window. The inner window is the default
// global object of the context. A variable declared in the global
// scope is a property of the inner window.
// The outer window sticks to a Frame, it is exposed to JavaScript
// via window.window, window.self, window.parent, etc. The outer window
// has a security token which is the domain. The outer window cannot
// have its own properties. window.foo = 'x' is delegated to the
// inner window.
// When a frame navigates to a new page, the inner window is cut off
// the outer window, and the outer window identify is preserved for
// the frame. However, a new inner window is created for the new page.
// If there are JS code holds a closure to the old inner window,
// it won't be able to reach the outer window via its global object.
bool V8DOMWindowShell::initializeIfNeeded()
    if (!m_context.isEmpty())
        return true;

    v8::HandleScope handleScope;


    if (m_context.isEmpty())
        return false;

    bool isMainWorld = m_world->isMainWorld();

    v8::Local<v8::Context> context = v8::Local<v8::Context>::New(m_context.get());
    v8::Context::Scope contextScope(context);

    if (m_global.isEmpty()) {
        if (m_global.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

    // Flag context as isolated.
    if (!isMainWorld) {
        V8DOMWindowShell* mainWindow = m_frame->script()->windowShell();
        if (!mainWindow->context().IsEmpty())
            setInjectedScriptContextDebugId(m_context.get(), m_frame->script()->contextDebugId(mainWindow->context()));
        setIsolatedWorldField(this, context);

    m_perContextData = V8PerContextData::create(m_context.get());
    if (!m_perContextData->init()) {
        return false;

    if (!installDOMWindow()) {
        return false;

    if (isMainWorld) {
        if (m_frame->document())
            context->AllowCodeGenerationFromStrings(m_frame->document()->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowEval(0, ContentSecurityPolicy::SuppressReport));
    } else {
        // Using the default security token means that the canAccess is always
        // called, which is slow.
        // FIXME: Use tokens where possible. This will mean keeping track of all
        //        created contexts so that they can all be updated when the
        //        document domain
        //        changes.
    m_frame->loader()->client()->didCreateScriptContext(m_context.get(), m_world->extensionGroup(), m_world->worldId());

    if (isMainWorld) {
        // FIXME: This call is probably in the wrong spot, but causes a test timeout for http/tests/misc/window-open-then-write.html when removed.
        // Additionally, ScriptController::existingWindowShell cannot be correctly implemented until this call is gone.

    return true;
// Create a new environment and setup the global object.
// The global object corresponds to a DOMWindow instance. However, to
// allow properties of the JS DOMWindow instance to be shadowed, we
// use a shadow object as the global object and use the JS DOMWindow
// instance as the prototype for that shadow object. The JS DOMWindow
// instance is undetectable from JavaScript code because the __proto__
// accessors skip that object.
// The shadow object and the DOMWindow instance are seen as one object
// from JavaScript. The JavaScript object that corresponds to a
// DOMWindow instance is the shadow object. When mapping a DOMWindow
// instance to a V8 object, we return the shadow object.
// To implement split-window, see
//   1) https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17249
//   2) https://wiki.mozilla.org/Gecko:SplitWindow
//   3) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296639
// we need to split the shadow object further into two objects:
// an outer window and an inner window. The inner window is the hidden
// prototype of the outer window. The inner window is the default
// global object of the context. A variable declared in the global
// scope is a property of the inner window.
// The outer window sticks to a Frame, it is exposed to JavaScript
// via window.window, window.self, window.parent, etc. The outer window
// has a security token which is the domain. The outer window cannot
// have its own properties. window.foo = 'x' is delegated to the
// inner window.
// When a frame navigates to a new page, the inner window is cut off
// the outer window, and the outer window identify is preserved for
// the frame. However, a new inner window is created for the new page.
// If there are JS code holds a closure to the old inner window,
// it won't be able to reach the outer window via its global object.
bool V8WindowShell::initializeIfNeeded()
    if (m_contextHolder)
        return true;

    TRACE_EVENT0("v8", "V8WindowShell::initializeIfNeeded");

    v8::HandleScope handleScope(m_isolate);

    if (!m_contextHolder)
        return false;

    v8::Handle<v8::Context> context = m_contextHolder->context();



    bool isMainWorld = m_world->isMainWorld();

    v8::Context::Scope contextScope(context);

    if (m_global.isEmpty()) {
        m_global.set(m_isolate, context->Global());
        if (m_global.isEmpty()) {
            return false;

    if (!isMainWorld) {
        V8WindowShell* mainWindow = m_frame->script().existingWindowShell(mainThreadNormalWorld());
        if (mainWindow && !mainWindow->context().IsEmpty())
            setInjectedScriptContextDebugId(context, m_frame->script().contextDebugId(mainWindow->context()));

    m_perContextData = V8PerContextData::create(context);
    if (!m_perContextData->init()) {
        return false;
    if (!installDOMWindow()) {
        return false;

    if (isMainWorld) {
        if (m_frame->document()) {
            ContentSecurityPolicy* csp = m_frame->document()->contentSecurityPolicy();
            context->AllowCodeGenerationFromStrings(csp->allowEval(0, ContentSecurityPolicy::SuppressReport));
            context->SetErrorMessageForCodeGenerationFromStrings(v8String(m_isolate, csp->evalDisabledErrorMessage()));
    } else {
        // Using the default security token means that the canAccess is always
        // called, which is slow.
        // FIXME: Use tokens where possible. This will mean keeping track of all
        //        created contexts so that they can all be updated when the
        //        document domain
        //        changes.

        SecurityOrigin* origin = m_world->isolatedWorldSecurityOrigin();
        if (origin && InspectorInstrumentation::hasFrontends()) {
            ScriptState* scriptState = ScriptState::forContext(v8::Local<v8::Context>::New(m_isolate, context));
            InspectorInstrumentation::didCreateIsolatedContext(m_frame, scriptState, origin);
    m_frame->loader().client()->didCreateScriptContext(context, m_world->extensionGroup(), m_world->worldId());
    return true;
// Create a new environment and setup the global object.
// The global object corresponds to a DOMWindow instance. However, to
// allow properties of the JS DOMWindow instance to be shadowed, we
// use a shadow object as the global object and use the JS DOMWindow
// instance as the prototype for that shadow object. The JS DOMWindow
// instance is undetectable from javascript code because the __proto__
// accessors skip that object.
// The shadow object and the DOMWindow instance are seen as one object
// from javascript. The javascript object that corresponds to a
// DOMWindow instance is the shadow object. When mapping a DOMWindow
// instance to a V8 object, we return the shadow object.
// To implement split-window, see
//   1) https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17249
//   2) https://wiki.mozilla.org/Gecko:SplitWindow
//   3) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296639
// we need to split the shadow object further into two objects:
// an outer window and an inner window. The inner window is the hidden
// prototype of the outer window. The inner window is the default
// global object of the context. A variable declared in the global
// scope is a property of the inner window.
// The outer window sticks to a Frame, it is exposed to JavaScript
// via window.window, window.self, window.parent, etc. The outer window
// has a security token which is the domain. The outer window cannot
// have its own properties. window.foo = 'x' is delegated to the
// inner window.
// When a frame navigates to a new page, the inner window is cut off
// the outer window, and the outer window identify is preserved for
// the frame. However, a new inner window is created for the new page.
// If there are JS code holds a closure to the old inner window,
// it won't be able to reach the outer window via its global object.
void V8Proxy::initContextIfNeeded()
    // Bail out if the context has already been initialized.
    if (!context().IsEmpty())

    // Create a handle scope for all local handles.
    v8::HandleScope handleScope;

    // Setup the security handlers and message listener. This only has
    // to be done once.
    static bool isV8Initialized = false;
    if (!isV8Initialized) {
        // Tells V8 not to call the default OOM handler, binding code
        // will handle it.




        isV8Initialized = true;

    v8::Persistent<v8::Context> context = createNewContext(m_global, 0);
    if (context.IsEmpty())

    v8::Context::Scope contextScope(context);

    // Store the first global object created so we can reuse it.
    if (m_global.IsEmpty()) {
        m_global = v8::Persistent<v8::Object>::New(context->Global());
        // Bail out if allocation of the first global objects fails.
        if (m_global.IsEmpty()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
        V8GCController::registerGlobalHandle(PROXY, this, m_global);

    m_wrapperBoilerplates = v8::Persistent<v8::Array>::New(v8::Array::New(V8ClassIndex::WRAPPER_TYPE_COUNT));
    // Bail out if allocation failed.
    if (m_wrapperBoilerplates.IsEmpty()) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
    V8GCController::registerGlobalHandle(PROXY, this, m_wrapperBoilerplates);

    if (!installDOMWindow(context, m_frame->domWindow()))



// Create a new environment and setup the global object.
// The global object corresponds to a DOMWindow instance. However, to
// allow properties of the JS DOMWindow instance to be shadowed, we
// use a shadow object as the global object and use the JS DOMWindow
// instance as the prototype for that shadow object. The JS DOMWindow
// instance is undetectable from javascript code because the __proto__
// accessors skip that object.
// The shadow object and the DOMWindow instance are seen as one object
// from javascript. The javascript object that corresponds to a
// DOMWindow instance is the shadow object. When mapping a DOMWindow
// instance to a V8 object, we return the shadow object.
// To implement split-window, see
//   1) https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17249
//   2) https://wiki.mozilla.org/Gecko:SplitWindow
//   3) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296639
// we need to split the shadow object further into two objects:
// an outer window and an inner window. The inner window is the hidden
// prototype of the outer window. The inner window is the default
// global object of the context. A variable declared in the global
// scope is a property of the inner window.
// The outer window sticks to a Frame, it is exposed to JavaScript
// via window.window, window.self, window.parent, etc. The outer window
// has a security token which is the domain. The outer window cannot
// have its own properties. window.foo = 'x' is delegated to the
// inner window.
// When a frame navigates to a new page, the inner window is cut off
// the outer window, and the outer window identify is preserved for
// the frame. However, a new inner window is created for the new page.
// If there are JS code holds a closure to the old inner window,
// it won't be able to reach the outer window via its global object.
bool V8DOMWindowShell::initContextIfNeeded()
    // Bail out if the context has already been initialized.
    if (!m_context.IsEmpty())
        return false;

    // Create a handle scope for all local handles.
    v8::HandleScope handleScope;

    // Setup the security handlers and message listener. This only has
    // to be done once.
    static bool isV8Initialized = false;
    if (!isV8Initialized) {
        // Tells V8 not to call the default OOM handler, binding code
        // will handle it.




        isV8Initialized = true;

    m_context = createNewContext(m_global, 0);
    if (m_context.IsEmpty())
        return false;

    v8::Local<v8::Context> v8Context = v8::Local<v8::Context>::New(m_context);
    v8::Context::Scope contextScope(v8Context);

    // Store the first global object created so we can reuse it.
    if (m_global.IsEmpty()) {
        m_global = v8::Persistent<v8::Object>::New(v8Context->Global());
        // Bail out if allocation of the first global objects fails.
        if (m_global.IsEmpty()) {
            return false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
        V8GCController::registerGlobalHandle(PROXY, this, m_global);

    if (!installHiddenObjectPrototype(v8Context)) {
        return false;

    if (!installDOMWindow(v8Context, m_frame->domWindow())) {
        return false;




    // FIXME: This is wrong. We should actually do this for the proper world once
    // we do isolated worlds the WebCore way.

    return true;